Chapter 1: Jenna wants to get Balto badly.

Story by TheLagger on SoFurry

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#2 of New Balto fanfic, any idea for title?

So, here's the new Balto fanfic I promised. The timeline of this chapter happens some months only before the Serum Run. As her pup making season approach, Jenna must act before her masters try to breed her with the pride headed purebred champion sled dog leader Steele. Her interest is set on a peculiar dog, which happens to not be a simple dog. The outcast wolf-dog Balto is her interest, his kindness and friendly behavior, as well as his exotic wolfish body features attract her interest in more way than only friendship. She also noticed the shy lonely hybrid was attracted to her, and so, when her Heat finally comes, she takes her chance and pay her wolf-dog friend a visit she's sure he is not about to forget.

All characters and universe belong to Universal, writing belongs to me.

This story begins before the first Balto film.

It was the beginning of the long Northern Winter in Alaska, Nome was full of humans and dogs wandering into the streets. The first snow had already covered the lands, and the temperature had dropped in the last days of the short Autumn. Somewhere on the outskirts of the town, on a hill stood a little two story house aligned with other similar houses, where a seven years old human girl with red hair was playing with a beautiful rust and cream furred female Husky in its yard. The young girl was named Rosy, and her loyal pet was named Jenna. Rosy loved Jenna with all her heart, it was what mattered the most to the young girl. Jenna felt the same about her little mistress. The two were like sisters, best friends forever, without all the bickering. That wasn't the case with Rosy's parents, Jenna's owners. Don't misunderstand it, the two adults were good people and loved their girl and their pet. The problem was they wanted to breed Jenna.

That wouldn't be a real problem however if they choose some other dog than a proud headed purebred Husky named Steele. Steele was the leader of the local racing sled dog team. He was praised and admired by humans and dogs alike for the two championship titles he won to the Trans-Alaskan Derby sled dog race. It was a big title, but not as big as his ego. Steele was a bully, and believed that only purebreds should be respected and pleased by the lower breeds. He was also violent, and he liked to trap innocent bitches and rape them into submission, often leaving them with litters to take care of alone.

Jenna was disgusted of him. She hated his way of prancing around town like he owned the place, and she hated how much other dogs licked his paws like he was some sort of god. He was nothing for her. And the most she hated was when he tried to seduce her. It was clearly sexual harassment, but the other dogs seemed to never see it. The russet Husky was a lot more interested in someone else entirely. There was a canine that intrigued her a lot. The said canine was in fact a half-bred, a hybrid between a wild Wolf and a Husky. The russet girl wasn't a fool nor an ignorant. She already heard stories about wolves and half-wolves. They always said that half-wolves were as dangerous and unpredictable as purebred wolves, and they couldn't be trusted. But Jenna wasn't scared by those old folklores. She already had the chance to approach the town's half-bred from close, and even talk to him and befriend him. The wolf-dog was actually very friendly, and he seemed very interested in her. He didn't explicitly showed it, but Jenna knew he was a gentleman at heart, selfless and kind. His name was Balto. He was born from a Wolf mother and a Husky father. He never got to meet his father, apparently this one got killed when he protected the pregnant mother from another crazy wolf. The wolf-dog only vaguely remembered his mother, a tall white coated she-wolf with blazing yellow eyes. He lost sight of her when he was very young, she apparently went on a hunt and never came back, leaving him on his own from then on. Jenna found his history very sad and heartbreaking, having lost all those he held dear in his heart. But she also found him very brave to have succeeded living all on his own at such a very young age. It was mostly all thanks to the nearby village where the butchers all let some meat for stray dogs outside their store after closure.

Of course, it couldn't be this easy. Each time Balto went to town, Steele was waiting for him, bullying the young wolf-dog, beating him, and going as far as trying to kill him more than once. Jenna hated Steele even more for this. For her, Steele was just a jerk who used females for his own desire and then let them deal on their own with the consequences. Balto was much more respectable. He told Jenna once that if he came to have a girl for himself in his life, he would treat her good, respect her, care for her, love her like she deserved to be loved. He wouldn't just fill her and then ditch her, just like Steele would do and already did with several other bitches. From the way Balto spoke about it, Jenna knew he had a crush on her. She knew he was very shy about his feelings, preferring to completely avoid the subject around her. Secretly, she also had a crush on him. He was so kind, so friendly, so special with his wild features. When she was alone at home and needed some relief from her female needs, she always thought about Balto, about the way he would kiss her, the way his tongue would slide across her throat, then her chest, then her belly, licking each of her nipples, before going down to her flower. Rubbing her front paw onto her wet pussy, she would imagine his long rough wolf tongue slowly sliding upon her lips, then slowly pry those lips open to taste her deeper nectar. She would writhe under the assault of his long tong on her special spot inside her vagina, then hump her hips as his nose would be pressed against her clitoris. He would catch her hips to keep them put with his strong forepaws, and he would launch his tongue deeper yet, nose tickling her clit harder until she came, her juice spurting in his mouth and drenching his muzzle, her pussy squeezing his tongue inside, mouth wide open to pant deep and loud in the empty house, in front of the fire place, where she always masturbated. In fact, her crush was a little more than a crush. She was attracted to the wolf-dog, her body craving his, crying to let him calm the fire within her belly when her season came around.

Speaking of the wolf-dog, the canine was actually behind a pile of logs, observing the young Rosy and the beautiful Jenna play in the snow in their garden. He probably thought Jenna didn't know he was here, but the russet Husky already smelt his unmistakable wolf musk an hour ago, but she didn't act on it, fearing that if her young mistress saw he was here, she would try to play with him and then, the parents would come and chase the wolf-dog away. It wasn't fair to Jenna, but she had little say in the matter. For her next mating season, the masters planned to lock her up with Steele to get some pups from the famous sled dog. But Jenna would have none of it. She would run away if she had to, but she would certainly never let Steele get anywhere near her when she came into Heat. In the meantime, she enjoyed her time with her young mistress, while also trying to flash some good angles of her ass toward the log pile.

Balto was drooling onto a log while watching the young human and the gorgeous Husky play. Jenna almost had all the time her back turned toward him, her curled tail wagging upon her back, her goods uncovered to let him see them. It was a rare spectacle to the wolf-dog, no other female would ever turn their butt and flag their tail like this for him. Jenna was the prettiest female Husky of Nome, and Balto knew exactly why. Her every curves were perfect. In all the places. All of them.

The wolf-dog had woke up this morning with a terrible morning wood that wouldn't go away unsatisfied. So he had curled in the cabin of the abandoned beached trawler and caught his erection between his paws to jerk off. And as always in those moments, Jenna was on his mind. He slowly rubbed his hard on with his pads, trying to imagine that was Jenna's mouth blowing him off. As his cock was slowly fully coated in precum, he squeezed it harder, picturing Jenna's lips going lower and lower on it, sucking it. He moaned as his knot slowly popped out of his sheath and swelled. He continued massaging his cock while also lowering a paw to his testicles, prodding one, then the other in his pads. Then, he put his two paws onto his swelling knot and squeezed, moaning louder as his climax slowly crept on the forefront of his mind. He imagined Jenna's tongue wrapping around it and squeezing, slurping on his dick, tasting his abundant precum, her nose pressed in his crotch and sniffing his masculine musk. All those thoughts combined aroused him harder than ever, and soon the lonely wolf-dog was cumming hard, several string of puppy juice spurting out of his tip and coating the fur on his belly, on his chest, even on his head, and on the old wooden floor of the trawler. Then he was left panting deeply, tongue lolling out of his maw as he rested his back on the ground. Those moments were the most erotic moments in the life of the half-bred, his needs a little satiated by his paws but not by much. He was a virgin, having never been able to mate a female before. He was inexperienced, and as he never saw any mating occur in front of him, he had only centuries of instinct to know how to properly mate. He didn't even know if his cock was big or average. He only listened to his instincts dictating him to mate a female in season. Balto knew Jenna well, he had observed her for a long time now, ever since her family arrived in Nome two years ago. He knew she was about to come into Heat, and that was driving him crazy to dream of her when he knew he could never have her. What would a gorgeous purebred Husky like Jenna do with a half-wolf stray like him. She had no future with him, and she would be shunned down by other town's dogs for loving a half-bred like him. And she deserved better. She deserved so much better. Someday he hoped she'd find someone who would treat her right and love her passionately. Just like he'd love her if he could.

Finally, after playing two whole hours in the snow, the young Rosy felt quite tired and decided to get home for the day. Jenna followed her young mistress inside, flashing her fluffbutt a last time toward the log pile before disappearing into the house. Finally, Balto could sigh and walk away from his hiding place. He had caught a terrible hard on from all the watching, and then he found himself unable to come out aroused like this in front of Jenna and Rosy. It wasn't polite.

