Mansion In The Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure 6

Story by thestarwarrior on SoFurry

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Mansion in the Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure

Chapter 6:

By: The Star Warrior


New Girls

Puzzle is exploring the kitchen.

Vimy had been captured but no one is currently working with her.

Thirrin has come across a young wolf couple who are mating. She is also suffering from the effects of the maze. She can ether try to bring her arousal down by joining the wolves, find some place privet to keep her arousal down, or she can keep going.

Thirrin is joining the wolves.

Sara has found a love potion in the maze. She can ether use it on Dusty, leave it on the pedestal, or just take it with her.

Sara is using the potion.

Layla and Cream have passed out.

Palla, Louis, Alejandra, and Maya have found a way out of the bath room. Now should they go to the basement or the attic and what should they do once they get there.

They are going to the attic.

Morgana has been tossed into the basement and has passed out for one turn.

Changeling: "Morgana" has just returned without "Alejandra" Should Sally and Dragnes go look for her or should they try to get through the bedroom door?

They are trying to get inside the bedroom

Rouge is ready to split up but witch girl should she take with her. Darla still has the jewel with her so if Rouge took her along with her she could try to take it from her while Nebula has shown that she is very interested in her and getting her alone would probably lead to some naughtiness.

Rouge takes Nebula

New Girls


Vote Tallies

Thirrin should find some place privet 1

Thirrin should join the wolves 2

Thirrin should leave 1

Sara should use the love potion on Dusty 2

Sara should take the love potion 2

Sara should leave the love potion 0

Palla Louis Alej and Maya should go to the basement 1

Palla Louis Alej and Maya should go to the attic 3

"Morgana" Sally and Dragnes should look for Alejandra 2

"Morgana" Sally and Dragnes should try to get inside the master bed room 2

Rouge goes with Darla 0

Rouge goes with Nebula 3

Rouge goes with T.J. 1



Is stalking Sara

Living Latex:

Resting for one chapter

Dominatrix Enforcer:

Is picking up Layla and Cream


Disguised as Morgana. Suspicion level is 80

Jasper the Rat

Playing with and NPC for one chapter

Harpy Bee

Resting for one chapter

Zombie Sierra

Resting for one chapter

New Monster

Is stalking Dragones

Entry 5

[Puzzle is going to the kitchen.]

[Dose Puzzle find anything? Role 1 to 100. She needs over 50 to win.]

[Role 95. Win!]

Puzzle the giraffe was getting board. After waiting on the girls for a few hours she tried to pass the time by playing a game on her cell phone. She had considered calling for help but once she turned once she turned on her phone she found that she had no bars. Worse yet this place didn't seem to have any internet so e-mailing someone for help was out of the question as well.

After playing on her phone for a bit she noticed that the battery was starting to run low. Not wanting to take the risk of losing her connection to the outside world, she turned it off and put it away. Now she had nothing to do. Looking at the other four girls she noticed that they didn't seem to be doing much of anything ether so she decided to take the risk of heading to the kitchen to find something to eat.

They had already determined that the food in the dining room was drugged so eating that was out of the question, instead she would look through the frig and pantry for something to sate her, hopefully that wouldn't be drugged as well. As she entered the kitchen a bowl of fruit caught her eye. She was a little hesitant to eat anything from it, giving what happened to Dusty but her growling stomach was telling her to risk it.


Thirrin couldn't resist her urges anymore as she started to strip off her clothes and made her way towards two wolves. The wolves didn't seem to notice her as they were far too busy mating with each other, at least until Thirrin stepped in the water with them. The light splash of her foot hitting the pool was just enough to make the male wolfs ears perk. The male glanced over at the she elf and watched as she cat walked her way across the cool water, the light waves of the pool splashing against her smooth skin making her legs shimmer as the moon light bounced off her wet flesh.

