Fun With Nukes

Story by SirBlood on SoFurry

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In a post apcoliptic future, they where two of the most unlikely... collages.

"Is it done yet? Is it? Is it?" Napen as spastic as always. He stood at about 5' 9" dark furred wolf. He wore a chain mail shirt and carried a long sword. He twiched without being proded.

"Will you shut up!" Mairnt asked getting pissed at Napen. She was a violet dragoness that stood at about 12' and wore a small kind of tunic that covered her wings from the hard blowing sand. She had a small tool belt and a large caliber gun. She had a sleek build and a fine pair of claws. Right now she was trying to repair the console before the enemy broke in.

"The get done!" Napen said as he slammed himself into the wall and up it.

"You are such a fuck tard!" Mairnt said trying to finish her work.

"Yeah! I am!" Napen said being as dumb as ever.

Mairnt looked back at him, and if looks could kill this one would of. She wished she could kill him but it would mean the death of every one she every knew, he got her sister killed and now she wanted him dead.

Then a long bang followed by a yell.

"Get him?" Some voice asked.

"Yeah he is dead. But what about her?" Another voice, it sounded male, and somewhat more compassinate.

"Take her, and we will find a use for her." The first voice replied.

"Can't we just let her go?" The compassionate voice asked.

"No." The first.

Mairnt felt herself being draged and really didn't care about what happend to Napen she really did hate him! She slept for the first time in a long time of running. What ever happend to her, she just wanted to die and stop running from all of this.

Mairnt awoke some time later to what apeared to be a bland room, the room of a soldier. She tried to move but found herself all bandaged up.

Somewhere in the room An entinty noticed the movement. "You awake?"

"Why won't I just die!" Mairnt said feeling like she was saved once to many times.

"Thats what made me feel bad for you." The voice was that of the compassionate one.

"My life, has just been, hard." Mairnt said feeling depressed.

"I hope I can help." The voice stepped into the light showing what it was, The thing that stepped into the light was human. HE stood at 6 foot, he had the tall build of a man know to the military, his hair was brown and and he had green eyes that looked on her in worry.

"Now I am embarassed, beaten by humans." Mairnt sighed as she admited defeat.

"Not at all, I was part of a coupe that over threw the people that caught you. The name is Nick." Nick said as he moved over to the bandaged dragoness.

"Your sweet but you have no idea what I owe you if that is true." Mairnt said blushing at her newfound friend.

"You could just tell me what it means." Nick said as he sat down next to Mairnt and rubbed up and down on the unbandaged scales, which happend to be on the belly.

"That feels good." Mairnt said as she crooned at Nick.

"Sorry about the Wolf." Nick said saddly.

Mairnt laughed, then said, "I am gald you killed him, I couldn't."

Nick looked at her in disbelief. "What! Why?"

"He was my commanding officer, he got my sister killed, and if I killed him they would of killed my whole family." Mairnt sighed glad to be rid of Napen.

"Sounds like your life was hell." Nick said content that she was telling the truth.

Nick moved over to where her head was, Mairnt put her head on his shoulder. He sighed gald she was alright and complying. He rubbed up and down her neck with a slow careful caress. Mairnt sighed and put more of her wieght on him as she grew weak.

"Why did you save me though?" Mairnt asked feeling herself blush.

"Because you are attractive." Nick said feeling himself blush.

"That makes my whole repaying you easier." Mairnt said feeling him blush against her scales.

"Humm, and why is that?" Nick asked.

"Because when ever you save the life of a dragoness, they are suposed to birth you a child." Mairnt said letting herself go.

"And I can't give you a child, we are incompatable." Nick said as he sighed feeling he had just lost out.

"That means I am the with you for the rest of your life." Mairnt said feeling happy about it.

"But you don't know how long that is!" Nick said hinting at something.

"What, 40 more years." Mairnt said while she scratched at a loose bandage.

"No, it really isn't." Nick said sighing and laying down next to Mairnt.

"Okay, spill it Nick." Mairnt said looking Nick straight in the eyes.

"Fine, but I can tell you right now its going to be longer than you." Nick said darkly looking back up at Mairnt.

"What do you mean? Dragons live for thousands of years!" Mairnt said back in utter disbelief.

"What if I was to tell you I was immortal?" Nick as inquizivilly.

"Then I would laugh in your face!" Mairnt laughed at the absrudity, making herself regret it when she felt the shooting pain.

"I am." Nick said cooly.

"Your not joking are you." Mairnt said realizing that Nick was serious.

"Nope." Nick said smiling that Mairnt was finally getting it.

"May I ask how?" Mairnt said as she licked up Nick's head.

"Vampire." Nick said rubbing at the dragon slobber.

"Humm, and you tell me this why?" Mairnt asked as she looked down at Nick.

"Because you asked, and you said for the rest of my life." Nick said cooly as Mairnt realized the repocusions.

