Legacy's Burden

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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IMPORTANT! I'm doing a fundraiser for my sister who lost her baby at birth. If you want to lend a paw and help this kitty out (and also get rewarded for your kindness) please visit this link.

Story Description: Legacy's Burden is a short, erotic tale in which an old dragon, plagued by loss and fear, finds a new purpose to his bleak life when his only friend, a young and charming dragoness, helps him shed his pent-up burdens inside of her.

In case you are a veteran reader of my stories, this is actually a rework of an old commission that ended on a rather abrupt and unfulfilling note. Since the original commissioner no longer had any interest in it, I changed the characters with OCs, rewrote certain lines and paragraphs and, most importantly, I extended the story with a very fitting ending that I really wanted to do before but couldn't because of commission-related constraints. Enjoy!

This old story rework initiative has been brought to you by Patreon, so if you wish to encourage me to rewrite, improve, and continue old and abandoned story commissions, consider becoming a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/cheetahs

Legacy's Burden

The arcane tower looked like it did three hundred years ago. Dilapidated, with half of the roof gone, the walls surrounding it thick with overgrowth. The storms had chipped at the circular formation bit by bit, the wards protecting them long extinguished by the passing of time.

Curious, how Aruvar couldn't remember how it looked when the dragons first conquered the fjords, along with the cliff in front of him upon which this arcane tower was erected. It must have been whole, an onyx formation encrusted with rune etched minerals that fueled the spells of the mages residing within. They had taken his first mate and clutch with their vile magic, so Aruvar had taken their lives and territory in return.

Three hundred years numbed the ache that settled into his stomach to a dull tingle. Once upon a time, his whole frame used to tremble at the sheer sight of that thrice cursed building, urging him to go around the tower and bask it in a sea of red flames. The magic crystals lying within the heart of the tower protected it from the hungry dragon flames, as Aruvar had expected, but not from the relentless storms.

So Aruvar stopped circling the tower, and instead, he watched it crumble away from atop a cliff overlooking the tower and the churning sea sprawling beyond it. His expression was blank, his gaze distant and unfocused while he listened to the waves crash upon the bare rock underneath him. The tumultuous waters always doused the fires of rage burning through him, instilling an eerie feeling of peace within the golden dragon, in spite of the towering structure that raised before him, taunting him with every breath he took.

The briny scent of the ocean filled his nostrils, the moisture coating his golden scales glistening like tiny gemstones under the pale moonlight. A chill permeated the winds, more intense with each passing night, heralding an early winter.

"You're always staring at that tower. One would think it's a memento from a glorious past rather than the thing it represents."

Aruvar's ears perked at the sound of her suave voice, and his tail coiled across his side as her swishing footsteps announced her approach.

"It reminds me who I am, and what I've become," Aruvar said without getting up or turning his neck around to greet Yelrieth. The green dragoness had visited him every night while passing through his territory, and grew accustomed to his aloof attitude, so why bother?

"It's nothing but a ruin, dull and lifeless. Why does it still have a hold over you?"

Yelrieth settled on her haunches besides him, her wings rustling from the night's breeze.

"Better a ruin than the thing it used to represent," Aruvar said, catching a glimpse of her inquisitive light blue eyes. He knew that look, and shook his head before she could say what he already knew.

"But it's been abandoned for over a--"

"No," Aruvar cut her off, curling his neck to the right to present her with his stern gaze. "I told you who used to inhabit that tower. Mages. The sort that had killed dragons like us with a word and a thought."

"Mages," Yelrieth drawled. "Oh, you mean the ones who died more than three centuries ago. Their lands are ours. We walk on their bones as if they never existed. The whole world moved on. Why can't you?"

"Their magic lingers in places like this. A curse upon the land, upon any dragon foolish enough to brave their domain." Aruvar switched his attention back to the tower, shifting his weight from side to side, his toes scratching at the layers of grass in irritation.

Yelrieth chuckled, shifted closer to Aruvar and licked him under his chin, making the gold dragon's muscles tense from that warm, tickling touch that slithered under his scales.

"There are no curses. No mages, no magic, and nobody who dares hunt us anymore. All this time spent in the presence of a barren ruin, and a dragoness who glimpsed it in passing knows more than you do."

She certainly believed she did. Aruvar couldn't fault her for it. Like any hatchling born after the War in the North, Yelrieth grew in a prosperous land with little to fear. Although most of the wards ran out, something still kept the tower from collapsing; an ancient force still lingered within those decrepit walls, reminding Aruvar of who used to reside within.

"Why are you here, Yelrieth?"

"Umpf, that question again." She snorted, then padded over to Aruvar, rubbing her side and limbs against him, her softer green scales rustling against his broader, rougher ones. "You only ask me that every time we meet, you stiff, grumpy lizard."

"It's my special form of greeting, one that you love enough to visit me daily instead of flying off to the depths of the Elrathian forest. Why can't you go and pester some birds? I hear they're very interested in dragons."

"Hmpf!" Yelrieth blew a puff of smoke in his face, settled on her belly next to him, then ran her tongue along his neck to make a point Aruvar knew far too well.

