
Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A sequel to a very, very, very, VERY old story that was commissioned (then and now) by FA: blzkn , this story follows up on it with a bit of revenge reversal. While Ember thinks that he has the power to put his friend into another hypnotic trance, it seems that the grackle has different plans in mind.https://www.sofurry.com/view/576421 (Previous story here)

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For blzkn

By Draconicon

With the invitation text sent out, Ember laid himself down on the couch carefully. Not for comfort, of course, but more to get the precise positioning he'd need to work his magic on his friend. The lizard smiled, wiggling his toes a few times to get them nice and limber, setting his ankles on the edge of the couch so that his soles pointed right towards the front door. It was at a bit of an angle, admittedly, not quite perfect for getting the best view, but he was pretty sure that it would work for his purposes.

Hehehe, can't wait to see if it works again, he thought, the lizard's toes dancing in anticipation. It hadn't been that long since he'd hypnotized Cab into being something of a slut for him, dressing in panties and showing his body off, giving himself up as a slut for the lizard. If he could make it work a second time, he had even more ideas for this round.

Smiling to himself, he faked watching TV as time crept by at a crawl. Every so often, he couldn't resist the urge to take a look at the door, wondering if the grackle was coming, but every time that he checked, there was no sign of the bird. He forced himself not to get disappointed, reminding himself that it was quite a walk from Cab's house to his; even though they lived in the same city these days, it wasn't easy to just drop in on the other. He had to be patient. Cab would be here eventually.

Ember was just starting to shift position for comfort when he heard the crackle of someone walking up the path to the front door. The lizard froze, waiting to hear another shift in the rocky path. As soon as he did, he pulled his feet back to their original position, one slightly laying over the other, the undersides just slightly wrinkled as his toes curled. Perfect pose for someone that was interested in them.

He got it sorted just in time, the door opening as he went back to as casual a pose as he could get. Waving absently, he listened for any sign that the hypnotic sight wasn't working...and received none.

Instead, the soft click-click of taloned feet echoed around the room, only cut off by the quiet thunk of the door closing. Ember wanted to look up, but he didn't want to break the trance or move his feet by accident. He had to wait for a bit longer.

Another thump, this time probably the sound of knees hitting the floor. He waited, hoping for the feel of hot air blowing over his soles. Just a few sniffs, he knew, would be all he needed to get Cab under his control again. It was part of the triggers he'd left behind after the embarrassing wake-up call that he'd had last time, just to make sure that he'd have control again. A breath of his musk should be sufficient to seal the building trance that had started with the sight of his scaly, green feet.

Huff. Puff.

Mmm, yes, keep on breathing there, Cab, he thought to himself as he felt the warmth billowing over his toes, the hardness of the grackle's beak slipping along the arches of his feet, almost pushing between them at time. He risked a slight turn of his head, and felt his cock throb at the sight before him.

Cab's beak was thrust between his feet, nudging back and forth in the gap between his arches. Ember smiled, curling his toes slightly every time that the bird's forehead came close enough, tapping them lightly along his feathered scalp. It seemed to drag the bird deeper into trance. At the very least, it had him thrusting his face back and forth between the lizard's feet with greater speed and abandon. He smiled to himself, reaching down and adjusting his bulge as he watched.

Just like before, Cab seemed to slip into a relaxed state, happy to be doing what he was doing, huffing and puffing at the scent that came off of the lizard's soles. He wasn't sure why he had been so nervous that it wouldn't work. There'd been every reason why it would, and now, he could have his fun again.

After giving the bird another minute or two to let the scent really sink into his mind, Ember pulled his feet up and away, rolling around so that he was sitting on the couch.

"Hehe, alright, Cab. Stand up."

The bird did as he was told, slowly but smoothly. The grackle loomed over him, lean frame looking like a sapling rather than a giant tree trunk, which was all the better for him. Muscle guys weren't his thing. Not this week, anyway.

