Why Rent When You Can Own?

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#1 of Why Rent When You Can Own?

I had the idea for this last year when I created a bunch of series, wrote about the first 1.5k words back in April, then it just kinda festered until I wrote the rest in the past 2 weeks. Nothing more interesting to say than that. If there's interest I would mind doing a followup to this one, heh. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

Proofread by avatar?user=188394&character=0&clevel=2 SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


"They have any otters?" Kevin asked, discretely whispering into his phone. Even if the street was sparsely populated that late in the evening, it was far better to err on the side of caution. "...Damn. How do the foxes look?... They have a silver one? That could be interesting... How much?... Shit, never mind. What's the cheapest one?... THAT'S the lowest?" He stopped for a moment, checking to make sure his exclamation didn't draw any unwanted attention. "Holy shit, wow. Way too expensive." The stout wolverine grunted, gazing up at the stars, lost in thought until a shout from the phone got his attention.

"Still here, sorry. How about deer?... Seriously? They have that many? Huh. What kind of a price range we talking about?... Yeah, yeah, that's not too bad... Just look them over and pick one out. You know what I like... I'm just a couple blocks away now. I'll grab the cash and be there in a minute." He was about to hang up, stopping to smile when he heard the voice from his phone say one last thing. "Love ya too." Slipping the phone into his pocket, he made his way to the nearest ATM, eager to meet up with his mate.

So far as he could tell, there wasn't a soul to be seen in the area around the ATM, which was perfect so far as he was concerned. The nearest row of streetlights appeared to be busted, making the only faint source of illumination the full moon shining up above. Despite his below-average height, his round belly, and his unimposing wardrobe consisting of casual slacks, a white tee shirt, a light jacket, and an oversized wristwatch, he held no fear of being alone in the city at night. He was sure he could handle himself.

Approaching the machine, he cheerfully whistled to himself, totally unaware that he was being watched from the darkness. After inserting his card and tapping a few keys, the wolverine grabbed his stack of withdrawn funds, quickly stuffing them into the inner pocket of his jacket. Smiling with anticipation, he briskly stepped into the alley, pausing briefly at an unexpected noise from behind. He looked over his shoulder, shrugging when he couldn't see anything worrisome standing out in the dim moonlight. Continuing down the alley, he was stopped by a voice growling out from the shadows.

"Hand it over."

Looking toward the source of the voice, Kevin was able to see little more than a vague silhouette. He couldn't tell what species the speaker was, but they were certainly on the tall side. It hardly seemed to matter, as the switchblade he could clearly see ominously glinting in the moonlight was more interesting. "I'm sorry, what was that?" he said, stifling an odd chuckle. Weapon or no, the stocky wolverine was less than impressed.

"Don't play stupid. I saw all that cash you just got out. Hand it over."

"Oh, that. Okay." Kevin condescendingly opened his jacket to show he wasn't armed, reached into the inside pocket, and grabbed the bunched up wad of bills. After pulling it out, he held it flush against his chest. "Are you absolutely certain you wish to do this?"

"The fuck kinda question is that? Of course I want it!"

"If you walk away now I'll be happy to let bygones be bygones. As marvelous as this little distraction is, I have more important things to do."

The figure hesitated, at least a little unnerved by his target's nonchalant reaction to getting mugged. "Fuck off, stop stalling. Hand it over. NOW."

"I was merely trying to give you an out," the wolverine said with a disinterested shrug, holding the cash out toward the shadowy figure. "Well, here you go."

The figure greedily lunged forward to grab his prize, revealing himself to be tall, if rather skinny, tan-furred horse with a mane of black headfur. The instant the would-be mugger got close enough to touch the money, Kevin casually flicked his wrist, triggering his watch to fire a dart directly into the horse's uncovered neck.

"What the hell?" the horse mumbled, slapping a hand over the dart. "What did... you..." was all he managed to add before collapsing in a heap onto the hard concrete.

The wolverine smiled at his watch. He had yet to regret wearing his bounty hunting gear during his off-hours. More than once, it had paid off in one way or another. Granted, while he had no doubt he could handle the horse without it, it was nice not to have to expend the effort.

Retrieving his money from where it had fallen to the ground, he got his phone back out and prepared to call the police. As he dialed the number, he happened to look down at his assailant, getting his first clear, detailed view of the horse's body. Black leather jacket, dirty, white tank top, tight, tattered jeans. He was notably skinny for a horse, though he had a plump, curvy rump under his long, furred tail. Not bad, the wolverine mused. Using his shoe, he shoved the horse onto his back, grinning at the bulge clearly visible running from his crotch down the left leg of his jeans. Making a snap decision, he stopped dialing, cleared the number, and made a call to his top contact. After several rings, his mate finally picked up.

"Hey, you didn't pick out anyone yet, did you?... Sweet, yeah... No, I didn't change my mind. I guess I kinda did. Whatever. Get the car and come to the alley at, uh... 5th and Welles... I think a permanent solution to our problem may have presented itself... No... Yeah... Well, get here and see for yourself!... Alright, see you in a bit. Love ya." Once more pocketing his phone, he grabbed a zip-tie and secured the unconscious horse's wrists together. "Looks like you're gonna have a new home." A wide smile crossed the wolverine's muzzle, the moonlight ominously glinting off his razor sharp teeth.


The horse groaned as he slowly regained consciousness, immediately regretting whatever he had been drinking to give himself such a remarkably bad headache. He reached up to rub his temples, immediately finding that his arms were both stuck behind his back, not budging an inch regardless of how hard he pulled at them. Confusion quickly gave way to fear as he tried to roll over, finding that his legs were bent and bound as well, with his ankles bound to his thighs, effectively hogtying him.

Judging by the overpowering taste of rubber filling his mouth, propping his jaw open, he had to assumed he had also been gagged. The total darkness initially made him think he had been blindfolded, though his vision slowly began to focus enough to make out thin cracks of light shining past a door. His eyes were uncovered, he was simply in a dark room.

Trapped in a dark room.

