Kairn and Bren - Series.

Story by SPmats on SoFurry

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Frozen, he stood in the hallway. A towel hung loosely around his waste, held only by the ridge of his hip and rear. His damp fur a grey tinge in the poor lighting, lupine fur was always thick and held moisture. A musky scent hit his nose, vulpine and very excited. The fox that was staring at him, his hand halfway down his pants, was also frozen. Kairn stared at the fox; his red fur mixed with black was smooth and seemed to shimmer from their only lamp behind him. Bren had met Kairn a few years ago; you could say it was love at first sight. They quickly adapted to each other, Kairn practically knew the fox's body before his past. They stayed together religiously and just decided they might as well move in together.

Now, as he stared at the fox, Kairn felt a primal lust overtake him. Not bothering to correct the towel that was barely on his waist, he walked towards the fox. "I was just..." The fox never had a chance to finish as Kairn planted his lips on his, putting his arms on either side to prop himself over the fox. The towel now taken by gravity lay on the floor, Kairn's length ready as he slipped on top of the fox. Bren was never much of a dominant type. Kairn was more confident than him so he usually let him lead the way. This time, a certain attraction sped up their usual process. Bren's clothes lay scattered on the floor, joining the towel in solitary confinement. Kairn felt the soft, fluffy fox fur run between his fingers as he moved his hands down Bren's stomach. The fox giggled and used a paw to lead Kairn's lips to his. Warmth filled his hand as he met Bren's groin. All too familiar with the feel, he started working his paw up and down Bren's length. Kairn used the soft pads to get some moans and yips from the fox as he lingered at the tip. "Hey now, don't tease..." "Mmmm okay." He wrapped his hand fully around Bren and started pumping, the fox moving his hand to the wolf, imitating the motions. They both moved with each other, sharing the moment with their mutual pleasure.

Soon, the apartment filled with their scents as they both made a mess of their hands and stomachs. Kairn nuzzled into Bren's shoulders as they lay their, the after glow of their orgasm keeping the world at bay.

Brilliant, unconditional sunset burst through the window as the tall wolf flung thick blinds to the side. "Time to wake up yah bum!" the lump that had recently been motionless on the bed stirred and rose, a triangular ear poking over the blankets. "Why so early?" he blinked against the bright light of the slowly descending sun. The tall wolf walked over to the bed and flopped down, brushing the blanket that hung over the fox's ear and looking into his sleepy, brown eyes. "Bren, remember, we have to get there before the sun goes down." Bren sighed heavily, scanning the small one room apartment. Brushing the blankets to the side he sat up, rubbing his paws against his face. The wolf's eyes widened as he pulled on a jacket, black leather, with the name "Kairn" embroidered on the forearm. Kairn fixed his gaze on the fox, the red fur almost matching the sunset outside. As his gaze lowered past the stomach he turned away, not now. The large wolf paws struggled with the buttons on the jacket as Bren dressed in simple blue jeans, a tight t-shirt, and a light jacket with some company logo on it. "Come on, you said you'd show me." Bren smirked as he opened the door to leave.

Outside, Bren slid comfortably into Kairn's side, wrapping an arm around his midsection. Kairn smiled down at the shorter fox as they walked. The wide streets greeted them with a sort of cold yet, warm familiarity. Buildings passed, stacked upon each other in the cramped half-circle city. Kairn eyed them, so many people lived in these buildings, scared about what the next big government restriction would be. A feline, Kairn couldn't tell the specific species walked by, a silver badge on his shoulder flashing in the last remaining sunlight.

_Great, going to do something restricted and the first thing you see is a monitor..._Kairn thought to himself as Bren tightened his grip on his stomach. "Well that's a good omen." Bren said sarcastically, voicing Kairn's concern. The wolf looked down at the fox, wondering if it was a smart move to have dragged him into his universe.

Bren, before Kairn, was your average fox just living life, oblivious to the problems of the world. Well, to this nation, not the whole world. Kairn on the other paw, found the things the nation hid, to be overly enticing for better judgment on his part. They both met and spilled each others heart out, but Kairn always hid a secret. Bren the night before said he was ready to find out in person.

