The breath of life Chapter 03: Captured!

Story by Spooncer on SoFurry

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This story is licensed under the

[Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License](%5C)

By: Spooncer

The breath of life

[Chapter 01: Firsts Steps](%5C)

[Chapter 02: The beginning of a journey](%5C)

[Chapter 03: Captured!](%5C)

[Chapter 04: Premeditated discovery](%5C)

Chapter 03: Captured!

They were already riding for a few hours north to the rural area of the kingdom, Michael led the way leading everyone, followed by Johnson, Kurt Victorius and side by side, then, as Hurley and laggards, Dan and Kark.

Dan rode with his head bowed, pensive because of the last words of his father, confused, whispered in the wind the only question that came into his mind: "What's his intention to tell me such things?" Saw no reason, only whys.

The more they rode north over the soil becomes increasingly difficult until, one more time later, leaving the limits of the kingdom and enter into a dense forest. After a few steps, faced with two paths precarious ground, one that continued to the north and another to the northwest. Michael stops making all repeat the action, just fix the guide look both ways until they turn to walk to the north.

The concentration of trees was almost over, the forest floor in some parts there was vegetation, some ups and downs, in addition, there were other obstacles such as downed logs, shrubs and large holes, however, was not as excruciating so, however, often the nature caused us a lot of surprises with beautiful views of flower, trees and animals ... Well .. These mostly were driven away after seeing the strange visitors.

As they passed by a natural corridor of trees, Dan was still retracted in his thoughts when he hears the voice of almost Victorius high tone to ask:

"Hurley, you're a mage right?"


"What it takes to be a mage?"

"Basically, you must have affinity to one element or more."


"Earth, air, fire and water."

"What's yours?"


"What can you do?"

"Good ... I can heal wounds and regenerate compromised tissues.

"Any damage caused to the body?"

"Well ... I haven't tried my magic for very serious matters with only cuts and bruises both internal and external not so serious."


Michael chimes in: "I don't understand why he learned medicine if you have this power?"

"Is that too much use of magic causes a strong stress and weakening of the body, have an alternative way can be very useful."

"I understand now. Grateful."

"How many mages have in Kleargs?" Said Victorious.

"There are many, the affinity is difficult to be acquired, are few in Hirardins, perhaps ten to fourteen."

"What they learned there?" Still Victorious.

"Using our magic wisely and properly use it."

"How can you tell if a person has such an affinity?"

"The academy doesn't have a concrete concept of the magic or the perception or detection of the same, it is based on diaries of the former. My only able to identify when I was younger, had suffered an accidental cut in the leg while cleaning the water in the midst of a desperate, cured me. "


It paused, looked at all the contents of the bags: Warm clothing, materials for dressings, bags and water supplies dry. Clearly it wouldn't for many days and then is discussed including:

"We feed for Warhounds, bread with dried fruit, and some water." Said Michael.

"It won't last long. But if you save a little twice a day and lasts four to five days. "Kurt Victorious.

"No worries! You just look around. We have nature in our favor. "Michael said opening his arms.

"I can get meat hunting ... How I could forget that ..." Johnson said with some humor lifting his hands to his head.

Each one eats bread and drink some water, after having fed the Warhounds with food and water. After two hours of rest again ride.

It was already dusk when they encounter a river that crossed his path, and examines Michael dismounts, the river was not as deep and low tide, but the width was noted, about six feet. Michael returns to ride and soon crossed, calmly, the river watering only the legs and stomach of horses.

On the other hand, dish mantle the Warhound is decided and make camp. The removal of cells and clusters of horses and placed next to one another without a mix. Accordingly, after placing food in the mount Michael says with a tone of leadership at all:

"We will divide the bonds into three groups, two will stand guard at the camp, two in the collection of alternative food and three in the creation of fire. Any objections? "

"Everyone agrees gesturing with his head, but Victorious was the only one who answered orally.

"Victorious and I can watch the camp." Johnson.

"Yeah!" Victorious.

"Right. I'm willing to look for food, who accompanies me? "Michael.

"I." Kurt.

"So. Kark, Wolfstein and I reap the sticks. "Hurley.

Hardly had just been chosen the group and soon Hurley shoots into the forest, quickly, Dan and Kark walk to accompany him. Was already through to the mercy of the night, however, there was some light due to the brightness of the moon, majestically at the top.

While some branches harvested and Kark Hurley talked, but are given no attention by Dan who was still taken away until a little of both, noting the distance, Hurley approaches him and asks:

"Something wrong Wolfstein?"

"What !?... Mmm ... Nothing, nothing. "

"Sure?" Hurley said with some trepidation.


"All right then."

A few minutes picking up sticks hear screaming Hurley calling the attention of two: "Damn!"

"What happened?" Kark.

"I cut my left hand ..."


"Yes .. But it isn't so serious. "

"It's a great time to do a demonstration of its magic." Said Dan

"It ... Come here. "

Kark is the first to come close to Hurley, Dan comes after as if he didn't see anything, both see the injury and the analysis is confirmed that Hurley had said earlier, just a slight cut on the skin surface that bled little.

