Cum From Behind

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And another commission. BAM. There's sex type things.

Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains EXPLICIT SCENES of a SEXUAL NATURE between CUBS, including FELLATIO, CUNNILINGUS, VAGINAL, and ANAL SEX, including CONDOM USE, and also some PEEING. If any of this offends you, LEARN HOW TO USE TAGS TO BLOCK SHIT YOU DON'T LIKE. By reading beyond this point, you waive your right to be offended yadda yadda yadda. JUST FAP TO IT, PERVS. <3

Summer vacation was usually Becky's favorite part of the year. While she loved school, the chance to get some time away from the books and just hang out with her friends and play video games was too good to pass up. But this summer, her first since the bunny had started on her path toward womanhood, was proving more frustrating than she had anticipated.

Staying with a friend she'd met at summer camp last year had seemed like a good idea when she'd initially proposed it to her mother. A few days away from her eight siblings were always a welcome relief. But it had been a year since she'd seen Mike after meeting him at summer camp, and visiting now... gods, he'd gotten sexy. Not only that, but she was goddamned HORNY!

The room was pleasantly cool, but that wasn't enough to preclude a sheen of sweat on the rabbit's body. Becky groaned as she laid back on the bed. It was comfortable, sure, but she couldn't get Mike's face out of her mind. The wolf boy had a charming smile, an infectious laugh, a beautiful build. She couldn't help but to undress him in her mind.

Had he really gotten sexier, or was she just more atuned to it now, more actively looking for it? Searching her memory banks, she wasn't quite sure which was the case. Maybe he was the same old Mike from last year. He wasn't any different. What was different was all on her. But maybe, just maybe, he'd gotten a little nicer looking, too. Regardless, he seemed like a great catch.

The rabbit rolled onto her belly and slipped her paws between her legs. Her fingers found heat and moisture at her labia. Without even realizing it, she pushed two fingers into her pussy. All she'd wanted was to get away from her crazy family for a little while and hang out with that nice boy she'd met at camp. She and Mike had talked about all the video games they liked over instant messenger, and she'd been excited to have unlimited access to games and a friend to play them with, free of the distractions of her eight siblings. But now, all she could think about was what the wolf might look like naked -- and what his penis might feel like inside of her.

Her fingers worked like lightning, two digits pumping into her puss, the forefinger of her other paw rubbing in desperate circles around her clit. No matter what she did, it just wasn't satisfying. She needed the touch of another fur. Ugh, why did her body have to react like this NOW?

There was only one solution. Becky pushed herself out of bed and tugged down her nightgown to cover herself. Her eyes drifted to her suitcase. She knew she wanted the boy inside her, but she also knew she had to be careful.

Her breath sped up as she knelt down next to her pack and dug around. Buried at the bottom were a couple of condoms -- gifts from a friend's mom to help keep her safe. She grabbed one and closed her fist around it. Becky nodded to herself and stood up.

She was going to get Mike to yiff her. But how?

The rabbit girl considered that question as she walked down the hall to Mike's bedroom. What would work on this boy? They'd had a lot of back and forth in their online chats, but she hadn't gotten to hang out with him since camp the previous summer. He seemed to get competitive in certain video games. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.

Before she knew it, Becky found herself at the wolf's bedroom. She took a breath and straightened her nightgown. His door was slightly ajar. Becky grasped the doorknob and peeked in.

The wolf's room was quite spacious. A queen size bed was situated against the far wall, dwarfed by the size of the room. To the right, against that back wall, was the boy's dresser, and from having been in there earlier, Becky knew that he had his own private bath off that side of the room. To the left, Mike had his own TV and entertainment system, complete with a couch in front of it. The only light currently illuminating the boy's room was the moonlight coming in through the windows.

Becky took a breath, then knocked. "Hey, Mike?"

The wolf stirred, then sat up in his bed. "Hm?" He rubbed his eyes, then looked toward the door. "What's up, Becky?"

The rabbit girl bit her lip, then peeked her head all the way into the boy's room. "Well... I know it's getting late and all, but... I can't sleep. So, uh... I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna play some more video games?"

Mike yawned and glanced at the clock. "Eh, sure," he said. The wolf threw his legs out of bed and stood up. He stretched, letting out a little groan as he did, then walked over to his couch. "Come on in. Just shut the door behind you."

Score! Becky slipped into the room and closed the door behind her. A grin crept across her muzzle. Oh, what she had in mind for that boy...

The room lit up as the TV came to life. Becky pranced across the room, her eyes locked on the white wolf. As she came around the couch, she noted that the boy was just wearing boxers and a t-shirt. No pants or anything to get past. Excellent.

