Clinical Trials - Horse

Story by Skabaard on SoFurry

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Observation log: Fitzgerald, Serum 14-d, Trial 8

Following the successes experienced in trial six, subject was provided with sexual stimulation prior to administration. As expected, combined with genital injection site, effects were immediate and intense. Genital development exceeded record from all previous trials, as well as the expected and previously exhibited physiological development. The jury's still out on whether the subject's initial stature played as much of a role in this as hypothesized. Muscular development less than predicted, perhaps due to irregular injection site? Bizarre, considering his physique prior to administration. Unfortunately, intellect showed the standard drastic decrease, loss of speech, focus on reproduction (if I dare call that mindless rut "reproductive drive") and greatly enhanced aggression, likely caused by the flood of testosterone the poor bastard's drowning in.

Subject is stable, however, and responding well to reversal treatments. It's taking more time than allotted, however, and he's been moved to facility C for holding while the retroserum takes effect. Predicting an extra week over the expected timeline, and I don't think any amount of the retroserum is going to return his genitals to their former proportions. However, I don't believe the subject is going to complain.

(Personal Note: Vascular system incredibly enhanced. Subject's lucidity despite near-constant erection absolutely fascinating. His blood pressure should be killing him. Samples are being collected at every stage of his reversal, and I can't wait for the analysis to be completed. This trial was the most promising yet!)

In which a big horse gets bigger.

Well hello! It's been a while hasn't it? I scribbled this up shortly before losing power during the hurricane, almost as a speed-write sort of deal. It only took a few hours, and though it's a little rough around the edges, I quite enjoyed it. This is the start of a little mini-series of sorts. We'll get to see this serum have it's way with all sorts of people, to all sorts of nifty effects. What I did was write up a list of fun effects to write, slapped them on a random number generator, and picked a couple/few. This guy got dick growth and general size (He was real close to getting TG'd). Who knows what the next subject will get? (Hint: I do, because I'm already drafting it.) I'll also be using these stories to explore a little bit of the inner machinations of Montenegro Pharmaceuticals, and their stereotypical research into the impossible!

I hope you all enjoy. Give it a read, and don't forget to let me know what you think!

Clinical Trials - Horse

Written By: Skabaard

The doctor adored horses. They so elegantly combined majestic beauty and wild, aggressive power. It had taken only a hint of suggestion for the young stallion that had walked into her examination room to drop the flimsy pretense of a meek patient. He'd had the white-furred laboratory mouse off her paws and against the wall in less than a heartbeat. He was clearly excited at the prospect of lording his bulk over the tiny woman in his arms. His panting ruffled her silky hair; his heavy tongue pushed apart her lips. One broad hand cradled her shapely ass through her skirt while the other pulled apart her lab coat and dug hungrily into her blouse, forcing its way into the gap opened when she had playfully undone the topmost button.

"I came here for the check, but I'd do this for free if it was always this much fun." he growled, pushing her chin up and nipping at her throat.

"You'll get your compensation either way," she gasped as his roving hand slithered beneath her bra and groped at her sizable breasts, "but you need to take a seat first."

He laughed gruffly and peeled her back off the wall. "Whatever you say, doc." His thick arm pinned her against his muscular chest as he backed up and plopped himself unceremoniously onto the examination bed in the middle of the room. It was only thinly padded, but he didn't seem to mind, and he casually reclined himself into it as he hauled her up onto his torso and lifted her coat enough to shove his hand down the back of her skirt in order to knead at her rump fur-to-fur. His forcefulness left her squirming atop him, which only seemed to spur him on, but it was growing increasingly obvious that it was not going to be enough for him for much longer.

He growled and resisted for a moment when she made an effort to pull his hand out of her blouse, but, perhaps curious, he let her maneuver his heavy arm back to his side. She grinned breathlessly and shot him a placating wink as she drew a strap over his wrist and pulled it snug. "Little women like me need all the help we can get."

He chuckled and licked his lips. "Kinky... You'll look great wrapped around my dick, if you can take it."

A challenge? She cocked her eyebrow at him and slid off of his chest to her paws. His boast had merit, if the bulge in his jeans was any indication, but she took her time, sashaying around the bed and giving his other arm the same treatment. He leered at her disheveled clothes and worked his shoulders, straining at the straps, experimenting, showing off the way his mounded biceps heaved under his sleeves. She'd had their largest and sturdiest bed brought in, but he nearly filled it. It piqued her imagination and turned her anticipation into impatience, and she leaned a foot on the pedal that lowered the bed until she could look down on him. "We'll just have to see, won't we?"