He returned to his usual routine of walking to the butcher shop, using the back alleys to avoid humans and dogs in the streets. By the time he reached the back of the shop, his penis had retracted back into his sheath. As planned, some juicy fat meat was set on a wood box in the alleyway. His stomach growling, he bonded to the meat and gulped down some large slice of what could be described as a juicy steak for him. The taste was wonderful, and his empty stomach approved this juicy meal with a low growl. Once he had his fill, he looked up at the sky. The day was already well gone, and he had nothing else to do in town for now, so he decided to get back to his home. But of course, Steele appeared on his way as always, his three lackeys Nicky, Kaltag and Star behind his thick black and white furred body.

"What do we have here guys? Isn't it our little half-bred Pingo?" The burly husky said, grinning evilly.

Balto sighed deeply and turned around to face his tormentor.

"What do you want Steele?"

"What does I want? I want you to get out of my town, freak. You don't belong here!" Steele growled.

"*Sigh* Get lost Steele. I was going out anyway."

"What duh?! How did you talk to me half-bred?!"

"You heard it, or maybe you got too much dirt in your ears to hear me." Balto said turning and walking away.

"That's it, NOW YOU'RE DEAD!!" The purebred Husky snarled, running after the wolf-dog.

"You say that every time, and I'm still here." Balto thought, impressed by his own boldness.

He raced outside of town, pursued close by the four sled dogs behind him, until he reached the trickier Ice Path near his stranded home. The wolf-dog knew those path like the back of his paw, that wasn't the case of the four canines following him. Once he engaged onto the trapped Iceway, he heard the sled-dogs behind slip and fall to the ground, yelping as their body made contact with the solid freezing ice. Balto snickered and continued on his way to his home, stopping only when he was on the deck of the trawler. He then looked behind him to see the four dogs walking back to town, three of them having their tails between their paws, the fourth storming away angrily. The wolf-dog chuckled at the view, then sighed, looking out at the distant town.

_"Why do I keep staying here? I have nothing here, no attach, no human or dog to talk to or play with. And it's not like any dog or human want me there either. Why can't I just run away and live in the forest."_He thought.

In truth, he knew exactly why he couldn't go. He was still in love. He was also a half-dog. A descendant of a humble Husky sled-dog, a champion his mother had told him. That dog part was what made him like a struck love puppy with Jenna. It was embarrassing, and he couldn't get rid of it. But sometimes it felt good too. Like he had something he could live for. Jenna was a friend, a dear friend actually. She had been here the first time he broke his left front paw, when they were teenage canines, she had brought food and comfort all the way to his home on the trawler for him, and helped him when he needed to relearn to walk afterward. Those times were golden days, they could forget about the town and its problems and just talk and share stories and thoughts. It felt good.

"Hey boychick! Lost in your thoughts again?" Boris voice made Balto jump a little, throwing him out of his thoughts.

"Uh, Boris. You scared me." The wolf-dog said, turning his head to look at a snow goose walking onto the deck of the stranded boat toward him.

"Ah! I should be the one scared there! Remember that you are ferocious predator and I am prey." Boris said, extending his wing to point the hybrid's chest.

Balto rolled his eyes and smiled a bit. Then he looked out again toward the town.

"What were you thinking about for an old goose like me to surprise a canine like you?" The goose asked, jumping on the boat's guardrailnext to Balto.

"I was thinking about *that* time."

"That time? Oh, you mean, *that* time when you tried to..."

"Yeah, that one."

"It's not healthy to have such dark thoughts, I told you I don't want you to-"

"No, no Boris, I wasn't thinking about doing that... I was thinking about... Well, about her. Jenna." Balto replied.

"Oohh. That girl who made sure you were cared for. That girl who made sure you were safe and nourished. That girl you have huge crush on." Boris said.

"Boris, stop that."

"Earth to Balto, allo? Your crush on her is all over your face, boy. You're practically slobbering all over the place when you see her. Just go talk with her and tell her how you feel already! I wouldn't mind having her here more often, after all, she's the reason my boy is still alive." The goose replied, draping his wing upon the wolf-dog's back. "I owe her a lot, and you owe her too. She deserves to hear how you feel about her."

"She is a house dog, I am an outcast. That's all there is to know." Balto said, turning around and disappearing inside the cabin.

Boris sighed.

"I hope you know what you are doing Jenna." He whispered, looking out at the distant village.

Some more days went away, the peaceful village following its routine. Jenna had felt the first signs of her Heat on this day, and so, to avoid to attract her masters attention, she stayed put into her basket, trying to sleep off the day as peacefully and silently as possible, so her intoxicating scent wouldn't fly out of the house and attract some randy dogs on the streets. She already saw that happen while her previous seasons, or while the seasons of other bitches. Sometimes, whole herds of dogs were waiting in front of seasoned bitches houses. And even more often, Steele was leading those herds. But this year, the burly sled-dog and his pals won't be waiting for her to come out. She stayed put all day long so none of her scent could escape from her inflamed needy pussy. Rosy noticed the radical change of behavior of her loyal dog though. Jenna was usually waiting for the young girl on the house's porch to come back from school to greet her. This time, the pet hardly gave a friendly lick and a faint wag of her tail to the young human girl. Hopefully, neither father or mother took notice of the dog's weird behavior. Night time finally came after an impossibly long day for Jenna.

The seasoned Husky waited for the three humans to fall asleep in the night before moving. As she got up, she stretched the muscles in her paws, then she went to her bowl to quench her thirst and the lamentations of her hungry belly. She didn't waste a lot of time thought, she was at the doggy door fast, looking through the little dog door to make sure no bad surprise was waiting for her outside. She sniffed and looked all around, but saw nor smelt anyone waiting to ambush her as soon as she got out. Jenna took a deep breath before running out, quickly running around her house and dashing in the vast snowy plain behind, looking behind her furtively to make sure no one followed her. Clouds heavy with snow covered the sky, ready to unleash a big snowstorm very soon. The female made a run to the Ice Path. Her Heat and run warmed her body so she didn't even felt the coldness of the winter night bite at her body. Once she was there, she slowed to a trot, and even stopped some seconds to relieve her bladder. But she was quick to get back on track and reached Balto's old beached trawler in no time.

Jenna began to climb up the plank toward the deck, but then she remembered her wolf-dog friend would be sleeping by this hour. So she stopped just at the top of the plank and called out in a whisper.

"Balto! Balto, are you there?!"

Balto opened one eye, then the other. It was night time, but he thought he heard something outside the cabin where he slept. Some seconds went by, and nothing happened, so he was about to close his eyes back when the scent hit his nose. A thick, warm and very female aroma tickled his nostrils. His two eyes opened wide, his heart suddenly beating strong in his chest, and his lungs inhaled deeply, filling themselves with the rich aroma. His sheath suddenly filled up, the red organ inside filling up with blood. His body was fully waked now, the gears in his mind clicking together to wake his thoughts up.

"Aww crap, one of those dreams again." Balto thought.

But he quickly saw there was something different about this one. It felt oddly more real and alive than the previous ones.

"Balto, please, are you there?!"

His ears perked straight on his head, the voice echoing into his thoughts. He knew that voice perfectly, its melody engraved in his memory. The voice of his dearest and only one true friend Jenna. The impossible mate of his dreams. And from the scent he was breathing, she was here, on his boat, and in Heat. And he was excited, too excited, crimson tip already pushing out of his pooch.

Not wanting to let her wait, he jumped to his paws and walked to the door frame, poking just his head out to see the female standing at the end of the ramp.

"That's a very realistic dream I got there." He thought before talking to Jenna. "Hey Jenna. what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asked, thought he could guess quite well what she would do here in season.

Jenna was relieved when she saw Balto's head in the door frame, and relaxed when she heard his deep masculine voice. She jumped from the ramp onto the deck and walked to him, her shyness making her tail go low to cover her swollen vagina.

"I just didn't feel safe at home, so I thought about coming here to give you some company." She said with a friendly smile.

"At this hour?" Balto asked, faking a surprised tone and face.

"Yeah, you're my friend, I'll feel way safer with you than with anyone else."

This time, Balto was really surprised. And embarrassed. His cock was a quarter out of his sheath and it wouldn't get back inside anytime soon with Jenna's sweet aroma wafting straight past his nose.

From where she was standing, Jenna could smell Balto's male musk emanating from his body. The scent was quickly luring the female's mind, her body turning the gears up to Breeding Mode.

"Hum, can I come inside? This wind is getting colder." She asked innocently.

As he processed the question, Balto's tail quickly dove between his hind paws to hide his growing erection. But a quick glance to his back showed the old rug he used as blanket was still draped upon his back, flowing on each side of his body, hiding his sheath from a side view.

"Of course, come inside, don't stay in that freezing wind." He replied with a friendly smile.

