Jak's Wild - CH 6

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#12 of Commissioned Stories

A commissioned story for Bigchris369

Sixth chapter of seven in the series.

Jak's Wild

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Bigchris369

Written September 2016

CH 6:

Jak and his friends got into the fancy limo that had been sent for them. The plush interior had black leather seats and a well-stocked wet bar, with glasses and a half dozen types of booze on top, and a mini-fridge in the pedestal.

Once everyone was seated, the alligator in the driver's seat lowered the clear glass partition between himself and his passengers and looked back at them, saying, "Hello everyone. My name is Bender, and I'll be taking you to the Skrall estate. When I have the partition raised, even if I am talking to you over the intercom, I can't hear you, unless you press one of the the red intercom buttons near your seats. The red light over the partition will light up if anyone has the intercom link open to me. Now, before we go, I trust you all have your Caste ID cards or Merchants Guild ID card on you? You'll need them for at least one of the upcoming security checkpoints, and it is a good habit to keep them on you at all times, when you're not on the estate grounds."

"Yes, we had to present them to get through Customs, and we all know to keep them on us, or at least accessible," Jak said. "How long will it take us to get there?"

"Very good, sir. We should arrive in about 45 minutes. You'll have plenty of time to freshen up before meeting Master Skrall for lunch," Bender replied. "I guess we're ready to go then. The bar is fully stocked. Feel free to enjoy drink or a snack while we travel. Now relax and enjoy the ride, and if you have any questions for me, let me know." He paused for a moment, and when no one spoke up, he raised the partition and drove off.

Jak poured himself a glass of brandy and leaned back, sipping the booze and trying to look as comfortable as if he rode in limos all the time, with his his right arm casually draped around Elita's shoulders.

They took a busy freeway through the center of the city, and eventually approached a region to the north that had been marked as a 'Forbidden Area' on the maps they had been given at Customs.

Shortly after they left the freeway, they passed through a gated checkpoint which had armed security guards and a high wall separating the area beyond from the access road. There were numerous signs, as they approached that gate and at the gate itself, warning that access beyond that point was restricted to people living on the Citizen Estates, and their invited guests. Any guests, tradesmen or delivery drivers had to be escorted in and out by someone from the estate they were going to. The guards at the gate knew their driver, yet still checked to ensure that the number and descriptions of his passengers matched their access lists, and that their individual ID cards seemed valid and the limo's trunk was empty.

Once past the checkpoint, they entered a very different looking highway, with beautifully landscaped areas on either side and in the median between the opposing traffic lanes. Every two or three miles along the road, the high walls on one side or the other were pierced by an ornamental gate at the end of a long, carefully landscaped driveway, usually ending in a second gate with a manned guard station. The distance between the gates in the highway walls hinted at the massive size of the estates beyond them.

Bender turned into one of the estate entrance driveways, marked only with a large letter 'S', and stopped the limo at the outer gate. He lowered the glass partition again and said, "Welcome to the Skrall estate. Before we enter, let me point out a few things. You saw all the security between the freeway and here. The most wealthy Citizen families have estates in this region, and they take their privacy very seriously. If anyone who is not on an estate's access list gets caught on their grounds, they can capture them and sell them as a slave for life, or charge a very stiff ransom fee for their release, if they're a Freeman or a Citizen. Even on the common access highway that we just left, if you're not on one of the area's estate access lists, it's treated as a forbidden area. So please, if you need to leave the estate, ask me or one of our other drivers or pilots to take you where you need to go."

"I think we all understand that well enough," Jak said. "They gave each of us a similar warning at the starport VIP Customs checkpoint, and a current map of the prohibited areas."

"That's good, but be aware that a regional-level map can't possibly show all the smaller prohibited areas, or their exact boundaries. Please don't wander past any gate in a wall or fence, without knowing where it leads and being certain you should go there, even if you find it unlocked. It could be a courtesy gate to the neighboring estate, and merely being able to get past it doesn't mean you'll be welcome on the other side. The gates to the estate of our neighbor to the north were all unlocked the last time Jak was here, and each family had an open invitation to freely visit the others estate. I recall Jak had some friends there, among the lesser family members, and there were a few of their slaves that he enjoyed courtesy rights with, and could borrow at will. Recent... disagreements... between the two families have caused both families to lock those gates and revoke the open invitation to visit each other."

"Are you referring to Stan Warfield's estate?" Jak asked. "The bastard that mutilated one of his slave girls that I liked?"

"The same, yes. And that was the incident that caused the dispute," Bender replied. "We doubt the matter with the Warfield family will be resolved any time soon, so we have dismantled the two access road enclosures through our hunting preserve to their gates. But we still have a few fully-enclosed access roads through our hunting preserve, for convenient access to the perimeter gates for the other three neighboring estates."

"I'll be happy not to see that bastard," Jak snarled. "You can bet that once the estate is mine, we'll have their gates walled up for good."

"Is your hunting preserve such a dangerous place, that an access road through it needs an enclosure?" Felrasa asked. "I've done my share of big game hunting, and can't recall any game preserve where they had covered access roads."

"Quite dangerous, but we only bothered with enclosed roads for the routes we might use for social visits with the neighbors. The main road, ahead of us, has no such enclosure, nor do most of the roads or trails through the wild area. We have a large, fenced-off hunting preserve within our perimeter fences, stocked with a variety of feral big game animals, many of which can be quite deadly if you aren't suitably armed and prepared to deal with them. It completely encircles the estate grounds, as an added layer of security. Master Skrall used to love to hunt, but because of his age he hasn't done so in the last several years. As a result, many of the larger carnivorous wild animals have grown fat and cocky, feasting on the smaller ones, and they aren't at all afraid to attack people."

