Wanting More (Part 4)

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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HEHE, I know, I know....LONG time no write, but hey, at least I did write it? So sorry if I kept you waiting and hope this isn't a big disappointment when you read it, because I enjoyed writing it. ANyway, part le 4 * * *

> „Mina open the damn door, I need to get ready" Chika pounded on the bathroom door impatiently. A month had passed since Vash had moved out, it was dull without him around. Although they didn't go apart in an extremely friendly manner, Chika missed his presence, he was the only one of her brothers that was sane, compared to Falk the freak, Jake the slut and the others were too young for her to have a mature conversation with. The first week she'd been angry at him, the second week she began to miss him and now she focused on Zack, the adorable Tiger waiting outside for her to get in his expensive car to take them to school. "Go away!" Mina shouted through the muffled door. Chika growled and stomped down the stairs to the balcony where Grey and Kaya sat with their morning coffee and newspaper. "Mom, can you do something about Mina, she won't come out of the bathroom and Zack's waiting for me..." Grey had seemed disinterested up until the point where Zack's name was mentioned, to which his eyes suddenly left the morning headline and rested on her. "Ugh, not again...honey, I'll go check on her, you get to school." Kaya grunted, standing up and walking off. "I need to shower!" Chika argued. "You'll survive" Kaya called back, heading up the stairs. A silence fell, Chika standing there, sighing angrily but finally getting ready to leave. She went inside to grab her bag and head out the door when suddenly Grey was standing next to her. "About this Zack kid..." He began but was interrupted. "Oh dad, give it a rest, he's driving me to school. That's great news for you, because since Vash left, you'd have to do it if he didn't." she said, closing the door behind her before Grey could get under her fur. "Hey gorgeous" Zack greeted as she jumped in his car, leaning in to kiss her. Her face went slightly red, a transformation he never got to see because he had already pressed the gas pedal and headed off. School was a bore. Chika never really cared about school, football practice was the only thing on her mind. Hence, she came late to her Algebra examination. "How great of you to bless us with your presence at last. Take a seat, 5% will be taken off your final mark." The teacher greeted in irritation at her recklessness. Chika scoffed and took a seat, reading over the questions and quickly breezing through them. Half time had passed and she still wasn't even past the first page. She couldn't concentrate, and finally, she gave up. Walking forward she handed in her incomplete examination paper and headed to the door. "You're not finished" The teacher pointed out, confused. "As good as, I don't really see the point. If I calculate them, I'll get them wrong, so I might as well spend my time in the sun." She smiled sarcastically and headed out the door, she never liked the teacher much anyway. He followed her angrily and shut the door. "I'm sorry, may I have a word." She stopped walking and rolled her eyes. "You're grades are bellow average, your motivation is lacking and you hand in an unfinished exam, would you like to graduate one day?" he asked. "Not really no." She commented and picked up her pace again. Since Vash had gone, even though she hated to admit it, her motivation had died. Instead she chose to spend her time in the school courtyard. On her way there, she realized a crowd gathering around the janitors' closet. Closing I on them, she realized the collection of females with their ears glued to the door. Frowning, she approached them, observing from a safe distance as the janitor sped around the corner and almost sprinted towards his ‘home base'. He ripped the door open, revealing a most unpleasant sight for Chika; Falk...naked, with a girl, a popular girl, who was naked as well, leaning against the wall, having steamy and penetrating sex. "Oh what!" Chika gagged in disgust, closing her eyes to keep them from going blind and choosing to leave to a more solitary area. Mina stood further away, witnessing the whole scene as Falk was being pulled out of the closet, pulling up his pants in time for the girls to only glimpse his member, giggling and whispering to each other. Mina looked at the floor, hurt, insecure and unsure what to do while Falk was being dragged off to the principal's office. --- Chika sat on the courtyard bench, digging through the gravel with her shoes, trying to come up with something to do, but the only thing that came to mind was Vash, and that was something she was trying to push