Invited to the Arena

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A prequel of sorts for the story Top Slut of the Arena, though not involving any of the characters. Story found here: Kind of a kinky world building story, with a demon hunter getting a lot of corruption.

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Invited to the Arena For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

"So, got any more information for me, Salluk?"

The raptor punctuated his question with a quick slide of his whetstone along his dagger, raising a shriek in the empty wastes of Hell. It left his informant, a red-skinned demon, wincing slightly, and Trent chuckled.

"Don't worry. So long as you keep giving me names and locations, you don't have to worry about these little things."

"Little things? Tears of heaven are hardly 'little things,' Trent..."

"Oh, must be because I don't have to worry about them."

Them, or the rest of his arsenal. A crossbow salvaged from the jaw of a hell-drake, a mace passed to him by a knight in an inferno, a shield made of a piece of the old Gate of Heaven; even one piece of equipment would give demons pause. All of them made most of the little ones run away before he could get close, and the others avoided him if they possibly could.

He tried to make sure they couldn't.

As he sharpened the other tear of heaven, Salluk cleared his throat. Trent cocked his head to the side, giving as inviting a smile as he could.


"Well...there is one place where you would find a challenge..."

"Would the challenge involve demons? You know what my aim is."

"Yes, yes, I know. But...well, demons would be one of the challenges, yes. The rest would be more...demon-touched..."

The raptor nodded, flicking the dagger around a few times to examine the edge. In the red 'sunlight' of Hell, the blue dagger seemed to almost take on a wet look, like it had been dipped into a body already. He turned it around, letting the light reflect on the ground below before putting it back in its sheath.

"Tell me more."

"It's an Arena, linking Hell to Earth to Heaven. Old magic, powerful magic."

"And let me guess. The demons want to use it to get to heaven again, hmm? To start another war?"

"You are a quick one."

"Don't patronize me, Salluk. You know -"

The demon nodded, quickly pulling back as Trent touched the handle of one of the daggers again.

Hmmm, a demon that is dangerous.

Despite being a little surprised that he hadn't heard of it before now, he already knew what he needed to do. There was only one thing that could be done once demons had settled on earth.

He stood up, picking up the shield and slapping it over his back, and then throwing his crossbow over it as well. The mace slipped into place at his waist, and the daggers slid over his hips. Altogether, it made for a rather startling look, something that he doubted that any demon would want to confront without a good deal of extra power.

"Where is the Arena?"

"Follow me."

He fell into step behind the minotaur-shaped demon, shaking his head a few times as he tried to make plans for the coming fight. An arena likely meant gladiators or other forms of contestants, and that would mean either minor demons or people that had been taken over by them. He'd have to be very careful...

"This is the portal."

As the minotaur gestured at the great column of light shooting out from the depths of Hell, Trent couldn't help but think that the demon was stating the obvious. The red light shot towards the heavens with an intensity that rivaled the sun in the center world, yet glimmered with a hint of blue shooting through the center. Pieces of heaven, he knew from experience; the link was already established between the lower and upper world. The demons were just waiting...but for what?

I might need to make this a recon mission instead of a combat one...If they've got too many people there, no way am I taking them out on my own.

That said, he didn't have any choice. He'd have to at least check it out on his own, and if he couldn't find proof to get other people involved...well, there were worse things to risk his life for.


"Where are all the other demons? Shouldn't there be guards here?"

The minotaur arched an eyebrow.

"Most of the demons are already in the Arena. This place is a secret among our kind; do you think that we would guard what is hidden already?"

"Most of you wouldn't be arrogant enough to do anything else..."

"Do you think you could have found this place on your own?"

Trent looked back the way they came. Admittedly, that was a pretty good question. They'd traveled underground through a good three different labyrinths, and then through the barracks of the Hell army on the way to a secret entrance into the back of Satan's palace, and from there, they'd finally gotten to the cavern that housed the portal.

He shook his head a few times.

"I suppose not."

"Then let's get you on your way. Even without any guards, the last thing you need is to be seen."

"And the last thing you need is to be spotted with a demon hunter."


"So, how do I -"

"All you have to do is jump, and you'll get taken all the way there."


Salluk shrugged.

"It seemed the simplest way, and if you're worried about me trying to kill you, I could have done that a hundred times on the way here, just by letting the invisibility fade away. You can trust me."

