Hyran and Amethyst: A Short Story

Story by Kirek on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: All characters are the intellectual property of Miralage. They are used here with his consent and do by no means belong to me. Thanks for letting me write this, Mira... it was a lot of fun.

The tent flap opened and Amethyst raised her head off her paws from where she's been laying on the bed. Her tail immediately began to thump against the sheets repeatedly and a smile appeared on her muzzle. She rose from her comfortable position, stretched her little body out and bounded over to her lifemate who was just setting his sword down against a pile of supplies.

Hyran was just about to turn and regard whatever scene greeted him when he was unexpectedly knocked off his feet as Amethyst threw herself into his arms. He found himself on the ground while the little dragonet nuzzled him emphatically, nibbling at his neck and crooning with happiness.

"Oh gods, love... I suppose after so long I should grow to expect you doing that." he said with a chuckle, reaching up to caress your cheek.

"Don't tell me you're complaining..." his love spoke in a playfully admonishing voice while she smiled sweetly at him from her position atop his chest. She nuzzled into his hand and sucked softly and teasingly on a few of his fingers.

"Never." he stated and rubbed her back.

His dragoness murred and pressed herself close to him, running her tongue up the side of his face in a loving fashion. "How was your morning? I always miss your warmth against my side when I wake up in the morning."

"The same goes for me, my darling. And it was good. Obviously in order to remain so prolific in the use of my weapons, I cannot afford to neglect using them, even if it is just training." Hyran replied.

"Oh... my brave prince..." Amethyst chirped in a teasing voice, yet one that also emanated love and sincerity.

"Only yours." the human affirmed with a warm smile.

"Well, I imagine you're quite tense after so much exertion. Will you let your princess help you relax?" his golden-scaled beauty purred as she undulated her body against him, her little paws rubbing at his muscular chest through his shirt.

"Not now, love... I'm just too tired." Hyran answered and moved to get up.

Amethyst's expression took on a slightly surprised look but soon faded to disappointment as her wings drooped slightly. She moved to get off him but was stopped by his strong arms holding her in place.

"Wha...?" she stuttered, turning around. But any further speech or inquiry was stifled as Hyran pressed his lips against hers in a deep kiss, his hands rubbing her back and holding her to him while he slipped her his tongue.

"Mmm." Amethyst purred into his mouth and draped her arms around his neck. Her eyes drifted closed with contentment and she eagerly eased her own tongue out to run along his. As she pressed herself against him she could already feel the bulge forming in his breeches and ground herself against it hungrily.

"I suppose I should have expected that." she said, a little out of breath when they parted a few moments later.

"If I ever use that excuse on you... hit me." Hyran remarked as he stood up, still holding her and walking over to their bed.

(Psycopathy Red by Slayer)

The little dragoness squealed softly with glee as he laid her down on the soft sheets and immediately began to kiss her neck.

"You're so beautiful." the human mused aloud and ran his hands over her sides as he nibbled upon her chin, briefly pressing his lips to hers for a soft kiss.

Amethyst's cheeks blushed a bright red, half from her steadily growing arousal and half from having her mate dote such verbal and physical affections upon her. She gasped when he began to trail his gentle kisses down her neck to her chest, then to her belly. She couldn't help but giggle softly as he gave her a small rasberry there. As he went lower she eagerly spread her legs for him, emphasizing her little sex, already swollen with arousal as a little trickle of her nectar oozed from it.

"One of the prettiest sights in the world." Hyran cooed softly to her, closing the distance between his lips and her nethers in one deft motion, gently extending his tongue and lapping at her entrance softly.

"Oh god..." Amethyst hissed as she finally felt his tongue caress her most intimate regions. It had barely been a minute since the first sexual contact had been instigated... but even that was too long for her to wait to feel his soft and gentle tongue pleasuring her pussy.

Hyran delighted in the noises she made as he tongued at her. He used two of his fingers to spread her outer lips apart so he could press his tongue deep inside her. "Mmmm..." he hummed against her folds as he lapped at her inner walls. He took his time searching for her G-spot because he knew it heightened her pleasure when he teased her... no matter how much she growled at him and tried to get him to speed up. He felt her drape her tail around his neck and pull his head more firmly against her sex, moaning with pleasure.

