Brotherly Love 2: Seeding his Sister

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Two siblings let their lust for experimentation take over as they mate each other with utter abandon. Cock fucking and risk of self impregnation included. Read at your own risk!

Forward note: Helloooooo dear readers to another one of my extra kinky projects! Though this story is in no direct sequel to Brotherly Love, it features the same naughty twins. This time, Sandy takes things one step further as she decides to mate her brother's seed-maker. It's a wild experience that might just get Sandy impregnated with her own cum.

Give this one a read and tell me what you think, alright? ^^

** ***Brotherly love 2: Seeding his Sister (commissioned work)*****

Sandalf awoke to the weak light of a dying fire. The scent of heat permeated the air around him, an enticing reminder of the fluids that spilled on the very stone he slept on a few nights before. He blinked his eyes lazily, then took a look around the cave. Sandy curled near the fading embers of their fire, her head covered under a feathery wing, obviously asleep.

Sandalf bared his fangs, but restrained the growl that threatened to erupt from his throat. Sandy probably kept the fire going. That was all. She did not trade the warmth of his wings for a few, sickly twigs, or sought the ridiculously cold embrace of the stone instead of a fluffy belly to rest against.

She was still his loving sister, even if she sat four wingspans away, allowing Sandalf the intense honor of waking up on his own.

Sandalf suppressed his irritation and pushed his snout under an upraised hind leg. Nights always made him cranky during his sister's heat cycles. As much as he enjoyed spurting into her fertile pussy, both of them were still on the fence about a clutch of offspring.

Sandalf shook his head. There was a better time to worry about such things. He sniffed the pungent aroma of his predicament, then washed his tongue around the sensitive flare of his cock. The tip was thoroughly coated in the strands of pre-cum that oozed during his sleep, making for a highly enjoyable caress. Sandalf's toes curled inwards, and his tail wrapped tighter around his legs as his tongue sought to lick the very hole that produced such sweet fluid. Sandalf lapped thrice, then hissed softly as he throbbed with desire.

Better to distract himself with something less risky. For the following minutes, Sandalf groomed himself from the tip of his forepaws all the way to the edge of his wings before when another throb distracted his nose. He was sorely tempted to just slurp every drop and moisten his throat with his own liquid heat, but other, equally pressing matters had to be attended.

Sandalf got up on his fours. He stretched her limbs, leaning on one pair at a time while his wings shook off the numbness from their joints. Blood rushed through his muscles, providing strength to his limbs and clarity for his still hazy thoughts.

The dragon yawned and walked towards his mate. He circled the pitiful fire, then inspected Sandy's sleeping form with quick jabs of his snout. She smelled of smoke and stone and most importantly, heat. Sandalf gently pushed his head under her belly, sniffing insistently. As expected, her own cock spilled forth ample amount of lubrication, just like her cunt. Sandalf flicked his tongue once, catching the taste of his sister's pre upon his lips. He swirled the enticing aroma inside his maw, savoring the unique fragrance of his sister's taste before swallowing with a satisfied gulp.

"It looks like you had an enticing night," Sandalf whispered in her ear.

Sandy's aquamarine eyes parted open. "What? Repeat that please. I didn't catch it," she mumbled sleepily.

Sandalf crouched carefully on the ground and cuddled under her wing. "You kept the fire going and the seed flowing."

"Only one of those," Sandy fluttered her wing to accommodate for her brother's generous girth.

She was considerate in one regard, at least. Sandalf licked the side of her snout. Flakes of dried seed melted upon his tongue, flaring the male's lust. He swiped his tongue quickly towards Sandy, then grabbed hold of several whiskers.

"Don't lie to me, sweet sister," Sandalf hissed, pulling onto those sensitive things just enough to annoy his sister. "Your words say one thing, and your seed another."

"There's none! I-"

"Released all over your cute little snout. Admit it!"

Sandy snarled. Her wings beat down, and a forepaw clenched around one of Sandalf's, the sharp claws just about threatening to pierce through his skin.

Sandalf smiled at that. Was she going to scuffle seconds after awaking? A good fight was just what he needed to distract himself from his mating thoughts, and Sandy provided the incentive.

Sandalf's heart beat hard, fueling him with anticipation...least until his sister's threatening poise mellowed like melting ice.