The wolf smirked at her and starched out his strong arm, welcoming the lovely young woman into his strong embrace, all the while he didn't stop mating with the female wolf in front of him. As the wolf coiled his arm around Thirrin's slender body, she lightly ran her fingers up and down his firm chest, letting her fingers run through his soft fur. The wolf then leaned down towards her and slowly slid his loving tongue up her throat and over her chin. As his tongue ran up her neck the elf closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and let out a soft moan as her new wolf lover teased her.

Thirrin wormed her body in the wolf's strong arms as he ran his hand up her sides and kissed her along her neck and chin. She was beginning to envy the female wolf bend over under them as the male wolf continued to buck into her while he kissed the new woman in his arms. Thirrin couldn't wait to have that big meaty cock inside of her, any part of her.

By now the female was starting to notice that her male partner was a bit distracted as his bucks started to slow a bit. The white wolf looked over her shoulder and was a little surprised to see the elf in her mate's arms but wasn't displeased to see her. If anything she didn't like how the elf was slowing her partner down but was quite eager to play with their new friend once her mate was done with her.

To focus her mate's attention back on her the female bucked her hips up against him to let him know that she wanted him to finish with her first. The male got the message and unhooked his arm from the elf, placing his hand back on the female's hips and thrusting into her. While the male turned his attention to the woman bent over in front of him, Thirrin slipped up behind his strong body and hooked her arms around his hips, running her finger tips up and down his abs and chest while kissing him along the back of his neck. This seemed to encourage the male to buck even harder witch the female absolutely loved.

A few minutes later the male wolf let out a loud howl as he shoved himself deep into the female's body and came hard inside her, filling up her. Thirrin giggled as she watched the two lover's hips thrash against each other. Once the climax had passed the male wolf hugged his arms around the woman and pulled her close to him, panting warmly against the back of her neck. The male then slowly slid his member out of the female wolf's sex. Much to Thirrin's disappointment the male's member was starting to soften a little.

[Is a trap triggered? Thirrin needs over 50 to avoid trap.]

[Role 4, lose! A trap has been triggered!]

Thirrin stepped away from them for a moment to let the wolves recover, which didn't take long as both wolves stood up and turned their lust filled eyes towards the she elf. Thirrin smiled back at them and watched as both the wolves approached her and started to surround her with the male behind and the female in front. It was then Thirrin noticed their eyes. They didn't seem to have any color to them, just a blank gray void. Still she didn't think much of it as she had met a few wolves that had stranger eye patterns and the strange eye color wasn't the first thing on her mind at the moment.

Thirrin leaned back into the male wolf as he kissed her along her neck and shoulders while running his strong hands up her body, lightly brushing them over her soft breasts. Meanwhile the female kissed her along her jaw, lips, and throat while brushing her hands along the elf's thigh and sides.

[Dose Thirrin get 3sum fetish? Thirrin is aroused +20. Thirrin needs over 70 to avoid fetish.]

[Role 69, lose! Thirrin now has a 3sum fetish!]

[Thirrin is now Very Aroused.]

The elf arched her back and wormed her body against the two lovers, enjoying the attention she was getting from both of them. Her body trembled and her heart pulsed rapidly in her chest just at the thought of being in-between the two. As the female wolf started to kiss her way down her neck and towards her chest the elf closed her eyes as tilted her head back into the pit of the male's shoulder. She let her mouth gape open so that her soft gasp could escape. As she tilted her head back the male started to nip and kiss her exposed neck and shoulder, focusing on the sensitive tendon connecting her head to her shoulder.

When the female's lips reached the elf's breasts the male slide his strong hand away from Thirrin's nipple so that his lover could kiss and suckle it. The elf let out a heavily aroused moan when the female nipped at her hard nipple and lightly pulled it in her teeth then letting it pop out of her mouth. With each pop the she elf let out a sharp gasp that filled the air. The she wolf popped the elf's nipples a few more times, making her squeak and moan with every pop before she continued to kiss her way down her body.

