Scales & Tails

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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"Can you believe we're finally doing this?" Tim asked Craig as they walked down the portion of town that had occupied only their fantasies for so long. Lights flashed with various signs of innumerable adult establishments and nude bars.

The two young men had just both come of age and had been good friends for several years. They had also discussed innumerable times about how, when the time came, they would venture together into the realm of eroticism. Tim was a year older than Craig, but the two human males were so closely knit that they'd mutually agreed that they would wait until they were both of proper age before their first trip into the misty world of adult pleasures.

"I know... I've heard so much about this place." Craig answered as they strolled past clubs of various themes and names. One of the things that the two men had always shared, apart from their common obsession with metal, was an irresistible attraction to the scalier side of the opposite sex.

Mainly... dragonesses.

(Progenies of the Great Apocalypse by Dimmu Borgir)

Out of all the furs and even other humans... Tim and Craig found dragonesses most appealing of all. And this mutual infatuation was the reason they passed club after club with barely a second glance. Where they were headed happened to be a place they had both talked about and coveted for a long time.

"Holy shit... there it is..." Tim whispered suddenly, putting his head next to Craig's and pointing ahead of them.

There stood a rather ritzy establishment with a large sign over the front door that read ‘Scales and Tails'. And as the two men approached it, the pounding music from the other various clubs seemed to fade away into the background.

"Wow..." Craig whispered, clearly taken aback by the sigh before him. "I didn't expect it to be THAT fancy..."

"Neither did I, actually... but who gives a fuck? We can finally go in!" Tim said with gusto, giving Craig a sharp clap on the back, which almost made the younger man double over.

"Ow! Shit man... don't do that. I dunno if my spine can take it..." he groaned as he raised himself back up.

"Sorry bro... guess I forgot about that." Tim said in an apologetic tone.

"Gentleman..." the bouncer at the front door, a rather tall, thin man in a light blue tuxedo and a thick European accent said in an unassuming tone while puffing on a cigarette.

"Um... hi there." Tim answered almost clumsily as he and Craig handed him their IDs. Because they'd never done anything like this before they were still a bit nervous... but they both heaved a sigh of relief when the man handed them back their driver's licenses and waved them through.

The first thing Tim and Craig noticed was that the pounding bass so characteristic of strip clubs was almost totally absent. Instead their senses were assailed with a mixture of classical symphonic music and a certain element of jazz.

And as their vision finally started to refocus from the change in light, they saw supple shapes swaying and moving to the tempo of the music, lithe and curvaceous and delightfully titillating in their motions. But when their eyes had fully acclimated, they saw that they were dragonesses, dancing and moving in all manner of sensual fashions and angelic displays of flexibility. There were several runways, all leading to steel poles. A few of the gorgeous scaled females twined themselves around these vertical pillars, peeling off their already skimpy clothes while others strutted back and forth to the tumultuous approval of a crowd of males... and even some females.

"Wow..." the two men whispered in unison. Despite the obvious and near irresistible allure of these draconian temptresses, all Tim and Craig could do was stare in awe of the incredible spectacle in front of them.

(44 Minutes by Megadeth)

After nearly a minute of just watching, mouths a-gape, Craig gave himself a mental slap and shook himself slightly before he threw an arm around Tim's shoulder.

"C'mon... let's go." He said to his friend who nodded overzealously.

The two of them tried not to look like the virgins that they most certainly were as they walked through the throng of observers.

"Thank goodness this is a ‘no smoking' club. With all these people..." Tim said quietly to Craig.

"I know... disgusting things those cigarettes..." Craig affirmed, earning a nod from Tim. "God... this place has so many lovely ladies... where do you think we should go first?"

"How about over there? Things seem to be getting interesting over there..." Tim answered, pointing to one stage in particular that was beginning to attract a large crowd.

As they edged closer they could see a gorgeous dragoness with sky blue scales, appearing to be no more than twenty-five years of age, walking slowly back and forth in front of a mass of whistling and catcalling spectators. She was already down to nothing but a lacy bra and a thong and had a teasing smile gracing her muzzle. Her hips swayed and her body undulated in a kind of serpentine way to the beat of the music.

"Holy shit... she's beautiful..." Craig said in an awestruck tone.

The blue dragoness suddenly leaned back so that her spine was a nearly perfect C, her hands traveling to her chest and squeezing her ample breasts that were still covered by her bra.

"Do you want these?" she queried in a light voice as her eyes addressed the crowd, which brought a fresh bout of cheers.

(The Gears by Dethklok)

Upon hearing the obvious answer to her rather rhetorical question, her delightfully feminine hands moved around behind her. Taking a few more moments to tease the patrons with her eyes and persistent lack of nudity, she finally pulled at the knot that held her bra in place and let out an audible purr as it fell away from her young, bountiful breasts.

She tossed her now useless bra into the crowd with a flourish and reached up to once again to begin caressing her prominent globes of scaled flesh. She lifted one up and brought her taut, pink nipple to her mouth and began to suck on it, inciting a roar of whistles and hoots from the onlookers.

"Mmm... much better." She churred with a sultry drawl as she sucked on her other breast briefly. Then she strutted her way over to the vertical steel pole at the end of the walkway she was on and pressed her shapely form against it. The cold metal spire rested between her breasts and she moaned softly as she began to rub herself up and down it. She then twined her body around the pole, humping lightly against it with a dazed look of ecstasy on her face.

The crowd applauded her efforts further when she pressed her breasts together around the pole, sliding herself up and down as though tit fucking a large cock. Her nipples hardened and she moaned when they came in contact with the cold metal.

"Do you folks want more?" the blue dragoness said in her teasing voice, breaking away from the pole and walking over to regard her audience. "Or rather.... Less...?" Her hands moved to her waist and tugged on her panties.

"This place is awesome..." Craig was jolted out of his dragoness-induced stupor by a gentle nudge in the ribs from Tim.

"Well hello there..." the two young men almost jumped suddenly as they heard the voice of the draconian femme, only much closer than before. They turned with astonishment to see her staring at them from no more than two feet away. She had dropped to her hands and knees and was now leaning over the side of the stage, looking at the two boys with drooped eyelids and a diabetes-inducing expression. It was all Tim and Craig could do to keep their eyes from traveling lower to where her beautiful breasts hung tantalizingly close to them. "First time here, I take it..."

It took more than five full seconds before either of them felt smart enough to muster a reply.

"W-What makes you say that, ma'am?" Craig asked in as steady of a voice as he could.

"Well, don't take my observation for its connotations, sweetie... but the other patrons have been showing their appreciation of my routine since I began, while you two have stood here and stared. Not that I mind that..." she finished with her left eyelid dropping in a sexy wink.

Craig almost jumped as he felt another elbow in his ribs. He looked over to Tim who mouthed ‘give her something' from the corner of his lips.

(A Future Uncertain by Nevermore)

Craig reached into his pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill, handing it to her sheepishly.

"Here you are, ma'am. We didn't mean to be impolite."

"Oh psh... my comment was not meant to incite you to give me money. I was simply pointing it out as a distinguishing characteristic of someone not familiar with places like this." The dragoness answered with the same soft voice. "But it IS very generous of you..." she added in a somewhat more seductive tone. "Allow me to reciprocate."

No sooner had the words left her muzzle then she'd turned around, her delectable scaled rump now facing Craig. She looked between her legs at him, winked, raised her tail high over her back and pulled her lace panties down her sinuous legs. Craig's eyes widened as he took in the sight of her fine-scaled pussy and little pink tailhole, his pants now becoming even more uncomfortably tight then they had already been.