Bound head to hoof.

In a growing state of panic, he tried to recall how and why he had found his way into this mystery prison. Aside from the sight of a grinning wolverine, everything going back to the early afternoon was a total blank. He was in desperate need of some quick cash so he went out hunting... then nothing. Best as he could figure, he'd been drugged and kidnapped somehow. He wasn't sure what anyone could possibly want from him, since he didn't really have much to offer, but...


...but just then he realized he was totally naked. Whoever had taken him hadn't only tied him up; they had stripped him as well. The fur all along his left side rubbed directly against a plush, silken carpet as he squirmed. If he weren't so terrified, it might have been almost pleasant. Even more worrying was that his equine cock and round, heavy balls were dangling out in the open, resting limply against his thigh. He was definitely totally naked.

On top of that, now that his senses were flooding back, he noticed that his ass - specifically his tailhole - was sore. And greasy. And painfully full. His abdominal muscles felt strangely tight as well, as if they had spent a fair amount of time the past few hours totally cramped up.

He may not have known why whoever had taken him wanted him, but from the details he was putting together, he didn't want to stay to find out.

Straining against his bonds with everything he had, he focused entirely on trying to break himself free. He thrashed around, flopping uselessly about until landing flat on his back, arching it upward due to his bent legs, panting heavily through his flared nostrils. The pain in his ass had gotten worse with his struggling, making him realize he was most definitely clenching down on something. He had no idea what it was, but something had definitely been shoved up his ass.

For a brief moment he considered calling out for help. The gag couldn't keep him completely silent. Then again, making noise was only likely to summon whichever sick fucks had done this to him in the first place. The best option was probably to take a few seconds to recover and keep struggling to break free.

His thin, pointed ears swiveled toward a faint sound from the other side of the door, barely audible over the gentle whooshing of the air vent. If he listened closely, he could barely make out what they were discussing.

"...a little scrawny for a horse, isn't he?" a smooth, though nasal voice said.

"You prefer 'em skinny, with a nice, round ass, don't you?" a familiar, gruff voice replied. "I think he's perfect."

"No, no, his body's perfect, I'm not complaining at all there. It's hard to believe he considers himself straight with a butt like that. I was talking about his cock."

"Right, I gotcha. I agree with you there, it's not that impressive. What does it matter? Not like he's gonna be using it."

"I know, it's just more fun to cage them when they're big pillars of masculinity. Especially with horses."

"True, you have a point. Well, just wait until you see it decked out in metal, I bet it'll still look fantastic. Either way, I'm calling this a solid win. I doubt we could have lucked into a better toy than him."


The horse trembled as he processed what the voices were saying. They were discussing him like he was a piece of meat. Did they call him their toy? Were they seriously discussing his cock? And mocking its size? He was absolutely above average, even if 8 inches was small for his breed. And what the fuck did they mean by 'cage?' And, perhaps most importantly, WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO HIS ASS?

Before he had any more time to ponder the innumerable questions running through his head, the door swung open. With a click, the room flooded with light, the sudden change utterly blinding him. Closing his eyes, his twitching ears picked up the sound of heavy footsteps walking in. Through narrowed slits, he watched as a blurry pair of figures sat down in a pair of armchairs sitting against the wall. Blinking several times, his eyes finally adjusted enough to give him his first good look at his captors. The first one - a stout, grinning wolverine - he recognized from his vague memories from the night before. The other, a business-suit-clad hyena, silently observed him with a neutral expression as if sizing up prey. The hyena was a fair amount taller than the wolverine, and was no less muscled than his companion.

"Good to see you're awake." the wolverine said, breaking the uneasy silence. "I'm sure you're just full of questions right now, and I'll be happy to answer them all. First, though, my apologies for the memory loss. Unfortunate side effect of the tranquilizers, I'm afraid."

Shaking with fear and rage, the horse struggled in his bonds, screaming at his captors. Whatever he had tried to say was morphed into total gibberish by his gag.

Ignoring the outburst, the wolverine continued. "Quick introductions, I'm Kevin, and this is my husband, Eric." He gestured toward the hyena, who gave a small nod. "And you're Joseph. Or do you prefer Joey? You seemed to prefer Joey on your social media, so let's stick with Joey." Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned in closer to the horse. "Now, as for why you're here and all trussed up, that needs a bit of background. You see, Eric and I met some time ago and fell in love. We were perfect together, excepting that fact that we are, as you might say, sexually incongruous."

"Seriously?" the hyena chimed in. Sighing heavily, he gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes.


"You're doing it again. Just say 'incompatible'."

"Fine, if it makes you happy," Kevin growled back, narrowing his eyes at his husband. After holding his stare for several seconds, he looked back down at their captive. "Eric and I are sexually INCOMPATIBLE." He stopped again, briefly shooting the hyena another withering look. "As luck would have it, we're both dominant tops, so we were faced with a bit of a conundrum. While we most assuredly love each other, aside from angry 69-ing - which is in its own way transcendentally glorious, mind you - sex wasn't really an option. Our luck changed for the better when we wound up working for some folks who have a number of diversified business interests: Gambling, money lending, as well as many, many others. These folks have a rather... creative ways of making sure they collect on their debts, which I suppose you could call indentured servitude. They're a bit harsher when dealing with those who encroach on their territory, or assault their employees, which I suppose you could call permanent indentured servitude. In both cases, that generally amounts to getting rented out to interested parties such as ourselves, and this is where you come in. Eric and I may not be able to have sex, but we have found a happy medium. If we simultaneously make use of an intermediary's hole as a facilitator, then it's almost-"

Interrupting his husband, the hyena again weighed in with a deep sigh. "Rented hole. Fuckboy. Cock sleeve. He's saying we'd rent a cock sleeve we could both fuck at once. There."

"You gonna let me do the talking here or what?"

"Sure. After you adjust your fuckin' dialogue for your fuckin' audience. Why give him this rundown at all if you're going to talk like you're little lord Puffytits and confuse him? You're talking to our new fuck toy, not the king of France. Knock it off with the unnecessarily big words."

