Unexpected Expectations

Story by MisterStallion on SoFurry

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#4 of The Unexpected Stories

Holy cow has it really been six months??? Lots of stuff has been happening and I've switched over to being an artist (shameless plug: my patreon is www.patreon.com/misterstallion, so come check us out if you'd like some awesome stuff) , but avatar?user=27158&character=0&clevel=2 CarsonM was one of my very first commissioners and I would hate to disappoint him by not concluding this story. I hope you guys enjoy it!



Monday had arrived, and Janice had been rubbing her hands together - metaphorically speaking - thinking of all the ways that she could use all of these events to her advantage. Part of her marveled at how far she had gone just to find out about Konstantine, and even though she had found out he had a vagina she was stunned to find that her desire for him hadn't dimmed. But she'd been far too busy to ponder what that meant, exactly. There was so much to do, so much to say (or not say) when she saw him at work.

Only one problem: he didn't come.

She had kept her eye on the break room for several hours that morning but never saw him take his customary water break at 10:00. At 11 she meandered over to his cubicle and found it empty. She had frowned, but shrugged and returned to her own desk - maybe he had come down with something.

Tuesday came and went and he never turned up.

Wednesday was the same.

Thursday Janice went to his supervisor, but the badger just said that Konstantine had called in sick each day this week and most definitely was not on vacation, because he had plenty of vacation days left. After work she jumped in her yellow Volkswagen and drove to his house. She pulled up in front of the house across the street from his and eyed it. His car was in his driveway. The lights in his one-story house were on. He appeared to be home.


By the time monday came Janice experienced the eerie feeling of all of her mustache-twisting machinations melting away to be replaced by pure, nerve-grinding worry. Konstantine had failed to show up again. She sat in her cubicle, staring at her computer screen and not getting any work done, feeling frazzled and distracted. It was like she had come down from a jump and the ground had risen up sooner and harder than she had expected. Why did the private investigator's findings matter anymore, really? What the hell was going on?


Vale was just finishing his workout and picking up his things from his locker when his phone buzzed in his hand. He glanced at it - an unknown number. He sighed, rolling his eyes. Probably another stupid robe-call from that home security company - how many times did he have to block their numbers? But, just to make sure, he begrudgingly tapped the button to answer it and held the phone to his ear.


"Hi. Um, is this Vale?"

Vale's brow furrowed.

"Yeah. Who's this?"

"My name is Janice - I work with Konstantine."

"Okay? How did you get this number?"

"I..." The voice hesitated. "Look, it doesn't matter right now. Have you heard from him this week?"

"No, I haven't," Vale answered, shutting his locker. "Why?"

"Well, he hasn't been to work at all."

Vale went still.

"He isn't on vacation or something?" he asked.

"No, his supervisor said he's called in sick. And I just went past his house and he's still at home."

"Well..." Vale said, pondering for a bit. "If your worried why don't you just go see him yourself?"

"I really can't explain. I just know that... he'll probably need to talk to you and Alfred more than me. I'm scared for him."

Vale's gave a start.

"How the fuck do you know about Alfred?" He demanded with an irate snort.

The line clicked and went dead.



The poor rhino had been completely disturbed all week. He had managed to keep up his normal pace at the office and had worked out like usual, but with every waking moment he had Konstantine's tormented face floating in the forefront of his consciousness. He hadn't been sleeping well at night either - his brain toiled on the seemingly un-solvable problem that had been presented to him; he liked Konstantine, and it was good sex, but how could he even be seen in public with him? Could he seriously live the rest of his life with people thinking he was gay? If he couldn't answer that affirmatively then there really was no point in even seeing the moose again. What had compounded this problem was the fact that he and Vale had had sex, and he had enjoyed it - that act had only confused him further. But it had felt so good when he was having sex with the moose - there really wasn't anything like sliding your cock into something that wanted it there, that welcomed it and moved with it. And there wasn't anything quite like Konstantine, whom he could pound with his full force and strength and the moose could do more than take it - he loved it. He couldn't say that about any woman he'd been with.

But he stood at a crossroads, perpetually, as he went about his daily routine that week. Should he 'surrender' and call Konstantine, despite what social impacts it would have on his life? Or should he just forget that he ever met the moose and wait for a more suitable partner to come along?