A smile slid across his face as he felt warmth in him from the memory of last night. He made a note to change the sheets and turned Bren and himself down an alleyway. The alleyway was void of any discerning factors, but a large metal door with a sliding metal flap for whoever was on the other side to see who was banging on the door. Kairn did exactly that, slamming his paw against the door.

The flap slid open and a pair of amber eyes stared back at them, the black mask of a raccoon almost non existent to the darkness inside. "Oi, s'at you Kairn?" he nodded, as a smile upturned the raccoon's whiskers. "Hey Jasckal, it's me and my mate." They both donned smiles at the bit of awkwardness. The heavy metal door slid open as music washed over them, an odd yet fluid mix of guitar and bumps of bass filled their ears. "Glad yah two made it, was wonderin' when good 'ol Kairn was gonna bring his squeeze down 'ere." The raccoon nodded to Kairn as he shook Bren's hand. "Yah two enjoy yerselves." and the raccoon was gone into the crowd. Kairn pulled Bren to the side.

"I don't get it, what's so restricted about all this?" Kairn began to wonder if the bond they shared was more than physical at this point. "Watch, give me your paw." He grabbed Bren's paw and wrapped his fingers through his and pulled it back slowly. Tendrils of reds and oranges stretched between his paw and Bren's the colors shifting and changing as the tendrils wiggled in the air Yellows, reds, oranges, and browns danced across the wall they were near. "That's...that's magical." Kairn knew literally it was magic, just a non hostile purely aesthetic form. "But, it's restricted....punishable by death." Bren finally understood as his face drooped from amazement to concern. Kairn's heart raced how would Bren handle this? He was never really exposed to anything restricted until now. The worst situation flashed through his mind, Bren leaving and turning him in. Well, that wouldn't be so bad he thought, death was almost better than losing the little fox forever and having to deal with the guilt and loss.

"They can't suppress us much longer; it stupid of them to forget the roots of their success is magic." Kairn let the comment hang in the air as Bren thought, not moving his hand away form the tendrils of color. "How....I've never used it before." "We can bring it out in each other, most find out on accident." Kairn answered immediately. Bren looked into Kairn's eyes, his own reflecting want and indecision. Bren lurched forward wrapping his arms around Kairn, the color popping and pushed out of the way hurriedly by Bren's body. He whispered in Kairn's ear "I'm excited for this magic stuff." Kairn wondered if they both had the same definition of excited in mind.

With all the tensions of Bren's acceptance gone, Kairn was lost in the party. Everyone had tendrils floating in the air, all flashing different colors as anyone they bumped against ignited a new bond. Time was not a factor here, they all had something in common and it danced and filled the air with a brilliance the outside world wouldn't even recognize. Soon, everyone began to grow tired and filtered slowly out of the party. Strings of color still danced across the room as Kairn held Bren against him in a tight hug. Jasckal appeared once again, swiping his hands at the colors as they dissipated and slid into his paw.

Bren raised a brow and twisted his head from Kairn's chest. "Oi, I can't make no pretty lights, but tell yah what." Jasckal swept up a few more "They are mighty full of energy." Kairn chuckled, and slipped a hand underneath Bren's muzzle and kissed him lightly. Bren leaned into it, filling it with more passion than Kairn had expected. He pulled the fox closer to him, feeling his warm body. Bren pushed his hand against Kairn's groin, making the wolf itch for some alone time.

As they exited the small club Bren again wrapped his arm around Kairn's waste. The city again towered over them as they made their way back to the apartment.

He smiled the whole day, as Kairn walked up and down the streets of the bleak city he kept thinking of Bren at the club. A hand spun him around as he stared Jasckal in the face. "Kairn! Their destroyin' the club!" His eyes widened, No, they couldn't have possibly found it. "Lead the way." Jasckal wound his way through the streets as they rounded the corner to the familiar steel door lying on the ground. Kairn's anger flared, his hands flickering for a moment. Jasckal grabbed his hand. "You can't be doin that 'ere." He sighed, he knew he couldn't use magic in public. They crept to the opening to the club, Kairn glanced around the room. He narrowed his eyes, swearing under his breath. A feline monitor was walking around the room. Kairn led them here last night, he wasn't sure that was the same monitor they passed, but it was a good chance

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