The wolf stretched, leaning back a little and letting out a groan. Seemed he had to wake himself up a little. With his back to her, the rabbit slipped the rubber between the couch cushions.

She just got it hidden when he turned to face her. "Got anything in mind you wanna play?" Mike asked.

"I'm not suuuuure," Becky sang. "Lemme have a look..."

Becky sauntered over to the entertainment center, swaying her hips the whole way. She bent over as she examined the selection of games the boy had. Her bottom wiggled, her short nightgown barely covering her backside. If the boy cared to look, it wouldn't be difficult to tell that she wasn't wearing underwear.

After a few long moments of deliberation, she pulled a game off the shelf. Her paw worked slowly, maximizing the amount of time she was bent over. "I think a little kart racing sounds good," she said.

She turned to face the wolf. He fidgeted a little, his face a little red. It looked like he was interested. Phase one: complete.

"Well?" she asked

"Huh? Oh, uh, sure," Mike replied. He shook his head as though to clear it. "Yeah, we can play that one."

The rabbit giggled and bounced over to the couch. She pressed the game's box against the boy's chest. He grabbed it, the blush more evident at close range. Becky grinned, then sat down on the couch, making no effort to keep her legs closed. "Alrighty, cutie. Set it up for us!"

It took a moment for Mike to respond. "Yeah, sure," he said. As he walked over to the game entertainment center, Becky couldn't help but to notice the way the front of his boxers stood out. Oh, this was going to be fun.

Mike spent a moment switching out disks in his game system. Becky fought the urge to slip a paw between her legs and finger herself. Horny as she was, she didn't want to freak Mike out. She adjusted herself on the couch, deciding to leave one leg over the edge and one left up. Comfortable, and with the way her nightgown was riding up, another opportunity for the wolf to peek between her legs if he wanted to.

Oh, and peek he did. As Mike turned around, controllers in paw, his eyes fell on the rabbit's groin. He froze, staring openly at the rabbit's slit. She allowed him to look for a few seconds.

"Well? Aren't we gonna play?"

Mike gasped, quickly tearing his eyes away from Becky's groin. "Yeah, of course," he said. He shook his head as he walked back over to the couch and sat down opposite the rabbit. "Your controller," he said. He held out the second controller to the rabbit, his eyes averted.

Becky giggled softly and took the controller, then stretched out, her right footpaw bumping against the wolf's thigh. "Thanks, cutie," she said. "Let's get this going, then!"

The wolf boy nodded and stared pointedly at the screen as he navigated the menu and set up a game. From the light of the TV, Becky could easily see that the boy was blushing. Time for phase two.

"Hey, Mikey? How about we make this one a little more interesting?" Becky said.

"Hm? Interesting how?" Mike asked. His face remained pointed toward the screen, though his eyes turned towards her..

Becky grinned. Now was the time. "Loser has to do whatever the winner says. Deal?"

It was hard to tell by the flickering light of the TV, but it looked like the boy's blush deepened. He certainly straightened up a bit in his seat.

"S-sure," he stuttered out.

Bingo. Now all Becky had to do was win. "Cool... well, on your mark!"

As the countdown to the start of the race began, Becky planted both of her footpaws on the floor. Sure, having her legs spread like that might be a good distraction, but she was determined to win. It was time to get serious.

The rabbit gritted her teeth as the race began. She hit her timing perfectly for a boost, putting her into an early lead. Not a bad start.

The tension grew as Mike slipped past Becky half way through the first lap. The rabbit growled softly as she cut the next few corners as tight as she dared, trading first place back and forth with the wolf. They were neck and neck at the end of the first lap.

Things got more fierce on the second lap. Mike got Becky with a banana peel, but she quickly got him back with a green shell. They were still right on each others' tails as they entered the third lap.

Halfway through the third lap, Mike hit a wall. Becky beamed. This was her chance. A quick glance toward his half of the screen saw him falling behind, to second, third, fourth. So close!

Then a blue shell hit her. No! This couldn't be the end! She scrambled to recover. Two of the AI's slipped past. Mike was gaining fast. A red shell and a tight corner put her past the AI's, but Mike was right on her tail. So close, so close...

"Yes!" Becky cried. She had just maintained her lead over the wolf to take the race!

Mike groaned. A second longer, and he could have passed her. He settled back into his seat and looked at the rabbit girl next to him.

Becky grinned as she reached a paw between the wolf's legs. "Looks like I win, wolfy," she whispered.

His eyes drifted down to the rabbit's paw approaching his crotch. "I, uh... what did you want for your reward?"