"I love to hunt," Jak said with a grin, "Particularly taking on a large and dangerous prey without any weapons, or armed only with blades. We'll have to arrange a hunting party soon, Bender," Jak said earnestly.

"Your grandfather will love to hear that sort of talk, Jak. He and your parents shared a love of blood sports, pitting themselves against animals fully capable of killing them. They all disliked the sort of 'hunting' offered at some commercial hunting preserves, where a so-called 'trophy hunter' could sit in complete safety in a grav sled, well above the ground, and shoot animals from the air with a high powered rifle," Bender said.

"I couldn't agree more," Jak replied.

"Let's go on in, and I'll point out a few more things along the way," Bender said. He rolled up the partition, and a few moments later, the outer gate opened and he drove through it. He waited by the second gate until the first one had closed behind them, and a green light appeared by the inner gate. Then that gate opened, the guards waved them through, and he continued driving. The area to either side of the road looked to be native wild vegetation, with dense forested areas, a few streams, and occasional meadows. They sometimes caught glimpses of one or more large feral animals in the brush, and Bender would call it to their attention via the intercom, and tell them the name of the species. One was a large quadruped canine carnivore, easily larger than Jak, feasting on the remains of some other large animal which had been too severely mauled to identify. Bender had called it a Sirian Dire Wolf.

Jak and his friends had known his supposed 'grandfather' was one of the richest people on the planet, but that fact was driven home when they realized it took _ten minutes_just to drive to the next pair of gates. At a rough guess, based on their approximate speed, that meant the hunting preserve was five miles from one side to the other.

At the next gates, Bender informed them via the intercom, "These gates mark the end of our hunting preserve and the start of the mansion's grounds. There shouldn't be any dangerous animals in the inner compound. But there is one other thing I should mention, for the sake of our guests. Within their own home or family lands, a Citizen who is the head of a household has the full force of law in their decisions. They can do as they please, regardless of how it impacts anyone of lower social rank than themselves, so long as their actions don't have major negative consequences outside of their jurisdiction. They can even kill people with impunity on their land, or incur any lesser degree of harm, for any reason they see fit. I am sure none of you would breach the family's hospitality so badly for any of that to be an issue, but you should be aware of it, especially if you visit other estates."

Elita tried to keep smiling, as she made sure the intercom light over the partition was out. Then she tried to look like she was getting affectionate with Jak as she whispered to him, "Our identity documents and your presentation as the old man's grandson damned well better be perfect, or we may not make it out of here alive!"

"Yeah, well, we passed through customs okay, and through that last checkpoint," Jak replied, fondling one of her bare breasts and trying not to seem concerned. "Relax, and try to smile a lot and look happy to be here, 'girlfriend'. If it does go sour, most of us can fight pretty effectively." He glanced at Nekonya, who so far hadn't demonstrated much ability as a fighter.

"I can fight too, if I have a weapon. I'm not trained to kill, but I know which end of a gun to point at an enemy, and how to fire it," Nekonya said. "I'd... prefer _not_to kill. But I will, if we're in danger. I _have_killed,when Felrasa and I were escaping the lab."

"Yeah, she can hold her own," Felrasa said. "But let's hope none of us have to fight our way out of here. Damn,with all the security, you'd think we were approaching a government precious minerals reserve vault!"

It took nearly another _twenty_minutes, or possibly ten more miles, to drive through the estate's grounds and arrive at the mansion. Bender continued to give them a bit of a tour as they drove through the estate, pointing out a small lake and hot springs, a gun range, a helipad with both a helicopter and a VTOL hoverjet on standby, and the quarters for the many slaves that lived on the estate's grounds.

Jak pressed the intercom and asked, "Bender? Why didn't you pick us up with the hoverjet or the helicopter? Wouldn't that have been faster?"

"I'm no pilot, and our guy who is was in flight with the jet on other business," Bender replied. "He got back after I left to pick you up. Besides, you said you wanted time to go shopping before I picked you up, and I figured your guests would enjoy the scenic route on the way in. Well, we're here. Welcome home, Jak!"

The mansion itself was a huge, sprawling complex of at least six buildings, connected by enclosed walkways, with many wings and several levels. The slave quarters was closest to the helipad and vehicle garages, while the rest of the mansion stretched off in the distance. Jak had to wonder how many minutes it would take just to walk from one end of the mansion complex to the other. The limo pulled to a stop at the third building in the complex, and Bender got out to open the door for them.


Four naked slaves met them at the mansion's main entry and escorted them inside, while Bender parked the limo. All were attractive and in good physical condition. Elita and Nekonya were each attended by male felines in their 20's, while a collie girl of similar age attended Felrasa. Jak's slave was a bunny woman who he guessed might be in her late 30's. She seemed to be in some authority among the slaves. They led them to their rooms first, to refresh themselves and bathe. Elita's room was next to Jak's, and Felrasa and Nekonya shared a room across the hall. Although each room had a full bathroom with a two-person shower, the slaves had them remove their clothing and led them to a nearby enclosed, open-roofed courtyard with a communal bathing area surrounding a large heated bathing pool, where the slaves quite attentively washed and dried each of the guests. The slaves made it clear that if more personal services were desired from them, Jak and his guests had but to ask, and that slave would be sent to their room later in the day to attend them. But for now, they were expected to attend Master Skrall at lunch as soon as was convenient.

As Jak got dressed in a fresh loincloth and belt in his room, he glanced at a door on the far side of his room from the one that led to Elita's assigned room, and asked his attendant, "What is your name? And where does _that_door lead?"