"Dat ass..." he whispered to himself.

"You like?" she giggled as she stepped out of her panties and tossed them aside. "I think the product of your generous financial sacrifice is beneficial to the rest of the audience as well."

Craig somehow managed to wrench his eyeballs away from the beautiful dragoness pussy in front of him to see the rest of the crowd leering at him; some with looks of jealousy, others with looks that could kill.

"Heh... I suppose so." He said more to himself than the dragoness who, when he turned back to her, had suddenly dropped onto her back and was now doing a full spread, her feet behind her ears.

The crowd of horny furs and people applauded her profusely. And with the ice somewhat shattered, Tim and Craig smiled and joined them in showing her their appreciation.

(The Right to Go Insane by Megadeth)

Unknown to Craig and Tim, or any of the other patrons for that matter, a discerning pair of eyes was observing the activities of the club from a higher place. Upon a balcony overlooking the entire scene an elegant muzzle curved upwards in a smile, a serpentine tail twitched with interest and a draconian tongue licked idly over scaled lips.

"Madame Novalyn?"

The elder dragoness whirled around on a graceful heel to regard the source of the voice.

"Ah yes, just the person I wanted to see..." she said as she addressed the speaker, a large wolf with grey fur. "Come and observe this wonderful scene with me for a moment. I want you to do me a favor..."

The wolf walked over beside her.

"Yes, m'lady?"

Novalyn closer her eyes, leaned her head back and took a deep breath.

"I think I'm going to go down and do a routine." She said in a smooth tone that spoke not only of the deliberation that preceded the statement, but also the conviction that came with any decision she made.

The large wolf beside Novalyn turned his head and looked at her.

"Really, m'lady? It's been a long time since you've done that..."

"I know... but it isn't like I don't enjoy it. And tonight... I just feel compelled to for some reason." She replied, still smiling. "Do you see those two young boys down there?" she suddenly asked and pointed down to the floor.

"Umm... yes. The two that Andrea just finished erm... playing with?" he offered.

"Yes. It seems I've trained her well. She can spot the fresh patrons almost as well as I can." The dragoness spoke as her eyes rested upon the beautiful blue draconian femme, who was now fully nude and entertaining the tumultuous crowd of people surrounding her stage. Then she turned her head to the side and regarded her lupine companion. "When I'm done doing my routine, I would like you to tell those two boys that I would like to see them in my room. And while I'm out there, I will do my best to give them more than enough reason to accept." she said with a flourish of her tail and a brush of her hair from her eyes.

"I understand. But may I inquire why you have such interest in two young human males?"

"That isn't your concern. But I will say that I see in them something that only they can give me. Now please, let me prepare myself."

"As you wish, m'lady." The wolf replied, giving a respectful bow and walking from the room.

The elder dragoness remained rooted to the spot as she watched the two young men with nigh-unblinking eyes. As she did her thighs began to twitch.

(Inner Sanctum by Behemoth)

Novalyn was the owner of Scales and Tails. She was a dragoness 40 years venerable, yet still was a very sexual creature. She had witnessed many things in her time, endured countless changes in her body and suffered through innumerable cycles of estrus.

The reason for her interest in the two young men stemmed from the last of these bodily processes once again making itself known. Even as experienced as she was, her body had not ceased to periodically torment her with feelings of lust and desire that needed to be quenched. She'd never had any trouble finding a proper suitor to help still the fire within her.

But almost every time it had been someone closer to her own age.

Outside her heat, she had dabbled in many sexual scenarios with many different partners. And few things stoked her arousal and turned her on more than being able to help introduce ‘fresh meat' to the many vast possibilities of sex.

For lack of a better phrase... she liked popping cherries.

Certainly there were more attractive, virile and mature males to be had, especially for someone of her intoxicating physical beauty... but there was something about an inexperienced partner that she just found rather... well, cute.

And the two males she was now watching most certainly fit the bill. She could almost tell just from their posture alone. But the way they avoided indulging themselves in any way at first confirmed her suspicions about their inexperience.

Virgins if she ever saw them.

She ground her thighs together softly and licked her lips once again as her heat saw fit to remind her of its existence with a fresh wave of desire. She then turned and walked over to her wardrobe to get herself ready.

(Way of the Fist by Five Finger Death Punch)

With the unfolding drama above unknown to them, Craig and Tim were continuing to enjoy themselves among the myriad of lovely dragonesses. A bit more freely now did they wander the club, observing and applauding other displays of sensuality.

"Hey dude, what's that?" Tim asked and pointed to a sign that read ‘Milk Bar' in large pink letters.

"I dunno, let's go see." Tim answered and the two men changed course.

As they approached the sign their eyes fell upon what was indeed a bar. And tending to that bar and its patrons was yet another dragoness... with red scales and possibly the largest pair of breasts either of them had ever seen. She also appeared to be several months pregnant.

And she was polishing her breasts with a cloth...

Tim and Craig looked at one another for several moments and then back at the bar; their eyes riveted upon the dragoness's pert rack.

"Well hello there. What can I do for you two?" the ruby dragoness asked as Craig and Tim approached.

"Erm... well I suppose we'd like some... milk?" Tim said in a rather skeptical voice.

"Alright then. Help yourself." The draconian female answered with a warm grin.

There was a long and awkward pause during which time the three of them just stood looking at each other expectantly.

"Umm... where?" Craig asked. The dragoness giggled and cupped her breasts, accentuating their fullness.

"Where do you think?"

Both Tim and Craig's jaws hit the floor almost simultaneously, unable to believe that their most insane fabrication of the sign's meaning was actually true.

"Oh come now, its not that unusual..." she purred, jerking the two men out of their shocked state. "It's not like you haven't done it before..."

Well... n-no. I suppose not." Tim said, looking away in slight embarrassment. "But..."

He stopped speaking when he heard the dragoness give a soft moan and turned back to face her, doing a double-take as he saw that Craig had already leaned forward to begin suckling on her left breast.

"Dude!" he exclaimed.

"What?!" Craig answered, pulling himself from her bosom and looking back at his friend. "You're actually going to ask questions with something like this staring you in the face?"

"It's your choice, sweetie." The red dragoness said before murring again as Craig returned to greedily suckling her breast.

With what had happened with the blue dragoness earlier, Tim shrugged and bellied up to the bar. Leaning forward he sealed his lips around the red dragoness's other breast and began to suck gently. Immediately the thickest, most rich tasting milk flowed along his tongue and down his throat, making his eyes roll back in his head with utter rapture at its exquisite taste. Both he and Craig felt her paws on the back of their heads, holding them against her.

For at least 5 minutes Craig and Tim nursed from the beautiful, bountiful bosom before them, taking their fill of her delicious elixir. Her large nipples hardened and became erect in their mouths, the flow of her wonderful milk never seeming to cease.

But soon they felt the paws on the backs of their heads remove themselves.

"Alright boys, don't want to suck me dry do you?" came her voice from above them.

"Actually, yes." Craig offered without the slightest hesitation.

"Well, I'm not an endless well of milk. But I hope you two enjoyed yourselves."

"Indeed we did. Thank you, miss." Tim said with a courteous bow before pulling out his wallet. "How much was that?"

"There is never a charge for my services. The dancers make the majority of the money here, think of this as a complimentary amenity for the benefit of those who keep coming back and patronizing our wonderful little establishment."