The rabbit giggled softly as she laid her paw on the wolf's groin, right on top of the bulge in his boxers. "Isn't it obvious?" she whispered. She wrapped her paw around Mike's tent pole. "Mmmm... it feels like you might want this too, hm?"

A shiver ran through the wolf's body. That was all the answer Becky needed. She beamed and gave the boy's boner a little squeeze, then took her paw away.

"Come on, Mikey. Let's go to your bed for my prize," Becky said.

She giggled as the wolf leapt right to his footpaws. Eager boy. Yum. The rabbit stood more slowly, then grabbed the boy's boner again, leading him by the dick to his bed.

"Alright, wolfy," Becky said. She turned to face the wolf and gave him a quick peck on the lips, then sat down on his bed. She held her knees closed tight. "On your knees. But first, lose the boxers."

With but a moment's hesitation, the white wolf complied. He bent forward as he pulled his boxers down, freeing his boner. His shaft bounced upward as the waistband of his underwear passed it, his glans just peeking out from under his foreskin. He kicked away his boxers once they were about his ankles, then knelt before the rabbit. "Alright. What do you want me to do?" he asked.

Becky grinned, then pulled her nightgown off. Thus bared, she spread her legs, showing off her moist pussy to the boy. "Ever licked a girl's pussy before?" she asked.

It was Mike's turn to grin. He gave the rabbit a cocky smirk, and brought his muzzle right down to the rabbit's labia. His tongue traced around her lips briefly, then flicked across the little nub at the crown of her jewel.

A sharp gasp slipped free of Becky's muzzle. Oh, this boy knew a thing or two! Excellent! She grabbed Mike's ears and held on, grinding her hips up against his muzzle as his tongue got more bold in its explorations.

Warm waves of pleasure emanated out from her groin as Mike licked her puss. She could feel herself getting wetter as his tongue plunged deeper into her. The rabbit squirmed around on the wolf's bed. Soft moans greeted the wolf's ears.

"G-god, you're good at that," Becky whispered.

A finger slipped into Becky's pussy in response. His digit began pumping in and out of her, hesitantly at first, but with increasing gusto as her walls hugged around it. Mike brought his muzzle up and laid a kiss on the rabbit's clit.

She squirmed as Mike began to flick his tongue against that little nub. Yes yes yes! Beautiful stimulation! She let out an almost feral moan and pulled his head against her groin, inviting more of that delicious tongue work.

The more he licked, the more urgent her need became. He was skilled with his tongue, but Becky needed more. She tugged on the boy's ears and looked down at him. "M-mike... I need you inside me," she whispered.

The wolf boy beamed up at her. "Thought you'd never ask." He stood up, his boyhood rock hard and throbbing in front of him.

"Wait," Becky said. She blushed a little, then pushed herself back onto the bed. "We need protection." As she began to get up, the wolf took a step towards his bedside table.

"Condoms, ya mean? I've got some," he said as he pulled open the drawer.

The rabbit froze, then beamed at the wolf, raising an eyebrow. "Oh do you, now?" she asked.

Mike chuckled as he pulled out a little plastic package from the drawer. "Yeah. My girlfriend's been getting her period for like a year, so we use these when we yiff."

Girlfriend? Becky's heart sank. "Oh. Umm. She wouldn't mind, uh... sh-sharing, would she?" Becky asked. "I mean, I don't wanna get in the way of anything."

"Eh, we've got a pretty open relationship," Mike said. He grinned as he tore open the wrapper and removed the condom. "So, how d'ya wanna do it?"

The rabbit grinned and scooted a little further up on the bed. "Lie down on your back, wolfie. I wanna be a cowgirl tonight!"

Mike beamed and climbed into his bed, taking a moment to peel off his t-shirt before lying down in front of the rabbit. He carefully rolled the condom down his shaft, covering himself with the light blue latex. "You got it, bunny."

Becky's heart skipped a beat as she watched the wolf getting ready for her. What a lovely sight, seeing a naked, horny boy ready for her. She giggled softly as she climbed into his lap. Her paw wrapped around Mike's shaft, holding his penis steady as she lined it up with her girlhood.

A shiver ran down the rabbit's spine as she felt the boy's penis against her. Mike was about to become the second boy to penetrate her love hole. She grinned, then lowered her hips towards his crotch.

Both furs let out moans as Becky impaled herself on Mike's erection. Her walls squeezed tight around his sheathed member. She released his shaft as more of it sank in, the girl bracing her paws on either side of the wolf as she took him deep inside.

"Oh god yes," Becky muttered.

