The Hippo Bimbo

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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Looking for love isn't easy, some people know to get the right girl while others are complete dorks when it comes to girls and relationships. People have to find their type in the right girl they want to date, some people want to get married or some would rather be alone, everyone has their choices in the right girl they want to date. A chubby female hippo is walking in a forest near a river, looking for someone or something is what she appeared to be looking for.

"I know there's a little cutie out there somewhere and Roxanne is going to keep looking." she said with a cute giggle.

Roxanne had a voice that sounded like she was giggling, she had a chubby body, her arms were a bit chunky for anyone to notice, same thing about her legs too. Her torso was massive, it was wide and chubby, her fingers were like sausages and her hands were big as a human head, her belly button was exposed everywhere she goes but Roxanne's body wasn't the only thing that could get a boys attention, it was her boobs, her breasts were huge, each boob was a foot wide, her breasts was G-sized or maybe larger, they would bounce everytime she moved from running, walking or any movement she made at that matter. She had wonderful violet eyes and was six feet tall. She heard something that sounded like a murr in relaxation. Roxanne smiled and followed the noise.

"I knew someone was out here, here comes Roxy, ready or not." giggled Roxanne eagerly.

She's been in this forest before but only when she was a teenager, back when Roxanne was a teenager, the forest was full of people wondering around but over the years people started to steer clear of the forest, people said it was a dangerous animal that drove everyone away or they thought it was too dangerous for anyone to wonder around at night due to how risky it was when in the dark. No one knew the real answer to that question and they probably will never know, but that didn't stop Roxanne from wondering in the forest herself. The noises got louder and more audible.

"I'm wondering whose voice am I hearing?" said Roxanne quietly.

Suddenly she bumped into something and whatever hit her, fell to the ground. Roxanne looked at the fallen figure and found out it was someone, not something. It was a young human boy that bumped into her, she recognized the boy and smiled at him.

"Are you okay Zeke?" asked Roxanne helping him up.

Zeke was a foot shorter than Roxanne, he had short red hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a green shirt with japanese symbols on the front, blue jeans and sporty looking shoes, he appeared to be twelve or thirteen years old. He looked up at Roxanne and tried not to look at her huge boobs.

"I'm alright, I didn't mean to bump into you Miss Gunner." said Zeke apologetically.

Zeke had a juevenile like voice, even though he himself was still considered a juevenile. Roxanne knew Zeke from way back, she used to babysit him when Zeke was a baby and every now and than she still babysits him if his parents had to go out of town for a couple of days. Roxanne pulled Zeke into a big and suprising hug. Zeke's face was mashed against her massive boobs, he blushed out of embarrassment.

"It's been a long time since I seen you, Zekey." giggled Roxanne.

"It's great to see you too, but now I can't breath." said Zeke gasping for air.

Roxanne loosened her grip and hugged Zeke in a gentle embrace, planting a soft kiss on his cheek which made him blush harder, at first he was mesmerized by the kiss but than he snapped back to reality and was still blushing from suprise. Zeke remembered her kisses and they were big ones, her lips were so big that they could cover his face.

"How's my little angel?" asked Roxanne playfully.

"I'm doing good, mom and dad are doing good too." answered Zeke politely.

Zeke was being optimistic, even he was a little kid, he remembered how much fun he had with Roxanne when she was babysitting him, from playing hide and seek to playing outside by shooting hoops, kicking a ball around, and playing with a Frisbee. Even Roxanne remembers when she would tutor Zeke, they still remember those days but the one thing Zeke couldn't understand was that Roxanne was overly freindly to him when they were together. It was clear to Roxanne that she developed a crush on Zeke without him knowing.

"Your still cute from when we first met." said Roxanne.

"And your still friendly as a excited dog, could we sit down?" asked Zeke.

Roxanne obeyed him and she sat down on the ground immediately, still holding Zeke in her arms but having him sit in her oversized lap, she blushed and giggled as she nuzzled his face to hers.

"I still remember you used to hate being kissed but now you just go into a daze when I smooch you, even when you were little you used to call me Miss Smoochie." said Roxanne remembering the past.

"I was four back then and I can't even remember that, I guess we forget things over a period of time." said Zeke still trying not to look at her boobs.

