Seventh Hour Release

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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After writing the SmoteXMax piece, I decided to outsource for the picture of Barbie. So I described her and Stormwhiskers from the Furaffinity forums drew her up for me to post next the the story! A few details don't quite match-up the way I wanted them too, but I'm more than pleased with the result :)

Just as the bell signaling the start of seventh period ended another woman made her way into the restroom. Before the woman, could pick one of the stalls Barbie cleared her throat, catching the young goat's attention.

"You." Barbie snorted as she brushed her bright, blond out of her icy eyes. "What year are you?"

The goat examined Barbie thoroughly, from her shoes to her hairstyle, and for a moment she began to remember something. When she looked over to the bat's bag, a designer bag with the name 'Barbie' engraved into one of the straps she suddenly remembered what the other underclassman always told her.

"I-I'm a Sophomore." The girl bleated in nervousness. Barbie, the captain of the cheerleaders, was a massive bitch. She bullied both students and teachers and smoked in the hallway whenever there weren't any teachers around, but even if there were she never got in any trouble. Her jackass of a boyfriend was the school's star football player, whose dad worked closely with the principal. Everyone knew it was wrong, but no one talked about it and just found it easier to simply avoid Barbie.

"Cute." Barbie looked the goat over and snorted. "Or maybe not. Anyway, this bathroom's taken. So you need to go somewhere else."

For a moment she began to look to the stalls. She knew they were empty, but she stopped herself and turned around. "A-Alright." She stammered. "Sorry."

"Humph. Bitch." Barbie mumbled just loud enough for the sophomore to hear, but she didn't stop or say anything back, and that made her smile.

Once the sound of footsteps had gone away completely Barbie reached into her purse, digging around picking out a pack of cigarillos and then her lighter. She ripped open the pack to reveal the blunt she'd rolled before school. She sparked it and look a deep breath of it, breathing it out of her nose and then flapping her wings to clear the air. After a moment she took another hit before making her way toward the door to kick away the rubber stopper. She began to kick away the stopper before noticing Smote down on one knee, faced away from her with a lock in his hand.

She watched him take a breath then blow a short flame on the lock. It didn't even turn hot enough to turn red. Every once in a while he'd shake and pull on the lock, but nothing happened. After about a minute of watching Smote mess with the lock, then look down the hall to see if he was being watched, Barbie made herself known, leaning against the door and sucking in deep.

Smote's eyes widened as he spun to face Barbie, looking like a deer in headlights.

"Seriously?" Barbie spoke with a raspy voice before breathing out. There weren't very many dragons who went to the school, but they were all constantly reminded not to use their fire indoor, and they were suspended even for doing so without anyone around. Lately, word had been going around about locks being melted, and though nothing was ever stolen, the faculty took it extremely seriously. "You're the one fucking up all of the locks?"

Smote waved his hands around awkwardly, making it more than clear that he wanted her to keep down her voice, but she kept going.

"Don't be such a pussy, come here."

Smote smacked his palm on his face before standing up with a groan. He wandered over toward Barbie before she stepped back, motioning him to come inside. He tilted his head then looked at the sign on the door and then looked around for anyone watching. Barbie groaned as he did, taking another hit of the blunt before making her way inside. Smote followed her after a moment, using his tail to pull away the doorstop.

Barbie took another hit, leaning over the mirror to look into her own eyes. For a moment she looked as though she were in search of something, then she blew the smoke out and ashed the blunt on the edge of the sink. She took in another breath before speaking in a raspy voice, blowing out the smoke toward him.

"What are you doing?"

Smote stared back like a deer in headlights, part of him was entirely fixated on the blunt. He knew how bad she could be, but this was another level for her...then again, maybe it wasn't. He opened his mouth to speak, but by the time he did she took another hit and blew it into his face.

"Bathroom break." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his yellow slip signed by his teacher, clearing the smoke from his face with an honest expression.

Barbie's lips curled, showing him both a grin and a little disdain at how much of a good boy he could be sometimes. "Wanna see my slip?" Of course, she knew how to draw out anyone's bad side, but his best of all.

Smote nodded, with eager, and near-childlike innocence.

"In my purse." She motioned him toward it with a flick of her wrist, spilling ash onto the floor. "Go ahead."