Like I can trust a tiger not to eat my hand when I feed it, he thought, but he leaned towards the light, anyway. There were no stairs, no runes, nothing that indicated a different way to get out of here. The only other portals he used were summoned by individual mages, and nothing on this scale...

Times like this really made him wish that he worked with other people, ones that could teleport him from place to place, rather than dealing with an occasional cleric that would send him to Hell on a hunting expedition every couple of years.

Shaking his head, Trent looked over his shoulder.

"You better be right about this."

"Have I ever given you bad information?"

"Twice...let's not make this the third time."

With a grunt, he leaped off of the cliff into the light. He fell for about ten seconds before he hit the red beam, and it carried him upwards. The thrust from beneath wasn't dissimilar from the feeling of riding a geyser, and it carried him towards the heavens faster than anything he had ever experienced before. Even the rough planes of the middle world were slower than this, and he had to bite his lip to keep from screaming on the way up.

He passed through a dozen floors of Satan's palace before shooting out through a hole in it. It carried him further and further, the red light splashing around him like water as he soared hundreds, thousands of feet into the air. Trent looked to the side, and then immediately turned back to the heavens. The sight of so many craggy rocks so far below didn't fill him with confidence.

Higher and higher the raptor went, feeling the heat and the evil of Hell fading away. The comforting warmth of the middle world was getting closer and closer, and he closed his eyes. He would be there soon -



As soon as he felt the air change from hot and dry to cool and wet, Trent rolled to the side. He barely avoided shooting further up the stream, but even so, he fell for a good ten feet before landing on his back. The raptor groaned from the impact, shaking his head a few times.


Thankfully, there didn't seem to be anyone around to stop him. He rolled over onto his stomach, and then slowly got to his feet, looking at his surroundings as he rubbed the back of his head.

Surprisingly, it looked no different from an average locker room. Trent cocked his head to the side as he turned on the spot, taking in the different pieces of equipment. The walls were lined with lockers, and there were about four aisles of them that divided the room into segments. The different lockers looked rather...wet, for a professional place, and the room smelled musty, as well as musky.

Rubbing his nose, he walked over to the small alcove that seemed to belong to a coach, or at least, had belonged to a coach. The door opened without him having to fight it, and he walked over to the desk inside.

Papers were strewn all over the place, and he winced as he saw that most of them had scrawling lines of demon script upon them. Not the best thing to find as his first bit of evidence, but it was something. Illegible to him, but he was pretty sure that there was someone that could read it.

As he pocketed it, the raptor paused for a moment, sniffing at the air again. There was something...different.

Maybe it was because he'd been in Hell for so long, but he'd noticed that the lower world had something of a...a smell to it. A constant, burning, smoky sort of smell, mixed in with the rutting musk that so many of the demons carried along with them. That smell had gotten into everything down there, and he swore that it had soaked into this room, as well.

He'd never encountered something like that before. Was it the portal, saturating this place with corruption? If it was, that portal was stronger than anything that he had ever seen, beyond the power of any one mage. If it wasn't...he didn't like the implications.

The sound of a door clicking open caught his attention, and he ducked down. Just in time, too, as he heard the footsteps of two creatures walking in. He kept himself under the desk, scooting back until his back was against the wall, and waited.

"...down here?"

"Yeah, the portal got used. The Supervisors heard it open."

"Yeah, but what idiot comes up here when we need contestants?"

"Heh, the kind of idiot that we want to use."

"Hmmm, good point."

At least two demons, then. Probably some minor ones, if they were getting sent around like this, though he wasn't sure what the Supervisors were. Probably the folk that were running this place, and were trying to get to heaven. He shook his head...but strangely enough, didn't feel that worried.

He put it down to the fact that he was dealing with minor demons rather than anything else. They'd go down fast enough.

Trent waited until he could see their shadows through the open door of the office, and then made his move. Keeping low, the raptor slunk to the doorway, and then slid around to the end of one of the aisles. He kept down below the tops, and snuck up behind the silhouettes facing the portal.

Neither of them noticed him. He smiled slightly...but again, only slightly. It was like his normal enthusiasm was...damped down, somehow? It was strange, and felt...really weird.