"I prefer the physical sort of greeting. Words don't warm me during a cold night."

Aruvar draped a wing over her frame, engulfing her smaller, nimbler body under a sandy, living blanket.

"Does a wing suffice?"

"Rrrr, not quite," she trilled, her snout prodding at one of his front paws so persistently Aruvar shuddered and tucked it away. "Add a lick or two, and you have a purring dragoness."

Her request made Aruvar's tail tip swish from side to side. Yelrieth wouldn't stop after a lick or two. She would want more, and more, until...

He decided to distract her for the time being, inching a forepaw closer to hers at a slow, tantalizing pace. Yelrieth noticed it, grabbed his bigger paw with surprising ease and flaunted one of her encouraging smirks.

"If you want something, claim it. Better ask forgiveness than permission, although I'm still debating whether to forgive you for making me feel unwanted or not."

Her high energy levels stirred Aruvar's blood, making him feel warmer from heat welling within him. He used to be like that, a dragon who had not lacked the courage to lick a dear like her over the snout, rest his chin on top of her neck, or nibble playfully on her nicely curved ivory horns. The passing decades chipped at him, however, leaving him in a similar state with the tower he always stared at: a ruin that didn't belong in this time and age.

"I'm not sorry for making you blush. At least it's an improvement over your morose self."

"My morose self doesn't seem to think that."

"Oh?" Yelrieth arched her neck to nuzzle and lick the sensitive membrane of the wing sprawled across her. "When we first met, you were cold and rigid like your precious mage tower. Now we're both comfortable in each other's embrace, and your scales are so delightfully warm I can't help but lick them."

Yelrieth always kept her word. Brash and overeager, her snout advanced upon Aruvar's triangular head, running across his angular chin, rubbing his scales with the soft ones covering her nostrils, then brushing her pink tongue his lips.

Aruvar drew back after a single stroke, his heart pumping too hard, his muscles suddenly tight.

"I thought we are just keeping each other warm."

"Of course we are. I'm just helping speed things up."

The forepaw that gripped his tightened its grip while the other rested on top of his horns, her toes curling around the bony formation while her tongue switched over to his snout. Aruvar held his breath at first, his instincts erect, every scale upon his body tingling from the warm affection Yelrieth drenched him with. Her melodious purr flared to life, so rich and beautiful, its rumbling touch tugging at Aruvar's heart.

Lick her in return? Show her that he wasn't the withered husk everybody believed he became?

He certainly tried, but his jaws refused to part, and instead of a pleasant hum, he released an uncertain growl, which only served to stoke Yelrieth's mirth.

The dragoness stopped her gentle ministrations with a giggle, fondling one of the dragon's sizable claws between dexterous toes while her warm eyes bore into his golden ones.

"For such an old dragon who is no stranger to a dragoness' caress, you certainly sound like a panicked hatchling who is about to mate for the first time." Her crest shuddered with pent-up excitement as that one word left her tongue. Her head tilted to the side a little, her features brightening all of a sudden.

"Oh. Maybe that's what you need. To mate. Only the gods know how long it has been since you last released your unexpressed frustrations into a paw, mouth, or a female's slick sanctuary."

Aruvar's heart lodged within his throat. His wing retreated from Yelrieth's frame, fleeing to his side as warm snakes slithered down his spine. To mate? With her?

Yelrieth must have found his puzzled expression adorable, for she rolled onto her side, her head rested on top of Aruvar's forepaws, snout close enough to his own to plant a few licks between his nostrils.

Aruvar retreated, his growl thin, laced with panic. He never considered mating Yelrieth. She was such a lean beauty, with soft features emphasized by her slender crest, fins and delicate pair of horns that curved across the back of her skull slightly. Her belly scutes brought out her gorgeous eyes, and Aruvar never dared peak under her tail, for fear of triggering those suppressed instincts he buried at the back of his mind.

No--he couldn't mate her. He wanted to protect her, love her, treasure her. He was too old, a relic of the past, unable to provide her with what she sought.

"That look again, grarrrr," Yelrieth growled, her jaws latching upon his neck, applying slight pressure that made Aruvar yelp. "Don't deny me this, Aruvar," she half said, half hissed before releasing him to balm the ache with soothing tongue strokes. "Don't dare turn me down."

She was so cute when she wanted something, even more so when she switched upon her side to grip his neck with her forepaws while one of her hinds disappeared under his belly. Aruvar's muscles tensed, her touch urging him to lean onto his side, one hind paw aloft, her caress too delightful to his hard but sensitive belly scutes.

"Yelrieth, I don't know what you see in me, but I'm not what you seek. Something broke within me, a piece that has long drowned into the sea of time."

"Let's see if we can find it."

Her hind paw connected with his aloft one, her slender toes slipping between his, embracing it in a fierce grip. The other one continued to slither across his stomach, between his haunches, eliciting soft growls and shudders from Aruvar, whose head swayed with visible nerves.

"This is foolish. You'll find nothing but disappointment down there."