(Halo by Machine Head)

"H-Hyran..." Amethyst gasped softly beneath him. She was incapable of more coherent speech than that at the moment, so she said his name in the most imploring, begging manner that she could, trying to make him appease her needs. She was already writhing in place from the sweet pleasure his actions caused her, but she wanted more. Her desire and love for him never let her endure his sexual torment for more than a few minutes before she was forced to roll him over and take him herself.

Despite how much he loved to keep her teetering on the brink, he also loved her... and he wasn't going to risk her sexual ire should he push her too far.

"Alright, my lovely draconic princess." the human relented with a smile. He placed a soft kiss on her outer lips before he ran his tongue up and closed his mouth around her clitoris. He sucked deeply on her feminine pearl in collusion with the insertion of two of his fingers deep inside her pussy.

"Oh YES!" the little golden dragon quite literally screamed with rapture as Hyran's fingers went right for her G-spot. His wonderful lips around her clit also drew her beautiful body into an arch as pleasure flowed through her. "Don't stop... don't stop!" she cried to him when she felt her love begin to pump his fingers in and out of her, rubbing over that small, rough patch of flesh within her each time and inundating her senses with untold bliss.

Hyran smiled against her as he pleasured her, immeasurably happy that he was able to make her writhe and scream and cry with ecstasy. He felt her paws on the back of his head become lovingly entangled in his hair as she began to gently undulate herself against his fingers and mouth, almost desperately seeking more of his practiced stimulation as her orgasm began to build.

With her doing all she could to attain climax, and him doing all he could to assist her... it wasn't but another minute before amethyst screamed his name. Her flawless draconic form arched fully off the sheets and her paws pulled his head against her sex as a flood of her juices spilled out of her. "HYRAN!"

Hyran smiled and lapped deeply at her while pumping his fingers in and out of her convulsing pussy. Eagerly accepting her hips rising to meet him and the flow of her sweet nectar he listened to her cry out above him while he expertly stimulated her as she came, humming with contentment into her folds and tonguing her lovingly.

(Everything's Still Fine by Volbeat)

After close to a minute Amethyst collapsed back onto the bed with a heavy and content sigh, still panting for breath. "Mmm... I'll never understand... h-how you got to be so good at that..." she churred softly between her ragged breathing. Her scales were already shimmering with a light coat of sweat and she smiled widely as he crawled up her body and kissed her softly. She happily kissed him back and undulated her pleasured form contentedly against his own. She brushed her tail along the front of his breeches and giggled happily when she heard him moan softly as she teased his raging erection through its constraints. "Let me help you with that." the little dragon crooned in a voice that dripped with desire.

Hyran let her roll him over and smiled as she ran her tongue up his neck and nibbled affectionately on his ear. "I love you..." she whispered to him before once again bringing her head around to bestow a deep and passionate kiss on his lips. Hyran wrapped his hands around her little body and kissed her back, their tongues twining around each other as Amethyst's paws made their usual fruitless attempt to pull his shirt off.

"I love you too, my darling. But why don't you let me do that for you. I don't want you ruining another article of my clothing..." he said with a smile and chuckled as his mate gave him a mock-pouting expression. Hyran kissed her nose and reached up to pull his shirt over his head, exposing his lithe and muscular upper body. He was very well defined from his many years of physical conditioning and weapons training... but even so he still had the body of the same teenager he had been when he had first met the little golden dragon who now owned his heart.

Her eyes twinkled with delight as he threw his shirt aside as an afterthought. She immediately began to trail affection down his neck to his chest, purring deep in her throat as his strong hands rubbed behind her head. She ran her tongue around one of his nipples and giggled with childish elation as he shivered slightly, his skin erupting in goosebumps.

"Heh... you can still do that to me, love." Hyran said with a smile.

"I know! Isn't it great?" she beamed down at him, delighted to have the element of control that she now possessed.

Not wasting any more time she immediately began to undo his pants. She still had a little trouble with the fastenings... but she soon succeeded in accomplishing her goal. She took hold of one of his pant legs in her muzzle and began adamantly yanking downwards. Hyran helped her by raising his rear off the sheets and sliding them down and off his feet.

Amethyst gazed in wondrous appreciation and hunger at her mate's throbbing manhood, thick and pulsing with blood. "Mmmm..." She growled softly and smiled lustfully up at him. "I seem to have made you a bit excited..."

"You always do." Hyran replied as he caressed her cheek gently. "Just being near you is enough to get me excited, let alone indulging myself in your sweet nethers..." he finished with a sly grin.