No matter. He could kill these two and move on.

One of the daggers he carried flew through the air, embedding itself in the shorter demon's back. As it went down, Trent pulled the other tear of heaven from its sheath and leaped through the air. The other demon barely had the time to turn and face him before they were face to face, the raptor bearing him down to the ground from the pounce.

The blue dagger pressed against the demon's neck, and Trent smirked.

"Not very observant, are you?"

" did you get past us?"

"I was hiding. Now...a little information."

He dragged the flat of the tear against the demon's neck. Normally, he would have felt some reluctance at the torment of demons, even the most vile of them, but felt okay. Like he was at peace with it, like anything was alright for the moment.

So he turned the blade to the demon's neck instead, holding it against the throbbing vein on the creature's neck.

"What is this arena?"

"This? Why would you want to know?"

"Because I hunt your kind...and if you're running an operation up here, I want to know what it is."

"We? Running an operation?"

The demon laughed, and when a demon laughed, it sent ripples through the area. Trent flinched slightly at the feeling of magical energy coming off of the creature, shaking his head a few times.

"We're not running anything...we're just taking advantage of something that the middle world made."

"Impossible. No mage on earth would open up a portal to hell this big."

"Not on purpose. But when you reach for the stars, you run every risk of falling too far when you fail."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why don't you go find out? The rest of the portal is in the arena itself."

"Are you in a hurry to die?"

"Are you in a hurry to kill me?"

As a matter of fact, Trent found the idea of killing the demon surprisingly therapeutic. The idea of running the knife across the creature's throat...

The only thing that stopped him was how easy the thought came to mind. He was not normally someone that would revel in the idea of blood and death. Even with corruption laying over him, the idea of actually giving in that easily was...astoundingly wrong. This wasn't simple corruption. This was worse.

He forced himself to slam the blunt bottom of the dagger against the demon's head instead of slitting his throat, then got up and retrieved his other dagger. It was wet and dripping when he put it back in his belt, and the raptor did his best to ignore that.

"If this place is already reaching to heaven...then why aren't the demons attacking? Something's wrong. Something's very, very wrong."

And to figure out what was wrong, he needed to see the other end of the portal. The demon had said that it was up on the main part of the arena...

After weaving his way through a number of hallways - and only avoiding other demons out of habit, rather than out of any fear - Trent found his way to the upper deck of the arena. It was laid out like a sport stadium, giving a great view from most areas, and this luxury box was no different.

The raptor flopped down on one of the chairs as he looked at the great beast of a thing. The portal had carved a hole out of the ground, eating an empty spot about 30 feet wide on the left side of the stadium grounds. Through it, he could see the mostly-red lines of the Hell side of the portal, while a streak of blue shot straight up into the sky. Where they met, and the hole formed, it was a bulbous circle of swirling light.

Hell and Heaven meeting in the middle world...No wonder I feel so wrong.

Heaven's energy and power was that of acceptance and compassion, of giving people understanding and the ability to live with one another. To love regardless, in a fashion. Hell's energy and power resided on hedonism and no restraint, of taking things and enjoying them. Combining the two would create an aura of corruption and acceptance, of judgment-less hedonism, of acceptance of any taboo around him.

Trent shuddered as his eyes shifted to one of the demons down in the lower stands, mostly because of the way his thoughts shifted. The idea of fucking a demon had been almost impossible to conceive of before, and even then it would have been something of a nightmare. Salluk had attempted to tempt him that way before, but it had never worked. And if an incubus couldn't make sex with a demon sound good, then he had considered it impossible for anyone to make him feel that way.

The aura of this place, however, was changing him. And he had only been here for a half hour. What about the people that lived here? How would they -

"As much as I like to share the box with friends, I am less inclined to share it with a stranger. Who are you?"

Trent leaped to his feet, one of his hands going to his waist, but it was too slow. A blue and red light shot out of the stranger's finger, pinning his arms to the side and holding him aloft in mid-air. The raptor growled, trying to get himself free, but the power of the magic was incredibly strong.

As he was lifted a good six feet off of the ground, the orca casting the spell stepped forward. The action carried Trent backwards, further, further, until he was floating outside of the box, dozens if not hundreds of feet above the ground. The orca looked him over, and slowly chuckled.

"Ah, you are Trent, are you not?"