He had that particular look in his dark brown eyes, that wild, lust-filled energy. He would have a strong reaction, of that she was certain. The doctor walked a couple fingers down his leg, halting for a moment and squeezing the pillarlike masses of muscle that were his quads before finishing her trek and fastening the straps over his ankles as a precaution. While there, she toyed with a feathery fetlock and glanced up his herculean body, resting her eyes on his crotch. The python he had smuggled into her facility in his jeans was tremendous and eager, a thick, cylindrical deformation in the denim that reached down the inside of his thigh almost to his knee. She was surprised he could walk with that much meat in his boxers, and even more amused that he could get that hard without passing out.

She walked the couple steps back up to his midsection, and glided a few fingertips over his throbbing bulge along the way. "My, my, my, you are quite the stud aren't you? Ready to just pop a seam... No wonder you're so confident. The ladies mustn't be able to get enough of you" The heat boiling up from his crotch was immense, and he tensed and whinnied as she rubbed her palm up and down the inside of his leg, stroking him through his pants. A damp spot was already forming in the denim, accompanied by a wave of heady musk.

"You haven't seen anything, yet, doc." he assured her, wriggling impatiently.

"No..." she said distantly while her tail looped around the handle of a wheeled tray and pulled it closer. "But I'd certainly like to."

For the first time since he entered her examination room, his smile faltered as he watched her carefully lift a large syringe into the cold, artificial light. It was already full of a hefty dose of innocuous, clear fluid, and it glistened in beads at the tip of the needle as she gave it an examination for bubbles. "Uh, doc?"

She ignored the suddenly anxious question and turned back toward him with a smile and a wink. "Well, stud, let's see what you've got." With that, she sank the needle through his jeans and into the base of his elephantine cock, depressing the plunger with her thumb.

In shock, he lurched with a sharp gasp, but it was already done, and she pulled the empty syringe away, replacing it on the tray and taking a step back to observe. The horse lay there frozen with a look of startled, momentary pain on his face, staring at her like she'd betrayed him, but his pounding heart was his true bane, swiftly carrying all of that potent serum through his loins and into the rest of his body. His eyes widened, and his look grew vacant as his pupils contracted into pinpricks, becoming almost lost amidst his irises. Then his head fell back, his teeth clenched viciously, and his hands balled into tight fists. There was a creaking, and it seemed at first to be coming from the straps that held him down as his back arched and he let out a stiff grunt, but it wasn't. It was his body, his bone and sinew straining.

And then he grunted again, shuddering as the wet spot on the leg of his jeans blossomed outward. Thick, pearlescent fluids flowed weakly through the denim as he came. His rigid six-pack clenched hard, propelling spurt after spurt of his semen through his pants, but his voice carried on in a shuddering groan as his spasming cock suddenly lurched. The doctor watched it stretch a few more inches down the leg of his jeans and then thicken dramatically, bulging up against it woven prison. She hummed, intrigued. Fascinating, but not quite unexpected results from a genital injection.

What was far more interesting to her was the sight of what appeared to be his knee also shifting, fleeing from the flared head of his swelling cock. His ankles pushed further from the leg of his pants as his bones ground noisily against one another. He moaned weakly as his arms crackled and extended from his sleeves and then, with a rippling series of noisy cracks, his entire spine stretched him several inches taller in only a few frantic heartbeats. It was as if the doctor had placed him on a rack and was just pulling him longer, but it wasn't only a single dimension that was being affected. The serum certainly did all it could to preserve his sturdy proportions.

As his spine lengthened his ribcage barreled outward, carrying the slabs of muscle draped over it along for the ride. Fresh, rigid flesh boiled under his furred skin, filling him out before he began to look gangly. It kept him built and powerful. His arms bulged with fresh strength as he writhed. His thighs thickened into pillars of corded might. She frowned thoughtfully when he developed no further than he had already been, but considering his previous stature, each inch he gained put pound upon pound upon pound of muscle on him.

His eyes, wild and incoherent, flicked from place to place, staring like a frightened animal, but his gaze eventually latched onto the one thing that seemed to be outgrowing him. His jeans were complaining noisily over his tree-trunk legs, but the first thing to split a seam was the sable flesh of his enormous horsecock as it ripped open a slit down his thigh. He growled, nearly drooling down his chin into the plateau of his chest at the sight. The doctor could count the beats of his heart in the rapid pulsations of that column of onyx meat, and with each one, it gained a fraction of an inch in length.

