Breeding a Future - Chapter 5

Story by Chris Silverhoof on SoFurry

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#11 of Loving a unicorn

This is the fifth chapter of Breeding a Future, the second of the two books in a story I commissioned from the wonderful AmethystMare, one of my best friends. She's an extremely talented author and I couldn't have been more pleased with the story she has written me.

Do note that I commissioned this story while I was still using another, more temporary account on FurAffinity named EricAquasia. This is however my main account and the one I do plan to use.

Loving a Unicorn

Breeding a Future

Chapter Five

Written by Arian Mabe

One filly remained. The youngest of the group - and one that Christian suspected had never before mated - hung back, her ears flicking uncertainly. Celeste approached her with a kind eye, head lowered to her level. Although there was a little size difference between them, there was no question that the filly was growing into herself and was absolutely sexually mature and ready to mate, despite her mental hesitation. Her body moved without her will and she flagged her tail, wanting the stallion even if she held herself away, a nervous nicker on her lips. Although her rump was pointed away from Christian, his upper lip twitched, catching her scent on the air. Her body wanted him and he swore she was winking too. His mare certainly still was.

"Karin," Celeste teased, tail swishing. "Are you so shy? You have been asking after Christian for many moons now. You cannot tell me that you are no longer interested in being bred."

The white filly squeaked and hid behind her mane, letting the silky curtain cascade across her cheek and face.


Karin's voice was so quiet that Christian had to strain to hear, blood roaring in his ears and cock slapping his belly. Breed!

"I... I only have never been with a stallion before." She gulped. "I do not know how I should behave."

"Oh, Karin, sweet one."

Celeste pressed herself to the filly's side and lifted her head, gently tucking her horn beneath Karin's chin. She looked her in the eyes the best she could, turning her head back and forth slightly to allow her to take in the filly fully. Christian snorted and danced, holding himself back. He didn't have to mate with Karin if she didn't want him to but the magical potion seared through his veins like liquid fire and his shaft refused to soften. He could take another mare, whoever wanted him, if she did not desire him any longer.

Celeste touched her nose to Karin's.

"There is no set way to behave," she said. "You can do as you wish, however best it pleases you."

Karin eyed Celeste doubtfully, tail twitching.

"Come," the older, wiser mare added with a sultry wink and flick of her tail. "Allow me to show you the ways of marehood."

Celeste put her head close to Karin's as if confiding a secret.

"Mimic me and I will show you how to make a stallion desire you so terribly that he will do anything to mount you."

Christian didn't think he needed any encouragement whatsoever to mount a mare but those thoughts were chased away as Celeste folded her forelegs beneath his stomach, lips nuzzling his flexing shaft. His stomach muscles contracted, bouncing the length up against his flank, and he groaned as she parted her lips and suckled the tip of his cock into her mouth, carefully to tuck her teeth away. The stallion stomped and tossed his head, fighting to stay still.

Huffing warm breath over his shaft, Celeste pushed her muzzle down carefully, only lightly scraping flesh with teeth. He held firm, ears pricked, and rocked gently into her embrace, moaning at the sensation of her wide, fleshy tongue nuzzled up to the underside of his cock. Karin hung back, anxiously swishing her tail. It was shorter than Celeste's and her body was completely devoid of any jewellery but she was perfect like that, exactly as she was, in his eyes. It made her somehow all the purer and more natural - untainted - for coming in her simplest form, in nothing but her white coat. Snorting, Christian shook a hind hoof, needing to release the tension somehow as his mare teased his cock with her lips and tongue, suckling at the tip with her lips tucked over the large, bulbous flare.

"Join me," Celeste whispered, her voice silken sweet. "I will show you, Karin. Have no fear. You are bolder than I as a filly."