She paused as her groin made contact with Mike's. He was all the way inside her. She shivered, arching her back as she savored the feeling of his initial penetration. It still felt a little weird feeling a boy's dick in a condom inside her. The feelings were definitely dulled compared to bare. But that didn't make a huge difference. It was still a delicious penis inside her, and her pussy was hungry for more.

With a soft grunt, she began to roll her hips. She rocked in the wolf's lap, grinding her clit against him as she worked his dick in and out of her. Yes, that's just what she needed!

A pair of paws gripped Becky's hips. The rabbit girl grinned. She arched her back as Mike started to thrust into her. Each movement sent a fresh wave of warm tingles through her body. Her pussy drooled against his member, her juices moistening the boy's groin.

Her eyes popped open as she felt the boy's lips close around one of her nipples. She wrapped her arms around him and let out a squeaky moan. This boy definitely knew how to treat a girl! She trembled atop him as he teased her breast with his mouth. His hips bucked, the boy trying his best to keep thrusting even as he sat up to play with her boobies. What a champ! The rabbit was more than happy to help keep his dick moving, her own hips bouncing eagerly to keep up that delicious stimulation.

"Oh god, Mike," Becky whispered.

The rabbit let out a disappointed whine as the wolf pulled his muzzle back from her breast. Her whine was quickly replaced with moans as he laid back down and squeezed her ass. The bed shook as he adjusted his legs to give him more leverage. His hips flew at her, driving his cock fast and hard into her moist cunny.

Heat and pleasure rose in the girl's loins. She could feel sweet relief coming closer and closer. The rabbit leaned over the wolf, her paws bracing on either side of him to hold herself up as he pounded her pussy. Her eyes wandered, and she spied a photo on the boy's bedside table. Mike was obviously one of the furs in the picture, but another one looked vaguely familiar, too. That rabbit... hadn't she met her before?

That thought was washed from Becky's mind as her orgasm snuck up on her. Her back arched, and suddenly she was there. She let out an almost feral cry as she climaxed, her walls spasming around the wolf boy's penis. That was what she needed!

Mike wasn't done with her. His hips pumped her pussy right through her peak. That boy was like a machine!

Her own orgasm was just subsiding as Mike's thrusts became more sporadic. He arched his back and lifted off the bed, pressing himself deep inside her, and let out a few grunts as he came inside her. Becky could feel his penis spasming with each spurt, the rubber keeping his seed safely contained. She had to admit, she was a little disappointed that she couldn't feel that going directly inside her. But she knew it was safer to do it this way. And hey, it still felt pretty nice.

The two cubs laid together, soaking in the warm feelings of their afterglow. The wolf boy reached his paws down and grabbed onto the base of the condom, holding it against the base of his softening member as he eased his hips back. Once he was free, he slid the rubber off his penis, his boyhood flopping against his groin as it returned to its flaccid state. He squirmed a little underneath the chubby bunny.

"Hey, Becky? The cuddles are nice and all, but I'm kinda sweaty. A shower might be a good idea before we head to sleep," Mike whispered.

Becky let out a little sigh, then rolled off the wolf. "Not a bad idea," she said. The rabbit girl giggled as she slipped out of Mike's bed, and grinned at the boy. "Wanna shower together?"

It was the wolf's turn to giggle as he sat up. "Why not?" he said. He grinned as he crawled out of bed, licking his lips as he looked over the rabbit.

She did a little twirl for Mike, then grabbed his paw and led him into the bathroom.

A little twinge of jealousy shot through the rabbit as she turned on the light. Oh, what she wouldn't give to have her own private bathroom! Mike had no idea how lucky he was. At least she could take advantage of it while visiting him.

She giggled as she pulled the wolf along toward the shower.

"Heh. You're a real take-charge kinda girl, aren't you?" Mike said.

Becky grinned. "I know what I want and I'm not afraid to take it," she said. "Why? That scare you, boy?"

The wolf chuckled and stepped closer to Becky, wrapping his arms around her. "Be careful, Becky," he whispered. "Wolves like to eat bunnies, after all."

"Is that a promise, wolfy?" Becky shot back.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't," Mike replied. "Wanna find out?"

Becky winked opened the door to the shower. She stepped back from the wolf, then entered the glass enclosure, glancing at his selection of shampoos.

Mike tossed the used condom into the wastebasket by the sink, then followed the rabbit in. He pulled the door shut behind him and slipped past her toward the tap.

"How hot do you like your showers?" Mike asked.

"Hot as you can take it, wolfy boy," Becky replied.

The wolf laughed. "Is that so?" He turned on the taps. Both furs gasped at the sudden burst of cold water. "So how's this?"