He slid across the couch until he was right beside the entranced bird, looking him up and down a few times. The t-shirt that Cab wore was tight along his chest, while his pants were looser than most jeans people wore these days. Well, looser in all but one area, at least. The lizard chuckled, pressing his hand against the bulge that ran down one jeans leg, shaking his head a few times as he felt the heft and weight of it.

"Not going to be putting these in panties this time, I think. It's too lovely to humiliate like that, this time."

He glanced up, seeing the glazed-over look in the grackle's eyes, the beak hanging open ever so slightly. It was such a beautiful expression, something that turned him on to no end to see his friend doing. He looked like a toy, and today, that was just what he was.

"Mmmm, I think you deserve a bit of fun for being such a good boy, falling back into trance like that. Let's see what this bad boy looks like when we get it out in the open."

Ember tugged the zipper down, and shucked the grackle's pants right off of him. As the jeans hit the floor, that long, floppy thing bounced for him, and despite being the one in charge, the lizard licked his lips at the sight of it. It hung down quite low, barely held up by a nice set of balls, and it seemed to sway slightly as he got the bird to step out of his pants.

As he gave it another flick, the lizard paused, shaking his head a few times as something dragged at his mind, pulling at it and nudging it in a way that he wasn't used to. It was something strange, something...different. A scent?

Yeah...yeah, it was a scent, one that was coming from the bird in front of him. He took another breath, a musky smell from the bird's cock coming up and filling his nose and making it a little harder to think. His mind fogged for a second, then cleared again a moment later when he puffed out through his mouth.


Ember shook his head. That wasn't what he expected. Almost...almost like there was something in that scent that was making him want to focus on it, trying to pull him in and focus on that cock. The lizard groaned, slowly pulling his head back -

"Mmph...I don't...think so."

Only to get grabbed by a feathered hand, pulled forward without the slightest warning. He grunted as his face was shoved against the feathery crotch, his nose buried in damp feathers as he was pulled back and forth along the grackle's crotch. He grunted in shock, trying to pull back, but Cab was surprisingly strong, holding him in place seemingly without any effort on the bird's part. He tried to look up, but all he could see was that hardening cock above him.

Shaking his head, he tried to pull back again, but all his efforts got him was getting his nose shoved into the bird's balls. Each breath brought that musk with it, flooding his mind with the powerful scent, making it hard to think of anything else. The bird started to groan a bit as well, almost in pleasure, but then more coherently.

In less than a minute, Ember realized that their positions were reversed. He could hardly think, and the bird was thinking all too clearly. Cab held his head pinned in place, chuckling to himself.

"Look at that. This time, it's me on top, and you on the bottom."


"Oh, don't be upset. We both know what was going to happen if you didn't sniff at my cock. This is just fair play."

He groaned, trying to shake his head and deny it, but something about that scent was playing with his head and his libido at the same time. His already-hard cock was throbbing all the harder, pushing at the front of his pants and begging to be allowed free. Ember shivered as he took another breath, and another, each breath running back over his mind and pushing his thoughts out of his head, like throwing captives off a ship. Bit by bit, his mind was emptying, draining of all resistance.

And throughout it all, Cab kept rubbing his head, grinding him along the feathery sack. He could hear that voice at the edge of his mind, slowly fading, but never losing its power.

"Look at you, little lizard. It's not a bad look for you, being on your knees and panting for breath. I can feel each little puff on my balls, you know. Liking the scent? I bet you are. You always were something of a little musk slut."

He wasn't...was he? It was hard to remember, hard to think of anything from when he had been on the bottom before. But, had he been on the bottom before? Or was that something else that Cab was putting in his mind?

He shivered as that cock rested on his snout, running from his nose all the way up to his forehead. It drooled on him, oozing constantly with a thick, musky fluid that ran from his forehead to his jawline, and then further down from there, dripping away. It soaked into him, making the musk harder to escape than ever. His tongue flopped out of his mouth, lolling out almost like a dog as he stared upwards.