The elf shivered as the female kiss her way down her breast, over her belly and across her thighs. She knew that the wolf was about to reach her tender elf flower and it was wet with anticipation. While the female teased her by kissing her inner thighs, the male ran his hand down the elf's body, dipped his fingers between her legs, and lightly brushes his fingers over her warm and tender lips. He then gently parted her lips with his two middle fingers so that his lover could enter her warm flower.

The female smiled up at her lustfully before dipping her tongue into her tunnel. Once the female's tongue entered her body the elf roiled her eyes back and let out a loud moan. This only encouraged the she wolf to lick more as she flicked her tongue around inside her trembling pussy. While the female teased the elf's sex, the male firmly grasped her two mounds and pulled at her hard nipples making the elf squeal in his arms.

The tongue in her sex was making the elf grind her hips against the male's which in turn helped the wolf's member to grow hard again. The elf loved the feeling of his member pressing against her smooth elf butt, how it pressed against her skin and coated it with his pre. She wanted so much to feel it inside her but the wolf continued to tease her by keeping his member pressed against the elf's back and nowhere near her anal opening.

They kept teasing and kissing the elf for a while, making sure that this moment was the best of her life. Every once and awhile the female would pull her tongue out of the elf's sex so she could flick her tongue over Thirrin's buzzer or suckle her lower lips while the male began to nibble on one of the elf's tender ears. Finally the elf couldn't take anymore as she started to buck her hips against the wolves and started coming hard onto the female's face. The female squeaked and giggled as the elf's fem juices covered her lips before pulling her head away. As she smiled up at the tired elf the female wolf licked her lips and started to stand.

Suddenly the male roughly turned the elf around and pinned her against his lover. The female then hooked her hands under the elf's legs and lifted them up into the air, spreading them so the male could have a clear path to her now dripping sex. The elf looked up at the male with shocked eye. He had a very hungry look, the look you would find on any wolf who was getting ready to claim a mate. The elf smiled up at him lustfully and tried to relax her body as the male grabbed her by the hips and shoved himself deep into her waiting sex. Once the wolf shoved himself inside her body the elf tossed her head back and let out a loud moan that filled the air. For the elf her night was just getting started.

[Thirrin will be having sex with the wolves for one full chapter unless someone finds her and saves her. If she wants to be saved that is.]


[Dusty and Sara are now Aroused +20]

"Did you find anything?" Dusty called out to Sara.

Sara glanced over at Dusty then back to the bottle in her hands. She then blushed and smiled when she realized what she had just found. "Um...yah I found something to help with your back," Sara replied.

[Dusty's Injury has dropped to +20]

Dusty roiled her arm and felt it pop a bit, "Help? How?" she asked. She was more than eager of being relieved of her pain but was a little hesitant giving what happened the last time she tried something that was just lying around.

"It's just some massaging oil," said Sara as she made her way over to Dusty.

Dusty arched her brow, "Oil? Does it say anything about side effects?"

"Just that it might arouse you a bit," she lied. She still couldn't believe that she was about to do this, drugging one of her closest friends, but she was getting tired of waiting for her to take the hint that she was falling for her. There was also her fear that Dusty might not feel the same way about her.

"Arouse me?" said Dusty, "like everything else here?" Dusty was begging to wonder if this was some kind of sick and twisted sex resort.

[Dose Sara convinces Dusty to use the oil? Passed experiences in the mansion have made her suspicious -10. Dusty is aroused +20. Dusty is in pain and the thought of being cured is influencing her judgment +20. Dusty needs over 80 to win.]

[Role 82, win! Dusty is a little too suspicious of the oil to take it!]

"I think I'll pass," said Dusty as the roiled her arm. She was slightly regretting not taking the oil but didn't want to repeat what happened to them in the kitchen.

Sara sighed and put the bottle away thinking that maybe she could still do this the old fashion way. " least let me massage your back," she offered.

Dusty smiled and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she said lying down on her belly, "You know this isn't the first time I've hurt myself."

"I know," said Sara groaning a bit as she mounted Dusty around the hip. Dusty had lost both her top and her bra when the rat attacked them so Sara didn't have anything to get between her and Dusty's tender back. "I wish you would stop being to reckless," Sara continued, "One of these days you are going to brake something important."