Hoping some football would distract him, he flopped down in his easy chair and flipped on the tv. Just as his mind was starting to become more focused on the game than on his musings, he felt the buzz of his phone against his thigh. Adjusting in his chair, he squeezed his hand into his pocket and withdrew his phone. It buzzed expectantly in his hand as he looked at the screen and groaned. It was Vale.

"No rest for the wicked," he mumbled to himself, and answered it.

"Hello?" He asked, pressing the phone to his ear.

"Hey Alfie," Vale replied in a low voice. "You have a minute?"

"I guess, sure," said Alfred.

"I just got - well, I got a weird-ass call from somebody Konstantine works with, and she said that he hasn't come to work at all this week."

Alfred sat up in his chair, his ears perking.

"Did she say why?"

"I think you and I both know the reason," said Vale softly.

Alfred grunted, not sure what to say.

"Have you made up your mind yet?"

"Fuck no, what did you think?" said Alfred with distressed laughter.

Vale chuckled in his ear.

"I did figure as much."

"I'm really... just really lost," Alfred continued, leaning forward in his chair and rubbing his eyes with his right hand.

"Well, I think you and I need to do something," Vale said firmly.

"We already did," Alfred muttered.

"I suggest you do NOT tell him about that," the horse cut in. "I really think he'd lose it, especially considering what I think you probably told him."

"I told him that I didn't want people thinking I was gay, 'cause I wanted to marry a woman someday."

Vale hissed.

"Yup. Figures."

"You think I should have said something else?" Alfred wondered.

"I don't think that's any of my business," Vale countered. "This is entirely up to you. If you don't want to be with Konstantine as anything more than a fuck buddy then he's gonna have to deal with that - he can't change that and neither can I. But if that's not the case and the only reason you're holding back is because of what other people will think, well... that's up for you to decide whether that's a valid reason or not."

Alfred grunted again.

"Quit giving me more shit to think about," he grumbled.

Vale laughed.

"I'm just about halfway as lost with this as you are," he conceded. "I've never met anybody like him."

"I know."

"So... are you free right now?"

"For what?" Alfred asked.

"I think we need to go see him."


Konstantine lay on his bed, staring out the window into his backyard, his mind blank and listless, drifting from one incomplete thought to another, dark clouds of various negative emotions billowing through his consciousness. He had lain here all week, only getting up to eat the occasional meal and use the restroom. Nothing seemed to hold any interest for him - which was why he had called in sick every day. He wouldn't get anything done at work and there was no point in talking to anyone there, so he didn't see the point in going at all. Not even his phone called to him to browse the day away on Facebook or any other sites of mindless entertainment.

Ding ding.

The doorbell again. He huffed and turned his head away from the sound slightly. It had rung several times today. Eventually they'd leave, just like the others.

The creak of the door opening rung down the hallway. Konstantine's ear flicked as he heard the distinct sound of someone knocking. He ignored it.

"Konstantine, open the door please."

That voice - muffled but instantly recognizable. A tear leapt to the corner of his eye and rolled down his cheek.

"Hey man, open the door - we're not gonna leave until you do."

Vale. Vale was with him.

With a grunt he swung his legs off the bed and stood. He was wearing a pair of shorts only - no point in putting on a shirt. He clopped down the hallway toward his front door, feeling like an eternity was passing with each step and never quite getting there - he could see their silhouettes through the three small windows set at head-level in the solid wooden door.

Finally Konstantine reached it, grasped the brass handle and turned it. The door clunked and swung open, revealing his visitors. Alfred stood closest to the glass outer door wearing sweatpants and a tank top, his bulk partially blocking that of Vale, who was looking expectantly over Alfred's shoulder at him. Konstantine considered the pair of them with dull eyes before pushing the glass door open and standing aside.

After a few seconds of awkward silence the two of them glanced at each other and entered the house, sidling past him and ducking a bit to avoid his antlers.

They found their own way to his sitting room, which lay just beyond the foyer and stocked with a three-person suede leather couch and a poofy brown chair on the other side of it, both angled toward a modestly-sized flatscreen perched atop an entertainment center. Konstantine trundled in after them, his eyes low. Vale and Alfred found seats on the couch, and Konstantine lowered himself into the chair and stared at the floor.

"Why are you here?" He asked quietly.

"You haven't been at work," Vale answered, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees; Alfred mimicked his position. "People are worried."

