Brotherly Love

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Two siblings engage in a teasing game of mate-or-be-mated

Forward note: Hello readers. There's not much to say about the creamy one-shot you are about to read. The story features plenty of teasing coupled with a most fulfilling mating between two really naughty siblings. If cute fluffy and overly horny dragons are your thing, sit tight, make sure all the doors are close, and erm...make yourself 'comfortable', cause this ride is going to get wild very quickly.

** ***Brotherly love(commissioned work)*****

Sandalf never liked crowded spaces. The Solstice festival brought together dragons, felines, canines and humans. Two legs, four legs, garments or fur. None of those details mattered to Sandalf as much as the sneaky glances he got from anthros too shy to engage in a proper dialogue. The laughter was even worse. One cub just had to come close enough to him to either peek or throw something against the rather generous pouch that moved from side to side along with the dragon's steps. Usually it was a pebble or a bit of food, but Sandalf got an apple there once. His balls ached whenever he thought back on the savage hyena that threw it.

"Can we leave?"

Sandy -who walked by his side without saying a word since they got here- kept to herself as she gazed around the booths erected by opportunistic merchants.


"You think I'd look better with a silver necklace around my neck? Or perhaps a tiara? That gem merchant to the right seems to have everything."

"I'm not buying anything."

"You're no humping anything either if you keep being a recluse. Look around. There has to be something you like."

"Not likely," Sandalf muffled his growl and sped up his pace. His sister wasn't overly pleased to be out of the merchant's row, but she could go back anytime she wanted without torturing her own brother with practiced indecision. Last time she bargained, Sandy spent the entire morning-

"Wait," when Sandy's impatient hiss had no effect on her brother, she wrapped her jaws around his tail and clamped hard enough to coax a yowling growl out of his maw. He swiped his paw at her head, she evaded, and the two pawed and growled at each other until a small crowd gathered to admire their conflict.

"Grarh, enough! I'm leaving this-"

"Just the center."


Sandy made a few funny faces. "Hold on. I got fluff between my teeth," she tried using her tongue without much success. "We'll see the center, and then we leave. Fine with you?"

"Fine. Now let's move before these people make a move on us," Sandalf wearily looked at the encroaching anthros."

"Believe it or not, not everyone wants to take a peek at your balls."

And so, she went towards the crowd, to have her ears fondled and her body petted by all sorts of grabby hands. Sandalf groomed one of his paws, blood seething with embarrassment when compliments poured in one after the other. They all liked her.

Sandalf put this memory into his box and returned to his silent self once Sandy took him towards the center, a pit of growls, yowls, and good will. The whole place looked like an ant mound bursting with activity. Dancers took each other's arms and jumped around the huge fire built in the middle, jesters played with fire sticks, and potion masters showcased their own tricks beneath the eyes of a younger audience.

"What is this?" Sandalf grunted as anthros poured left and right around him.

"Don't bother learning now. Come. I know where to take you."

The two of them pushed their way closer towards the sizzling sounds of roasting meat, where lizards and dragons worked hard to provide for the sizable crowd.

"Great. What now?" Sandalf asked as they crammed themselves in the enormous queue.

"Now we wait, think, and talk about what we want to eat. I'm seriously tempted by those skewered rhoas. And they have boar too. Near that dragon, see?"

"Yes, I see and hear just fine."

But Sandy still pushed under his wing, planting a long wet lick along his neck just so she could whisper in his ear. "There is a kind of sausage I'd like to eat right now, you know."

Sandalf suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Dragon size...mrrrr, wetter than a female at the peak of her heat. Just needs a couple of licks to warm it up."

Now she was getting frisky, and with anthros on every side, Sandalf had only two options. Roar from the top of his lungs, fight his sister, and make a fool of himself? Or simply ignore her teasing?

Words. It's just words, he told himself while her tongue bathed his ear, warm, broad...and so deliciously wet. She kept talking about how thirsty she was, and though he steeled himself against the onslaught of whispers and licks that roamed around his head, Sandalf couldn't keep his instincts from rebelling against his rational thoughts.

"Mrrrhmm, the runes predict a most enjoyable day, don't you think?"

