Rubies & Emeralds: Part 4: We are One

Story by Kandi_Specopsfox on SoFurry

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Part 1: Raising Ru...

Part 1: Raising Ruby

Part 2: My Favorite

Part 3: A Binding Love

Part 5: Sapphire

I awoke the next morning as usual. Ruby's body curled up against mine, and she was still asleep. The only thing wrong was a terrible scent. As I stood up, I felt it. The cum from yesterday had dried on our fur because we were so embarrassed we had forgotten to wash after we had mated. The water in the room had only enough left for one of us. I figured science it was still early, the others might not be up yet, so I would go down and wash myself off. On the way out I grabbed the bucket we had found in the forest. If anybody were up, I would simply say I was getting some water. I was right, nobody else was up and everything was going smoothly. As I entered the cave and was about to go back into the room, I was interrupted my Margo who was standing in front of my room.

"Have fun yesterday?" he said with a grin

"What are you talking about?" I said, completely forgetting how everybody had heard us.

"I don't know, I think it had something to do with you and Ruby getting real close." he smirked sarcastically.

"Oh, that" I said in a low voice as I flattened my ears and turned my head away a bit, still embarrassed. "Fine" I answered, not facing him

"Are you two always gonna be so public about it? Or maybe you'll..."

"Shut up Margo." I interrupted, "I'm tired, I just wanna go to my room ok?"

"Fine" he said stepping out of the way, realizing it was still a touchy subject for him to ask about my sex life. "Oh but first you should know that Franklin, Selma and I are going hunting for the day. We will be back by nightfall. Susie wanted to stay, but I wouldn't worry about her, she says she has something planed."

"Ok, bring back enough food for me and Ruby ok? I don't feel like hunting today." at least he was taking me seriously now.

"I wonder why!" he said ruining his moment of kindness.

As I entered the room he raised his head trying to get a look inside. I slammed it in his face.

"It's about time you got back."

I turned around to see Ruby. She was all cleaned up and was lying on her side facing me, one leg laid over the other. She looked extremely sexy laying there, and the best part was the way she laid her tails over her body, looking so soft and silky.

"H-hi. What's going on?" I stumbled a little, taken aback by her beauty.

"Oh I donno" she said holding the word 'oh' for a few seconds. "I thought maybe we could try again, just this time in private."

My entire body lit up at these words, my ears straight in the air, same with my tail, I'm sure even my fur was. Not from fear or something like a cat does, but from the surprise and happiness. Yesterday had been wonderful, but it had been nothing more than physical pleasure. This is what I want, pleasure like yesterday, but still a love enhancing experience, and privacy would give that to us.

"So, how do you want to do this one?" I asked as I started walking towards her.

"Well..." she said spreading her legs apart revealing her smooth, clean slit. Upon seeing this I began to be come exposed, and became almost immediately hard.

"I thought you should be on top again..."


"But this time I will lay on my back, if that's ok with you?"

"Its perfect" I told her as I reached her, "I prefer looking at your face while we make love, its much more beautiful than the back of your neck."

"Are you saying the back of my neck is ugly?" she said with a playful little smile, but a serious tone.

"No...I mean.... that's not what I... your playing with me aren't you?"

"Maybe" she said with a giggle

"Well to be honest I think the back of your neck is atrocious, it looks like dead magikarp back there!" I responded with a small smirk myself, knowing that she would not take it personally.

"Oh stop it, you're a terrible liar," she said with a little nudge from her paw. "Now comeon are we going to do this or not?"

"Oh yeah" I had forgotten what we were about to do; luckily my member did not forget its purpose and was still ready.

As I climbed on top of her body she smiled at me, and I smiled back, I don't know why by she seemed like a cute little baby right there and I almost felt like I was going to mate a child. Then I remembered that we were both technically children still, and that she and I were made for each other. I moved my paws to either side and slid my hip down against hers. We fit in each other perfectly, a snug but not tight fit. She wrapped her arms around me and we kissed.

I slowly moved my member down and rubbed the side of it against the wet slit of my mate, Ruby. She moaned a little, smiling and the pleasurable contact. As I moved the tip to just inside of those sweet lips, and I slowly pushed, all the way in. as I entered the body of Ruby, joining us together, she grasped me tighter and closer the deeper I went. I began slow as before, retracting my member almost fully from her lubricated walls of pleasure, only to return into her until it would go no farther. When my shaft reached the point where it could go no farther, Ruby would use her hind legs, which were locked around my waist, to give me an extra push that she seemed to enjoy almost as much as I did. As I began moving faster this extra push was not necessary, as I now progressed more quickly than before. After a few more thrusts into her warm body, I was up to my full speed, slamming my member into her until my hips hit hers, and then sliding it back to repeat the process almost as soon as our hips made contact. At this point I was using a lot of energy, as was Ruby, the way she was holding me, and we began to sweat, added to that was the proximity and friction of our bodies, making us sweat even more, I was certain we would create enough water to clean ourselves off afterwards. She had her paws wrapped tightly around my back, her claws almost digging into my skin, surpassing my fur. Her hind legs were now more up in the air instead of wrapped around me; after all, I needed to move my hips up and down. Finally, her tails were curled around my entire back end, covering what seemed like most of my body. She wanted to be as close to me as she could possibly get, and I was glad to help. She was also getting close; I could hear it more than feel it. She was screaming in a rhythmic pattern that was in sync with my beating against her body. I swear I also heard pleasure like screams coming from somewhere outside our room, but it was probably my imagination, considering Ruby was screaming basically in my ear. Still, I began to feel little tingles in my tender tool of love, and knew I would be ready soon.

This time, Ruby came before I did, releasing an orgasmic scream followed by a flurry of her cum. She became even tighter than before and my knot expanded almost as soon as I was fully inside of her. We began to cum together, in each other, holding our breaths between each string of our precious fluids, and then releasing it in gasps of pleasure as another wave of cum hit us. Once I finished cumming, and she had finished screaming, I flipped us over, so she was on top and I was on the bottom. This would make it more comfortable for her, considering she was lighter than I. After my knot shrunk back down to normal size, I kept it there. Ruby laid her soft head against my chest and we simply laid there for the rest of the day, cuddled together, forever.

NOTE: yes, we did clean up, and we both got a bite to eat when Frank, Margo and Selma returned.

NOTE 2: next chapter is a long and important one. I don't want to give too much away but I will say that there is another fight scene and a yiff scene, but this time, they explore some different types of sex.... :)

Rubies and Emeralds: Part 3: a binding love

[Part 1: Raising Ruby]( [Part 2: My Favorite]( -------------------------------- [Part 4: We Are One]( [Part 5:...

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Part 2: My Favorite

[Part 1: Raising Ruby]( ------------------------------- [Part 3: A Binding Love]( [Part 4: We Are One]( [Part 5:...

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Part 1: Raising Ruby

[-](%5C) * * * [Part 2: My Favorite]( [Part 3: A Binding Love]( [Part 4: We Are One]( [Part 5:...

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