"What? Incompatible is bigger than incongruous!" Looking down at his hands, the wolverine mouthed both words, counting with his fingers. "More syllables too!"

"You know what I mean."

"FINE! Fucktoy! Whatever! I would think a lawyer of all people would have some damn respect for language!"

"I do respect language. There's a time and a place for it. What you're doing right now makes you sound like a word-a-day calendar."

Watching this exchange, Joey's anger faded, giving way to outright terror. He wasn't sure what was worse: the fact that they were so casually discussing raping him right to his face, or that the seriousness of the situation wasn't enough to prevent such an asinine argument from breaking out.

With a grumble, Kevin gave his husband a dismissive wave. "Anyway, while sharing a COCK SLEEVE is effective, those who can actually handle the both of us at the same time aren't common. And worse, expensive as hell. Our favored way of making love was little more than an overly expensive, occasional treat. Fast forward to tonight, you came at me with a knife, and I saw an opportunity presenting itself."

"Wait, a knife?" In an instant, Eric flew into a total rage. "YOU DIDN'T SAY THIS PIECE OF SHIT ATTACKED YOU WITH A KNIFE!" Jumping out of his chair, he advanced, step by step, on the bound, frantically struggling horse. "You better hope to fuck you didn't even ruffle his fur or I'll-"

"Eric! Knock it off," Kevin said, rolling his eyes. "He wouldn't be a threat to me if he was carrying a shotgun that FIRED knives. I knew you'd overreact! This is why I didn't say anything!"

"Sorry..." The hyena sat back down, more than a little embarrassed by his outburst. "I don't know what I'd do if-"

"I know, I know. Now, where were we?... So, yeah, you blundered into our lives, and now we have ourselves a new toy for free! I told our boss everything that happened, and he happily cleared it and gave us the go-ahead to claim ownership of you. Seems they're eager to not have to give us an employee discount on their wares anymore, so it's a win for everyone!"

A mix of shock, hate, and indignation was apparent on the horse's face. He promptly resumed uselessly screaming muffled gibberish at his captors.

"I'm sure you're saying something like, 'This isn't fair' or just begging for us to let you go, but that isn't going to happen. Believe it or not, you might just grow to see this as a win, too," Kevin explained, nodding calmly. "With a body like yours, prison would probably be no different than... most... of what we're going to do with you. And if we let you go, chances are you'd end up killing someone and wind up in prison anyway. As long as you behave, we're willing to keep you happy, too. Internet's off limits, obviously, but since we're saving so much money now, any other entertainment, furniture, good food, none of it should be a problem."

The horse submissively folded his ears back. Nothing that had been said made him feel better in any conceivable way. And now that the carrot had been presented, he could only imagine the stick was coming.

"Now, there will be a few rules for you to follow. One, no attacking either of us, obviously. I mean, needless to say, it won't work out well for you. I take down guys twice your size for a living, and Eric is almost a match for me."

"Almost?" the hyena said, skeptically narrowing his eyes at his husband.

"You heard me. And rule two, you will obey every order we give. To be honest, neither of us are terribly strict, and our commands are likely going to amount to getting into various positions or costumes for us to fuck you in. Still, any undue aggression or disobedience will be punished by a shock from your collar, so it's best for you to listen. We don't want to hurt you if we don't need to, but we will."

This was the first Joey had heard of a collar. He instinctively tried to reach up to his neck, only to remember the ropes holding his arms fast. Unable to move, or even communicate back, he was on the verge of tears. A part of him was praying that this was some kind of insane practical joke gone too far. It couldn't possibly be real. He was going to wake up at home any minute now.

"What else..."

"The cage," Eric said, helping his husband along.

"Right! Ideally, once we can trust you more, we can do away with most of your gear. On the other hand, we'll be keeping you in chastity from here on out. No real reason for it beyond the fact we find it incredibly hot. We'll be having a coworker of ours over to get that taken care of tomorrow. It won't be permanent or anything. If you're good, we'll occasionally treat you with time out of it, but don't expect to get to jack off again for quite some time. Oh, and we'll also be getting you a few fur tattoos to mark you as ours, so that might sting a bit. That brings me to the final part-"

Having officially heard enough, Joey flailed on the floor as much as he was able, succeeding at little more than flopping about like a fish out of water. After a loud electrical pop, the struggling horse squealed, seized up, then dropped flat on his back.

The mildly annoyed wolverine pulled his hand out of his pocket and cleared his throat. "The final part is that we're going to have to train you to handle the both of us. From what we could tell by snooping around about you, in spite of that delightfully curvy ass of yours, you consider yourself straight. If that bulb from the enema was any indication, you've got plenty of work to do before you can take use both at the same time." He stopped, giving a small chuckle when the dazed horse's eyes opened wide at the mention of an enema. "We took the liberty of cleaning you out while you were under. That's another good rule to keep in mind, actually. Make sure to keep yourself clean, or we'll have to do it, and you don't want that. Eric's a bit of a freak about cleanliness, and he probably won't be gentle."

The hyena nodded. "I'll use a garden hose if I need to. I don't mean externally."

"Chances are we'll probably make you our - for lack of a better description, maid - when we aren't otherwise using you, so just add that to your list of responsibilities. In any case, I'm sure you already noticed the inflatable plug we gave you to begin your training. It's on a low setting right now, which we'll steadily increase, and before you know it you'll be happily sandwiched between the both of us, fitting us like a glove. Speaking of which..." Dropping to his knees, Kevin crawled up to the horse's rear, grabbing the bulb connected to the plug snugly stuffed in his tailhole. With three squeezes, he inflated the plug further, causing the horse to let out a loud, garbled squeal as he was increasingly violated.

Much to his chagrin, Joey felt his limp cock throb, raising slightly off the carpet due to the unexpected pressure against his prostate.

Smirking down at his toy, Kevin climbed back to his feet. "Good idea, enjoy it while you can." He clapped his hands together, wrapping up his presentation. "Alright, I think that's about it. It's already pretty late - like I said, powerful tranqs - so we're gonna let you rest for tomorrow. Gonna be a big day!"