The bird pulled his head along, making him nuzzle and sniff at that feathery crotch, each breath taking away a few more thoughts, a few more worries. Was he a top? It didn't matter. Was he a slut? It didn't matter. Was he someone that needed this? It didn't matter, but by gods, yes, he needed this more than anything else in his life right at that moment.

The lizard moaned again and again as he kept breathing, his cock finally starting to drip. In the back of his mind, he was aware of how horny he was, how drippy his dick was getting from just the musk of his friend. Cab's cock was drooling on his head, while his was soaking the front of his pants. He could feel himself slowly thrusting, grinding his dick into his own slimy secretions, and he shivered at the humiliating, sensual feeling.

"Mmm, soaking yourself already, are you? Guess that you are more pent up than I was. But don't worry. I'm going to give you everything you need, little lizard slut. You might rule with your feet, but looks like I rule with my cock. I think we both know which one is better."

Another shiver, another little loss of thought. So hard to think, so hard to protest. He thought...he thought ruling with his feet was kinda cool, sexy, keeping someone under his heel until they learned to love their proper place. But was it that good, compared to pulling your dick out and just shoving someone down with that? He didn't know. It was hard to know anything when he couldn't think.

Another breath, another shiver, and he slipped off of the couch somehow. One moment, he was leaning on the arm of the piece of furniture, and then he was on the floor. Glancing up past the oozing cock, not because it moved, but because Cab had moved him. It was right against his lips now, he realized, rubbing pre against his nose and his mouth, almost pushing in several times without him even being aware of it. His mouth hung open, his tongue hanging out like a welcome mat, and he barely cared in the slightest.

The bird smacked his cock against his tongue twice, nudging him to lean forward. Ember tried to hold back, some small part of him trying to resist, but it was so hard. He barely had any muscle strength left, any control that he had been using giving in as Cab pushed him forward. The first inch of the cock slipped past his lips, running over his tongue, and the musky flavor that accompanied the scent blew his mind. He moaned around it, a soft ripple of sound coming up his throat.

The thoughts of resistance faded quickly after that, leaving him with his mouth wrapped tight around the grackle's cock. It was everything to him, the perfect thing to be sucking on, the center of his world.

"Center of your world, yes. Sluts love cocks, and that's what you are, isn't it, little lizard? You're just a slut, a slut that needs to get his cocks and have them shoved into every hole he has."

Every hole he had, yes, that was what he needed. He needed all those cocks, needed every single one of them. His tail was already lifting, exposing his ass a little bit, but his clothes were in the way. He wanted to start showing off, to be a good slut, to suck on that cock and have it everywhere that he could get it, but it was just too hard to move. He couldn't. He could only be moved.

Cab pushed him back against the couch, helping him suck on that cock as it slid in and out of his mouth. Any thoughts of confusion, anything that contradicted what the bird was saying was pushed out just as firmly as that shaft was pushed in, nudging him to be more and more submissive, more and more eager. The lizard drooled around the shaft, his spit oozing out onto the bird's balls and soaking them slowly, bit by bit. Cab only seemed to enjoy that all the more, his fingers digging into Ember's head.

"That's it. Suck, suck. Suck in my musk, let all those pesky little thoughts fade away. You're going to be a good slut and give me everything that I want, everything that you wanted me to give you. It's so much easier to give than it is to take, isn't it? You just want to lay there, giving me what I want, giving me what I need, while I just take what I want from you. That's what you want, isn't it?"

Yes...yes, it was exactly what he wanted. He was so happy that Cab was telling him what he needed, so happy to let it happen. It was better to do this, better to be give up all that others wanted. They would tell him what he needed, and he'd get what he wanted. All those cocks. Every single cock. All his. All his to play with. All his in his mouth and his ass and everywhere else.

The bird was thrusting harder, faster, deeper, each one going into his throat and making him pant and gasp as it came back out. It was hard to breathe around it, but he almost didn't have to. It was better to suck. Better to suck and taste. He would give all the pleasure that Cab wanted, give the bird all that he needed.

