Wanting More Part 3

Story by Tigara on SoFurry

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SOOOOO This is la-part-tres...or something like that. Hope I didn't keep ya'll waiting too long. This part is where it starts getting interesting ^^ I think to hope....or hope to think, your choice. ANYHOW!!!!! PART 3

> REM cycle was something remarkable for Falk, the images presented to him were unbearably tempting and even better, they seemed real. He was a God in his own world, a master on his throne, the only one of his kind. Everyone loved and wanted him. Everything was dark, no light disrupted his view. Falk firmly believed that the female figure was more overpowering when presented in moonlight. The sun, he thought, was just the bad guy that made people appreciate the moon all the more when it came around at night. But what did Falk know, or in other words, what did anyone care what he thought? His string of thought was so immensely different in comparison to an average beast that none would understand his mind even if they had the Rosetta stone to decode it. As such, no one would understand the extreme landscape of his dreams; dark at all times, not a single flower or piece of grass, nor a tree. Only water, fire, a deserted plain of sandy ground and a single unholy place where females of all sorts were bound to; bound to his free choice of which he would seduce and captivate in this particular dream. Each night he was left to choose another, and with each choice, a different scenario played itself out for him to overcome in order for him to obtain what he wanted from the female. Last night he had wearily chased Mija Nue, a black coated cat, through what seemed an endless desert all night long, waking up bathed in sweat as he had finally accomplished his mission and mounted his prey. On this night though, he couldn't figure out why instead of him having to try to capture the girl (much as he preferred to an easy prey), the girl was capturing him. And to his surprise the sensation she gave him was more real and intense than ever before. He stirred, writhing in his sleep as the much attractive feminine vampiress sat on top of him, having him pinned to the floor. He didn't like this scenario in the least, a female that had control over the male in such a degrading manner that overpowered him was one thing he regarded in disgust. In his opinion, a fresh opinion it was, sex was an act involving two people where one dominated the other into submission, in this case, or in his mind, the dominant one was at all times to be the alpha male and never the female. Still the pleasure in him grew as Saira, the red eyed vampire queen, bounced up and down on his fully erect meat, moaning and grabbing her hair with both hands, making her very attractive breasts prop up ever so temptingly. He grabbed her by the hips violently, digging his claws in her sides and pulling her down on him harder, faster, rougher. She leaned forward, licking his chest with her extremely edgy, sharp tongue, her red eyes shining in the moonlight as she sank her greedy teeth into his neck. He felt manhandled, a loss of control overcame him, he couldn't understand it. One of his hands quickly moved to grab her fertile breast, massaging it to his own entertainment, watching with a smirk as she panted and moaned in lust, feeling his ever growing knot tickle her entrance. He felt that the only way he could regain control of this, way out of hand event, was to plunge his knot inside her and bind her to him. But he couldn't, every time he tried it didn't go in. He frowned, looking down at his own erection, checking that everything was in place. Perfectly fine looking erection it was, but as he looked again, she was no longer riding him but...blowing him? "What the..." he muttered in his half sleep. "Sssssh, you'll wake the others" an all too familiar voice shushed. "What others?" he whispered, looking down at those perfect blue eyes he right there and then recognized as Mina's. He wasn't in his world, he was in his bed! "What the fuck!" he said loudly, sitting up in his bed and getting her off of him. "What's your problem man?" Jake called in a hoarse, half-sleep mumble. "Uh....um....N--....N--nothing! Just erm....sleep talking!" he quickly replied, pressing Mina's head down into his crotch to stop her from selling them out, she quickly began lapping at his manhood again. "Whatever man, take it outside" Jake complained and drifted back to sleep. As soon as Falk was sure Jake was asleep enough, he lifted Mina's head by her hair and glared at her, big eyes and fully awake. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he whispered to her in a violent tone. "What's it look like I'm doing?" she asked dully, in a whisper. "You're gonna get us caught you idiot!" he growled. "I think you're doing better at getting us caught" she returned in the same tone. Falk looked at her in vengeance, knowing she was right, but at the same time hating her for intruding him. But then again, it did make his night more interesting. He grinned a devilish grin, folding his arms behind his head and laying back. "Hurry up then." He ordered her, grabbing her head one last time, "But after you get out of here" Mina nodded and got to work, obedient one she was. Not a drop spilled on the bed, she swallowed it all up. He silently watched her sneak out, and soon after fell into a sleep that continued with a more dominant scenario on his end. A few days later the family gathered at breakfast, it seemed like once in a blue moon, because the older they grew, the more disagreements evolved amongst them and the more they grew apart in independent directions. The only ones not present at breakfast were Falk and