"You mean other than my pride?" said Dusty with a chuckle. As Sara rubbed her tender back Dusty let out a soft moan.

[Dusty's Injury has dropped to +10]

[Dusty's romance role for Sara. Dusty is aroused -20. Dusty needs over 30 to start dating Sara.]

[Role 35, win! Dusty is dating Sara]

As Sara rubbed her back, Dusty could feel her heart pulsing rapidly in her chest. She had felt like this a few times before but always thought it was her embarrassment of being caught with Sara, however this time no one was around. As Sara continued to massage her back the pulsing in her chest seemed to only get worse. Could she be falling for Sara and could Sara have fallen for her? Dusty let out a soft sight as she knew there was only one way to find out. Dusty roiled over under the bunny girl while keeping her arms apart so the bunny could see her full upper body in its nude glory.

Sara blush a bit at the sight of her friend's breasts tried to hide it by looking away from her. " there a problem?" said Sara.

Despite her looking away Dusty still noticed the blush. Hell her trying to look away from Dusty's body confirmed it for her. "Kiss me," said Dusty softly

Sara almost jumped out of her skin, "What!?"

Dusty chuckled, "You heard me. I'm not as bloody ignorant as you think I am, I've noticed how you look at me."

Sara gulped as she started to wonder if she somehow got the potion on her hand but as she looked down at her friend she realized that she wasn't drugged she really wanted her to kiss her. She had only seen that sly look in her eye when she wanted to make out with one of her boyfriends. Sara gulped and took in a deep breath to calm her nerves then lowered herself down to her friend's lips and lightly kissed her. The kiss was timid and only lasted for a second but it was enough to make Sara's heart leap out of her chest. However a small peck wasn't enough for Dusty as she flung her arms around the bunny girl and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. Sara was shocked at first but as the realization that a girl she had fallen for was kissing her hit her, she closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss.

As the half nude girls made out on the soft bed they could feel their body heat rising. They didn't know if it was the pollen or if it was the heat of the moment, probably both, but they didn't seem to care as they became entangled in each other's arms.

[Dose this escalate to sex? Both girls are aroused +20. They need over 70 to stop.]

[Role 57, lose! Well they lose anyway :3]

[Dominatrix is stalking Sara. Sara is having sex with Dusty, lose!]

[Dusty's rescue role for Sara. Dusty is injured +10. Dusty is aroused +20. Dusty is dating Sara -20. Dusty is having sex with Sara +20. Dusty needs over 80 to save Sara.]

[Role 51, lose! Dominatrix takes both Sara and Dusty!]

Sara couldn't resist her urges any longer as she sat up in Dusty's lap and started to remove her bra. Dusty giggled playfully as the bunny girl's breasts came into view. "We're doing this then are we love?" she said playfully.

Sara smiled back and giggled along with her new lover as she started to remove her pants. The bunny girl couldn't seem to get them off fast enough as she slid them down passed her tail and kicked them off of her feet along with her panties. The nude bunny girl then started to pry off Dusty pants and panties, pulling them off like they were on fire. Once they were in the nude the bunny pounce back onto her lover and started making out with her again. As they made out they let their nude body rub and grind against each other.

Lost in the heat of their passion the girls didn't notice the strong nude raccoon woman walking up behind them. Before she made her way towards the girls she first stopped at the bunny girl's pants and pulled out the bottle of oil that she had tucked away in her pocket. She then walked over to the two girls as they made out with each other on the bed, unconcerned the bottle, and started to pour the pink oil on their nude bodies. The girls squeaked and looked up at the raccoon woman in shock as she tossed the now empty bottle away then pounced onto them, rubbing her breasts against Sara's back and her hands over Dusty's sides.

[Dusty is now in love with Sara! Sara and Dusty are now in love with Hunter!]

[Are there any negative side effects of the oil? The need over 50 to avoid the side effects. Hunter is not affected.]

