Low Blow

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#31 of Writings

A story of a young group of boxers who decide to invite a new girl to their midnight training sessions.

Redford Gym had a long standing history of greatness. Even when there were seven or eight other gyms in the Bronx, Redford stood its ground in one sense or another. Over the past year, the crew had its harder times. Members were leaving for one reason or another, and they had suffered a death of one of their older trainers.

However, for reasons the head trainers couldn't understand, they saw a spike in the membership. They were a decent sized group of college students, most in their late teens early twenties. Even though many of them didn't want to box for real, the trainers were more than happy to have them because they helped train their boxers in sparring.

This small group of students already had physical prowess to begin with, but, more importantly, they had gusto. Above all, they had the drive to better themselves in every aspect of being a fighter.

Teresa worked the jump rope, jumping up and down as fast as she could. Her sports bra could only do so much to keep her breasts from bouncing too much. The red panda girl bounced quite a bit, and her blond haired pony tail bobbed back and forth as well. The younger men could barely keep their eyes off of her, and one of them walked over to her small space in the back of the gym.

"Hey Teresa, you ready for tonight?" Edward said as he scratched his head. He was going for sweat that day. He was a timber wolf, and a somewhat large one at that. His question drew a smile from her.

"If you're ready to lose, who am I to refuse?" Teresa had stopped jump roping for a moment to pick up her water bottle, squeeze some into her mouth and push the cap back down on her chin. "And Adrian's leaving early, you said?"

"As always. I heard the sly fox got himself a girlfriend last month, and she's been keeping him busy. Lucky guy found himself a vixen." Ed said as he saw her cleavage in full view as she put her bottle back on the ground next to her.

Teresa looked over at Kate, the squirrel girl, and then over to Robert, the husky as they both lifted dumb bells together. Kate spotted Teresa eying her and gave her a reassuring wink.

"Well, it is a shame, he has a tight bod, but he never stays late enough." Teresa wrapped the rope around her hand to get it into a neatly rounded bundle.

"Yeah, well, you got me." Ed grinned at her as she responded with a smile and a chuckle.

"Gee, I sure do feel bet--" Teresa was interrupted as she looked toward the front of the gym. The glass door opened, and she saw a wolf girl with a simply amazing body. She wore a red tank top, and her gym shorts were a dark blue with white borders on the bottom. She was a gray wolf. Her black hair was red highlighted at the ends, and her blue eyes showed bright as she looked around the black tiled gym floor.

"Oooo, who is that?" Teresa said as Ed looked over at the front as well.

"Wow." Ed's muzzle hung open, and all the sudden he started straightening his short black hair. Teresa grabbed his arm and scowled at him.

"I got dibs." She whispered to him in a serious tone.

"Fuck you! She's a wolf, just like me." He said as patted down the brownish white fur on his chest, underneath his green tank top. "I totally have dibs. You got the leopard guy last month!"

Teresa cursed under her breath. He was right, the leopard was a sweet spotted stud that gave her quite the fight.

"Fine, but if you're too rough, and she leaves, I get the next three.

"Fine." Ed said, and before Teresa could say anything else, off he went. The new wolf woman was now gazing at the middle of the ring, watching a silver fox man teach a younger chimpanzee how to stick and move.

"Hi! Welcome to Redford gym!" Ed said as he approached the gray wolf lady, who greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not sure if I'm looking to sign up. I'm more just scouting a new gym right now. I've already seen Weskess."

"Weskess? Please, that's a bad word around here. Those daisies couldn't punch seeds off a dandelion. I'm Edward Pines, people call me Ed." He extended his hand to her and she took it.

"Mina Braxton." She said as she shook hands. "So, I heard this gym kind of had a good reputation." She smiled, seeing his faked exasperation and gasp.

"Kind of a good reputation? This gym breeds champions!" Ed waved his arm over the gym, saying it loud enough for them to hear, and he got a good report. The patrons all raised their fists and gave a hardy hoorah, then went back to their workouts. "Twenty seven regional championships since its opening, and nine national rankings. One of those rankings is standing up there in the ring right now." He pointed toward Adrian, who obviously heard him.

"Hey, who's the new girl?" Adrian asked, waving to Mina.

"Oh, she's scouting gyms. I'm just talking up our greatness, nothing big." Ed assured him. Adrian nodded and went back to his lesson with his chimp trainee.

"So, you want to check out the spa, or would you like to run on the track?" Ed smiled at her as she kept gazing around the gym.

"Hmmm, well I don't know. I just moved here, and my last gym is going to be pretty hard to live up to." She looked back at him to see he had a sly grin across his timber wolf muzzle. This caused her to chuckle a little bit. "What?"

"Well, if you want, we could do a night of free training to give you a little feel for it." Ed saw her get her own sly grin.

"Oh, really?" Mina asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah, tonight, we're having an after hours special training, and you're more than welcome to join us."