Mina. Falk came a full fifteen minutes late, having been in the bathroom for that time. "Holy shit! What happened to you? You look like death" Jake laughed, seeing his little brother with ruffled hair, eye rings that seemingly sagged to the ground and very glassy eyes. He was only wearing baggy shorts, bareback and looked exhausted. "Had a long night" he mumbled angrily, trying not to look at Mina who immediately followed with a bright, cheery smile. "Morning all!" she said cheerily. "Masturbating all night?" Chika asked smartly. "Very funny twat" he hoarsed. "Got laid?" Jake asked. "No..." he lied. In truth, Falk hadn't been able to sleep much for the past week because Mina was constantly in his bed, taking every bit of semen and energy out him. He was sucked dry, even drinking gallons of water didn't rehydrate him in the long run. He slumped down on the table, making sure it was the end farthest away from Mina, she seemed to be fine. He was conspicuous through the fact that he avoided her tempted gazes. He was so grateful that he wasn't alone with her for that moment, she would have mounted him right there and then. What a sex hungry beast, he thought, for the first time in his life not thinking about sex or females. Was she solving his 'problem' for him? Even if in a subconscious manner, he no longer regarded sex as something holy but rather as a punishment, at least when it came from Mina. "What time is it?" Chika broke the morning silence. "8:43" Grey growled through his morning paper, of all the family members, he was the most distant, only present or talking when he absolutely had to. He favored Chika because she was so different from the rest of them, but then again he favored Falk because he was so sneaky and powerful, like a true alpha should be. But Vash on the other hand was like his most alleged son. "Shit, I gotta get ready" she cursed, getting up and scooping the last spoons of her cereal into her mouth swiftly. Vash stood up and abandoned the room randomly at that, everyone's eyes following him out as he left silently, supposedly reading a very disinteresting book. "Mommy what's wrong with Vash?" Sai asked curiously, sitting closely by Neo, who was too preoccupied with his cereal to care. "No idea sweety, no idea." She commented, shortly frowning and wondering herself, he had been acting strange lately. "Vash has got a very large stick up his butt, sideways" Chika told the twins, winking at them before rushing to her room to get ready for the championship. "Mommy how did the stick get into Vash's butt?" Neo asked, suddenly with a new suspicion. "Ugh. Chika was using a metaphor honey" she explained. "What's a metaphor?" Neo and Sai asked in unison. "It means she didn't mean an actual stick....eat your breakfast" she finished, closing off the conversation that was going into uncharted waters that she didn't wish to breach. However she did hear Grey slightly snicker at the conversation, sipping his coffee quietly and apparently paying everyone no heed. Chika ran to her room, ripping the closet door open and digging through the already chaotic clump of clothes that had been intentionally stuffed into the wooden container over a period of months, and pulled out her very own football league uniform. She slipped into the fan shirt, drew flags on both her cheeks as if she were in the army, a little mascara, perfume and then ran out of the room abandoning her hair brush once more; what was the point? She already heard the car honking outside and excitedly grabbed the keys and rushed out the door without saying farewell or anything. "Where's she going?" Mina asked in complaint. "She's only been bragging about it the entire week you deaf hunch back" Jake rolled his eyes. Mina returned his rude comment with a rather daft clown face. Vash sighed, re-entering the kitchen as soon as she had gone. "She's going on a football date with hitch the date ditcher" Vash announced moodily, getting a few laughs here and there from Mina, the twins and Jake. Falk remained silent, almost half asleep in the palm of his paw above his cereal. Grey dropped his papers just bellow his eyes to look at Vash. "With who?" He asked, suddenly struck with interest. "Zack" Vash muttered. "Who is this guy?" Grey continued, to Vash's surprise he finally found someone who disliked the situation equally. "An asshole in my opinion. Gets women to sleep with him and then dumps 'em" he shared, pretending to be careless on the matter, but in truth he was happy that Grey showed interest. He could be the one to stop this. "What's he doing with Chika?" He interrogated further. "No clue, probably the same thing" Vash nudged. Jake had been following the conversation, looking from Vash to Grey and back. Kaya was equally curious what was going on, she knew Vash well enough to know he never bragged or got involved in other people's business, her and Jake were on the same wave length; they both knew fairly well what was going on. Grey stood up and left the kitchen without another word, but by the looks of it, it seemed like he had something important to do. Jake got up as well, walking towards Vash and grabbing him by his shirt, firmly pushing him out of the kitchen to a more private place. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Jake asked, more demanding than asking. Kaya quickly struck up a conversation with the rest, making sure no one else got involved in their love triangle. "Are you falling for my sister?" Jake quickly and without hesitation shot at him once they were in the dark closet of the back room. "What? No man!" Vash defended weakly, not gaining Jake's belief. "Then why are you messing with everything she does?" he continued accusatively. "She's walking into an open trap...I'd guess any chick stupid enough to do that but not her, normally she's so aware and now she's just blind. I'm trying to help her!" Vash scolded. "Dude! Even if...that's her mistake to make, not yours to correct. I know you man, you never interfere with shit like this. So why you so sensitive all of a sudden?" Jake questioned. "Man what the hell do you know?" Vash gave in to frustration, trying to leave the room but Jake swiped the door closed and stood in front of it like a road block. "How long?" he asked. Vash stared at him for a few moments sternly, until finally his guard dropped and he slumped down onto the saggy bed where the laundry normally housed before it was put in the washing machine. He dropped his head into his hands and exhaled sharply, brushing his hair out of his face and looking straight in front of him at Jake's mid-section, since eye contact was too hard to maintain in a moment of confession. "A year roughly...when she stopped depending on me. I started to miss her company and I thought that was it, but then about a month ago I realized it wasn't it." He admitted with frustration. "Damn that's some twisted shit" Jake exhaled in disbelief, sitting down beside him and staring in the same direction with the same detachment as Vash. "Tell me about it." Vash nodded, returning his head to his hands. "You tell her yet?" Jake interrogated. "Are you crazy? She already thinks Falk's a pervert!" He defended. "Slightly fucking different...he IS a pervert. He was jerking off to her in the shower!" Jake argued. "Well yea but still...she'll think I'm a creep." "What now?" Jake asked after a short pause. "What a wimp." Falk laughed shaking his head. Jake and Vash jumped, the door had been closed but here he was in flesh and form, in the room without recollection of him ever entering. "What?" Vash asked forcefully. "You heard me" he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the two of them. "You're a pathetic wimp. Instead of just telling her how you feel you sulk about it. Real men get up and do something about it" He enticed, poking Vash in the forehead so harshly that he was pushed back. Almost immediately he sprung up and punched Falk in the face, only being able to scrape his right cheek because he dodged. "Feisty" he snickered. "Show Chika that...I bet she'd dig it" He was too occupied concentrating on Vash, in case he swung at him again, to notice the full throttle fist directed at him coming from Jake. On the ground he landed, Vash followed, charging at him like an angry demon, followed by Jake who thought a fight was always a good way to start his morning. There they were, a perfect trio of well built wolves, clawing and biting and punching at each other, taking a fist here and there, scraping blood and rolling all over the floor. The growls and war-screams soon spilled into the noisy kitchen, striking it silent part from the sudden uproar of noise from scrambling chairs and shuffling feet as the door swung open to reveal the fight ahead. "What the hell is the matter with you guys?" Kaya shouted in her powerful feminine growl, charging forward and beginning to disintegrate the blood bath. Mina's hand clapped onto her mouth as she saw Falk bearing a few scratches, running past the little ones to grab him out of the terror. Kaya grabbed Jake and Vash by their neck, pulling them away, still kicking and scratching in the disability to submit to defeat. Falk was the same, saliva filled mouth in his rage, chest pumping violently revealing his ribs and muscles each time he inhaled. "Out!" Kaya shouted, pushing them forward and out of the house into the stinging sunlight and shutting the door. Mina grabbed Falk and pulled him into the bathroom to aid to his wounds, trying to calm him down but he was in trance, the blood tingled his senses, making him more fight thirsty than ever before. "Fuck!" Vash cursed angrily, punching his pulsing fist into the wall of the house. "I never liked that little prick" Jake joined, kicking up the gravel. They both paced forth and back for several minutes that seemed like hours, trying hard to release their rage but the sun wasn't helping them relax, it made them rile up more and soon turn on each other. They started fighting about little things such as how Jake's uneven pace of steps annoyed Vash or how Vash's lazy sitting on the floor leaning against the wall made it look like he wasn't considering what to do. Stupidly enough, their manly immaturities soon surfaced and the fights grew more and more serious until Jake had had enough and quickly jumped in the car, driving off to Lucy's house to get the only thing he could think of to calm him down; sex. Vash remained abandoned there, sitting in the sun with his sweater and long trousers, endlessly hot but too annoyed to even attempt to rip the clothes from his flesh. And there he sat, motionless, figureless, incandescently in thought yet unsure of what was to come next, his life as he wanted it to be wasn't going so well. Ironically, just then the good weather had instantly been barred under a thick layer of dark stormy clouds that began to pour down large droplets of rain just then. "Oh great, that's just great. Like I don't have enough shit happening for me" Vash complained, pulling the hood of his sweater over his white hair. "GOAL!!!" the crowd roared up in cheers, or at least half of it...the other half was let down because the opposing team had ever so gracefully invaded their goal with an ever so ungraceful ball entry. Chika was so hyper from the excitement that she not only attack-hugged Zack but also the guy to her right and his buddy mustangs who had all painted their skin in the colors of the team they were supporting. "I can't