Karin took one step forward and then another, head close to the grass. She copied Celeste and bent her forelegs, slipping down to lay with her legs tucked to one side. The position gave Christian the perfect view of her virgin marehood, so small in comparison to the other mares. Perhaps it was that she was naturally smaller in stature and, although able to mate, still growing into herself with a hint of lanky yearling about her limbs. But it was her long-legged form that gave her an elegance that he had only ever seen Celeste exceed. The filly's marehood winked and he wondered if she was doing it unconsciously, her sex glistening with moisture. He licked his lips, desperate to reach over and swipe his tongue from her tiny, perfect clit to the top of her cunny.

Tentatively, as if something was going to jump out and frighten her, the filly brushed her nose over Christian's shaft - what was not covered by Celeste's skilled, sucking lips and muzzle. She shuddered and stuck her tongue out to lick, a drop of wetness that made the stallion above her tremble. It was unskilled and brief and everything he had ever wanted.

Emboldened by her first taste, Karin lapped over his length as Celeste sucked, making her way down past his medial ring to his grapefruit sized balls. They had shrank some after his mating with Alina, during which he'd enlarged both his testicles and shaft for her squirting pleasure, but seemed more than enough to make the filly moan in need and awe. Christian would have puffed up with pride if he had not been so distracted. The filly tongued his balls, covering every inch in a light coating of saliva as she explored his body, marehood winking the whole time.

Christian was treated to a near perfect view of her tight opening flexing, pulling down and open for him, as her body took over and pushed out a thick dollop of her arousal. Karin did not seem to notice and continued licked and suckling at his balls and underside of his shaft as Celeste murmured encouragement, guiding her gently to the head. The filly's lips covered his flat tip and Christian nearly came right then and there, front hooves lifting from the grass as need roared through his body.

His hindquarters shuddered and he bucked forward, forcing a few inches accidentally into Karin's surprised muzzle. Though her lips and teeth caught him uncomfortably, his eyes rolled back into his skull: heaven. Christian whickered, the sound deep and guttural. Karin winked in response, pink and grey cunny lips gleaming. Her tail lifted and she urinated noisily, the tips of her ears reddening as her body told him she was ready even if her mind could not make her lips form the words. Karin suckled and gave a muffled squeak. Yes, she was definitely ready.

"I think you have teased your stud enough, Karin." Celeste giggled as she eased out from beneath Christian. "Come now."

When Celeste got to her hooves, there were grass stains on her knees and her jewellery was askew but Christian's heart still leapt at the sight of her. There could never be a creature as beautiful as his mare, his unicorn, his Celeste. Karin scrambled after Celeste, stumbling over her hooves and Celeste chuckled, touching her cheek to the arch of Karin's neck.

"It is time."

Karin whinnied and visibly gulped, eyes so wide that they nearly bulged out of their sockets. Celeste nudged her around until her hindquarters pointed towards Christian, her little tail - which only reached her hocks - twitching with a mind of its own. Unsure if the filly was consciously shifting, restlessness seeping through every motion, Christian brushed his lips over her back, eyes dark with desire. He wasn't confident that he was being very reassuring, pent up on potions, and it was lucky that he had Celeste there to fulfil that role in the moment.

The unicorn touched her horn to Karin's, sharing breath.

"Take it slow, Christian."

The stallion's ears twitched back in protest. But he hadn't had to take it slow with any of the other mares! He stomped, indignant, and struggled to quell the part of him that thought purely with his downstairs brain. The potions Celeste had dropped down his throat didn't just affect his virility, it seemed, as he wanted to breed and breed and breed - everything over again - without pause for rest. He had more to give and Karin would take it. Only slowly. Christian lipped gently at her rump, giving her an awkward smile.

"Don't worry," he said, tongue thick in his mouth. "I'll be gentle. As gentle as I can be. And Celeste will be here for you, right here. See?"

