TLK - Such love - Simba x Nala

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#8 of Short X stories

I hope you all enjoy this short story, and right now I'm working on a very special story, which I've already reached halfway on it and once it's finished I will publish it as soon as I can. But as of now I hope you like this story, be sure to leave a fav, comment, or whatever if you may wish and I will get back on that special story. :^D

It's a beautiful night in the land of the pridelands, with the night sky filled with stars along with a full moon shining down on the large land. Where young adult Simba and young adult Nala both lay next to each other on top of a hill. Since they were cubs their friendship has never been better as both decided to spend more time together after the scare Mufasa had where Scar almost ended him, but ended up Mufasa pulling him off the cliff and into the stampede. They both point at each group of stars, seeing a picture in each of the groups, "see the line of stars going down" Nala points trying to explain to him " uh... oh yes I do, ok I see the lion now" Simba smiles as they look at each other before looking back up.

Simba looks back at her without her notice to see the moonlight shining down around them, making Nala's light brown orange fur look highlighted along with her blue eyes just sparkling with the moonlight. Simba stares for a good short minute in amazement at how Nala looks as he blushes but looks back at the stars. 'She looks so good tonight... I got to ask her...' He says in his head 'but what if she only wants to be friends, and doesn't like me the way I like her, even if I am the prince' he continues in his head. Simba stops and puts his focus back at the stars, putting his potential attempt to the side for now.

They look at the stars in silence for a good minute before Nala then yawn, "you tired?" Simba asks looking over to her who nods "no, just slightly bored" she tells him "bored?" He asks in slight surprise, "well not bored but just want to do something else, if it's ok with you, I mean I love seeing the stars but I'd like to do other things as well" she explains as Simba nods understanding. "so what do you want to do?" He asks as Nala acts like she's thinking before pouncing on Simba making them both roll down the hill. They laugh and giggle while they roll, not knowing where they're rolling as they hit several bumps before reaching the bottom of the hill.

At the bottom of the hill is a large area of tall grass as they stop rolling on top of a grass bed with Nala of course being on top of him. They land dizzy as they both lay lazily, trying to recover from the dizzy feel "oh boy... it's been a while since we done that" Simba says just now recovering as he looks and notices that Nalais laying on him flat and not standing like she usually is when she wins the pinning game. "That was fun though" she giggles havingher head on Simba's shoulder while dizzy as she recovers from it. She lifts her head to look at him to see blush on his face, Simba looks up at her with the stars shining behind her making her look stunning as Simba just stares at her making him blush more, "What?" She asks confused on his expression before looking down on how she's laying.

She then blushes realizing herself, " oh my, I'm sorry, the dizziness must of make me just lay flat" she says in a embarrassed tone. Nala was about to stand up but Simba stops her by putting his two paws around her back, "Nala wait" he says as she stops and looks at him with a confused expression, "I kind of like it when we're like this" he smiles making Nala blush as she stays where she lays. Nalais speechless at first "so... why do you like this again?" She asks not sure about what he's thinking, "oh, I just like to lay here and look at the most beautiful thing in the world" he subconsciously says.

Nala's eyes widens and flats her ears as her face is as reds as the setting sun. It took Simba a minute to realize what he just said as he frowns and flats his ears very quickly "I didn't say that out loud did I?" He says in a slight panic. Nala smiles and giggles "you might have" she responds as Simba's face is about as red as Nala's. Simba thinks of something to say to try to cover it up "uh.. I mean... uh what I meant to say is uh" he says panicking.

Nalachuckles more at him before putting her head under his to nuzzle him, "it's ok Simba" she purrs making Simba blink is surprise, "you mean you're ok with what I said?" He asks. Nala pulls back to look at him " what do you mean?" she asks, "I'd just thought you didn't... um..." Simba stops with what he was about to say as he looks to the side. Nala notices his hesitation to finish "Simba, just tell me what's on your mind, tell me what you want to say, and I know you too well so don't try to hide it" she tells him, Simba sighs and looks into her blue eyes that stare back at his ember eyes.