Hurley left his right hand over left, and when you stop and looking at them asks, "Can I?" Both nod and soon begins to move his hand wrapped the wound in a circular motion. The bleeding stops seconds after arresting the hand on the court that began to be healed.

"What's it?" He whispered to himself Dan

Strangely, he felt something flowing across your skin, it was so cold, but pleasant, is becoming more and more frequent it reaches a comfort level so intense, Dan looked around for what could be, but nothing see. He closed his eyes entranced with what was happening, but then stops when Dan Hurley note being closed eyes closed the wound healed, stop making sense, Dan quickly gets out of trance and scratched his head looking confused what could have done it to stop when he hears ask the wizard:

"Something wrong?"

"Did you feel that?"

"That what, sir?" Said Kark.

"A strange feeling."

"None." Said both.

"Okay then."

Kark Hurley and looked at him strangely until Hurley returns to focus on the injury that begins to regenerate tissue. Dan doesn't feel anything until he sees the wound is completely healed leaving only a faint stain on the skin.

"It's incredible." He said with some emotion bringing hands slightly in front mouth.

"You should be honored to receive this skill." Dan said with a smile.

"Yes, however, can only heal wounds and something a little more serious, in other more serious useless." Hurley said, lowering his head a little.

"But this point makes it special." Said Dan

"I know." Hurley said returning to raise their heads.

"Now back to the sticks." Dan said moving off.

The three gather the most they could carry in their arms and then return to camp, only two guarding the camp were there, organized the kindling for the fire and rubbing two of them produce the fire, not so fast, about a half hour later .

Shortly close to that Kurt and Michael arrive carrying something in a remarkable amount, the two together and putting everything they listen closely to Michael saying, "They found that fruit in the forest. Stems. "Dan gets one, it looks very suspicious the supposed fruit, they were nearly circular, yellowish, its texture was wrinkled in places other smooth, the smell was something strange seemed to be sweet, when he would bite, Kark is heard saying: "Delicious!" more comforted he decides to bite, it was red inside, sweet had small seeds inside it was more fleshy.

When positioned around the campfire to sleep you hear Michael say again:

"We need to organize now routine night watch human. Kurt and I'll be tonight, the next will be Victorious and Johnson and, lastly, Dan and Kark. "

"And I?" Said Hurley

"I think you should rest because of the skill he possesses."

"But it prevents me from doing that."

"However, I think appropriate to such a decision."

"I'll not discuss, but hate is the vision that people have of us!" Muttered Hurley lying.

"Okay then ... The division of time is the following: A will of the night until the first rays of sun and the other until the sun is almost at its full splendor, all right? "

All are based and then is heard to speak again: "Combined since. Good sleep! "

The next morning feed with the same fruit and rides again. Night falls and all of them out of the forest, this is repeated for two more days. One can notice the tension and stress from everyone else in Victorius was no longer present. On the fifth day, the water supply is running out, Victorius not bear to be in that forest, and during a break in the afternoon to talk to resolve the guide:

"You're taking us in the right direction?"

"What?" Said Michael surprised by the unexpected question.

Victorious breath and with a high-pitched speech calling everyone's attention:

"Don't pretend you didn't hear! We are going in the right direction? "

"I think so. I am following the instructions correctly. "

"Think!?" Hesitated Victorius furious with a laugh.

"Yes I am following the instructions. "

"You should this make us walk around! I don't believe that after four days we are still here! "Growled Victorious.

"I'm following what was passed." Repeated Michael.

Kurt Johnson and approach the two, since Dan Hurley and remain to look far.

"It should not be! I bet that as captain you are a great guide! "

"Measure your words when talking to me guard!" Said Michael increasing the tone.

Victorious pulls his sword and shouted: "Do you think that just because one has the highest office in the army can do something against me? I might as well end up with you now! "


"That's right! Why not come here to show what a bitch like you can do! "

Michael gritted his teeth in anger and increasingly pressed his fist, watching the debate, Kark whispers to Dan:

"Last time we went there it took nine days and was the horse. With this mount. Maybe tomorrow morning. "

"This is good!" Dan said with a smile. "Why not tell them?"

"By the way the spirits are after something it can Victorius want to do something."

"Don't worry. He won't do anything. I promise. "


Victorious was running in the direction of Michael yells when Kark:


The same stops and then returns to talk Kark:

"Let's get out of the woods tomorrow morning!"

Victorious quickly walks toward him aggressively and showing the sword he says angrily, "You mean you know and remained silent for so long!?"

Kark is quietly shaking a little, Victorious approached even more as she said, "You deserve to pay for having hidden this information on us," Dan now runs in front of Kark and coldly warns: "If you go a step further toward it, I'm sure he'd be the last. "Victorious stops on time, keep the sword in the sheath and away. Dan turns to Kark and touching his shoulder says:

"Great job!"