It was something that Zeke always tried to avoid and looking at Roxanne's large breasts was something he would rather avoid stairing at ever since he accidently walked in on her when Roxanne was naked, he's got over the sight of her body back then but now Zeke has started to show interest in a woman's body, he's been hiding naked women magezines inside some of his big books on a book shelf in his room for quite a while.

"So have you found any girls you like?" asked Roxanne giggling.

Blushing yet some more, he stared at Roxanne with a clueless expression. Roxanne found his facial reaction to the question to be rather cute.

"Girls?" said Zeke sheepishly.

"There must be one girl you want to make smoochie with you." giggled Roxanne.

Zeke thought for a moment and over the years he saw all sorts girls but none of them made him have that "In Love" feeling and he wasn't feeling it. He looked up at Roxanne and shook his head. Roxanne smiled playfully, on the inside she was glad because she's been looking for love and it looks like Zeke was the boy she wanted to have all to herself.

"Awwww, you must be so lonely, snuggling with me will make you feel better, you used to love snuggling with me." said Roxanne playfully.

Roxanne wrapped her arms gently around Zeke's body in a close and lovable hug. Zeke's heart was racing a little, he always wanted a busty girl to snuggle him close to their body with his head pressed up against her huge boobs, on the outside he was looking embarrassed as if someone could be watching and on the inside he was wanting this to continue, he hugged her back.

"I miss you snuggling me like this." said Zeke cutely.

"Awwww, you cute little angel." said Roxanne in a cute voice.

Roxanne rubbed Zeke's back, he murred in a relaxing tone. Zeke had missed being in Roxanne's arms and snuggling, he wanted to nothing more than be loved on by Roxanne. The last time Roxanne was babysitting Zeke was a year ago. Zeke was starting middle school and Roxanne was twenty-one years old, now she's twenty-two years old and in love with the human she babysits.

"Your so cute I could eat you up." said Roxanne giggling.

"I wouldn't mind being kissed if you want to plant one on me." said Zeke with a smile.

Roxanne lifted Zeke up to her level and she planted a big one on his lips, her lips were big and they covered his entire mouth like putting her hand over his mouth, her lips were soft and smooth. Zeke closed his eyes, he wanted this for so long that this felt like a dream come true in his book, having Roxanne's large luscious lips planted on Zeke felt like he had his face in between her large breasts, they held the kiss for a long time and pulled away after that.

"I never been kissed like that before." said Zeke looking slightly dazed.

"You want me to kiss you some more?" said Roxanne giggling in a tone.

Yet a smile spread across Zeke's face when he heard Roxanne ask him for more kissing, he had only a few words to say about that.

"Kiss me like there's no tomorrow." said Zeke excited.

Roxanne pulled Zeke close to her body and she planted her lips to his in a passionate kiss, kissing him without stopping, her lips were kissing Zeke passionately. Zeke was in heaven from being kissed by a big and soft lipped hippo, smooching sounds could be heard from both of their ears. Roxanne suddenly slipped her large tongue inside Zeke's mouth, french kissing him. Zeke was at first shocked to have Roxanne's tongue in his mouth but he was to mesmerized by Roxanne's kisses to be embarrassed or shocked.

"Roxanne." moaned Zeke.

They started to moan into the kisses as they made out so passionately. Roxanne was rubbing Zeke's back again, her tongue was so large that she was suprised that Zeke could take so much of it. They pulled away again and smiled at one another.

"That kiss was even better." said Zeke now looking suprised with excitement.

"I know something else we can do for fun." said Roxanne playfully.

"What did you have in....ohhhhh." Zeke began.

Roxanne was rubbing Zeke's belly gently. The feeling of Zeke having his belly rubbed by Roxanne felt so relaxing to him, he murred in a relaxing tone of voice.

"I've had a huge crush on a boy for a while." said Roxanne in a seductive tone.

"Whose the lucky boy?" murred Zeke curiously.

Roxanne lowered her voice to a whisper and whispered the answer to that question in Zeke's ear.

"You." whispered Roxanne.

Zeke felt his heart skip a beat. He expected Roxanne to mention another hippo like her as her crush but never expected that the one she's crushing on was him, he blushed and smiled. Roxanne smiled playfully at him, holding him like he was he baby.

"M-m-me." stuttered Zeke nervously.

"Your so cute and aodrable, I didn't start crushing on you since last year." said Roxanne giggling.

Zeke was now stairing at Roxanne's large boobs and she noticed he was stairing at them. Roxanne was stairing directly into Zeke's eyes with a sexy expression upon her face.