It already reached past his knee, which was giving him problems as his secured ankles forced him to bend his legs as they grew longer and longer. He grimaced, snarling wordlessly and tugging at the straps that held him down. As he flexed, his sleeves split over his biceps and his shirts began to tear right down the middle, peeling open over his pecs and exposing the uppermost section of his cobbled abdomen. But all of his focus was on his crotch. He was utterly intent on the beast between his thighs, growling and bucking his hips in an effort to free his most important organ.

His orgasm seemed to have subsided, because as he managed to work his cock into the open through the hole it torn into his jeans, he was only dribbling a small stream of thin, diluted cum. It was clearly mostly pre, and he was clearly working his way to another release. With his bloated manhood unconfined, he gave himself over to the pleasure, letting his head fall back once more, gasping and grunting as his body quaked and shuddered outward. The doctor wondered what it felt like. She'd only ever experienced the first generation serum under heavy tranquilizers and after a weeks-long regimen of chemo-stabilizers.

Veins thicker than the mouse's fingers crisscrossed the obsidian behemoth that rose up under its own power. His waist outgrew his jeans, popping them explosively as he sucked in an ardent breath. His thighs burst the denim that still dared to hide them, and the grooves between his dense musculature tightened as his fur stretched over it. And then she caught a glimpse of his swollen testes, pushing free of his pants as they gorged on the serum that had set his blood on fire. Arteries pounded under thick, black fur as they crawled over melon-sized globes of sensual flesh. His back arched, those massive gonads seized powerfully, and the horse shot a pint of cum at the ceiling from his three-foot cock. It didn't quite reach, and it splattered messily over his chest, filling the room with a sudden surge of intense musk.

His next spurt hit the ceiling to dribble back down for a moment until the third struck with enough force to dislodge a ceiling tile, shifting it an inch to the side. His voice rumbled mindlessly as he grunted and growled, and with each coarse vocalization, he crept an inch taller and loosed a pearly, sticky arrow at the ceiling. His taut sack filled the space between his thighs, pushed his legs apart and fed his release with ever-growing force as basketball-sized nuts surged with every breath he took. His shaft was growing to rival his legs for thickness, and likely his steely physique for sheer hardness, and in a moment simply cumming wasn't enough.

She took another cautious step back as he finally thought to apply his burgeoning strength. His whole arm tensed, mountainous muscle seized, taut under his fur. The bed frame groaned ominously, metal screeching as it warped and folded, but the strap itself proved to be the weak point. It snapped from his wrist, and he jerked his arm triumphantly into the air. She scowled. Those beds were expensive. But he hardly seemed to care. His hand slapped over his shaft as cum dribbled down its length between heavy, geysering ropes that lashed the ceiling. Taking advantage of the copious lube splattering back down onto himself, he violently pistoned his hand along the lengthening span of burning, ebony steel while he grunted and ripped his other arm free.

He was far from being able to fully encircle the breadth of his trembling cock, but that didn't stop him from making a valiant, if vain effort. The horse ground his teeth behind a sneer as he bucked his hips, thrusting himself into a broken ring of his fingers, and with each jerk of his pelvis his palms were forced apart by fresh flesh and the flat, flared crown reached upward over him, lunging closer and closer to the drenched ceiling tiles. His ankles were still bound, though the burgeoning body was beginning to strain at the straps of its own accord, but he seemed uninterested in further freeing himself. He just stared at the pillar of horsemeat that filled his crotch and vigorously pleasured himself, raining thickening spurts of hot, slimy cum around himself in every direction.

His weight had been intimidating when he had walked in, but it was quickly overstressing even the reinforced bed in which he thrashed. As an errant flex of his titanic leg snapped his ankle free and unbalanced his bulk. The base of the bed crumpled with a metallic shriek and collapsed beneath him, dropping him from the ruined frame to sprawl over the floor. A spray of slick, pearlescent slime from his strengthening orgasm whipped across the front of her skirt, and she retreated, pressing against the wall behind herself in awe. This reaction was nearly unprecedented. He lay convulsing, groaning in a spreading puddle of his own cum, but still his body swelled and his overwhelming genitalia still raced outward, desperate to fill the room. His testicles ballooned enormously, pulsing visibly each time his body clenched, straining to keep up with the demands of his serum-laden blood.

He must have more than doubled in height before she noticed the telltale signs of the reaction slowing. His growth became hesitant and almost asymmetrical. Part of his arm or chest would bulge before the rest of him could catch up. He panted and groaned, rolling onto his back with fluttering eyelids. The doctor slid along the wall to the desk on the far side of the room, where she signaled the beginning of phase two while dodging huge gobs of slimy seed that dripped from the ceiling.