Jenna smiled back and walked inside, brushing past Balto, their fur brushing each other. The feel of her plushy fur sent a shiver down Balto's spine, one that had nothing to do with the cold wind. He turned around and walked back to his sleeping post, avoiding watching her nor sniffing her scent too much, and he laid down, shifting his position so he could be comfortable with his throbbing erection.

Jenna laid in front of him, watching him shift and wiggle a little under his cover. She had been deceived to see his body covered by the old blanket, but with his wriggling, the cover lifted just some second and let her see her prize. Her scent had an effect on him, she was certain about it now.

Balto turned back his head to her and asked:

"So tell me, why didn't you feel safe at home?"

Jenna understood right away that he was playing captain oblivious.

"Hmm, well, I have a disagreement with my masters those last days." She replied, intent on quickly coming to the point.

"What? Rosy?" The wolf-dog asked again, feeling his cock slowly receding back into his sheath from the cold floor of the cabin.

"N-no, no, Rosy isn't the problem, no. The problem come from her parents. They... want to breed me so they can sell the pups." She answered.

His cock came out again, the words breeding and pups ringing in his mind like magic words. He imagined he was upon her back, thrusting inside her needy pussy, filling her fertile womb with his virile semen. He imagined her heavy with their pups, then small bundle of gray and red fur running around onto the beach in spring.

"Fuck, stop that brain." He thought, trying to get those pictures out of his mind.

"Balto? You're okay?" Jenna asked, noticing his sudden empty gaze.

"Oh, uh, yeah. You were saying your masters wanted to... wanted you to have pups so they could sell them."

"You spaced out a moment?"

"Yeah, I... I was just thinking. You will soon be a mother. That's great." Balto said, trying to get her attention away from him.

"Well, I could be, I'd like to be, if it wasn't for the dog they choose to breed me with." Jenna replied.


"Yeah, I despise him. He is such a low, pride headed scumbag. I'll never let him get close to me while I'm in season." She said firmly.

Balto quickly guessed who was chosen by her owners. And his erection only grew harder when she told all those defined words about the scumbag in question.

"I didn't know you hated Steele as much as I did." The wolf-dog said.

"I hate his guts. I hate the way he prance around town like he is some sort of king. And I hate even more how other dogs just seem to bow at his paws like he is a god. And I hate the way he look at me, like I'm a thing he want to use and then discard like... like..."

"Like an old used sock?"

"Yeah! I hate him, and want nothing to do with that jerk." Jenna finished, her fur standing on end on her back.

Seeing her all bristling like this made a shiver run down Balto's spine again, his erection throbbing, a drop of precum jutting out of his tip onto the cold floor. The poor old blanket did little to prevent the musky scent to spread out into the little cabin. Jenna was quick to smell it, and she had trouble not to grin. The smell however got a powerful effect on her body. Her belly suddenly became warmer, her swollen pussy spasming as femjuice flowed out onto the floor, the smell of a virile male just inches from her driving her body wild. She was having a mini-climax all by herself with only the thought of what the wolf-dog was hiding under the frail cover.

"Hmm... Ah... Balto... Do you like puppies?" Jenna found herself panting out, the beating of her heart growing stronger in her chest.

"Why... are you asking me that?" Balto asked, ears flat on his head as he saw a flame rise inside Jenna's beautiful amber eyes, noticing her scent becoming stronger too.

"Ah... I'm... just curious. So?"

"Well... I like them, thought I never got to come close to any. They're like tiny version of the parents, a part of both mother and father inside a new little body. Like I'm a part of my Wolf mother and a part of my Husky father. Like you're a part of your mother and a part of your father."

"Like a part of me and a part of you." Jenna said softly.

Balto frowned, looking at her with his head titled to the side, trying to understand what she meant by that. Jenna didn't let him ponder that for long. She got up on her paws and slowly walked toward him, licking her lips, a hungry predatory look in the eyes. The wolf-dog gulped, unable to look away from her burning eyes. Since she got up, her scent was spreading even faster around the two canines, enveloping them into a very lusty atmosphere.

"Can I lay down with you? I'm a little cold in my corner." Jenna asked, her eyes not leaving his for even a second.

"O-of course Jen." He replied, patting the place to his left, where she could lay against his back and not on his rock hard cock.

"Thanks." She slipped under the blanket, turning around and laying her back against Balto's, her body pressed against his, her soft plushy fur petting his own messy gray but thick and warm fur.

"F-feeling more comfortable?" The male asked awkwardly.

"Very~" Jenna purred, leaning her body against his, feeling his warm fur mix with hers. "So, Balto. Did you ever thought about having your own pups?"

"I... I thought about it. But, you know, I have to find a mate first, someone I will love and will love me back. It's kind of hard to find when you are an hybrid like me. Dogs and humans alike despise me, and wolves find me repulsive and want nothing to do with me."

"Awww Balto." Jenna whimpered, ears dropping on her head, pained to see how lonely the wolf-dog really was.

She nuzzled into his neck, burying her muzzle into his warm fur, feeling his strong heartbeat from the tip of her nose. His scent, so male and entrancing, filled her lungs, clouding her mind with lust and naughty thoughts, her needy pussy becoming hotter by the seconds. She continued nuzzling his neck, then his throat and his chin, drenching her muzzle with his intoxicating smell.

Balto anxiously shuffled his paws, swallowing back his moans when Jenna's nose touched sensitive areas on his throat.

"Jen... Jenna, you shouldn't be here." He whispered, almost whimpering as his erection became really the hardest he ever felt it.

"Mmhh... Why do you think so?" She softly asked, keeping her nose deep inside his fur.

"You... You're in Heat. You're not thinking right."

"Hmm? So what?" She asked again, taking note that he knew she was in season.

"I-I don't want to do something we would both regret later."

"Nothing you could do would ever upset me. You are the only dog and friend I feel comfortable being around at a time like this, because I know you would never take advantage of me. You have an heart of gold, Balto, you are kind and fair, selfless and gentle, as well as incredibly handsome." Jenna said, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I-it's the Heat talking, you're n-not thinking straight." Balto replied, trying to push Jenna's body away, but strength failed him, his muscles like jelly at the touch of her soft fur.

"No, it's not... Well, maybe a little, but I've been thinking about all that months ago already. And only days ago did I realize you are the only dog that ever really cared for me, for who I was. You're a true friend. And I fell in love with you." She said, leaning toward his muzzle and licking his chin. "I love you Balto."

Balto was dazed by her revelation, his heart beating hard in his chest, all his worries forgotten, replaced instead by very strong loving feelings. He kissed her back, his tongue slapping against her own, their muzzle locking in a passionate embrace, tongues dancing with each other in their joined maw. Balto put his right front paw on Jenna's cheek, petting her soft cheek's fur, his eyes closed, his whole body immersed into the kiss, his first kiss. Both dogs moaned, their bodies heating up even faster from the passion of their joining. After some minutes which felt like eternity for both canines, Balto withdrew his muzzle, Jenna whimpering at the coldness that replaced his warm lips. But she was soon moaning again as his muzzle buried into her neck fur and his tongue licked there, sensible spots she didn't know existed lighting up at the attention of his long lupine tongue.

"Oohh Balto..." Jenna panted in his ears, her body now shaking in need.

At the sound of her melodious voice, the wolf-dog finally came back to his senses, withdrawing from the embrace to look the gorgeous female in the eyes.

"Jenna, w-we shouldn't be doing this. Your owners..."

"Aren't here. Tonight, it's just you and me." She said, still shaking. "I love you Balto. I want you to father my pups... Our pups."

"J-Jenna..." Balto panted, his muzzle so close to hers he could feel her hot breath on his muzzle. "I love you Jenna."

Jenna smiled widely, then she licked his muzzle, Balto licking her back, their tongue slapping against each other. The male sat up on his hind, the blanket slipping from his back, uncovering his whole body. Jenna imitated him and sat up, licking under his chin and throat, taking a quick glance along his body toward his waist. Her grin grew wider as her sight fell on Balto's heavy crimson knotted cock, already slick and glistening with precum. Putting her right front paw on his chest, she pushed him backward until he had no other choice than to fall on his back with a thud. His maleness now displayed to the female he loved, Balto gulped, not knowing if his size would disappoint or satisfy her. To his surprise, she was amazed by it.

"My my, what a gifted canine you are. You are way bigger than I ever imagined." She exclaimed, laying on his tail, front paws put on either side upon his inner hips.

A grin appeared on his lips, confidence filling him all suddenly.

"You naughty girl already fantasized about it, didn't you?" He said with assurance, before gasping as her rough little doggy tongue slowly lapped his erection from down to the knot to up at the spurting tip.

Jenna tasted the flavor of a male for the first time of her life, and already she was addicted to the salty creamy and musky flavor of her mate's penis. She grinned as Balto writhed in pleasure on the ground when she licked a second, then a third time his hard member.