Amethyst blushed softly and smiled sweetly back up at him. "You always know just what to say." she purred softly and dipped her head in so she could lave her tongue softly over the head of his member and feel him shiver with pleasure beneath her. She laid herself down across his thighs so she could dote affection upon his manhood in a comfortable position, slowly running her tongue along the sensitive underside of his cock.

(Electric Crown by Testament)

"G-Gods yes." her love hissed softly as he felt his mate's sweet tongue caress his aching member. His hips reflexively raised off the bed as he sought more of the delectable feeling of her wonderful muzzle and lips upon him.

But Amethyst had other ideas...

Any teasing that he ever visited upon her was always repaid in kind when she went about pleasuring him. She now had control of the situation, and she intended to use her power to push him to the very edge.

"Mmm... be patient, my love." she murred teasingly to him and pulled off his length so she could slide herself up to his level and nip playfully at his chin.

Hyran hummed happily when she did, but not before groaning softly when he heard the tone in her voice. "You're not going to let me off the hook an time soon, are you?" he said with resignation, but not without some disappointment.

"Not until I've had my fun." his golden beauty replied with a kiss of his neck. She then snaked her tail around his manhood and squeezed him gently so as to keep him fully aroused and wanting.

"Nngh... but teasing you is... just too much fun!" the human said in as light-hearted of a voice as he could manage with her tail wrapped around his cock so wonderfully.

"I was thinking the same thing about doing it to you." Amethyst quipped back in a very sensual voice. Her eyes bored into his and he knew that she was resolute in her decision. "Now shut up or I'll get rough..." she said cutely as her muzzle began to once again follow that torturously slow path down his neck, over his chest, belly and finally resuming her position sprawled across his thighs. She extended her tongue and curled it several times around his pulsing manhood just as her tail had been. The little dragoness then used her tongue to draw his member carefully into her muzzle where she began to suckle on him gently, her eyes closing while she purred around him.

The human above her gasped and loosed a long, drawn out moan with the sealing of her sweet muzzle around his throbbing cock. Soft waves of pleasure began to flow over him each time her delicate tongue ran over the tip of his erection and little shivers danced up and down his spine whenever she took him in deep, encasing his entire masculine spire in a veritable oven of warmth and wetness. "Oh Amethyst..."

The little sunset-hued dragonet blushed heavily beneath him. She adored it when he moaned her name, loved it whenever her attentions made him convulse and writhe with pleasure. She pulled back so that he slipped out of her mouth and extended her tongue to delicately collect a bead of precum that had formed on the tip of his length, eagerly savoring his wonderful taste. Then Amethyst leaned downward to kiss and lap at Hyran's testicles softly, taking one of them into her maw and sucking on it much to her mate's enjoyment. Taking her sweet time she popped his other orb into her muzzle and doted the same affection upon it, eager to taste what it and its twin held despite her determination to tease and torture him to an eventual climax.

"L-Love..." Hyran groaned from above her, lightly tapping her head to get her attention. "I know you're trying to tease me... but I think I might be a bit TOO excited..."

Amethyst released herself from his scrotum and gazed at his cock. From all the experience she had with him and his body she knew from the way his manhood was pulsing with his increased heartbeat and the way his form refused to stay still told her that he was indeed VERY excited.

"Oh come now..." she said in an exasperated voice, but gazed at him out of the corner of her eye, knowing he would catch her double entendre.

He did indeed tense visibly when he heard her. "I just might..." he grated through clenched teeth and fought with everything he had to resist the urge to take his nearly imminent orgasm into his own hands, literally.

For a few more minutes Amethyst kept him teetering on the brink of orgasm by laving her tongue gently over his entire length, finally relenting when she was sure he was just about to break. "Alright... I suppose you've suffered enough." Amethyst said with resignation just to keep up appearances. She was indeed quite eager to taste his warm semen spilling against her tongue as she took his pulsing manhood into her muzzle once more and began to suck firmly on him, bobbing her head slightly along his length, fondling his balls with an affectionate paw to coax him into orgasm.

Hyran cried out in pleasure when he finally was offered the reprieve he needed, his body lurching upward as his manhood erupted in Amethyst's mouth. Thick, rich jets of his hot cum spilled from the tip of his length and filled her muzzle in the first few spurts. His hands grasped her head as gently as he could and held her in place, thrusting in and out of her maw slightly to prolong his climax and give his mate a few more creamy doses of his semen.