"How do you know my name?"

"You were recommended by an associate of mine. A prime candidate for the Arena."

"I'm not going to compete in any of your sick games! Whatever demon you serve -"

"You mistake me, raptor."

The orca swept his finger around the other way, and Trent went flying back into the box. He slammed into a wall and started crumpling to the ground, but the orca stopped him with the same spell, holding him in place against the wall.

"I am not in service to a demon. Nor am I in service to some of the angels that walk our halls. I am a Supervisor, and they are in service to me."

"Ugh...and what...the a Supervisor?"

"One of the first that were around when the Arena was built. Survivors of the incident when the portal to heaven went in two directions. And filled with the magics of both realms."

"Crazy...that magic can't stay in one person. Not without -"

Another string of magic energy wrapped around his snout, locking it closed. The orca walked up behind him, and he felt a hand press against the back of his head.

"You don't need to talk. After all, you'll just be another competitor before too much longer. The aura of the arena works on everyone...even the mages that created it."


"A short history lesson, Trent. A group of mages wished to reach to the heavens, and see what it was like. Instead, their magic stretched to the upper and the lower worlds, and created that."

His head was turned to face the portal, where the energy swirled between the two lines of light.

"It is partially sentient, and it is hungry. It craves emotion, intensity, wonder. And we, and the mages beneath us, feed it. Feed it with shows of the Arena. And you, little hunter, are going to be part of the next one."

Trent had no way to fight back. Whatever power the Supervisor had, it was intense beyond all measure. He was thrown across the box, into the hallway, where four demons quickly disarmed him before gathering him in their grip. The orca stepped out, and gestured towards the far end of the arena.

"Take him to the east lockers. He'll change his mind before long."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then...stimulate his imagination."

It had been a long time since he'd been caught by demons, but longer still since he'd been tormented like this.

"Gah! Stop! I can't...I need..."

"Heh...he ain't gonna be stopping anytime soon, hunter."

Trent groaned, the raptor panting as he was helpless to take the torment that they leveled on him. He was tied down to one of the locker room benches, his clothes and armor taken away and left nude. His cock dangled through a hole in the bench, and it throbbed as two demons took turns working over his rump. Slick tongues and wet fingers probed him constantly, working at his need, building it up and then letting it subside whenever he got too close to orgasm.

He almost thought he could take that, if it wasn't for the fact that a third demon was working his cock with his mouth. The soft, rubbery lips of the demon stallion beneath him, slurping along his shaft and swallowing along the head, had the raptor panting and moaning, his shaft aching and harder than he could ever remember it being.

He'd been down here for almost a day, and they hadn't let him cum once. His horror at the idea of being molested by demons had faded, an acceptance of it falling over him, as well as a hunger for more.

Already he was eyeing the musky balls and shaft of the satyr demon in charge, wondering how it would feel sliding down his throat, and he had caught himself imagining how the horse's cock would feel up his ass. He fought them where he could, but it was getting harder and harder. His need rose, as did his acceptance of the situation. Every hour that passed, the things they were doing with him seemed more and more normal, as if life had never been any other way.

When they passed thirty hours of straight torment, though, the satyr shook his head.

"I think we need a professional."

Trent groaned. Not at what was said, but at the feeling of the wolf demon's tongue slipping inside of his ass. The sloppy, wet feeling of it forcing its way in, the way his hole just gave in, left his cock dripping. It slapped against the bottom of the wooden bench, and his toes curled in shuddering pleasure.

The stallion grabbed him by the ankle, and Trent felt one of the ropes come loose. For a millisecond, he considered fighting -

"Ah, Ahhhhhhh!"

He moaned as the stallion's broad tongue slid along the bottom of his foot, leaving him biting his lip to try and stifle it. The was so new, so intense. Each slick lick left his foot warm and damp, and he couldn't even curl his toes to defend them as the stallion started licking over them, sucking on them.

His moans echoed in the locker room as those tongues licked his ass and his foot in turn, but Trent held on. He had...had to hold...

A shimmer of red announced the arrival of another demon, and he slowly turned...

"Hello, hunter."

"Salluk?! You...You betrayed - mmph!"