"Oh rest assured, ma'am... we'll certainly be coming back." Craig said, again, without a moment's hesitation.

Tim didn't put his wallet away upon hearing of the free service, instead reaching into it and pulling out a twenty.

"Please... I wouldn't feel right having had such a wonderful experience... and full stomach... without some sort of compensation." He said in a concrete tone as he placed the bill upon the wooden bar.

"That's awfully sweet of you, hun. I appreciate it greatly." The dragoness replied with a warm smile, taking the bill and putting it in her pocket.

(Get to the Choppa by Austrian Death Machine)

"Ladies and Gentleman." Came a voice over the club's P.A. system. "We have a special treat for you tonight. Gracing the stage for the first time in a very long while, and most likely seldom again.... The owner of Scales and Tails wishes to show her appreciation to all of her beloved patrons."

Craig and Tim immediately began looking around, trying to find the speaker.

"Over there..." Tim said and pointed to where a spotlight had been focused on a rather large grey-furred wolf. He was speaking from in front of a large curtain that led to a central runway.

"I was wondering what that larger stage was for..." Craig mused as they both started walking over, not wanting to miss out on whatever obviously significant event was about to transpire.

"So please, enjoy this rare performance ... and make her feel welcome." The wolf finished and stepped to the side, the spotlight moving to the center of the curtain.

The crowd, now all gathered around the central runway, erupted into tumultuous applause as the curtain was pushed aside, seeming to spread of its own accord to make way for the exotic feminine figure that stepped through the gap.

At first Tim and Craig were confused because the dragoness that had revealed herself had her arms to the side and was clearly making no move with them to open the curtain. But then they realized that the fabric was being parted by her two magnificent wings, the translucent membranes taking on the color of the scenery behind them and making it appear as though the curtain parted by itself in sheer reverence to her feminine beauty.

And beautiful she was.

(The Preacher by Testament)

The first thing Craig and Tim noticed about her were her eyes... the brilliant gold of a freshly risen sun. Her eyelids were drooped slightly to convey her ease of demeanor as well as a certain degree of practiced sensuality. Her scales were hued like the horizon just before the last dreg of light vanished; an amazingly piercing black with the slightest hint of another, as yet indiscernible color. Her hair was shoulder length and glistened like polished ivory, framing her elegantly smiling muzzle beautifully. Those leathery wings extended to either side of her at least five feet... the lengthy appendages served to accentuate her hourglass figure flawlessly. She, like the blue dragoness, was also wearing a two-piece article of lingerie. It was nowhere near as revealing...but it seemed to be much more finely crafted from the most expensive linens and fabrics.

She was perfect... blissfully and maturely perfect.

Tim leaned over to Craig and whispered in his ear.

"Fuck... she would certainly fall under the ‘D-MILF' category..."

"Hello everyone." Came Novalyn's voice, rising over the din of the crowd and yet maintaining its soft tone as if she still spoke without the slightest effort to make herself heard. "I hope you've been enjoying yourselves this evening... and I once again thank you for choosing Scales and Tails among the myriad of other choices you so clearly have for your entertainment." She continued as her gaze swept her audience. Her eyes seemed to linger for just a fraction of a second longer upon Tim and Craig and her smile seemed to widen almost imperceptibly before she continued to regard her beloved patrons. "Now allow me to provide you with further incentive..."

Upon finishing her sentence the lights throughout the entire room dimmed. The change caused Novalyn's scales to take on a slightly different color; the piercing obsidian being undershadowed by a subtle yet vibrant violet. Her hair also seemed to glint even brighter like the surface of a windswept lake under the light of a full moon.

(Dethharminic by Dethklok)

Almost simultaneously her body began to sway in time with the slow beat of the drawling jazz music that had started to play. She raised her arms over her head and began to move her hips from side to side with her eyes closed and her muzzle still holding that sensual smile. Her long tail also undulated in serpentine waves as her hands began to wander and caress her own body.

She seemed to take slightly greater care with dancing than the blue dragoness had. This was made evident from the fact that she touched herself without seeming to want to sate some form of arousal or sexual ache. Her fingers traced her own features with slow and deliberate purpose.

"Mmm." Novalyn could be heard to murmur as her hands reached her bra-covered breasts. They were obviously smaller than the triple-D's of the dragoness behind the bar, but not by much. The dark-scaled club owner leaned herself back and thrust her bust out to the mass approval of the crowd. Her beautiful golden eyes opened to regard them. Slowly she cupped her breasts from beneath and hefted them, looking cheekily at her spectators before she extender her serpentine tongue and licked both of them in turn.

Without skipping a beat as the crowd cheered her she whirled around on a graceful heel and bent over. With her supple rump now facing her audience Novalyn reached down and ran her paws up her seemingly endless legs and over her firm scaled cheeks as she rose up again.

"You're a wonderful audience. Truly." Came her melodious voice as she slowly strutted along the edge of the stage. And as she passed them, her tail ran itself first under Craig's and then Tim's chin.

When Novalyn had reached the center of the runway once again she suddenly wrapped her wings around herself as a spotlight shined on her from behind. The effect was such that her silhouette was projected on her wing membranes while the opacity of them prevented any fine detail from being visible.

Novalyn then started to strip.

Although her head was still visible, her body was completely covered by her wings. But the leathery membranes were translucent enough that Tim and Craig could clearly see her arms reaching up to slowly begin undoing the tie to her lacy bra. She made quite a show of the simple action but finally removed it entirely and raised the now useless article above her head. "I think you deserve a reward.

With her wings still covering her body and offering a tantalizingly vague view of her now bare breasts Novalyn tossed her bra into the crowd.

(First Strike Is Deadly by Testament)

While her audience clamored for the skimpy article, Novalyn dipper head below the cover of her wings. This gave her the appearance of a luminescent cocoon with the silhouette of a dragoness on the inside. And through the marginal opacity of her membranes Craig and Tim gawked along with the rest of the audience as her shadow turned to the side. Her head dipped down as her hands cupped her breasts, the shadow of her muzzle fused with the shadow of her breasts as she nursed herself.

Craig let out a whistle of approval that blended with the countless others. Tim continued to just stare in awe at the sensual spectacle of the elder dragoness teasing his eyes with her flawless body, just out of reach of his vision.

As her muzzle lifted itself from her bosom her hands once more began to roam her curvaceous form behind the concealment of her wings, pausing when they reached her waist. After lingering there for a few moments her delicate fingers began working with something. Her shadow then bent over while her hands slid down the length of her tail.

There was a collective gasp and a rush of air being pushed aside as Novalyn suddenly unfurled her wings wide. Her breasts were bare and perfect, delicious globes of scaled flesh crested by dark nipples. But her tail had snaked between her legs and covered her crotch while the end of it now rested just above her navel, her panties hanging from the end. She drooped one of her eyelids in a sexy wink and flicked her tail once, tossing her last piece of modesty into the crowd.

She then pressed down on her tail and ground her crotch against it, sliding a few feet of her scaled appendage along her nether lips with a moan. Her hips undulated and thrust lightly against her tail while her eyes opened to affix the audience with a chiding look.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Novalyn said in her smooth voice as she moved the tip of her tail up between her breasts and sucked gently on the tip.

With one final roar from the crowd she blew them a kiss, turned on her heel and strode back towards and through the curtain behind the runway.

But unbeknownst to Tim or Craig... or any of the crowd for that matter... Novalyn gave a smile and a small nod to the grey wolf that was still standing by the curtain.