"I might have pleasured myself a bit," she admitted with a meek smile. "Now let go before you pull my whiskers off."

"You wouldn't miss them," Sandalf released his grip.

"That's an unreasonably harsh remark."

"And waking up with only stone and dead pelts around me is what?" Sandalf hissed between bared fangs. "You left me alone to safeguard some burning sticks and drink your own seed!"

"I only wanted to make sure you're warm," Sandy retorted.

"Yes, leaving is a great way to ensure my welfare. How thoughtful of you, my mate," Sandalf ended the last sentence with a growl.

Sandy looked the other way. Whether she felt the sting of his words or enjoyed a bit of silence, Sandalf did not know. He took a few deep breaths, looking at the crackling embers.

"I'm sorry," he whispered softly as he caressed her chin with silky strokes of his broad tongue. "I shouldn't make you the subject of my anger. As thrilling as it may be during the proper season, this heat is just...grawr!" Sandalf snapped at the air. "It annoys me to the point where I just want to claw it out of my belly."

Sandy soothed him with calming rubs around his tense neck. "It will pass. Always does."

Sandalf purred and sought her snout. He licked her lips, then pressed his nose against hers. "I want to satisfy it, Sandy. Not subdue it," he whispered, licking between along her nose, between her glimmering eyes. "My tongue is barren, whereas your cunt is rich and fertile."

"We can't mate," Sandy closed her eyes, basking in the warmth created by their breaths. "You said it yourself. It's too risky for our hatchlings. What if they end up malformed, or-"

"I know," Sandalf sneaked his tongue out to lick along Sandy's lips. "But not a moment passes when I do not thick of my member deep inside you."

"So warm..." Sandy purred.

"Surrounded by soft flesh," Sandalf slid his tongue inside his sister's parting maw.

"Hard, throbbing with the essence of life," Sandy curled her tongue around his.

The two siblings growled amorously as they kissed each other, twisting and grabbing with their mobile tongues. Heat blazed within Sandalf. The taste of his mate always aroused him. He nibbled and slurped around Sandy's pristine fangs while his cock throbbed with heated desire. Within a few seconds, he got as wet as Sandy's maw, and Sandalf pulled back before instincts subdued her thoughts.

"Too much," he cleaned her dripping muzzle. "Are you alright? Still in control?"

"A bit hot under the tail. Just how I like it," Sandy said.

Sandalf looked between her legs. Her happiness was more than obvious.

He lifted a hind paw off the ground and grabbed the slimy member between his toes. Sandy growled. She throbbed hard within his grip, thrusting slow enough to avoid turning pain into discomfort.

"What about this, mate?" Sandalf teased his sister with a long lick over one of her ears.

"Too rough for my tastes. Try your tongue next time. Might even give you a little reward."

Sandalf complied, placing his wet paw back on the ground. "You are not one who likes to experiment. I heard of males who don't think twice before spilling their load into a warm paw."

"Not me," Sandy said, swiping her tongue around her lips. "I prefer warm, and soft. Besides, I'm the only one here capable of doing something with that seed other than wasting it. You can dream of my cunt or even my ass, but those are two places where you will not sink your fine cock into this morning."

"I don't mind that. Like I said, I do what I can for the future of my hatchlings."

"Yeah, yeah. Alpha talk, as usual. You males have the advantage of squirting loads of fluid, but you are missing the point," she raised her tail above her cunt to tighten her muscles a couple of times.

Sandalf watched with slight fascination how her tail swished before that pair of squelching lips. She was so eager to receive a nice load of fertile cum into her belly.

"Graaaah...I talk big? Look at you, all drippy and smelly. You're just like a mare, winking at every stallion that passes by. I'm content to be a pure male. At least my orgasm is meaningful," Sandalf snorted, turning his head away. He dragged his furs into a pile, them smoothened them with a paw. "Quality over quantity, my love," he sat down on his haunches, meeting the tips of his forepaws with his lengthy tail.

"Are you positively convinced of that?" Sandy asked. She lifted her wing, then a hind leg, inching her snout closer towards her precious pussy.

"Quite so. Nothing you do will ever change my mind."

"That is a bold statement," she closed her eyes and kissed her sex with her tongue.

She heard the faintest of whimpers from Sandalf, followed by a more steadfast growl.