Though the filly closed her eyes and her nostrils flared, she made no protest and held her head high as she flicked her tail up out of the way. Her marehood clenched, pushing out a thick flow of clear juices, winking like the older mares although she had already flooded the air with hormones from her urine. He was sure she did not know how alluring the motion was and he thrust his nose under her tail, pushing his tongue into her slit and snorting hot air. The filly squealed and half-bucked, hind legs rising up against his chest, but Christian barely noticed. His vision - what he could see in front of his nose - was encompassed by her taut, white-coated hindquarters and the twitching pink of her sex, dragging around his tongue as she continued to wink, wanting him, needing him.

Karin moaned and braced her legs, ears splayed as her marehood winked again, pulling up just as she released a hot stream of urine. It splashed down between her hind hooves and seeped into the earth, though not before her hormones flooded the air. Christian's lip curled up instinctively but he couldn't bring himself to pull away from her marehood, slammed with the full force of her scent. Karin groaned as she presented, the stream tapering off slowly, and peered back pleadingly, giving a little desperate toss of her head. Her marehood winked repeatedly, a twitch of her body that was beyond physical control when she was in such a sheer state of need. Pulling his head back, the stallion inhaled her scent greedily, lungs working in short, sharp breaths to take her into him, her winking, dripping marehood capturing his eyes. His cock bobbed against his belly, muscles flexing unconsciously, and Christian licked his lips, tasting her on him.

She was ready.

As Celeste brought her lips to the filly's, soothing her in a long, deep, passionate kiss that almost had Christian pausing to watch, the stallion ever so gently lowered his weight on to Karin's hindquarters. The filly grunted, the sound muffled by his lover's lips, and Christian lipped softly at the back of her neck, mussing up her mane. He hoped she'd enjoy every second of her first mating, for he would do everything he could to make it a pleasant one. Unicorns were resilient - he hadn't hurt Celeste their first time, after all, even with the unicorn demanding he go rougher, harder, faster with her. Groaning, Christian's sides trembled and he slipped his forelegs down around her side, pulling her to him as his shaft slid over her rump.

Panting, Karin's head rolled back, breaking the kiss with Celeste, and the mare pressed her cheek to hers. Celeste's eyes locked with Christian's and he started to see the dark, burning need flaring within, the mare's tail held high as she supported the filly.

Now, she seemed to say. He could only hope he was reading her correctly but his stallion side could not be held back with a mare beneath him. His hips moved of their own accord and he squealed as he sought out his prize, jabbing at the filly, who was a little smaller than those he'd previously bred, to leave trails of creamy pre cum slithered over her perfectly white coat. Steadying himself, Christian grabbed a chunk of mane between his teeth and scraped the arch of her neck in his haste.

When his cock brushed her marehood and he felt it wink against his tip - the most delicious sensation! - he knew he had her. Thrusting, he sank into her folds and took the filly's virginity, sliding deep and deeper as she trembled beneath him. Brushing Karin's cheek with her lips, Celeste captured her lips again, murmuring to her between lustful kisses how well she was doing and how good it was going to feel. Shuddering, the filly visibly relaxed, tension slipping from her withers and her tunnel squeezed around the stallion, so tight already, begging him deeper.

Satisfied that she was becoming quickly accustomed to his length, Christian eased in, scooting his hind hooves closer to her rump rather than slamming inside in one, brutal thrust. The other mares may have liked that but he thought the filly may have taken a few moments more to really stand up to that kind of breeding. Groaning, Karin rocked back into him, tongue pushing back against Celeste's as their kiss grew wet and wanton. With his medial ring barely outside her twitching folds, moving in the imitation of a wink with his cock spreading them wide, Christian paused.

He called on his magic, balls deep in the filly. There couldn't have been a more perfect time and, if he was honest with himself, her pure white coat and cute, pink nose reminded him so much of Celeste that he saw her in his mind's eye as the young Celeste he had never seen. Truly - they could have been sisters. Nuzzling Karin's neck, Christian breathed her in, sliding back and forth gently within her as she moaned, legs trembling so terribly that he was afraid she would topple over. But Celeste was there to make sure she did not. He was already well on his way to being in...well, maybe close to love or the kindling of such matters of the heart, at least. Christian's ears twitched as he wrapped his magic around Karin's udders, applying a little pressure to squeeze and massage them: the filly grunted.