"I am called Kyra, Master, and that door leads to another bedroom as large as this one," she replied. "When you have approved your choices from among the personal slave girls that Master Skrall has to offer you, those slaves will be set up to live in that room, so they may be immediately available to you at all times. Unless of course you choose to have some of them assigned to live _in_your room, or to be housed further from you, in the general slave quarters. Master Skrall prefers to keep half a dozen or so of his favorites in an adjoining room, so you were provided for in like manner."

"They can use that adjoining bedroom, Kyra," Jak replied. "It would be good to keep them close, but to allow them their own private space as well. Shall we go to meet my grandfather, then?"

The others were waiting in the hallway outside Jak's room. Elita and Nekonya had both opted to remain topless, and were dressed in only a calf-length women's loincloth and cloth belt, likely provided by their attendants, as Jak's new clothing had been. Felrasa stubbornly had dressed himself again in his hoodie, shirt and pants. They were led a fair distance down the main hallway, to a beautifully decorated room with four large cushions on the floor for them to sit upon.

"Please be comfortable," said Kyra. "Master Skrall does not wish any of you to stand or to bow when he enters the room. You are family, or guests of family, and need not be subservient in his presence." Once the four of them were seated on their cushions, the slaves attending each of them knelt on the carpet covered floor, to the right of and slightly behind each guest.

Opposite them was a raised dais with a single, ornately carved, throne-like chair, which Jak recognized as the same one that Grandfather had been seated in during their first hyperwave call. He looked up and saw that there was a two-sided hyperwave videophone hanging from the ceiling, facing the dais and the guests. To either side of the room were tables laden with an amazing variety of delicious foods.

A gong sounded, and the kneeling slaves bowed low, touching their foreheads to the ground. Bender entered the room, followed by four youthful female slaves escorting the elderly Master Skrall, who shuffled slowly to his place on the throne, and sat to face them.

"Jack, my boy. So good to see you again," Master Skrall said, peering at them all curiously, as if he had a little trouble seeing them clearly. "You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you. Put on a lot of muscle - that's good. I have to say though, I hardly see any of my daughter in you." He paused, coughed slightly, and one of the slave girls immediately offered him something to drink. He gratefully sipped at the cool liquid in the glass.

Jak tensed slightly, wondering if their ruse had already been detected, but no one in the room looked the least bit hostile, so he tried to relax again.

Master Skrall handed his drink back to he save girl and continued, saying, "No matter. You always did somewhat favor your father. And these are your friends? Welcome, all of you, to my home. My hospitality I offer you freely, and may your stay be pleasant. Do introduce them, please, Jak."

"The husky is Felrasa, a Freeman of our world, and a professional bodyguard. We met on the Academy's gun ranges, which are open to the public. He came there relatively often, and we became friends, although his work often took him elsewhere. I was fortunate that his affairs had him on that world and free to come with me when I was ready to return," Jak said.

"It is a pleasure to meet Jak's illustrious grandfather, sir," Felrasa said, bowing just his head with what he hoped was sufficient courtesy while remaining seated on his cushion. "And may I present my Companion, Nekonya? She is trained as a Doctor, and is also a Freeman."

"Be welcome in my home, Mister Felrasa," Master Skrall replied. The he peered more carefully at Nekonya, and said, "You will excuse my curiosity, I hope, but your limbs seem to be artificial, my dear? Exquisitely crafted though, I must say. May I ask, are you a cyborg, or an android? The newer AI models are getting so hard to tell from a naturally born person these days. Either is quite acceptable in my eyes. A good friend of mine bought a pleasure android several years ago, and liked her so much that he married her. Caused a bit of a scandal in his family, yet it _was_legal, and I can't say that was a bad deal, to acquire a wife who will always look young and beautiful, and never tire of sex. You are also welcome here, Miss Nekonya."

"I am an android, sir," Nekonya replied politely. "Thank you for your acceptance. And although I am certain you have excellent medical care of your own, should you need any medical assistance at all, please do not hesitate to send for me. Someone with different medical training might identify some symptoms and offer some treatments that your usual doctors, no matter how skillful, might have missed."

"Kind of you to offer, but far too late for me, I fear," Master Skrall said with a resigned sigh. "My doctors are amazed I have held on for as long as I have. But I'm stubborn, and wanted to ensure my estate and my slaves would be in good hands, once I am gone. Ahhh, I don't want to alarm any of you, but no one lives forever, and I have had a very good life. Now Jak, is this other beautiful young girl your girlfriend?"

"Ahhh, yes, she is, Grandfather. This is Elita, and she is a pilot of an independent merchant guild freighter. It was her ship we came here on," Jak said. "I met her rather recently, when she was hired to extract the Academy training squad that I was part of from a very hostile world. The final live-fire training mission prior to my squad's graduation went quite badly. Our support ship crashed, and we were left without sufficient supplies, and with no way to get off the planet. I was the only survivor, and I might not have survived myself if this young lady had not been brave enough to fly her ship solo into a red zone, and get me out again."

"Remarkable! And was it in saving my grandson that you lost your arms and eye, my dear? You seem so young to have cybernetic limbs, or to be a pilot of your own ship," Grandfather commented, looking truly impressed at the young feline girl's accomplishments.

"No sir. I was injured and orphaned as a civilian casualty in a war, sir. The merchant guild adopted me and had me fitted with these cybernetics, and trained as a pilot. My ship is just a small cargo vessel, and it's over 50 years old, but it is quite serviceable for what it is," Elita replied. "My cargo route will bring me to this world fairly often, but what the Academy paid me to save your grandson earned me enough that I can afford to take several months shore leave here, before I return to my merchant duties."