[Role 10, lose! Both girls are now extremely aroused! Dusty has a new trait!]

Sara began to panic a bit as the woman started to grind herself against them knowing exactly what she was doing. As the woman continued to grind herself against her back, Sara could feel her mind fading a bit. She didn't just want Dusty anymore, she wanted this woman too.

When Hunter saw the submission in her eyes, she smiled and lightly kissed the timid girl on the lips. "Mmmm you belong to us now," she purred lustfully.

"Us?" Sara asked in a shy tone.

[Will role for Sara. Sara is extremely aroused +40. Sara is in love with Hunter +30 Lose! Sara is now wavering!]

[Will role for Dusty. Dusty is extremely aroused +40. Dusty is in love with Hunter +30. Lose! Dusty is now wavering!]

Sara looked down at Dusty and blush brightly when she saw the incredibly lustful and dominating smile in her eyes. Hunter then sat up taking Sara into her lap. Once Dusty crawled out from under them Sara spotted a six inch rock hard member dangling between her legs.

Hunter smirked as she whispered lustfully into the bunny's ear, "Perfect for starting a new family my now very fertile bunny."

[Dusty is now a herm! Sara is too fertile to keep from getting pregnant!]

Sara let out a startled "EEP!" when she realized what was about to happen. Dusty was about to make her into her mate. Sara look away shyly but Hunter grabbed her by the jaw and forced her to look at the herm that was about to impregnate her. As Dusty crawled onto her, the bunny shivered submissively. She could feel her heart pounding under her breasts both out of the fear and excitement of knowing that she was about to become Dusty's mate.

"Our babies will be so lovely," Dusty purred softly into her ear before lightly kissing it, making her shiver.

"Be sure to tease her first," said Hunter, "Make sure that she remembers the moment you impregnated her."

Dusty giggled and started kissing the bunny on her lips and along her jaw. As she kissed her she gently ran her fingers along the bunny's thigh, making the bunny girl tremble and coo. Meanwhile Hunter slid her strong hands over the bunny's breasts and firmly groped them, earning more moans from the bunny's lovely lips. "D-Dusty," Sara moaned out as her lover kissed her, though as she was trying to say the other woman's name her mind was drawing a blank.

Hunter smirked and whispered lustfully into her ear, "Mistress."

Sara trembled in her arms as she spoke in her lust filled voice. She was resisting the urge to call her Mistress but after the woman kissed and nipped her ear the bunny's heat started to take over, "Mistress!" she cried.

The girls continued to kiss and tease the bunny girl until she was practically begging to have Dusty's member inside her. Dusty was about to give it to her but Hunter stopped her told her to tease her a bit longer. Sara couldn't stand it, it was like this woman knew every single sweet spot she had and knew just how to drag out her heat for as long as possible.

As Dusty started stroking the bunny girl's sex Hunter gently took her hand and guided her fingers along the bunny's lower lips, showing her just how to please her. She started by having Dusty run her pointer and middle finger over the tender lips of the bunny's rabbit hole, she then show Dusty how to pinch the bunny's buzzer without hurting her. Dusty giggled as she watched the expression on her bunny lover's face, how the timid young girl gasped and cooed in her grasp. She leaned in and started planting a few kisses on the bunny's lips before Hunter placed her hand on the back of Dusty's head and started to guide her down Sara's body.

As Hunter pushed her head down, Dusty kept kissing her bunny lover along her neck and breast. Once she reached her nipple, Hunter stopped pushing and cupped the bunny's breast for her. Dusty took the hint and started kissing and suckling the bunny's hard nipple while she continued to stroke her tender pussy.

Hunter smirked as she watched to two girls, loving how she was corrupting them. Feeling that Sara was nice and ripe for Dusty, Hunter slipped out from behind the bunny and started to crawl up behind the blond hybrid. As Sara relaxed her back onto the bed, Dusty hooked the bunny's legs around her hips and lightly pressed her new cock against the bunny girl's tender sex.