It didn't take long for him to be pinned against the couch entirely, the bird's mass above him keeping him from moving. His head was ground against the cushions, his shoulders digging into the couch as the bird humped his face, using him, fucking him, face-fucking him into oblivion. His cock was so hard in his pants, begging to be let out, but he didn't even move. He couldn't move. He could only suck.

Good slut, good slut, good slut. I am a good slut. Good slut for cocks. Good slut for musk. Good slut, good slut.

It hit him again and again, the sense of helplessness, of need, of utter hunger for that cock. Every splash of pre reinforced the need that he felt, every throb of flesh making him hunger for it more. He wanted to move his head, wanted to do something to give the bird more incentive to fuck his face harder, but there was no chance of it. He was helpless, a toy.

"Yeah, just a toy. A toy to fuck, a toy to be filled. Just lay there and let me use you, let me make you into my perfect little toy. Giving it all to me. All those thoughts, all those decisions, they're mine. They're all mine, and you're going to be happy to let me choose things for you, aren't you?"

Yes, so happy. Happy to give it up, he thought as he was fucked, fucked, filled with cock. He gagged and gasped occasionally from the hard sense of being filled by that thick cock, but he didn't let it stop him. That shaft was his, was something that was his to play with, just like his body belonged to Cab to play with. There was no difference there. He was a toy, and cocks were his toys.

He bounced back and forth as his face was fucked so hard, those balls slapping off his chin until they were almost bruising him. Ember could feel his own pleasure rising, his cock throbbing as if it might cum hands-free, but he didn't think about that for long. He could feel the throbbing in his mouth, the cum that was already ready to spew down his throat. His tongue was coated with pre, with fuck-slick, and he wanted the conclusion.

It went right down his throat, and he felt Cab grab him tight, the bird holding his head down as the avian came in him. There was no describing the sheer size of the load that went down his throat, something hot, sticky, massive. He shuddered through it all, his eyes going wide in pleasure as he was able to fulfill his duty as a slut. He was a good boy. A good boy.


The bird pulled back, that thick cock rubbing all over his face, smearing him with cum, throat slime, and spit.

"You're not done yet. It's time to see just how good that ass of yours is. Come on. All the way to the bedroom now."


Ember woke up, somewhat, by the time that Cab was ready to fuck him. The lizard groaned, his cock still hard, but no longer constrained by his pants. It throbbed and bounced in front of him, begging to be touched, slimed up with his own product. He dripped constantly on his belly, and his ass ached for something inside of it. Something that he knew that the bird would be giving him shortly.

He looked over his shoulder, his eyes still glazed over from the sheer joy of being face-fucked and the remnants of the musk in his system. He shivered as the bird crawled over the bed to him, chuckling down at him.

"Oh, you're waking up. I think we need to fix that."

"Nnngh. Come on...you've had your...fun...let me have a...a turn."

"Oh, you will. Don't worry. I'll make sure that this is very fun for you."

The bird grabbed him by the head, making him look up as the grackle's shaft started swaying from side to side. Cab swung his hips back and forth, deliberately swaying them around for his benefit. The lizard groaned, blushing as he realized that it resembled nothing so much as a swaying pendulum.

"Just look at my dick. It's such a big dick, isn't it? So very big, so very fat, so very long. It's easy to stare at, easy to follow as it swings from side to side. Even a top wouldn't be able to look away from something like this, not easily. You just want to stare at it, watch it as it swings around, think about how it might feel inside of you. You know that you're thinking that, even if you don't want to. You just want to stare at it, wondering how anyone could have a cock that big, how big it would feel inside of you, how wide you'd be stretched if you took it.

"And as you keep watching, you can't help but wonder how you swallowed it, how you were able to take it. You just swallowed this cock down your throat, took my load into your stomach. It was so easy, then, yet you aren't able to take it up your ass? You can't finish it? Yes you can. You know you can. Do you know why?"