Simba takes a deep breath "ok, Nala this is what I've been wanting to tell you for... quite awhile" he begins with Nala listening deeply to what he has to say "you are so beautiful... you are the most fun lioness I know... a-and possibly ever, you the greatestbest friend that the kings above could of put into my early life... every morning when that rising sun shines on you, you just look stunning and in moonlight you are the most hottest... You always know how to make me smile, no matter what kind of sour mood I maybe in." He tells her making her smile wider than she ever has with her eyes beginning to water as he continues. " E-even when I get mad at something... when I just want to claw something to death, I take one look of you or one second of your presence I completely forget why I was mad and I smile even when I never thought I'd never smile in a while. You just being on top of me right now makes me the happiest lion on this planet, and right now... my life... my life couldnever be like it is now without you and it gives me nightmares not knowing if you will be there in the future because I cannot see myself be king without you" Simba continues.

Nala slightly gasps after him saying the last part about him being king, "Simba are you...?" She was about to ask but stops as Simba continues "Yes Nala, I can't see myself a king without you by my side... as queen, I need you in my life cause my life would not feel complete without you in it; without you by my side until death, but I don't want anything; but I need to sleep next to you as well as wake next to you, I need you to be the mother of my cubs; I just don't want you as my queen, I don't want you as my mate, I need you Nala as my queen, I need you Nala as my mate." He tells making Nala cry in joy as her smile is so wide that it's starting to hurt her mouth forcing her to open it just a little, "Nala would you please, I'll beg if I must, please be my future queen, would you please be my mate?" he asks finally finishes.

Nala couldn't hold her emotions back any longer as she explodes with excitement and joy "yes Simba, oh yes" she begins "You would?!" He asks in such happiness. "Oh Simba yes, I would more than love to be I would be proud to be your mate, I won't even be scared to yell out loud for the kings to hear, I'M SIMBA'S MATE!" She says in such excitement with her actually yelling out loud enough for it to echo a short distance as she begins to nuzzle him and give him numerous licks to his face. Simba smiles wide after hearing her answer as he returns the nuzzles " Nala, you just made my life feel complete" Simba tells her while still nuzzling her, "and you just made mine, I've been waiting for ages for you to ask me, I've waited so long that I became scared that you were going to ask someone else" she explains. They pull away from nuzzle to look at each other as Simba looks at her with a playful scowl, "what other lioness do I hang out with? Huh? Who else do I know? Huh? Who else would I ask?" He asks playfully while tickling her with his nose. Nala laughs at his tickles "hahaha, ok... haha I get it I'm sorry" she laughs as Simba stops tickling her to look at her in the eyes to only get lost in them again.

Nalastares back at him not minding the long look as she lays her head down to where they're nose to nose. Simba smiles wider "have I ever told you, that your eyes are one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen?" He asks as she chuckles "you have now" she smiles before leaning in to lock her muzzle with his for a kiss. They kiss for a good few minutes before Nala begins to groom his face and neck by giving him loving licks, making him sigh as he relaxes his head while Nala continues to groom him. Several minutes of licking has gone by as Nala keeps on licking before she feels something poke her in the rear, she stops licking to see what it is as she find Simba's fully erect lion cock just almost going directly into her pussy as Nala turns her head back around to see Simba looking at her with a smile. Nala returns the smile with a loving and seductive expression almost making Simba purr a growl as Nala readjusts her rear until feeling the tip of his penis at the entrance of her lioness gem.