"Wait! You mean you are going to turn ME!" Mairnt said as she realized he wasn't kinding.

"Well... Yeah!" Nick said as he got closer to Mairnt's neck.

"Ah, this is fucking GREAT!" Mairnt said sarcasticaly as Nick kissed her neck.

"If you are going to pout then I won't do it." Nick said kind of peeved.

"Dam it! I am stuck inbetween death and dishonor!" Mairnt said totally broken.

"It isn't death!" Nick said offended.

"It might as well be!" Mairnt said fearful.

"But, I, that hurt!" Nick said kind of depressed.

"Its just... I, don't have anything to live forever for." Mairnt said sorry she had made Nick sad.

"Its okay, I just never looked at it that way." Nick said withdrawing from Mairnt.

"But your not dead!" Mairnt said trying to cheer him up.

"No, but nobody likes vampires." Nick said as he curled into a ball.

"You cared enough to save me!" Mairnt said outloud as a plea to keep him from saddness.

"Well, it was just the right thing to do." Nick said belittling himself.

"But you asked if you could leave me." Mairnt said trying to distract him.

"Yeah, I didn't want you getting hurt in the raid." Nick said still curled in a ball.

"And see that is why you are caring." Mairnt said looking on him with newfound compasion.

"No, I am just trying to make up for past wrongs." Nick said looking back at Mairnt for once.

"So, I take it you will be able to make me a vampire?" Mairnt feeling she would be comfortable with him forever.

"Don't take this lightly Mairnt, once done you can't go back." Nick said slightly startling Mairnt for using her name without her telling him it.

"I do, I owe this much to you." Mairnt said looking at Nick as unrolled and crawled over to her.

"You won't feel much." Nick said as two vicious looking fangs grew out.

"You can do it when ever." Mairnt said keeping calm. She laid there as Nick moved over to her side closing out any last chance she had to say no.

Nick tilted Mairnt's head back as he felt for her aorta, upon finding it he bite in making her arch her back. Nick lapped at the wound tasting her blood as she crooned at the feeling. Nick loved the taste of her blood as she rocked back and forth. And he stopped himself before he went blood crazy.

"Done already?" Mairnt asked as she stopped rocking, no longer feeling Nick sucking on the wound.

"Yeah, and you taste good." Nick said as he licked his lips finishing what little he had left on them.

"So when does it start?" Mairnt asked not feeling any different.

"It already happend." Nick said as he rubbed his head against hers.

"What do I do then?" Mairnt asked feeling stupid.

"Think of blood and your fangs will extend, then to make the go away, think about being happy." Nick said comforting.

She did as told and it happend as told. Mairnt's fangs where a good 8" long and were pearl white. She licked across them testing like. Mairnt moved around in her bandages feeling as now they where unnecicary, she slid her sharp claws up and down along her scales releaving her of the cotton gauze. Mairnt sighed as she sat up in her bed making Nick object.

"But if you sit up I can't reach you." Nick said objectionaly.

"Yeah but you can try right?" Mairnt asked kiddingly.

Nick shook his head.

Mairnt remembering something important, had to ask Nick where in the hell they where. "Nick where are we!?!"

"Why?" Nick asked feeling abused.

"Because my army was going to release a ton of nukes!" Mairnt said full of fear.

Nick laughed at this, "Nukes can't kill vampires, love."

Mairnt chuckled at this, "So we are cockroaches."

"You should really stop slandering what you now are." Nick said his eyes rolling.

"And what are we going to do for the rest of our lives?" Mairnt asked feeling stupid.

"I don't know, drink the blood of enemies, fuck each others brains out, and probably go into space when the people on the beings on this planet kill themselves." Nick said as if they had done it all before.

"You say that as if you would love it." Mairnt said sarcastical.

"Well I would love to fuck your brains out." Nick said kind of cross.

"Then do it mr. vampire." Mairnt said in challange.

Nick accepted that challenge and took to lift Mairnt's tail, she crooned back at him as she felt him start to play with her sex. Mairnt looked back at Nick with lustful eyes and sat there shaking her head at him when he kept to teasing her, she wrapped her tail around him and pulled him up to her face. Mairnt smirked as she ripped off Nick's pants with an easy swipe of her claw.

"Did you have to do that?" Nick asked kind of peeved she ripped off his pants.

Mairnt just smirked and licked him straight up the side of his head, she then placed him back down on the bed she had originally woken up on. Mairnt loved messing with Nick, he was just so good willed about it. Mairnt laid down on her back and exposed her sex to Nick making him instantly horny. Nick got an ear to ear smile as Mairnt looked down at him lustfully, taking no further need of being told it was okay. He was just swiftly moved as if propled by the wind itself, he slammed his cock deep into Mairnt making her croon as she took him all at once. Nick continued the process until he was a good hour from cuming. Mairnt however was not used to having so much sex at the time, she came repeatedly for the next some hour making use of her dragoness stamina to keep awake and alert.