Craig and Tim were following the rest of the crowd as it dispersed from the center runway and redistributed itself around the various other dragonesses that had resumed their dancing and stripping.

"How lucky are we, huh?" Tim said in an excited voice while nudging Craig in the shoulder again.

"I guess so. Apparently that only happens once in a blue moon. And she was gorgeous..."

Just as Tim was about to offer an affirmation, he suddenly felt a large hand on his left shoulder, Craig jumping slightly as he felt one on his right. Both of then turned around to find that they were in the wide-armed embrace of the large grey wolf.

"Madame Novalyn wishes to see the two of you." he spoke in a voice that lacked any sort of threat, but nonetheless contained an undertone of seriousness.

"Us?" Craig asked, dumbstruck. Immediately he thought that somehow he and his friend had done something wrong.

"Why on earth does she want to see US?" Tim chimed in a bit more adamantly than he had meant to due to his astonishment.

"She was vague on her motive, but resolve in her wishes." He answered as he turned around. "Please... come with me."

To have said that Craig and Tim were apprehensive would have been a severe understatement. However, given the nature of the wolf who had voiced the request as well as the dragoness to whom he answered... a single glance at one another established that objecting such an invitation would not be the best idea.

"Okay..." Tim said.

"Good. Please follow me." The wolf replied and began walking towards a small door in a discreet corner of the room behind one of the runways. The two young men followed in his wake, passing the blue dragoness from before as they reached the door. She blew them a kiss just before they crossed the threshold.

(the rain outside)

"Holy..." was the first thing that exited Tim's mouth as soon as his eyes registered the change of scenery. The doorway opened onto an incredibly glamorous hallway that lead to a staircase at the end. There were numerous expensive looking fixtures adorning the wall as well as a red carpet and various vases.

"This is amazing." Tim mused in awe while he and Craig continued to walk behind the wolf down the hallway.

(No Love Lost by Carcass)

Within a minute the three of the had climbed the staircase at the end of the hall and were standing in front of a glamorous, significant looking door. The wolf gave three sharp knocks on the polished wood and waited.

"Yes?" came a voice from within.

"Madam, I have brought the two men you wished to see."

"Oh thank you. Please, let them in." the first voice that could have only belonged to Novalyn said.

The grey wolf then opened the door and ushered them inside without another word.

Any astonishment from the hallway was immediately overshadowed by the room in which they now found themselves. It was decorated in an early Victorian style; everything in it looked like it would drain the normal man's annual finances should it be broken. There was a gentle glow cast over the space that flowed from a series of old looking light fixtures that adorned the walls in various places. There was also a four-poster bed in the corner of the extravagant abode.

But soon, however, Craig and Tim's eyes both fixed on a particular object in the center of the room.

There was a sort of archway in the wall covered by a set of lace curtains. It appeared to lead to a balcony of some sort. And through some light source on the other side, the two men could see the distinct outline of the elder dragoness cast against the lacy barrier.

"Thank you for accepting my none-too-subtle invitation." Came her voice from the other side of the curtain.

"Um... you're welcome." Tim said in a still somewhat uncertain voice.

"It isn't like we were in that much of a position to resist, miss. You have one hell of a bouncer..." Craig added with a light chuckle.

"Do you know why I called you here?" her voice inquired as her tail swept the curtain aside, she stepped through the gap and the two men were once again struck dumb by her beauty. She wore a silken robe with the same color of her scales. It was very loose and would have left much to the imagination had the two men not seen almost her entire body in all its splendor just moments before.

"No ma'am... not the slightest." Tim said while scratching the back of his head.

"I suppose not. But if you were say, a canine or even a dragon... you would already be able to smell why I brought you here." The dark-scaled temptress slurred to the two of them as she began to stride in their direction slowly.

(Sacrifice for the Slaughtergod by Skeletonwitch)

"For you see... I, like many females have periods of estrus; times of the year when I become fertile and able to bear young." She continued to speak. Her body, although mostly hidden by the robe she wore, still seemed to flow like a kind of erotic shadow while she strode towards the two men. "Each season I have endured, I always found someone to lay with and still the fire in my loins."

With each step she took and each word she spoke Tim and Craig became more and more apprehensive about the situation. They exchanged a single nervous glance before turning back to Novalyn, where what she now seemed to be doing riveted them to the spot and locked their eyes upon her every move.

The dragoness's hands had migrated to her waist where the tie to her robe was located. Her golden eyes shimmered with smoldering passion and the corners of her muzzle curved upwards into that sensual smile as, with a single deft motion, she undid the small knot an pulled her robe open to expose her entire body.

Despite the clear nervousness that both Craig and Tim were experiencing, the compulsion to look away for the sake of being polite was promptly trampled by the absolute feminine splendor that now addressed them. Her breasts remained the same gorgeous globes of scaled beauty that they had been, capped by her dark hued nipples now taut and erect with thinly-veiled anticipation. But her tail remained swaying gently behind her, her arms were at her sides, and her wings were extended outwards... leaving her most sacred regions blessedly exposed.

The darkened scales of her stomach faded abruptly, yet fluidly to a vibrant, yet tranquil silver around her crotch where her sex was on perfect display. Her pussy was surrounded by much finer scales and her labium were already glistening with her moisture. Her clitoris rested at the apex of her silver lips like a beautiful pearl, just waiting to be claimed. She also had what looked like a silver tattoo on her trim stomach; several words in an elegant font as well as an arrow pointing down to her crotch. It read ‘This way to the silver mine.'

"Do you enjoy what you see?"

"How can we not? You're.... just... just stunning." Tim answered, surprising even himself for a moment at the willingness he showed in replying to her. Something about either Novalyn or the atmosphere of the room seemed to be putting him more at ease. And with a glance over at his friend's considerably more lax posture, he deduced that Craig was feeling the same.

However... the considerable strain that their erections were putting upon the front of their pants was certainly not diminished.

"I appreciate your words. Many have uttered phrases similar to that... but it always makes me feel good." Novalyn said in her smooth voice as she reached them.

Both Craig and Tim let out a gasp as the elder dragoness reached down and grasped their bulges with her hands.

"Yes... you two are just what I've been looking for."

"W-What are you doing?!" Craig stammered in a mix of shock and the beginnings of pleasure.

"Haven't you guessed by now?" she whispered, giving their crotches a light squeeze and making both their backs arch slightly. Then she leaned in so that her head rested between theirs, her muzzle right next to their ears. "You see... in my lifetime and with my vocation... I have had the opportunity to have sex with almost every species and gender that I chose." Novalyn continued in her hushed tone. "But it's been so long since I've been with a human... and two are better than one." She then pulled back and stood to regard the two men. "So gentleman, will you help me? Will you help still the fire in my loins?" she asked in a completely legitimate voice. "I will not force either of you, the choice is completely yours. Should you refuse, you may leave this room without any fear of reproach or reprisal. However, should you accept my offer... I can promise you that your first sexual experience shall be one neither of you will ever forget."

"First sexual experience...? How...?" Craig moved to inquire but was silenced by Novalyn's tailtip pressing to his lips, hushing him.

"I think you'll find that I am no different from Andrea; the blue dragoness the two of you encountered earlier. Worry not how I know... but you have ‘virgin' written all over you."

Even with the magnitude of the scenario staring him in the face, Tim began to smile. If there was one thing the evening had taught him so far, it was that if it seems to good to be true... seize the opportunity. He turned to Craig who was also smiling, giving him a pat on the back and then turning back to Novalyn.