The feel of his tip poking her entrance makes her shiver in excitement as she looks down at Simba with a smile. Simba looks back into her blue eyes while she lowers her rear, having his lion meat to slide into her tight pussy, doing so without breaking the stare as Nala moans the deeper she goes. Simba gives out a pleasured sigh as Nala takes Simba's entire lionhoodinto her tunnel, which she then moans very loudly once she begins to lift, as she feels his barbs scrap and poke at her walls, making her moan to every motion that transfers. Nalatries to keep her rear legs up but the amount of pleasure almost makes her entire body shake which Simba notices almost instantly as he grabs Nala with his paws and rolls over to where Nala is on her back.

Nalalooks up at him while moaning with a questioning scowl, "I figured... hmm... I figured you needed to be the one to relax" he smiles as Nala smiles back. Nala leans up and licks his cheek while he thrusts in and out of his mate making her moan as Simba lays his head next and againsthers with both of them panting and moaning. "Oh Simba...'re so big...oh... ah, it feels so good, even your bar- ah... barbs" she moans, "Nala... mmm... I love you... ah... I just love you... you feel so good... so tight... hmm... so soft and warm... dear kings above do I love you" Simba moans himself as Nala wraps all four paws around him with her front claws accidently digging into his back from the pleasure.

But because of the pleasure Simba can barely feel her claws, as her claws poke into his flesh just by a slight. Her claws slide just a bit from the thrusts causing a slight bloody scratch, not only that Simba can't feel it but he just doesn't care about a scratch; all he cares about this moment is making Nala feel good while her lioness pussy clamps down on his cock, making her more tighter causing both to moan more with her vagina contrasting more and hugging more around him. "N-...Nala... I'm getting... I'm about to" he tries to warn; but his instinctsrushes in and thrusts one more deep thrust until exploding inside of her. Simba gives out a short but loud roar while he shoots his seed inside of her womb as Nala softly growls with Simba; while she reaches her climax about the same time as he did.

Simba can feel her shoot her vagina juices onto his cock which makes him feel proud, knowing that Nala enjoyed it as she sheathesher front claws back into her paws before beginning to lick Simba's face. Simba smiles when he begins to get attacked by a wet, warm familiar tongue as he starts to return the licks while he empties into Nala. Nala smiles once she can feel the little sperms racing inside her, racing to be the first to be impregnated as Simba pulls his softening penis out of her. Simba lays down close next to her as they lock muzzles for a kiss with Nala'spaw on the back of his head, telling him to make the kiss last; as they kiss for a good few minutes with their tongues meeting inside and having a little dance with each other before finally breaking it to breath.

Simba smiles and licks the front of her lips making Nala smile while as she returns the licks. When she licks back it makes their tongues hit each other and make so much contact; almost if Nala is timing her licks to purposelyhit Simba's tongue. Eventually they both stop licking and move on to nuzzling each other as Simba nuzzles under her chin, "I love you Simba, I can't wait to have this cub with you" she tells him while nuzzling him back, "I love you more Nala, and I can't wait either" he nuzzles her. Eventually it wouldn't longer after until they fall asleep as they lay, with Simba's head under hers.

As after several weeks later, Nala's stomach would increase in size because of her pregnancy, which everyone is excited to see Simba and Nala's first cub as she would then go into labor. Rafiki, Sarabi, and other lionesses assists her as she gives birth to three healthy cubs, two male, one female as Nala and Simba would be left alone to enjoy the sight of their first three cubs while they suck the milk out of Nala. The female would be named Kiara and the one male who is the youngest of the three would be named Kion and the other male is named Kopa who is the oldest of the three.

Both Nala and Simba watches their cubs get feed as later that night in the cave of pride rock, Nala wraps the cubs near her nipples where the cubs can suck on one during the night; as Simba lays on the opposite side giving the cubs more warmth and protection. Simba reaches his head to nuzzle Nala as she nuzzles him back, "I love you so much Nala" he purrs "I love you more Simba, goodnight my future king" she smiles before separating from nuzzling, "goodnight my queen" he smiles back. Both lays their heads next to each others, while the cubs sleep peacefully in between them, as Simba and Nala close their eyes for the first time with a growing family.

End of short story