D and the Behemoth

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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D and the Behemoth

by Von Krieger

D mmmed softly, blinking his eyes and trying to figure out where exactly he was. Last thing he knew, he'd been walking in the woods on the way to the next town on his little adventuring tour, hoping that they had some monsters that needed slaying and dungeons that needed exploring and looting, evil wizards that needed to have their towers toppled (often with them inside it), and other such things suited to a wandering adventurer, though not often as one as unique as D.

Born of a eastern-type water dragon and some kind of furre, D was quite a sight to see. Tall and muscular, but quite lithe, covered in yellow fur with a white underbelly, he tended to draw stares wherever he went. His father, also an adventurer, he had never met. His mother snuggling with him for comfort during some sort of quest. Two legged fuzzy things with tails all tended to look alike to most dragons. So D was used be being called 'cat,' 'kangaroo,' and 'fox.' Though why they didn't just call him 'dragon' and be completely sure about it, D would never know.

The half-dragon blinked his eyes a few times, trying to see in the darkness. Rather then an mmm this was now accompanied by a full bodied moan. Something felt quite good. His eyes finally switching over from light to dark vision, he saw a rather large, rather furry, rather horned creature with his cock in it's mouth.

The beast purred happily, its tongue working playfully over D's maleness. He had to admit the creature was quite good at this, though why it was doing it was a complete mystery. Being a dragon, however, he wasn't one to turn down the opportunity for pleasures of this type, and lay back to allow the creature to work, looking over his lover.

A Behemoth of some sort, a small adult by the looks of it. The bullish horns, the powerful body that combined draconic and feline features. A female by the looks of her, as she lacked a mane and looked a bit round in the middle. Probably pregnant. One didn't see the females very often, as it was only the males that were aggressive towards anything that moved, or had something shiny, or smelled vaguely like food.

This one seemed to be exceptionally friendly, probably a bit lonely, as D didn't catch the scent of a male Behemoth around. Mmm... boy that tongue, soft and smooth, and so dexterous, twisting around his cock. Because he smelled like a furred dragon, the Behemoth probably thought he was a small sort of Behemoth male?

Smiling, the half-dragon patted the Behemoth's head, drawing a loud murr from the beast. Taking her by the horns, he slowly pulled her muzzle away from his groin. He had a better idea. Apparently she had the same thought, turning around and raising her tail, looking back at D with a pleading look in her eyes.

Not being familiar with Behemoth biology, D had no idea why a pregnant female would behave like this. Maybe she was full of eggs that needed to be fertilized or something like that? He didn't know if Behemoths laid eggs or not, but it was possible. Not wanting to make the heat stricken predator angry or anxious, D slid his cock gently into her depths.

The Behemoth growled softly as D pushed his way inside her, not an angry growl though. The half-dragon wrapped his arms around his lover's thick tail, using it to help thrust into her. D began to growl softly himself, for such a large creature, she felt so wonderfully tight. Her inner contours felt just perfect against his cock, so wet, so warm.

The warmth seemed to spread over his groin, oozing down to caress his balls, spreading across his thighs. He looked down to find a strange goo spreading over his body. It was bluish and transparent, and wonderfully warm. It caressed his body lovingly, tenderly, an extension of the Behmoth's body it seemed.

D reached down with a handpaw, gently probing the ooze, it crept over his fingertips, oozing slowly down to his palm. He pulled his hand away, the goo clinging to the rest by a long thread of the substance, continuing to pour over him. The half-dragon gasped as the stuff began to slide into his tailhole, gathering there, slowly opening him wider and wider.

His lover seemed to be enjoying this even more then simple mating, she growled and snorted, the tip of her tail twitching rapidly. She bucked and pressed back against him, the goo that served as her sex rippling and writhing, milking him needfully.

D couldn't hold back any longer, with a roar he climaxed, a shiver running though his lover's body as he did so. The Behemoth no longer seemed in heat, horny and needy. The goo on his body slowly receded, pulled back into her. The ooze let him go with a loud slurp, having collected every last drop of seed that D was able to give.

The half-dragon knelt down next to the Behemoth, patting her head. "Feel better now?" he asked, hugging her neck. In reply the Behemoth stuck her tongue out, long and thick, made of transparent blue slime, and lick D's face.

"That's a pretty neat trick. What is that, girl?" D asked, more to himself then expecting any answer from the Behemoth. He took her muzzle in his handpaws, opening her mouth gently and looking inside. She didn't seem to mind at all, opening wide for him to take a look.

Her insides were all blue, some darker then others. Most seemed to be made up of the strange slime. Her teeth were almost crystalline, perhaps a harden form of the goo. "I hope this doesn't hurt," D said with a smile, reaching into her mouth, "Otherwise I just might lose an arm."

He pressed against her tongue, and wasn't at all surprised to find his hand sinking into it, down through the floor of her mouth, down into her neck. Pulling his handpaw towards himself, he looked down to see the outline of his hand poking out of the skin on the Behemoth's neck. "Maybe you're not a Behemoth after all?" D mused, "Just something copying the shape?"

Not wanting the creature to get any ideas about pulling him in further, D quickly removed his hand, curiosity satisfied. He gave the Behemoth another pat and began looking around for his sword. "It's been fun," he said to the creature. "But I really have to get going. There's some not so friendly monsters out there that I have to get to slaying."

Ah! There it was! He walked over to a pile of leaves, brushing them off the sheathed blade. D looked it over to make sure there weren't any spots of water that might rust the blade. Nope, nothing. Everything was good to go... wargh!

D felt a sudden weight on his shoulders, knocking him down into the pile of leaves. A soft, smooth tongue lapping at his ears. The Behemoth was apparently in a playful mood. "I'd love to stay and play with you, cutie, but I really have to get.... URGH!" D grunted, as something large and smooth and hard pressed up against his backside.