Yelrieth didn't reply. Her hind tightened around him while the white claws of her forepaws bit into the hard scales of his neck, dragging him close enough to press her nostrils against his in a short but lovely kiss before she sealed the deal with a slow, tantalizing lick.

Aruvar practically simmered by now. Following Yelrieth's cue meant reverting back to the dragon he used to be, a dragon that had been gone for the past centuries. A ghost that should not have been resurrected. He should have remained a warrior. Killing was what he did best, and those damned mages could attest to that, if one of them somehow managed to escape the massacre.

"I--I can't Yelrieth, I'm hrrrrrrrrrrrr," he growled as her hind paw discovered his slit.

"You're what, Aruvar? Please tell me."

How could he speak, when his rich hum permeated the air around them? Her toes slid across his slit with expert grace, the perfect combination of smooth scales and tantalizing claw tips brushing over an area turned overly sensitive by the passing of time. It was no wonder that the flowing caress of her toes triggered a visible spasm that traveled through Aruvar's underbelly, urging his member to poke out and greet her expecting digits. She cupped his tapered tip right away, his hardening meat already coated with the sharp scented moisture ever present within the depths of his flesh.

Aruvar's wings trembled in their sockets, his lips pulling back into a faint snarl at the smooth, kneading motion around his shaft that urged him to grow bigger and stiffer.

"I'm--I am....grarrrrrrr!"

"You are hard. That's what you are. And more eager than I ever anticipated. I can just keep my toes still while your throbs do the rest. How is that for a deal, mrrrr?"

With his malehood filling Yelrieth's paw with every curt throb, something snapped within Aruvar. A sudden urge claimed his senses, forcing his snout to rub against Yelrieth's, his tongue to slide over her neck, up to her crest, and between her horns, a deep, affectionate growl rippling through his throat.

That took the dragoness by surprise, her purr growing to a higher pitch as she clenched harder around Aruvar's hind and shaft.

"Now be honest," she said, guiding his tip between her toes, stroking him once, then curling them inwards to massage the rest of his shaft. "How long has it been since your last release?"

"A...very long while," Aruvar muttered, his voice shaking in unison with the throbs wracking his malehood.

"I can tell," Yelrieth said, a lewd smile spreading across her face. "You're the first male whose ridges flared seconds after I grabbed you in my hind."

She teased the shallow ridges lined along his base, running the tips of her toes along their length, kissing them briefly with the tips of her claws before wrapping her paw around his shaft in a tight enough grasp to draw a muffled growl from the male.

"I'm your friend now, Aruvar. It's my responsibility to look after your needs, and a bit of affection and physical contact is exactly what you need after being on your own for so long."

Hard to disagree with that. Aruvar had to disentangle from her hind and shift onto his fours, his jaws tight against one another as his hips bucked out of their own accord, driving his member through Yelrieth's lean toes. Every trace of logic vanished from his mind, drowned by the jolts of electrifying pleasure spiking through him whenever he pushed his girth forward.

It had been so long. Too long since his legs trembled and swayed. Too long since his blood warmed from the fire welling within them. Too long since his member pulsated with such vigor inside the tight confines of a paw. Yelrieth's grip felt surprisingly good to him, her smaller, softer scales much more pleasurable to his receptive shaft than his own.

The dragoness trilled with excitement, her tail coiling around Aruvar's while her other hind paw curled around his thigh, claw tips pushing against the layers of durable golden scales. Her toes clenched around Aruvar every time he grinded against her paw or speared through a pair of toes glued tight to one another, his tapered tip serving its purpose more than well.

She liked this. Almost as much as he did. It made his heart soar, to notice her snarl of bliss at mating her paw, to listen to her pleasant trill. Yelrieth now sprawled upon her back, her trembling slit all too visible to Aruvar, already moist and puffed up with genuine excitement. It oozed the thick, earthy scent of arousal, so intoxicating to a dragon who hadn't felt its touch in so long.

Aruvar lifted his head, holding his breath to block it, least his passion spilled forth. His eyes half lidded with the effort to fight back the demanding surges of pleasure rippling through the ridged base of his shaft, his tail stood on end, and he began to push harder and faster against her paw, his desire to breed surfacing at last.

In an attempt to distract himself from the all too consuming pressure that threatened to overtake him, Aruvar's eyes shifted to Yelrieth's paw upon his thigh, then to her drooping jaw. The dragoness panted and hissed with obvious lust from his wild strokes, her pink tongue darting across her flared nostrils that picked up the scent of their combined arousal.

"Yes, that's it. Remember, Aruvar. Remember how good it feels to mate." Her voice was barely a whisper, thin, ephemeral. It quickly dispersed into Aruvar's rougher purr, the male entirely focused on the abrupt swings of his hips as he sought to work himself up to completion.

"You're getting closer now. I can feel it, graaarrrrrrr!"

She emphasized that by gripping his shaft tighter, eliciting a muffled roar from Aruvar. His thrusts became erratic as Aruvar's forepaws fell on either side of Yelrieth, his wings unfurled to shield her from the light drizzle that began to fall.