He moved without question, stepping up to her side and looking down into her purse. On top of everything was a thong that looked, felt, and smelled like Barbie, but it wasn't what he was looking for. He dug around the purse with a pair of fingers, eventually emptying out the purse in a neat little fashion before looking back up to her.

"There's no slip in there."

Barbie stared back, at first with a smirk, the sexiest that she could manage, but it eventually died down into a look of utter awe. "You're not serious, are you?"

"I know you're hitting on me and everything, but I just really wanted to know if you got a slip before deciding to skip."

Barbie scooped all of her stuff from the sink into his bag as Smote spoke, but before she could walk out, he stepped into her way.

"Hold on, can we talk about this?"

She denied him at first, attempting to walk around him numerous times before she finally gave up, shoving him backward. "Fine, let me see your wallet."

Smote groaned and looked to his left and right before he reached into the pocket of his cargo shorts. Barbie smirked as he picked out his wallet and handed it over without much question. It was usually how he ended up getting to have sex with her after ruining the moment with his 'dumb little games' as she called them. When she pocketed a single twenty from it Smote didn't argue, more than grateful she didn't take a fifty, or a hundred, even though there were a few of each

"So? How was that charity ball thing?"

Barbie tossed Smote's wallet back to him and put out the blunt on a sink after a final hit, dropping her purse and leaning over a sink. Smote followed behind slowly, placing the wallet back into his pocket before stepping up behind her and lifting up her skirt and spreading her bare cheeks. She curled her toes as Smote explored her nether regions, playing with her soft pussy with two fingers.

"It was fun. I know Max had a good time." He used his tail to undo the button on his pants then unzip them, far too preoccupied with spreading Barbie's ass to bother to use his hands. He worked his fingers deep inside of her and after a moment she began to moan. She sucked her teeth and arched her back as she reached for her phone, starting to fiddle with it.

"Heh! I bet" She sucked in a breath and fumbled her phone, dropping it onto the floor with a swear. Her pussy gripped and convulsed as he fingered her, leaving her knees a little weak. She bit her lip before holding herself up on the sink and looking to Smote through the mirror. Smote looked back and grinned, giving her ass a hard smack, leaving it to jiggle before he smacked it again.

Barbie moaned, biting her lip and gripping the sink even harder. She opened her mouth to sigh before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him forward. She pushed her ass back against him until his hand had finally retreated and his limp cock was finally pressed between her asscheeks. She wiggled her butt, playing with his length with those thick slabs of asscheeks until she finally felt him grow hard.

"Damn..." She stood up tall and reached behind herself, grabbing his monstrosity of a cock. He gripped her shoulder and leaned her forward over the sink as she stroked his length to a full erection. It was bigger than the last time she remembered, in fact, it was a little too big for her to forget.

Smote grumbled with a feral growl, leaning forward into her and pressing his tip to her slit. Barbie gasped beneath him, leaning further over the sink and looking up to his expression through the mirror. Truth be told, he almost looked a little like a monster whenever his cock came out, and whenever he felt like it, he knew how to fuck like one. She gripped the sink before suddenly gritting her teeth as Smote pushed forward, splitting her open and leaving a trail of his precum on his way in.

"Unngh...!" She moaned out, bracing herself as Smote held onto her shoulders and began to stuff her deep.

He started slowly at first, sinking his cock deeper and deeper until she began to crumble before him, resting over the sink. He chuckled loud, pulling back and thrusting deeper, the smack of his body against her ass echoed about the sizable bathroom, then again and again.

"Unngh..! A-Ah...!" She grunted, biting her lip as he picked up the pace. She forced herself to stand up as Smote speared her insides, leaning over her and pulling up her blouse to reveal her breasts.

"You like this?" Smote whispered into her ear with her smirk, pushing extra deep inside of her, forcing her back into his chest as he slammed into her. He grabbed a breast in each hand and began to play with the roughly, running his thumbs over her hard nipples.

Barbie massaged his cock inside of her, throwing her ass back into him further. She lifted a leg as her mouth gaped. A breathless scream filled the air as Smote picked up the pace, his speed and force challenging the shoddy work the faculty had done on the bathrooms.