"Your service to my family line is appreciated beyond measure. I shall have to see if I can find a very special reward for you, Miss Elita. You are especially welcome," Master Skrall said. "Now, I know my grandson has had his reservations about the family practice of being slave owners, but that he's had a change of heart. Miss Elita, you're not from our world. I'm well aware that slavery is illegal on most other worlds, but as Jak is sure to have told you, it's quite legal here. What is your personal opinion on slavery? Does it offend you, as it once offended my grandson?"

"Honestly, sir, aren't we all owned to some degree by those in a superior position of wealth and power to ourselves?' Elita asked rhetorically. "I'm no slave, nor would I desire to be one. But if I were to default on the loan I took out to purchase my starship, I'd be in worse shape than most slaves here, once my creditors caught up with me. My personal opinion, sir, is that you slave owners are just more honest than most corporate bigwigs about how much you control the lives of others. I don't object to slavery, as long as the slave owner is not cruel to their slaves."

That reply got a hearty laugh out of Master Skrall. "Ho! Well said! Much more of an enlightened response than I would have expected from an offworlder. Jak, I do think I _like_this girlfriend of yours! She's a keeper, my boy, even if she isn't reptilian, or a Citizen. When it comes time to breed an heir for yourself, you could always have a reptilian mistress as a surrogate mother. Or keep this young lady as your mistress, and marry a well-bred reptilian Citizen girl. No offense to you, Miss, but I do hope my grandson will eventually have children of his own, to continue our family line, and I doubt you can do that for him. Yet I do hope you'll stay with the boy, young lady. You could be a good influence on him! And what about you two? You're from our world, so I trust you have no objections to slavery?" he asked, turning his gaze to Felrasa and Nekonya.

"As long as the collar isn't on _my_neck, or on one of my friends, it doesn't matter to me," Felrasa said.

"As an artificial intelligence, Felrasa is legally my owner, though I am not considered his slave, and I have most of the rights of a Freeman under our laws, matching his caste," Nekonya replied. "I do not object to my being owned by my companion. So how could I object to you owning your slaves?"

"Good. Very good. Jak? Would you like to receive your graduation presents now? I bought three fresh young slaves at the market yesterday evening. Two in particular I think you will like, and I've already had them registered to you. The third I bought more on a whim, mostly for myself, and I have tentatively registered her with both of us as co-owners. You could refuse any of them, but you'll own almost all of my slaves once I am gone, anyway. There are three of my older slaves who I plan to set free posthumously, as a clause in my will, including miss Kyra, who is attending you right now. A reward for their loyal service. I'll leave it to you if you want to retain the ones I will set free, as paid staff employed by you. As for my other slaves, once they are transferred to you by my will, you _could_sell them, but you must keep them for five years, with a spotless record on their part, before you will have the option to free them. Personally, I'll advise you to keep them all, and hire a few more good new ones who are young and eager to serve you as their first Master. It takes a lot of people to run this estate, and my free staff and my slaves know how to run it well. I hardly have to tell them to do anything, unless it is to pleasure me."

When her Master said that he planned to free her, Kyra gasped and started crying tears of joy. Clearly she had not been told before that her Master intended to set her free in his will. As soon as her Master ceased talking, she said, "Oh my! Thank you Master! That is so kind of you!" Then she turned to Jak and said, "I would be very happy to stay on your staff as a free woman, Master Jak. I was a Freeman before I was enslaved, and my Master's freeing me would restore me to that rank. I am very good at training young slaves of either gender, and I am the one who oversees most of their daily duties. I like my work here, but I must admit it will be very nice to be free again, while I am still young enough to have a child who might be freeborn, and not a slave!"

"I see no reason not to keep all of you on," Jak replied. "Though I hope Grandfather lives for many years yet. Yes Grandfather, I would like to meet my new slave girls now."

Bender stepped out of the room and brought back two naked Fennec fox girls, who followed submissively. The older vixen had long hair that was a deep auburn red, yet her fur was two unusual shades of green, rather than the usual red or brown with white markings. The younger one's fur was two shades of a reddish brown, still not quite natural for her species, and her hair was the same color as her body fur, and cropped extremely short. Both were holding in their hands an unlocked collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, and a matching leash. The little one also carried a child's stuffed toy teddy bear, which made her seem even younger and more innocent as she clutched it with one arm. They wore nothing at all, not even an hair ornament. The two slave girls knelt in front of Jak, placed everything they had been carrying in front of themselves where Jak could easily reach them, and bowed their heads to the floor, before sitting up on their heels with their knees wide spread. The position exposed their juvenile labia quite prettily, parting them to expose their pink slits to their new Master's gaze. Both were quite pretty, and smiled up at him, completely unashamed at their nakedness.

"Introduce yourselves to your new Master, girls," Bender prompted.

The older girl said, "My name is Luna, Master, and I am nineteen years old. Beside me is my sister, Ashara. As part of our training as slaves, from our earliest days we have both watched our parents and many other slaves and customers in the breeding pens, mating in various ways. My direct training began when I was six, and Master Koda decided that I should have a younger brother or sister from both of my parents, to be trained to have incestuous sex with me. I watched my father's daily efforts to impregnate my mother, and each time they mated, I was instructed by Master Koda to pleasure both of my parents with oral sex. After my sister was born, I was trained exclusively in the use of my mouth for giving pleasure to others, especially my parents. Many males and females of a variety of species have enjoyed the pleasures of my mouth, but no one other than my mother or father was allowed to lick me to an orgasm, and I was allowed no other sexual experiences."

The younger one, Ashara, spoke next, and said, "Master, I am twelve now, and when I was six years old, my own direct training began. I was exclusively trained to be my sister's lesbian lover. From that day to this, I have watched my sister occasionally having oral sex with both of our parents, or with others Master Koda sent to train her, and I have enjoyed mutual cunnilingus every day with my sister. I have had sex with no one but my sister. We are both virgins in all other regards."