The half-dragon tried to wriggle free, but the heavy paw on his shoulder kept him pinned to the ground. Her looked back to see a thick blue cock extending from the Behemoth's sex. An extension of the goo, he realized. Apparently having been satisfied as a female, the creature was still a bit horny.

"Umm... I don't think that's going to f.... GAAAAAH!" D said with a roar as the massive member was pressed forcefully into his tailhole. It did fit, but barely. "Hey, come on now! Stop it!" D said, wincing from the mild pain. "Really, I have to go."

The Behemoth didn't pay any mind to his protests, D could feel the cock reshaping inside of him, making a thick knot, tying the two of them together. The beast removed her paw from his shoulder and rolled onto her back, taking D up with her. The half-dragon moaned, his eyes unfocusing for a moment. Being pulled around by his tailhole had felt a lot better then he thought it would have.

He lay on the creature's swollen belly, not pregnant as he had thought, but filled with goo judging from the soft squishiness of it. Rather then mating him, the Behemoth seemed to be doing something else entirely, as she wasn't bucking, nor was the mass of goo sliding in and out.

D's eyes widened as he saw a crystalline orb through the translucent goo of the cock. "Oh no!" he said with a gulp. "I don't think I want to be a nest for your eggs, thanks."

He tried to pull himself free, but all that did was make him feel more and more turned on as he made the goo inside of him wriggle and squirm. He couldn't help himself, he was getting hard again. His pink dragoncock emerging from his sheath once more. "Oh well," he said with a sigh, "Might as well enjoy this."

He began to stroke himself, closing his eyes and laying back on the rather comfy bed of the Behemoth's belly. He felt the egg's shell pressing up against his tailhole. D gritted his teeth, preparing for the discomfort that would accompany such a large thing being forced into him. He cried out, not from pain, but from pleasure. The egg felt so good now that it was inside of him.

A second began the journey down the beast's cock. D licked his lips, eagerly anticipating its presence inside of him. He arched his back violently as the egg slid into him, much easier then the first had. A jet of warm pre virtually erupted from his cock, spattering all over his chest and face. D lapped eagerly at the sticky sweetness, becoming more and more enraptured by the prospect of being filled with the Behemoth's eggs.

The two football sized orbs inside him made his trim belly poke out a little bit. D couldn't help but imagine how wonderfully sexy he'd look with a big round tummy filled with eggs. He couldn't help but run his handpaw over his belly, his other paw stroking his cock furiously. He felt so close to orgasm, so close to covering himself with his seed, but it just wasn't happening. He needed to cum, but there was this weird tickling feeling inside himself.

Everything felt so good, the wriggling of the goo-cock inside of him, the increasing weight of the eggs inside of him, the effortless stretching of his tailhole with each new egg that entered him, the strange feeling inside of his body, the familiar slick warmth spreading over his legs and tail. D looked down to see that the goo-cock had expanded, four tentacle branching off from the base. They circled around his leg, wrapping around them, pulling him down into the Behemoth's sex.

He knew he should be panicking right now, but he just couldn't find the fear he knew ought to be there. Everything felt so damned good. He moaned and arched his back again, another jet of pre gushing from him as yet another egg found its way into him. His pre felt a little funny. He looked down to find that it wasn't pre at all, but a rather thin version of the blue ooze.

He wasn't going to be a nest for the eggs at all, the eggs were becoming a part of him, making him all gooey inside like the Behemoth! Again, he knew he should be worried, but he wasn't. As his legs vanished into his lover's sex all he could think about was how wonderful it would be to be all gooey inside. It would make adventuring much more fun, not having to suffer negative effects from the teeth and claws of monsters, or the blades and arrows of rather unpleasant warriors.

D wondered if he would feel like this all the time, pleasured and happy, feeling wonderfully content with his new friend inside of him. He closed his eyes and began to purr happily, eagerly succumbing to the sweet warmth of the Behemoth's depths. "Thank you." he said softly, his head finally being pulled in.

He simply lie there, floating inside his lover, and in a way his mother as well. He purred, enjoying the soft flow of the goo around him and inside of him. He felt his belly continue to swell, the eggs inside of him hatching and painlessly feeding on what they found inside of him, converting his insides to goo. He exhaled his last breath, the goo covering his lungs, making breathing no longer a necessity.

The half-dragon had no idea how long he remained inside the Behemoth, his body going through changes, his form adapting to the goo, and the goo adapted to his own desires. He blinked his eyes some time later, suddenly not surrounded by the goo Behemoth's warmth. He looked around, but she was nowhere to be seen.

There was no sense of loss, however. He instinctively knew this was how things were supposed to be, the two of them going different ways to make sure that they didn't saturate an area with their converted offspring.

D yawned and stretched, feeling the delicious motion of the goo inside of him stretching much better then muscle tissue ever would. He absentmindedly scratched an itch on his chest, and encountered something strange there. Looking down he found that he wasn't exactly a he anymore. A pair of large breasts adorned his lithe frame.

Down past his new breasts was his belly, a wonderfully large roundness that marked him as being full of goo. It was a bit too round to appear as an actual pregnancy, but odds were no one would really notice the difference.

Smiling, D got to his feet, feeling a bit different, heavier. His tail was a little thicker, and his legs felt a bit different, shorter and thicker to help better balance out his belly.

He slid a hand down between his legs, confused for a moment when he didn't find his maleness, instead finding a large feminine slit along the underside of his belly. He chuckled as he recalled his transformation. He didn't really need an external cock, as he could simply making one for in whatever size and shape he wanted at will.

Picking up his sword and adjusting his now ill-fitting vest, he began to whistle as he continued his journey towards the next town, hoping he'd get the opportunity to put his new talents to good use.

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