aside. But the thought wouldn't leave her mind, Zack was busy with classes and she had nothing to do, so why not go see him? She hadn't seen him in a month after all, and he was still part of the family. Convincing herself it was harmless, she jumped up and headed to the bus station. The ride wasn't long, and the bus stop was right in front of his house. It was a beautiful house, tiny, but enough space for him and it was a cute house. She opened the fence and headed in without making her presence known just yet. Finally, arriving at the front door she rang the bell and waited nervously. The door unlatched and there he stood; bare-back, dirty, and worn out as if he hadn't slept in days, but it made him look good. Chika shook her head, what was she thinking. "Hey...Vash, sorry, I didn't call, I just thought...." She cut off, looking to the ground. "Hey! Aren't you supposed to be in school?" he asked. "Yea sort of, but I didn't feel like it. Can I come in?" "Uh yea, it's just not very neat." He stepped aside to let her in, unsure why she suddenly decided to visit. "Hey listen, I'm sorry about the things I said and did...I was being stupid." He suddenly sprang it on her, she turned to look at him. "Oh, that. Yea it's fine, I wasn't very nice myself. How've you been? We all miss you at home." Chika responded. "I've been good, it's a real nice thing, having your own place. You do what you want. How is everyone? I meant to come visit but I delayed it and then well now you're here." He followed her in, flicking the empty beer cans off the sofa and making room for them to sit. There were a LOT of beer cans! The entire living room was stacked in empty pizza boxes, beers cans and chips bags. "Everyone's doing good, but they're all really annoying, no one to talk to since you left. You've been busy?" she announced, seeing the state of the place. "Oh yea that...Um, gets boring sometimes, beer helps. You want one?" And so it started. They talked for a bit, catching up, drinking beer after beer, laughing, just like the old times. Chika enjoyed it, he was just like her brother again. Finally they recollected on an old tradition; putting on a movie but leaving it on mute and creating the text themselves, it could be as weird as they wanted it to be. Four hours later they were on their best way to being a little tipsy when the movie finally ended and they both laid back and stared at the ceiling, laughing at the great accomplishment they had just achieved by re-writing the entire script of a classical movie. Once the laughter died, silence revoked, and Vash felt his heart pound a little too fast. He turned his head to look at her, just a quick glance to prove himself wrong. It didn't work. He sprung up to distract himself from the aching need to grab her. "You want another beer?" He asked casually, Chika complied, nodding and still smiling. Without another word, Vash ran off to the kitchen to graso the opportunity to calm himself down, leaning his palms against the counter and hanging his head. "You don't like her that way. "He told himself. "She's like your sister, what you're feeling is lonliness, she doesn't like you. Get over it!" it was like fighting a battle, he knew his voice was lying and he didn't want to believe it. Closing his eyes to consider what his mind was asking him to do, he pushed himself off the counter with force and headed back around the door to the living room. "Oh hey...I just saw this CD casing, I can't believe you have the new Disturbed Album, they'reâ€"" she paused, seeing his empty hands. "Out of beer?" she asked, confused by his stern face as he began to charge at her, pushing her body back onto the sofa and forcing himself upon her. His lips locked hers and it was better than he would have imagined, so soft. But the feeling didn't last. Chika pushed against him, too weak to overpower him but he understood, she didn't want him anymore. He finally got off her, but she was too shocked to move, her eyes widened and fixed on the ceiling, unable to comprehend what world she was living in, what cruel world would do this to her. "I'm sorry I just..." he began, but her suddenly boiling anger overruled him. "Just what? Though you could break me and Zack up by kissing me? Are you insane, I love Zack, Vash. The sooner you get used to that, the faster we can all get along again. I can't believe you!" she got up and faced him. "Oh come on Chika, he's a loser! You're the only one who can't see why he's with you, which is pretty damn stupid considering you used to be such a smart girl." He only realized the mistake he made by saying this after he'd already said it. Chika went silent, he'd called her stupid. "You've changed..." She said calmly. "Chika Iâ€"" he tried to explain but she headed towards the front door. "Look just wait a minute! Let me