The rabbit squealed and lightly whacked the wolf's shoulder. "Meanie!"

He giggled and twisted the knob again. The water went from cool to warm. "Better?" he asked.

"Much," Becky replied.

The two kits giggled softly as they took turns soaking under the spray of the shower head. Their fur clung to their skins as the sweat and fluids flowed off with the water. It didn't take long for the wolf to make good on his promise.

Becky had shut her eyes and turned her back to the water, tilting her head back to wash her hair. She gasped as she felt Mike's paws on her hips, and let out a little squeak as she felt his tongue against her labia.

"Eep! Mike, what..." she began.

The wolf beamed up at her from between her legs. "Told you I'd eat you, bunny," he said. He winked, then buried his muzzle back between her legs, his tongue tracing around her lips.

A soft moan escaped the bunny, amplified by the water vapor in the air. She spread her legs, giving the wolf better access to her groin as his tongue grew steadily bolder.

Warm water flowed down the rabbit's body, following the curves of her tummy and mercifully bypassing the wolf's exploring muzzle. Becky leaned back against the wall of the shower as Mike's tongue probed deeper. She could feel that organ wiggling around inside her. It felt so much warmer than his penis, due to the mere fact that his tongue could explore her without that darned latex barrier.

As the boy's tongue became more vigorous, the rabbit recognized a growing pressure in her groin. Ugh, not now! She grabbed the boy's ears and whimpered. "Mike, I need you to stop for a second."

The wolf pulled his muzzle away from the rabbit's groin and looked up at her. "Why?" he asked.

The rabbit girl blushed. "I, uh, need to pee," she muttered.

"Oh," the wolf replied. He sat back on the bottom of the shower. "Can I watch?"

That got a giggle from the rabbit girl. "I guess? If you wanna. Weirdo," she said. She stuck her tongue out at the wolf. Though truth be told, peeing in front of the boy seemed rather exciting.

Mike stuck his tongue out at her in reply. "I mean, I can turn around if you really want me to. But I don't think you're gonna wanna go to the toilet when you're all wet!"

He had a point there. Becky shrugged. "Fiiiiine." She brought a paw to her groin and spread her lips. She sometimes peed standing up in the shower, anyway. Might be a good time to try something a little different.

She let out a soft sigh of relief as she began to empty her bladder. The wolf leaned in a little closer to watch her stream as it flowed from her, a light yellow contrasting with the crystal clear water of the shower. She grinned as he leaned in and maneuvered her fingers around, experimentally adjusting the aim of her urine.

The wolf gasped and leaned back, dodging the girl's inexpertly aimed stream. "Hey! What are you tryin' to do?!"

"Just playing around!" Becky said. She giggled as her stream died down, the last of her urine dribbling down the sides of her legs.

Mike stood up and shrugged. "Eh, s'alright. No harm done, right?" His penis had noticeably stiffened up from watching.

"What about you?" Becky asked.

"Hm? What about me?" Mike replied.

"You gonna pee, too?" she asked.

The wolf shrugged. "I dunno. I could probably do it."

"Can I watch you do it?" Becky asked. "I mean, you just watched me!"

The wolf chuckled and grinned at the bunny. "I guess fair's fair. And I can show you how to aim properly!"

The rabbit giggled and covered her muzzle with her paws. "Sure thing, silly boy."

Becky watched as Mike stepped back against the wall of the shower, just outside the reach of the cascading water. Her eyes were locked on his groin as he grabbed his member and rolled his foreskin back, revealing his glans.

"It, uh, might take me a minute," Mike said. "It can be a little hard to pee when I'm, uh, hard."

The rabbit giggled and batted her eyelashes at the wolf. "Take all the time you need, cutie."

He shut his eyes and focused on his breathing. It took a minute, but then it began. The rabbit watched, entranced, as he began to pee. His urine burst out like a fountain from his penis, flowing in a steady stream against the wall of the shower opposite him. She giggled as he flicked his penis up and down, drawing a line on the wall from the floor up to practically nose height before his stream tapered down.

"Wow!" she whispered.

Mike grinned and opened his eyes as he finished peeing. He shook the last few drops off his penis. "And THAT'S how you aim, silly girl."

Becky beamed at the wolf, then got down on her knees in front of him. "Feel better now?" she asked.

"Much," Mike replied. He grinned down at the bunny and rubbed his penis against her muzzle.

A tingle ran up Becky's spine as the boy rubbed his member against her. She grinned back at him and wrapped her muzzle around his tip.

