Girls' Zone 12

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#12 of Girls' Zone

A voice speaks up in the head of Danza, telling her that a follower of Anubis has lost their way and needs a guiding hand back into his warm embrace. The first clue however will help her and Nadine to understand that this follower has more in common with them than they could have ever imagined. But what is it exactly?

This story is connected to actual lore.

Bast Jamila, Chika, Danza, Magea and Story © Me

Jane © Me and

Leona and Nadine © (Co-author/Editor)

Length: 2,579 words. 13,931 characters.

Time used to type: 3 hours and 5 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Girls' Zone 12: Sands of Time

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The temple of Lahun in Egypt, the temple long forgotten where ancient Egyptians worshiped the god of mummification and afterlife, Anubis. The sands blowing in through the small holes remaining after the recent excavation. A sign of unwelcome or a sign of mystery. To some it was just another temple for history, but to others, it was the place of a rebirth. Guidance for the lost, wisdom for the seeking and shelter for the found. At the moment when a gust of wind brought more sand to land on the throne, the god stirred from his thoughts and his consort looked up at him, "What is it, Anub?" The god looked at his consort and sighed, "Remember that priestess that ran off in the middle of the ceremony?" The consort nodded as the god looked forward, "Well, I felt her thoughts coming and her voice saying that she is lost, but I cannot speak to her. She cannot hear me." The consort went silent and soon spoke up after a short thought, "Talk to Danza?" The god nodded.

At that moment, Danza was in the middle of giving Nadine a relaxing back massage. Nadine had felt that Danza was doing too much for her, but like every time she had tried to talk Danza out of spoiling her, she had been given a reason to be quiet and just enjoy it. This time it had been the moment when Danza had dug her fingers into a sensitive spot on Nadine's left shoulder, lowering the female's defenses before applying the warm oil on her hands and rubbing it over the back, making sure no muscle was untouched. Nadine never knew how Danza could be so efficient with getting things to go her way, but she knew better than asking as it would only result in the same answer every time, "I just do what I know will work and I have not heard you complain yet."

Laying on her front in only a simple bra and panties, Nadine murred as Danza's fingers massaged along her spine, taking her time to really get all of those tense muscles worked out. Danza had learned where to rub and where to press to make Nadine beg for more and with some areas making her get a little frisky, she knew when to also save them for those days when they both needed to relax. Today wasn't one of those days. Reaching up in height with her breasts, Danza had secured with the elbows to Nadine's sides before listening to her lover's almost begging whimper when she buried the fingers into a tense area below her collar bone, "Ohhh, Danza. You really know what you are doing." Danza giggled, how often she heard it and never grew tired of it.

Their pleasant time was interrupted shortly when Danza's mind was invaded by Anubis' voice, "My dear daughter Danza. Another of your sisters has lost her way and I am feeling that you and your massaged one will have to go and find her. She needs a new path in life. Enlighten her in my name. You will find her in the city of an ancient port. Now go." Danza shook her head and soon stopped the massage, making Nadine whimper and look back at her, "Why did you stop?" Danza looked at Nadine, "Lord Anubis spoke to me. He wants us to go to Alexandria." Nadine barely had time to ask before she felt Danza throw her a dress, "Come on, no time to waste. We got to fulfill our Lord's will." Barely getting any time, Nadine had managed to only pull on the dress before Danza pulled her out the room and towards the location where Jane had installed the club's portal system. Danza quickly set the planet selection to Earth and the coordinates to the location which Chika had confirmed to be her old bar and as the portal appeared with the press of a button, it disappeared almost as fast, taking both Danza and Nadine with it.

Their arrival to Alexandria was met by the sunset from Port Said. Nadine watched the beautiful sunset and sighed, "Isn't that looking wonderful?" Danza smiled and nodded, "Yes, it is, but not the most wonderful I have seen." Nadine knew what was coming up, but asked anyway, "Then what would be the most wonderful that you have seen?" Danza wrapped her arms around Nadine and kissed her cheek, "Why, that would be you, my wonderful sister." Nadine giggled and spun around to kiss Danza before they turned to look at what seemed to be a former bar, the sign hanging on the door being written in Egyptian Arabic. As Danza approached the door and read the sign, she noticed it was a message from Chika telling that she left the business to find new luck elsewhere. It wasn't until she read the back of the sign that her eyes widened in shock, "Nadine, this name... I have heard it before." Nadine moved closer and looked confused, "B.J. Anubis? You think this is someone Chika might know?"