Concentrating, he thought solely of adding another pair of udders to the filly's neat little pair. Soft and pink, they swelled into the touch of magic her body almost eagerly leapt to him, begging to be changed. There was no resistance as he poured magic into her udders and teats, reforming them larger and fleshier than before. She whickered into Celeste's muzzle and shuffled her hind hooves apart as he worked his magic, letting their natural colour come into play as, in a stroke of daring, he moulded them into not four but six pairs of udders. She was so like Celeste that he had a feeling she may like the alteration as much as his mare, although it was only as temporary or permanent as she wanted it to be. Christian did not think he could ever bring himself to do something to the filly, or Celeste either, for that matter, that she did not desire.

Finishing off his work, Christian let her fuller udders drop lightly beneath her stomach, swinging as he pulled back and ground lightly deeper, exploring fresh depths of her sweetness. Celeste broke the kiss and giggled musically, the sound shattering the unspoken tension that had grown between the three of them. Exhaling a sigh that Christian had not know he had held through the course of transforming Karin's udders, the stallion chuckled with her. Sex could not be so serious! And his magic could do things he never had thought were possible!

And he had a gorgeous filly under him. What could be better?

"These truly are beautiful, Christian," Celeste murmured, dipping her muzzle beneath Karin's stomach to lip Karin's teats. "Who would have thought that your magical prowess would have lain in transformation magic?"

She looked up at him, on the filly's back, with eyes smouldering.

"I will have to see what you are able to achieve with me."

Christian gulped, imagining what Celeste could have in mind and failing to come up with anything. It was hard to think on top of a filly, cock wrapped up in the warmth of her sex. Celeste sucked one of Karin's teats between her lips and the filly squealed, pawing unstably at the air. Christian balanced her and thrust harder, letting her feel nearly the full length of his shaft, amazed that she had been able to take so much at all.

As his mate teased the filly's teats, playing with their sensitivity, Christian lost himself in the oddest threesome he could ever have imagined having. Admiring Karin's new udders, Celeste doted on them, experimenting with how the filly reacted to light brushes of her nose in contrast to sharp yet fleeting love nips. Everything she gave the filly drank in lustfully, nostrils flaring as she could not keep her weight still. It was all very new for her and Celeste sucked two of her teats at once, rubbing them over her tongue.

The filly squealed and stamped. She tossed her head, mane flipping into a wild mess about her head and neck, frizzing and curling adorably.


Christian had to strain to hear her, putting his head as close to hers as he dared without overbalancing the two of them.

"Please..." She whispered, lifting her head so sharply that she almost smacked her horn into his cheek. "Please, I want you to mate me. Let me become a mare." The filly sucked in a deep breath. "Let me become a mare today."

Her desire was evident and, trusting that she would be able to take everything he had to give, Christian nipped her neck lovingly.

"If you insist, my sweet."

Pulling back, he gripped her sides more firmly with his forelegs and dragged his cock from her marehood with a slurp of juices. She whinnied at the loss, marehood winking as if to call him back, and neighed loudly enough to scare birds from the trees as he drove back in roughly, slamming in up to the medial ring.

"Please!" Karin cried, holding fast beneath the stallion's rampant thrusts, succumbing to desire. "Harder! Make me bear your foal, Christian! I want to feel your seed flooding me! Make me yours."

She said the last line in a voice barely above a whisper and Christian gasped, wondering if he had heard her correctly at all. Though there was no time to wonder as his body commanded his actions, brain slow in the moment. He drove in to the hilt and jerked his head up, abruptly aware of the burble of exchanged words around them, so out of place with their lustful mating.