Slowly rising from his chair, Eric joined his husband, standing side-by-side, grasping his hand. "There is one more thing he forgot to mention. We wouldn't recommend trying to escape. That wouldn't be wise. We live in a gated community that is family owned, if you get my meaning. And if you don't, you will after we take you on your first walk around the neighborhood."

"Good catch! That should be everything. Sleep well, Joey." Grabbing the hyena's hand, Kevin added, "Come on, Eric, let's get back upstairs." He rushed out the door, pulling his husband behind him. Once they were outside the room, he flashed a menacing, toothy grin at his husband. "You're gonna choke on my cock for embarrassing me back there."

"You're welcome to try," Eric leered back, engaging his mate in a loving kiss as they let the door close behind them.

With a resounding, reverberating clang, the door was locked for the night, and Joey was once again left in perfect, all-encompassing darkness. He could barely keep his thoughts straight. One thing was certain; as much as he wished it was so, this wasn't simply a nightmare. No, this was real, this was happening, and no matter what happened, he absolutely had to get away from those psychos. He made an honest mistake, nothing more. He didn't deserve to be made into a slave for it. Redoubling his efforts, struggling against the ropes binding his limbs, he would stop at nothing until he was free and safely away from his captors.


A loud, growling rumble woke Joey from his fitful slumber. For a fleeting moment, as he opened his eyes, his predicament was totally forgotten. In short order, the memories of the previous day's horrors all came flooding back. Though he had valiantly struggled to get free for the better part of the night, he had made no real progress, and at some point, simply passed out. And now, he woke up on his belly, unconsciously grinding his morning wood into the nice fluffy carpet as he stirred.

Another thunderous growl from his stomach grabbed his attention. For the first time since this nightmare began, he realized just how hungry he had gotten. If the wolverine had been telling the truth, then he hadn't eaten in two days. Maybe more. Curling into a ball to ease his protesting stomach, he noticed that the ropes around his arms had been loosened enough for him to wrench them free. With a series of brutal thrashes, the ropes fell away, making his gag and the ropes binding his ankles to his thighs his only remaining restraints.

Just as he was about to unclip his ball-gag, he froze in place at the sound of the door's lock clanging back open. He could only look with dread at his captors as they casually strolled back in.

"He got his arms out, I must admit, I am impressed," Kevin said, a wide, obnoxious, shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

"I told you to let me tie them," Eric replied, rolling his eyes. "You always fuck ropes up."

"I am excellent with ropes, thank you! Remember that rat we -"

"PLEASE!" Joey interjected, having taken the distraction of their minor argument to remove his gag. Realizing the state his jaw was in, he paused for several seconds to work it up and down. "I'm sorry! Please let me go! I wasn't going to hurt you, I just needed the money and thought it'd scare you! I'll never do it again I SWEAR! Please just let me go... I swear I won't tell anyone about what happened!" The wolverine and hyena waited for him to finish, watching curiously as he plead for his freedom. To his crushing disappointment, the hyena broke out into a fit of wild laughter, while the wolverine simply went back to his grin.

"I went over all that last night, didn't I?" the wolverine asked, nudging the hyena with his elbow.

"You did. Don't know what he's hung up on, now."

Joey was feeling nothing short of disbelief at their blasé reactions. "Are you serious!?! This isn't right! You can't enslave someone for attacking you! Just... just call the cops! I don't care! But you can't do this to me!"

"Oh. I thought I was clear. I mean, Eric's still a bit hung up about the knife and all, but this isn't about what's right, or punishing you, or anything asinine like that. Eric and I were in the market for a nice, warm tailhole, and you made yourself available. That's pretty much the whole story. Ipso facto. The end."

"And it's a good thing too. Been way too long since we last got to double-stuff a tailhole."

Instinctively lowering his long, flowing tail over his plugged rump, Joey finally lost what left of his composure. "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK FUCKING FREAKS! I'M DONE WITH THIS FUCKING GAME! LET ME GO AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO BE YOUR STUPID FUCKING ASS SLAVE!"

Both Kevin and Eric looked up from the heavily panting horse, shrugging at each other before looking back down at him.

"Why?" the wolverine asked, faintly smiling. "We already own you."

"We tried getting an official third member to join our relationship a couple times. Didn't work out. They got all clingy and demanding. We work much better as a couple owning a servant that knows their place." Grasping the wolverine's hand, Eric planted a kiss on his husband's cheek. "Or occasionally swinging with friends. That's always a nice treat."

Just as Joey took in a deep breath, preparing to go on another tirade, his whole body seized up with the crackle of electricity coming from his collar. He dropped belly-down on the floor, a thin stream of drool running from his muzzle.

"Sorry, that was getting boring," Kevin said, getting a nod of agreement from the hyena. He placed the collar's remote back in his pocket. "If you're ready to knock off the pointless bargaining, we have something you might want." Bringing his arm around from behind his back, he revealed a ceramic bowl, placing it on the floor in front of the horse's face.

Joey's nostrils twitched, picking up the slightly sweet scent of cooked oats wafting up from the bowl. Another thunder-shock of a grumble from his belly helped to clear away the residual daze from the shock he had received. Almost instinctively, he lowered his mouth to the bowl, halting when he remembered who had given it to him. He stared at the oats, drooling, yet unwilling to eat.

"We didn't do anything to the damned food," the hyena said, huffing as he rolled his eyes.

"Like I said, if you're good, we'll give you better food. Simple oatmeal seemed like a good starting point."

A longer, more insistent grumbled protest from his stomach sealed the deal for him, forcing Joey to lower his head and ravenously devour the mildly sweet slop. It tasted normal enough, if a little bland. Maybe they were honest about not tampering with it. Regardless, that was far less of a concern at the moment, as he was far happier to finally be sating his hunger. All too soon he had finished, licking the bowl clean, almost wishing he had more. If only for a short time, he could enjoy his full belly, forgetting everything that had happened up until then. Closing his eyes, he gave a small sigh and rested his head on the floor.