"Thanks for protecting me." Kark said lowering his head.

"Nothing. He needed to hear a few words myself. "Dan said with a grim smile.

As stated by Kark, he finally left the forest and soon could see the mountainous area to the far left, only through a plain false, with ups and downs, rubble and vegetation, predominantly scrub, along the way are another river, they stop so quickly and drink water like animals, because of the effort to save that had, fill the water bags and return to ride.

They arrive at the base, little more after the break in the afternoon. The path was steep and difficult, basically full of rocks all over the place, vegetation was more shrubs were small. After a while going up, and reach the top again, it confirmed what was said by Akrimin, another forest is seen their above, however, not many trees, but with more small plants, Victorious began to regret come to be back in another forest when everyone stops before it and looking for Kark Michael asks:

"Where now?"

Kark is surprised by the question and shaking his head says:

"I don't know. When I was here last time, the Tigaero came to me. "

Hurley chokes on time and surprised question:

"You mean that you are who had contact creature!?"

Kark settled and soon hear Michael Comment:

"Since we don't have a right direction, we continue to walk north. However, the environment is friendlier we should be cautious in deep from now. "

"It's obvious ... Any fool would know it! "Muttered Victorious.

Michael ignores him and then back to ride.

The concentration of the air up there so this was not making them stop after nearly an hour and a half riding, not by them but by the horses.

Intervals of walking are becoming shorter and shorter until the night comes and worse, heavy rain begins to fall from the sky. It made a quick search for a shelter, luckily, found a large crack down the length of a rock amazing, everyone is down there with the intention to stay until the rain stops. Taking advantage of the time, ate close darkness.

Everything was so silent about them and the horses that were asleep, but the environment could hear the sound of rain drops hit the ground and rock, and the slight sound of feral life.

They spend a few hours and no rain to stop. With a sameness to see the drops reach the rock, everyone was sleepy, it was Dan's turn to be in Kark and surveillance and so go to sleep, they would, but Kurt and Victorius ask him to stay that day, the two agree and so remain on surveillance.

All were already in deep sleep, and Dan Kark deviate slightly from the other and sitting on a small boulder hear the voice of Kark said with a tone retracted:

"Lord I can tell you one thing?"

"Can I ask one thing then?" Dan said looking at him calmly.

"What sir?"

"Please! Call me Dan "

"Okay sir."


"Excuse me ... Can I ask you Dan? "


"We still remember what I said in your house?"

"Well .. About his involvement with the Tigaero? "Dan said with a thoughtful frown.

"Ex ... Exactly.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Sorry to have him recalled that Dan"

"Don't worry. But what's? "

"Remember you asked several times if something was wrong when I sigh?"


"Good .. It's that I realized that ... You have a smell ... Similar to the ... Tigaero. "Kark said with a low tone.

Dan cough surprised at the time and staying for some time until, with some trepidation, he asks:


Kark opens some shy smile and contracted confirming his head, Dan is troubled by the supposed similarity itself and remains silent and listens again Kark say: "I felt strange at first, but the others made me identify." Dan a worsening Kark little and didn't stop: "When I came to feel embraced me with Tigaero."

"What?" Dan said in a surprised tone and high.

"I'm being honest! If he had a respect and gratitude to you, could have tried something with you. "

Surprised, Dan couldn't believe what he said getting gape for a while and Kark back to say: "But don't worry! Won't try anything with you. "Dan is relieved sigh reaching, yet still could see some suspicion in his eyes.

The silence continues for seconds until you hear a sharp crack into the woods. Dan quickly stands up causing a scare in Kark leaving him confused, it would even ask what it was, but on seeing Dan for the sword and shield in hand, Kark yields a little. They are looking in all directions for a while until you hear two clicks in places indistinct, Kark was already trembling wondering what it was, Dan answered nothing keeping the concentration try to at least see the direction it was, but not . Kark Dan goes back and asks, "You can see where you coming from?" Kark stuttered a lot and took a while for him to receive the information: "No." Dan returns the position and stays there waiting, new sounds are heard, now three, more intense and close. Dan already showed some concern when he decides to request Kark wake the others, it takes a while to get moving more can join the force required return to wake the others.

Minutes go by and nothing Kark or others arrived, Dan was already concerned when they hear Kark said with a nervous voice and pause:

"Dan .. All ... All ... They ... "

Nervous Dan whispered a little high looking at the forest:

"What happened?"

"All of them ... Desa ... Disappeared!


Dan shouted while running back to where the others slept, confused, looked around the place looking for them, but they were not only supply the bags were thrown on the floor. The heart of Dan fires, "They couldn't have left us here, because we were the only enter and exit!" Kark goes to the forest he looked tense and asks:

"What's happening?"

"I don't know! But let's hope it's us! "


Dan picks up two bags and play in the arms of Kark and after saving the sword and shield, get two more, when started running to the exit Kark says, "Where you going?"

"Don't you see? We must flee! "Said Dan after stopping briefly.