He gasped and released his shaft. The bunny took the opportunity to take the whole thing into her muzzle. Her tongue swirled around it as the wolf's penis started to firm up again. She shut her eyes and grabbed Mike's hips as she bobbed her muzzle along his length.

"Wow, bunny," Mike whispered. He groaned softly, and grabbed onto her head with both paws, gripping her ears by the base. His shaft throbbed in her muzzle, the boy's shaft quickly stiffening up fully in her mouth.

Becky shut her eyes and hugged his shaft with her lips. She rolled his foreskin back and forth with her mouth as she gently suckled the boy's member, her tongue wiggling against the underside. "Mmmmm." Maybe she couldn't have his bare penis in her vagina, but there was nothing stopping her from taking him in her mouth!

A soft groan floated across the sound of the running water as Becky worked her muzzle on the wolf's member. He squeezed her ears as he began to rock his hips, thrusting into her muzzle. His balls slapped her chin with each thrust.

How intoxicating! The bunny shivered as the wolf joined her in his pleasure. She brought one paw around to fondle his balls as he thrust into her muzzle, her other paw reaching down between her legs. Lust drove the two adolescents, two of the rabbit's digits pushing into her love tunnel as she worked her mouth on the boy's penis.

"Ngh... Becky," Mike whispered.

The rabbit giggled and grinned up at the wolf around his penis. She squeaked as he tugged on her ears, and pulled her muzzle off his dick. "Yeah, Mike? Am I doin' somethin' wrong?" she asked.

The wolf chuckled and shook his head. "No, no, your mouth feels great," he said. He slid down the back of the wall to look into the rabbit's eyes. "But I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna have a round two..."

A shiver ran up the rabbit's spine. Round two sounded like a good idea to her! "Got you all excited again, huh? Well, I guess we can go again," she said. Without thinking, she leaned forward, bringing her groin closer to his.

"Wait," Mike said. He grabbed onto the rabbit's hips. "What about protection?"

That gave the rabbit pause. "Oh... right. Well, uh, maybe we can go get a condom from your room?" she whispered.

"Do you really wanna run out there all wet to grab a condom?" Mike asked.

"N-not really," Becky whispered. "Do you?"

Mike shook his head. "Too much work drying off only to get wet again."

"Well, I mean, the shower's big enough. Maybe we could try to sixty-nine it?" Becky suggested.

It was Mike's turn to blush. "I'd, uh, rather not have my mouth down there after you peed," he said. "I tried that with my girlfriend once, and it was kinda gross."

Becky stood up and turned her back to the wolf. "So why suggest it, then?" she sulked. She folded her arms around her chest. Why did that boy have to get her excited just to let her down?

The wolf stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Well, there is one other option," he whispered.

"Oh? And what's that?" Becky asked.

"Well, have you tried anal before?" Mike asked.

"What?! No!" Becky said.

"Do you wanna?" Mike replied.

The rabbit shivered. Here comes the talk about butt stuff again. Yeah, her friend Robbie back at home really liked anal, both giving and receiving, and she'd even experimented with fingers and toys herself at home. But it still felt weird to her! It wasn't right!

Her thoughts were interrupted as the wolf slipped a paw between her legs and teased her clit with his fingers. Not helpful! She was horny enough without his fingers teasing her! She had to admit, though, she did really want a bare penis inside her. And it's not like he could impregnate her if he did it in her butt...

"Ummmm. Maybe," Becky said. She sighed. What did she have to lose? If she didn't like it, she could just ask him to stop. If it was awkward afterward, well, he lived far enough away. She wouldn't have to see him again. Might as well give it a try. "You'll stop if I don't like it?"

"Of course," Mike said. "Just gotta say the word. So whaddaya say? Wanna give it a go?"

She hesitated a moment. "I guess we can try it," Becky said.

The rabbit squeaked as the wolf gave her a squeeze from behind. "Awesome," he whispered. His paws retreated around the bunny. A few moments later, Becky felt his fingers teasing her tailhole.

"Ack!" What was she doing? Was she really going to let this boy do her in the butt? She shivered as Mike pressed his slippery, soapy digit against her tailstar.

"I'll go slow," Mike said.

Becky could only nod. She braced her paws against the wall of the shower and leaned forward a little, spreading her legs as much as she could in the closed quarters. The pressure increased, until she felt the wolf's finger push past that tight ring into her virgin ass.

The rabbit gritted her teeth as the wolf's digit pushed deeper inside her. It felt weird, a kind of fullness, though not quite as bad as she was expecting. She groaned as he started to pump that digit in and out.

"How's that feel?" Mike whispered. His voice barely carried over the sound of the water cascading over them from the shower.

