Order of the Black Foot: Serving the Light

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of Order of the Black Foot

Commissioned by FA: DrakeHavok during his slave owning time, we have this little vignette for the church people in the Order of the Black Foot universe. See what some of the brainwashing is like here.

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Kaia sat at her worktable, her glowing robes spilling out around her chair as she waited for the next piece of armor to be brought in from the forge outside the temple. The last piece she'd enchanted with the Shining One's energy was being taken away in the arms of a paladin, probably going for someone else's armor.

The vixen smiled slightly, looking down at her glowing fingers. They still tingled with the energy of the Shining One, warm and loving, and she giggled as she rubbed her fingers together. It was a nice feeling, almost ticklish, but without the uncontrollable unpleasantness that came from that.

She kept rubbing her hands together, savoring the feeling while it lasted, until a wolf stepped forward. He had a helmet in his hands, and she took it from him, holding it between her palms and turning it this way, and that way, and upside down, before setting it on her station.

"How may I serve you today, Sir Mikhel?"

"I need a helmet to shield me from the Darkened Ones, priestess. I ask the blessing of the Shining One upon it."

"I will pray to him for you."

The vixen pressed her hands to the helm, and lowered her head as she opened her heart.

Within the temple, it was so simple to feel the Shining One. The Hierarchs said that it was because the temples were sacred, that they were untouched and unsullied by the mages that darkened the world, and Kaia was sure they were right. How else would it be so simple to be filled with His light, to feel it in her heart, when she could barely see his glimmers outside of the temples?

She laid her hands down on the helmet as her fingers began to glow, drawing the sunbursts that were His symbol upon the metal. It spread down along the sides, and then towards the back, forming a crest of glowing feathers for the other side.

The vixen drew her fingers together at the front, making a final sunburst on the front of it, and smiled to herself as the power of the Shining One made the whole helmet glow, the piece of armor looking like it was fresh from the forge again, glowing and waiting for further shaping.

As the light faded from her heart, she opened her eyes again, holding out the helmet proudly. Sir Mikhel took it in hand, and bowed over it.

"Thank you, priestess. I will wear it proudly."

"And thank you, Sir Mikhel, in your fight against the darkness."

She waved at him as he left, leaning on her hand for a moment as he walked out of sight. It wouldn't be long before the next piece was brought to her, something else that would need work, something else that would need filling with the power of the Shining One. Her work was never done.

Despite that, she was happy. She was luckier than most people in the Theocracy. So many people had to live in the dark, dark world out there. They had to deal with the horrors of the darkened ones, the devils that the mages summoned, the terrors of being outside of the Shining One's light. Kaia took no small amount of relief that she had been accepted and taken in by her temple.

Not everyone who applied got in, after all, and most didn't get a chance to serve as a priest. The hierarchs told her so.

She looked up again, the tingle fading from her fingers again as a sword was placed before her. Kaia smiled, and pressed her hands to it, already eagerly opening herself to the Shining One once more. Each time it was easier than the last, and each time, a little more of the glow lingered behind. Maybe someday, she would be like the best priests, shining with light all the time, and with no more worries, no more detachment from Him.

Until then, the ten year old vixen would keep working here, as best she could.

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