"Alright, sounds fun. I'll be here. You said it was after hours?" She could see a gleam in his eyes that puzzled her a little, but at the same time, it didn't seem to bother her. This guy was obviously very confident, and if he was half as confident in the ring as he was talking to her, he may prove to be a match.

"Uh huh, just wear what you're wearing now. You got some gloves?" He asked, and she was already digging them out of her small pack she had slung over her shoulder. She brought out two green boxing mits. "Very nice, looks like you're all set. So, I'll see you then."

"Count on it." She brushed her hair away from her shoulder, to her back and turned around to walk out the door once again. Whether she was meaning to or not, Ed couldn't help but watch her butt sway from left to right as she walked. Today was shaping up to be a good day.

True to her word, Mina did return that night after they closed at ten. She knocked on the door, which was promptly opened by Teresa. The red panda and gray wolf nodded to one another.

"Hey, I'm Teresa, welcome to Redford." She gave a somewhat sincere smile.

"Oh, I don't know if I'll be staying at this gym." She said as she pulled her gloves from her bag and began to unstrap them. Then she pulled her bandage tape from one of the insides, only to begin wrapping it around her wrist.

"After tonight, I think you will." Teresa said, winking, and shutting the door as they both walked in. The guys were putting away the mops and brooms in the janitor closet that smelled of disinfectant and dirty mop heads. They dusted off their hands and began to approach the center ring. Kate and Robert had already gotten into their boxing gloves, and practice pads. A panther made his way into the group, as did a panda guy, one of which Mina noticed was absolutely stacked. The pecks and abs on that panda were definitely something to behold.

Apart from them, there came a pony girl from the locker room, she had already taken a shower, it seemed. Her hair was partially wet, and her fur was ever so well groomed. Yet she suited up once again, Mina noticed.

"Alright, Patricia, I told you, you don't need to shower before midnight training, we love your natural musk." Ed grinned, and as Pat put her boxing glove on, he was sure he knew which finger she was holding up toward him.

"Okay, thanks for coming in, you guys. Welcome again. I know you've all been looking forward to this, I know I have. However, tonight is not about us, tonight is about our guest of honor, Mina." He pointed toward her and motioned for her to come closer to the ringside. "Now, we need some volunteers to go first, and show Mina how we do things in midnight training. Volunteers?"

There were many hands. The pony girl seemed most anxious at first, but then the squirrel girl went up to the ring side with her hand raised in an almost frantic manner. Robert, of course, that dog was always up for midnight training.

"I'll go." Teresa said, gazing at Ed with half-opened eyes and a menacing smile. "And I'll take you, Eddie."

There was a barrage of Oooo's from the others as they watched Teresa stride on to the ring, and open the ropes as she stepped over them. "Watch closely." She smiled at Mina as she pulled on her bright red boxing gloves. Ed pulled his solid black gloves on, and hooked his mitten onto his mouth piece, putting it over his teeth. He gave it a few bites before putting up his guard and approaching Teresa.

Mina had a very keen eye for technique, and the two of them had very decent defensive stances. Though, for some reason, Teresa's didn't look very tight at all, in fact, judging by her muscle tension, or lack there of, she wasn't even trying. Still, she seemed focused enough, and her footwork was all but flawless.

Ed went for a feint jab from the left, only to right cross toward Teresa's face. The red panda instantly tightened her defenses to block the glove with her own. Then, with her forward punch, the timber wolf almost caught Teresa's fist clean in the jaw, but he backed away immediately. His feet jumped back and he immediately brought back his defensive stance.

Mina noticed that nothing seemed right about Teresa's style, though. It was beautiful, elegant even, but it didn't seem natural at all. The gray wolf girl hadn't just studied at a boxing gym like she let on, and through her experience, she knew that Teresa was hiding something.

After a few more charging punches, and right jabs, finally Teresa scored a solid hit. Mina's eyes went wide as she watched the transgression occur. Every single thing about that punch was half-assed, and pulled back. To her surprise, though, Ed's face muscles and skin bent to the impact of the fist. It was a solid hit, for sure, and Ed was clearly hurt, though not badly.

All of the students outside the ring cheered, whooped, and hollered. Ed shook off the hit, and kept up a good smile, but it was obvious that his cheek was pulsing with blood flow from the hit, and underneath his fur, it was as red as Teresa's gloves.

"Alright, alright." Ed smiled, chuckling. "Teresa scored the first blow of the night. So now, she gets to choose."

Mina figured Teresa would probably choose her to be next. To her, it seemed like that one movie where the guys got half naked and beat the ever loving shit out of one another. And while two of the rules were you didn't talk about it, one of the rules was if you were new, you had to fight.

"Hmmm... Teresa stood there, and for some reason, she took off her gloves. "Well, you did mention blow, soooo--" She grinned at him, instantly getting to her knees and pulling his boxing shorts straight down to his knees.

