Marianne's Misty Hike (Part 2): The Mystery Cabin

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#7 of Mystic Family (First Try)

Now we get to the more casual sexual stuffs as Marianne's troop of scouts find a mysterious cabin in the woods that shouldn't be there.

The forest looked so different in the dark mist, even familiar trail marks seemed to move about at random until Marianne couldn't even tell where the trail was anymore. She'd spent almost an entire year guiding cubs on this exact path almost every week, but somehow she was lost.

As it an answer to a prayer a light appeared in the mist and she lead the cubs toward it. A wooden porch, a small 3 room cabin, with a single lit window by the door. It shouldn't have been there, no cabins like this existed anywhere within the Cozy Snakes National Park, nor for miles beyond.

A light drizzle added to the cold mist prompted everyone to huddle on the porch. Marianne knocked on the door and it slowly pushed in from the force of her knuckles.

She looked around inside the door and heard singing. Following the voice into a kitchen, she found an old wolf woman baking in a wood stove. "Oh, don't mind, deary, come in." Marianne entered the kitchen wearily. "Don't worry, dear. It's ok. I saw you all coming and I started up some cookies. Should be ready in half an hour, deary. There's plenty of towels in the linen closet for the cubs to dry off, and if the fog doesn't lift soon enough I'm sure we can find place for all of them to sleep."

As the scent of the cookies baking wafted into her nose, a smile came to Marianne's lips. "Oh, yeah, of course. Thank you for letting us stay here, Granmama." She casually walked back to the door and invited the cubs in. She guided them to the towels and instructed them all to take off their wet uniforms and dry off. By the time she had them all sitting naked around the fireplace Granmama came out with plates of cookies.

The excited cubs nommed on the delicious delicacies as Marianne sat naked with them and told stories, old stories, stories from before the species all got along. Stories of the ancient hunts and the brave prey species warriors who defended their people from the predators. Meanwhile, Granmama wolf sat in her nightgown knitting away in her rocking chair and listened.

The cubs asked specifically for stories of their various species, and after several Granmama finally made a story request. "Oh, deary, why don't you tell them a story from your own youth, eh? I think they'd like to hear that."

"Yeah? You would?" Marianne asked the cubs, a mix of excitement and sleepiness coming from the small group. "Ok, well, I wasn't much older than you all when I got my first babysitting job. Actually, younger than some of you. I must have been about 12. I was so excited. I'd helped my parents take care of cubs before, of course, but this was the first time I was going to be in charge. Just me and little Mitchel. His parents left me some money to order pizza, and I was supposed to have him in bed by eight.

"Mitchel was younger than me, but he was about the same size since he was an elephant, and I'm a rabbit. We played his favorite video games for most of the evening, but when it came time to put him to bed I had some trouble. With other cubs his age I could have just forced him to bed, but he was so big and strong I couldn't force him anywhere. He ran and ran all over insisting he wasn't tired.

"I kept yelling at him to get ready for bed, to change into his PJs, but he laughed and kept running. At one point I managed to corner him and ripped down his pants. As he took off running again I reached out and tried to grab him, and boy did I get a handful alright. When I noticed he was standing still I looked down and realized I had grabbed his penis. And being an elephant, it was fairly sizable even at his age.

"I was shocked, but I couldn't let go. I just kept holding on." Marianne looked down to either side and saw she was holding the cocks of cubs on either side of her. "Like I'm doing now, yeah. I just held onto him and he stood there, just as shocked as I was. Go ahead, everyone, grab a penis, any penis except your own." She looked around as the cubs eagerly grabbed each other's cocks, some taking two hands, and still there weren't enough to go around.

Marianne looked almost pleadingly to Granmama who nodded and waved a hand absentmindedly. "Clits work too, dearies." Heading Granny's advice the cubs started to grab and pull at some of the girl's clits as they grew out, some forming into proper penises themselves.