Almost immediately, his eyes shot back open. The plug in his ass was deflated and yanked out with a single twisting, wrenching pull, only to immediately be replaced with two of the wolverine's fingers. He let out a shriek of pain, flailing his arms behind him to fight off his attacker. The hyena easily subdued him, holding his wrists to the carpet while his husband inspected the stretched, thick-rimmed tailhole.

"Not bad, he's got a ways to go, but he could probably take us individually - blehf!" Kevin shook his head, dodging the horsetail frantically whipping at him, spitting out a couple errant strands of hair. "One sec," he said, pulling his fingers out of the hole to retrieve a cuff and a chain from his pocket. He deftly snapped the cuff around the tail, attaching the chain to the horse's collar, pulling it tight. With the long tail now pulled up, secured against the back of their toy's neck, he took another look at the greased, mildly gaping anus. "Yeah, he could definitely take us one on one. Would you care terribly if I got primus noctus here?"

"You found him, after all, so sure. Provided you swear you'll stop saying things like PRIMA NOCTA, go ahead."

The wolverine grunted, narrowing his eyes at his husband. "Criticizing my speech, again?"

"Look, I know you're smart. You don't need to prove it to any-"

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" the horse screamed, interrupting the hyena, thrashing about as much as his bound legs could move. "GET OFF NOW OR I'LL FUCKING KILL-" His renewed threats were quickly ended with a choking gulp as the wolverine stuffed the discarded ball-gag back into place, clipping the straps together behind his head. Once it was in place, the hyena shifted slightly, kneeling on Joey's wrists while pinning his chest to the floor, keeping his nice, round ass-cheeks totally vulnerable.

"Much better," Kevin said, taking position on his knees, straddling the terrified horse's rear. Unzipping the fly of his pants, he let out a pleased sigh as he pulled out his ten-inch, fully engorged cock, letting it throb freely in the cool air. Using a container of lube from his pocket, he gave himself a quick coat and aimed his tip toward the defensively clenching equine tailhole. He grabbed the horse's bound ankles, pushing them down to the sides of his ass, giving himself unfettered access to the beautiful rump. Biting his lip with anticipation, he began to hump his way inside, spearing the rapidly stretching anus centimeter by centimeter, relishing the gagged screams from the pinned horse.

A series of pleasured chitters escaped the wolverine's throat. Even after being stretched out overnight, the flexing tailhole was quite possibly the tightest he had ever had the pleasure to experience crushing down around his length. Aside from when he shared one with his husband, of course. Bottoming out at about seven inches in, he was unable to make any further progress, only forcing yelps and squeals from his sobbing toy. If it weren't for the liberal coating of lube, he doubted he'd have made it remotely that far.

Driven utterly wild by the horse's gripping, virgin depths, he eagerly palmed his buttcheeks, giving them both a playful squeeze before reaching upward to grasp his waist. After giving a few additional test thrusts, he pulled out and forced his way in again, pumping his hips, fucking him with steady, brutal force.

Never in his life had Joey remotely considered taking anything up his ass. He never felt the need to question his sexuality, and after being forced by the pair, the pain and discomfort from his rump being mercilessly speared made him certain he was right. The realization that his cock, pinned between his forcibly thrusting pelvis and the silken carpet, was rapidly stiffening brought him nothing but rage. He didn't want to get hard from this, the fucker pounding against his prostate was using his body against him. Screwing his eyes shut tight, he tried to forget what was really happening, doing everything in his power to pretend it was all some horrible nightmare. A task made all the more difficult by the guttural grunts forced out of him every time the wolverine thrust in as deep as he was able. Still, it was better than watching the bulge in the hyena's pants throbbing mere inches from his nose. He found himself wishing he wasn't gagged, if only so he could do something to make the the psycho truly regret what he was doing. Another sharp jab from the wolverine hammered his insides, forcing a garbled squeal past his gag.

Kevin let out a long, joyous moan, moving ever faster as his pelvis became a total blur. His balls were whipping against the horse's where they were lying on the floor, eking out additional pained grunts from him with every impact. Before he knew it, leaning his shoulders forward, he switched to short, shallow thrusts as he climaxed, sending several thick spurts of cum deep inside his new plaything's ass. Bottoming out one final time, he managed to get everything past the fleshy, reddened ring except for the last inch. He held still for a time, enjoying the enveloping warmth of the horse's colon until getting a playful shove from his husband.

"You done yet? Getting blue-balled here."

"Ah, sorry," the wolverine said, cupping the horse's cheeks as he pulled his length free, taking some effort to escape the gripping rim nestled between them. "Yeah, you'll understand in a minute. This might just be the most exquisite, warm, velvety asshole I've ever felt."

The instant the hyena moved to switch positions, Joey, his eyes bloodshot and moist, lashed out with his freed arms. The backhanded compliment reignited his anger, making him do his damnedest to inflict some sort of damage on his captors. As before, his struggles were ultimately for naught. He only made glancing contact with the hyena's belly before both wrists were grabbed and pulled behind his back. Moments later, his ears drooped, hearing the telltale metallic click of handcuffs being locked. He flopped about for several seconds before surrendering to exhaustion, landing back on his belly, leaving his unwillingly partially erect cock pointing downward, trapped between the carpet and his balls.

Having tossed his pants aside, letting his own throbbingly erect shaft free, Eric took his place behind the horse. He didn't bother with lube, instead relying on whatever was left behind by his husband. At nine inches, his cock wasn't as long as the wolverine's, though he made up for the difference by having a slight curve and by being quite a bit thicker. Not giving their toy a chance to brace himself, he lunged forward, thrusting into the slightly gaped hole without warning, promptly planting half of his cock inside the horse's rump.