Konstantine's eyes narrowed, though he didn't meet their concerned gazes.

"How did you find out? Who from my work knows you?"

"Janice called me," Vale answered. "I got nothing on how she got my number, but that's really not important. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"Don't think... it's me doing anything," Konstantine muttered.

"Hey," Alfred began gently.

"Don't-!" Konstantine clenched his eyes shut, raising a hand to silence him, the muscles in his arm quivering. "Just... don't talk to me."

"What are we supposed to do, Konstantine?" Vale asked.

"I - don't - know," Konstantine answered. He raised his eyes to meet theirs for the first time.

"Can't somebody just... want me?"

He lowered his head again. Neither Vale nor Alfred had an answer for that question - they looked at each other briefly, unsure.

"I don't wanna be alone," he said, his voice cracking.

"We're here, man," Vale reassured him earnestly. "That should tell you that you're not alone."

"But you don't want me!" Konstantine insisted. "I'm just a deformed-"

"Stop saying that!" Alfred cut him off gruffly. Konstantine's breath hitched in his chest. "You're not deformed. You're just you. And if you'd just let yourself you could be so great!"

Konstantine's chest heaved and tears spilled down his cheeks as he locked his gaze on Alfred, the corners of his vision blurring.

"Why would you say that to me if you're not gonna even consider something more with me?" He asked.

Alfred lowered his head.

"I... didn't say I wasn't."

The room went silent.

"You mean, you are?" Konstantine asked hurriedly, his spine stiffening.

"Whaddaya think I've been thinking about all week?" Alfred demanded, gritting his teeth. "It's been tearing me up!" He huffed, shaking his head. "I just... don't know what to do. I just... he looked up at Konstantine again, his breath catching. "I guess... could we... we could maybe- ....try?"

Konstantine stopped breathing. Vale looked back and forth between them, eyes wide, stunned.

"...are you serious?" Konstantine murmured.

"I- yeah. I think I am."

Konstantine nodded, then looked away.

"I will think about it."

Alfred frowned.

"Think about it?"

Konstantine narrowed his eyes at the carpet.

"Did you think I was going to throw myself at you? I said I would think about it and I will. I'll call you sometime with my answer."

Alfred glanced uncertainly at Vale, who shrugged.

"Okay. We'll see you later then," he supplied. And the two of them got to their feet. Konstantine didn't move, so after a moment they showed themselves out. Konstantine's ears flicked as he heard the outer door close and finally silence resumed.



Vale and Alfred parted ways in Konstantine's driveway with cursory goodbyes. Alfred felt like he was in limbo after that conversation. What was he supposed to do now? Just go home and go about his day? He supposed he had no other choice.

Alfred didn't hear anything from Konstantine for several days. Vale checked in with a text a couple times, asking if anything new had developed, but other than that he didn't hear anything else. He went through the motions each day, standing on the edge, still not quite believing that he had offered to try being Konstantine's boyfriend. The scenarios kept playing through his head. Going out to eat. Sitting on the couch and watching the game. Going on vacation.

Standing at the altar in a tuxedo.

Okay, back up, he thought to himself. No need to think that far ahead just yet.

I wonder what it says on his birth certificate-


Just as he was about to hop in the shower, Alfred felt his phone buzz angrily in his pocket. He extracted it, one hand still resting on the hot water knob, and looked at it. It was Konstantine calling. He let his hand fall away and held the phone with both hands, frozen for a second. His heart rate skyrocketed, partway in anticipation and in many was out of total fear. What was the moose going to say? What would he say back? He didn't know how he felt about things even at this moment.

Steeling his nerves, he swiped the pad of his thumb across the smooth screen.

"Hi Konstantine," He huffed into the speaker.

"Alfred," Konstantine's voice answered simply in his ear. "Could you come over? I'd like to talk to you."

"Sure," Alfred found himself saying. "Now?"

"Yes please. I'll see you in a bit."