"Don't tell me you never dreamed about that before?" She said between two licks.

"Ah! I-I did... *pant* B-but the real thing can't be compared with dreams. *gasp*" He replied, feeling her tongue wrap around his pulsing tip.

He could smell the effect his taste and scent had on her. He could smell how wet she was. Could almost taste it on his tongue.

A cold blow of wind went through the cabin, and Balto felt Jenna shiver on his member.

"Hum, Jen... Ah, could we continue this... uhff... inside, where it's cozier?" He panted, looking down at her only to grow even more hard at the very erotic view of her licking his rock hard cock.

"Hmm, I don't say no to some warmer place where we can get to business." The husky bitch replied, stopping her licking to look up and smirk at her wolf-dog lover.

She got off of his hindquarter, letting him get up on his paws. He walked awkwardly to the deepest part of the cabin, where narrow stairs descended in the darkness of the trawler's belly, while Jenna observed his cock and two big balls bounce under his tail and licked her lips again. The wolf-dog extended his big front paw to point at the dark passage and, with his heavy cock still swinging between his legs, he politely said:

"After you milady."

Jenna giggled at the funny sight, then straightened her head and walked past her chosen boy toy, her tail sliding under his chin.

"Always the gentleman, aren't you?" She said, slowly walking down the stairs, her tail high above her back, letting her pink wet puffed vulva wink at her lover.

The lower deck wasn't as dark as she thought it would be. The place was rather clean, spacious and sheltered from the cold wind blowing outside. In a corner there was a box full of rusty multicolored bottle shards, some other boxes scattered around on the floor and in the middle of the room there were some blankets and a old doggy toy. The husky bitch wondered where Balto could have found such a weird toy, but she hadn't a lot of time to ponder on that question too much. As soon as the wolf-dog was downside with her, his nose was drown in by Jenna's marvelous scent, pushing him to sniff at her uncovered sex. The bitch looked behind her with a smirk and spread her hips wider to allow a better view to her lover.

"Like what you smell?" She grinned, feeling his nose just inches from her needy pussy, air moving around her wet sensitive lips.

"Hmmhh, this is so weird. It's like some force is drawing me to it. Like I can't get enough of it." Balto replied intoxicated.

"Come on, don't be shy, you can taste it too."

The male didn't need to be told twice. He took another deep breath of her goods before extending his long lupine tongue. His rough buds slided onto the inflamed pussy lips of Jenna's fertile sex, collecting samples of the sweet nectar covering it. Immediately, the gears in his brain began to analyze and memorize the information, and reacting to the result of the analyze, strong chemical reaction spreading like wildfire in the male's body. A thick drop of precum fell from Balto's tip as he took more licks, his brain demanding more of the sweet taste.

Jenna bit her lips and writhed in pleasure as each stroke of Balto's tongue rubbed the little bud just under her sex hole, sparks of pleasure spreading inside her whole body through her spine like wildfire. The wolf-dog's tongue was wide, long and agile, and when Balto began to deepen the investigation of her hot sex, the Husky saw stars. There was a spot inside her, her tongue could never reach it, but Balto found it right away and forcefully rubbed it with his strong lupine tongue, sending Jenna in a frenzy of hump backward against his muzzle. He had to put his left front paw on her hip to keep her from moving too much, the touch of the large paw only adding to the bitch's excitement, her juice flowing naturally from her sex into Balto's eager muzzle.

It took a lot of willpower for Jenna to walk forward and evade Balto's expert tongue. The male let her go and watched her in the darkness of the room. She did only some steps forward before her front collapsed to the ground her rear up high in the air, tail out of the way, presenting her drenched dripping sex to her lover.

"I can't wait anymore Balto.*pant* Please, p-please... breed me." She begged, looking back at him and whining, shaking her rump from side to side to entice the male.

Balto was a gentleman, he couldn't let the lady wait anymore than needed. He slowly walked up to her, his piercing wolf eyes shining in the darkness, shivers rolling up the female's spine, her body more than ready to take some wolf in it. The half-bred closed on her and breathed in a good time, letting her alluring aroma take over his body, then he listened to his instincts and jumped on her back, his front paws wrapping securely around her hips, his chest brushing on her back's fur. Jenna widened her stance to support a part of his weight, and spread her butt a little wider, her breath already coming out in needy panting. Focusing, Balto moved his hindquarter around, trying to find Jenna's pussy with his cock. He could feel the heat radiating from her entrance onto his tip, guiding him toward her treasure hole. Once the tapered spade of his dick found the moist warmth of her heated lips, the hybrid gulped, looked down at the bitch's red furred neck and asked one last time:

"Jenna, are you really sure about this?"

Jenna turned her head around to look up at her lover, trembling as she felt his tip deposit some drops of precum onto her inflamed lips, and said in a pant:

"I love you Balto. Please, do it."

Balto lowered his head to lick at her muzzle while he slowly pressed his hips against hers, his hard crimson organ parting the delicate petals of her flower and sinking inside of a very warm and very wet cavern. Both canines moaned as more and more of his dick disappeared inside her, pulsing length going deeper still, tightening muscles massaging it. Despite his instinct telling him to plow into the bitch and breed her wolf style, Balto kept going slowly, not wanting to hurt his gorgeous mate. But he stopped his advance when his tip bumped into a wall inside her, and he felt Jenna tense around him.

"Ahhh... I know... This is going to hurt... But I want it to be with you."


"Please Balto... Do it quick... Don't stop until your fully inside me."

"I love you Jenna." Balto said, nuzzling her muzzle, the bitch nuzzling him back.

He mustered all the courage he had, withdrew a little from her tight snatch, and finally launched his hips forward, the wall giving way under the pressure of his tip, his cock disappearing inside Jenna's tight vaginal canal, save the knot pressing against her drenched pussy lips, rubbing onto her clitoris.

Jenna yelped in pain but pressed her hips back against his, a jolt of pain and pleasure from being filled coursing through her spine. Balto groaned as her tunnel tightened almost painfully around his invading organ, pleasure like none other filling his body. His paws could never have prepared him for that. Everything felt too good, too perfect, too wet and too hot. If this was all a dream, it was by far the most realistic and erotic he ever had in his young life. The wolf-dog heard the husky bitch whine under him, and he immediately licked her neck and the top of her head to appease her pain. His instincts were crying him to fuck her senseless, but his heart still got the best of him, the gentle, careful hybrid not wanting to hurt his mate anymore than needed. When her whining stopped and moans came out of her mouth instead, Balto stopped his soothing licks and asked if she was okay.

"It feels better now. Please, go on Balto, pound me!" Jenna whimpered, desperate to feel her lover's cock drill into her sodden vulva.

Balto didn't need to be told twice. He sloooowly withdrew his rock hard cock out of her squeezing pussy until only the tip remained, he gripped her hips harder, and then thrust forward with force, jolting the bitch's body forward.

"Gosh yes!! Again!!" She cried out, her spine trembling from the tingles of pleasure coursing through it.

The wolf-dog happily obliged, thrusting out and in again, then again, and again, building a rhythm, each time going a little faster, pressing his hips a little harder, pushing his dick a little deeper. Both wolf-dog and bitch moaned, gasped and cried out their pleasure, their bodies heating up fast, the air around them becoming thick with the scent of sex. It wasn't long before Balto's engorged knot was hitting against Jenna's spread lips, roughly rubbing her clit with each forceful thrust.

"Gah!! Force it in! *pant* Do it Balto!*gasp moan* Knot me!!*pant* C-claim me!!"

Balto knew there was no coming back from a tie. Deep in her Heat, if he tied and came inside her, she would be pregnant for sure. He had dreamed about that many times, but actually doing it was different, it brought a feeling of pride and worry in himself, he didn't know if he had to listen to his instincts and lock his fat knot inside her and get her pregnant and in possibly more trouble than happiness, or pull out and avoid her tons of problems. But this time, he didn't get to choose, as Jenna took the choice herself. The female spread her hips wider and pushed her rump back against Balto's hips, his half-grown knot spreading her tight little cunt wider and wider. Her front paws suddenly gave way and she fell forward, her hindquarter still held up by Balto's death grip on her hips. The new angle was easier to work with, and with the next push, Balto felt on is tip the back wall of Jenna's tight sex, the last barrier to her very womb, his tip brushing it hard as his knot kissed her pussy lips and spread them apart halfway.