It felt so good. Every fiber within Aruvar's frame quaked from the deeper, slower, more fulfilling strokes his hips acquired, intent on prolonging the bliss. His mind clouded by the instinct to breed, Aruvar pushed harder and deeper between Yelrieth's toes, forcing his ridges through her wiggling digits, growling every time he did.

"Yelrieth, I don't...don't know how long--"

"Grrr, don't speak," Yelrieth urged, switching her free hind paw over to his snout, toes latching around it from all sides.

Trapped in his blissful state, Aruvar's first instinct was to poke out his tongue and slide it across the middle of her paw. Yelrieth shuddered at that, her grip lessening with each subsequent stroke, until she retracted her paw a few inches away to allow Aruvar complete access over it.

Aruvar closed his eyes, surrendering to the immense pleasure coursing through him. It was all brought by Yelrieth's wonderfully dexterous toes, and the vast amounts of pre he spurted into her paw made that tight sanctuary the perfect place to thrust into. Yelrieth helped as well, shifting her toes around him, kneading at his girth, sometimes thrusting her paw against his member in between Aruvar's own strokes.

That drove the male wild with lust, enough for his hindquarters to lower a tad as that demanding fire smoldering within his underbelly threatened to spill forth. Aruvar contained it a moment longer while his tongue traveled across each of Yelrieth's digits that tempted him with playful wiggling motions, caressing them in the most intimate of ways before curling his tongue around a pair that he dragged into his maw. The brief suckling upon those delightful digits sent visible ripples through Yelrieth's limbs and belly, her sharp growl twining with Aruvar's rougher one.

"You deserve this. Deserve this moment of relief."

Her alluring words, coupled with the increasingly tighter and faster massage around his shaft, broke through Aruvar's conviction. The gold dragon buried his snout deep into Yelrieth's paw, relishing her warm grip and the way it muffled his sporadic roar.

After one last thrust through her toes, Yelrieth shifted her attention to his ridged base, weaving her toes around them, holding him so tight Aruvar had no choice but to unleash his fiery essence upon her green scales.

His lips nibbled at one of Yelrieth's toes as his tapered tip spurted ropes of ivory essence upon Yelrieth's haunches and belly scutes, some of them landing upon her dainty slit, making Yelrieth shudder and trill her delight. Midway through Aruvar's orgasm, her hind paw shifted over to his tip, cupping it within the confines of her paw to feel his rhythmical throbs, along with the might of those rich, ivory lances that splattered upon the surface of her paw and clenched toes.

Aruvar's focus dwindled for a moment, colored dots speckling his whirling vision. The surges of pleasure slithering through his pulsating meat overpowered his senses, smothered them, left him vulnerable to the waves of constant bliss assaulting his frame. His wings still tensed in their joints, his tail jerking to the side every time he loosened a delayed spurt into Yelrieth's shuddering paw. Her digits wiggled around him, milking his tapered tip, stroking it a few times to strengthen Aruvar's faltering growls.

"Keep going," she cooed. "I want you utterly spent."

As he tapered off within the protective grip of her paw, Aruvar's breath returned to him, hard and ragged. He gave Yelrieth's slack paw a few more licks, then thrust into her seed drenched hind a couple more times, spreading his creamy essence evenly across her green scales.

"I'm--I'm done," he said, blinking his eyes to clear the sudden drowsiness that fell upon him.

"I can tell. You had so much inside you," Yelrieth crooned, her dreamy gaze making Aruvar feel suddenly self-conscious. He tarnished her beautiful body with his essence, the musky stripes dashing along her belly and wings oozing a sharp fragrance that brought a snarl upon Yelrieth's face.

"And your seed has quite the exquisite scent. You know what they say about things that get better with age, right?" She reached out with a forepaw towards her messy hind, scooping a line of seed with a stretched claw, then brought it back to her snout, her nostrils widening as she sniffed it before her tongue wiped her claw clean of Aruvar's seed.

Aruvar's heart skipped a beat when she did that. His mate had never favored the taste of seed, whereas Yelrieth trilled from its exotic touch, her tongue dashing across her snout in quite the lewd fashion.

"Very savory. You've been feasting on the best this land has to offer. Like boars, doe...stags so young they can even pass as females."

He dipped his head in approval before his eyes darted left and right, uncertain of how to proceed from now on. Yelrieth's seed-stained paw made the choice for him as she waved it back and forth, stretching and tucking her toes expectantly.

"It's your doing, Aruvar, and you know how I love a thorough grooming session."

Aruvar reached for her messy hind and licked it clean, each tongue stroke making Yelrieth's breath shudder and hitch in her throat occasionally. Her toes flexed under the caress of his tongue, fanning out to allow him complete access over her hind. The poor thing was so worked up from her paw ministrations that her whole frame stiffened, and her wings splayed across the ground to expose their lighter shade.

Watching a dragoness expose the pale color of her belly for him sent warm tingles through Aruvar's limbs. Most males in his position would have had eyes for her slit only, coated with layers of both seed and female arousal, the puffy lips standing out amidst her belly scutes. Aruvar, however, found his gaze drifting towards her eyes, so warm and full of unbridled passion.