Joey grunted with pain as if he had taken a punch directly to his gut. Unable to struggle now that his arms were cuffed, he went back to his previous plan: screw his eyes shut tight and pretend he was anywhere else. Again, his plan was ruined when the wolverine knelt by his face, resting his cum-and-lube-soaked cock atop his muzzle. Try as he might, he couldn't ignore the pungent aroma of male musk mixed with his own ass flooding his senses. He swore through his gag, choking back an outright scream, eagerly waiting for it all to be over.

Lacking the raw endurance of his mate, all-too-soon Eric reached a climax of his own. Watching the wolverine's powerful shaft demolishing the horse had gotten him riled up beyond belief, and he wasn't exaggerating about how exceptional his ass was, either. Eric considered himself lucky that he didn't pop just from the initial thrust. He hated looking like a weakling in front of his true love, after all. Letting out a long cackle giving way to a moan, his thrusting grew slower, smoother, and much more forceful as he pumped multiple loads of thick, creamy jizz into the recently virgin hole. While he sat back on his heels, still buried deep inside, enjoying the afterglow, he startled the horse by giving both of his asscheeks a vigorous slap.

The sound of the doorbell ringing grabbed their attention.

"That'll be Max, Perfect timing!" Kevin shouted, happily climbing to his feet and running to get the door. Moments later, he returned with an energetic lion following close behind.

The lion was bare-chested, otherwise wearing a pair of cargo shorts and hiking boots. He stood slightly shorter than the hyena, though otherwise they shared a proud, broad-shouldered, muscular build. His tawny fur was on full display, with a massive brown mane up top, neatly swept back and styled. He had a pair of barbells piercing his nipples, a stud piercing the bottom of his belly button, and a ring with a jingle bell piercing the tip of his tail.

More than anything else, it was the duffel bag the lion had slung over his shoulder that concerned Joey the most. Given the sparse bits of the conversation from yesterday he was able to recall, nothing it could possibly contain meant anything good for him.

"Heya Eric, how's it hangin'?" the lion asked, smirking at the hyena still balls-deep under the horse's tail.

"Uh, curving upward. How've you been?"

"Pretty great! Business is booming lately, been thinking of hiring an assistant. So, sprung for a horse this time, huh?" the lion asked, checking out Joey's body up-and-down. "Good choice, I like him."

"Yeah, we'll tell you the whole story later. Short version, we own him. That's why we're getting him marked." Grabbing hold of the horse's flanks, Eric pulled his cock out of the well-used hole, leaving it gaping, a dribbling stream of spent fluids leaking out.

"Nice! I figured it was something like that when you put in the order."

"So, you bring us anything good for gearing him up?"

"Absolutely! I've been tinkering with a new design I've been wanting to test out, and he should be perfect. Why don't you roll him over so I can take a look-see? And unbind his legs, if you don't mind."

Before Joey could react, both the hyena and the wolverine easily flipped him onto his back, leaving him lying atop his shackled wrists. Moments later, the ropes tying his ankles to his thighs loosened and disappeared. Letting out a sigh of relief, he stretched them out for the first time in far too long. The thought of kicking his captors flashed into his mind. Realistically, he was far too stiff to even try. Besides, the wolverine and hyena had already each grabbed a leg, pulling them wide apart, forcing him to splay them open at a mildly-painful angle.

Kneeling in front of the horse's crotch, Max lifted the softened equine cock, giving it a short inspection. "Little scrawny for a horse, isn't he?"

"Yeah, we've already been through that," Kevin replied, chuckling softly. "Fits him well enough."

"Okay then, not a problem," the lion said, shrugging to himself. "This should still do the trick." Rooted around in his bag, he soon pulled out a rounded metal object.

Though he was terrified, mostly, Joey was confused. He didn't know what to make of the mysterious object, which appeared to made of a number of thin, smooth, welded metal rings and bars. There was a ring acting as a sort of base, with a series of smaller rings forming a latticed, curved cylinder, going from the outside of one side of the base ring to the other. The cylinder had a pair of bars running its length on either side, meeting across the opening of one end, blocking it closed and forming a small, circular hole where they merged at the center. Revealing that the base ring was actually made of two halves, the entire device hinging open at the middle of the curved cylinder, the lion opened it and brought it to his crotch. Just then, the purpose of the device finally dawned on Joey, forcing him into a panic, pointlessly struggling to free his legs from the wolverine and hyena clutching them.

Inserting the horse's limp penis through the cylinder, Max placed the top of the split base ring at the top of the horse's scrotum. He gently closed the hinge as he fed the rest of the penis into the cage, eventually bringing both halves of the base ring together around the base of the scrotum. After checking to make sure that none of the horse's sensitive bits had gotten caught in a hinge or seam, he applied a pair of locks to either side of the base ring, securely locking it around the bunched-up nutsack. Sitting back to inspect his work, the lion grinned at the sight of the fat, round testicles separated by a forcibly curved, caged cock.

Joey whipped his head back and forth, in utter disbelief of what had just happened. How they had seriously meant what they had said. There were no depths these monsters wouldn't steep to. Not only were they going to use his ass as a glorified sex toy, there weren't even going to allow him to jerk off on his own time. He wished he could beg them for some degree of mercy, even if he knew full well it wouldn't be heeded. He just didn't know what to do at all anymore.

"Oh right," the lion said, digging back into his bag, "I brought something extra you might be interested in. These have been pretty popular lately, especially for horses and the like." Pulling out a full bridle and bit-gag harness, he held it up for his two customers to see.

"I like it! What do you think, Eric?"

"Hm. Could be interesting. Can we see how it looks on him?"

"No problem! Just one moment." Kneeling by the horse's head, Max unclipped his ball-gag, pulling it out of his mouth. He promptly replaced it with the bridle's bit before the momentary freedom allowed the horse to resume his begging. After securing the straps, he stood up to allow Kevin and Eric to check it out. "Oh, they're not on right now, but you can also add blinders, or a full blindfold to the attachment by the eyes. There's a number of accessories available for this piece."

"Oh, that'll be perfect for going on walks," Kevin said, nodding his approval.

"How much?" the hyena asked, a bit more pragmatic than his mate.