"F-Fuck...!" Barbie's wings spread and she grabbed onto the faucet, the loud smack of their bodies and the subtle drip of pussy juice to the floor echoed endlessly in her mind. Her pussy quivered and throbbed and burned her body as Smote worked her insides. He smacked her ass hard, then once again.

Smote leaned over her, bending her over the sink at his will with no restraint. He gripped her inner thighs with his massive claws and lashed his tail about behind him as he pounded her one thrust at a time. "Say it!" He pushed even deeper than usual and Barbie screamed out as though she'd been whipped. "Say my name!"

Barbie gasped, opening her mouth to speak before Smote hit that particular spot on the way in every time. She wanted to say his name, so desperately...if for no other reason to get him from fucking her like an animal. What ended up coming out was a long-winded moan as she squirt onto the floor and under the sink, splashing the inner sides of their shoes with that crystalline fluid. Her eyes went crossed for a moment and her body trembled violently as Smote began to slow. When he stopped she was laying limp over the sink, holding onto the sides of it.

"Y-You didn't say my name..." Smote smacked her ass hard, his cock was still hard, hungrily throbbing. His breath was short, but there was nothing in him that requested a break.

"Sh-Shut..." Barbie gasped, slowly picking herself up and holding onto her lower belly. It sort of felt like he fucked her with a jackhammer, but she wouldn't tell him that. His ego was already too big for its own good. "Would you be quiet?"

Smote was silent, just for a short while before looking down to his dick then to Barbie expectantly. She mimicked his action and glared back before huffing. She was still out of breath, and he took more out of her than her usual workout routines with her boyfriend. Still, if she couldn't at least get Smote to orgasm Max would hold it over her head forever.

"Alright, alright..." Barbie looked around and began to lean forward. She grabbed Smote's cock with both hands and began to sink onto her knees on the dirty floor. Smote had raised her skirt high enough on her belly that it didn't touch the floor, and she didn't bother to lower it to its proper place. She took Smote's cock into her mouth, dripping saliva over the head of it before going down on him, deeper and deeper until she began to gag. She hadn't even taken it all in, not even close, and he made her gag.

Smote rumbled a soft purring down from the depths of his throat as Barbie sucked his cock. It throbbed gently and occasionally jerked in her mouth, but she went down on it without trouble. She pulled away from it before licking it from the base to its tip, fondling his balls tenderly as she looked him right in the eyes. He only stared back, entranced and his mouth ajar as smoke oozed from his nose.

"Nngh..." He grunted softly and placed a hand on the back of her head, leaning back against the sink.

Barbie drooled on herself, just a little as she coiled a bit of her tongue around his shaft. She went deep again, shutting an eye and resisting the urge to gag every time it went too far. He guided her movements with his hand, thrusting his hips and spreading his scent and flavor all over her mouth. She gasped for breath, pulling back, but he didn't let her go far and only a moment afterward his cock was back in her mouth.

"N-Not yet...!" He gritted his teeth as he shut his eyes and pulled her forward. "I-I'm almost...!"

She gasped and opened her mouth to speak, finally breaking away from his grasp. "Smote! I swear to-"

Before she could even finish, his seed was on her face and Smote's right hand took the place of her mouth on his glistening cock. It splurt in messy fashion, a small jet landing between her eyes and on her blouse. The thick and sticky white continues to come out, decorating her face and her clothes, a little of her hand and her bare, furry thighs. He groaned over the sound of her growling, but when he'd finally finished his cock only started to go flaccid as smoke trailed from his nose.

"D-Damn..." He puffed before looking down to the mess he made all over Barbie. "S-Sorry about that." He grinned inwardly.

When he reached down to help she swatted his hand away with a snarl and began to undress. Picking herself up and placing her clean clothes on the edge of a sink. She turned on the water with a grumble and began to wash her face.

"You owe me for that, Smote...!" She huffed as she cleaned off her face, flapping her wings angrily.

Though he made no audible response he couldn't help but grin and watched as she rocked her ass this way and that as she tried to clean herself off.

"Don't worry." He reached over and smacked her ass. She grabbed herself and stood up tall, frowning at Smote with a wet face. "We've got more than enough time for me to figure out what I can do to pay you back."

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