Luna spoke again and said, "Master Koda was kind enough to wish us to be sold together and kept together, because my sister and I deeply love each other. Your grandfather bought us for you, Master. Do we meet with your approval? You and anyone you wish to include can be entertained by our sisterly incest regularly. We are both eager to know the feel of a Master's cock in our vaginas and up our asses, and my dear sister truly longs for her first taste of a male's cock."

"You are both quite acceptable, girls. But you're also quite different from one another in coloration, though I see the family resemblance clearly in your pretty faces. Is your color natural, or a temporary dye job?" Jak asked.

"Our fur color is permanent, and is the result of drugs given to our mother prior to conception, to influence different coloring with each birth," Luna replied. "Of course, we can temporarily or permanently be re-dyed to another color if you so desire."

"You look fine as you are. I was just curious about the difference," Jak said. "Now come closer to me, girls, and accept your collars."

The vixens scooted eagerly forward, each offering their bindings for their Master to fasten around their wrists, ankles and necks. Their collars were last, except for their leashes, and each had a hanging tag with their names on them, and a brass nameplate had Jak's name engraved on it as their Master, and the estate's address and main videophone number. Jak looked up at Master Skrall and said, "It has been much too long since I saw anyone in our family collaring a new slave. Is there a ceremonial set of words to say to make it official?"

"I thought you might need a little prompting, boy," replied the old Master, with just a hint of a sly grin. "Kyra will guide you through it. The girls have already rehearsed their responses."

With Kyra whispering each line into his ear, Jak repeated the ritual phrases, and the girls responded.

"I lock this collar on you, as a symbol of your total submission to my will," Jak said, snapping each collar in place.

"We accept your complete domination over us, oh Master," the girls replied.

"I promise to cherish and protect you, so long as you serve me loyally," Jak said, snapping the leash onto a ring on the front of each collar, between the girl's name tag and his name plate on the collar.

"We promise to devote our bodies, our minds, and our hearts to you, and to loyally do as you command, refusing you in nothing, until death parts us, or until we are set free," the girls recited.

"Now use the leash and pull them to you, Master. The new slave may seal their submission with a kiss, or by kissing your feet, as you feel appropriate for the gender and intended use of the slave in question," Kyra prompted.

"One other thing first," Jak insisted. He looked at the girls and said, "I also promise to ask nothing of you that would permanently harm you, nor will I cause you permanent damage while you are mine, save for taking your virginity, so long as you serve me loyally. This I swear, as your new Master."

The girls blinked at the unexpected addition, and Luna stammered, "M-master is most kind. We will serve you with all our hearts. Thank you, Master!"

"Yes, thank you so much, Master! What she said. With all our hearts!" Ashara agreed, nodding her head eagerly and hugging her teddy bear in excitement.

"Then kiss me to seal your submission to me," Jak said, first pulling Luna in for a deep, passionate tongue kiss, and then doing the same with Ashara.

"Well done, lad. I don't mind the additional promise. Make it your own tradition, for the slaves you take on, if it makes you feel better about owning them," Master Skrall said.

Jak smiled back at his 'grandfather', and said, "That I shall. But you also mentioned a third girl?"

"Yes, she is of an exotic species from off-world, brought here as an egg by a merchant, and incubated and raised by Master Koda along with these other two. I don't even know the proper name for her race, and neither does she. Bender? Bring in Julia now please," Master Skrall said. "Her unique training piqued my interest. Not sure if she will be to your taste, but if you don't want her, I'll keep her, and you can sell her to someone else after I am gone."

Exotic was certainly a good word for the next save girl that Bender brought in. She looked generally like a short and slightly pudgy gecko, with large amber eyes; dark blue scales; and light green scales on her underbelly, under her tail, and as some striped markings. Like most reptile species, she had no hair at all on her body. Her many horns were what truly marked her as quite unusual. She had two small horns atop her head; two more larger horns on the sides of her head, which curled downward and then forward to almost even with her nose; two short horn spikes extending up and out from her upper edges of her shoulder blades, above each shoulder; two more spikes protruding up from her kneecaps, and a row of four horn spikes down the ridge of her long, very flexible tail, close to her body. The last foot or two of her tapering tail she kept tightly curled into a coil, so it didn't drag more than two feet behind her as she walked. Jak guessed that her tail was almost half again as long as she was tall, and it seemed to be prehensile. Her wrists and ankles had been decorated with primitive looking tattoos which included a crossed out heart, and a similar heart with an X across it was on her left breast, in dark pink. The girl knelt before Jak, with her knees wide spread, and placed her collar, cuffs and leash before her potential master.

"I am called Julia, Master, and I am twelve. I can do things with my tongue that you would _never_believe," she said with a saucy grin. Her long and very agile pink tongue flicked out and lapped at both of her nipples, then extended even further to lick at her own clitoris and slit, all without taking her gaze off his face or bending her back at all. She retracted her three foot long tongue and added, "I can be a _very_dirty girl, if you like rimming, Master. My tongue probing deeply up a male's ass can make any man hard as steel. My tongue's effect probing deep inside a woman's vagina can only be imagined. I haven't been allowed to try that yet, since I and the other girls in my training cell had to remain virgins, but I'd love to. I've been trained to use my mouth, my ass, my tongue, and even the tip of my tail in lots and lots of naughty ways, including sticking my tongue or the tip of my tail up my own ass. But I'm still a virgin in front. I'm equally attracted to male and females, and particularly fond of other reptilian folk, like yourself, oh Master! I would be honored to serve both you and your grandfather, with any part of my body, in any way you desire, no matter how messy or naughty."