His immense cock dwarfed the rest of him. It was far thicker than even his enormously muscled legs, and reached several feet past his head as it spewed heavily, battering the wall with jet after jet of cum, still stretching longer and thicker, but slowing. He could barely pleasure himself at this point. One arm was just trying to keep the weight of his manhood from resting uncomfortably on his chest, and the other was reaching past it to rub the huge globes that were his swollen nuts. His endurance was failing; that much was clear. His breathing was ragged, and his thrashing was rapidly losing energy. The spurts of white that had been flooding the examination room were slowing, weakening, and it was with one last forceful, guttural growl that rumbled in the depths of the equine's bottomless chest, his release ended with a few terminal, fist-sized gobs of whitish goo that fell just shy of their target.

He slumped, exhausted, and dropped his enormous manhood, letting it fall against his torso so that he could cradle it with a limp arm. He gasped and wheezed, shifting on the floor as he stirred sluggishly. She watched, quiet. It wouldn't be long, it never was. Following her predictions, it was only a minute before he had recovered enough to regain most of the control over his breathing. His pointed ears swiveled curiously as he lifted his head, staring at his outrageously oversized dick and the beach ball-sized gonads resting beneath it, between his spread thighs and deformed by their own ponderous mass. His nostrils flared hugely, and she couldn't blame him. The room absolutely reeked of his enhanced sex. The cleaning team had their work cut out for them this time.

And then his eyes shot up, directly at her. The horse's eyes narrowed hungrily, and his manhood, which had been lazily deflating since the end of his procedure, suddenly lurched, a vein nearly as thick as the doctor's arm distending to push an alarming amount of blood back into it. She cocked an eyebrow as he clumsily shoved himself onto his side, never breaking his intense, unnerving gaze. His dick, which was now longer than he had been tall before his injection, slid like a slimy serpent out in front of him as he struggled to maneuver, slipping momentarily in his own leavings. Well, he certainly hadn't lost his appreciation of her body, and she nervously looked down at her tablet, gauging the progress on phase two.

He growled, something wordless and demanding, and she looked back up. He was staring at her, eyes crazed with lust. But he hadn't resorted to just dragging himself closer. He was working to find a way to stand, despite the fact that the act would put him chest-deep into the ceiling. Interesting... and promising. Before he could manage it, however, his nostrils flared again, this time more meaningfully. The enormous equine blinked, breaking his eye contact with her and looking around, sniffling curiously. His cock surged against and again with each breath he took. There was clearly something in the air that interested him immensely. And then the pheromones that were being pumped into the room reached her and struck her like a ton of bricks. The peculiar scent of raw need turned her legs to jelly and turned her blood to magma. She resorted to leaning hard against the desk as she focused on keeping her breathing slow and even while he searched for the source of the enticing aroma.

The horse jerked, startled, when part of the wall revealed itself as a large door that retracted with a sharp, pneumatic his, pulling into the walls next to it. The contents of the holding room adjacent to the examination room were out of her view, but whatever the retrieval team had prepared, it drove the equine mad. He lurched numbly, flopping across the floor as his hooves scrabbled through his gluey fluids, his shaft flaring to spew gravid globs of translucent precum as he threw himself through the door. The breadth of his shoulders nearly proved his downfall, because he nearly caught himself on the frame of the formerly disguised doorway. Only his immense, desperate strength and fur pre-lubed with semen let him cram his immense bulk into the other room. When he managed the frantic task, she closed the door remotely from her console and heaved a shaky sigh of relief as it glided smoothly closed, leaving her alone amidst the mess and concentrated, broad-spectrum pheromones.

It was her turn to jump when the proper door opened, admitting a strapping young jay in a pristine, white lab coat. "My, Doctor Fitzgerald, I believe you've made a new friend."

"Not now Reeve." she purred with a shiver, sliding her own coat off of her shoulders. "I'm swimming in stimulants right now."

"I know." he continued, watching with idle interest as she rubbed her hand over her chest, gently groping her generous breasts. "With the readings we were collecting, I didn't want to take any chances with him proving resistant and having his way with you. We bombed the hell out of him. He's probably drunk on aphrodisiacs in there right now."

She moaned. Her skin felt electrified, tingling and hypersensitive. She ached. "Mmh... so am I. Get in here if you're getting in here. Otherwise fuck off and let me work this out. I have reports to fill out and file."

He ran a scaly, avian hand back over his blue-plumaged crest and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the potently fragrant soup floating around in the room's atmosphere. "If it's the doctor's orders, Director... Let me see what I can do."