He couldn't keep going when the satyr slipped under him. His ass was getting tongue-fucked, his cock was getting sucked, and his feet were getting slurped on. The hunter's mind was barely holding on, barely keeping itself from cracking apart.

And it didn't help when the minotaur stepped forward, the incubus straddling the bench. It left the big guy's balls right on the wood in front of him, and Trent could smell them with every breath he took. Hell, he could almost taste them from how close they were, how pungent their scent was.

"Yes, I betrayed you. You were becoming too much of a thorn in my side, too dangerous to keep around. I had given up a number of rivals to keep my life, and a few of my friends when you could not stop. It was time for me to end our little...relationship."

Trent wanted to say something, anything. He wanted to spit at the other demon. He wanted...he wanted...

I want to suck his cock...I want it so bad...

He shuddered as Salluk slid along the bench, pressing the bottom of his sheath against the raptor's mouth. Trent opened up before he could stop himself, and the incubus pressed a hand to the back of his head.

"Don't always wanted to do this. I'm just giving you the push you need."

The raptor couldn't stop it, didn't want to stop it as that cock started getting fed to him. Bit by bit, the incubus' cock slipped into his mouth, the thick rod making his jaws stretch as it was fed to him. The taste of musk, of pre, of sheer demon virility, poured over his tongue. It was salty, smoky, and it burned like a spicy rub...

And he loved it.

Trent moaned as he leaned forward, taking the tip of the demon's cock into his throat, and the minotaur chuckled above him. He barely cared; he wanted to have more of it, to feel it sliding deeper, and deeper. His lips pressed down hard at the base of the demon's sheath, letting the cock grow down his throat on its own, rather than pushing it to grow with his help.

The feeling of it growing, of it getting bigger, was amazing. He shuddered, arching his back and spreading his legs as much as the bindings would allow, and he was rewarded with that tongue going deeper up his ass, lewd and wet and slurping at him.

The minotaur's hand on his head kept him pinned, even though he didn't need it. He felt the warmth and the wetness of those big, heavy, slightly sweaty balls against his chin, and Trent almost wished he could slurp on them instead.

But then...then I couldn't...have this cock...

And he wanted that cock, wanted it so bad.

As the minotaur started pulling his head up and down, Trent heard him muttering. Was it a spell? Did it matter? He listened, almost idly, as he savored that cock sliding along his tongue and down his throat.

"Such a slut for the arena. No need to hold back. No need to worry. You'll be competing with your best skills. Sucking, fucking, offering yourself. No need to hold back. No need to worry. Just give yourself to everyone, and everything will be okay. No need to hold back. No need to worry."

No need to hold back. No need to worry.

No need to hold back. No need to worry.

The words repeated in his head, and he moaned as he sucked down that cock. It was as hard as it could be, and he felt it bulging out his throat, reaching so close to his belly. The incubus had him completely filled, and the raptor could barely take it.

Suddenly, he pulled out, Salluk waving his cock back and forth. Trent panted, staring up at it through glassy eyes.


"Do you want it, hunter?"

"Mmmph...I need...I need...cock..."

"Then you need a new name, don't you?"


"Well...let's call you 'slut' then, hmm?"

" slut...give cock..."

Salluk leaned forward, and Trent took it deep, bobbing his head up and down the shaft as he sucked it down to the base. He moaned around it, swallowing hard and fast, desperate for the load that he was about to receive.

And he finally got it. Hot and plentiful, the demon's cum rushed down his throat, filling his belly and making it heat up as well. The hunter's cock throbbed all the harder, begging for release...but he didn't get it.

Instead, the various demons pulled back from him. Trent humped at the bench, despite not getting any stimulation, only barely aware of what they were saying.

"Let him go soft, and lock him up. The Supervisors want him in the arena tomorrow, and eager."

"We can do that. Can we fuck him after?"

"As many times as you like. Just make sure that he doesn't cum."

"Heh, easy enough."

"Who's he gonna fight?"

"One of the mages that started poking around. He stuck his nose in too deep, and almost lost his mind to the creature of the portal. The Supervisors saved him, and decided he could pay them back by 'working' tomorrow."

"Heh, a hunter and a mage, slutting it up...this is gonna be fun."

Trent didn't know what it all meant...but he looked forward to more. Fucking was good. Fucking was fun. No need to hold back. No need to worry.

The End

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