Feeling her cervix being pushed open, Jenna cried out as intense pleasure mixed with a little pain, making her see stars. As Balto withdrew for his next thrust, leaving her feeling empty for only a fraction of second, her hips automatically prepared to push back against his charge. And when finally, his cock filled her heated pussy again, her hips pushed firmly against him, and at the apex of their mutual thrust, her pussy widened enough around his fat knot, and the glands disappeared inside with a wet pop, Jenna's pussy bulging with the enormous member, her lips closing behind the fat knot and her vulva pulsing around his locked member. Their hips flush, the two canine cried out as intense pleasure coursed through their tied organs. With the tie, the beast inside Balto was unleashed, and the wolf-dog caught Jenna's scruff between his fangs, pressing just hard enough to leave a mark, and his hips jack-hammered into hers, his cock moving only an inch inside her clamping vulva, his knot swelling to full size to ensure she was going nowhere when he finally seeded her. The bitch thrust her hips just as hard against his, her mind rapidly reaching the highest point of bliss it ever knew.

"Balto...!! Yes!!" Jenna cried out as she came harder than she ever remembered, her juices filling the tight confine of her vagina, and squirting out around Balto's fat inflated knot. Her squeezing pussy vibrated around the red organ, overstimulating it, and the wolf-dog very quickly joined the bitch in the highest orgasmic bliss he ever experienced. His balls tightened and shuddered, his cock vibrated against Jenna's vaginal cavern, and his spade like tip, snuggled just against her cervix, expended a little, opening the hole to her sacred chamber just enough for the first thick, long creamy jet of pure white semen to be launched deep inside her doggy womb, hitting it's back wall, clinging to the side before pooling down inside her fertile uterus. The first jet was immediately joined by a second, then a third and a fourth, and many others followed, as thick and powerful as the first. In the high of her orgasm, Jenna felt the first strong jet and all the following ones against the walls of her primed uterus, the feeling only furthering her ecstasy. In return, her pussy milked Balto's member harder, trying to get as much seed inside her fertile chamber as possible. Her limbs were trembling in exhaustion, a part of the male's weight still being supported by her hindquarter. Hopefully, Balto's instincts soon kicked up, and the half-bred let go of her hips and put his front paws back on the ground, supporting his own mass again. Then, instincts still guiding him, he began to turn around, hiking a leg upon her back to stand tail to tail with his bitch, his balls launching new fresh spurts of seed inside her womb. And like this, the two lovers slowly came back to themselves, panting in the wonderful afterglow of their passionate mating.

"Oohh Balto...*pant*" Jenna moaned.

"Ngghh... Jen...*pant* Oh Jenna, I can't believe we did what we just did.*pant*" Balto panted, looking behind him at their joined butt, his long wolf tail draped upon Jenna's back, her own tail wagging faintly.

"Huff... That was the best sex I ever had." She declared, tightening her pelvis muscles to draw more pups juice from the male's still twitching balls.

Her sentence made Balto grin, and he pulled at their tie, then thrust backward inside her, the move coming in weird but giving the two canines sparks of pleasure.

"Guh! Do that again!" The bitch moaned.

The male obliged, moving his hips up and down, feeling her rump follow his movements, and her tight pussy squeeze his locked member harder. At one moment, Jenna herself began to move with Balto, pulling on their tied sexes, testing the limits of their connection and the sensations they could extract from it. Balto was getting aroused again, his organ hardening again inside Jenna's warm tightening body. The pleasure was amazing. The bitch was quickly building another orgasm, her spine vibrating from the stimulation.

"Ohhh Baltoooo...*pant* Yeahhh right theeeere *gasp* nnhhh so big *pant*" She moaned in her ecstasy.

Balto only groaned, his anchored penis overstimulated by her bubbling vagina milking it, now the flow of seed he was releasing reduced to trickles.

"Nnngghhh Jen*pant* ... You're milking me." He groaned

"Nngghhyeah breed me*pant*"

The half-bred gyrated his hips and pulled at the same time, getting gasps and drawn-out moans from the bitch, his bitch.

After more seconds of this 'game' of tug-of-war, Jenna gasped one last time and let out a long whine as her body shuddered around her mate, her orgasm crashing through her exhausted form. Balto panted and groaned louder, feeling her warm moist sex spasm with new vigor around his locked knotted member, and warm juice gushing out around his knot and onto his genitals. Looking back, he saw Jenna had finally stopped her motion and now slowly came down from the high he helped her reach.

"Feels better?" He asked, tongue out from his own exertion.

"Way better*pant* I needed that." Jenna replied, smiling dumbly from her pleasure addled mind.

A grin appeared onto Balto's face. He had done it. He had made Jenna cum, twice in a row, and he came deep inside her and surely bred her good. A feeling or pride filled him. He was going to have pups. He was going to be a father. Becoming a dad was the last thing he thought he'd do in his life of outcast. But here he was, siring a litter, and with the hottest bitch in Nome nonetheless.

Jenna relaxed her grip around the gifted wolf-dog's cock and wriggled her ass from side to side. Somewhere deep inside her tummy, she felt something shift and slosh around. She quickly understood that was Balto's potent semen pooled inside her fertile chamber that was giving her this amazing sensation. With the warm seed planted in her womb, her body began to calm down, her Heat satiated for now, but Jenna knew that wouldn't last. She was just at the beginning of her season, she would be fertile for at least a whole week until her season ended. Widely enough time to make sure her chosen mate bred her good. Only thinking about it made her body heat up again, lust filling her mind with numerous ideas. Some minutes passed, and finally Jenna felt a trickle of juice flow past the male's deflating knot.

"I think... I can pull out now." Balto warned, before pulling on their tie.

Jenna's pussy lips slowly spread out, bulging from the bulbs forcing their way out. After some more try, her sex squelched as his knot slipped out of it, the abused pussy lips finally letting go of the wonderful organ from their grasp. The now flaccid crimson member hung down, tip toward the floor, cum dribbling from it and staining the wood planks below. Both canines turned their gaze to each other's sex. Even thought it was slowly deflating and receding into Balto's sheath, Jenna was amazed by its size, having a difficult time believing this thing was all inside her belly, just gazing at it made her pussy spasm in lust. The view of her gaping, inflamed and drooling cum stained vulva didn't let Balto indifferent either. Both licked their lips unconsciously before their gaze fell on each other. They smiled, and turned around toward each other. Both yipped in excitement and nuzzled each other, their nose bumping, tongue licking and paws dancing on the floor below. Some more second of this later and the two calmed down, and Jenna pushed her muzzle deep into Balto's thick neck fur, nuzzling and taking his musky scent in.

"I love you Balto." She whispered, her heart beating so strong in her chest she was sure he could hear it.

Balto nuzzled and groomed her neck's fur with his tongue and replied her declaration with his own.

"I love you too Jenna. I love you so much. This is the best night of my life."

A wide grin suddenly appeared onto the Husky's muzzle.

"Don't think we're done for tonight, lover boy. One breeding is far to be enough to satiate my Heat." She said on a sultry tone that told a lot about her current mood.

Balto's ears perked at her words, and he looked back at her with a questioning, but hopeful glance. Jenna slowly slipped under the male's chest, crouching between his forepaws to find her new _friend_slowly receding back into the protectiveness of its sheath.

"Hello there big boy." She said, giving its tip a lick, tasting his male juice and her own female nectar mixed together on it. "Hmm, you're quite tasty right now. Let me take a better taste of you." She added, locking her lips around the tip, her tongue sucking it.

Balto moaned, feeling her warm lips and her agile tongue tickle and pleasure his supersensitive cock, getting him aroused back to full growth. The bitch quickly noticed it, the organ pulsing in her mouth and coming back out of its sheath, smearing precum on the little taste buds of her tongue. His hips began moving on their own, totally out of his control. His whole dick was suddenly all out and into Jenna's muzzle, the bitch sucking on it the best she could. He was becoming quite eager, and she knew she would have to take control soon or he might finish inside her mouth, and that wasn't what she wanted, what she needed.

Withdrawing her muzzle from his pulsing prize, she giggled as his hips continued thrusting in the air even thought his organ wasn't in any hole anymore. Above her, Balto panted and reopened his eyes, and he forced his reluctant hips to stop their movement. Jenna suddenly got up and pushed up his left paws off the ground, the wolf-dog lost his balance and fell on his right side with a thud and a grunt.

"On your back, lover boy." The Husky bitch ordered, walking around to stand by his hindquarter.

Balto whimpered playfully and obeyed, laying on his back and spreading his hips wide, displaying all his glory to the sexy horny red bitch. Jenna walked upon him, standing tall above his body, then she sat on him, her hips pushing into his own, her still dripping pussy lips grinding his full hard cock.

"So, you've been a naughty boy, hiding all this from everyone. Now, it's time to face your fate for doing such a naughty thing." She said, moving her hips up and down the length of his prize, smearing her juices all over, preparing it for her intrusion.

The half-bred moaned as he felt the all new feeling of her moist and warm lips moving upon his throbbing cock, precum staining his belly as excitation grew inside his body. Soon, he was rock hard and moving his hips up and down to pleasure the female above him.

"Hmm, so eager. You naughty boy, you want to breed me again, don't you?" Jenna said grinning, enjoying watching her male writhe in pleasure under her skillful movements.