It took the girl a moment to respond. How could she describe it? "Uh... okay, I guess," she replied.

He pulled his finger out. Becky let out a sigh of relief. She tensed up again almost immediately as she felt something else prodding her tailhole.

"Wanna try the real thing?" Mike asked.

The rabbit girl rolled her eyes. Someone was an eager boy. "Fine," she replied.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt him push forward against her rump. His penis was thicker than his finger, and it took a bit of work to get it in. She gasped as felt the boy force his way past her ring into her bottom.

"Oh gods, Becky," Mike moaned.

The wolf wrapped his arms around the rabbit, holding on as he rocked his hips. She could feel his soapy shaft easing in. Her sphincter hugged his flesh, his foreskin giving him much more wiggle room to move inside her bottom. She was about to ask him not to go any deeper when she felt his groin make contact with her butt. He was fully inside her.

Mike wasted no time getting to work on her ass. He grabbed her hips and held tight as he pulled back, then slammed back into Becky's bottom.

"Gah! Not so rough!" Becky hissed.

"Sorry," Mike replied. "Couldn't help it. Your bottom's tops!"

The rabbit blinked and rolled her eyes. "What's that even supposed to mean?"

The wolf chuckled and leaned in over the rabbit. "That your butt feels great."

Becky blushed at that. Might as well take the compliment. She bit her lip as the wolf started thrusting again, slower this time. It was a very curious feeling, having an actual penis in her bottom. Very different from the toys she had used at home. It still kinda hurt having her sphincter stretched like that, but she was quickly growing accustomed to it. Plus, it did give the advantage of feeling an unsheathed penis inside her.

In and out, in and out, in and out. Was anal really that different from vaginal? The only thing standing between it was that it simply wasn't hitting her right buttons to bring her pleasure.

Then the wolf's paws slipped between her legs.

The rabbit gasped as she felt Mike's fingers circling her clit. She nearly inhaled a mouthful of water from the shower! Luckily, she caught herself in time and spat out the water. "Oh god," she whispered.

She heard the wolf chuckling behind her. "I can't have all the fun."

His fingers spread out between her legs. The digits of one paw traced around her labia, even dipping inside. The other paw's fingers focused solely on her clit, massaging over and around that little nub. A whole new dimension of pleasure opened up to the rabbit.

Becky let out squeaky little moans as the wolf worked her pussy with his fingers. The discomfort of his initial penetration seemed a million years in the past, replaced by the warm feeling of his bare penis working inside her. It wasn't quite as intense as it would have been were he in her vagina, but this was turning out to be an acceptable substitute. The warmth, the intimacy, the pleasure of penetration... THAT was what she needed!

The rabbit leaned heavily against the shower wall as the wolf rocked into her. Her knees trembled.

"M-mike... fingers... in," she whispered.

The wolf didn't need to be asked twice. Becky groaned as she felt two of his fingers pushing into her pussy. Her walls hugged those digits as his penis pumped harder in her tailhole. This must be what double penetration felt like. The rabbit made a mental note to try this at home sometime.

"B-becky," Mike whispered. "G-gettin' close."

A grin spread across the rabbit's muzzle. "Cum inside me," she replied. "I want your seed in me!"

What a naughty thing to say. But dammit, he was in her ass. He couldn't get her pregnant from there! She arched her back, her eyes fluttering shut at just the thought of having his seed inside her. To his credit, the wolf still kept his fingers in her pussy, though his digits were working much more slowly, and his other paw had abandoned her clit to merely hold on tight.

No matter. He was giving her what she needed. She let out a soft moan as she wiggled her rump against the wolf.

With a grunt and one final thrust, Mike was there. Becky wiggled against him. His pants and groans were clear indicators of his climax, though to her mild disappointment, she couldn't really feel it the same way she could when a boy squirted in her pussy. But he was cumming inside her! Just that thought was enough to send her over the edge, her body trembling in short orgasm.

She let out a little gasp as Mike's fingers withdrew from her pussy. His paws grabbed her hips, and he ground desperately against her. A few moments later, his softening shaft slipped from her tailhole. The rabbit straightened up. A trickle of fluid rolled down her inner legs from her tailhole, a trickle she knew wasn't just water from the shower.

Becky turned to face the boy, and grinned at him. "Have fun back there, Mikey?"

The wolf gave the rabbit a goofy grin, his tongue lolling out. "Uh huh," he said. He shook his head and quickly put on a more serious face, then stepped closer and wrapped his arms around the rabbit. "Did you?"

That was certainly a question. It hadn't been the best, certainly. God, how she wished she could have him inside her pussy. But it certainly hadn't been bad, by any means. She smiled and gave Mike a quick peck on the lips. "Uh huh," she whispered.