The mares, his ejaculate still leaking from their winking marehoods, closed in, eyes bright and tails flagged. It seemed that they were enjoying the show almost as much as they were enjoying themselves. Nickering, Alina stomped a hoof and turned to show off her stretched passage, marehood winking and begging for more even as soreness tickled at her rump. The mares mimicked her and winked in turn, showing off their dripping marehoods, clenching and pushing out more and more of Christian's seed, mingling slowly with their arousal. One round was never enough for a needy mare, after all. Nandag snaked her head around to look proudly over her additional udders, making them sway for their viewing pleasure. Karin's head shot up and she looked back at them with wide eyes, the faintest rim of white showing around the iris.

"Look at her," the watching mares whispered, although the trio could not tell who was speaking. "That is a filly becoming a mare."

"I did not stand up that well to my first mating."

"She shall be as bold as the sun."

"And as forthcoming as Celeste."

Karin's ears went back and she let out a loud moan that set the mares' ears twitching as they nickered amongst each other. Alina strutted in front of the filly, tail held high like a flag, and turned her backside to her, teardrop sex pulling up and flexing wantonly. Hind legs braced, she winked, pushing out a slick mixture of semen and mare arousal, letting it drool over her pulsing sex. It marked her grey marehood cream, a sign of their mating, and Christian kept his eyes fixed on it as he rocked into the filly, grunting as his cock ached. To be faced with so much stimulation... He shook his head. It was very nearly overwhelming.

Shuffling back, Alina pushed her rump into Karin's muzzle, letting the filly get a good look at her overflowing cunny, winking constantly. One breeding would never be enough for the lustful Alina, as well filled as she had been. A mare had needs to be taken care of too, one had to know! The filly groaned and stretched her head forward, lipping the air as if trying to strain her neck far enough to reach Alina's winking treat, plump and begging for a shaft to fill her. The mare snickered and tossed her head, forelock falling in a tumbled mess over her eyes. Somehow, as dishevelled as she was, she still managed to come off as smug.

Her body rocked forward suddenly as Christian gave a particular rough thrust, speeding up. His breathing grew laboured, hot breath rolling over her crest, and Karin pushed back into him. The stallion bottomed out inside her, the very tip of his cock kissing her inner barrier, and she groaned. If he had any more to give she would surely be split open. Alina chuckled, whirled around on light hooves and snaked her head out to drop a kiss below Karin's horn.

"You must have him enlarge his shaft for you, Karin," Alina said with a smirk, tail waving gently over her rump. "It truly is an experience... I do not believe you shall be lacking for anything if you stick with this stallion."

Karin nickered but was unable to find her tongue for a smart comment as Christian hammered into her. Her marehood ached and she was sure she would be sore come morning but she couldn't find it in herself to care. Every moment was better than the last and she tried to squeeze around his length as the stallion pounded her, her cunny sucking him in eagerly. Her body knew what to do even if her mind did not and she stamped and rolled her head, the tension in the pit of her stomach building to a crescendo.

Celeste nipped a teat sharply and, before the flicker of pain could register, latched her lips around the teat and sucked hard. Karin's shriek of pleasure caught in her throat.

It was too much for a filly to bear.

Her forelegs buckled as orgasm crashed upon her, more ferocious than a summer storm slashing lightning through a thunderous sky. Her marehood clenched, her body no longer under her control, and Karin squealed, the sound ripping through the restless circle of mares. Something - she could not say what - exploded outwards, ripples of pleasure racing through her nerves with the speed of wildfire flaring through the forest, trees cracking as easily as kindling. Her eyes closed of their own accord and her squeals turned into a low, throaty chuffing as the pleasure kept coming in waves, one after the other and each one more powerful than the last. She whinnied, throat hoarse. Would it never end? Did she want it to end?