"Oh really?" Jak commented, squirming a bit at the idea of having that long tongue of hers squirming inside his ass. "Interesting. Is there a special meaning to your tattoos?"

"Their pattern was already painted on the shell of my egg, when my egg was sold to Master Koda. He took pictures of my egg before I hatched, and had the designs copied onto my body when my direct training began, on my sixth birthday. I think it kinda means I'll never really know love, but few slaves do. I'd be happy just to please you with lots and lots of hot and dirty sex, Master!"

"All right, I'll accept you too," Jak said. "I see her collar hasn't been engraved with my name yet?"

"Yes, I was less certain you'd want her. It can be engraved tonight by one of my slaves, after I send in her final paperwork," Master Skrall replied.

"All right," Jak said, "Engrave Julia's collar with _both_our names. Since Julia also interested you, I'll gladly co-own her with you."

Once Julia's collaring ceremony was done, Master Skrall asked, "Now, would you like to claim their virginity here and now? Or in the the privacy of the antechamber that's through the curtain to my right? Or wait until after we've enjoyed lunch? I'd like to see proof you've properly claimed at least the oldest of the three today, but given the younger age of the other two, it's fine if you want to allow them to ripen a bit first. My staff doctor assures me, however, that both of the younger girls are sufficiently developed to be fucked by someone as well endowed as I am, without damaging her."

Jak's stomach grumbled at the mention of lunch, and he said, "I'm hungry, and I can wait to claim them properly until after the meal."

The lunch feast began, and Julia took Kyra's place as Jak's personal attendant, bringing him food and feeding him, while Luna and Ashara entertained everyone by passionately licking each other through several orgasms, pausing only when Jak insisted on feeding one or the other of them a tasty morsel from the feast. Ashara kept her teddy bear clutched in one arm the whole time, always positioning it so Jak could see her holding the toy.

"Look at how pretty and tight my little sister's cunt is, Master!" Luna said, laying on her back in a 69 position with Ashara. She parted the child's nether lips to show off her cute pink gash, then slowly and deliberately licked her sister's cunt several times. "I just love the way my sister tastes, Master! You'll love tasting her too, I'm sure! And can you imagine how tight her twelve year old cunt will feel around your cock? Why, I can barely wiggle a fingertip into her love hole, see?"

Jak rubbed the growing bulge in his loincloth, and replied, "She certainly _does_look delicious. I can't wait to claim both of you."

As they ate and enjoyed the slave girls' incestuous floor show, Master Skrall asked, "Unusual choice for your own tattoo there, Jak. What is the significance of having the number three on your shoulder?"

"It goes back to that training mission that killed everyone else in my squad. We were squad three. As the only survivor, I had our squad's number tattooed on my shoulder, to honor my fallen squad members."

"Ahhh, yes. A good reason to bear such a mark," the elder Master replied.

When the meal was concluded, Jak suggested, "Julia, why don't you use your special skills to pleasure my grandfather, since he was so intrigued by them. I will want to claim your virginity myself, later, but other than that, please do your best to pleasure him for me, while I see to claiming your two new collar-sisters. Luna, Ashara, please come with me to the antechamber that Grandfather offered me." He took their leashes in hand and led them away. The girls obediently followed, with Ashara still clutching her teddy bear.

Julia rushed over to Master Skrall, and whispered in his ear urgently. He nodded and allowed her to remove his loincloth, as he slouched in his chair so she had better access to his ass.


In the antechamber, there was no proper bed, but there was a thick carpet about the size of a twin bed, with a large pillow at one end. "I guess this will do," Jak said. "Luna, I intend to claim you fully at this time. Ashara, you will participate in your sister's deflowering now, but I will wait to claim your virginity until later tonight, with your sister participating much as you will now. You'll only lose your virginity once, and I'll only get this one chance to enjoy taking it. I want to focus most of my attention on one of you at a time, so I can make it the best possible experience for all of us."

"That is extremely kind of you, Master. I think my sister and I are very lucky to have you as our new Master," Luna said. "What would you like us to do first?"

"Well, before we begin, Luna, are you properly prepared for me to claim you in both your vagina _and_your ass?" Jak asked. "Do you need to use the bathroom first? I like anal sex, but I don't want a stinky mess."

"I am quite ready now, oh Master," Luna replied. "We were both carefully prepared for you by one of the other slave girls shortly before we were presented to you, so our asses are as clean as one can hope for. What that girl did to us felt very weird, Master, but we are now very clean back there. We are also still somewhat lubricated back there, but the washing nozzle that she stuck into our butts was no bigger than a finger, and the bulge in your loincloth tells me your cock is huge, so you'll certainly need to use more lube and to stretch us out a bit with your fingers or a dildo first, to prepare us for a cock as large as you must possess. There should be lube, condoms and sex toys in the side table drawer in every bedroom."

"Speaking of condoms, are either of you fertile?" Jak asked.

"I am, but my sister is not fertile yet, Master," Luna replied. "Her first periods haven't happened yet, but the doctor at our breeders said she should become fertile in the next year. If Master is worried about us getting pregnant, that is not an issue. We have been taught that a reptilian male is extremely unlikely to be able to impregnate a mammalian girl. The species are too different to be cross-fertile, though we are certainly compatible for giving and receiving pleasure. And even if you did manage to impregnate me, or if anyone else who you allow me to have sex with does so, I would bear the child gladly, as part of my duty to you."

Jak was relieved to hear another person make the same statements that Elita had, about it being unlikely that he might get a mammal girl pregnant. But he reminded himself that he would almost certainly have to take some precautions with little Julia, so he didn't ruin the child by impregnating her at such a tender age. "Don't slave girls ever get birth control?" Jak asked.