The dragoness purred and continued to suck him off as he came. Her paw massaged his pulsing testicles while happily accepting his load and swallowing all he gave her. The force of his climax was a bit more intense than she had thought and a bit of his seed leaked from the corner of her muzzle due to her inability to gulp down all of his impressive volume.

"Ohhh... f-fuck..." Hyran panted as his peak started to taper off. "T-That was fantastic."

Amethyst continued to suckle his cock gently even after the flow of his cum had ceased, adamant on giving him a bit more stimulation. "Delectable." The golden dragonet murred when finally she did release him from her muzzle. She licked her lips and collected the rest of his seed that she missed before lying her head on his chest and looked up at him with eyes that betrayed her still very prominent arousal.

Hyran just gazed back down at her with a look of equal desire. "Don't worry, love. I'm not done with you yet." he said with a voice that dripped with sinister intentions.

"I should hope not..." Amethyst churred happily as she nuzzled her head beneath his chin. She felt his hand lift her muzzle from beneath as he tilted her face upwards so she could look directly into his eyes. For several long moments they just looked at each other, each savoring the prelude to what they both knew was to come.

"Oooh!" Amethyst cooed as her lifemate rolled her over so that she was on her back, his body still pressed close to hers. The little dragon peppered his throat and neck with little kisses and rubbed herself against his naked form in a blatantly lustful fashion. "God I need you inside me."

(The Ritual by Testament)

"I know... I can't wait any longer to feel you around me." The human said from above her. Amethyst looked between them and noted with a smile that he was still rock hard and pulsing with readiness. Her sex, which had already been moist with anticipation quivered with wanton lust for him as she spread her legs wide, offering herself to him willingly. Her pussy glistened with her juices and her gaze still held his, her eyes imploring him to take her.

"You're so beautiful..." her love whispered to her in collusion with shifting his body between her spread thighs so that his member rubbed up against her aching sex.

"Y-You said that already!" Amethyst gasped when she felt the wonderful, yet so teasing touch of his manhood against her pussy.

"I just mean it that much." Hyran said with utter sincerity as he aligned his cock with her entrance and pushed all the way inside her with one deft thrust.

"Oh fuck!" his dragoness cried out with pleasure beneath him, her body finally being filled by her love's cock. Her pussy grasped and massaged his length as he buried himself deep within her while her legs clasped themselves around his waist to keep him from withdrawing, not that she was sure he would have anyway.

The human gasped and moaned joyously when he had hilted himself inside his beloved dragoness. His hands caressed and stroked her beautiful body, his lips nibbled and kissed at her face, his voice vehemently declared his pleasure and desire. "Yesssss...." he hissed through teeth gritted with restraint. Despite how wonderful it felt to be buried all the way inside his lifemate he couldn't hold himself still for very long even as he tried to let them both savor the sensations of their current connection.

"Fuck me, Hyran..." Amethyst whispered hotly in his ear, providing him all the incentive he needed.

The human pulled himself back until naught but the head of his arousal remained within the core of his beautiful dragoness before thrusting his hips forward once again and burying himself back inside her warm treasure with a groan of passion and love.

"Yes... oh yes..." Amethyst gasped beneath him as he began to thrust powerfully into her. Her eyes drooped closed with pleasure, Hyran inundating her with glorious sensations each time his cock sank deep into her pussy. The little dragoness happily undulated herself back against him so she took him further in each time he thrust forward, also thoroughly enjoying the feeling of his muscled chest and front rubbing and grinding against her scaled form.

"You feel so damn good." Hyran murmured to her as he took her, pumping his hips against her delectable rump and sliding his cock in and out of her slick treasure over and over, illiciting all manner of pleasured vocalizations from them both. He pressed his lips against hers in another passionate kiss, eyes drifting closed as her delighted moans entered his mouth.

Amethyst hungrily meshed her tongue against her mate's and draped her arms around his neck as they kissed. Her eyes had also shut out the world so she could concentrate on his touch, his scent, his taste... and cry out against him in blissful fulfilment as he ravaged her gorgeous body.

But after several heavenly missionary minutes, the little dragoness pushed her mate off and out of her with strength disproportionate to her size. Hyran grunted in momentary confusion and frustration as his manhood was denied its wonderful home inside her. But then he saw her climb atop him and straddle his waist, not wasting another minute in aligning herself with his erection and sinking herself all the way back down onto him. "Ohhhhhhhh..." she hissed with utter contentment as her aching depths were once again filled by his pulsing flesh. "Now it's my turn to take you." she churred wickedly and gave her inner muscles a gentle squeeze, making him moan and grasp her hips in his hands.