Ember shook his head, realizing what he was doing a second too late. He was already falling back into trance, already giving himself back to the bird. His cock throbbed at how helpless he was, a part of him enjoying it all too much as his eyes followed that cock, watching the thick shaft sway from side to side.

"You are a slut. Yes, a slut. You hear the word in your mind, again, and again. The word, 'slut.' It's so powerful, it's so strong. You can't get away from it. It's always repeating in there. Slut. Slut. Slut. The most powerful word that you know, but you don't know why it's so strong. You can't get it out of your head, like someone is whispering it to you all the time. You can't get away from it, can't silence it.

"You know why it's there. You know the truth of it. You are a slut. You are a total slut. The word is your identity. The word is what makes you, you. You are a slut. A cock-swallowing, cum-craving, musk-zonked slut, and staring at my cock reminds you of that every time that it sways back and forth, back and forth. The constant swaying is cutting at your resistance, pushing you down, pushing you back into being a slut again. You want nothing more than to be a good slut. You want to be a slut for me, for a big cock like this. You want to be a total, cock-craving little girly-boi of a lizard, just begging for cum and cock."

And it was working. Ember was panting already, his hole burning as he stared at that swinging cock, his eyes locked on it like it was some magical talisman. It probably was, in some corner of his mind, but there was no way that he could admit it.

Yes he could. Cock was power, cock was magic. There was no getting around that. He was staring at it because he needed that cock, needed that power inside of him. Needed to be ruled by it. He was a slut, and sluts craved cock more than anything else. It had power over them, had that magic that ruled them.

He bowed his head to that power, feeling each sway lower him deeper, deeper to that needy state that he had bene in while sucking cock, back into that place where he'd been panting for more of the grackle's shaft. He wanted the bird to use him, he wanted to -

Nnngh...slut...slut...not...not a....

He couldn't even complete the statement anymore. He was a total slut, but couldn't stop himself from wanting to deny it.

Staring at the cock, even that was fading away, replaced by the need for it, replaced by a need for cum and to be filled with it. He wanted to be a slut. Wanted to be a slut for a big, powerful male, for the bigger male in front of him. It wasn't much bigger, wasn't much longer, but it was enough. He panted in submission for Cab, lifting his ass up even higher, his mind fading bit by bit.

Sway, sway, sway went that cock, dragging away his mind and turning him into exactly what he had been. No more musk, no more words were needed. He panted as he looked up, his eyes glazed over again.

"Please...fuck me..."

"Mmm, I will, slut."

The bird walked around behind him, feathery hands rubbing his ass a few times before pulling his tail up. His ass burned with need, and he wiggled his hips back and forth, hoping that it looked good enough to entice the bird to use him hard. He felt a finger rubbing between his ass cheeks, teasing him, working him up, and he felt it slide inside of him. It was a start, something, but not nearly enough. He panted, working his hips backwards, pushing back against the finger to get it in deeper, and he vaguely caught a laugh above his head. There was something said, something whispered, but he was too deep in his own need.

The finger slipped out, replaced by something hard, hot against his rim. He knew what it was. All sluts knew the feeling of cock.

The bird pushed against him twice, nudging him, almost opening him, but not quite. It was just too tight, too new to it. The slut needed more, but the cock was too big. He whimpered slowly, trying to push back, but the bird, the master, had already moved.

Instead, he felt the beak come down, hard material rubbing his ass a few times before it opened, the tongue pushing free. Like a wriggling worm, wet and warm, it pressed against the slut's hole, and the slut moaned at the feeling, gasping and arching his back eagerly for more. He needed it. Needed it inside of him, working its way deeper, pushing him towards the climax that he craved. He was already dripping, needed more, needed tongue, cock, anything inside of his hot little hole.

He got it, and enjoyed it. That tongue was in so deep already, and as the bird held him by the hips, it worked deeper still. He wiggled his hips from side to side, trying to push back, but Cab held him tight, held the slut down to be used. He was panting, gasping, his cock throbbing and bouncing with each and every so lick in, each and every little flail inside of him that opened his hole up even more. He was so hot and wet inside and out, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as that tongue found his prostate and started pounding it.