"But what about the others? And the mission? "

"We aren't abandoning it, only that these conditions cannot stay."

Kark nods and runs after Dan, the cracks are getting more frequent and then they run to the corners of the slot toward the forest in the darkness and heavy rain.

Desperately, they passed in the midst of trees and shrubs that appeared in front of you, you could hear something with strong steps to run after them, but couldn't see what it was. Kark starts to get back and screaming warning, Dan expects it and pushing it to move faster, however, didn't last long, Kark falls to the ground exhausted by lifting Dan says:

"We have to continue!"

"Impossible! I cannot anymore! "

"Try a little more!"

"I cannot!" Cried the human in some of tears.

You hear a grim smile to echo throughout the forest, the heart of Dan fires again, he thinks about loading it, but couldn't hear much until Kark said:

"Run away! Let me here! "

Dan lowered his head and moving his head says: "I cannot do that. It would be honorable on my part. "

"But you will get caught!"

"Don't worry." Dan said with a smile.

The laughter becomes stronger until it stops for a while, confusingly, Dan looked around saw anything, it takes a few steps forward with all guns blazing when a voice echoes all around saying, "Silly humans. What do you think they are doing here? "Dan for the direction, but it is when you hear a second time Dan responds:

"Just talk."

"Talk!?" He hesitated and the voice continued. "And it had to be shielded and have fled human?"

"I cannot leave me unsure about the uncertain."

"And you think that these simple devices can stop us, human?" The voice said with a smile at the end.

"I don't know, but I can be half safe."

"Don't say that human."

You hear the sound of footsteps approaching them, two behind and one ahead, "Surrounded!?" Dan hesitated, looking around, the footsteps were heavy metal and when you see something appear before darkness behind the trees. Dan couldn't see much, but what I saw was about more than four feet tall and wide, they were at a distance of two and you hear the front saying:

"What they do here? Are fugitive slaves? "


"They aren't." Said another with a hoarse voice behind them and continued. "From what the human warrior dress and behave, not from here or Asmaghorn."

"Asmaghorn again!"

"What did with others?" Cried Kark.

"Reduce the tone of voice, human." Growled a hoarse voice echoing throughout the forest.

"You will join them soon." Said the front.

"Dan .. They were caught! "Kark whispered looking at him.

For a moment of supposed courage Dan stands up and pointing the sword towards the front is the front says, "Untie us!" The three are silent for a while until a voice from behind very serious speech, "The human thinks he can lead us ...", the three laughs out loud for a long time until the front is closer to a little and says coldly: "You should worry about what we do with you not with them!"

Dan is stuck not knowing how to react, he was still pointing his sword to the creature, but not tight as it was before, but shaking a bit, seeing that he lowers his head and the sword and says to himself:

"Even if I react, are three! Also, are stronger than me ... Give up? ... It would be an option of weakness. Don't try to be powerless ... "

A smile from the front of the creature doing the same stop and raise his head, then that can be heard again: "What do you want human?"

Dan is furious and re-points the sword tightly and said in loud and clear: "If you think that I'll not defend me are wrong!"

"This is interesting feral ... Or is it racy for their actions or a foolish fool." Said a hoarse voice.


"Maybe, but he will pay for his insolence." Said the front of the front.

You hear a loud metallic front, Dan expecting anything when you hear: "Ready to show what you know?"


Dan is surprised by something that's hit the ground, violently, in front of him causing a slight tremor in the ground and a fear inside of Dan, the object is standing there in front of him, it was a sledgehammer to a great extent, moreover, it can finally see the confirmation of a Tigaero was not much detail, but the face was a tiger brown. The Tigaero raises the hammer back slowly and pointing to it says: "Come on! I need to enjoy myself a little. "

Dan shakes his head violently and pressing the handle of the sword strongly, running in shot against the Tigers, Kark cries desperately for it to stop, but he ignores and moves.

The tiger that Dan tries to strike, with quick steps to the side avoids the attack, however, the Tigaero drag the hammer on the floor toward him and reached back, making him fall face down on the floor, the pain of impact was momentary . Seeing him lying on the floor, screaming for Kark again and when he stood up to see your state is overthrown by another Tigaero that says, "If you move a muscle more feral, forget that your friend there!." Kark swallows everything dry and settled.

Dan stands up slowly, reached the site of pain throbbed slightly, but nothing that could claim the Tigaero smiles and says:

"Apparently I can play a little more seriously."

"Be careful not to kill him." Warned the hoarse.

"Don't worry."

Dan clenched his teeth and looking angry at him returns to rush Tigaero and again tries to beat him. But Dan avoiding various scams, however, couldn't approach a blow with the handle came so fast that their only reaction was trying to block with the shield can, but he had to apply all their strength to that was not broken his defense. The Tigaero apply a force that he could hold, seeing that the other two Tigaeros comment:

"Mmm ... This feral is good at melee."Said the hoarse.

"It's going to lose to a human?" Said the deep voice.