"Agh*pant* J-Jenna..."

His front paws hooked around her hips, but with a growl and a swipe of her paws on them, he retreated them away.

"You don't go and try to control things now. I am the leader, I am in control, and you'll do as I tell, you understood?" She commanded on a playful tone, squeezing her sex harder against his.

"Nnghh yes ma'am." He replied, keeping his paws at bay for now.

"Good boy. Now old still."

Jenna lifted her hot sex from his hard penis, then putting her right front paw on his chest to keep him down, she used her other paw to lift the tip of his member toward her heat inflamed swollen pussy lips. She ever slowly lowered her hips, the tip slowly parting her petals and sinking inside her belly. Inch by inch, she descended, lower and lower, the cock slowly filling her blazing hot inside, until her lips parted around his knot and engulfed the bulb into its warmth. Both canines moaned feverishly when their pubic fur finally melded together. When Balto came back to reality, he looked at their connection. There was a bulge in Jen's belly where his cock was buried. That was one of the most erotic image he ever saw in his life. Gently, he put his right front paw on the bulge and caressed the soft fur of her belly. Jenna breathed deep, then she felt his paw, she looked down at him and smiled.

"You're filling me up completely. I can feel all of you move inside of me."

"You're so tight, so hot, so wet, so... perfect." He replied.

"Now be a good boy and don't move while I breed myself onto you." She added, putting both her front paws on his chest.

Slowly, she went back up his length, his swelling knot catching on her lips an instant before slipping out with a wet slurp. She lifted her hips until only his tip was still inside her, then she fell back on him, easily engulfing his girth back into her wet slippery vagina. Both canines moaned out, Balto even whimpered, desperate to just catch her hips and ravage her again, but controlling his urges, knowing Jen would punish him for disobeying. She was the leader, the boss right now, and his Husky heritage demanded that he respected the orders his leader had commanded over him.

Jenna was having fun as well as pleasuring herself on her fuckboy, and she loved every moment of it. For a supposed savage beast, Balto was very submissive and tolerant. Other dogs in town were liars, and the bitches were missing on the best fuck of their lives. Jenna was having the time of her life, and she wasn't about to let it go anytime soon. Bouncing quickly into the wolf-dog's lap, their hips clapping together with each descent, his knot popping in and out and stretching her sensitive cunt wider with each up and down motion, her orgasm built fast and strong. Balto was satisfying her way better than Steele would have ever accomplished. It's not like the big pride headed dominant jerk would have ever let her do this. She had chosen well, Balto was a passionate lover, and she was sure he would be a dedicated father. Unlike a certain black and white Husky who had sired many litters but never cared for the pups. He was selfish, only thinking about his own pleasure, while Balto was selfless, thinking about others safety and well-being before himself. He actually cared about her, and not only about the pleasure she could give him. He was her knight in armor, her Charming Prince, the right dog for her. And right now, he was giving her something Steele could never give her fully. A family. Whatever would happen after this night, she knew Balto would be with her the rest of the way.

Very quickly, Balto felt Jenna's canal tighten around him. But it might as well be him who was growing inside of her. His knot began to catch on her pussy more and more, until it suddenly refused to go inside again. Jenna tried futilely to force it back inside, but the baseball sized orbs were still swelling bigger, making it more and more hard to accomplish this act. It only succeeded to rub on her clit even harder and quicken the arrival of her orgasm.

"Ohh gosh!!*pant* Oohh yes!!" She moaned out loud, trying to press their hips together even harder, but the position rendered it impossible.

That's when she said the words Balto was desperately waiting for.

"Do it Balto!!*gasp* Knot me!!"

As soon as the words left her lips, his front paws were locked around her hips, and pushing them down, the wolf-dog launched his own hips up against hers. Her lips spread around the twin orbs, not wide enough, yet, but way wider than before. As Jenna saw stars and barkmoaned to the roof as painful pleasure coursed through her spine to her brain, Balto was already withdrawing his hips for the next thrust. Once again, he threw his hips upward, pressing Jen's hips down, both pair of thighs meeting halfway, their genitals squelching from the amount of precum and femjuice coating them. This thrust wasn't enough either, but from the pressure building around his bulb, the half-bred knew the next would see it fit.

Withdrawing again, Balto growled loudly as he felt the urgent need to tie so he could breed his perfect bitch once again. Death grip around the Husky's hind, the wolf-dog gave all of his strength on his next push, snarling as he did so while Jenna whined in submission. Their sexes gave a lewd wet squelchy sound as they met, Balto's balls churning and bouncing up, hitting Jen's thighs with a very distinctive sound, her pussy lips finally giving out and engulfing the baseball sized orbs inside their tight, wet and warm confine. Both bitch and wolf-dog gasped, then howled as finally, their orgasm hit them hard, steamy, thick white semen splurting deep inside the bitch's fertile, already filled belly, while warm liquid spurted onto the wolf's pulsing genitals, drenching his thighs, sheath and pulsing balls. Her limbs suddenly becoming like jelly, her brain overdosed with blissful pleasure and still gasping for breath, Jenna collapsed onto the warm furred chest of her half-bred mate, tongue lolling out un exhaustion.

Balto was in the same state as his gorgeous Husky bitch, mind elsewhere as his body felt all the pleasure it extracted from this amazing second orgasm. The warmth her body made him feel was almost too much, her vaginal canal spasming, milking his balls for every ounce of puppy making juice it could extract from him. Steam fumed from their locked body, and each exhale of air they did produced little white clouds. When finally both lovers had caught their breath, they looked each others in the eyes.

"It felt amazing Balto. Thank you." Jenna said, licking his nose tenderly.

"I should be the one thanking you, Jenna. You could have any dog in town, but you choose me between all of them. I had lost the hope to have a mate for a long time now, but here you are, cuddled on my chest, getting pregnant with pups we conceived together. You gave me things I could only dream about before tonight. Thank you Jenna. I love you with all my heart, and I always will until the end of my life." Balto replied with a smile, wrapping his strong forepaws around her lean body and hugging her against his chest.

"Aww Balto. This is the nicest thing anyone ever told me. I love you too, for all eternity." She said, then she put her front paws on both side of his muzzle and locked lips with him.

This kiss was nothing like the few firsts they shared. It was more deep, more passionate and calm, full of meaning and faith. It was a true lovers kiss, not the lust filled kisses they shared before. Both wolf-dog and Husky felt the deep meaning of this special embrace in their very core, their soul bonding together. From now on, their fate would be shared and lived together, inseparable until the death of one of them.

Ever slowly, their lips parted, their breath tickling their whiskers with warm little clouds of steam. Their eyes opened and locked on each other, their gaze plunging into each other, love emanating from them. Their soul were like connected with each other, their feelings shared.

The wind outside suddenly gave a low howl, cutting short the lovers moment.

"Sounds like the storm hit us." Balto said.

"More reason for me to stay with you and cuddle." Jenna replied, laying her head onto the male's fluffy chest.

Balto wrapped his paws around her again and licked the top of her head and her ears gently. She sighed contently in his warm embrace, his plush warm fur making a cozy pillow. She'll be sure to sleep with him more often if this was what every night would be like.

Twenty minutes or so later, as Balto's knot slowly deflated, more juice seeped out of Jenna's well bred pussy, their combined cum staining Balto's thigh and the floor below. Once he was sure he could pull out, the wolf-dog gently pulled on his knot, and with a soft squelching sound, his cock finally exited the hot insides of the bitch, a flow of their mixed juices following straight out from the now gaping vulva. Jenna moaned out, feeling the flowing juices tickling her still sensitive clitoris, and the now empty feeling she felt from the maleness departure from her depth. It just exited her, and already she wished it back inside. Again, she put her paws onto Balto's cheeks and kissed him deeply, Lust already coming back and possessing her body. The male kissed back and moaned, feeling their tongue touch and dance with each other in their joined maw. When the female withdrew, both lovers were panting again, Jenna giving the male a very lusty gaze. Gently, the bitch licked his chest, slowly descending on his body, licking his belly, then his retreating cock, the female @slathering it with saliva, doing the same with his sheath, then finally coming to his two treasures. She gently licked the twin orbs, all the while looking up straight into Balto's eyes, the male moaning at the careful licks.

"Ahhh Jenna *pant* I-I'm not sure I can go again aaahhh!*pant*" He moaned, the feeling of a warm tongue on his sensitive and a little sore testicles a little too much for the poor just devirginized wolf-dog.

Jenna knew it would be difficult to make him hard again just with her tongue, but she had friends. Talkative friends, who were far more experienced than her with males. They had tricks they shared. Jenna licked the two big orbs one last time, before going South, licking just under them, her nose pressed on them, then softly licking Balto's butthole.