Mina's mouth went agape. The timber wolf was hung as hell, and he was already hard. The gray wolf gave a grunt as her hands went to her mouth. She witnessed Ed's cock going straight into Teresa's mouth, and in a moment's time, began to bob her head back and forth as her white-furred face gazed up at him with such bedroom violet eyes. His erection slid smooth in and out of her mouth, covered in saliva and his juices.

Teresa, obviously in a fit of heated lust, pulled her tank top downward over her breasts, which had no bra. Her black-furred breasts bounced out as she began to jerk Ed's hard shaft, her thumb rubbing the underside of the head. Her lips closed over the little opening on the tip of his penis as her tongue began to dip onto the tip and off of it. He shuddered at the wonderful sensation weakening his legs, and forcing him to crouch some.

The wolf woman noticed that the entire crowd went silent for the show, save for the slight rubbing noise as each of their respective partners were reaching to the one next to them and caressing their respective crotches. Nothing got too crazy in the crowd, but it was clear that they wanted to.

Then there came a bit of a stir in the crowd as the red panda pulled back slightly to catch a generous portion of semen on her face, and her tongue. She closed her eyes, and felt the hot, stringy cum drench her face. She started licking it from her lips as the shots turned into dribbles that ran slowly from his dick.

There was applause. Ed pulled back up his shorts and went to the corner of the ring to grab a towel, handing it to Teresa. She smiled at Mina as she wiped her face of the sticky fluid.

"What do you think?" She asked Mina as the gray wolf's hands were still covering her mouth, and her eyes were still opened to their widest. "Would you like to go next? Now you know the rules, and you can choose anyone you want to bout against."

Then Teresa's eyes widened as Mina's hands came away from her face to reveal a small grin.

"Anyone?" Her tongue traced around the top of her muzzle as she looked at all of them. Eyebrows were raised, and suddenly it seemed that they had made the right choice in bringing Mina there.

Her finger came up, and pointed at Ken, the Panda. "I'll fight you."

Ken smiled at this and nodded, but then her finger traced the air over to Eugene. "And I'll fight you." The panther's eyes widened.

"Both of us?" Eugene and Ken looked at one another, but then she pointed over to Patricia, and the pony's mouth hung open.

"All three." Mina began to tighten her boxing gloves over her hands, and fix them to a comfortable position.

"Whoa, wait a minute, you're going to fight all three of us? Do you mean at the same time?" Despite his surprise, Eugene was pulling his white boxing gloves over his fists.

"Of course, is that against the rules?" She looked at all of them and they looked at one another. They realized that it was not a rule. It was more unspoken than anything else.

All eyes went to Teresa, who had started this whole midnight practice in the first place. It was obvious that she was deep in thought, her fore finger and thumb tracing over her lower muzzle. After a moment, she shrugged. "Go ahead." Her curiosity had gotten the best of her. Just from the looks of how Mina carried herself, it was obvious that she could handle herself in a fight.

Mina got into the ring, putting her mouth piece over her teeth and stretching her arms. The other three contenders lined up opposite of her. They didn't know if they should spread out or if they should go shoulder to shoulder, but the former seemed like a better idea.

The gray wolf popped her neck from side to side, then got into her stance. Eugene, Patricia, and Ken all took their marks, a good three feet divided between them as they approached her.

Instantly, Mina's eyes rolled over each of them individually. In one single second, she could tell that Ken had a martial arts background, Patricia was relatively new to boxing, and Eugene had a very slight limp in his left ankle from a very serious injury from years before. All emotion was drained from the woman's face as Patricia was the first to attack with a right hay maker. She swung from her side, wide angle with her arm outstretched.

It was obvious that the pony did not wish to injure her, as she was aiming for her left shoulder. To Patricia's surprise, the canine girl ducked underneath her swing. Before she could even bring in her arm, Mina's fist was flat against Patricia's abs.

The clean hit startled all of the spectators, and Mina didn't stop there. She strafe jumped to the side of the pony girl, and jumped into full view of the panther. As soon as he saw her, his right fist jabbed straight for her chest. With her left glove she deflected the hit, and gave him a light tap on his jaw. Her glove thumped against him, and he was more startled than hurt.

With two down, Mina twirled her entire body around and swung her fist directly with Ken's blue boxing glove. Later, Ken would describe the collision as if he were punching a brick wall. A solid thump against his chest made him look down to see her fist against it.

The whole match had occurred in just under twenty seconds. It was met with a dead silence. All mouths were agape, save for Mina's. She stood up straight, and popped her back. She removed both of her gloves and walked over to the corner of the ring, grabbing her water bottle from the edge. She took a small swig as she looked at the three of them frozen in the center.

She hummed as she thought for a moment, then walked back to them, knelt in front of them, and tugged down both of their gym shorts to reveal two very impressive penises swinging from side to side.