Alfred hung up. He stood in his bathroom for a long time, looking at himself in the mirror. He had no idea what to do - well, he knew what he had to do, he just didn't know how to go about it. Should he... get dressed up a bit? But then he'd feel really awkward if Konstantine said that he didn't want to date him. Maybe he should anyway, just to be nice whichever way it went. That sounded good. He nodded to his reflection firmly, then strode out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

He pulled off his t-shirt and dropped his pants, tossing them casually into the dirty clothes hamper that stood by the bed, and walked to his dresser. He pulled open the middle drawer, running his thick grey fingers over the fabric as he looked over what he had available. He chose a large blue polo shirt with a collar that he thought looked nice, unfolded it and pulled it over his head. Then he threw open his closet door and pulled down a pair of jeans. When he checked how he looked in his mirror he nodded again, this time in approval. Not too dressy, not too casual either. Just- nice.

He felt ready.


Twenty minutes later Alfred exited his truck and shut the door with finality, looking at the front door to Konstantine's home. He strode around the front of his truck and left it behind, locking it without thinking and heading for the porch. He felt strange - like a sailboat caught in a strong wind. He could see where the wind was taking him, but wasn't quite sure what he would find at the end of the journey.

He mounted the porch and without hesitation raised a meaty fist and knocked three times.

Muffled footsteps sounded from behind the door almost immediately, growing louder. The door swiftly pulled open, and there stood Konstantine, wearing a simple white t-shirt and black sweatpants. For a moment Alfred allowed himself to look Konstantine over, just admiring the view; he almost felt like he was outside himself, like in a dream.

"You look nice," Konstantine commented. Alfred shook himself out of his reverie.

"Thanks," He replied. "So do you."

Konstantine chuckled briefly, standing aside to let Alfred in.

"Yeah, sure."

As soon as Alfred had passed him Konstantine let the door swing shut and led him to the sitting room. Alfred took a seat on the couch, and Konstantine sat in his easy chair again - it was almost as if their previous conversation had just been paused for a moment and was resuming; minus Vale, of course.

"I've thought a lot about what you said," said Konstantine, leaning forward and folding his hands. "And, if you're still willing.... I think I would like to date you."

Alfred let out a low sigh through his nose.

"I think I'd like that."

One side of Konstantine's mouth curled in a half-smile.


"Um..." Said Alfred, not sure what to say now. "Could you, like, come over here?"

Konstantine rose from his chair and walked over, then carefully sat down on the sofa right beside the muscular rhino so that their hips and thighs were touching. Konstantine turned his head so that his right antler wouldn't hit him and leaned his head to the side so that it rested on Alfred's shoulder. Alfred felt the moose's muscles relax against him, melting like snow into the flow of a river. He leaned back a bit, letting their bulk sink into the cushion of the couch.

"This is different," he admitted.

"This is good, though," Konstantine added.

"Mm," Alfred agreed.

They sat together for a long time. Konstantine wrapped his thick arm around Alfred's midsection, making Alfred feel very warm and strangely comfortable - this wasn't something he was used to feeling from a guy, but it felt nice.

Konstantine took in a deep breath through his nostrils and let it out with a slow sigh.

"You worked out before you came," he observed.

"I was just getting into the shower when you called," Alfred murmured.

"So, you haven't had one yet?" Konstantine asked, still unmoving with his head on Alfred's shoulder.

"No, not yet,"

Konstantine lifted his head from the rhino's shoulder, and no more words were needed. Both rose from the couch, and Konstantine wrapped his fingers around Alfred's left hand, pulling him out of the living room and into the hallway. Down the hallway they traveled, Konstantine's hooves clacking and Alfred's large feet rumbling behind him, and Konstantine pulled him around a corner into his large bathroom.

Alfred shut the door behind him and they stood chest to chest, looking into each other's eyes. He marveled at how he was with someone who was nearly as tall as him, and almost as strong and powerful, if he wanted to be. He raised a hand and touched his fingers to the side of Konstantine's mouth, running the pads of his fingers across the smooth, soft flesh that gave under his touch. Konstantine pressed his right hand onto the left side of Alfred's chest, gently running his palm over the fabric of the rhino's shirt, digging his fingers into the muscle.

One by one items of clothing fell to the floor. Konstantine turned the knob and the hissing spray of warm water filled the air and the humid fog of a hot shower touched their noses. Alfred found a warm grin coming to his lips, and konstantine returned it as he pulled down his pants. Alfred immediately closed the gap between them and put his hand between Konstantine's legs, rubbing gently against his pussy lips and sliding a finger inside. Konstantine shuddered under his touch, closing his eyes for a moment in bliss, then re-opened them and pulled down Alfred's pants and underwear in one go, setting his already hard, devilishly thick cock free to bounce upward. Alfred stepped out of his pants piled around his ankles and the two of them, still standing close together, entered the shower.