"Wh-" Sandalf looked between his legs to see his cock staring back at him. Every beat of his thumping heart poured hot blood into his member, making it jump against his belly.

"Why so flustered? Everybody's looking at their meat. Well...the edible kind of meat. The most I'll do is have a drink."

"No," Sandalf grunted.

"Not even a lick?"

"Absolutely not. We have to...hraaarrrr!" he shivered as her tongue rolled around his flaring head. She licked so fast, so hungrily, almost pulling him into her maw before Sandalf ripped himself away from that source of wet bliss. The anthros growled and cursed at him as she broke through the crowd with a full grown erection.

Sandalf ignored. He ran wherever his frantic limbs took him, sneaking between booths, leaping over fences until he secluded himself in a small garden. The male dropped on his side to cover his cock under a wing. His erection slowly receded, and he was about to go back looking for Sandy until the sound of paws caught his attention.

"Found you!" Sandy cleaned her whiskers off juices. "These rhoas stir quite the thirst."

"Sandy, please... this isn't the right place."

"Right place, right time...who cares? I want my drink."

"And I want my peace. How are we going to work this out?"

"Quite simple, actually. You let me have a taste of your precum, and I'll leave you alone. Deal?"

That was a much too arousing proposition to ignore. Sandalf clawed into the dirt as he looked over his beautiful sister. He already felt so hot under the fur at the thought of his sister's tongue coiling behind the flare of his rock hard member. Why should he deny his instincts, when there was nobody around to bear witness to his lewd desires?

Sandy licked her snout a couple more times, then crawled to reach beneath her brother's belly. Sandalf took a deep, shaky breath...

Then hissed out a feral growl as his sister buried her nose and started lapping at the insides of Sandalf's sheath with her enticing tongue. His cockhead thrummed with surges of pleasure, and it took only a couple of strokes for Sandalf's cock to push back against the much too pleasant tongue. Sandy rounded the head a few times, sending jolts of trembling pleasure along the fluffy dragon's form. It felt so incredibly good to be tasted by another. Sandalf sealed his eyes shut, tearing repeated gashes into the ground as his member hardened to completion under the salivating strokes of that caring tongue. Sandy licked his cock with slow, tantalizing strokes, washing her beautiful tongue along the organ's runed length. The methodical approach she used was nothing short of amazing. First, she slid around the very base of the dragon's genitalia. Sandalf's cock always hardened whenever pressure was applied in that particular area.

That's when Sandy pushed her tongue tip harder into the patch of orange fluff. She applied pressure onto the base, feeding the throbbing cock with stimulation right from the base, then slid further to bathe the two sizable spheres resting just a tongue lick away.

"Harrrrrr," Sandalf snarled. His sister took his spheres into her mouth, one after the other, leaving them damp, loose, and unbearably heavy with unspent seed.

She slowly caressed the member's underside all the way back to the tip, where Sandalf's head flared from all that unbearable teasing. His sister's fleshy tongue rolled over in a circle around his entire head, forming a thick coil that embraced Sandalf's head whole.

Sandalf always moaned when that happened. His tip was so infuriatingly sensitive. He only wished to last a bit longer, to sample more of what his teasing sister had to offer, but Sandy smelled his eagerness. Her licks grew harder, quicker, hotter until she no longer licked, but slurped onto her brother's cock to let his liquid arousal roll along her feasting tongue.

"Too much... Blazes, you're making me cum!" Sandalf snarled with lustful fury as her sister licked her maw off his juices.

"What if I want to see your cock heave its great load into my mouth, hrrrr?"

"A brief taste. We agreed on-"

"I'm changing the deal," the dragoness said with a mischievous lick over the head of that tense, spitting cock.

Cascading warmth rushed over Sandalf's body all over again. His wings grew taut, his legs unflinching as the entire head of his cock was swallowed into an eager, suckling mess of flesh and saliva. He was inside again, inside one of the only places that urged him to spill as fast and as hard as he could. Sandy's tongue wrapped around his cock like a snake, pumping with hard, rippling joints.

Sandalf could barely hold himself back now. His breath stuck inside his throat as his entire body tightened with the weight of release. His vision flickered, his member bloated with the threat of erupting seed.