explain...Chika!" the door shut and she'd left. Annoyed with himself he let his anger boil and punched the wooden door, leaning against it after and rubbing his temples to help him think. --- Chika ran down the street towards anywhere, somewhere that wasn't there. She decided to walk home because she was in no mood to see people on the Bus or anywhere else. After an hour of walking, she came to the dirt road that led through the fields rather than around them, a shortcut. Just then a car drove up behind her, the only person she could stand seeing right now, Zack. "Hey! Beta! What are you doing out here alone?" He asked, getting out of his car and running towards her. The sky began to darken as night slowly took over. "Where you been?" "Sorry, I went to visit Vash today, not the best idea..." she explained quietly. "Aw babe, he'll come ‘round, its Vash...we used to be friends remember, I know how he gets. Just let him be." Wrapping his giant strong arms around her for comfort, he placed a passionate kiss on her lips. Chika weakly returned the kiss, not entirely in the mood to be all lovey-dovey right now, so she pulled away after a while. But he wouldn't let her. He pulled her back in for another kiss. "Do you want to?" He asked, holding her tightly and kissing her again. She mumbled the question back: "Want to what?", growing angry that he persisted to not let her go. "You know..." he laughed mischievously, wriggling his tongue into her mouth and grabbing her covered breast. She tried to pull away, moaning in protest but this time he violently grabbed her back. "Come on babe, how much longer are you gonna make me wait?" Chika struggled to get away from him, making him only more willing to hold onto her. "As long as I feel like it. Let go Zack!" She responded, raising her voice in the slightest threat that he wouldn't hear. He pushed her backwards into the grass and forced her down onto the ground, clasping his hand over her mouth as she tried to scream. He ripped off her jacket, holding her down with one hand. Massaging her breasts he could feel the knob in his pants beginning to rise in erection, pulsing with mad desire as he unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. Chika tried to scream again but he slapped her straight across the face and pulled her arm behind her back promising to break it if she did so again. Her eyes watered for the first time in months, realizing what was about to happen, but even more shamefully, realizing that Vash had tried to warn her and she had pushed him away. Her pants her quickly pulled off and so were his. He pulled a piece of string from the back pocket, and lifted her up, dragging her across the grass until they came to the first tree, where he tied her by the wrists as high up as he could manage. His erection was unmistakable as he lifted her tank top over her breasts to expose them to him, sucking on each nipple individually and then staring at her full form in the misty breeze of the evening that made her shiver to his delight. Her pale skin broke out in goose-bumps and he drove his hands over her entire body in lust. Unable to hold it any longer, he pulled her legs up, struggling to pull them apart because she was forcing them to remain together, but in a battle of strength, it was always clear who the winner was. He pushed himself in between her and placed his tip at her virgin opening, taking a lat second as she whimpered to look into her eyes. "You'll enjoy it...I promise." He said compassionately before he slowly rode his cock into her untouched inner walls. She pressed her eyes together as the pain ruptured through her, his slow gouging in and out of her was ore torturous than if he would get it over with quickly. He nibbled on her ear lobe, whispering moans and dirty things in her ear like: "I want you to remember how I feel." That made her shiver so much more. Her arms hurt from being pulled upwards, and with the pressure he added, the pain felt doubled. He fastened his pace after a few minutes, feeling the heat and his erection grow stronger. Chika bit her lip because she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a scream, silently enduring him hammering into her private area with no respect. Even though it was cold, he was sweating, pushing her harder against the tree, pounding into her faster, keeping his hand on her breasts at all times, squeezing them so hard that it hurt, feeling the warm liquid run down the back of her leg. Blood. He asked her to scream, she refused, he asked her again, she refused, finally he dug his claws into her breasts which forced her to scream involuntarily. In combination with him raping her, painful as it was, he now invaded her chest as well. She felt herself hyperventilating and getting dizzy, feeling the slight knot build on the end of