Mike grinned. He looked proud of himself. That look certainly didn't hurt her own self-esteem, either. She giggled, and gave the wolf another quick peck on the lips.

The wolf chuckled and poked the rabbit's nose. "Guess we should finish getting clean," he whispered.

"I suppooooose," Becky said. She turned around and wiggled her butt at the wolf. "Wanna help clean up the mess you made?"

Mike laughed and grabbed the shampoo bottle. "Sure thing, bunny."

A few seconds passed before his paws made contact. Becky couldn't stifle a giggle. Of course the wolf would squeeze her ass before starting to wash it! "Ugh, don't boys ever stop being horny?" she teased.

"About as often as bunnies do!" Mike replied. Despite that, he kept his paws on point from there. They slipped between her legs, washing around her tailhole and down the streaks left by his backflow. He took great care washing her leg fur to get all of the sticky stuff out. Nothing worse than dried cum in your fur!

Once he finished, Becky turned around and grabbed the shampoo bottle. "Thanks, wolfy... here, lemme help clean you now." She grinned at Mike as she got down on her knees and lathered some shampoo into her paws. "And no, I'm not gonna suck it. It's been in my butt!"

Both cubs giggled. Mike's giggles quickly turned to soft moans as the rabbit washed his flaccid penis. It had come out clean, much to Becky's delight. She wasn't sure if she would have been able to handle the alternative. He was just starting to stiffen up again when she finished.

"Hoo boy," Mike said. He grinned at Becky as she stood back up, then reached behind her and turned off the water. "Towel off, then bed?"

"You know it," Becky replied.

The two twelve year olds climbed out of the shower, and grabbed towels. They dried themselves as quickly as they could, though their movements lacked the vigor from when they had begun. It was getting late, and their antics were catching up with them.

Mike was the first to yawn.

"Don't do that," Becky said. "You'll make me yawn too!" As she finished, her prophecy came true, and the rabbit yawned, herself.

"Heh. Guess they're contagious," Mike said. "Good as time as any for bed."

The two cubs emerged from the steamy bathroom. Becky grabbed her nightgown and pulled it back on. What an evening. She started heading for the door when Mike grabbed her arm.

"Hey, Becky?" he said.

"Yeah, Mike?" Becky replied.

"Umm... why don't you sleep in my bed tonight? There's plenty of room."

Becky glanced down at the wolf's groin. He'd put his boxer back on. If he had boned up fully, she couldn't tell from looking at him. Her eyes wandered to the bed. He had a point. It was pretty large. "I guess I could, if you wanted. But what would your parents say?"

Mike shrugged. "My girlfriend and I sleep together all the time. Like, actually sleep, not just yiffing."

The rabbit smirked and shook her head. "Boys." She giggled a little and sighed. "Sure. It'll be quicker than walking back to the guest room!"

The wolf grinned and took the rabbit's paw. The two cubs walked paw in paw to the boy's bed, and climbed in together. How had Becky not realized before just how comfortable his bed was? She laid down on her side, and felt the wolf slide up behind her. His arm wrapped around her, his paw coming to rest on her shoulder. Despite the summer heat, his warm body felt nice against her. Comforting.

"Night, Becky," Mike whispered.

"G'night," Becky replied.

A grin spread across her muzzle as they settled in. This sleepover had turned out to be a pretty good idea. A shiver ran down the rabbit's spine as she imagined waking up next to the wolf. She wondered what Mike might think of wake-up sex. Guess she'd find out in the morning. She hugged his arm to her chest as she drifted off to sleep.

Cowboys and Squigdians

Obligatory Content Warning: Oh man, this one's gonna be a doozy. The following story is VERY FUCKING PORNY. It includes CUB SEX, both GAY and STRAIGHT, including ANAL, ORAL, VAGINAL, BONDAGE, FOOTPLAY, and REALLY WEIRD PIZZA TOPPINGS. SCANDALOUS. If...

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Fappy Camper

Obligatory Content Warning: Because these are pretty much a habit at this point. The following story contains GRAPHIC SCENES of a SEXUALLY EXPLICIT NATURE between an adult and a CUB, including ORAL and ANAL sex. SCANDALOUS. Blah, blah, blah, don't...

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Doing History: Classical Sexuality 101

Obligatory Content Warning: Because these things are kinda my trade mark at this point. The following story contains GRAPHIC SCENES of an EXPLICIT SEXUAL NATURE between and ADULT and CUBS, including GAY ORAL AND ANAL SEX. If any of this offends you,...

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