Growvember Day 14

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#14 of Growvember Series

The growth continues to speed up for the group. Shawn does his best to keep everyone calm, Chris reveals one of his deepest secrets, and Sam finally talks to Bryant.


November 14th

Unfortunately my speech from yesterday seemed premature for us. Worry was once more spreading over the still growing giants, as we had taken another huge leap in size. I figured I was at least going to gain at least 20 feet or so, but now I was closing in on 300. Nicolas was already pass that point, but if it was getting to him, he wasn't letting it show.

"Shawn, what are we going to do? We are growing faster, we're going to run out of room to even sit or sleep." The mouse, Craig looked up at the roo.

"I don't know bud. I wish I could tell you." He sighed.

"I stepped on a house yesterday. Thank god it was abandoned, but it didn't stop me from having a heart attack." William mewed softly.

"We just have to look down more." Shawn cautioned.

"But have you noticed how small everything and everyone is getting? It's going to be impossible at this rate!" Sherry whined.

"Then try to walk slower." Shawn sighed. This usually happened at least twice a day now, everyone coming to him of their problems. But he took it and did the best he could. I always thought he was annoying when I first met him, but he was really trying to keep everyone calm and together. Jeff and Mary weren't around, we figured they had gone away for more personal time together again. We figured as long as they were careful and didn't make noise, it'd be fine.

I was more worried about Chris. After yesterday, he was being more distant with the group. If anything, he was acting like Nicolas on the first days of the growth.

I finally worked up the nerve to approach him, again looking towards the city, but further away.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting down beside.

"Nothing. Just thinking." His voice said otherwise.

"It's about yesterday, isn't it?"

He didn't answer right away, his ears folding back.

"I'm a real freak aren't I?" He sighed out.

"What? What makes you say that?" I perked a brow.

"Don't tell me you haven't thought it after our moment in the woods at the old city." He glared at me from the corner of his eye.

"No, I never did. What gave you that idea?" I was completely taken back from this. He seemed to hesitate with what he wanted to say next. His tail was twitching as he bit his lower lip.

"You remember what I said though, right?" He spoke quietly.

"I think so. Something bout sex in the city?" I tried to think back to it. "Again, its a natural thing. I mean, Jeff and Mary are probably doing it right now again, lets face it." I rolled my eyes.

"No, its not just that." He took a deep breath. "You know those old giant monster movies? Like 'Attach of the 50ft Vixen'? I was a big fan of those okay? I would constantly imagine myself at those sizes and what I could do. And as I got older, yeah, I even jerked off to the idea about it." His voice trembled as he spoke. This must've been a big secret for him, and he was telling me, probably the only other person to know.

" had a giant fetish. No big deal, everyone has a weird fetish." I shrugged.

"Yeah, but...look at me now! I mean, I could actually experience it now! I could perform all those things I wanted to do since I was a kid! But...I can't..." He sighed, punching his fist into the ground. "This is the real thing, not some fantasy. If I went stomping into that city and fucked a building, or jerked off in the streets, real furs would die. Its like some kind of cruel fucken joke."

There was a lot of bitterness in his voice. And I couldn't blame him. His greatest fantasy was right before him, but he still didn't act on it.

"Honesty Chris. You're probably one of the strongest furs in his group." I finally spoke after a brief silence.

"No I'm not." he sighed, plucking the branches from a tree.

"No, you are. Here you are, everything you ever dreamed or fantasized about, right at your finger tips, but you are still able to control your urges and realize that this isn't some made up world, that your actions have real consequences. That's something to be really proud of. It shows you are a really grounded fur." I explained. Chris didn't respond right away, thinking it over.

"You think so?"

"Definitely. And look, if you still want to fantasize about it and need personal time, do it. At this point we need something as a relief from all this stress." I smirked, giving him a slap on the back. His ears flushed red.

"Thanks Bryant. I hope when we do get back to normal we can hang out some time."

"Sure." I smiled, before noticing a helicopter flying towards us. I could barely hear the fur even with his speaker, trying to get our attention.

"Bryant Loyft! Your girlfriend is here to see you!" I finally figured out. My heart almost lept into my throat. Finally she was able to come see me!

I nodded my head and gave a thumbs up, following the copter slowly to where I was to meet her.

Once I got close enough, I slowed my pace and tried to put my feet down as slowly as I could to not cause hard quakes, then slowly got on my knees and bent down to hear.

She stood there just looking up in awe at first, probably surprised at my new size since the last time she saw, which was probably when I did the demolition.

"Hi Sam." I whispered lowly, trying to make sure I didn't blow her away or hurt her ears. I could barely see her at this point, so small compared to me, almost a dot. I felt like I was going to lose it again, but I just remembered what Nicolas told me and calmed down.

She tried to say something but I couldn't hear. An audio person seemed to mess with the settings and her voice, still quiet and now distorting, finally reached my ears.

"Hi Bryant. You got a lot bigger."

"I'm hoping it'll stop soon. Mary stopped, and so did some of the others. It could be any day. Then I can hope to shrink back down, whenever that happens." I tried to sound hopeful, I needed to for myself. Sam didn't respond right away, not because of the sound not reaching me, but she apparently wasn't saying something. I started to get a pit in my stomach.

"That's good! I hope so too..." Her voice was shaky. Was she nervous? Scared? Of me?

"Sam, is something wrong?" I wasn't going to beat around the bush any longer. Again, silence. Somehow, I could tell she was shaking now.

"Bryant. I love you. You know that. But...I don't think this is going to work out anymore." Her voice was cracking, it wasn't from the speakers. I felt my heart stop.


"I can't keep going off of hopes and soons. Every day I keep telling myself you'll be back to normal soon. That everything will go back to normal and we can be together again. But it isn't happening. The scientists are stumped. There hasn't been any progress. And I can't go the rest of my life just waiting. I'm sorry, but it's over." And with that, she started to run off the stage with a brief sob getting through the mic.

Everything crashed around me. I felt myself starting to reach for her, to comfort her, to beg her to take me back, but I stopped, knowing that if I tried to grab her, I'd kill her. I watched as she got into the car, and it drove off. Again, I wanted to give chase, to do ANYTHING. But, my size...

I...didn't know what to do. What could I do?

Fuck it all. Wreck the city. Make her pay for breaking up with you.

That thought kept repeating in my head over and over. And I started to lean more and more towards it. Why shouldn't I now? I would be stopped, sure, but at least she would be as hurt as I was, right?

The soldiers below seemed to keep their hands ready on their guns, and probably on an alarm. They had to have known what she was going to do, and probably even tried to talk her out of it. But Sam was too forceful, and honest. Breaking up with me and not telling me about it would've eaten away at her. She had to do it so she could move on.

But what about me?

I shakily stood, unable to keep my calm stature. I gave a look over to the city. Thinking again of just getting revenge somehow. Chances are the soldiers below were already talking to the command center, waiting to give the alert.

I closed my eyes hard and forced the thought out of my mind, and only walked away, the furthest I was allowed to go and even a bit further, watching my step.

When I felt I was far enough away, I fell to my knees, watching as the nearby landscape shook. I hunched over, grabbed my chest, and began to cry.