"Ok, good, now that everyone has a cock in hand, let's continue. So, there I was, holding this young elephant's penis in the hall, and it was his bedtime. So I told him, 'you are coming to bed with me, now.' and then I pulled him by the penis." Almost all the cubs gave out a sudden grunt of mild pain as their cocks and clits were all yanked by the cubs around them. "As you can guess from that, he came with me much easier."

"I lead him up into bed and into his PJs, never letting go of that long member. It was almost like I was holding his 'second trunk'. Once he was in bed I sat next to him, holding him so he wouldn't act up. And I found I really liked the feel of it in my hand, the smell of it too." She looked around and saw that some of the boy's and girl's cocks were hard. "Unlike several of you, Mitch was too young for his cock to get hard, but as I stroked my fist up and down his member he did start to leak out pre. That's the liquid coming from some of your cocks now. Pre, it's a lubricant. That day I also found out it can be pretty salty. Go ahead, taste. Make sure everyone gets to taste some."

Marianne looked about at the cubs all tasting each other's cocks and realized she was looking at them at level height. She wasn't quite sure when she'd shrunk, but for some reason, she wasn't too worried about it either. She did start to get a bit jealous when the growing cub girl's breasts became larger than her own. Looking down, she realized her rack was shrinking at the same rate theirs were growing.

Granmama wolf, now appearing much younger herself, stood up and cast off her nightgown to reveal a voluptuous paragon of brood-motherly beauty. She circled around to where Marianne was sitting, picked her up, and sat in her place before plopping the bunny in her wide hipped lap. "Continue your story, dear."

Marianne nodded and looked over the developing teens as they all held each other's throbbing cocks in desperate anticipation. "Right, I was, I, oh. I leaned over, following the smell of his pre, and I licked it. I liked the tip of his cock." The teens moaned all around her as they licked each other's members. "And I wanted more, so I started to suck on it." Her shrinking body slipped down between Momma Wolf's legs even as she heard the grunting gasps and slurps of her teenaged charges, their bodies continuing to grow more muscular.

Momma Wolf picked up the young Marianne. She raised the toddler to her breasts and Marianne started to suckle. "Well, it seems your scout assistant leader has grown too young to keep telling her story, so I will tell it for her. You see, she kept sucking that beefy young elephant cock, denying his pleasure racked body any rest, for hours. His body wasn't developed enough to give her what she really sought, only able to give her a slow stream of pre.

"But what she craved, what all succubi like her crave, was his cum. Go ahead, my children, cum for Momma. Cum into each other's mouths for me. Yes, yes, my dears, fill each other's bellies with your youth-laden jizz. Let Momma feed on your youthful energies."

The orgy of muscular 20-somethings rolled around the room as they sucked each other off, panting and cumming, unable to stop and having no desire to. As they kept sucking they grew older and older and Momma wolf took it all in as if she was inhaling their youth.

Once the scouts were all old frail bodies, unable to reach each other's cocks to keep sucking Momma wolf stood and cackled. "Oh, thank you, Marianne. Thanks to you I can finally be free of this prison. I don't know how a succubus as weak as you managed to penetrate my prison walls, but now I have enough energy to escape back to the material plane where I can drink the youth of the entire world."

Momma Wolf laid Marianne down amid the dying elderly scouts who had been in her charge. "Oh, yes, Marianne, if Cody had picked a different leader for the hike your scouts probably would have survived this trip. Enjoy an eternity alone in my prison, little cub. That is the reward I leave you for freeing me. Meanwhile, I shall devour everyone else's youth across every world you have ever visited. With you as my link to the Omnibus, no one in your clan will be able to challenge me. Mwahahahahaha!"

As she spoke, the wolf's facial features elongated and became scalier. Blue and turquoise emerged from her fur as great wings formed from her back. With an exhale of delight she stepped one three taloned foot through the door and onto the porch before flying up into the mists.

She flew high and flapped the mists about with her wings until she found the blinking lights of the emergency flair balloon. "Clearly I must learn of these technological advances that allow a non-magical mark of this quality. Perhaps my reading of her power appears so weak because she merges it with this technology. But it is so kind of her to mark the exit for me."