"Give me a moment, I don't know what I'm working with yet." She smiled at the two of them and they looked at one another. Her mouth slid over the panther's cock, and slipped it back out as her tongue ran over the shaft. Eugene gave a grunt of approval and nodded.

"Take your time." He said, drawing a small chuckle from Mina.

To her delight, he hardened quite quickly. As he did, her hand jerked Ken's cock softly, gliding over the skin. She looked at the two of them hardening, and smiled. She pointed at Ken, then pointed to Eugene.

"You underneath me, and you behind me." She grinned, and without question, they complied. She pulled off her tank top and sports bra in a single motion. Then she removed her gym shorts to reveal her shapely ass to all of them. They assembled with her on her hands and knees. As they positioned their steely dicks and slid into her, she saw Patricia gazing at the three of them. While she was blushing from some embarrassment, the hand covering her crotch gave evidence to extreme wetness. However, she also looked somewhat hurt, as if she was being left out.

Mina motioned for her to come closer, bending one finger back and forth. As both men began to press into her waiting holes, she gasped and gave a small moan. Patricia walked up to her, and Mina pointed down. The pony girl wasn't entirely sure what she wanted, but she removed her gym shorts anyway. Patricia got down in a crab position, angling her pussy at mouth level. In a fit of lust, Mina pushed her tongue directly through her outer labia, and into her little hole. Patricia gasped deeply, feeling her tongue penetrate her very wet pussy.

As the two men fucked Mina both ways, Patricia could feel her breath, and her moans against her naughty bits. The gray wolf's eyes closed tight as she began to eat Patricia's quim like it was a raw piece of meat to a vicious predator. The pony's legs began to twitch, and her arms were starting to lose strength. She held strong, though, not wanting to give up such a wonderful sensation. It was very clear that Mina knew her way around a vagina.

The gray wolf could feel both cocks push into her ever so deeply. Their cocks filled both her holes and ravaged them with merciless rutting. Their fucking picked up a great deal of momentum, giving her everything they had. Their balls slapped against her taint, and their long shafts rubbed against her tube walls with such amazing regularity.

Ken heard something from outside the ring, and glanced to see what it was. He did a double take. Apparently, the onlookers were enjoying the show a great deal. The brown squirrel girl, Kate had Robert's cock deep in her mouth. Her right hand played with his balls as her head bobbed back and forth as he stood with his shorts around his ankles.

Ed was already balls deep into Teresa's cunt. Her entire body recoiled as he banged her with such a ferocious force. He reached forward and pulled the red panda's blond hair back. She cried out in absolute glee as it triggered her orgasm, and her juices dripped freely.

Mina was already cumming, and with the force of two dicks jabbing into her, a second one was not far behind. The pony girl cried out as well, her orgasm causing a flow of fluids into Mina's mouth. The wolf girl lapped them up and gazed into Patricia's eyes. The look was returned with a blushing smile, and a wink.

The panther's dick pulsed inside of her ass, and she suddenly felt a wave of cum covering her anal cavity. She cried out with a smile on her face, but then gave another loud moan as Ken climaxed inside of her as well. Mina wasn't sure if this was her second or third time to cum, but it didn't matter. She still felt two cocks nail her with such amazing coordination that she shivered out another orgasm.

All of the midnight trainers were splayed out in the gym, some on the ring, and some just outside of it. All of them were naked, and huffing and puffing. After a nice afterglow, all of them headed for the showers.

Patricia made sure to get the shower next to Mina's. She smiled sweetly at the wolf as she turned on her shower head and displayed her naked body. Her brown fur with white spots that covered her very large breasts, and her round rump.

"So, Mina." Teresa said as she lathered up her body. Mina grunted in reply as she looked at her using the shower next to hers. "I couldn't help notice that you are probably one of the best fighters I've ever seen. Would you care to tell me where you learned those moves?"

"Well, I don't suppose I would mind too much. However, it's only fair that you tell me about yours too." Mina talked to Teresa, but she was looking at Patricia. She soaped up her tits, and made sure to pinch both her nipples between her fingers. She went so far as to lick her lips toward the pony, who exhaled in response.

"Mine? What do you mean?" Teresa froze, and turned her head toward Mina.

"Oh, I think you know." Mina passed Teresa a grin, then continued to long distance flirt with the pony girl.

"Umm..." Mina's eyes darted around, and suddenly her stance became meek. "Well, you see, I ummm..."

"Oh, no need to tell me right away. I intend to beat it out of you later. But first, I'm going to fuck this pony like the slutty little whore she is." Mina said, causing Patricia to turn off her own shower. She got up under the wolf's shower head quickly and the two of them met in a very deep kiss.

"Well aright, then." Teresa chuckled, and turned off her shower. She walked out of the shower room with a worried look.

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