After he licked a shivering toe one more time, he padded over to her, nuzzling her crest and neck, humming at her lightly as he nudged her chin.

"Yelrieth, I'm very--"

Her forepaw covered his snout in an instant.

"I seduced you, haven't I? Whatever you have to say can wait. Let's not break the immersion of this moment."

Aruvar teased her with a dash of his tongue across her snout. When the dragoness leaned her head back and purred suggestively, he continued along her neck, lathering her green scales with a layer of saliva that made them glisten under the moon's suave caress.

"Mrrr, you're so skilled with your tongue," Yelrieth purred, her eyes closed while she basked in his pleasant treatment. "I feel sorry for all of the dragonesses that tried to grab your attention and failed."

"There have been no dragonesses," Aruvar confessed, switching over to a forepaw, climbing his way slowly to her fanned digits. "Only me and this tower."

"Mmm, now it is me, you, and the tower. Careful how attentive you are with us two. One is bound to get upset if the other tugs at your attention much too often."

Aruvar' blood burned with emotions, like it always did when Yelrieth made a move on him. He churned with the urge to ask her why. Why him? A dragoness like her could have had any male she wanted at the tip of her claws, and yet, she chose him.

Rather than dwelling on that matter, Aruvar's snout continued its meandering path along her body, his tongue leaving no patch of scales untouched. For an already moist and horny female, that proved almost too much, her toes curling inwards every time a shudder heralded her want for relief.

"Make sure to clean every trace of your mess. I'm way too relaxed to do it myself."

Way too aroused, she meant. A foreign touch always felt better than your own, and Yelrieth knew exactly how to get under Aruvar's scales.

Once he reached her hindquarters, Aruvar pinned her tail down with his own, sat on his haunches to free his forepaws, and grasped her left hind paw with a fore, allowing his digits to slide between her toes so that their paws locked together. Then, he slowly dragged it to the side while he ran his tongue down her inner thigh, licking away traces of dust and globs of seed on his way towards her exposed slit.

Yelrieth's frame tensed, her tail tip twitching with impatience, her wriggling toes mirroring it. With his senses still dull from his orgasm, Aruvar felt unusually brave, enough to blow a puff of warm air upon her slit before switching to the other thigh. His free forepaw caressed her taut muscle, groping it with soft, tantalizing embraces, the pressure of claws exerted upon her hide eliciting weak growls from Yelrieth.

Aruvar's own hum returned to his throat, pleased with her reactions, until her snort of irritation urged him to disentangle his snout from between her toes and face her.

"When I made my request, I hardly expected you to be so methodical." Her hind paw clamped down upon his fore, squeezing him hard enough to get her point across.

"That is one side of me you will have to get used to," Aruvar added, offering her a meek smile as he teased her wiggling toes with a nuzzle. A few licks over them got Yelrieth purring. The nibble that followed drew a surprised gasp from her, the dragoness hardly expecting Aruvar's teeth to caress those tiny and rather soft scales. She pulled her paw back, but Aruvar's snout followed suit, licking away her apparent discomfort.

"Grah, that tickled," she said, but her fleeting gaze that ran to her slit suggested just how much Aruvar's little trick excited her. He played along, letting her toes guide his tongue along them, between them, her paw turning and grasping at his snout in the most surprising of ways.

"There. Have I made amends?" Aruvar asked.

Yelrieth's hind paw latched around his left horn, guiding him towards her slit. "Hardly. For a dragon who aims to lick my belly clean, you sure left quite a few spots in the middle."

Aruvar did that on purpose, and the way his seed landed upon her slit made that all the more fulfilling. Rather than starting with the obvious, his tongue flowed across her belly, wiping away those ivory stripes, and moving inwards once her scales regained their green luster.

When he reached her sex, Aruvar slowed down with his licks, circling her slit with his snout, and only poking his tongue out to brush away the droplets of seed marring her belly scutes. Although the plate-like formations were meant to block every blade in existence and lacked sensitiveness, the mere thought of that tongue advancing upon her exposed lips made Yelrieth's breath grow labored and her crest flatten along her spine in anticipation.

Her reaction fueled Aruvar's conviction to give Yelrieth a memorable experience. Ever since they met, she nurtured that dying spark within him, stoking it, flaring it bit by bit, until its warmth seeped into Aruvar's mind, melting away that crippling doubt which kept him from pursuing happiness.

Because of that, he rounded her slit with short, careful tongue strokes, slurping away the arousal that leaked from her puffy vent in tiny rivulets. Thin yet slimy, it bore a smooth, earthy fragrance, its taste stirring Aruvar's blood, making him crave for more of that delicious female nectar.

"You're snarling. How cute!" Yelrieth's mirthful voice felt weak, slightly diluted against the torrent raging within Aruvar's mind. Primal lust filled his senses, made stronger by the passing of time. Even after releasing his burdening seed moments ago, a female's arousal still drove Aruvar crazy with lust.

Foreplay all but forgotten to him, Aruvar sought to clench his thirst by dipping his snout into Yelrieth's heated folds, taking a deep whiff laden with her scent, then slurping the nectar off her shuddering lips, releasing a feral growl as he pulled back, staring at Yelrieth while her juices dribbled down his soggy chin.