Sandalf slammed his tail into the ground, clenched his jaws. Sandy licked and tapped against his tip, then uncoiled her tongue at the very last moment.

With a strained roar, Sandalf erupted inside his sister's maw, launching a spurt so hard and thick that he flooded his sister's throat. Translucent goo overflowed from the female's maw. She coughed once to clear her throat, then swallowed just when the second spurt delved into the depths of her throat, allowing all that nurturing pre-seed to wash down her throat.

Sandalf trembled as his two balls remained tightly pressed against the tense base of his cock. Blazes. That was close.

He remained stuck on the ledge between teasing and ejaculation, hurling spurt after spurt of pent-up pre-seed out of his bloating tip, feeling how his precious load was literally sucked from his member. There was no greater pleasure for a male than to have his fluids taken with such desire. Sandalf thrust himself forward, rubbing his flared tip along Sandy's fleshy tongue base, and as soon as he did that, a wave of tremendous pleasure washed over his spine, keeping his pre-seed trapped for two pounding throbs before all that pent-up mess exploded into Sandy's receptive throat.

Sandy once again struggled to swallow the results of her teasing, so she spat the cock out into the cold air to lap around the flare with growling delight.

"Graaaaahhhhrrrr," Sandalf groaned with lust as the threat of ejaculation slowly subsided even as Sandy kept on licking the last trails of precum.

"You didn't think I'd actually let you drown me?"

"N-no," Sandalf had a hard time talking with his entire body trapped in that pent-up state. "I want to return the favor."

"How about I do the mounting?"

"You want to do what?"

Sandalf knew exactly what she meant when his hindquarters found themselves shoved against a wet, hardened presence that poked straight against his tailhole.

"Sandy, you can't be serious. I'm the male here."

"So that gives you the right to what? Mount and cum whenever you feel like? No no no. I'm not raising my tail for you just because your cock happens to have some runes on it. In should raise your tail for me!"

A trail of fear slithered along Sandalf's body. She really meant it, didn't she? He could feel her hardened flare pressing harder against his walls, demanding entrance into a place that was never meant for that kind of penetration.

"Sandy, stop. I never took something up that hole. Never!"

"Another reason to experiment, mrrrr?" Sandy thrust against the ring of muscles, adding her precum with each shove, making the entrance wetter to suit her devious plans.

Sandalf tightened as hard as he could, but she was not relenting one bit. After a couple of failed attempts at forcing herself in, Sandy just kept her flare pressed against her brother's ass, a constant, throbbing reminder of the sizable cock that waited its turn.

"Fine. I'll bargain. What can I do to clear your head of all these weird perversions?"

"Weird?" Sandy jumped off so she could rub along her brother. "Rich of you to say that. The brother who fucks his own sister."

"Yeah, as if you ever said no to a good pounding."

"I may, if you keep denying my curiosities...but you do have a very tasty cock, so I will allow you to get a taste of my own juices. Consider this a limited treat for the nectar you spilled in my mouth."

Sandalf had a mind to feast on some serious nectar right now. Sandy took position right in front of him, with her tail flicking invitingly above her soaked pussy. Her sweet fragrance was overpowering, and the shape, exquisite. Sandalf traced a drop of liquid lust as it trailed down her perfect lips. It met the ground with an inaudible sound, making the wetness of Sandy's pussy even more irresistible.

"Mrarrrr...just one? Are you sure?" Sandalf slowly approached after she dipped her head in acknowledgement. He was there now. Just him and her sweet, oozing pussy. Liquid heat surrounded Sandalf's nostrils as he inched his snout closer towards that wet, most erotic dream. He rubbed his nose into the folds, sucking in the overpowering fragrance with a quick breath before his lips parted to suckle and rub into those wet, needy lips.

"Rrremember, champ...only one lick."

Sandalf was in heaven, to taste such a fertile young dragoness so intimately. Sandy's flesh burned with desire. She quivered and shook from the faintest touch, too eager to draw inside the first male that set its eyes on her depths.

Sandalf was that male. His instincts raged, tearing his mind apart with fiery stings. He couldn't deny his instincts more than the very core of his being, so he poked his whole tongue inside Sandy's mare cunt, spreading the dripping flesh apart, then tasting his sister's inner walls with a swift stroke before he pulled back to slurp all the slimy, fertile juices his greedy lips caught.