"Well, certainly they can, if that is what their Master desires," Luna replied. "But many Masters want to try to place a baby in the belly of their new slave when they claim them, or want to breed them soon after that, so traditionally a girl of childbearing age is delivered to her new Master without any contraceptives in her system. I'm sure you could easily impregnate our friend Julia, if you want to. How does Master wish to use me first? I am very good at cock sucking. Should I do that for you first, to get you ready for deflowering me?"

"Not yet. I want you both to lay on your backs on that carpet, side by side. I want to get a good taste of each of you, while you're still virgins," Jak said. The girls obediently got into position, and Jak lay on his tummy between Luna's legs first. He sniffed appreciatively at the older girl, and then started to eagerly lick at her cunt slit and at the nub of her clitoris.

"Oh Master! Your tongue is so different than what I am used to! It's so long, and so cool! I've never been licked by anyone other than a fox before," Luna said, squirming happily as Jak's oral efforts got her juices flowing freely. "Do I taste good, Master? Does my taste please you?"

"Mumm humm. Very nice. Now to compare you to your little sister," Jak said, moving over and applying equal effort to the younger vixen's private places.

Luna propped herself up with one elbow to watch, while rubbing her slit with the fingers of her free hand, to keep her juices flowing and her cunt ready for her Master. "Isn't she delicious, Master? Don't you love the way my little sister tastes?

Ashara arched her back and murred happily. "Oh! Oh yes, Master! Your tongue is much cooler than my sister's tongue! It sends shivers all through me when you lick me like that. Ah! Ahhh! Ooooooo!" She grabbed the edge of the carpet with both hands and climaxed, tripping easily over her crest because of her anticipation of her Master's first sexual contact with her, and her eagerness to please him.

"Oh yeah, you're both delicious. Now return the favor. Take off my loincloth, and each of you can suck my cock." Jak commanded, scooting Ashara aside to make room to sit on the carpet between them.

Luna obediently removed her Master's belt and loincloth, and both girls admired his cock. Jak was exerting as much willpower as he could to prevent his upper cock from emerging from its cloaca just yet. He didn't want to frighten the young girls with the idea that he had _two_cocks, and could fuck both their tight holes at once!

Ashara moved down to kneel between her Master's knees, still clutching her silly, childish teddy bear, and gazed in wonder at the sight. She giggled and said, "Oh wow! Our Master has such a big one! Can... Can I suck your cock first? My big sis has sucked lotsa cocks, but I've never done it before." She looked at him adoringly.

"Go ahead. Just put it in your mouth and suck on it, and be careful not to scrape me with your teeth," Jak replied. He stood up to place his cock at a more comfortable height for the child, and gazed down at her. Ashara appeared to be very young in that pose, especially with that toy in her grasp. He had specified girls that were past puberty, mostly because he had wanted to be sure the girl had grown up enough for a cock as big as his to be able to fit inside her. But the girls' statements that their hands-on sexual training had started when they were only _six_had him seriously wondering just how young of a child was considered legal when it came to a master having sex with a slave. He knew that a child was still a minor here until they were 16, but what was the age of consent? Hadn't that kid at the starport said his little sister was sucking off her adult fiancee in front of her parents when she was only twelve? Had that been legal? And was the age of consent younger, or even non-existent, for slaves rather than free girls? He would want to find out, before he got into trouble for accepting a chance to have sex with a girl who was just too damned young.

Any further thoughts flew out of his head when Ashara gathered up her courage and stuffed Jak's cock as deep into her mouth as she could. She gagged at first, but she had seen her big sis swallow every inch of their daddy's equally long cock lots of times, and she was determined to do the same for her new Master, even though he was much thicker than daddy. She remembered Luna saying something about trying to actually swallow the cock, like she was swallowing a big chunk of food that she shouda chewed more before making the attempt. She took a deep breath, ignored the urge to throw up, and swallowed several times.

"Oh damn!" Jak gasped, as the tip of his cock popped into the little girl's throat, he slid all the way into her muzzle, until her nose poked him in the cloaca. "Dang, girl, are you _sure_that's your first time? This feels great!"

Ashara made a choking sound as she tried to answer, then she pulled back her head and gasped for air, coughing fiercely. "I... I did it! I got it inta my throat, just like you do, sis! No I never did that before, Master, I promise. Not even with a dildo. I just tried to do what I saw sis do for daddy, an' it worked!"

"Well, don't suffocate yourself, but keep it up, because that felt _really_good," Jak said, petting her head and ears affectionately. "It won't take much of that for you to make me cum."

"I'll try, Master!" The little vixen promised, and she took another deep breath and went down on him again. This time she hardly gagged at all as the thick shaft popped into her throat, and she bobbed her head up and down three or four times before coming up for air again.

On her next time taking him to the hilt, Jak shuddered and started cumming right down her throat. It was like his cock was being milked in a very firm grasp, and the intensity of his climax was incredible. "Damn that's good! Back off and let me fill your mouth, pretty slave. I want you able to keep breathing through your nose, while you catch as much of my cum on your mouth as you can, to show me before you swallow the last of it. Damn, your mouth is so soft and hot! This is great!"

Ashara grunted and pulled back until the tip of his cock remained in her mouth, and she could breathe through her nose. She had to swallow his cum several times to keep from having it overflow all over her face, and when his spurts diminished and stopped, she let his cock slip free and showed him her last mouthful of cum.

"Very good! Now swallow that, and we'll see about popping your sister's cherry," Jak said.

"But Master, what shall we do while you recover? Aren't you spent now?" Luna asked.

Jak grinned, and allowed his upper cock to extend as his lower one deflated. "No problem, I have a spare," he said with a wicked grin.

"Oh wow! You have TWO cocks?" Luna cried in amazement.