Danza let the sign go before closing her eyes, "B.J. Anubis, or grand priestess Anubis as she was called, was the very definition of devotion. Her words carried strength, motivation and wisdom. She was the one that tutored me to become who I am. The last I heard of her was that during a big ceremony to honor our Lord, she straight up ran out and disappeared. She was declared a heretic because of it and even if I know that Lord Anubis could easily find her, he is not one to seek revenge on those who ruins his trust. If she is the one that we seek, then it is clear that our Lord is wanting to see if we can find her and redeem her or if she is destined upon death to be eaten by Ammit."

Nadine shivered a bit, remembering those teachings about Ammit, but soon she was calmed down by Danza keeping her close before asking her, "So, how do we find her?" Danza calmly smiled, "The same way I found you." Nadine was about to ask before she noticed how Danza reached into a pocket and pulled out what seemed to look like an Eye of Horus, but surrounded by a golden ring and in every direction like a compass, a chain was attached with an arrow. Nadine looked curiously at it, "Ooohh, what is that?" Danza giggled, "It is a medallion I got from Khonsu. It is blessed so if I need to find someone, I just think about them and it will point me in the right direction." Nadine noticed how Danza held the medallion up and soon one of the chained arrowheads raised itself up and pointed at her as Danza smiled softly, "See?"

Nadine found the medallion to be rather amazing as after Danza had changed to think about the one that apparently was their target, the arrowheads pointing towards west and southwest lifted themselves up and as they followed them, they switched between west, southwest-west and southwest. It wasn't long however before they noticed how the arrowheads quickly changed from southwest to southeast, forcing Danza and Nadine to start running, "She is on the move. Lets go." Taking a sharp left turn after running along El Wazir street and onto Ahmed Ayoub street, their hopes seemed to be crushed as the sidewalks were filled to the brim with people trying to get home from work. Looking down at the medallion, Danza noticed to their dismay that their target moved through the waves of people, "Oh great, I love busy streets." Nadine knew that it was sarcasm, but followed Danza into the crowd, trying to stay close as the bigger female excused them coming through.

As they finally reached El-Maamoun street, they panted from the hard time getting through the crowd, only to get onto a street with no people at all, "By Anubis' clothes, that was enough people to fill the club." Nadine nodded and saw that even with the medallion laying flat in Danza's hand against the right leg, an arrowhead was still pointing out and seemed to vibrate a bit. Curiously, Nadine asked her, "Danza, what does it mean when the thing vibrates like that?" Danza looked at the medallion, "That means they are close." Not caring about her tired body, Danza stood up with her back straight before looking in the direction the arrowhead was pointing and her chest seemed to almost swell in joy when she noticed a chubby, tall jackal sitting in a chair outside a restaurant, "It is her. It is actually her!"

The jackal girl was so busy looking over the menu, that she didn't even notice Danza and Nadine approach her until they were close enough. Speaking with an almost calm tone of voice, she made it clear, "I am not ready to order yet." Danza cleared her throat before speaking out an old line that surely would make the jackal remember her, "We are the sisters that tend to one another. We are the voices of our Lord's will. We are the daughters of our Lord." The jackal's ears perked up and soon her voice spoke up, "We are the ones born to a world in which we are lost. We are the ones seeing what others cannot see. We are the guidance for the lost. We are the Anubians." Danza smiled before the jackal lowered the menu, "Blessed be your memory, alkahinat alkubraa." The jackal was nearly dropping the menu onto the table as she remembered who spoke like that, "Is that you, Danza?" Danza bowed deeply, "Indeed, sister. The Lord spoke of you being lost. We came here to bring you home."