"I've seen males give in to their feral side after a single slurp, but none was as voracious for my sex as you are. Rraaarrr, tuck in," Yelrieth growled back at him, swatting his inner thigh with her tail, her hinds clenching around his forepaw and horn. "Show me how an old, cranky, and more than horny dragon treats the first female that exposed her belly to him in more than a century."

His female. That struck a chord with Aruvar, who towered above her splayed body, her slit at the mercy of his snout. Although he tried taking deep breaths to suppress that wild side of him and calm down his racing heart, the aftertaste of her juices lingered upon his tongue, fettering his senses, urging his snout lower, lower, right upon those dainty lips.

Aruvar kissed them briefly, unable to contain his urge to nibble upon them with his scaly lips. Yelrieth loosened a trill from this unexpected turn of events, the pressure exerted upon her already swollen folds so blissful the dragoness' toes stretched briefly, only to clamp down upon his forepaw.

"Keep going. Don't hold back," she said breathlessly, shudders rippling through her haunches and slit.

Aruvar gave her no moment of respite, lapping away at her folds with broad, sweeping strokes of his tongue. He didn't pierce her yet, intent on slurping every single droplet of arousal off her belly scutes and lips before resting his snout upon her vent, inhaling her exquisite aroma, then exhaling warm puffs of air upon her lips, making Yelrieth giddy with excitement.

She licked her snout in anticipation, swiping away some of the nervousness welled within her. She had probably thought of this moment multiple times, playing it over in her head, wondering how Aruvar's tongue or member would feel inside her.

Now, she had the chance to find out.

After taking a deep breath, Aruvar parted her heated, trembling folds with his long tongue. Thinner at the tip, and thicker and barbed towards the middle, his flexible appendage put an end to Yelrieth's purr, replacing it with a thinning growl that grew in intensity the deeper he sank into her nether depths. Her muscles contracted around him, pulling him in with those rhythmical throbs, Yelrieth's shuddering moans, swaying hips and clenching toes only serving to emphasize her need.

More of Aruvar's tongue followed, his barbed half disappearing into the moist, fleshy vent. The soft protrusions caressed Yelrieth's lips in all the right ways, shattering her moan into a deepening growl.

It was too much. Too deep. Too fast.

Aruvar swirled his tongue inside her, collecting as much of her earthy juices off those smooth, muscular walls as possible before retreating to swallow and rub her lips with the soft scales of his nostrils to keep her on the edge.

"Graaarrr, I almost--almost came," Yelrieth stuttered through the panting breaths she took. "I didn't know you had a barbed tongue!"

"Now you do," Aruvar replied, an elegant smirk etched upon his face as his forepaw grasped her hind in a tight embrace. The firm touch of paw upon paw added to Yelrieth's pleasure, her toes stretching and curling inwards constantly, emphasizing her impatience at getting off from Aruvar's tongue.

He pressed his snout tighter against her slit, squeezing those swollen lips, the texture of his scales flaring Yelrieth's pleasure. Her tail wrapped around one of his hind legs, squeezing at him persistently, just like the muscles of her vent did.

His barbs followed shortly after, brushing against her slit, then slipping into her trembling passage, all too eager to receive something tight, muscular and flexible within its sensitive confines. Aruvar kept his tongue rigid while stretching her, getting Yelrieth accustomed to his girth, allowing her to mold around him before twisting his tongue tip this way and that to further spread her apart.

Rather than pulling out of her, Aruvar remained inside, advancing upon her cervix bit by bit. The deeper his tongue slithered, the tighter Yelrieth became, and the louder her growls, hisses and moans grew. The spasms rushing through her insides picked up in intensity as well, drenching Aruvar with fresh waves of arousal. With extra lubrication to ease his passage, he had no trouble pushing most of his tongue inside Yelrieth, teasing that tight ring of flesh with the swirling tip of his tongue over and over again, her moaning growls music to his ears.

Pushed so close to her orgasm, Yelrieth sought to augment her bliss by thrusting her hips against Aruvar's snout, his nostrils almost disappearing into her delicate depths during a harder and more satisfying shove of her hips. Aruvar shifted his snout to the side just in time to avoid hurting Yelrieth, his tongue twisting and turning inside, allowing his barbs to stimulate her past the point of no return while his tongue tip relentlessly rammed at her tight cervix, one of the most sensitive regions that a long, serpentine tongue like his could tease.

Yelrieth's response was immediate. Her hips shoved hard against his snout, her slit slamming upon his sensitive nostrils, making Aruvar snort and push his tongue deeper inside Yelrieth. That triggered the unrelenting clenches of her tightening depths, the flowing motion meant to suckle the seed out of a male's member. And she had such a strong grip! Almost as hard as the pressure her toes exerted upon his forepaw when they curled inwards from the too demanding pleasure flooding Yelrieth's body.

After she fluttered her wings a few times and rolled from side to side, Yelrieth's frame fell limp, her eyes scrunched tight as her roar burst out of the depths of her chest. Shudders marred its rich tone, and it quickly faltered into whimpering moans as strength fled from Yelrieth's frame in the form of thin rivulets of savory female cum.