The wolf-dog's ears perked on his head at the first lick, then a shiver traversed his body at the second lick, and his fur stood on end at the third. The all new sensation was really weird, and weirdly arousing, his body responding in such a strange way. His throbbing erection came back to life and was hard again in record time. Soon, Jenna withdrew her tongue from his sensible pucker and went back up to his throbbing balls. Still moaning, the male looked down to see the bitch sucking on one of his orbs while fondling the other with her paw. That was the most erotic view the wolf-dog could ever get from his mate.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard." He panted, his wolf side slowly emerging back to the surface.

A big grin spread on her face, and she slowly let go of the balls she was sucking to say:

"That's exactly what I want." And she caught the other ball and went back to sucking.

Balto laid his head back and groaned, a grin spread on his own muzzle. It was the best night he ever dreamt of.

The atmosphere around the two lovers was heavy with sex scent, and warmer than before they came in. Jenna's Heat was still wafting in the air, heavy with pheromone that indicated her fertility, and Balto was breathing it in as much as he could. His excitation grew more and more with each of the bitch's suckling motion, little tingling sparks of pleasure coursing through his spine. Jenna wasn't the kind of bitch who just wanted to breed and be done with it, just like Balto wasn't that kind of dog. She was a passionate lover, she tried to make every of her motion feels better than the last, while also taking pleasure in doing it. She was absolutely candid in all of her actions, enjoying every touch, every sight, every smell, every little moan and groan and every taste, doing her best to give bliss to her lover as well as herself.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), her leaking swollen pussy throbbed even harder by having the wolf-dog's musk being inhaled right from the source into her female snout. She licked the two breeding orbs one last time, then she grinned up at her mate and in a wink of the eyes, she turned around with her tail out of the way to let him see her bulging, leaking vagina. Balto followed her every move with his gaze from where he was laying, his sight catching every of her gorgeous curve, even getting glimpses of her slightly swollen belly, full of his earlier contributions. The Husky walked to a box in the middle of the room and jumped on it, then she laid on her back on the box, her tail and hind paws hanging at the corner of the wood crate, her dripping wet pussy on display and fully accessible. Licking his lips, Balto jumped to his paws and walked slowly to his sexy mate, his shining predatory eyes locked on his target. Jenna watched him come and shivered, seeing his glowing eyes approaching her like she was a prey and he was the big predator ready for the kill. It was entrancing, exciting, heating her up even hotter than previously, her already filled uterus burning in aching need, even when her season's eggs were already fertilized and ready to implant on the warm womb's walls. She was pregnant already, and her body would soon be sure of it, but it would be days before her Heat faded and her ovaries stopped sending hormones to her brain. For now, her brain was focused on getting as much semen as possible into her belly.

Jenna was a gorgeous sight to behold. With her hips spread to the sides, her curled tail held down away from her snatch, the gorgeous curves of her belly and fluffbutt were all visible in all their glory, her row of tits slightly swollen from all the hormones going wild, barely hidden by her short soft cream belly fur. Ever gently, Balto put his large front paws on the crate on either sides of the Husky's waist, and he slowly descended his muzzle to the bitch's soft belly. His hot breath tickled her fur and her sensible tits, the female shivering and panting to the feeling. Looking up at her in the eyes, Balto slowly extended his tongue and licked the fur around her tits, earning a gasp and a soft moan from Jenna.

"So beautiful." He whispered, continuing his gentle grooming around her sensitive tits. "So gorgeous." He slowly went South, now petting inside her tights with his rough appendage, just between her tits and her needy vagina, her fur there already matted with their combined fluids, the taste on his buds slowly driving him crazy with lust, the female moaning louder and panting harder, having a difficult time not looking away from her lover from all the pleasure he made her feel. "So... perfect." Balto said this last sentence before going up again and taking one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking gently.

This was the last straw for Jenna. She gasped, then her head laid down back on the crate, she cried out in a semi howl, spasm going through her whole body, while hot jets of female juice spurted out from between her trembling pussy lips and mostly landed on Balto's rock hard erection waiting just in front of her flower, coating it once more in warmth. Balto was surprised by the sudden warmth on his genitals, but he only grinned wider and continued his actions, suckling a nipples, then going to another and tickling it with his rough lupine tongue. All the while he watched his gorgeous mate writhe in blissful unashamed pleasure.

Jenna panted deep and hard, long, deep moans coming out from her slender muzzle. In the haze of the afterglow, she still could feel every gentle petting of her lover's skilled tongue, every tickles from his saliva coating her perking up tits after he groomed them, every tingling of his hot breath on her already filled belly. She felt like she reached heaven. She also felt quite like a bitch. She came right on the spot, and Balto didn't even need to touch her needy pussy for that. She was such a naughty bitch, but she loved every moment of it. She was with the one her heart choose, her mate and lover, the one she wanted to father her pups. She was in bliss under Balto's care, and she didn't want it to ever end.

After some minutes that felt like an eternity of blissful spine shivering pleasure, Jenna finally came down from her high, feeling light headed, her vision a little blurred, her lungs burning and her heart aching from cumming that long. But she loved every moment of the burning feelings. Still panting deeply, she extended her shaky paws to Balto's cheek and moved his gaze up to hers, stopping his wonderful licking.

"P-please B-Balto... Fuck me." She panted, looking him straight in the eyes, her whole body shaking from the pleasure still coursing through her body.

Balto was a gentleman, he couldn't turn down such command from his beautiful mate.

"As you wish Jenna." He himself panted, his body flush with hers as he leaned toward her muzzle and nuzzled her, his pulsing tip coming to rest just onto her spasming burning hot vulva.

The Husky wrapped her front paws around his back while the wolf-dog wrapped his own paws around her hips, and the bitch gasped and moaned out loud as he slammed his hips flush with hers, his long, thick, hard pulsing member filling her entirely in one push, the tip prying her cervix open and launching some warm precum inside her already filled womb. The half-bred grunted, teeth gritted and steam coming out from his nostrils. Once again, he could feel Jenna's tight moist and warm canal massaging his thick cock, his swollen knot spreading her vulva wide already, but not yet wide enough. Despite his two previous tie, she was still as tight as the first time, gripping around his member, squelching around his knot and filled to the brim by his girth. This time though was different. Lust was here more than anything. The wolf-dog quickly drew back and forward again, lifting Jenna's hindquarters off the crate to have a better angle, and he began deep, fast hard thrust, pounding his bitch properly, grunting and heaving with each thrust from the slow exertion that was settling in his muscles.

Wolves were known for their savage fierceness, but also for their stamina and strength, and Balto was testing the limits of his own stamina and strength right now on the gorgeous Husky bitch. Jenna was outclassed since long now, her muscles aching, in a very good way, exertion slowly taking her mind away. But she still had the strength to keep awake for one more pounding, and this one she wanted to stay here all the way to the very end. Pushing harder and harder, Balto was almost snarling with each thrust, eager to fill his bitch up another time. But Jenna suddenly did something he was not prepared for. She put her paws on his cheeks, the wolf-dog stopping at the apex of his thrust, his pulsing cock twitching against her back walls. Both lovers looked each other in the eyes, their panting creating white clouds of condensation with the cold air inside of the trawler. Petting his cheeks, Jenna finally demanded:

"Don't tie... *pant* Mark me Balto... Please..."

The male knew what she wanted. Extending his tongue and giving her nose a kiss, he replied with his own ragged panting:

"As you wish Jenna..."

And he took back his previous pace, humping swiftly into the bitch, tightening his grip on her hips. He did shorter, faster thrusts, each time hitting her slurping wet lips but not pressing inside, even when his wild instincts cried him to lock her tight around his breeding tool. Pleasuring his bitch was his duty, and she asked to be marked, and he knew how she wanted it. With his two previous orgasms however, he was far from done this time.

All of the sudden, he stopped his hard pumping and instead pressed his hips forward hard, knot widening her entrance with its girth. For a moment, Jenna thought he was gonna tie anyway, but this thought disappeared when the wolf-dog began to gyrate his hips in circle. In fact most of her thoughts disappeared at this moment, because from this angle, with each circling motion, his cock moved around inside her tight vagina, his tip tickling her cervix, his swelled knot pulsing on her clitoris, and his length pressing on her pleasure spot just inside her canal, the only thought she could have was "God it's too good" before her body exploded in orgasm. Not the kind of orgasm the wolf-dog gave her until now, where the pleasure slowly dimmed. No, this time, the pleasure stayed, and increased with each little motion.

For Balto too, the pleasure was intense. With his knot still out, pressing on her inflamed petals, her pussy was tightening just around the crossing between his cock and his bulb, a very sensible place. He groaned in her ears, his own ears catching her gasps and deep moans of pleasure.

"FuckyesBaltoyesyesyes!!!" The bitch cried out in ecstasy, trying to hump her hips against his as much as she could.