"Go ahead, my beautiful dragoness. But don't expect me to just lie here..." he chided, giving several playful thrusts up into her to emphasize his point.

His mate gasped and cooed with pleasure at his actions. "I don't... and I'd have it no other way." she purred as she rested her little paws on his chest and began rocking herself back and forth teasingly on his member. "I love you, my human prince." Amethyst cooed down at him, now beginning to ride him fully. Her muzzle opened and her tongue lolled from her mouth, her curvaceous body rising and falling up and down. Immediately her angle shifted so that the length of his cock rubbed against her G-spot each time she sank down onto him. "God.... oh I'm so close!" she cried out vehemently, beginning to bounce herself onto him rapidly and firmly. Her treasure began to spasm and contract lightly around Hyran's cock with the beginnings of climax.

Hyran kept a firm hold on her hips and thrust up into her each time she would come down, driving his manhood deep inside her. "M-Me too!" he gasped from beneath her, his shaft throbbing inside her and leaking a bit of precum against her inner walls, which only served to make her slide over him with more smoothness and ease. Their hips contacted with wonderful wet slapping noises, adding to the heady atmosphere in the tent and spurring both of them onward.

The golden dragonet screamed with raputre suddenly and ground her sex against his crotch, his pubic hair tickling her clit and sending her hurtling towards the edge. But it wasn't until she felt a warm spurt of his pre splash directly against her G-spot that her body began to convulse and arch atop his. "I'm CUMMING!" Her pussy clenched down on her mate's still thrusting cock and her sweet honey spilled out of her to cover his crotch and sensitive balls. Decadent bliss flowed over her, her head tossed back and her muzzle opened wide in a cry of ecstasy, her little body continuing to grind against him as she came.

Hyran could only give a few more plunges up into Amethyst's rippling pussy before her wonderfully wet and warm inner walls grasping his sensitive length so tightly pushed him over the edge as well, at it usually did. His yell of completion mixed with the dragoness's orgasmic screams, his hips pressing flush with hers and his back arched strongly as he came deep inside his love. His throbbing cock once again unleashed a torrent of his warm seed which coated Amethyst's insides. His climax drained his aching balls of almost every drop he had left and Hyran held her body close to his while their orgasms washed over them.

"Oooohhhhfuck." Amethyst cooed happily when she felt him release inside her. Her body shuddered half from her residual climactic tremors and half from the delicious warmth his seed instilled. She rocked back and forth softly to work his shaft in her pussy and stimulate them both throughout their peaks, falling across his chest and kissing him with contentment and love as Hyran's cum leaked from her tired treasure and covered the base of his member and his sapped testes.

"Wonderful..." he panted against her lips when he'd gained enough breath to speak. He continued to give small thrusts up into her as they kissed lightly, stirring his member within her sex. "I love you"

"I love you too..." Amethyst replied in an adamant tone despite being as tired as she was. "Just... give me a minute to rest..." she finished and rested her head beneath his chin, nuzzling him and rubbing her body against him gently, staving off the afterglow.

Hyran knew she wasn't satisfied yet, and he knew better than to argue with her when sex was concerned. He just stroked her back and savored the feeling of his manhood inside Amethyst's pussy, kissing her every now and then and murmuring sweet words of love while she cooed and ran her tongue along his cheek in a gesture of tender admiration.

"Hyran... I want to try something new." Amethyst whispered after several minutes of just lying with him.

"You do? What might that be, love?" Hyran queried with a somewhat befuddled expression. The two of them had been mated over a century... and he wracked his brain for something that they hadn't tried.

"Well... I want you to take me in my tailhole." his beloved dragoness said softly just as his mind settled on the only answer. The human looked up at her to see her beautiful face hued a reddish color with an embarassed blush.

"Are you sure, my beloved?" he asked, cupping her cheek and caressing her gently. He smiled as she crooned contentedly and nuzzled her face into his caring palm, and then she nodded.

"I'm sure..." she said with resolution, but not without a touch of shyness. She raised herself up so that her mate's almost flaccid length slipped out of her, accompanied by a generous flow of his cum. "Will you?"

"If that's really what you want, then of course I will." he answered with a smile and a soft lick of her nose.