She swayed on her hooves, mind overcome with ecstasy, and Celeste quickly pushed herself further beneath the filly's belly to keep her on her hooves, keeping her weight up and trusting Christian to balance them. Celeste lapped her teats and nuzzled her udders, sending her shivering into a warming afterglow, legs weak and supported by the older, more knowing mare beneath her. She just couldn't see Celeste's smirk. She'd been there too.

Christian thrust, breath raking through his throat. A spot of blood appeared in his nostril and he inhaled the metallic scent, the tight marehood around his length getting even tighter as she climaxed. It was as if his shaft had gotten larger, so great was the difference, and he had to catch himself for a moment, checking that he had not inadvertently let his magic go and manipulate his own body without realising. But no, it was only his sweet, lustful filly experiencing her first true orgasm from her first mating. Only she couldn't say she was a virgin any more.

His orgasm, when it came, was stronger than any he had had that day - regardless of the fact that he had run dry on the potions and had drank nothing for his last two mating sessions. Thrusting through a series of low, satisfied grunts, Christian felt his balls pull up slightly closer to his body - the sensation was greater than the appearance, pulling tighter and tighter and tighter until the tension had to be expended somehow. He rammed in and neighed as he spilled his seed, cock jerking and twitching within the mare, tail flagged up high and proud. Karin moaned quietly, ears drooping as she pulled as much strength into her legs as she could with her energy at an all time low. All in all, there was one thing she had certainly learned from the experience as Christian's throbbing shaft filled her to the brim: breeding was hard work.

But good hard work. Very good. Her tongue lolled from between her lips as she panted open-mouthed.

Easing from beneath the filly, Celeste left her with a parting kiss dropped on each of her teats.

"You and I appear the same now," she said proudly, turning so she was side-on to the filly and able to show off her own swollen udders. "It is a look you show off well, dear Karin."

"T-thank you?"

It was the only thing Karin could think of to say but it seemed to do the trick. Celeste snorted and brushed her lips over Karin's cheek as Christian dismounted, cock drooping spent below his stomach. He dropped his head, exhaustion trembling through the line of his body.

"You did well, sweet filly, for your first time," she breathed. "It becomes even more wonderful, I promise. You shall desire more and more of this, breeding and allowing your body to experience such pleasure. It is truly an experience that no mare should be denied."

Celeste made as if to present her hindquarters to Christian, tail already raised in invitation - or demand, depending on how one looked at it - but paused halfway through the motion. She darted for him, concern flashing across her expression in the slight but noticeable narrowing of her violet eyes.

"Christian." Celeste bumped her nose into his cheek, drawing his attention. "You are over exerting yourself. Please, quickly - drink this."

She held a vial - the last from the little cotton bag - in front of his muzzle. Although his eyelids drooped, he obediently took it between his lips and gave a little flick of his head to toss the liquid up and straight down his throat. Instantly, energy returned to his limbs, beginning as a warm sensation spreading up from his hooves to the bulk of his body. He sighed and shook himself, soft cock retreating to his sheath and brightness flickering back into his eyes.

"Sorry," he chuckled, kissing his love briefly. "That one really took it out of me."

"I am only glad to see you looking a little better, Christian, although I fear you may have drained our little filly here absolutely."

Karin dropped her forelegs and slipped to the ground on her side, blinking blearily. Her tail flicked over her hindquarters, semen leaking from her marehood. Though she still winked, there was a tiredness to the muscle reflex, her body wanting more even as it trembled with exhaustion. The filly could not do more even though she wanted to, marehood twitching and pulling up. One breeding could not be enough - there had to be more.

Karin looked up at the white stallion and mare looming over her and nickered, lip quivering. As she tried to reassure them that she was okay, her marehood flexed again, forcing out a thick dollop of their combined fluids. It ran down her shiny lips and tickled her clitoris, eventually trailing a path down the very top of her hind leg. It would eventually drip on to the grass but, by that time, sleep would have already claimed her as she dripped with evidence of their tryst. She knew as much as she pushed out, however, there would be plenty left behind to ensure a foal grew in her belly. A sleepy smile flitted across her muzzle.