"You like my lusciously large boobies?" asked Roxanne giggling.

Zeke knew that Roxanne knows he was looking at her humongous boobs, he made a grab for one of them but Roxanne pulled him in and placed his face in between her breasts, she couldn't see the excited smile on Zeke's face. Zeke managed to make his face visible to Roxanne and she smiled at him with a seductive grin.

"This better than looking at women in magezines." said Zeke starting to feel hard.

"So you do love naked women, you naughty little boy." said Roxanne giggling playfully.

Roxanne started to feel Zeke's hard-on poking her chest, she started to reach for his shirt and took it right off his body, exposing his well toned torso. Roxanne began to lick Zeke's chest and belly up and down, making Zeke moan and shiver, he never knew how good it felt to be licked by a massive tongue. Roxanne's tongue really long, thick and wide, her tongue fifteen inches long, ten inches wide and four inches thick. Roxanne's massive tongue was big enough to slobber all over Zeke's chest.

"Roxanne, this tickles." giggled Zeke.

Zeke felt like he was getting lucky and having a massive tongue slobber his chest and belly was making him feel seduced. Roxanne gave him one long lick to his belly and gliding it slowly up to his chest, he moaned as her tongue glided up to his chest and as soon as Roxanne's tongue reached Zeke's chest, she stopped licking him.

"That was incredible yet it felt so naughty." said Zeke.

"If you think looking at women in a magezine is fun, than I got something fun for you to experience." said Roxanne with a smile.

Roxanne started to reach for the zipper on Zeke's pants and unbottoned the botton, pulling the zipper down and the next thing she did was pull his pants off, his shoes getting pulled off his feet as well, even his socks slipped off easily. Zeke's body was exposed to Roxanne's aroused face, his hard-on was a foot long and two inches wide. Roxanne was completely aroused.

"I never knew you could get so huge." said Roxanne playfully.

"I took some penis extensions." said Zeke with an expression of excitement on his face.

Suddenly Roxanne planted her lips to Zeke and pressed her body to his, making him lay on his back to the ground, pulling her lips away from Zeke, she positioned her body and inserted his massive shaft inside her vaginal hole, her oversized vagina was hot. Zeke and Roxanne moaned in pleasure.

"I wanted you for so long, Zekey." moaned Roxanne.

"I like where this is going." moaned Zeke happily.

Roxanne started riding Zeke's cock at a steady pace, her massive boobs bounced up and down in front of Zeke's face. Zeke was moaning in pleasure from recieving his first time with his busty babysitter. Zeke felt his shaft get squeezed by Roxanne's vagina, it felt so good.

"If you like my boobies, than your going to love having sex with me." said Roxanne pleasurably.

"Hold me close." said Zeke excitedly.

Roxanne wrapped her arms around Zeke's body and held him close to her body, she wanted to be in control of fucking Zeke and Zeke didn't mind that at all. As they moaned in pleasured tone, all Zeke and Roxanne could do was stair at each other while having sex.

"Just call me Roxy." moaned Roxanne.

"And you can call me Zekey." moaned Zeke.

Having a hippo's vagina surround Zeke's dick felt like having his cock be wrapped up by a mouth, it felt like he was having a blow job. Roxanne wanted to screw Zeke for a long time and now she's getting what she's been waiting for.

"I'm going to take your virginity really hard." said Roxanne with a moan.

"Take me Roxy." moaned Zeke.

Roxanne would plant a kiss on Zeke's cheeks and lips every minute or two. Zeke was giggling playfully, he wanted a girl to screw him ever since last year when he secretly stored his naked women magezines in his room at home.

"Lick me, Roxy." moaned Zeke with a gasp.

Yet again Roxanne obeyed Zeke's comaned and she started licking his chest, going up to his cheek, he giggled with pleasure. Zeke loved having Roxanne's giant tongue lap all over his naked body, he like being slobbered on. Roxanne started to increase her pace and their pleasure level rose higher, the tingling sensation all over their bodies began to kick in.

"Oh Roxy, talk to me dirty." moaned Zeke pleasurably.

Roxanne licked Zeke's chest and traced her massive tongue underneath his chin, making him cock his head back. She stared at him with her sexually aroused smile.

"You like this Zekey, you like busty girls screwing you so hard, your getting so sexually active, you big horny boy." moaned Roxanne with a pleasurable squeal.