"You treated us to a wonderful show tonight, miss Novalyn." Tim said. "You are the only one here tonight that we have not compensated in some manner. We WOULD offer you a financial gift... but it appears as though you desire something else."

"And who would we be to turn down the chance to have a sexual experience with a dragoness as beautiful as you..." Craig chimed in.

The elder dragoness giggled. "Then come to bed with me." She purred.

In a flash she was sprawled fully out upon the sheets of the four-posted bed. Her legs were spread wide as she lay on her back and fingered herself lightly, gazing at the two men with lidded eyes and beckoning them with a swish of her elegant tail.

"Please, off with those pesky clothes. We will have a much easier time without them..." she said while continuing to watch them expectantly as they approached the foot of the bed.

While both Craig and Tim were having thoughts of embarrassment of being buck naked with their best friend... one look at the immaculately crafted feminine masterpiece staring back at them, her fingers toying lightly with her silver folds soon wiped those thoughts from their minds. Both of them stripped readily out of their clothes and stood before Novalyn as bare as she was.

"Much better." The elder dragoness churred with a deliberate note of purpose in her voice as she eyes them. Neither of the men were the most superb physical specimen, average in many ways. But both of them were fully erect and throbbing with arousal from Novalyn's proposition as well as being able to see her in all her glory. "I know it may seem slightly awkward at this point, but may I ask your names?"

"I'm Tim, and this is my best friend Craig." Tim answered and gave his compatriot a gentle pat on the back.

"Wonderful. Now... where to begin..." Novalyn mused aloud and scratched her chin, pretending to mull over the nonexistent dilemma with her eyes clearly affixed on the two masts of flesh before her. "I know just what to do."

The elder dragoness sat up and got on her hands and knees facing the two men. She crawled forward and gently grasped their cocks in her hands, looking up at them. Novalyn then dipped her head in and gave first Tim's and then Craig's member a kiss, both of the men moaning lightly. She then began to stroke their hot shafts. Her paws moved gently up and down their entire lengths while she murred loudly. "I can see you two are already as hard as you're going to get. You don't take long to get in the mood, do you?"

"C-Can you blame us?" Craig stammered trough the wonderful sensations of her delicate, yet firm paw stroking his sensitive manhood. "We've been in the mood... all night."

"Seeing all the... s-stimulating things you have in this place... makes us horny in the first place. B-But on learning that we're going to have sex with the..... oh fuck... the most experienced, mature and beautiful dragoness in the club..... well, that just sends us through the roof." Tim added with a groan as well.

"Mmmmyes, I suppose this was a bit sudden." Novalyn giggled and released their cocks from her grasp.

(Upon Wings of Black by Skeletonwitch)

Craig gasped and moaned deeply as Novalyn closed the gap between her muzzle and his erection, swirling her tongue around his tip and then down the length of it. His body arched softly into her sweet muzzle as her lips sealed around the first several inches of him into her mouth. She also took the hand that wasn't stroking Tim's cock and began to fondle his testicles lightly.

Tim watched the dazed look of bliss on Craig's face and smiled. Certainly he wanted as well to feel Novalyn suck him off as well... but he wasn't about to stop her if it made his friend feel that good.

"Tim, would you please be so kind as to help me get ready as well?" the elder dragoness asked, having briefly pulled herself off Craig's throbbing arousal.

"Umm, sure. What do you want me to do?"

Just climb onto the bed and get behind me... I think you'll figure out the rest." She giggled with a smile before pulling Craig's body onto the bed with her as well. She laid him on his back and once more engulfed his manhood with her muzzle.

"Shit!" Craig exclaimed as she began to suck gently on him.

Tim smiled and did as she bid. He climbed onto the bed with the two of them and shifted himself behind Novalyn, who was now back on all fours. His eyes widened as she raised her tail high over her back, exposing her silver mound and needy lips to him as well as her dark tailhole.

"Explore me as much as you desire, sweetie." She purred back to Tim and gave her rump an enticing wiggle.

"T-The same goes... f-for you!" Craig gasped as Novalyn returned to sucking on him while her paws fondled his balls.

Tim's hands grasped the firm cheeks of her rump and squeezed them in admiration. His fingers then made their way to the silver lips of her pussy and spread them apart. And it was upon the heels of this action that he made an interesting discovery. Rather than fade back to a gentle pink like he assumed they would, the inner exposed inner walls of her vagina remained as brilliantly silver as the fine scales surrounding her sex. His eyes widened as he took in the incredible and unique site before he began to smile again. "Amazing." He mused aloud before he extended his tongue and ran it over her sacred lips.

Craig shuddered as Novalyn moaned heavily around his shaft. The vibrations resonated within her muzzle and made his back arch convulsively with a burst of pleasure.

Tim's lips nibbled and sucked lightly at her labia and clitoris while he marveled at her exquisite flavor. His own member was hard as a rock and pulsing with desire, but all he was worried about now was getting more of his fill of dragoness pussy. But is mind was preoccupied somewhat as he felt her tail drape itself around his neck and pull his head against her in gentle encouragement while the very end of it continued down his body and wrapped itself around his erection.

"Mmm.... god." He moaned lightly against her and took her tail's gentle persuasion, pressing is entire mouth against her sex and lapping at her inner walls fervently.

Mean while, Novalyn's body began to grow hot and ready from Tim's attentions as well as from just sucking on Craig's cock. After several heady minutes of this she pulled off his erection and leaned her head lower to begin running her tongue over his testicles.

"Ohhh..." Craig moaned back to her in response and cupped her head gently in silent plea for her to continue. "T-That feels so good."

"Then enjoy, Craig." The elder dragoness murred before moaning loudly from Tim's attentions to her sensitive sex. His tongue on her sacred flesh made her writhe in place with pleasure. She then began to give Tim's manhood gentle squeezes with her tail, which in turn prompted him to tongue at her pussy with more gusto.

"You taste wonderful, miss Novalyn." Tim said upon pulling his tongue from her depths. He rubbed her outer lips with two fingers and chuckled as she moaned.

"I'm happy you enjoy it. Goodness knows you're not the only one who's enjoying what you're doing." the elder dragoness almost panted back to him before turning back to Craig and sucking on one of his testicles. "Mmm... but all this has gotten me incredibly aroused. I don't know how much longer I can last without something deep inside me."

"Well... I think we could satisfy that ache for you." Craig said amidst gasps of pleasure, as Novalyn had taken his other testicle into her mouth and was now sucking lightly upon it.

"Yes, I think we could. That's why... you called us here anyway... right?" Tim added between his long licks that bathed her entire mound in his saliva.

"Ohhyesssss, yes it is." She hissed each time Tim's tongue delved between her outer lips and slid wetly along her inner flesh. "And I don't think I can wait anymore to feel that." The dark-scaled beauty pulled herself from Craig's crotch and looked back at Tim. "Would you be so kind as to lie on your back?" she asked, her golden eyes shimmering and glinting with her arousal.

Tim removed his lips from her sweet pussy and nodded. "Of course." He spread his body out on the bed behind her, his manhood standing rigid and pulsing. "Like this?"

"Perfect." Novalyn replied with a lick of her lips and a swish of her tail. She then moved to straddle Tim's waist, resting her effeminate hands upon his chest and rubbing the lips of her needful pussy along the underside of his length and delighting in the oh so virgin moan he released. "Are you ready, sweetie?" she asked in a somewhat rhetorical tone, her tail swishing behind her.

"God you have no idea..." Tim groaned and ground his hips back up against her sex hungrily.