his member. She's only ever heard stories, normally unless you wanted cubs, the knot never went in, but that applied to sexual situation with the consent of both partners, in this case, that was different. She felt the edge of his ever growing knot dipping into her cunt, the overwhelming pain as her tight skin stretched itself over it, the more overwhelming pain as it retracted, and the even worse pain as this repeated itself for the next few minutes. Finally he pulled back, panting in her ear. She sighed a relief, her face soaked in the salty liquid of her eyes, unwilling to look at him, just hoping he would leave her alone now, but he wasn't finished. With one might thrust he pushed himself forward, pushed her back, she hit the tree, and he shoved himself inside with all the inches he had to shove right up until his sack and unloaded his cum in her. She exhaled a cry of pain, feeling the warm fluid rolling around in her womb, stuck inside, getting ready to fertilize. She reminded herself to be thankful that she wasn't in heat, or this would be the worst day of her life and the end of it. She twitched with sobs as he leaned against her, exhausted from the event, licking her neck and kissing it, one...two...three times. She wanted to puke, hit him, kill him, and run away. They were stuck together for a little while, until he lazily pulled him limp cock out of her and went off to dress himself, coming back only after he was fully dressed to stare at her naked, hanged body. "You were great, really." He said to her face, moving to her ear to whisper. "I wouldn't tell anyone, it might end badly with my dad leading the police department and all." He kissed her lips and turned away from her, walking towards his car and shouting: "I'm sure you can untie yourself!" before he got in and drove off, leaving her there. She hiccupped sobs, unbelieving, unwilling to accept her fate. Finally, trying desperately to calm herself down, she focused on freeing her hands, when suddenly the rope ripped and she fell to the floor. Anxiously, she collected her clothes and ran away as fast as she could, dropping to the floor in defeat after reaching the end of the dirt road where she decided to cry herself out until she was calm enough to go home. No one must know about this, she decided. --- On top of the tree, perched with a knife in his hands, was Falk, staring at his sister as she ran away hysterically after witnessing what had happened. "Interesting..." he said calmly, looking at the knife in his hands which he had used to cut the ropes. He jumped down and made his was, swiftly and sneakily through the bushes towards home. --- "Would you like to explain to me why I got a call from your professor!" Kaya shouted angrily as Chika entered the door. Her face was empty, she'd wiped away the tears, and began the process of hiding all memory of the nights events. "Hey! I'm talking to you...he said you were rude, ditched class and failed your exam!" "I'm sorry, I went to visit Vash" she said blankly, slowly stepping up the stairs, making sure not to show how much every movement hurt her sore groin. Kaya cursed and shouted after her until the door was shut and she buried herself in her pillow, wishing she could completely forget the images in her minds' eye. --- "Mina open the damn door!" Falk hammered his fist against the bathroom door violently. "I swear I'll break it down!" No response. Angrily, he stormed off into his room and collected a tiny tool he used for lock picking to open the bathroom door that had been shut for quite a while. And he froze. There she was, leaning over the toilet, puking her guts out and clutching her stomach. She looked at him weakly, and he knew, he knew exactly what was going on. She was pregnant. * * *

And the end....hope you liked it...if not, lemme know why so i can make it better! cheerios!

Wanting More Part 3

SOOOOO This is la-part-tres...or something like that. Hope I didn't keep ya'll waiting too long. This part is where it starts getting interesting ^^ I think to hope....or hope to think, your choice. ANYHOW!!!!! PART 3 * * * \> REM cycle...

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Wanting More Chapter 2

Right so here we are at train stop number 2....the journey's getting mroe exciting now! Who likes who next and where does what happen? Well if I told you I'd ruin it so reading is the best solution for that algebraeic problem. Infant gadgets with...

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Wanting More

Part 1 of this story is mainly the plot, at the end I included a lil bit a SmEX because I figured all the horny people would die if I made them read all this without a reward \*wink\* This story is about an adopted son (Vash), who finds out that his...

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