A Hot Day Down South

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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(This is my first ever story commission. I had fun writing it and I can certainly see myself doing more!)


A Hot Day Down South


I was walking back from my job at the department store, and it's a good thing too! That tin roof makes the inside hotter than you could imagine! I was drenched with sweat as I walked down the road to my house. I needed a bath worse than anything. Even just sitting in the shade would help.

I could see all of the neighbors working in their gardens. That seemed crazy to me seeing as how it's the hottest day I can remember. I wouldn't mind a dry heat, like in a desert, but here we all get that heavy, wet heat that just makes you sweat buckets and your fur smell. My fluffy raccoon coat was matted with my own sweat. What I would give to be a dog so I can pant, or a pig with no fur at all!

I could see someone sitting on the bench on my front porch. I could tell that he was another raccoon, but I just didn't know who it was. I thought that maybe they might have been some kin of mine. However, the closer I got the less familiar he looked.

I walked up to my house and I could see him better. I could only see from about halfway up from his chest though. I had one of those closed off porches. There were planks of wood the whole way across with no gaps. It gave it a little extra shade that way.

It was Paul. He's no friend of mine, more of just an acquaintance. A friend of a friend, actually. Actually he's a friend of Jacob, the fox I work the still with. The new laws against alcohol have been hard on some people, bar owners in particular, but prohibition has been good to us! I can't think of many people who don't either own a still, or know where one is. Heck, I bet even some of the cops are in on it.

As I walked up the steps, I could see that Paul had yet to sweat off the extra pounds he hauls around. He's a big boy. Not to the point where if you told him to haul ass it would take him two trips, but he's just sort of a heavy set guy. Like me I guess. I could lose some weight, but I guess it's just not to the point where I need to worry about it.

Even though his black raccoon mask made his face hard to read, a nervous twitching in his long whiskers gave something away. Paul was up to something, and I was not so sure I wanted to find out.

"Good afternoon Paul, can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm sure you can. Take a seat Earl. I'm thinking that you want to hear this," he said.

I sat down on the other side of the bench and looked over at Paul. He was grinning back at me. He was making me real nervous.

"So, what's new? I've never seen you around these parts," I asked.

"Well, let's just say that I have a little business proposition for you and your foxy friend, Jacob," he deviously sneered.

"What are you going at here bud? This better not be about what I think it is," I nervously said.

"You know damn well that this is about the still. I know you two have one and I know it's a big one. You've been making quite the living off of it. All of that money has got to find someplace to go. I can think of a few people who might want to know about that, like, the sheriff or the F.B.I for instance," he threatened.

"Look, you're not getting a cut of our business and you sure as hell ain't going to tell the cops about it," I said as I showed my teeth a little.

"And what's going to stop me Earl? The police are just one phone call away," Paul said.

An idea struck me. I knew that I was going to turn the tables on Paul, but I just now realized the perfect way to do it.

"Hey Paul," I said, "You remember how you said that all of that money has to go someplace? Well, let's just say that I invested in a little something just for this."

I pulled the snub nose .38 revolver out of my pants pocket in a flash as I gave Paul's muzzle a little smack to keep him distracted. I held the gun low to his gut so that any passersby wouldn't see. Paul really had no idea just how much trouble he was getting himself into. He was paralyzed with fright.

"Actually, I didn't buy this," I admitted, "Some of the boys that Jacob and I know in Chicago gave us each one of these. They said that if the heat comes, we might need them. I can't imagine a hotter day than this, can you?"

"Heat" means cops you idiot," snarled Paul.

"Well who's the idiot now?" I asked, "Who's the one who didn't know about the gunfight today, huh?"

Paul just stared back at me with steely eyes.

"This thing is far bigger than you think Paul. Jacob and I are sending off our moonshine to the big cities and they are just sucking it up like a tick on your momma's ass. Everybody is in on the deal, just not you I guess," I said.

"So what?" asked Paul, "Are you going to shoot me here on your front porch? Everybody will hear the shot, and trust me, I can holler pretty loud."

He did have a point there. I couldn't possibly try to shoot him and hope to get away with it. I could see people across the street working their gardens or sweeping off their steps. For all they knew, Paul and I were just talking. If I would have let him go, he would have just told the cops anyway. I had to do something so that he wouldn't talk. I had to humiliate him.

"I know what I'll do," I said, "You won't be able to show your face around me or Jacob ever again."

"Oh? And what's that?" challenged Paul.

I'll admit, the man can handle having a gun aimed at him pretty well. But, I knew just what to do to fix that. I couldn't wait for it. I just let the words roll off of my tongue. They sound more sinister that way.

"I've been feeling a little tight in my pants lately. It's not going away, that's for sure. It's been like that for a few days now. It happens every now and again. The only way I can get things back to normal is if someone handles it for me," I explained.