Amethyst's eyes brightened and she nuzzled him gratefully. Then she slid down his front and once again positioned herself between his legs. "Thank you, my love. But if we're going to have more fun... we can't have you going all limp like this..."

(Life Without Sense by Destruction)

"Mmmm. Oh, I'm never limp for long when you're here." he replied but his speech was soon cut short, a deep moan coming into existence in its place as Amethyst began to lap gently at his member, licking him clean of his seed and her own fluids. He had already begun to harden, but when he felt her hot tongue caress so delightfully against his pulsing manhood, he couldn't help but stiffen even more under her heavenly attentions. The little dragoness took his cock into her mouth and happily suckled him clean before releasing him, dipping her head lower and licking all their mess off of his balls and inner thighs.

It wasn't long before he was once again at full strength. "That's better." his lifemate churred once he was throbbing with renewed arousal.

"Oh... so much better." Hyran whispered. "Do you still want me to take your tailhole?"

"I do." Amethyst said a bit more assuredly this time. She climbed off him and got on all fours facing away from him on their bed. Looking back over her shoulder at him with a needy gaze she raised her tail high over her back, exposing her dripping pussy as well as her virgin tailhole.

The human crawled up behind her and began to rub a single finger against her anus. If he was going to take here like this, he wanted to make sure she was ready for his full girth when he finally entered her. Amethyst crooned softly at the attention and lay her head down on a pillow, keeping her rump high in the air for him to do what he would to her.

"Okay love... just a finger at first." Hyran assured her, applying a bit of pressure to his arm and ever so gently pressing his middle finger into her tailhole up to the first, and then second knuckle.

"Nngh!" the dragoness groaned a bit at first but then hissed softly as she felt penetration in such a new place. Her inner muscles tightened down on his intrusion reflexively, but she fought back the urge and forced herself to relax and adjust to the new feeling.

"Alright so far?" he queried of her, a bit worried from the sound she had made.

"... I think so." Amethyst replied after a few moments. "Keep going." she purred softly as she wrapped her tail around his wrist and pulled him towards her slightly, his finger inside her starting to feel good.

Hyran was only too happy to ablige. Gently, but a bit more firmly than before he pushed his finger all the way into her. He smiled when he heard her moan with the beginnings of pleasure and saw her beautiful form shiver beneath him slightly. Carefully he added a second finger to her depths and managed to push both his digits all the way into her without much difficulty.

Amethyst was moaning softly as she felt her tailhole being stretched and filled for the first time. The sensations were already beginning to become very pleasurable, and she couldn't help but think how wonderful his cock would feel inside her if his fingers were this good. "H-Hyran." she whispered, shakily moving forward a few feet so that his fingers slid out of her. "I'm ready..." her sweet voice rang true and uninhibited while she once again lifted her tail high in her joyous gesture of submissivness and wanton desire.

Her mate took a few moments to admire and take in the sight before him, as he never tired of seeing her beautiful rump on perfect display for him. He got on his knees behind her and pressed the head of his cock against her puckered entrance. "You tell me the second it starts to hurt, okay?" Hyran said, grasping her rump in his hands and waiting for her affirmation before penetrating her.

"Do it." Amethyst almost moaned back to him, giving him her sweetest and most imploring eyes.

Hyran waited no longer and began to press his hips forward slightly, only enough so that with a little effort, the tip of his throbbing erection was encompassed by his love's warm tailhole. Even though he was only about an inch into her, he felt a small shudder of delight shoot through him. The delightful heat and tightness he felt around the head of his penis was unlike anything he'd experienced. It took a fair amount of restraint on his part to resist sinking the rest of his member into her. But the last thing he would ever do in this world was to hurt her... and he wanted to make sure she was ready before he continued.

(The Sinister Awakening by Dimmu Borgir)

"Oh Hyran.... d-deeper..." Amethyst moaned from beneath him as of sensing his reluctance. She pressed back against him adamantly and took him another inch into her. Her lifemate groaned with passion in response to her action, sweet warmth and delightful tightness visited on ever more of his sensitive shaft.

Hyran grasped her scaled cheeks all the more tightly to keep himself from just ramming his cock all the way into her. After taking a few deep breaths he once more started to ease his hips forward, not stopping this time. The little golden dragoness shivered and groaned along with him until, finally, his hips rested against her scaled rump as he hilted himself within her. "F-Fuck! I've never felt like this before." he moaned softly. His entire manhood was being squeezed and massaged by her tight passage and warmed so delightfully by the heat of her body.