"Well, since you guys have always been good customers, and even better coworkers, how about you let me have a turn with him and we'll call this one a freebie?"

Belting out a loud cackling laugh, Eric happily had to accept. "You know what? You're welcome to use him whenever you like, Max. That's what he's here for, after all. He's still fully lubed, so have at it."

Before the hyena could even finish speaking, the lion had dropped his shorts to the floor, revealing both his lack of underwear, and a shining silver ring piercing the bottom of his sheath. The pink tip of his tapered, feline cock was already emerging, clearly enjoying the sight of the bound horse.

Biting down on his new gag, Joey closed his eyes, throwing his head back in frustration. There was little else he could do with the pair present, keeping him immobile. Especially now that they were joined by a third rapist. For the moment, he chose to completely surrender, hoping they'd get it over with quickly so he could get to work on however he was going to escape.

Running his fist along his barbed length, Max easily brought himself to his full seven-inch size. He knelt at the horse's upturned rear, pulled just off the floor by his owners clutching his legs, and again admired the sight of the caged genitals and the puffy anus winking below them. Eager to get started, he shuffled forward to get closer, placing his tip up to the well-prepared hole. With an unceremonious thrust, he easily buried most of his cock inside the horse's rear.

Groaning through his gag, Joey tried as best as he could to adjust to the penetration. The lion was smaller than the others, sure. The barbs all along his prick were different, though, and were utterly tormenting his insides. They weren't so much outright painful as they were bothersome and oddly stimulating. Between that and the returning pressure against his prostate, he felt his own cock reluctantly swelling once more. Or, trying to do so. He was soon reminded of the cage containing his flared shaft, forcing it to remain curved between his balls as it engorged itself, encased inside the increasingly cylinder of rings. A sobbing howl escaped his gag as he fully realized his predicament. The discomfort and pain, as unpleasant as they were, were somehow making him get even harder, turning the whole thing into a feedback loop of tormented denial of pleasure.

To the three captors kneeling around him, they were all having the time of their lives watching the new slave experience chastity for the first time. Watching him squirm, seeing that equine meat restrained by those metal rings, pulsing between them, was simply a thing of beauty.

With a wide, toothy grin, Max dropped to all fours, kneeling over the horse while still fully sheathed in his rump. Raising his tail, he looked over his shoulder at the hyena. "You know, there's an extra pair of holes available if you want 'em."

Not even needing to think it over, both Kevin and Eric nodded to each other, eager to join in and do some spitroasting. They let go of the horse's legs and claimed spots at either side of the lion, Kevin kneeling at his mouth, Eric kneeling at his rear. Without a second thought, the hyena pushed his slick shaft between the experienced lion's cheeks, easily finding and pushing through the pink tailhole.

Making a purring moan as his ass was filled, he stopped and licked his lips upon seeing the wolverine's throbbing cock approach his muzzle. He sniffed at the hot pillar of flesh, grinning at the smell of cum, lube, and horse covering it. "Mmm, already got to play with the new toy, huh?"

"Oh, right, yeah. He's clean and all, but I should wipe myself off first. One sec," the wolverine said. He was about to stand and leave when the lion hungrily sucked the full length into his mouth, humming as he swallowed down around it. "Ah, that's... mmm... that's fine too. Kinky kitty..."

Bobbing his head up and down the shaft, Max caressed it with his rough tongue while sucking him off. At the same time, he finally began moving his hips, fucking the horse's rump while pressing harder against the hyena's pelvis. He wrapped his tail around the hyena's waist, further encouraging him to cut loose and utterly ravage his ass.

Happy to oblige, Eric grabbed hold of the lion's waist and slowly, though powerfully, pumped his hips, fucking the lion. Every time he pulled back out, the lion's cock was pulled partway out of the horse, and every time he slammed back in, he sent the lion's cock right back inside up to its root. The smacking sound of his hips impacting the muscular, feline ass, as well as the jingling of the bell piercing his tail, totally filled the room.

Not to be outdone, Kevin began fucking the lion's face with reckless abandon, repeatedly grinding his pubic fur against his nose. A rumbling purr sounded out, vibrating the entirety of that moist, hot muzzle around his cock, letting him know the rough treatment was appreciated. He was particularly impressed with the lion's skill, since he didn't even feel the faintest hint of those lethally sharp teeth at any point.

Down below them, Joey was clenching his teeth down on his gag. No matter what he did or tried to think about, he couldn't stop thinking about the pain from the cage encasing his cock. The entire thing felt like it was throbbing like crazy. His ass had grown almost used to the treatment after all that time plugged and fucked, but being forcibly made chaste was the purest definition of hell. Despite it all, he felt a slight wetness against the underside of his pent-up balls due to a stream of precum involuntarily leaking out the tip of the cage.

As he kicked and flailed wildly, it dawned on him that his legs were no longer being held. He made an attempt to kick one of his attackers, succeeding only in getting his ankles caught by the hyena, who then held them against the lion's waist as his thrusting picked up speed.

This time around, it was Kevin's turn to finish first, driven wild by the lion's talented tongue. Grabbing fistfuls of the proud, thick mane, he slammed in a few more times, firing out a massive load of seed as he gave a pleased, satisfied sigh.

Eagerly taking all the cum into his mouth, Max swished it around, enjoying the taste, though he didn't swallow. Instead, he waited for the wolverine to pull completely out, then lowered his mouth to the horse's. Pressing his lips against Joey's, he let the full load ooze past the gap made by his bit-gag, gracing the horse with his master's cream.

Coughing and sputtering, Joey tried to no avail to keep the disgusting fluid from leaking into his mouth. The lion easily overpowered him, forcing it all in, giving him no choice but to gulp it down as fast as he could to avoid tasting anything.

Before long, the hyena's increasingly rapid thrusting brought Max to a shattering climax, releasing the horse's mouth to let out a resounding roar. He gyrated his hips multiple times before suddenly jerking backwards, thrusting his ass against the hyena's pounding hips, pulling his own cock free just in time to fire several thick strands of cream onto the horse's belly and chest. Arching his back, leaning down, he happily cleaned the horse with his tongue while raising his ass up higher, waiting for the hyena to finish as well. He didn't have to wait for very long, as soon after, the hyena reached his peak.