"Not bolder than your plans. You teased me once. It won't happen again."

How easy he fell into her trap. Sandy said nothing, allowing her tongue and her widening gap to prove her point. She licked enticingly along the walls of her pussy, widening her flesh until her gape became nothing but obvious. She squeezed a few times to draw out some fluids, then swished her tail, sending the enticing scents straight into Sandalf's nostrils.

"You're playing dirty," he hissed, lips trembling with concealed lust.

"That's how you call the fact that we are the superior gender? Yes, I can see how infuriating that might be," she slid her tongue back inside.

"No, your teasing. I just..." he took a deep breath, savoring her tangy aroma. "You know my seed comes with restrictions during your heat, and now you're doing this!"

She pulled out from her squelching flesh. "Envious?"

"No!" Sandalf bared his fangs. "Go ahead and show me your dry orgasms. They won't impress me one bit."

"Impressing is not the point here."

Sandalf chuffed and said nothing in return. He simply stared at her lips, thinking of the many ways he could employ to sink his tongue or cock inside that juicy pussy. Sandy yipped mischievously and resumed her treatment. She used a paw to rub the outer edges, applying pressure with her padded fingers every time she went inside. Her pussy was sensitive as ever, and a few reckless rubs summoned her first orgasm. Sandy's fingers spread in the same manner as her wings as she roared her delight. Spasming and shuddering, her restless muscles collapsed upon one another until her lips stood completely soaked with gooey arousal.

"That was just one," she said between heavy breaths. "Wait until you see the others."

Sandalf ignored her instructions. It was only natural, when he was nose deep into his own balls. He licked and pressed hard into the fat spheres, trying to bring forth a dry orgasm of his own. Short growls left his maw, strained with effort. The poor male had no idea what he was doing, and Sandy almost took pity on him.


"What?" he looked at her. "Do you think I can't even-"

"Less pushing, more tongue. And make sure you round your flare."

"That's only going to make me cum all over the damn ground!"

"Not if you lick it slowly."

He dipped his head in acknowledgement and applied the new techniques. Sandy pleasured herself to another orgasm by then, shrilling her bliss throughout the whole cave. Sandalf abandoned his struggles and crawled towards her after a couple of failed attempts, inhaling the rich pheromones.

"I can't," he admitted. "It's too hard. I'm hard, and I just..."

Sandy licked his ear. "You can," she growled with longing and welcomed his restless tongue inside her maw. "I'll show you once you give me another orgasm."

"Me?" He looked at her with a cute wet muzzle.

Sandy slapped him with her tail. "Who else?"

He swallowed his argument and sunk back into her flesh. He was rougher, going straight for the most sensitive parts of her anatomy. Sandy liked that kind of diversity. She always stimulated the entirety of her sex, while Sandalf went straight for her depths, to feast like a beast on her bountiful juices until heat became an overwhelming burden. Sandy drew her head back and grabbed the male with all her paws. She pulled him tight against her belly, unleashing her strident yowl as they fell together in a heap of paws, wings, and hard, throbbing cocks. The siblings thrust and rubbed their genitalia against each other, growling and hissing with mutual satisfaction as squirts of pre-cum spurted out every few throbs.

"That's quite enough," the female panted once her rush ended.

"Thanks goodness your haven't wet yourself. How can you prevent yourself from cumming when your cunt shudders like that?"

"Those are the perks of a female, my dear," she bathed him lovingly before nosing around her brother's erection. "Now let me reward you for your good behavior. I want you to switch places with me. I'll be on the ground, while you...well, you only have to stay still, really."

It started like any ordinary teasing, cock rubbing against cock. This was a good opportunity to measure sizes. Sandalf was quite proud of his own. Even made a quip at his sister's 'little dark monster'.

But that was the wrong thing to say to a female armed with a cock, and Sandalf went from amused to shocked when Sandy rammed her cock against his tip. She pushed horrifically hard, and because Sandalf's rock hard erection gave nothing back, his urethra widened further, and further, until it welcomed the invader in with a sharp squelch.

Sandalf's eyes teared up in an instant, paralyzed by a pleasure so wicked he couldn't even move. It felt so slimy, so tight, so weird to hold another's cock inside his own. Sandy's vague snarl rang inside his ears, but Sandalf barely heard it, torn by the sharp tingles rushing along his cock.