The jackal girl looked at Danza and then at Nadine before she closed her eyes, "The Lord will never forgive my action. I dishonored him by silencing his voice. I have already sealed my fate. The jaws of Ammit awaits in my death." Danza shook her head, "The Lord wouldn't have spoken to me if you hadn't been forgiven. To judge one fairly, you must give them a chance to redeem their action. Please, grand priestess. Follow us home." The jackal looked away, "I am no grand priestess anymore. I am just Bast Jamila, the former librarian of Alexandria." Nadine reached into her dress before coughing as she retrieved a photo, "Excuse me, miss. But do you know this lady by any chance?" Bast Jamila took the photo and looked at it before she nodded, "Yes, that is my big sister Chika. Why do you have a photo of her?"

Danza's eyes went wide, "You are sister Chika's younger sister?!" Bast Jamila looked at Danza in confusion, "Can you answer me then?" Danza nodded, "We work with her in a place far away from here. We came here to bring you there so you could finally cease your lost journey." Bast Jamila looked at the photo before closing her eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks, "My sister. After four years of never speaking, are we to finally be reunited again?" Danza smiled before holding Nadine tightly, "It is your time now, teacher. It is your time to follow the new path laid ahead of you."

Time. That word always made Bast Jamila remember the days when Danza used to come a bit late to the speeches she held, always uttering some line like "There is no better time than now." or "I got all time in the world." In truth, it had been this carefree demeanor that made her take Danza as her personal protege and over time they had grown an almost mother-daughter type of relationship, one that was slightly dented when she had run off. Taking a moment to relish in the memories, Bast Jamila had opened her eyes to see a hand being held out to her by Danza and almost instantly, she had taken it before they had been transported back.

Arriving in the portal room, Danza knew why they had been sent back, as she had set it to only last for two hours before sending them back. Opening the door to the room, they had stepped out right into the faces of Jane, Magea and Leona, all three looking rather pissed, "Where have you two been? You were supposed to be on duty today with serving food!" Danza and Nadine were about to explain before Bast Jamila grabbed their shoulders and spooked the trio by speaking to them, "I am the one to blame for it. They heed the call of our Lord and went to find me." Jane looked up at Bast Jamila and then down again before just turning away, "I see. I am forgiving you, just make sure you get to work now." Leona and Magea bowed and followed Jane before Danza sighed in relief, "That was close! I thought we would get yelled at for sure."

Getting their waitress outfits on, Danza and Nadine took the orders from the many ladies sitting in their seats, but also having to throw out a nosy male that tried to fake himself to be a shemale. He had not threatened to kill them, he had just apologized for it and said that even if he is not welcome there, he would still recommend it to all his girl friends. And as the evening rolled in, Danza and Nadine had prepared an order with personal delivery by Chika to VIP booth number 1.

Chika had been confused when the order had been for two plates of her favorite food and also for the strongest alcohol as well as a soda. She had however finished up the cooking before carrying the plates and drinks on a big tray, while being followed by both Danza and Nadine. She had asked who the special was that had asked for a personal delivery, but they had not told her who it was, only telling that it was a surprise. Standing outside the VIP booth, she knocked on the door and a muffled voice spoke inside, "Come in, the door is open." Danza and Nadine opened the door together and Chika's eyes went wider than the saucer she used for her morning coffee when she saw Bast Jamila sitting in the booth, "Hello there, big sister." Chika just looked at the two smaller females and then back at Bast Jamila, putting the tray down before pulling the two closely to her and hugging them and with a shout of joy that could easily cover up the sound of a nuke, she rushed into the booth and in front of the eyes of both Danza and Nadine, two sisters shared a tearful reunion and soon the voice of Anubis filled the ears of Danza and Nadine, "Good job, my daughters. Good job." Nadine looked at Danza, who in return looked at Nadine before she asked the smaller female, "Nadine, can you massage my back now?" Nadine just giggled before kissing Danza on the maw, "I never thought you would ask."

The End.

Helping the Mailbitch relax

**Helping the Mailbitch relax** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and...

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Girls' Zone 11

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