The hot spray touched Alfred's back first, and a low hum escaped him as the warmth enveloped his lower back and butt and Konstantine wrapped a greedy hand around the tip of his cock. He returned the favor with two fingers sliding into his vagina this time, and Konstantine groaned. They pleasured each other this way for a long while, eyes fixed on each other, silently asking each other the question: who first?

Alfred gave up first and, switching positions so that Konstantine's back was to the spray, knelt down and buried his muzzle in Konstantine's furry crotch. Konstantine gripped the back of Alfred's head with both hands, pressing him deeper. Alfred heard him moan and attacked with abandon, slurping his tongue along the crevice of his vagina, slathering his clitoris and savoring every time he made the moose's muscular thighs shudder with sudden weakness.

Konstantine's cries became even more insistent and he began humping into Alfred's face. Alfred took his cue and blasted his clitoris with his tongue, plunging three fingers inside him from below at the same time. Konstantine grunted out an almost painful-sounding yell and hot, wet liquid gushed onto Alfred's fingers. It smelled strange - masculine and feminine all at once, a perfect mix in his nose. He finally pulled away, his chest heaving, and looked up at Konstantine, who was leaned over with his hand on Alfred's shoulder for support, grinning widely.

No words were needed for what was to come next. They switched places again, Alfred's dick bobbing insistently, and Konstantine turned and faced the shower wall, putting his palms against it and bending over for the massive rhino, exposing his swollen and needy pussy to him. Alfred wasted no time. He lined up the black head of his penis with the warm pussy lips, rubbing them gently and shuddering at the spikes of pleasure that lanced through him as he did, then pushed forward, taking hold of Konstantine's muscled hips as he sunk his penis into him.

The two groaned in unison as Alfred sunk balls deep into him and their warmth combined even as the water cascaded down the back of Alfred's thighs and steam filled the air. The two never ceased to make noise as a slapping noise joined the chorus, Alfred finding his rhythm perfectly as he slid his cock in and out of the beautifully moist snatch and Konstantine rolling his hips to meet him in return. Equal amounts of gorgeous pleasure spreading through their bodies like a fiery glow from their groins to their hearts.

Alfred was sure that Konstantine came two more times before he finished, pulling Konstantine close to him and as his cum rose up from within his groin and jetted deep inside the moose. Both heaved, both stood still, not wanting their moment of bodily closeness to end until it had to, Alfred's mouth close to the back of Konstantine's head. They remained nearly motionless, Alfred afraid that either of them might go weak in the knees and topple over for an ungainly ending.

Eventually his penis fell soft and slipped out with a gentle slurp, retreating into its normal, relaxed form. Konstantine stood up to his full height and Alfred followed with his motion, keeping his arms wrapped around his middle. Konstantine pressed back into him and it was as though their flesh melted together.



After a few more minutes of cuddling they helped each other clean up properly, got out of the shower and got dressed, and went out for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop. Konstantine felt giddy and lighthearted, lighter and more carefree than he had felt in a long, long time. In a way, it turned out that that cup of coffee was even better than the sex in the shower. Because while the sex was lovely, what topped it by leaps and bounds was the fact that they could just talk, just like normal everyday friends, and he never ran out of things to say to him.

Then Alfred surprised him with the absolute best icing on the cake, something he never would have asked for. Right in the middle of a sentence, Alfred captured his hand in his, leaned forward, and gave him a little kiss on the lips, blanking out his mind completely and making him sit there dumbstruck for a full minute. Instinctively he looked around to see if there was any reaction from anybody around, knowing how much it meant to Alfred, who seemed to have lost his cares at the moment. All he saw was a badger sitting at a corner table, and if he didn't know any better he thought he saw the badger raise his coffee to his lips with a smile.


The End! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did! And I'm also very glad to have this all tied up and finished. All in all it was an extremely interesting project, one that I initially balked at but I am so glad that I took CarsonM up on it. Lots of twists and turns, lots of really great characters that just popped up and took on their own life. Please let me know what you think! And, as I said above, please check out my patreon at www.patreon.com/misterstallion for my artwork!