"I need to rest a while," she mumbled, muzzle lowering slowly but surely to the grass. "Only a little while."

"You sleep there, filly," Christian murmured, sharing a quick kiss as her eyes closed. "You have performed admirably for the survival of the herd."

"In no time at all, there will be a foal dancing between your hooves," Celeste added, pushing a scrap of the filly's mane back over to the side of her neck where the bulk of it lay. "For now, rest and dream. We shall ensure you make it safely home once you have regained your strength."

Christian's heart warmed as he watched the filly doze, ears twitching in sleep. She kicked her hind legs out to the side, forelegs tucked beneath her body, as if to put her udders on show. He admired them, one with a splotch of grey that had not been present before that he found especially endearing. Although she looked so much like Celeste, he could not deny the differences between them and it was those differences that had him more and more sinking under her spell. The stallion's gaze grew hazy as he dreamed for a moment, seeing a life ahead where Celeste and Karin were both at his side. Celeste smiled, showing off her winking marehood, gleaming alluring in the late afternoon dapples of sunshine. The day had worn on but she wasn't done with him either and would have him on her back at least once more before their mass mating session was over.

Yes, he'd be quite happy to spend many more years with the filly as she grew and learned and became a fine mare at his side. The stallion dipped his muzzle, letting the potion rejuvenate him even as his mind thought he should be sleeping, that he should be tired still. It was an artificial energy, the potion, and he wondered if he would sleep for days after the event as a result. The mares crowded close as Celeste nuzzled Karin, keeping watch as the younger unicorn recovered her strength.

Hauling himself tiredly to his hooves as Alina flagged her tail, frizzing hair giving the pretence of concealing her marehood from view. His eyes locked on to her puffy slit, watching it pull up and down, squeezing out a stream of clear arousal to, tinged with a sliver of his creamy seed. Not much of his seed escaped her, however, and he watched, transfixed, as her grey cunny squeezed and flexed as if begging him in once more. His cock rose to half-mast below his stomach and he nickered, the sound deep and guttural as his eyes dropped to her swinging udders. They were just the two and he reached for his magical, tendrils flickering deep within his mind, playfully welcoming him back. Now that he knew where to find his magic, that locked up box within his mind, it felt like an old friend and an easier feat to wrap the mental glow around his horn, only to cast it forth to manipulate another transformation.

Alina snorted, head lowered, as her udders tingled, the very beginning. He may even give her six udders in total just like Celeste and Karin. It suited them perfectly, so why not Alina? He could spread his magic around now that he knew how. And the mares could always change it back if they wanted to - it wasn't permanent, not by any means. Christian grunted, shaft hard and ready even without the aid of potions, instinctively going up on to his back hooves as she winked with the flirtatious edge of a seasoned mare. She knew how to entice a stallion in and Christian did not yet know - or want - to resist.

As he planted his weight once more upon the beautiful mare's back, his ears flushed pink at the memory of Karin. Her warmth remained on his cock as he sank it into Alina, the mare snorting and grinding back to meet him, juices squelching out of her stretched sex. As he watched Celeste tending to the filly, out of the corner of his eye, with a softness she rarely revealed, something told him that he'd be seeing a lot more of that not so little one.

And he wouldn't be minding that at all.

Breeding a Future - Chapter 6

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Written by Arian Mabe Karin followed Christian around the village for days after their group mating session, although she no longer kept her distance. Celeste assured him that she did not object to her presence and...

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 4

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Written by Arian Mabe Christian was, to say the very least, nervous. Celeste chose a quiet glade set apart from the village for his comfort and some sense of privacy for the breeding orgy - it couldn't be referred...

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 3

Loving a Unicorn Chapter Three Breeding a Future Written by Arian Mabe "Christian? Why are you frightened?" The stallion's tail flicked as they walked through the gently curving hallways of their home - the castle on the edge of the unicorn...

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