Hunter hugged her arms around Dusty's body and showed her how tease her even more, taking the girl's cock in her strong hand and lightly brushing the tip over the bunny's lower lips. Just having the strong woman's hand around her new member was sending waves of pleasure through Dusty's body, as was feeling the tip of her cock brushing over Sara's wet sex. With every brush Sara let out an aroused wine. At this point she didn't care if Dusty was going to impregnate her she just wanted her lover inside her tender body. Finally Hunter felt that the girls had enough teasing and guided Dusty's member into Sara's waiting rabbit hole.

As Dusty entered Sara, both girls let out a heavily aroused moan. Hunter smirked as she watched Dusty enter the bunny girl. They looked so adorable as they started to have sex with one another. Looking at Sara's face and seeing the slight hint of pain in her eyes, telling the more experienced woman that this was Sara's first time. This just made Hunter smirk as she leaned into Dusty's ear and whispered, "Take it nice and slow. Let her feel every inch of her virginity leaving her."

Dusty nodded and did as she was told, slowly pushing her new cock into the bunny's body until she felt the virgin wall inside of her. Hunter then pressed her hips against the hybrid's and lightly guided her down into her sex and past the barrier. Once Dusty broke through the wall, Sara let out a sharp gasp. Despite the small amount of blood trickling from the bunny's sex, Hunter continued to guide Dusty in and out of the bunny, making the girl's gasp and moan. She started slowly at first, giving them a moment to get used to being inside one another before picking up speed. Sara's expression soon turned to that of mixed pain and lust to that of pure ecstasy.

Hunter kept guiding Dusty until she grasped the bunny by the hips and lifted them up off of the bed so she could thrust into her harder. Hunter giggled when she saw this and started kissing the blond girl along the neck while running her hand's along her breast to arouse her even more.

[Dose Dusty get threesome fetish? Dusty is extremely aroused +40. Dusty needs over 90 to avoid fetish.]

[Role 57, lose! Dusty has 3some fetish!]

[Dose Sara get herm fetish? Sara is in love with a herm, lose! Sara has a herm fetish!]

The girls felt like they were in heaven as they continued to have sex with one another. Dusty was enjoying the treatment of the woman behind her while Sara was melting around Dusty's new cock. They continued to buck and moan against each other for a while longer until Dusty arched her head back, thrusted her cock into the bunny as deep as it could go and came hard into her. The bunny joined her shortly afterwards as her hips began to thrash against her lover's body. As they came they filled the air with their moans while shouting each other's names. Once their climax had passed the girls fainted onto the bed.

Hunter smirked at the girls before leaning down and lightly kissing Dusty along her ear. "Welcome home my darling Julie," she purred softly before taking each girl onto one of her shoulders.

[Dusty and Sara have passed out! Sara is pregnant with Dusty's child! Dusty and Sara have been captured by the dominatrix!]

[The Dominatrix Enforcer has captured Layla and Cream!]


As Palla, Louis, Alejandra, and Maya made their way into the attic Maya tried to explain what she thought was happening. Apparently the goo monster had the ability to alter someone's mind although how far this mind altering would go, why it altered someone's mind, and if they could be cured was still unknown to them. Louis joked a bit, saying how they should probably just leave Alejandra this way witch earned her a silent jealous glare from Palla. Alejandra noticed and giggled, giving Louis a playful wink to egg the bird on a bit more.

[Do the girls find Sierra's trail? They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 65, win!]

As the girls explored the attic a bit more they discovered a door concealed by a group of boxes. After removing the boxes they opened the door to find the beehive that that Sierra had found herself trapped inside.

Maya arched her brow, "Well this is...different."

"Beehives? Goo monsters that mess with your brain?" said Palla in utter confusion, "What kind of sick house is this?!"

It was then Maya noticed the hoof prints in the wax, "Hey it looks like Sierra was here, or at least someone else with hoofed feet."

"You honestly want to go in there?" said Palla. Palla was starting to panic a bit after seeing how strange everything was in this place. Louis was able to comfort her a bit by hugging an arm around her hip but it was a small comfort seeing how Alejandra was eyeing them.