believe it! This is the best day of my life!" She shouted excitedly over the loud uproar of the crowd at Zack. "Glad I could help out" He shouted back, noticing the rain that started pouring silently and then uninterruptedly. "Thank you for this..." She replied, looking him straight in the eyes, eyes that she in that moment fancied above all else. Zack leaned over to her ear, hesitating a moment as the rain quickly soaked them. "You look really beautiful Beta" He almost whispered to her. Her blush couldn't be masked, not even by her coat because it was so intensely gratifying that it almost beamed in a very crimson red. His head moved away from her ear but only far enough to regain eye contact and stare into her most unique eyes. She looked at him in glee, it wasn't hard to decide what to do next. She grabbed him from behind his head and pulled him in to meet her lips, forcing her tongue into his and his tongue into her mouth. It was just like a movie, in the rain, after a football match, in the company of thousands of cheering baboons, all that remained were the credits of the movie and the ending but she wouldn't be so lucky. Her life was about to become a hell of a lot more complicated. For now however, she could freely enjoy. "Sit down" Mina ordered Falk, opening the bathroom closet and retrieving a medical kit to tend to his 'war-wounds'. She kneeled down in front of him, spreading rubbing alcohol over a ball of cotton and beginning to tap it onto his fleshy wounds. A loud slapping sound and a pulsing fierce back hand attacked Mina unexpectedly, flinging her all the way across the bathroom against the opposite wall. He glared at her in a mixture of disgust and dislike, not sure if it was her or just the situation that angered him further. Finally getting off the stool, he walked towards her with death in his eyes and to his fortunate surprise he finally noticed what he had been waiting for in Mina; fear. The glint in her eyes had changed, transformed into that glint that had caused him to lose control the first time he raped her. It was rape! There was no chance for him to accept it as anything else, he had raped her and that was that. She pressed herself against the wall as he came closer and closer until she could no longer press. Grabbing her by the throat he choked her enough to make her twist slightly but insufficient for killing someone. "You annoy me...I don't like you, I never did. Apart from that you disrupt my sleep, disturb my goals and stalk me. I want you to stay the hell away from me and if you refuse I promise the next time you show up in my room at night to steal from me the only thing rejuvenating, I will kill you slowly and painfully." He explained coldly, dropping her back on the floor and exiting the bathroom without another word. Mina wasn't sure what terrified her more, the blunt seriousness with which the message had been delivered or the fact that she liked being treated like this. A tear, confused tear rolled down her right cheek, not sure why it was rolling, all it knew was that something was wrong with its owner, but what exactly remained anonymous. "V--Vash?" Chika said silently, seeing him sit in front of the house, staring emptily ahead as if he saw through everything in front of him. She leaned to the side with a frown, trying hard to decipher his lifeless gaze, but he saw through her as well. "Vash what are you doing out here?" "Moving out" he replied simply, getting on his feet, dripping wet, and walking to the front door with Chika closely following with a stunned frown on her face. "What do you mean 'moving out'?" she asked as if the words weren't clear enough. "I mean what I said...I saw a house a couple blocks away for sale, I have enough money saved and I think it's time I went my way" He continued, moving to the room and beginning to pack his bags. "I've been thinking about it for quite a while now, and it makes sense, I've depended on your family long enough don't you think?" "You're just gonna get up and leave?" she wanted to verify, her voice slowly losing its stern tone. "Looks like it...not like I'm completely gone, just further away" He said, pulling the zipper of his bag closed and swinging it over his shoulder of his soaking wet sweater, he stood still for a moment seeing her hurt expression. "Good luck with everything" He walked past her, she was too shocked to move, it felt like a nightmare. One of those dreams you knew was a dream but still didn't have the power or control to manipulate it. She heard the front door swing shut and realized that her perfect day had just been flushed down the toilet....badly. Lemme know what you think....good? Bad? Terrible? orgasmic? enlightning? bold? I take it well so be honest ^^ cheers mattes and maties.

Wanting More (Part 4)

HEHE, I know, I know....LONG time no write, but hey, at least I did write it? So sorry if I kept you waiting and hope this isn't a big disappointment when you read it, because I enjoyed writing it. ANyway, part le 4 * * * \> „Mina open...

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Wanting More Chapter 2

Right so here we are at train stop number 2....the journey's getting mroe exciting now! Who likes who next and where does what happen? Well if I told you I'd ruin it so reading is the best solution for that algebraeic problem. Infant gadgets with...

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Wanting More

Part 1 of this story is mainly the plot, at the end I included a lil bit a SmEX because I figured all the horny people would die if I made them read all this without a reward \*wink\* This story is about an adopted son (Vash), who finds out that his...

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