Sandy pushed further through the overly sensitive passage, her bloating flare awakening a series of unbearably intense sensations. She was going to cum, wasn't she? Going to fuck his cock like a....a....

Sandalf's train of thought got cut by a savage snarl as Sandy truly mated his cock. She pushed herself up and down, heating Sandalf's urethra into a blazing tunnel of unfettered bliss. The male hardly handled five thrust before he roared out his lust, rubbing his cock into the pole that filled his tight cock-hole. Sandy pushed further through the overly sensitive passage, her bloating flare awakening a series of unbearably intense sensations.

Sandalf choked on his own roar. His cock remained trapped in a state of blissful tension. His seed hole, completely plugged by his sister's cock. Sandalf couldn't hold himself back even if he wanted to. Untamed pleasure rushed through his heated muscles, keeping them trapped just like his cock, refusing air into his lungs, quickening his heart.

"I'm cumming. Just a few more throbs. A few more..." Sandy's body jerked with unfettered bliss as she mounted her last desperate thrusts.

Sandalf almost thought he was going to pass out when a tide of hot cum rushed through his cock in the reverse direction of what a male got used to. His limbs curled. His wings flared out, trembling erratically at his sides.

His sister came inside him. Inside his cock! Sandalf never felt so warm. So eager to cum. So torn between cumming and holding himself back. Spurt after spurt traveled through his bloating tube back into his prostate, swelling his organ to the point of refuse. The pressure built up, and Sandalf trembled, roared, and snarled, helpless against the stream of cum that kept inflating his cock until he thought his whole mating organ was going to burst.

"Ghraaaaaaaaahhh!" he spat out as soon as his sister pulled out. "Khaaa...haaaah....hraaaaaahhh..." Gushes of thick cum splashed on his belly, filling the air with the smell of fertility.

"Easy. Take it slow. Breathe...Flames, I never thought I can cum into your own cock. Did I scare you or what?"

"I almost...passed out," Sandalf plunged his dry tongue back into his maw. "My balls feel like they're about to burst."

"Then let's keep them empty, shall we?" Sandy turned around to present him with her soaked cunt. "Come on. Up. I don't want to see all my seed gone to waste."

Sandalf managed to scramble on his feet. His cock still dribbled with thick strands of milky goo. Some of it might have been his own. Sandalf felt so full right now. Tired. Aroused. Scared. So many feelings coursed through him, and Sandy's sweet gaze was literally pleading him to mount her.

"The things I do for you..." Sandalf mounted his sister, and with a slow, squelching thrust, Sandalf sank inside her heated passage all the way to his sack. The feeling of entering a wet mare right after she mounted his cock was out of this world even in this worn out state. She bloomed like a flower before him, her malleable flesh adapting to the girth of his swollen flare. Sandy never remained still throughout the penetration. Her tail slapped around, and her insides shuddered too intensely for him to stop. If he lingered for too long, he would undoubtedly cum from her restless embrace, so Sandalf advanced inwards until every inch of his cock was sheltered within the moistest, hottest embrace he ever experienced in his life.

"Graaaah...rrrraaaah..." Sandy panted. "I could...could cum...only from keeping you inside."

"Same goes for me," Sandalf gritted his jaws. "Ghh, I'm close. Fuck, too close... Sandy...what if your own seed-"

"Thrust," Sandy scowled. "And don't you dare stop. If it happens, it happens. Now do your male duty and fuck me."

Sandalf's muscles tensed with shuddering passion. The way back was even more pleasurable than the penetration. Pressure and heat worked on the back of his flare, quickening the seed in his balls, engorging his member with rippling delight. It took humongous effort just to see himself all the way out to the flare, and even then Sandalf panted and shivered like the peak itself was upon him.

"Deeper," Sandy encouraged him with her needy voice. "Push yourself in me."

Sandalf pushed himself back through her squelching, overflowing depths. Sandy moaned with delight, joining his hissing groan.

"Grrraarrrrr..." Sandalf's face scrunched with orgasmic might. "Too much...I can't...hold it!"

Sandy shoved herself back, their ballsacks slamming against each other like the pendulums of a perverted scientist. The unexpected force against his sack sent the dragon's pleasure over the top. With his forepaws wrapped firmly wrapped around Sandy's chest and his claws pushed against her fur Sandalf gave his final thrusts. His muscles bulged with tremendous pleasure, his breath shook, and his thrusts picked up as his sack drew against his crotch, ready to spill its fertile contents.