"Oh I think I have some idea." She responded before rising herself up and shifting her position slightly so that her outer lips just barely enfolded the head of his cock. Her paws massaged his chest to add to the sensations as she slowly impaled herself upon his manhood. While her vocalization of fulfillment was a gasp and a happy sigh, Tim's was almost a yell of exaltation. Her hips soon came to rest atop his, and his member fully within her.

"S-Shit..." Tim gasped as she hilted him. His cock tingled with a myriad of new sensations wrought by Novalyn grinding her hips into his crotch. The slick and smooth flesh of her silver mine gripped and massaged him in all the right places.

The elder dragoness smiled down at him. She loved the way he writhed in place, adored the sounds he made, and relished the feeling of his cock so deep within her, placating her estrus.

At least temporarily...

She then looked over her shoulder to regard Craig who had his hand around his own erection and was stroking himself as he watched. His eyes met hers and he stopped immediately, looking rather sheepish.

"Oh... um... don't mind me. I can wait my turn." He said with a slightly shy grin.

Novalyn gazed back at him with a smile as well, except hers was one that betrayed her now scorching lust yet retained some of her sensual demeanor.

"Who says you have to wait?" her voice dripped with eroticism and arousal and she giggled at his confused expression. She chose to answer his unasked question by raising her tail high and twirling it seductively. The action gave Craig a much better view of her silver pussy encompassing his friend's cock... as well as her dark tailhole.

The elder dragoness giggled again when she saw his eyes widen in sudden realization and twirled her tail in a seductive fashion, reaching back with one hand to spread the cheeks of her rump apart, further emphasizing her puckered orifice.

"A-Are you sure?" Craig asked in a still somewhat uncertain voice.

"Are YOU sure?" the elder dragoness asked in return. Craig could see her expression begin to change from a teasing gaze to a look of desire and wanting. And even a little impatience.

"C-Come on, dude..." he heard Tim say from beneath Novalyn. "Are you really going to... ohh... to ask questions with something like this staring you in the face?"

Hearing his friend regurgitate his own words to him was all he needed. Seeing Novalyn presenting her gorgeous rump to him while impaled upon his best friend's cock was a powerful incentive nonetheless... in addition to his throbbing arousal exacerbated by the image.

"Silver mining with my best friend?" he asked with a chuckle. "How can I say no..."

Novalyn's smile returned and her brilliant golden eyes narrowed in wanton lust as Craig crawled over behind her. He reached down to insert a single finger into her pussy, wetting it with some of her moisture. His hand then traced the cleft of her buttocks until it reached her tailhole. He rubbed his fingertip around the circumference of her anus, lubricating her for his entry and making the dragoness shiver slightly.

"Don't keep me waiting!" she gasped back at him.

"Don't worry..." Craig answered with a smile as he aligned himself with her entrance. The head of his cock pressed against her tailhole and began to slide inside her. His back immediately arched gently as the sheer tightness and warmth of her body threatened to dissolve any control he had. But he held himself firm in spite of such a heavenly first penetration, easing himself forward further and further, panting with pleasure and desire all the while.

Novalyn moaned loudly when his cock began to enter her. Her body spread around him and her eyes closed with pleasure at being filled by the both of them. But as Craig began to inch his way further into her, her heat spiked and drove her to push herself back... taking Craig's entire length deep inside her in one swift movement and with a vocalization of bliss.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed at her sudden movement. The snug fit of her body encompassing his entire member atop the previoius stimulation from her muzzle almost sent him over the edge at that moment.

"Oh yes... you two feel so good in me." Novalyn purred and ground her hips back and forth gently, making Tim and Craig moan. "It's been a long time since I've been this filled." The squeezed their shafts with her inner muscles and incited groans from both of them. "Come on... take me."

Almost as soon as the words had left her muzzle than her gorgeous body was being rocked heavily from Craig and Tim's thrusts. Her eyes rolled back in her head and pleasure began to cascade through her.

Tim's hips arched up off the bed each time he slid his length into her mine of silver. She felt so slick... so smooth... and as arousing as the sight of her beautiful breasts bouncing lightly above him was, he simply couldn't keep his eyes open or his mouth from vocalizing his euphoric experience with groans and gasps. Scales met flesh with lewd slapping noises as Craig pounded into her tailhole repeatedly.

Novalyn adored the way both of them pounded against her and into her. Her eyes were lidded with euphoria as the two cocks stroking within her began to appease her roiling desire wrought by her estrus. "Ooohh!" she panted, her tongue hanging from her mouth and her muzzle stretched in a pleasure stricken smile.

"God damn!" Tim exclaimed. He thrust firmly up into Novalyn's moist pussy, pleasure unlike what he'd ever felt before inundating him. His eyes opened with slight surprise as he felt Novalyn's hands grasp his. She was looking down at him with a smile, her tongue lolling from the side of her mouth and her body still being rocked from behind by Craig's thrusts. Over her shoulder Tim could see his face, forehead furrowed in concentration and eyes squeezed shut in euphoria.

"You saw them out there... now you can feel and explore them here." Her voice pierced the veil of Tim's pleasure and she guided his hands to her breasts. Her nipples pressed against his palms, already being erect and sensitive from her high level of arousal.

"They feel wonderful." He managed to say as he squeezed both of her breasts hungrily. He loved how they yielded gently to him while at the same time remaining firm and supple.

"The same g-goes for you... Craig." Novalyn moaned back over her shoulder. Her voice was becoming more and more incoherent and wracked with pleasure as the two men kept rocking her with their continued thrusts. "Let your hands wander..."

Craig was in a different world altogether. Her ass was so incredibly tight and warm that almost all his other senses bowed before the euphoric spasms that shot through him each time he humped against her luscious rump. But when he heard her voice, his attention returned to where he was and what he was doing. His hands that had been on her hips moved around to caress her sides and her stomach while he continued to thrust into her tailhole. "My gods... I-I... I don't know how... fuck... how much longer I can last!" he gasped as he felt his climax start to creep up on him despite his best efforts to make the experience last... it was just too much... too many incredible sensations stemming from taking a dragoness as beautiful as Novalyn for the first time.

"Oh!" the elder dragoness gasped loudly when one of Craig's hands began rubbing her silver clitoris, almost in perfect tandem with Tim's body arching up enough for him to take one of her swollen nipples into his mouth. One thing that Novalyn loved about having sex with someone for their first time was the energy and vigor with which they attacked her body. But the two of them seemed to be picking up on the subtle nuances of coitus a bit quicker than the other virgins she'd ‘broken in'.

Nevertheless, the effect was no different. Craig's hand rubbing her oversensitive clit, Tim's warm mouth sucking on her breast and both of them humping into her at the same time proved too much for even the seasoned dragoness to take. Her voluptuous draconic body arched heavily as she came with a powerful screech of ecstasy. Obviously she would have been able to restrain herself under normal circumstances... but she was in season... and her senses could only take so much before becoming overwhelmed by the pulsing rush of heavenly orgasm.

A flood of her feminine liquids cascaded from her mine of silver and ran down Tim's thrusting cock. Her inner walls rippled and convulsed around him, her beautiful body writhed with the ecstasy of finally having her estrus-fueled desires culminate. "Oh YESSS!!" Silver hair fell back over her shoulders, her head following the rest of her spine in a graceful arch of erotic sensations.