"Grarh...That was your one, but you missed your first meal, so I'll let you have two," Sandy said as she raised her tail.

Sandalf growled with lust. He kept kissing her pussy, rubbing his lips up and down her soaked flesh, puckering them in the form of wet, slurpy kisses. If her smell was overpowering, then her taste was divine. Sandalf swirled her honey inside his mouth, then rolled his eyes in the back of his head when he swallowed another load of her juices. His whole body thrummed with desire. His cock begged to be embraced by this nest of flesh.

"Enough!" Sandy leaped away, a few strands of translucent goo splattering on the ground beneath her rapidly clenching folds. "If you want another taste, you'll have to earn it."

And that meant running through the bustling paths with a massive hard-on. Sandalf had no option. Between losing her in the crowd and shame, he chose Sandy, and he followed her, past laughter, past scorn, until they reached another secluded garden.

That's when she finally stopped, with her tail lifted high above her glistening gender.

Sandalf licked his snout at the sight of that tasty treat. Sandy was a beautiful dragon in her own right. Smaller by a head, and with a feminine constitution painted with flames and cinders, she could coax any male she wanted into mating with her.

And out of all those choices, Sandalf stood behind her. He wanted to reflect on how lucky he was to be able to taste, look, and feel his sister's touch upon his fur, but what really interested him now was the source of her sweet, savory smell.

Sandalf approached her. His first intention was to sink his snout back into that nest of soaked flesh, but Sandy lifted her hind leg to display her own aroused shaft.

"Clean my tip a bit, will you?"

Sandalf let out an annoyed growl. "Do you want me to bow? Now?"

"Crouch," Sandy empathized with a sharp hiss. "But if a few seconds are too much of a waste, I'll just find another male with a big enough cock to sate my equally huge desires."

Sandalf threw his pride into the wind and even forgot how annoying the dry embrace of stone felt against his aroused cock as he greedily lapped the juices away from Sandy's flare. He even licked her balls clean, and she enjoyed every bit of that treat.

"Grrrr...good, good," she thrust her rump into his face, her need as obvious as her dripping pussy. "Eat now, and try to not make a mess over my fur. You stain it, you clean it."

"I feel like cleaning your entire body right about now..." Sandalf's nostrils twitched with abandon. Oh, the smell of a female was something else indeed. He was used to the sharp musk of his own cock, the tart taste of warm seed rolling upon his tongue on those lonely days when the crave to spill overwhelmed his resolve.

Sandalf could not deny the grip of his instincts. Not now, when his sister stood right in front of him. He allowed his snout to draw closer, and closer, the sweet smell of fertility washing over his senses like a heated blanket of pure pleasure. He drew in two long breaths, then pushed his tongue against that pair of sweet, silky lips.

Oh, how warm they were. Sandalf barely needed to even do something. The leathery lips trembled and shuddered against his lips, allowing his tongue to slide in almost on its own.

The thickest, most intense of scents rolled over the dragon's trembling nostrils when he parted those hidden doors again. Sandy's insides trembled with desire, strands of juices rolling out from the depths of her shelter. She was wetter than before. Spicier. Thinner.

Sandalf flicked his tongue around, and as soon as he did that the muscles squeezed around his tongue, embracing him with a heated, wet embrace.

"Is that how you eat your meals, by licking them like a hatchling? Be a male and take me!" Sandy thrust her wet, desperate need into Sandalf's snout.

There were no rules to hold him back now. No reasons to keep his lust fettered. Sandalf pushed through his sister's broad lips deeper than he ever did before, the wet sounds of his licking mixing in with growls and rumbles. She was by far the moistest creature he ever licked. So sweet. So deliciously fertile...

Sandalf was dazed when he brought his serving of female cum back inside his maw. His lips trembled over his bared teeth, tongue tip flicking over the wet entrance to gather more liquid heat upon its tip. He lapped a few times to renew his blazing arousal, then delved in yet again much to his sister's hissing delight.

"Yessss...tuck in. There's more where that came from."