"Oh Roxy." moaned Zeke in pleasured tone.

Zeke was enjoying every minute of his first time, having sex with his busty babysitter. Roxanne felt like a sexually active and over sexed MILTF, she wanted to have Zeke blow his load into her body. Roxanne's vaginal hole was squeezing tighter on Zeke's cock, making his body tingle with hot pleasure, even Roxanne's body was tingling with pleasure.

"Faster Roxy." moaned Zeke out loud.

"You want it so bad, you got it." gasped Roxanne.

Roxanne increased her speed and thrusted her body harder on Zeke's tingling length. Zeke was feeling his entire body tingle with pleasure and body heat rise higher, everything inside their body was hot with pleasure. Making love with Roxanne felt so incredible to Zeke, he wanted his length to blow up with a powerful orgasm.

"Oh Roxy, Roxy, Roxy." gasped Zeke in pleasure.

"Oh Zekey, I never knew losing ones virginity with you felt so good." moaned Roxanne in pleasured tone.

Both of them moaned in loud pleasured tones. Roxanne was now going as fast as she could on riding Zeke's shaft. Zeke was moaning louder and his cock was being squeezed really tight from Roxanne's pleasurably, tightening vagina. Zeke felt his entire body get really hot with pleasure, every inch of his body was tingling stronger and stronger with each passing second.

"Beg for it, beg for your orgasm, Zekey." gasped Roxanne in a gasping moan.

"Oh Roxy, make me cum, I want to blow my load in your body, really hard, oh my god." moaned Zeke excitedly.

Even when Roxanne's body was going at full speed from riding Zeke, all she could do was stair at Zeke with her sex crazed face and moan in pleasure. Zeke felt his entire body shiver, all her could do was stair at her bouncing boobs and her face, even as he looked at Roxanne, she made her face look completely sexually excited and aroused, making him feel so horny that he felt his first ever orgasm get really powerful and start to take control of his body.

"I'm getting closer." gasped Zeke.

"Oh god yes, blow your load, fill me up, Zekey." moaned Roxanne loudly.

A wet splashing sound was heard from their rapidly grinding hips. Zeke's cock was swelling up to twice it's usual size, his body was getting ready for a really humongous orgasm. Roxanne felt her vagina start to clasp really tight and it felt so good to Zeke, both of them moaned in pleasure really loud.

"Oh Zekey, I missed you." moaned Roxanne almost screaming.

"Oh god, Roxy, Roxy." moaned Zeke.

"Call me Foxy Roxy." moaned Roxanne loudly.

Zeke felt his cock twitch wildly with pleasure, he closed his eyes and screamed really loud in pleasure, his orgasm took over his body.


Zeke ejaculated really hard and violently, shooting long jets of his sperm inside Roxanne's hot body, she shouted in pleasure as she too came hard, spraying a huge amount of her sex juices all over Zeke's lower body. All they could do was scream in pleasure as there orgasms tingled all over their body, every muscle in their body was tensed up and their orgasms electrified their body.

"ROXY, ROXY, OH GOD ROXY." screamed Zeke.


The extensions Zeke took seem to make his orgasm last longer and stronger, even Roxanne started to cum so hard that she reached her second orgasm of the day. Zeke was cumming continuiosly.

"LICK ME." shouted Zeke.

Roxanne started to rapidly lick Zeke's chest up and down, increasing his sexual arousal. Their orgasms lasted so long it took what felt like an eternity for it to come to an end. Both of them stopped cumming. Zeke's cock shrank back and Roxanne shifted her body to sit up, she was holding Zeke in her arms real close in a hug, his cock pulled out of her. Roxanne hugged him like a greeting.

"How do you like losing your virginity to me, Zekey?" panted Roxanne.

"It was heaven in my body." panted Zeke.

They took a few minutes to catch their breath. Roxanne planted a kiss on Zeke's cheeks, he smiled and she smiled back.

"You think you can let your mom hire me as your babysitter again?" asked Roxanne.

"Since mom doesn't get home from work until five, she's going to have to." said Zeke proudly.

"I love you, my little baby boy." said Roxanne.

"I love you too, my hot babysitter." said Zeke.

Roxanne got up and carried Zeke to his home, so he can convince his mom to hire Roxanne as his perminant babysitter. Zeke's mom agreed and every day after school, both Zeke and Roxanne had sex the entire time at Zeke's home and the mother had no clue.

The End

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