Flick, flick, flick it went, nudging him, making him pant and ooze and leak onto the bed beneath him. His toes curled constantly, the musk in the air getting stronger. His musk? Cab's? Hard to tell, impossible, so strong, too strong to get away from. He just knew that he loved it, wanted more of it, wanted to make more of it, fill the air until there was nothing but that horny scent to breathe in.

Tongue flicked in and out, in and out, working him open. He could feel his rim getting looser and more ready for penetration, his body getting relaxed and eager for it. Ember arched his back again, the lizard wiggling his ass and hoping that the bird would get the message.

He did.

Cab pulled himself back, tongue coming out with a wet schlorp sound, and the lizard lifted his tail as high as he could to show off his hole. It was more than enough to draw the bird in, and in mere moments, he felt the humping begin.

He screamed with pleasure as that cock forced its way past his rim, the spit and its own pre more than enough to get it inside of his loosened hole. The slut moaned at the burning feeling for a few seconds, but it faded fast, leaving him with nothing but the stretched, filling sensation of being stuffed with a hot cock. Ember shivered, pushing back eagerly, sheathing that cock inside of him in record time, wiggling his ass when he was down at the base to feel it filling him up properly.


"Yes, you slut. You love it, don't you? Love getting filled with a big dick. Love fulfilling your destiny. Love getting that hunger sated."

"Oh, yes, so much...so fucking much..."

"You're going to get more than that, you slut. Hold still...I'm going to fuck you."

And the feathers on the hips came back, and with it the control that the bird had over him. Ember went still, the slut holding as still as possible as that cock slowly worked itself backwards, the grackle giving him time for a moment or two to adjust to the sheer size of the shaft inside of him, the feeling of it coming free of his hole.


And then it was back inside, filling him to the brim in the space of a second. His eyes rolled back again, his cock swinging up to smack against his belly, his ass aching slightly from the feeling of the sudden spreading and the burning that came after. Slow pull, SLAM! Slow pull, SLAM!

Again and again it happened, making his ass cheeks burn from the impact of that hard fucking, the way that he was getting used. He loved it, though, each thrust making him moan a little louder than the last, his arms getting weak at the hard pounding, and his ass loosening up more and more as he took the bird's cock right where it belonged. He let it fill him again and again, let it push its way into its rightful home, and he didn't fight it when the bird shoved him down into the sheets.

Moan after moan filled the air as he was taken, his eyes rolling back in his skull and staying there, his vision going white and cloudy at the hard fuck. He wanted more of it, wanted to be filled, wanted this to go on forever. His balls swayed back and forth, getting smacked by the bird's bigger pair, feeling the fuzziness of the feathers against the smoothness of his scales. Each thrust, each smack was better than the last, and his cock was right on the edge.

Not once was he allowed to touch it, and not once did Cab offer to do it for him. Instead, it was assumed that his cock would cum or not from the anal stimulation alone, and that seemed right. He was a slut, and he would cum like a slut, if he came at all.

Back and forth, back and forth he went, his cock swinging up to smack at his stomach at the harder thrusts, and hanging down and dripping from the weaker ones. He needed it, but he didn't push for it. He needed to cum, but he couldn't make it happen. Only Cab could make him cum. Only cock could make sluts cum.

No thought, no thought but the cock in his ass. He was down deep, a slut at the heart of hearts, and he moaned as he squeezed down on the shaft, trying to pull it deeper, trying to feel it hammering at him harder, deeper, more, more, more! The lizard's arms finally gave out, leaving him face-down in the bed, ass higher and more fuckable than ever as the grackle took him, the bird's feathers raking over him.

He was so close, and he could feel Cab was getting there, too. They were right on the edge, about to go over, and there was no stopping it. He panted, and shoved back, hard, grinding, squeezing, holding that shaft as deep inside of him as he could, and he felt the twitches that meant it was over.