"Don't make me laugh." Said the Tiger.

The power cable Tigaero strongly against the shield doesn't give Dan more, however, is dragged quite a distance until he pulls out and tries a quick blow to the ribs of Dan, but avoid jumping to the ground, he sees the gun through a few inches of it. Standing up again and try to approach, but is chased away by Tigaero close to blows.

Dan was tired, wheezing, sword and shield weighed heavily on his hands and Tigaero remained in full force, seeing the same pant says: "We're tired? Haven't even started playing right feral. "

Dan growl loudly and runs again against the Tigers that skillfully, grab it with the handle of the hammer and throws it in the direction of Kark.

When your body hits the ground, bounces twice, injuring both the head and ribs, in addition, is dragged a few meters left almost face to face Kark. Feeling severe pain in the ribs and head, tries to stand, shaking his base a lot, cannot and falls, the second time too, but the third gets more staggering. Dan couldn't hold the shield and looser on the floor with his hand on the rib Dan raises his sword trembling against Tiger, with a surprised voice said: "Still wants more, human!?"

Dan gasped, trying to give a step toward the tiger, but to put his foot feels an unbearable pain in the ribs pushing down on his knees, seeing that the tiger says, "No!? He couldn't do anything, the pain was very strong, then he lowers his head and throws the sword beaten to the ground.

The Tigaero came to him that the firm only hear footsteps approaching and removes his helmet, then it grabs you firmly press the body a little, however, this does little scream and shout in pain, when it is placed on his shoulders, he felt relieved a little more grief still remained with the throbbing I felt. He realizes turn to the other and says: "Let's take them to the camp."

Kark is caught by another Tigaero and then are loaded through the forest. Dan and Kark not see because the only way to shield Tigaeros they carried.

The speed at which they walked was impressive, roamed among the trees very fast.

Kark is turns his face to the side and stares at Dan for a while until you try to talk the same but when he mentions his name, is interrupted by Tigaero who carried saying, "If you say one more word to his friend. He will be worse than it already is. "Kark chokes and then is silent. Dan clenched his teeth as hard as he could trying to endure the pain pulsing, breathing quickly, after feeling that he couldn't breathe so much air, it came back to feel the hurt more.

When, among a few breaths, feels a strange odor. It was unusual, he inhaled over and over until he was forgetting the pain, trying to decipher what it was, but couldn't until the leading head toward Kark, when a flash comes into your head saying the same:

"... After a while I smelled so good that made me leave in a state so strange, I felt a pleasure growing increasingly feel that aroma. When the tiger brought his face close to mine the only thing I could do was smell the increasingly strong ... "

Startled he cough at the time, not believing that it would be heard as he shakes his head slightly trying to get over as much as you can and amazing pain relief, going to feel it again, he compares it to that Kark heard of, but it was not same way, he felt a smell lightly engaging and friendly, however, not so much the effect of Kark, it was nice not to the point.

The rain rest a little further rain with much less intensity, about some time after arriving at camp Tigaeros, so they are thrown into a cage, to reach the floor of the same Dan, suddenly cries out in pain for a while echoing throughout the forest until after closing the cage, the tiger carried him shouted: "Silence, feral!", he tries and tries to hold, all you can when you lay flat on his back, moaning low, he turns his head toward the Tigaero which says: "Great ... Feel free to share in your new home when we return to Ajipra. "


The tiger went away and then he tries to see where it was, the only thing I can see are two large cabins bit far, he saw the eyes to the ceiling of the cage. About a few minutes then back to rain.

It was bitterly cold pressing their bodies and to make it rain again Dan was tired of it and when I closed my eyes to sleep, comes to Kark is on your side, in desperation, he asks:

"Sir, are you okay?"

"I don't even ask that ..."

Dan opens his eyes a little and watched him move his head, and soon settled Kark says, "Sir I'll remove your armor to examine it." Dan nods and thus Kark will carefully removing the armor. Dan complained several times with groans weak sooner without the armor was only his black robe.

Kark breath and will remove the buttons of his tunic, without understanding anything Dan opened his mouth to ask what he was doing sooner hear the same said while removing the second button: "I need to remove part of the coat also sir." He nods fear and soon he was there with her breast fully naked torso, Kark gives a slight bounce back to see something, Dan squeezes his eyes confused until she sees coughing and then passes his hands over his head.

He presses the place where it hurt, making him groan and then says: "It has a small cut on his head.", He washes his hands with rainwater and then will slide their hands on Dan's chest and stomach, nothing even claim that even when he passes his hand in the ribs Dan groaned loudly, Kark collects and hands back to say: "A cut in the head, some bruises and possibly broken rib or ribs, but you'll be fine."

Dan settled back and look to close their eyes, he feels Kark close the robe and then quilt something about it, seeing it was his robe, Dan looks at the interrogative form and saw that he wore the same clothes they left home people say, "You'll need more than me."