Tim had already been experiencing unreal levels of pleasure from being able to take such a beautiful, radiant creature. But seeing her face warped with the force of her climax, seeing her body moving so wonderfully and feeling her silver sex grasping his pleasured manhood so tightly pushed him far over the edge. He let out a cry of ecstasy and sandwiched his hips against Novalyn's convulsing crotch and released his seed inside her. His cock throbbed and his balls tingled as his cum left him in torrents, his own body convulsing with glorious climax. His eyes were just barely able to register Novalyn's flawlessly naked form cumming above him, which only served to heighten his arousal and prolong his orgasm... his manhood giving thick jets of creamy semen deep inside the dragoness's pussy.

Craig was moaning loudly with every thrust of his sensitive shaft into Novalyn's tight tailhole. But his eyes widened with surprise before clenching shut as he felt the elder dragoness's body tense as she came. His hand instinctively began rubbing her through her climax, and he was also able to register that Tim had reached his peak as well given his sudden absence of thrusting. However, his train of thought was cast aside as he felt Novalyn's body tighten down on his stroking cock. This had the delightful, and ultimately orgasm-inducing effect of squeezing his member warmly and in all the right places as he thrust.

(Who Told You You Could Eat My Cookies by Austrian Death Machine)

"Oh god!" he yelled and joined the immaculate dragoness and his best friend in the bliss of climax. A fountain of cum erupted from the tip of his member and filled he dragoness in seconds. Unlike Tim, Craig kept pounding her tailhole as he came. The world as he knew it for that moment disappeared and there was only her ass clenching and rippling around his spurting length, milking him of every drop.

The three of them came together for what seemed like a long while, even with their presently distorted view of the passage of time. But eventually they all succumbed to the overwhelming weight of what had happened; Novalyn having her heat appeased in a spectacular climax, and the two young men having their virginity taken by the most gorgeous dragoness they had ever seen... in addition to a spectacular orgasm as well. The elder dragoness collapsed atop Tim and Craig collapsed atop her.

"Ah... t-that was wonderful..." the elder dragoness panted. Her muzzle had a please smile plastered upon it as she relished the heavenly afterglow. "I hope that the two of you.... h-had fun..."

It was several long moments until she received an audible answer.

"Are... are you k-kidding?" cane Craig's voice from over her shoulder. "This has been the... best night of my life." He panted while his manhood softened inside her.

"Been?" Novalyn asked in a legitimately shocked voice. "I don't see how it has to end here..." her eyes twinkled with the same simmering desire they had before. "What we just did was heavenly, and my heat has been appeased. But I have not. Not yet at least..." her words dripped with the promise of additional pleasures as she rolled herself over so that both Craig and Tim's members slid out of her.

"You want to go again?" Tim asked in a surprised voice, despite the fact that his cock began to throb anew at the prospect of getting to make love to Novalyn a second time.

(Let Off Some Steam Bennett by Austrian Death Machine)

"Mmm... I do." the elder dragoness cooed as she eyes his and Craig's semi flaccid members hungrily. "But if we are gong to indulge ourselves further... we can't have this lack of enthusiasm, can we?"

Tim watched with rekindling desire as Novalyn leaned over to lie between he and Craig. Her head moved towards his friend's crotch and he heard him moan as the elder dragoness began running her tongue over Craig's shaft. She licked up the residual cum covering his member, leaning her head back and giving an audible gulp before she took his cock into her muzzle and began to suckle him back to full mast.

"Well, it's not exactly a lack of enthusiasm. How can we not be nothing but overzealous to please someone like you." Tim said as he reached over to stroke her silken tresses while she sucked on his best friend. "It's rather that we have a hard time rekindling our ‘enthusiasm' after expending so much of it..." he continued in the place of Craig who was currently engrossed in the elder dragoness's muzzle sending sweet waves of renewed arousal up his spine.

"Y-You're fucking... amazing." Craig managed to moan with pleasure, his eyes heavily lidded as he watched Novalyn suck on his shaft. And after no more than a minute of this, he was rock hard and throbbing in her mouth once again.

"Mmm... thank you." she purred with a deliberate lick of her lips, gazing up at him with her golden pools before turning her attention to Tim.

"Oh, you don't have to do.... fuck." He began to say but was cut off when he felt the elder dragoness brush his words aside and seal her lips around his cock. He was already much harder than he had been, such was the reason he'd offered her reprieve from tending to him as well. He'd been almost fully hard just from watching her suck on Craig.

"I have something I would like to know." Novalyn said plainly when has brought Tim to a full erection. "I know that was the first time either of you have ever had sex... yet you seemed to know what to do in terms of pleasing a woman during intercourse."

She turned to look at Craig.

"How you rubbed me was something I only imagine someone experienced to know about."

Then her eyes drifted back over to Tim.

"And the way you suckled me while you took me isn't something I would expect a virgin to do either..."

Both of them men smiled, first at each other and then at her as best as they could considering that the elder dragoness had continued her muzzle's work to their members with her hands, gently stroking them to keep them from falling out of arousal.

"The internet has some pretty amazing things on it..." Craig began, moaning softly.

"What do you think virgins look up on the computer while at home?" Tim continued while his hips twitched softly with rekindled desire.

Novalyn giggled and gave a complacent nod.

"I suppose you're right. I should have thought of that." She said before she rose to her feet gracefully and stretched her glorious body out, her wings unfurling completely. She then got off the bed and walked a few paces away, whirling on her heel and regarding the two men with her beautiful lidded eyes. Her flawless nudity once again greeted their gaze while one of her hands traced its way down her belly to rub lightly over her pussy, gathering some of her own nectar and bringing her hand back to her muzzle where she sucked on each finger slowly and erotically, her eyes never leaving theirs.

"Now, come and show me what else you know about pleasing a woman..."

There was no hesitation on the part of either Craig or Tim and soon both of them were standing in front of her.

"Craig... I want to feel you filling my sex this time..." the elder dragoness purred while placing both of her paws on his shoulders and rubbing the front of her body against him.

"I'd be honored to..." Craig answered and draped his arms around her. He then moaned softly as he felt Novalyn press her hips against his and pin his shaft upwards against his stomach. She then began rubbing her pussy lips along the sensitive underside of his manhood, coating it with her moisture. "Gods that's good."

"Oooohh!" the elder dragoness suddenly gasped as she suddenly felt Tim's warm body pressing into her backside. His arms encircled her from behind and cupped her full breasts while he stroked his cock teasingly through the crevice between her taut buttocks. "You two certainly know how to make a lady feel desired."

"How can we not. You're the most beautiful, radiant dragoness either of us have ever seen." Came Tim's eager voice from behind her, his hands squeezing her ample chest while he changed the angle of his hips so that his length rested beneath her tail.

"Last time was for me... for my heat. Now... I would like to see how tender and erotic you two can be when making love to a woman..."

The two men looked at one another over her shoulder and smiled, nodding in affirmation of an unspoken decision.

The elder dragoness arched her curvaceous body in a burst of pleasure as she was lanced from both sides. Craig and Tim's hips pushed flush with her hips, their cocks resting warmly inside her.

"Oh... oh yes." She purred and rocked herself back and forth slightly. Her vagina and tailhole massaged Craig and Tim's cocks, making them both groan with little flickers of pleasurable sensations. "Hold still a moment, please... this just feels so nice."

"You have no idea. You're so warm..." Craig murmured into her neck where he had buried his head and his hot breath washed over her scales.

"And so tight..." Tim added as he ground his pelvis against her luscious rump and stirred his cock around within her.