Sandy's strained wings stretched to the sides, her maw parting with rough, drawn out growls as the Sandalf's licks acquired a bestial edge. This assault against his instincts was nothing more than a rampaging stream of stimuli. The heat of mating burned into his thoughts, slithered into his balls, made him just as wet and eager to mate as the lips that squelched around his tongue.

He wanted more. Needed more. With a deep, rumbling growl, the dragon pressed his nostrils against the wet surface of his sister's cunt to narrow the distance. Then, he slurped at the fleshy insides, feasting on his own sibling like an enraged beast. A continuous stream of gooey arousal slid along the length of his lapping tongue. He feasted on that sloppy cunt only like a starving beast, nuzzling into the trembling lips, rolling his tongue into the squelching tunnel, drawing out as much fluids as he could back into his slavering maw. Sandy's claws scratched along the stone below her feet, crying harder, louder, until a rush of hotter essence squirted from her depths.

Sandalf's maw overflowed when that strong, bittersweet essence washed into his maw. He didn't care how loud Sandy growled. Sandalf just swallowed the hefty squirts thrown at him by the female's convulsing flesh until strands of slimy fluid dribbled all around his lower jaw.

Sandalf pulled back with a growl, jaws clattering, eyelids trembling from the intense burst of arousal. His entire body felt consumed by the need to breed, cock slapping against his belly like a vicious beast trying to break away from its shackles. He couldn't think. Couldn't wait any longer to make that dream happen.

He latched his front legs around his female's sturdy haunches, flapped his wings to gain momentum, then smashed his hard, wet, aching cock straight through her lips. An explosion of pleasure ran along his stiffening body in time with Sandy's consuming growl. His cockhead flared out, stretching female's narrowing tunnel before for the rest of the dragon's shaft to follow through. The middle of his runed cockwas not quite as sensitive as the tip, nor as receptive to pleasure, but there was no better feeling for a male than to bury himself balls deep into a drenched pussy.

As soon as his tense balls slammed against the female's wet lips, Sandalf's maw burst with a crackling growl. He remained inside, throbbing viciously, tightening his grip to make sure he never parted with such intense heat. He never felt so filled before. So deep inside a needy female. The urge to breed rammed him like the pounding blood pumped by his thumping heart, and restless seed threatened to pour out from the tight depths of his cock after a single blazing thrust.

"Deep enough, champ? I bet you can't even last another push."

Sandalf snapped at his sister. He worked his member back, wings shivering with exertion, hind claws piercing into the spaces between the cobbles to anchor the beast's heavy frame. Sandalf slid out down to his tip, letting the female's muscles knead around the most sensitive part of his body, moaning from how good it felt to have his sensitive flare caressed by hot, shuddering flesh. He knew how deep she was. He feasted on her just moments ago.

And that made him all the more eager to erupt inside her heated depths.

"You know I'll kill you if you splatter my cunt, right?"

Sandalf had no time to reply. After he brought his wings down with a mighty flap, he plowed through Sandy's spacious cunt harder than ever, sinking one blazing rune after the other until his heavy balls kissed the cunt for a second time.

" really to..."

"Raarrrhhh, graaaaaaarrr!" Sandalf growled back with bestial vigor as his cock tensed and his balls clenched in their sack.

He was close. Much too close. He clenched his forepaws tighter around her hind legs, then started breeding her with all the strength he had left. His cock pounded through that sloppy cunt, drawing out heavier squelches with every push. She was so wet. So eager to be bred. Sandalf clenched his jaws, his untamed fire just about ready to ooze out, but he wanted to remain inside for as long as he could.

That stubborn determination kept Sandalf going until everything in his body apart from his cock burned with aching pain. His claws dug crimson streaks along the female's flanks. His legs trembled worse than his wings, and his tongue dried inside his panting maw. Sandy muttered something about savage beasts, but he refused to relent.

Sandalf kept on thrusting, kept on working his cock in and out until the blaze flared far beyond his ability to suppress.

"Mrraaa..." the growl caught in his throat as his cock bloated with blissful finality. Sandy curled her head back, grazing at her brother's curling lips, licking between his exposed fangs.

"Cum inside me. Let it all out."