Sally turned to Dragnes and gave her a quick nod. With that the strong Dragon reared up her foot and kicked the door in. With a loud slam the door was flung open to reveal the mess of the master bed room. As the girls walked in they found that the bed sheets were tossed about and some of the furniture had been knocked over.

[Changing suspicion level 70.]

[Role 15, no change!]

[Female sex bot is now active and stalking Dragones. Changing takes away not alone. Dragones needs over 50 to win the attack role.]

[Role 48, lose!]

[Dragones escape role. Dragones can fly -10. Dragones needs over 40 to escape.]

[Role 13, lose! Sex bot's ability instantly turns her into a sex zombie!]

[Changing suspicion level has dropped to 60!]

During their search of the room to find out what happened, Morgana opened a closet to find what looked like a mannequin with glowing blue eyes. It looked much like a human complete with soft fleshy skin, or as close to what it could get to skin, nipples on each of its C-cup breasts, and a working vagina. Morgana of course knew what this was and upon realizing what she had just found an idea crossed the changing's mind. "Hey Dragones," she called out to the dragon, "What do you make of this?"

The dragon made her way over to the closet and looked up at the mannequin. "Creepy," she said dryly, "Honestly who puts a life sized model of a human inside their..." Dragones stopped mid-sentence as the mannequin's eyes started to glow brighter. She found that she couldn't stop looking at them no matter how hard she tried. As she looked into the model's eyes, her own started to fade, slowly turning to a light gray.

Sally was about to enter the bath room to see if anyone was inside when she heard a loud scream fallow by what sounded like robotic moaning. When she turned around she was shocked at what she saw. The scream had come from Morgana who was trying to keep her distance from Dragones. Dragones had just ripped off her clothes, grabbed the mannequin from the closet, which was now revealed to be a sex bot, and was now pounding her very aroused dragon member into the robots rubber sex.


"I'll go with Rouge!" said Nebula speaking up.

Rouge was actually hoping to bring Darla along with her, seeing that she had the jewel on her but didn't mind having Nebula along, especially considering that the dragoness had be eyeing her all day. "Alright," said Rouge with a sly smile, "Kitarl, T.J., Darla, you go down the left tunnel while we take the right."

"Are you sure you want to be the odd girl's out," said Kitarl.

Rouge chuckled, "I can handle myself. I do have a black belt after all. You three just stay close to each other and you will be fine." With that Rouge and Nebula went on their way.


[Dose Rouge's group fined Vimy. They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 42, lose!]

[Dose Rouge's group find Morgana. They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 86, win!]

As they explored the halls Nebula was very tempted to find a nice secluded spot for her and Rouge to fool around. She probably spent more time eyeing the bat girl's lovely ass than she did looking for anything but Rouge didn't seem to mind. Rouge smirked back at the dragoness as she swayed her hips.

[Nebula's romance role for Rouge. Rouge thinks Nebula is cute and knows that she is interested -20. Rouge needs over 30 to see Nebula as a romantic interest.]

[Role 77, win! Rouge is now Nebula's romantic interest.]

[Rouge's romance role for Nebula. Nebula thinks Rouge is cute and knows that she is interested -20. Nebula needs over 30 to see Rouge as a romantic interest.]

[Role 35, win! Nebula is now Rouge's romantic interest!]

Once Rouge found an empty room she playfully took Nebula by the hand and led her into the room. Once inside she pulled Nebula towards a nearby wall, let the dragoness pin her against it and started kissing her on the lips. Nebula giggled as she hugged her arms around the bat girl and started retuning the kisses. The moment was quite heated but not enough for them to start ripping their clothes off, for now they just wanted to enjoy the make out.

[Rouge and Nebula are slightly aroused.]

They kissed each other for a few minutes when Rouge finally pulled her lips back from the dragoness. "Now that we are alone I have a bit of a proposition for you."

"Oh," said Nebula with a sly smile.