Sandy looked back, her moistened eyes glistening with the raw pleasure of mating. Her eyelids trembled and her lips too shook, too strained by the intense stimulation rippling through her tunnel. Sandalf pounded her too quickly. He was too big, too firm, too well suited to quench her heat.

"Fill me up, brother. Give me...all you have." And with a sudden whimper, Sandy thrust her head towards the top of the cave and roared, giving in to the untamed pleasure.

Her muscles seized up, holding Sandalf in place for a second before liquid heat rushed out to bathe the entirety of his member. It seeped into his seed hole, washed around his flare, squirted onto his balls with an intensity that shattered the little resistance he had left in him.

Sandalf gritted his jaws, then shoved himself forward, sinking through Sandy's erupting passage all the way to his balls just in time for his spheres to release their fat load. Within a moment, his cock bloated with fresh seed, and in the next Sandalf unleashed harder than he ever did during a normal mating session. He fell upon her back with a mighty yowl, too weak to support his own weight during this moment of intense delight. Rope after rope of thick seed gushed through the entirety of his member, spearing out of his overused seed hole with overwhelming might as both types of seed rushed into the depths of Sandy's squirting mare cunt. Sandy's muscles applied significant pressure upon the flare, making sure to milk the great cock that ventured so far within her fertile pussy.

Sandalf was an easy target after his cock hole got flooded with hot seed. He had no idea what to expect, but now, after he tasted Sandy's cock inside his own, after he sheltered her seed into the depths of that huge, monstrous shaft, he hungered to mark her with his own fertile essence.

Oh, it felt so good to breed. To feel Sandy's wet muscles dripping with nectar. Strong spasms pushed her fragrance outwards, heating Sandalf's member, coating his balls, and dripping onto ground as a pearly mixture containing her liquid heat and his fertile seed.

Embraced by such a caring mate, Sandalf gave her everything he had. He pounded his balls down to the last drop, and even then he still remained inside Sandy to give her his latent drops.

"That felt beyond great," she panted in the aftermath of her intense orgasm. "I came like three times from my cunt. What about you?"

"It's obvious."

"Oh, I certainly felt your mighty ropes shooting through," she growled playfully. "Can I roll on my back now? My legs are starting to ache from all the load you put in me."

"Sure. I'll just pull out and-"

"No," Sandy hissed. "Stay inside a bit more. I want to make sure whatever sperm got to my eggs first impregnates me."

"Rarrrr, I still can't believe that," the male gulped a deep breath, crashing his head on the back of her neck. "Can't believe how good it felt to cum right after you flooded my cock. You are a wicked thing, sister, but it'll be my seed that gets to your eggs first. Let's cuddle up now."

The two dragons dropped on the ground, messy as they were. Sandy straddled her mate, then dropped on top of him, stealing away the blissful warmth and his tantalizing scent.

"Don't be vain."

"I'm obvious," Sandy pointed.

"Right," Sandalf hugged her tighter. "And next you are going to tell me how beautiful you look or how intuitive your mind is."

"Wrong," she laid her head comfortably on top of his. "I am just going to tell you to be a good bed."

"No chance of-"


Sandalf sighed and accepted his role as a fluffy, comfortable bed. He was always the more rational one, and Sandy rewarded him with a long lick along the side of his muzzle and a few encouraging words.

"I love you too," Sandalf said lazily.

"That's not what I said!"

"It's what I heard," he sealed the discussion with a paw draped over her muzzle.

Sandy sneaked one of her own between the damp patch of fur around her sex. She rubbed herself just enough to get her pads wet, then smeared the concoction of cum all over her mate's nostrils.

Sandalf snarled and licked with delight, looking at her like he just spilled his seed in the wrong place. Sandy poked her beloved mate with her tongue, then whispered several affectionate words inside his ear.

This time, Sandalf dared not to disagree. He covered her under the lengthy span of his wing, and she fell asleep to the smell of his warm, soothing feathers.

** ***The End*****

End Note: So what do you guys think? Will Sandy get self impregnated? Post your opinions below along with any other things you might want to talk about.

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