Slamming in one final time, Eric gave another long, pleased cackle, jizzing deep into his colon. The instant his flow of cum abated, he fell back onto the floor, slipping out of the lion's rear as he dropped. Panting heavily, he wore a wide, open-mouthed smile on his muzzle.

"Oh, that was absolutely terrific," the lion said, climbing to his footpaws and doing a few stretches. He reached behind himself, wiping some stray cum from his hole and licking it off his hand. "Alright then, now that we're done with his ass, I suppose I can finish up and get him marked."

"Good catch! You almost made me forget all about it!" The wolverine said, standing up us well. "So, how do you want to do it?"

Looking around the ceiling, Max pointed out a pair of anchored hooks. "Those'll do. Here, get these on him, and then we can get him suspended," he said, handing a steel-banded leather cuff and length of chain to the wolverine. He placed the cuff on the horse's ankle, securely tightening it, while Kevin did the same for the other side. Once they were both on, they lifted the horses legs up to the hooks, securing the chains to them, suspending him upside-down, totally off the floor.

Joey struggled to get free, though in his weakened state, it amounted to little more than groaning and squirming. Once he was left hanging by his ankles, he managed to sway back and forth like a pendulum. That was ended when his captors looped more chains under his armpits, securing them to anchors in the floor, holding him completely still. Between his needy, trapped cock and pure exhaustion, both mental and physical, he was in too much of a fog to even want to figure out what they were up to.

With his subject secured, Max went back into his bag, getting out an electric shaver. He took a minute to plan things out in his head before clicking the shaver on and getting started.

Joey's eyes grew wide when he heard the loud, mechanical buzzing, instantly snapping him out of his haze. Unable to see what was making the noise, he quickly pieced it together once it made contact with his left ass-cheek, sending fur flying everywhere.

Soon, Max had a wide, ten-inch-wide circle shaved smooth to the skin, then shaved a similar one on the other cheek. After giving both bare cheeks a slap, he placed the shaver back in his bag, retrieving what the horse instantly recognized as a tattoo machine. He opened a few additional packages, fiddling with the machine to get it prepared.

Unable to struggle, Joey braced himself for what was most assuredly going to be painful as hell. His assumption was proved to be correct when the lion began his work, tattooing his bare skin while forcing him to make gagged howls of pain as he dangled in place. The whole process from the start on one cheek to finishing on the other took a mercifully short time, owing both to the lion's skill and the simplicity of the designs. Not that he was in any way pleased or accepting of what had happened, he was just learning to be thankful for small graces. He winced as he felt a pair of large bandages applied to his new tattoos.

"Alrighty, leave the bandages on for about twenty-four hours and your new toy'll have a nice 'K' and 'E' to mark him as yours. Once his fur grows back it'll dye it too, so make sure it stays nice and short so the letters stay readable. And before you ask, they're not upside-down too. I took that into account." He packed away the rest of his gear, taking care to safely store the needles for disposal. "Take it easy on his ass for a while. Oh! And let me know when you want some more modifications done! I'd hate to leave it so simple."

"Don't worry, we're just getting started," Kevin said, smiling as the lion hefted his bag over his shoulder and headed out the door.

"Don't forget, you're welcome to use him whenever you like," Eric added, getting a wink from the lion before he was gone. "Okay, Kevin, let's get him down." Releasing the anchors from the floor, they lifted his ankle-chains off the hooks, gently lowering him belly-down onto the carpet.

Joey groaned, his full weight now resting atop his caged junk, somehow finding himself shamefully wishing he could have had an orgasm of his own. Before he could give his shameful thought more consideration, he felt the inflatable plug shoved back under his tail with a squelching pop, locking the remaining fluids inside. A whining grunt passed through his gag, fading into a muffled scream as several pumps inflated it well past his previous limit. His eyes reddened and wet, he stared daggers at his captors. He was more than a little surprised when the wolverine knelt down and removed his gag, leaving only the handcuffs, tail cuff, and chastity cage on him.

"Go ahead and rest now, we'll be back with dinner," the wolverine said, smiling down at the horse. "You were pretty good today, so we'll get you something nice."

"You're monsters..." Joey spat back, glaring up at him.

The wolverine continued smiling as he and he husband held hands and started to leave. "I know it was rough today, but first days are always the worst. Things'll get better, you'll see. Give it time, and you'll have a nice home here."

"You're evil... you're just fucking evil..."

"How can we be evil if everything we do is for love?" Kevin asked just before leaving. The door closed behind him with the lock engaging, sounding out the same ominous clank as before.

Joey wanted to scream. They truly were psychos. How could they not understand how wrong everything about this was. He was hardly a saint, having spent his life of late as a petty thief and conman, but he never once hurt anyone. It wasn't right. He didn't deserve what they did to him. No one did.

No matter what, his only possible choice was to find a way to escape; there was no telling what they might do to him next. And the worst part of all was realizing just how truly alone he was. The way he left things with his friends, they wouldn't be looking for him anytime soon. Even if they noticed he was gone, he didn't know that they'd care, and time was too much of a factor. He didn't know how long he could take this treatment before breaking. Already, a small part of him was screaming to accept his fate. Already he was beyond sore and exhausted. If this is what they did when they were pleased, he didn't want to know what they'd do if he kept fighting. And this room, wherever it was, was larger and nicer than the last few he'd crashed in...

He quashed those thoughts the instant they made themselves known. He was no slave, he couldn't let himself give up that easy. Accepting only that there was no one he could count on but himself, he resolved to play their game for the sake of self preservation for just as long as it took him to find and exploit some kind of weakness. There was no chance he'd ever be a physical match for them, so he had to be smart.

With nothing but that faint hope of success left, he struggled to find a way to get free of his handcuffs, taking care not to roll onto his sore rump. Somehow, some way, he'd find a way to get out.