Her shuddering insides splashed them against Aruvar's snout with unrelenting spurts, each richer than the last. He flinched as they splattered all over his face, some of it sneaking its way into his nostrils, filling them with one of the most pleasant scents Aruvar ever inhaled.

Once her tremors died down and her walls loosened enough around Aruvar to retreat his tongue, the golden dragon began slurping her excess juices, lapping at her folds with an eagerness that surprised even himself. He felt like a hatchling who pleasured his first female, so addicted to her nectar that he had to drink in every drop.

"Weeeell," Yelrieth drawled as she exhaled her pent-up sigh. "Your tongue rivals the mating abilities of other males for sure. Maybe I should rely more on it and less on what sprouts from between your haunches," she growled playfully, bumping Aruvar's slick snout with the tip of a hind toe.

Aruvar gave it a brief lick, then retreated a few steps from Yelrieth's slit, staggering onto his fours from the intoxicating haze of bliss that weighed upon his mind. Mate her. That was what he wanted the most. To mate the female whose scent and taste filled his mouth and nostrils. His member poked from his slit as well, encouraged by the lewd thoughts swirling through Aruvar's lust addled mind.

Before it had the chance to grow, Aruvar settled onto his belly, his jaws clenched to suppress a growl of discomfort at smothering his untimely erection.

"Oh, come on! I wasn't serious!" Yelrieth strode over to him, flopping onto her back to knead at his shoulders with her forepaws. "Unless you think more of your tongue and less of your member."

Her giggle made Aruvar feel more conflicted than ever. Here he was, entertaining a dragoness who had one of her most fulfilling orgasms. Because of that, her expectations of him grew, leaving him in a perpetual state of self-doubt that battled with the eagerness to be the friend Yelrieth wanted him to be and mate her whenever she wanted to mate.

She would be my first, Aruvar realized. The first after my mate. She was the first one I ever took, and the last...until this day.

Almost three hundred years later, and he still found it difficult to go ahead with something more than paw and tongue frolicking.

Noticing his pensive mood, Yelrieth shifted onto her belly, placing her forepaws on top of Aruvar's while she rubbed her cheek against his chest, her soft purrs dispersing through his scales.

"You think too much and barely mate. What are you, an arcane theoretician?"

In another life, Aruvar would have laughed. This time, he only licked the webbing of Yelrieth's crest spines, the underside of her fins and the responsive areas around her horns, urging her to lower her head upon his forepaws and enjoy the grooming.

Yelrieth did just that, unable to resist the affectionate strokes of a tongue after such a draining orgasm. "We're friends, Aruvar. That means we look after each other."

Her words warmed Aruvar, and the reassuring weight of a dragoness resting in his embrace reminded him, for just a moment, about how it felt to have a companion by his side.

He couldn't sleep that night. The heat of her dainty emerald hide that pressed against his rougher scales was too intense, and his desire for her still smoldered between his legs, keeping him unnecessarily hard. He laid on his side to allow Yelrieth's petite head to rest onto his chest, one forepaw placed upon her neck while the other gently scratched between her horns. His ministrations elicited a low, pleasant hum from the slumbering dragoness, her haunches gently grinding against one another.

She was wet. That much, Aruvar could tell, for her intoxicating scent twirled around him, an impenetrable veil that barred his way into the blissful ignorance of the dream world. She didn't know, the cute and adorable thing; she didn't suspect that her presence caused him more turmoil than discomfort. In her innocence, Yelrieth trapped an old dragon like him between a rock and a hard place, with emphasis on hard, for the tightness of his member grew close to unbearable.

Unable to last even a minute more within the confines of her scales, paws and wings, Aruvar gently pushed her head off his chest. Yelrieth complained with a plaintive whine, her forepaws latching onto his forelegs, dragging him closer to her.

Aruvar bit back a growl of surprise at how clingy this dragoness was. Asleep, and she still sought to clutch onto him as if he was a prized possession. He smiled faintly at that, disentangled himself from the pile of paws and began his maladroit shuffle towards the forest, his hind legs spread far to the sides to keep his bobbing erection from slapping against his inner haunches.

"Where are you going?" came the sharp sting of Yelrieth's voice.

"To...relieve myself," Aruvar said the first thing that graced his thoughts. Not a lie. Not entirely. He did mean to relieve himself by means of paws or maw or tongue.

"I may not be a male, but making your water while your ridges are flared to refuse is either impossible, uncomfortable, or both."

"I'll wait it out then. I only need a minute or two to calm myself down."

"As you wish. You can have it your stubborn way, or we can do it my way."

The rustle of scales brushing against the bedding of grass drew Aruvar' attention. He turned his neck around to witness Yelrieth rolling on the ground, her lithe limbs kicking at the air, wings stretching and folding upon the grass, maw half-parted to allow soft huffs of desire out of her mouth. Her sparkling eyes fixated upon him, regarding him with utmost fondness.