"That's so cool!" Ashara said, staring at the emerging second phallus.

"Yeah, and you're gonna get both of 'em at once if you can take it, Luna!" Jak said. He got a bottle of lube from the bedside table drawer, and a dildo that was midway in size between his finger and his cock, and said, "Bend over, girl, and let's loosen up that virgin butt hole of yours."

"Yes Master!" Luna said, getting on all fours on the carpet and raising her tail obligingly.

"Should I keep sucking the cock that I sucked before, Master, so both of 'em will be ready for my sister?" Ashara asked eagerly.

"Switch back and forth between them, but you won't need to do much of that. I recover pretty fast,"Jak said. He spread his knees so the younger vixen could lay on her back beneath him and suck his cocks, while he probed Luna's butt with a finger and added more lube. He sniffed his finger and said, "Yep, you're nice and clean all right. All I smell is this lube. Heh! I guess it's cherry flavored. How appropriate!"

Luna groaned and wiggled her butt as Jak got in one finger, and then two, and then withdrew them and slowly eased in the even larger dildo. "Ohhh! OH! Oh Master! That's so big! And you're bigger? Oh my!"

"It isn't hurting too much, is it?" Jak asked.

"It hurts a little, but I can do it, Master! D-don't worry... ungh! ...about me. G-go ahead and... and put it in for real," she replied.

By this point, both of Jak's cocks were hard again. He got on his back and said, "Squat over me and sit on it. Let your weight help you to get the first cock up your ass. The we'll see about that cherry of yours."

"Like this, Master?" Luna asked, positioning herself and guiding his lower cock to her tailhole, while facing him.

"Yeah. Now ease down onto it, nice and slow," Jak said, relaxing and allowing the slave to do all the work.

"It... It's going in! Oh DAMN it's big!" Luna cried. "I c-can d-do this! Unghhh!" she pushed down and suddenly Jak's cock slipped into her ass to the hilt. "It's in! Yay!" she said with a giggle.

"Now raise up and guide the other one into your sweet little cunt!" Jak commanded, with his left arm supporting his head on the pillow and his right hand fondling her ass. "Give me your virginity, my pretty slave!"

"Yes Master," Luna said, rising up and placing the tip of his upper cock at her virginal slit. She was sopping wet now, and the tip slipped in with surprising ease. But as she lowered herself slowly, it felt like she was being split in half, even though she hadn't reached her hymen yet! "So big! I... I don't know if I..."

Jak suddenly grabbed her hips with both hands and thrust upward, ripping through her fragile maidenhead and burying both of his cock into her to the hilt. He pulled her close and kissed her, saying. "You've done it! You are mine, now and always. Give it a moment for the pain to pass, then ride my cocks and reap your reward for your sacrifice - your first orgasms from really getting fucked!"

"Yipe!" Luna screeched, as her cherry popped. She lay still atop him for a moment, panting heavily and crying from the pain. But soon she experimentally wriggled her hips, and began to move them as she had watched her mother do so many times before in her training. Before long she was moving more enthusiastically and moaning with pleasure, as the pain faded and her orgasm began to build.

For Jak, the feeling was the most intense pleasure he had ever experienced. Fucking Elita in both holes at once had been quite similar, but although the tigress and vixen were almost the same age, Luna was a smaller species, and was tighter. "Oh yeah. Ride it, baby! Fuck your Master!" he said encouragingly.

Ashara lay on the floor where she could clearly see her Master's blood-smeared cock plunging in and out of her sister's freshly deflowered vagina, while at the same time his other cock reamed the girl's ass. She fingered her slit wildly, careful not to plunge her fingers too deep and spoil her own maidenhead, yet seeking to cum along with her sister and Master.

All three of them found their release within seconds of each other, Luna hugging Jak tightly and bucking her hips as she felt her Master's hot seed flooding her cunt and her ass at the same time. Ashara whimpered and moaned as she climaxed with them, resting her head on Jak's thigh and gazing dreamily at her sister's sloppy crotch, knowing that before the night was over, that would be her fate as well. She could hardly wait, even though the size of his cocks frightened her.

When Luna sighed and rolled off her Master, Jak said, "Ashara? Clean me with your tongue. Get that mess all over your face, so they can all see you were very much a part of my claiming your sister."

The vixen obeyed at once, hesitating just a little to lick the cock that had just come out of her sister's ass. But when she was sure that the lower cock only had her Master's cum and the cherry flavored lube on it, she eagerly finished cleaning both of his cocks.


Jak led the vixens back into the main room. Julia was nowhere to be seen, and Elita, Felrasa and Nekonya all looked a bit flushed, but all right. Apparently the little lizard girl had given them quite a show.

Luna proudly showed Master Skrall how much cum and blood now smeared her two gaping and very well-fucked holes. Then Ashara knelt between her sister's legs and lapped at her sibling until her crotch was clean again.

"I also enjoyed the younger vixen's mouth, and I'll claim her virginity this evening. I plan to see about claiming Julia's tomorrow, if that's all right," Jak said. "Where is she? Did she displease you?"

"That was well done, grandson," Master Skrall replied. "Julia's demonstration of her 'special talent' with her tongue was quite amazing. I don't think I've ever had anything that deep up my ass in my life, outside of a doctor's colon exam, and she definitely made me cum, several times. I merely sent her to wash her mouth with mouthwash before kissing any of us again. You should be sure to have her do it for you."

"I imagine I should," Jak replied, somewhat noncommittally.

"Have Bender or one of my slaves show you around, Jak. You and your friend should relax and enjoy yourselves," the old man said. "I'm not feeling that well, and I might not attend dinner with you. But I'm glad to have my grandson an heir back home with me, where he belongs."