About two hours after the rain stops, Dan was already anesthesia pain so exhausted, also soaked, both asleep when they hear the cage door opens suddenly, both agree, it was still night, the Tigers look to load another person wearing an outfit that almost no one could see in the dark, it is placed gently in the cage that is closed by the tiger that says "Thanks for the fun human. Have a good night with his friends. "The Tigaero departs and the person remains collected in the corner of the cage without saying anything or moving.

Confused Kark came to him when she hesitates, "Hurley!?"

The person reacts suddenly and without believing that he heard the speech: "Kark!? It's you!? "


He closes his wrist sharply and grabs it as hard as he could and after knocking him against the bars almost shouted: "Why don't you helped us when we cry help!?"

"I. .. I. .. We haven't heard anything ... You ... You were sleeping. "Said Kark scared aggression.

"We were not! We scream and much remained seated and you! "

"It ... It is true that we sat ... But ... But I heard no cry! Until I looked back a few times and saw them asleep! "Kark said starting a cry.

"Really!?" Hurley said retreating a few steps.


Dan coughs and soon won the attention of the magician that lingers:


"Yes he is!" Kark said going to his side.

"What happened?" Said Hurley Accompanying him.

"He tried to defend of Tigaeros! And it hurt! Need help! "

Hurley extends his hands over his body, closing her eyes speak a few words in a low tone as he passes his hand over the whole body, collecting them he says:

"A cut in the head not so serious, some scratches on the skin, maybe three broken ribs and lung slightly injured."

"It can help you?"

"A lot yes, but the main one being the bones, I don't know if I can."


Hurley lowers his head, Dan raises his right hand with a strong effort and takes Hurley's doing look in your eyes and just hear it whisper: "I don't know if I can." Dan tentatively settled and removing the hand closes again eyes.

The cold worsened a bit until you feel someone opens his robe, unable to open your eyes, there is still feeling the fingers withdraw buds, leaves her naked torso again, therefore hears the voice of Hurley after hearing something being torn: "I'll try help. But I need you to bite it. You will need to relieve the tension that will suffer! Bite as hard as you can! "Dan opens his mouth and then a piece of cloth is put and Hurley hears them say words in a language you never heard shortly after beginning to feel a burning sensation in rib timid, it complies with the request and biting the cloth, the heat is increased gradually and similarly it increases the bite force of the cloth together with a continuous moan, however, the pain reaches the point where it no longer supports and start a fist and strongly beat him on the floor, so Hurley screams for Kark, "Hold it!" quickly Kark safe hands of Dan trying to stir up, then with the legs, but soon Kark sit on them. The tension was tremendous, Dan tried and tried to hold, he closed his eyes until he feels strongly the rib to move, the pain was great, like a stitch, Dan opens his eyes wide in disbelief and felt when he feels the second time collapses .

Dan's eyes hurt when open, the sun was high, he blinks his eyes a little, trying to get used to the light, he raises his hand and rub them when he hears the voice of Hurley said: "Sorry Wolfstein, but I couldn't do anything with his ribs. ", he plays a hand in place and soon feel the pain asleep, turns his head to both sides and confusing question:

"What happened?"

"You passed out when the Magic tried heal the broken bones."

"Right. Thank you for trying. "

"It was nothing."

Dan remains in bed, he passes his hand on his head and realizes that the injury was no more, however, still hurt, and after a quick breath he looks at Hurley and asks:

"Where are the others!?"

Hurley suddenly lowers his head and with a sad voice says: "They reacted when we were being brought here e. .. Were ... "

"Dead!?" Dan hesitated opening his eyes.

Hurley settled and soon Dan is horrified.

When you hear the voice of a Tigaero beside you saying:

"Apparently he already knew what happened to your other friends, feral."

Dan turns his face toward the voice and see Tigaero completely.

He was larger than was thought to have seen before, came up to fifteen feet, muscular, with the body was completely shielded with an iron armature little dark and completely smooth, some props carried by the body, like a leather belt and a sledgehammer in the back, head, had a moderate coat of brown color and some black stripes, had two tusks from his mouth at the top of the mouth, the nose was, timidly, and pink eyes, the same coat color.

Dan was impressed how the creature is to open mouth wondering when listening to the Tigers back to speak:

"How are you human?

"Well .." Dan responds nervously.

"And well, is sleep for a day and lay down for all this time?" Said the Tiger in an ironic tone.

Dan stutters a little and then takes over and Hurley says:

"He has fractures sir!"


The furious Tigaero hits the cage and says:

"I don't spoke with you, feral! And yes with the other!"

"Excuse me sir!" Said Hurley kneeling.

"Sir again? Because this behavior? "

"And you have to say human?" Said the Tigaero addressing Dan

"I am wounded." Said Dan soon.

"We have no healer here this specialty, only to find when we get Ajipra, then treat to survive there, human."

Dan nods and soon the Tiger departs suddenly, Dan turns to Hurley and asks:

"Why did you call him sir?"