Sandalf strained for one final throb...

Then moaned with rippling lust as his seed washed through the bloating frame of his cock. He held onto his sister with everything he had, clenching his jaws around her fluffy neck, keeping his forelegs tight around her midsection, his member lodged all the way in to stuff her gender with the immense load of his immense orgasm. With a final pounding throb, the dragon mounted a desperate thrust to sink himself into her as hard as he could, forcing Sandy to stumble forth several steps as his flare stretched her out from the inside.

Thick torrents of thick seed exploded from his rapidly throbbing cock with breeding intent, splattering inside the female's eager cunt. Sandalf thrust his stiff neck towards the skies, then unleashed a series of weak, guttural moans as his peak found him lodged inside the wettest, warmest, most amazing shelter he could find for his cock.

"Raaarrr, this is intense!" Sandy managed to speak before her words turned into roars, slicing through her brother's feeble moans like fiery talons as her own pleasure rushed through her like a storm. She became a soaked mess down there, her own liquid riptide pumping out squeeze by squeeze to mix in with the waves of thick seed unleashed by Sandalf's spurting member.

Though she had a cunt, Sandy squeezed harder than an ordinary female during her peak thanks to the cock that kept spewing string after string of thick seed into the ground. She came too, the smell of her cum enraging Sandalf's senses. He was the alpha male here. Him!

And with another buckling thrust, the male made his sister shake with ruthless abandon.

"Stop thrusting, stupid!"

Sandalf hissed a growly reply. His flare burned with tingling delight. His shaft bloated hard with every spurt that traveled along his seed tubes, and the compact shape of his balls made sure to keep most of his essence inside the female. She clenched so hard, so sudden, giving little to no respite to any dragon that found himself balls deep into her pussy. Even in the midst of his climax, Sandalf worked to satisfy his crave to mate. He pumped his gender against her with fast thrusts, rubbing his flare along the spasming walls of her cunt shivering from how good that felt.

Sandalf remained inside for an eternity. By the time his balls emptied, he found himself forced to tighten extra hard in order to flush out the bit of seed he had left. His muscles tightened around one another, keeping him soaring over his peak, filling him with soothing finality just as his sister's savage growls started to descend into gentler moans.

When his member stopped spurting, Sandalf dismounted. A cascade of gooey fluids spurted on his chest, with more splattering down on the pool that rapidly formed between his forepaws.

"You are by far the messiest cock that ever entered my cunt," Sandy looked back, growling at him as her lips kept smacking together, pushing out their combined essence in long, gooey waves.

Sandalf sniffed at the pearlescent mixture. The familiar smell of his seed brought a wave of fulfillment over the dragon's weakened body. He spent a bit of time to eat his own cum out of Sandy's pussy. She deserved that much after he filled her. He was in the process of pushing deeper inside when a metallic scent wafted through the haze of liquid heat. The female pushed her wings down to cover herself, hissing softly at him. That warm, alluring sound sent a dagger through the dragon's heart. Even in pain, Sandy worried more about him.

"No," the dragon pushed one feathery wing, revealing the droplets of blood that sneaked their way through the female's ebony fur.

"Scratches. Just scratches. Pesky wounds that fail to match the gift you left within me."

She licked his snout a few times, but Sandalf followed along her side to lick along the wounds he inflicted.

"Let me tend to the wounds," he hissed as his sister kept pestering him with her tongue. "What kind of mate am I, to tarnish your flesh with my claws, to taint you with my seed, to... You should have stopped me. I went too far and now...Grarr, I wish licking was everything I did."

"Stop being so stupid. You're a male. Act like it...after you lick my cum off the ground, that is. Go on. Lap it up. And if you ever apologize for mating me ever again, I'm putting it inside you."

"Feel free. I earned myself a break after emptying my balls in you, don't you think?"

"Maybe. Just maybe." Sandy met him with warm licks and soft, soothing feathers. She might have been a tease at times, yet underneath her naughty attitude, she was a worthy sister which Sandalf loved with all his heart.

** ***The End*****

End note: So how was that? Hot enough for you? I like all kinds of dragons, even if some happen to have a mare's genitalia . More space to plow through for those really hungry males :)

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