"Me n-neither!" Amethyst almost yelled. She looked back at him and smiled sweetly, a high blush on her muzzle. "Go ahead. But be gentle.." the dragoness cooed, softly grinding her delectable rump back against him.

"Whatever you... desire." the human replied as he slowly eased his length back out of her and then gently pushed back in. His penetration was a bit easier than before because he had let her body adjust to his girth, but she was still incredibly tight. Hyran started a slow and steady rhythm of the same motion, careful and calculated... but not without its pleasures.

Amethyst was moaning so lovingly back to him. The amazing feeling of his length buried so deep in her and moving in such a decadent fashion against such a new area of stimulation had her completely unable to speak or move at this point, just able to keep her body in a position to receive more of this new kind of pleasure from her mate.

It wasn't long before the amazing feelings this new way of having sex instilled within him dissolved a bit of Hyran's self control. He began to rock his hips into Ametyst's scaled rear a bit faster as his pleasure began to skyrocket. He drove his manhood deep into his love's tailhole repeatedly and made sure to try different angles to try and find the most stimulating for the both of them. As Hyran gradually increased the force of his thrusts his balls began to slap against the little dragonet's sex, and after a few minutes of this he suddenly felt her tighten down on him as well as a rush of moisture flow over his sac as it bumped against her pussy each time he plunged forward. He opened his eyes, having closed them instinctively from the intense bliss he was feeling to see his love's back drawn into a wonderful arch as she came suddenly.

"OHH! HYRAAAAN!" Amethyst quite literally roared with euphoria. His cock stroking in and out of her rump created a new, yet not at all unpleasant rawness that contributed tremendously to her sexual pleasure. It didn't take more than a few minutes of his deep thrusts to push her over the edge. Bliss took her body hostage and her pussy spilled forth her climactic honey against Hyran's crotch and his balls as he continued to take her. While her orgasm wracked her beautiful form she felt a bit of warmth spread from where her love was thrusting into her. And the way his cock began to slide against her anal walls with more slickness and ease let her know that he had begun to ooze pre, making her smile and squeeze down on him a bit to entice him further.

"Oh... love... I-I can't hold back for... much longer!" he struggled to warn her while he still had the mind to. But he smiled when he felt his beloved dragoness clench herself around him and reached down with his hand to rub several of his fingers against the lips of her pussy.

"T-Then don't. Take me!" Amethyst growled cutely back at him, but the pure desire in her voice was thinly veiled at the best.

"As you wish!" he exclaimed with roiling passion. He leaned over her and held her close as he started to pound himself into her tight little tailhole with power and speed. Hyran relished the way her little body bowed and quivered with delight against his own even as his pleasure began to rise even more swiftly.

Amethyst looked back at him and took in the wonderful sight of his wonderful naked form covered with sweat, his face contorted with bliss and effort and his hips slapping against her rump as he fucked her hard and deep. The sight alone almost made her cum again. But it wasn't until she felt the rush of his not seed spill against her insides that she once more screamed with rapture and came for a second time.

The human kept pounding against her when he felt his climax start to creep up the base of his shaft. "I LOVE YOU!!" Hyran roared and pressed his cock as deep inside his love as he could and emptied his final load into his dragoness.

The two of them held each other close while their mutual climax buffet their entwined bodies once again; Amethyst relishing the hot pulses of his semen that flowed into her and Hyran feasting on the heavenly feeling of cumming in his lifemate's warm and tight tailhole for the first time. When their orgasms had released their grip on their bodies they both sagged to the sheets, covered in sweat and bodily fluids, yet incredibly satisfied and still more in love with each other than they had ever dreamed.

"Thank you." Amethyst panted and nuzzled him tiredly.

"My pleasure." Hyran replied in an equally tired voice and rolled over so both of them were lying on their sides, his arms still holding the beautiful draconian form of his lifemate close to his own and his tired manhood still buried in her tailhole. They held one another close and, upon a mutual agreement, began to drift off to sleep together.

But just as the human and his dragoness were dozing off, there was a rustle of the of the tent flap that went unnoticed by the two sapped lovers. A sly smile spread over a pair of lips on a red draconian muzzle... and its owner indeed knew that Hyran and Amethyst wouldn't be getting to sleep any time soon.