Nick was rocking back and forth taking his time pushing and pulling back out of the spasming dragoness pussy. Around about the 12th time she came, Nick was nearing his own climax. Her thrusted repeatedly into Mairnt with growing lust and primal force, he strove to push him self furhter into her than even she thought possible. Making Mairnt croon he force his way in locking himself there as he shot string after string of hot, gooie, cum into her womb. Nick let himself rest there for the time, he had somehow exasted himself in the little excaped.

"Humm, what time is it?" Mairnt asked feeling she had more of a sense of time passed.

"I don't know but I think it has been a day." Nick said feeling as if he had past a good size lemon through his cock, he was that tired.

"I am feeling hungry." Mairnt said feeling a new kind of hunger.

"For blood?" Nick asked feeling somewhat peckish himself.

"I think so, but I don't know for a fact." Mairnt responed feeling the urge grow.

Nick hopped out of Mairnt's lap and proceded to get on a new pair of pants. After he did so he then moved over to a computer and click a couple time before he found what he was looking for, a nice pair of lycan that apeared to be in a park. He click on the camera controls to only confire his supsisions. A dating couple. He would take the female lycan and let Mairnt take the male.

"Found a target, lycane couple." Nick said cooly as he looked over to Mairnt who licking her lips.

"Lets go." Mairnt said as she got up and picked up Nick.

"North by 2 miles." Nick said as he pointed in the gerneral direction.

Mairnt took off pulling some of the nearby people to the ground as she took to flight. Nick sat in her arms looking down at the city as it glowed in the night. And upon reaching the city park, Mairnt made a tight cricle and landed in the center of the bark backwinging to keep from crashing. She set Nick down and the two proceded to walk through the park looking like quit the couple. They did a round about way of aproaching the lycan couple making sure they were not noticed and that they where able to do the act in total privacy. After about an hour of stalking the couple felt they where alone and looked about before the female lycan pulled off her shirt and let the male nuzzle up and down her chest.

Nick and Mairnt watched on from the shadows making silent decisions. Nick strode over to the making out lycans and coughed. The two looked at him with wide eyes and those eyes got wider as Mairnt walked up behind Nick and drapped her head over his shoulder.

"Can we help you?" the male lycan asked trying to stay dominate, but at the same time totally scared.

"We would like to join you." Nick said as cool as possible.

"You would what!?!" The female lycan said totally off her rocker.

"We would like to have sex with you." Nick said with suddenly live eyes that turned the two on to a point of no return.

The pair of them didn't even respond but just stripped as Nick aproached, and with Nick's aproach Mairnt was already close on his heals. She lick up the male lycan's fur seeing if she licked the flavor of him and the proceded to suck his cock with gusto. The male moved and put his paw on the back of Mairnt's head. At this same time Nick was suducing the female with his own form. He had his hand on her back and was thrusting ravonously into her making her howl and yelp as she was taken forcefully. The lycan raked her claws along his back leaving no marks but tell tale signs of esctacy. Taking his full size inside of her, the female lycan was growing tight around around Nick's cock.

Nick forced himself to wait on his strike until Mairnt was good and ready with hers. And true enough the male lycan was humping mindlessly against Mairnt. His not very large lycane meat pushing back and forth against her sex, then his knot formed and forced himself to lock in there. Mairnt was slightly bored with the whole process, but it was sex and it felt good. She kept taking this whole thing until it was to the point where he came into her. Mairnt relaxed and looked at Nick who by all acounts was more than ready for blood.

Then with wicked speed and slight of hand, the two lycan where nearly drank dry as Nick and Mairnt sucked the very life essence that they once had so plentifily. Feeling no remorse only a feeling of satifaction Mairnt and Nick took off back to where they had come from.

The two lycan used thier last few onces of strength to hold each others hands for the very last time in thier life. Then the reaper came in the form of shared death as the two slipped into death's cold embrace at the same time.

Investiagors where dumbfounded when they found repeatedly, dead bodies, one male, and one female, of all kinds of species, the male always had dragoness sexual juices on his croch, and the female always had a load of human semen in her womb. But the strangest part of the whole thing, was the fact that the dead always had lost a lot of blood through two small puncher marks that where on the neck.

TNR chapter 2

It was late that day of escape that Nekir awoke. "You alright Rain?" Nekir asked feeling something out of place. Rain sat there looking at him with one eye. "Rain what are you doing?" Nekir asked as Rain drew a symbol on the ground. ...

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TNR chapter 1

Wow, I really have fallen far. Life used to be so great, so full of life, so... joyous. Now look at me, not a penny to my name, no job, no wife, and no kids. The only escape I can find is booze, wasting money I don't have on booze, only to be reminded...


Sex On The Beach

Will awoke with a start when Crystal licked up the side of his neck. "Wah! Don't do that this fucking early!" For some reason he had a spliting headace. Crystal looked insulted and teared up. "I thought you liked me!" She roared at Will whos head...

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