For close to a minute the two men and the dragoness stood as one entity,

Novalyn sighed with utter contentment at being pressed between the two men's naked bodies while their cocks filled her so wonderfully. She was also pleasantly assaulted by their hands caressing and wandering all over her goddess-like body. Tim's palms kneaded her breasts and rolled her stiff nipples between his fingers while Craig's gripped her firm buttocks and caressed her scaled cheeks in a lustful fashion.

"Alright boys... whenever you're ready." She cooed after she had taken sufficient time to savor the simmering stimuli that held little resemblance to the pleasures to follow.

Just like before, not a second after she had closed her muzzle from speaking then it snapped open in a moan as her body was again moved back and forth by Craig and Tim's alternating thrusts.

"Oh wow... you're so much slicker..." Craig mused aloud while maintaining his pleasured smile, his manhood stroking inside her silver mine at a slow and loving pace. But the sensations he felt were not at all proportionate to his speed. The feel of her vaginal walls sliding against his member felt incredible to him and he began coating her neck and collarbone with soft kisses. He heard the dragoness give a soft vocalization of approval and felt her hand on the back of is head, holding him there while he kept penetrating her pussy with gentle thrusts.

(D.N.R. by Testament)

Meanwhile Tim was groaning softly as he stroked himself in and out of Novalyn's tight tailhole. His face rested in the cradle of her silken hair, his hands still squeezing and caressing her breasts, hips slapping against her scaled rear gently. He was having a much harder time reigning in his lust, however, as she was much tighter and warmer to him this time around. But he clenched his teeth and kept up his slow pace while he angled his member so that his tip grazed her every recess with each plunge he gave into her body.

"Oh god." Novalyn's whole world became nothing but hot breath expelled in gentle pants, warm bodies grinding against her and within her, her vision seemingly blurred by the hazy atmosphere they created. She undulated her body between them so she rocked into each of their thrusts respectively. She gave a somewhat startled gasp as Craig leaned into her and pressed his lips against hers in a deep kiss. Her arousal spurred by his brazen gesture her muzzle curved up in a smile and she kissed him back. Her hands became entangled in his hair while their tongues meshed along with their moans entering each other's mouth.

"You feel... incredible..." Tim's voice hissed in her ear, strained with effort but absolutely dripping with pleasure.

"Ohhh... w-well so do you..." the elder dragoness churred after she had broken contact with Craig's lips. She gazed back over her shoulder at Tim and cupped the back of his head with a lazy paw, drawing him forward so she could slide her tongue into his mouth. He hummed pleasantly against her elegant snout and rubbed his tongue back against hers even while his throbbing manhood slid in and out of her tight rump.

But soon the elder dragoness began to gasp heavily into the kiss, the pitch of her moans rising and her body beginning to draw into a graceful arch between the two men's warm bodies. Then her muzzle broke the kiss and she emitted a squeal of pleasure.


Craig gasped and moaned along with her as he felt her pussy squeeze and pulse around his cock with the force of her sudden orgasm. Novalyn moaned heavily with each blissful muscular contraction, coating Craig's crotch with her climactic juices and making his passage within her smoother and easier. Her lithe draconian body writhed with bliss between the two men, the pleasured motions adding to the graceful dance of physical expression she performed as she was rocked back and forth gently from their slow, yet persistent thrusts.

Through the mental haze induced by her climax, Novalyn felt her insides warmed slightly as both Craig and Tim began to leak precum while they pumped themselves into her.

"Whoah... okay." Graig gasped slightly as the elder dragoness draped her arms around his shoulders and hoisted herself off the ground, her legs clasping around his waist. His hands reached beneath her to cup her rump and support her while Tim's arms around her torso kept her pressed close to them.

"I know you two are close... let yourselves go." She hissed in a voice that was enough of an incentive in itself. But the way she began squeezing her tailhole and pussy around their lengths soon had her moaning loudly, Tim and Craig beginning to pound up into her.

"Fuck yes..." Tim hissed through clenched teeth, his balls slapping against her silver pubic mound and his pleasure beginning to rise quickly. He began to feel his peak creep up the base of his spine.

"Shit." Craig groaned as he drove himself into her silver mine. Her inner flesh caressed and gripped his throbbing cock warmly and wonderfully, as if trying to milk him of his rising seed.

At that point, the world began to blur for all of them. The extent of their existence became scales sliding against flesh, hands groping breasts and rumps, delectable and repeated penetration, and pleasure unimaginable. Craig dipped his head forward and cupped Novalyn's breasts, kissing each lustfully and then sealing his lips around one of her nipples and sucking deeply on her. The elder dragoness ricked herself into him, mashing her hips against his crotch while leaning her body back against Tim's supporting form. Her hands reached behind her and took firm purchase on his rear, pulling him against her and into her each time she rocked back, sending his cock deep.

The elder dragoness let out a low hum of bliss when she felt both men slam themselves against her, their yells of ecstasy mixing as they came inside her. Novalyn ground her hips against them both, her sex and tailhole being filled with warm cum for the second time that night. Soft pleasure flowed through her, not enough to incite another climax from her... but potent nonetheless in the relaxation it bestowed upon her. She loved the way their cocks throbbed and pulsed with orgasm, spurting their warm essence against her inner walls.

"Mmm... oh yes. So full..." she cooed when their yells of pleasure began to die off into moans, and then deep breathing. Her head lolled from side to side and she rhythmically clenched her insides down on their lengths, milking them of every drop they had to give her.

"That was... surreal..." Tim gasped as he kissed the back of her neck while giving tiny thrusts against her rump, prolonging the waning pulses of pleasure that flowed through him.

"Amazing... simply amazing..." Craig affirmed while also humping lightly against her and nuzzling his face into her beautiful breasts.

"Thank you..." Novalyn said and disentangled her legs from Craig's waist. "Will you two do me one last favor?"

"Of course." Tim said.

"Anything you like..." Craig added.

"Will you two sleep here with me tonight? It's been wonderful being pressed between you to. I would like to fall into slumber with that same feeling. Not to mention feeling the wonderful sensation of you two inside me, and filled with your warm seed."

Both men then took it upon themselves to move themselves to the foot of the bed and fall back onto it, Novalyn pressed between them... and impaled upon them the whole while.

"Oh yes. Once again... thank you." the elder dragoness murred and wrapped her wings around their entwined bodies.

"No... thank YOU." Craig said in return.

"You gave us an incredible night, miss Novalyn." Tim murmured incoherently as his eyes began to droop.

"I can't think of many better ways to have my season appeased." The elder dragoness said and snuggled against them both. "Now sleep, Tim, Craig... I know I will. And maybe dream of a time in the future when we might do this again."

Novalyn knew not whether or not they heard her; not only because she heard no response, but also because the afterglow had already mostly consumed her senses.

It wasn't long before the two men and the beautiful dragoness were one entity again, physically and mentally exhausted... yet more satisfied than they felt they would ever be.

Blissful Reunion

NOTE: This story is dedicated to all those people who DIDN'T bitch and moan for me to post the next chapter. I thank you for respecting me and my real life priorities. "Six years." one voice said in a slightly complacent tone. "And...

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Grinding Scales

Sunset scales made sweet contact with the crystal clear water, sending a flood of ease through every dermal synapse to inundate Celia's mind with relaxation. She sighed softly as her entire body was encompassed by the steamy waters of the natural hot...

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Beau and Decepshun:remake

Beau stirred lightly as a ray of sunlight pierced through a crack in his stall door at the penn stables, rousing him from his nightly slumber in a rather unceremonious way. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with his forepaws and stretching his strong body...

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