"The hell are you talking about?" asked Paul.

"Paul," I said, "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to pull down my pants, suck on some stiff cock, and then march you're ass out of town never to be seen again, do you get me?"

"WHAT!?" yelled Paul.

My revolver flashed in the sunlight, but only for a moment. I smacked the butt of it against the side of Paul's muzzle before I jammed it back in his gut.

"Not so loud," I quietly threatened, "I don't like the girls who are loud in the sack."

Paul was shaking from fright. He looked so helpless and pathetic, I bet if let him go right then, he would never come back. I just had to make sure. I could feel my crotch give a lurch in anticipation.

"Undo the fly," I commanded.

Paul bent down a little, but hesitated for a second.

"I can't believe this," he said, "Won't everyone see?"

"No," I said, "Now do it."

Paul got off the bench and lowered himself down onto his knees in front of me. I had the gun pointed to his head just to make sure he doesn't try any funny stuff. I couldn't stop myself from grinning as he popped the button on my jeans.

I watched intently as he shakily unzipped my pants and pulled them down. I loved the look on his face. He thought that he was going to sit on my porch and make demands, but instead he got humiliated. It felt good in more ways than one.

"The underwear," I commanded.

Paul didn't hesitate much this time. I felt a lot of relief to have everything out in the open. I loved the expression on Paul's face as he gazed at my big, hard dick.

"Bigger than yours, ain't it?" I asked.

Paul made a sound of disgust and looked away. I guess that meant, "yes".

"Get to it," I ordered.

Paul opened his mouth and brought it close. My cock throbbed as soon as it felt his hot breath hit it. Before Paul's mouth came down on it, he shuddered and looked away a second time.

"Get on that thing Paul. The faster you make me come, the sooner you'll be out of this. It ain't gonna kill you. It certainly never killed your sister, that's for sure," I sneered.

Paul growled and brought his face back to my crotch again. With my left hand, I grabbed the fur and skin on the back of his head to keep him there.

"Lick around the bottom of it there," I said.

Paul did as he was told for once. I loved the feel of his whiskers, and the smacking of his lips as he ran his tongue around my sheath. I even watched as he made little foamy bubbles out of my pre. I never made love to a man, and I don't intend to, but that was pretty alright.

"Nice work there Paul; you're a good little bitch. Now suck it hard," I commanded.

Paul grimaced before he wrapped his muzzle around my dick. I was the victor and I was going to take my reward. Paul wasn't too talented and he sure wasn't making a good effort, so I tightened my grasp on the back of his head and forced him to go back and forth.

I growled as I started to aggressively thrust my hips and stick my meat into the back of Paul's throat over and over. He gagged a little, but he eventually got used to it. I even got him to rub my balls a little. It didn't take me long until I felt like I was going to come, but I didn't want it in his mouth.

I pulled Paul's head back and let him breathe for a second before I told him to start licking my cock again. It only took a few swipes of his tongue before my body shook as I started to hit my high.

I held Paul's face still as I came on his face. The sight of my dick squirting cum on it was priceless. I made sure that all of it got on him and I even wiped myself off with the fur around his neck getting the rest of it into his undercoat.

Paul's black mask was covered with my white load. It really stood out. He was shivering as I kicked him in the chest and knocked him onto his back. I pointed the gun at him again and jammed my right foot between his legs. I could feel that he had an erection from being treated like a woman.

I started to rub my foot up and down the length of it that I could feel under his pants. Paul squirmed a little as I massaged his hard-on with my toes.

"What are you doing Earl?" he whimpered as I rubbed his dick underneath his pants.

"I want you to walk funny on the way home," I said, "and I want everyone to smell it on ya."

It wasn't long before Paul bucked his hips and his legs started to shake. I could feel his cock twitching through all of the fabric as it filled his clothes with warmth. I pushed harder and grinded my heel on his twitching member so I could spread his cum around and get it all deep into his coat.

I took one final look at Paul as his orgasm ended and he went back to having that forlorn and humiliated look on his face. He had sticky white cum all over his black mask and muzzle and I could see stains showing through his pants. He reeked of sex and I'm sure that everyone would smell it on him on his way home.

"You're a good little bitch," I said, "That was quite the number you did on my dick. I had a good time making you choke on it. Good lord... you smell like a cheap whore."

I stuck the snub nose .38 back in my pants pocket before saying, "Leave town. But first, get the fuck off my porch," and going inside and locking the front door.

I watched out the front window as Paul stayed on his back for a while. He eventually got up and tried to wipe his face off with his shirt. Sure, it took off most of my cum, but it wouldn't get rid of the smell. I almost laughed as I watched him go down my front steps and try to saunter home as normal as he could.

He never did tell about the still. They eventually repealed the laws against alcohol, but I'll never forget that hot summer day that Paul thought he could make some money off of me.