The bird's cock felt like it was exploding with cum inside of him, filling him to the brim and then some. The pressure, the heat, the sheer slickness of it all inside of him was so intense, so powerful.

He went over the edge as well, cumming right then and there from the feeling of being filled. Shooting his load over the bed, covering the sheets with his own musky seed, the lizard came like the slut he was, soaking the bed and himself as his cock went all over the place, spraying his chest and his arms, almost getting his face at several points.

Slowly, Cab pulled out of his ass, slid back in. The bird groaned, trying to pull out completely, but it was too much of a struggle. Eventually, the bird slammed down on him, and they rolled to the side, spooning...familiarly? It was in some way, feeling like they'd done this before, but in reverse, like he'd been the one on top.

But that was impossible. He was a slut. Sluts never topped. Sluts stayed on the bottom, where they belonged, where they could get dick. He giggled to himself at the thought, his cock still oozing as he slipped off into tranced sleep in the bird's arms. The last thing he thought as he slipped into the darkness of dreams was that the bird must have been waiting a long time to fill him like this, considering how much cum was in his ass.


Sleeping with a cock in his ass, he found out, was something of an experience. It left him spread and filled, alright, but it also meant that when he woke up, he was more than a little bit sore. Sore enough to groan and wince as he slipped off of the shaft, and shuddering as he reached back and rubbed his rump.

"Mmph. Fuck..."

Slowly, he remembered what he had gone through, his mind filled with the memories of his slutty behavior. Almost embarrassingly, the lizard's cock started rising almost immediately at the reminder of what he had gone through, and he shook his head.

"One-time thing. Not a slut. Nooooot a slut."

Cab didn't have anything to say. The blue-feathered grackle was still out cold, and probably wasn't going to be saying anything for a while, if at all. The lizard shook his head, walking out of the room towards the shower, all too conscious of the cum that was slowly running down his legs.

As he got the water running, he turned to the mirror and gradually spun around. His ass looked normal as he was standing there, but as he pulled the ass cheeks apart...

Geez, just how hard was he fucking me? he wondered, staring at the puffy red rim around his hole and the way that it spread open so quickly. Looks more like I had a horse back there, or a dragon, not a bird.

Even that turned him on, somehow. The lizard groaned, fighting his blush as he let his ass cheeks slap back together. He still felt the slime of cum inside of him, that weird feeling of being stuffed with something that needed to slide out later. It was foreign and familiar at the same time, and he blamed the hypnosis that the bird had used on him. He wasn't a slut, and he wasn't going to be one.

He took a step towards the shower, and stopped at the squelching sensation underfoot.

Oh, come on.

Ember looked down and saw that he was standing in a puddle of cum that had oozed out of his ass from the night before. Most of it was mucky, slimy, and as he lifted his foot, he saw strands of the old cum sticking to it, making it look even slimier and wetter than before. He walked out of it, sitting down on the edge of his bath-shower combination, and looked down at the bottom of his foot. It was shiny, now, and covered in goo, and...

And musky...

So musky...

He felt his thoughts slipping away already, his cock getting hard and his ass starting to twitch again.

The End

The Porn Note, Chapter 6: Ganging Up

The Porn Note Chapter 6: Ganging Up By Draconicon _Lord Jonah steps into the apartment, feeling the magic of the other book around him. He looks about, his eyes sweeping the walls from the doorway, his annoyance clear on his face. The terrorist has...

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The Dragon's Foot Slave

The Dragon's Foot Slave For 3rdHarleyJoe By Draconicon Draconicon sighed as he gestured for the guards to leave the room. It was the third time that he'd had to call the lizardmen in to restore order, and he doubted that they would...

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The Roommate Agreement

The Roommate Agreement For Rhajaro By Draconicon It was a hard job being the homework wotter in the dorm, but someone had to do it, and it sure as hell weren't going to be the meatheads that Rhajaro had as roommates. He shook his head...

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