Hurley moves away from going to the corner of the cage and says:

"One of the reasons why others had died was that the smeared when I called you, he completely changed the way of behaving with me, also found a human inside his hut that called him master, he told me that was a slave and I should treat it the best that there be no retaliation. "

"A human slave!?" He hesitated Kark surprised.

"Yes But he didn't speak much to me. That was the only information he said. "

"What made it inside the hut?" Said Dan squinting.

Oddly Hurley shrinks around the corner and head down says in a sad tone: "I don't want to talk about it."

Kark and Dan look at each other and Dan returns to ask:

"Why not?"

"Please! Don't talk about it! "Begged Hurley.

Dan gets scared and everyone is silent.

Go by hours, Dan was hungry, Kark, too, because he was always down the stomach, Hurley remained collapsed, unable to understand anything Dan closes his eyes and tries to keep his mind empty, when a flash comes into your head Tigaero have said when he put Hurley Cage:

"Thanks for the fun human. Have a good night with his friends."

Dan rolls her eyes and thinks looking to Hurley:

"The Tigaero abused Hurley!? No, no, cannot be ... But ... What? "

Dan Hurley sees move into her ass for a long time, and then just screaming inside:

"I cannot believe it!"

Dan remains horrified for a long time, he tries to forget what they saw, but couldn't. Comes in the night, hunger pressed more and nothing of them being fed, Hurley finally moves out of place, but goes to another corner of the cage and back to shrink, Kark was lying saving up to move, Dan looked Hurley regretting their situation, when they hear the cage to be opened again, the three look and soon hear the Tigris say, "I brought food and water for you humans enjoy, as will be the only food that enjoyed by our stop in the afternoon on the way to Terbriand. "


The Tigaero close the cage and out, and Hurley Kark jump in food as two hungry dogs, Dan is moving a little getting seated in the wall of the cage, one feels uncomfortable, but not as much as before. Kark gives two loaves Dan thank you, he eats the bread slowly, at the end, drink a little water. All were relieved of hunger and when they would sleep around the tiger's cage and says, "I need your services again feral." Kark and Dan doesn't understand and when they look at Hurley, it was shaky and scared, he shakes his head negatively, the Tigaero opens the door of the cage and, after a choking, up and leaves the cage and the same and closed again.

Dan and Kark saw him walking with his head down next to Tigaero to his cabin, Kark knew nothing about what happened and says:

"Dan, you know what he was talking about?"

"The goal of having participated in this mission." Dan said, lowering his head.

"He will!?... The Tigaero!?... Go!? ... "Kark said stuttering.

Dan settled and sees the face of astonishment that Kark is in enforced silence.

The night passes quickly and soon the first rays of the sun are being loaded by the agreed Tigre before, are played on the back of a large cart full of materials stored and an opaque white curtain in front and then start walking, confused they look around, wondering what was happening, when you hear the voice of Hurley saying

"The master said we're going to Terbriand."


Dan sees Hurley and sat next to another human, wearing only a thong brown, confused, he asks:

"Sorry, but you said master?"



"He said I was his slave." Hurley said with a sad voice.

"What?" Cried loudly Kark and Dan.

"Please! Don't talk loud! The master can hear! "

"Why are you behaving like that!?" Said Dan surprised.

Hurley begins to cry down the other slave with a quiet voice says:

"The life you had before no longer makes any sense now, only to now serve is to serve and please their masters in their requests and desires that there be no retaliation ..."


"... Their lives were sealed. What you see now is a new one. "

"That's right, slave." Said the Tiger coming through the curtain.

Hurley and slave run to the feet of the Tiger and begged loudly kneeling before him: "Excuse me for talking to the prisoners, master!"

"Doesn't worry, slaves, did very well to have told them of his new condition." Said the Tigaero stroking their heads and looking around to talk Dan and Kark. "Now you must live with that. Feral."

Dan and Kark retreat to the other end of the cage hag, the Tigaero back the curtain and calls Hurley and another slave who follow. The two are quite close to each other, Kark to retract his side in the background sighs a low cry, as Dan was silent, the only thing that came his mind was the warning made by the father and Kark initiating a low cry, sad Dan falls plunges into his thoughts:

"I cannot believe this is happening. Four members killed, two prisoners and a ... A slave! This is happening to me!? Really !?... I had a chance to avoid it ... The wasted! Twice! ... I was persistent ... No, I was a fool! How could I have I risked it! How!? "

Dan drops a tear on the face running through the apple of her face, however, he cleans and after shaking his head violently and opens a shy smile to a growing confidence when Kark cries louder, Dan puts his arm over his shoulder and asks:

"Why are you crying? You won't have everything you longed for? "

"And that ... So ... Turn a slave!? And for a creature? "Kark said in tears.

"Kark this was his wish. It is being implemented before your eyes, you should grab it. "

"I don't understand how to talk like that."

"We are following the same path, and you wished that I didn't. I'm stunned with everything, don't accept anything that happens, but look around ... What do you see?" Said Dan lowering his head.