Rouge chuckled, "Don't get to excited, it's about Darla, or rather the jewel she's holding."

"Oh I see now," said Nebula in a playful tone, "You're trying to seduce me so that I will help you take Darla's jewel."

"Is it working," Rouge said with a sly smile.

Nebula was about to answer when they heard a light moan behind them. When they turned around they saw Morgana lying on a soft bed, looking a little dizzy. "Morgana?" asked Nebula, "I thought you were with Sally."

As soon as Morgana's head cleared her eyes went wide, "Alejandra...she's not who she says she is she's..." Rouge and Nebula gave Morgana very confused looks, "Look I don't have time to explain. All you need to know is that we need to save Sally and Dragones, they are in danger!"


[Do Kitarl, T.J., and Darla find Vimy? They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 10, lose!]

[Do Kitarl, T.J., and Darla find Thirrin's trail? They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 23, lose!]

[Do they find anything? They need over 50 to win.]

[Role 54, win!]

During their search Darla opens one of the doors to reveal a room full of gold and fine jewelry. "Wow, to bad Rouge didn't come this way, she would love this place," said Darla.

As the girls entered the room Darla considered leaving her jewel here seeing that it probably belong in this place. Meanwhile T.J. noticed some fine jewelry in one of the piles. Being a fashion designer she was very tempted to try on the jewelry.



Feel free to suggest possible alternatives not contained within the following choices.

Puzzel is in the kitchen, hungry, and a bowl of fruit is calling her name. Should she eat the fruit or leave it be?

Vimy, Dusty, Sara, Cream, and Layla have been captured. Vimy, Layla, and Cream have just awoken to find themselves in bonds along with Sara but Dusty is no place to be found. Will be taking suggestions for what happens next.

Thirrin is pinned between two horny wolves and is now having the time of her life. Unless someone finds her she will continue to have sex with them until she passes out.

Palla, Louis, Alejandra, and Maya have found the behave where Sierra is currently located. They could ether try to take the path she took or they could take a different path and maybe have a better chance of surviving.

Dragones has just turned into a zombie right in front of the Changeling: Morgana and Sally and is now having sex with the sex bot that changed her. Sally can ether take "Morgana" and run, try to save Dragones, or watch and see what happens.

Rouge and Nebula have just come across the real Morgana who has told them about the changeling and that Sally and Dragones is in danger. They can ether try to grab Kitarl, T.J., and Darla or they could rush to the aid of Sally and Dragones though there might be a few obstacles in the way. Rouge has also made the sujestion to Nebula if she wants to help her steal Darla's jewel. Dose Nebula want to help her or not?

Kitarl, T.J., and Darla have found a room full of gold and jewels. Darla could leave her jewel in the pile or keep it, while T.J. can try on some of the jewelry she finds or leave them be.

Author notes:

Another long wait, but this time it was more due to me considering if I should keep this going or not as now only three people are voting. However the people who aren't voting still seem to enjoy this so what I will do is if no one votes I will count it as a draw and let the dice decide. I'm also trying something else with the voting. As Vimy was unable to do much of anything this chapter I decided to let people give out suggestions as to what should happen to the girls who have been kidnapped. This way we can still get to see them in the story. Finally we have four more spots for girls. As always one girl per chapter and and in as many monster's as you like, and before I forget we bit a final farewell to Dragones' mind, it will be missed. :3

Mansion In The Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure 5

Mansion in the Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Chapter 5: By: The Star Warrior **Assignments** **Vimy is still captured and Hunter is currently working with her.** ** ** **Thrrin has managed to work her way outside but as she...

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Mansion In The Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure 4

Mansion in the Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Chapter 4: Love and Wine By: The Star Warrior **Assignments** **Sally noticed that some of the other girls have been gone for too long. She wants to send two girls to go upstairs and...

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Mansion In The Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure 3

Mansion in the Woods: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Chapter 3: Enter Princess Sally By: The Star Warrior **Assignments** ** ** **Darla and Morgana have just found some wine. They can ether drink the wine, Darla explores the library while...

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