The wolf-dog stopped the circling motion and thrust in and out again, his tip dragging on Jenna's pleasure spot. Her bliss continued to go up, white spots forming in her vision from the over stimulation. Balto's thrusts were so powerful that the crate the two lovers were fucking on was creaking loudly and shaking under them. Jenna was now gripping the male's chest fur with her paws, trying to hold on something to be sure she wasn't passed out. Her remaining power however was sucked by her never ending climax, and soon her paws fell down back to rest on her own chest. She was really close now to just pass out from the too good feelings inside her belly. Hopefully for her, her burning, tightening vagina was quickly pulling Balto into his third orgasm.

"Ooohh fuck Jenna I'm gonna cum again!!" He cried out just before launching his hips as hard as he could against hers.

His fully swelled knot hit her vulva hard, and began to spread it open again. But already the firsts of many spurts of hot bubbling seed were launched into her cervix, pried open by the throbbing tip.

"FfffffuckkkkBaltooooooohhhhh!!!" Jenna howled, laying her head back, her vision blinded as the feelings were too much for her brain to comprehend.

The hot semen had already filled her uterus, so it could only flow back into her warm vagina, tingling and clinging to its sweet sides. And without Balto's knot to plug its entrance, the sticky liquid squirted out of the warm confine of Jenna's vulva, staining Balto's genitals and Jenna's thigh and tail, and flowing to the ground. Balto did three more thrust, each time more seed squirting out of their joining, before he suddenly pulled out and his cock slipped onto Jenna's inflamed throbbing vulva, a thick spurt of seed flying between her tits onto her exposed belly. The wolf-dog snarled, then planted his teeth into the side of the bitch's neck, the sharp fangs piercing the skin, drawing blood. The pain from the bit only heightened Jenna's bliss. Her lover had marked her forever as his, and he was covering her soon-to-be-swollen-with-pups belly with his life giving seed. Right now, she was the happiest she could ever be. For a minute more, Balto continued thrusting against her neither, still cumming on her belly, several spurts actually reaching her chest, before the half-bred was utterly spent. He finally let go of Jenna's neck, tongue lolling out as he laid upon her warm body. The two lovers panted deeply, Jenna lost in a sea of pleasure, Balto basking in his third glorious release of the night. The smell of blood however brought him back to reality, and he finally noticed the holes in her shoulder. As gently as possible, he licked the flowing blood away from the wound, the taste of the crimson liquid feeling weird on his tongue. Jenna whimpered, not from pain, but from her pleasure filled body overloading her mind with tingles of pleasure at every of her breath. With the wolf's big, strong body and its plushy, comfy fur covering her own lithe and petite form, the coldness of the Alaskan night couldn't reach her. She was trapped under the male, but she wouldn't have moved away for anything in the world. She felt so close to Balto, like their soul were united as one. She was his fully, and he was hers. It was so strong that she could feel it.

After cleaning Jenna's wound, Balto looked back her head and noticed she was staring at him. He whimpered at her and stammered:

"I-I'm sorry about that Jen, I didn't want to hurt you, I let my body take control, I-" He was interrupted when Jenna giggled and put her trembling front paws on his cheeks.

"Balto.*giggle* I wanted this. I asked you to mark me, to claim me whole, and you did. Thank you. I am yours Balto. I love you." She said at the stressed out wolf-dog, licking his nose to calm him down. "You actually worn me out this time. I never felt that good in my whole life."

His form immediately softened, his worried eyes disappearing to let place to kind and loving eyes.

"I am yours too Jenna. I love you." He said, a big smile spread on his face, his eyes shining in happiness.

The female Husky giggled again, then she locked lips with him and kissed him, the wolf-dog kissing her back with passion. When they pulled away, Balto said:

"I think you should mark me too. So every bitch in town know I am yours."

"Aww, you're scared some female come and try to steal you from me?" Jenna asked with a grin.

"So everyone in town know I didn't rape you, but it was a consent relation between you and me. Dogs in town are going destroy me if they find out I hurt you."

"Believe me Balto, you pleasured me more than any dog could ever pleasure me." She said, licking his cheek, before biting into the side of his thick wolf neck.

The skin gave way under her fangs after applying force, and a trickle of the half-bred blood flowed into her mouth, the Husky tasting the blood of another canine for the first time of her young life. The fact she was doing this to her wolf-dog lover made her feel true completion, and a little pride. She felt like she tamed the wolf in him, just like he tamed her love with his respect, his bravery and his honesty. It was a fulfilling sensation she liked to feel. She found a suitable mate to marry and have pups with, and she wasn't about to let him go anytime soon.

Just after marking him, Jenna licked away the trickle of blood flowing from the hole in the side of his neck, while Balto nuzzled and licked the back of her own neck gently. Then after more minutes of kiss and cuddle, they finally broke their embrace and Balto got up on his paws, leaving the crate and letting some space for Jenna to get up herself. But the female stayed put and looked at her mate with a playful smile.

"You're not going to clean up your mess?" She asked, spreading her thighs wide to expose her slightly swollen belly, large drops of wolf-seed drying in her short fur.

"You really are insatiable." Balto chuckled.

"And you're a lucky wolf-dog. Come on, this thing will get stuck if we do nothing now."

"As you wish, my gorgeous lady."

And the male got to work, putting his rough lupine tongue in the Husky's tender swollen belly. He cleaned every drop from her fur, applying more pressure where he knew she would feel it more. All the while, Jenna moaned as his tongue worked on her tummy, her leaking cunt throbbing in pleasure. The male didn't let her sex in that state too long though, he was quick to clean her delicate petals with all the care and softness he could muster. Once his work was done, he watched the bulge his semen was making through the distended skin of the bitch's belly. Jenna watched him stare at it, then she said:

"Soon, our pups will be growing in there."

Balto looked up at her and smiled widely, then he nuzzled her belly and said:

"They'll be as beautiful and gentle as you."

"And they'll be as strong and smart as you." She added.

The two lovers stared at each other for some moments, their eyes locked, their lips spread in wide tender smile. But soon, tiredness caught back to them, and Jenna yawned, her eyelids suddenly feeling heavy on her eyes. This made Balto yawn in his turn, his own exhaustion catching up to him.

"Mmh, tired?" Balto asked his mate after his first yawn.

"Mhyeah. My Heat didn't let me sleep all day, and you did quite a number on me too.*yawn*" Jenna replied.

"Hehehe, well, you woke me up in the middle of my night, so I'm in the same state as you. Let's get some sleep now, and we'll catch up later, okay?"


Balto got his muzzle off from her belly, and Jenna slowly turned around to stand up on the crate. Her paws felt like jelly under her weight though, so she asked to the male if he could help her. Coming on the side of the box, the wolf-dog let the Husky girl get on his back, then he slowly walked to some old rug laying on the ground and slowly laid on it, Jenna letting her body slip from his and onto the rug. Extending his neck, Balto caught a fairly clean blanket, and with an expert jerk of his head, he threw it over the two canines, draping them with the heat retaining fabric. Jenna, imitating Balto and stretching her front paws on the floor before her, she put her head on his paws, sighed contently and said:

"Thank you Balto, for being there in such a rough time. Your care and affection mean a lot to me."

"Well, I can say the same about you, Jenna. Thank you for being so kindhearted and open with me." The half-breed replied, gently laying his head on hers.

Jenna sighed again, then she added:

"You deserve my love Balto. There are not many canines as gentle, good mannered, careful and kindhearted as you in this world. I am happy to have met and be the mate of one. I know that whatever will happen tomorrow, we'll be together to face it."

"I promise you Jen, I will never let you down." Balto said, his eyes slowly closing from exhaustion.

"I know you won't." Jenna replied, her own eyelids dropping on her gorgeous amber eyes.

Finally, sleep was stronger than them, and the two canines fell into a deep slumber filled with dreams of each other, and their now shared future already growing into Jenna's womb.

To be continued.

Balto, Jenna and Balto universe ©Universal.

The BlackBlood Alliance Fanfiction: Cricket's first time.

"Dammit! You're so greedy!" "And you're slow. Works out." "Let me go you big meanies!" Cricket shouted out from under the thick hyena's body holding her down. "Aww, you hear that Griff. The little bitch is already ordering us around." The hyena...

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Dakota the wolf-dog hybrid

Chapter 17: Dakota, the wolf-dog hybrid Dakota's life had been quite peaceful since he'd been adopted by his old master. He was well fed, he had somewhere warm to sleep, his master was kind and happy. Dakota liked to help his master with the...

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Balto's Fanfiction: Insatiable Bitches

Life was peaceful in Nome, Alaska. Spring would very soon blossom upon the little town. Snow was becoming treacherous for the sled dogs pulling heavy sleds behind them on the vast snowy plains and frozen forest. It was becoming more and more dangerous....

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