"A cage?"


"What then?"

"People who come here to fight for personal opinion or the ideal of others ... Remember the phrase that I said? "

"Think before you do anything is fundamental?"

"Properly! Life gave us a chance to avoid it! Wasted, now suffer the consequences. "

"You're right. Laments now would be a waste. "Kark said wiping the tears from his face.

"More doesn't stop us from escaping." Said Dan slyly.


"I'll be quiet a good time to improve, from there, I'll plan something."

"But ..."

"Not no 'but', I won't forget from my father, brothers, friends and all that I lived because of a situation, instead, it will give strength to try."

Hurley ground slope and soon his head on the shoulder of Dan and so embraced by the following way.

About a few hours and then stop, unlike what has been said aren't fed, they see to take some time before returning to walk again. When they return to stop the sun don't shine as strong as before, Dan and Kark is looking wondering what happened when you hear the back of the wagon creaking, then the same is open and there appears that the Tigris and captured another color orange, thin wearing a brown silk, it was much smaller than the other, came to the four feet, his face had a white patch covering his nose and left cheek completely.

Tiger looked at the two wisely, Dan Kark and lower the head and then hear a loud voice different tiger raptor:

"This is the fighter who commented hunter Muron?"

"Yes, Director Halen. Is himself. "

"You can bring it to see your state better."


The Tigers open the cage and then send Dan out, he obeys, groaning pains of the ribs, he leaves the cage and gets in the door of the back of the wagon knelt with bowed heads, is perceived by the groans and head right question:

"What he has hunter Muron?"

"Only a few broken ribs director."

"Do you want to sell me a defective human hunter?


"We know that this can be resolved by a healer director Halen."

"But this will cost ... Show it completely."

Soon the hunter getting naked orders Dan, Dan meets and soon you hear the two are surprised to see the tattoo covering the whole body, the hunter asked to turn and then show your face, Dan meets and when looking at the two tigers the eyes perceive a smile on both Tigaeros, just hear the director say:

"This specimen is awesome! Where you got hunter?"

"I cannot tell you Director Halen. You want to buy it? "


"As the hunter wants the feral?"

"Mmm ... Twenty thousand suns? "

"Twenty thousand!? For a mere human! "Amazed to the Director.

"Simple? We both are seeing that. However, I may as well go to Terbriand cure him of the ribs and sell it at a higher price. "Said the hunter leaning on the cart.

"Twenty thousand suns!?" Hesitated Director.

"Not now I Twenty-five thousand suns!" Said the hunter shaking his head negatively.

"Right .. . Twenty-five thousand suns. "

"Do you want the other human also Director?"

"It's not a fighter ... But what does?"

Hunter directs the question to that Kark is caught by surprise and responded with a few missteps: "Ex. Exploration and Hea ... Healer."

"No. It isn't useful for me. "Said the Director crossing his arms.

"Only the fighter?"

"Properly, hunter. I'll get the coins, stay here. "

"Yes, sir."

Dan looks at the tiger rubbing their hands with a smile contained, Dan looks for Kark that looks sadly, he would say something to Kark, but soon heard the hunter say, "Forget it! It will be sold in town for anyone who wishes having a domestic slave or single company, as you can be bought for a coach who will take care of you, you may be famous, human! ", Dan returns to look forward and lowers his head, the Director back holding a bag and delivery the hunter the grateful, therefore, before it was put out of the cart by Hunter says goodbye quickly Kark returns that shedding a tear, the hunter closes the cart and says goodbye to the Director.

Dan was still kneeling with his head down when ordered to walk, he raises his head and see a huge building made of stone, with several windows and a large wooden door of the same material, it seemed that was the same size as that blocked the exit Castle Kleargs guarded by two armored Tigaero Strong, the director of the same size and same color. Dan walks slowly admiring the building when you hear: "Welcome to the Prison of Berum."


When they reach the front door, the director turns to one of the guards and says: "Take him to an empty cell. Careful, he's hurt. "

"Yes, sir!"

This opens the door to enter the same director, Dan is out there being watched by two Tigaeros until one of them rises softly and carry inside, he is rushed through the halls, almost cannot see anything until a few minutes later, stop in front of a large grid that held a huge hall, full of cells, similar to what we had in prison Kleargs, and higher. The gate opens and the guard starts to walk down the aisle, Dan sees several other humans who watched the new tenant coming and strangely loaded. He is dragged to the back of the hall, there are carefully laid on the ground, Dan sees a little cell spacious two beds and a stone latrine, the Tigaero opens the grid cell and have Dan come in, he looks at the Tigaero and enter, Tiger closes violently grid, giving a shock, therefore, hear his footsteps moving away.

Dan goes to the grid and squeezing his face looks the other cells full of other men who watched, especially the cell front, Dan the stares and even takes a fright, called the cellmate who has the same reaction, he moves away from the door and sit in bed for a while until it lies down in it and says aloud:

"Father! Where did I stop? "