"I offer a different sort of relief, one that, by the looks of your member, are in dire need of." She flopped onto her side and reached with a forepaw between her legs to run her toes along the patch of wet, glistening scales surrounding her appetizing sex.

"It doesn't pose the peril of fangs, like your maw does. It's soft, unlike your paw, and the slickness will help you slide right in."

Aruvar' frame trembled from the jolt of fiery lust that dispersed through his body. His cock lurched with unspent longing, and his claws dug deeper into the ground as his resolve underwent its final test. To be with a dragoness, after all this time...It was...it was wrong, so wrong of him. If his seed took hold, if her belly grew with his whelps, Aruvar would never forgive himself.

And yet, he found himself unable to resist the allure of her eyes. Her paws beckoned him closer. Her wings fluttered in the most suave and pleasant of ways. Her mellow mewls wove silken fetters around his neck, the invisible strands pulling him closer and closer to his inevitable choice.

Why? Why did it come so difficult for him to refuse her advances?

"You can't remain alone forever," Yelrieth's voice mirrored his thoughts. "You may be afraid of what our union may give birth to, but you are also terrified of drifting away wherever the winds carry you without leaving your mark upon the world. Without leaving behind...your legacy."

His legacy. Yes. Aruvar had desired that with all his heart once upon a time, when he had a lovely mate to warm his cave and her silken depths to cradle his member. He buried that yearn deep under layers of grief that soon withered away into stinging regret. Remorse at being unable to defend his mate. Debilitating guilt that never ceased to remind him who he was and what he has become.

A relic of the past. A torn memory. A broken creature with no purpose.

No more. Yelrieth offered him the stimulating promise at a new life, and the sweet aroma of fertility enkindled that long-lost promise he had made to himself, that of leaving a legacy behind, one that he could be proud of.

His mind clouded by equal amounts of lust and euphoria at being so desired by such a striking dragoness, Aruvar rushed to her side to straddle her, his haunches pushing her hind legs far to the sides so that he could ram his throbbing erection right into her sopping pussy.

Her thin roar was music to his ears. Such a sudden, strident, and beautiful sound. Eager to hear more of it, Aruvar pushed himself deeper inside her, his ridges plopping into her overly stretched sanctuary squelch by faint squelch.

Yelrieth's cry climbed to such high-pitch her voice faltered for a second. She locked her thighs tight against his while her trembling claws scratched at his shoulders. Her maw sought his neck, fangs tightening and loosening around his natural layer of armor in unison with her ragged breath.

"I'm...I've never...I...Eeeeeeeeeeeep," Yelrieth finally broke down. She was a young, lithe, dainty creature, one who has never taken the generous girth of an older dragon. Aruvar comforted her with licks on her neck throughout her orgasm, his lips scrunching into a trembling snarl as her scalding spurts impacted with his member, the pressure so blissful it almost pushed him to his climax.

Afraid that the pressure exerted by her shuddering walls might carry him past his peak, Aruvar began pumping his blood-engorged meat in and out of her shivering canal, the copious amounts of translucent female cum providing excellent lubrication. Although his size stretched Yelrieth to her limits--his circular ridges even more so--her wetness made his size less daunting and infinitely more pleasurable for her.

Yelrieth's jaws remained firmly locked around his throat, the dragoness biting down on him every time his ridges slid past her delicate folds. Once her depths swallowed his meat whole, frail yips would break past her throat with each nudge of Aruvar's tapered tip against the tight ring of flesh that made up her cervix.

His mate used to make those sounds too. Unlike her, Yelrieth's tone was softer, more innocent, and infinitely more arousing. For a male like Aruvar, who hadn't bred a female in more than a century, the sounds of unfettered pleasure leaving her mouth were too much to bear. His limbs began to tremble. His great wings fanned to the sides, flapping with jerking motions as he felt his control slip. Two, three, four, five fitful thrusts later, he arched his back to pump his meat deep into his female and swung his head backwards, towards the sky, to roar his bellowing accomplishment for all the forest to hear.

His seed erupted out of him in a fiery torrent guided by the sporadic throbs of his member. The ridges encompassing the base of his shaft tightened to refuse, stretching Yelrieth's tunnel to create more room for his perpetual waves of thick, heated essence. Every muscle in Aruvar's body constricted with the effort it took to fill her with that most precious sliver of his being, one that he now willingly shared with her.

Once the spasms wracking his cock subsided, Aruvar pulled himself out of Yelrieth and flopped onto his side, tongue lolling past his fangs, ragged huffs of exhaustion coloring the night in the form of steamy, ephemeral, miniature clouds. Yelrieth remained on her back, eyes closed, her nostrils flared to suck in deep breaths. As soon as she shifted to the left to look upon him, Aruvar's cum flowed past her dainty lips, pooling onto the grass, forming a small, ivory puddle kissed by the moon's cold rays.

For a moment, he simply stared at her shuddering lips, at the way her folds clenched and relaxed. She bore his mark now. The gooey strands of seed that webbed across her belly and onto the grass made it painfully obvious that he filled her to the brim with his essence. For better or worse, Yelrieth was now his.

** ***THE END*****

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