Feral Amnesty (Story)

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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What does it take for two dominant, rival males to come to friendly terms with each other? A pervert willing to get between their two dueling cocks of course! Not that our benevolent anthro dragon Relight minds this extravagant sort of attention. With an ass full of cum and a mouth stuffed with cock, he's flying as pretty close to the scaly heaven as one can get.

What does it take for two dominant, rival males to come to friendly terms with each other? A pervert willing to get between their two dueling cocks of course! Not that our benevolent anthro dragon Relight minds this extravagant sort of attention. With an ass full of cum and a mouth stuffed with cock, he's flying as pretty close to the scaly heaven as one can get.

This artwork is accompanied by a story that can be found below Give it a read if you want a more detailed accounting of what's happening in the picture. Sexy times await!

Art done by: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thesecretcave/

Green ass-loving dragon is http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dragonteufel/

The derg in the middle is http://www.furaffinity.net/user/relightcharge/

The other feral black male belongs to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/abstractshadow/

Story is written by me, avatar?user=312237&character=0&clevel=2 Cheetahs


"God...I swore I'll never eat this shit again."

Relight stared at the gooey ivory drops that trickled down his spoon back into the porridge bowl that rested in front of his eyes. Nobody answered him, for he wasn't talking to anyone in particular. The soldiers of the 501 brigade tended to take all of their duties seriously. Of course, eating counted among those.

Relight didn't mind the clattering of the spoons or the hungry slurps of his fellow troopers too much. Not after three months of intense training that only got him a lowly rookie rank, aka the runt of the litter, or how he liked to call it, the bitch of the wolf pack.

"There a problem with your meal, trooper?" commander Vice's voice came from the back, so coarse it felt like it literally grazed Relight's horns.

"No. Yeah," the lithe black dragon corrected himself by swallowing a spoonful of nutrients so thick it literally felt like sweet cum in his mouth. "It's good. I can feel the vitamins seep into my bloodstream."

The commander -a black dragon too, with a few gnarly scars on his sour face- slapped Relight over the head at that. "See that clock?" his hand forced Relight to look far towards the right where every second brought the whole world closer to another monster attack. "Do you see it, soldier?"

"Crisp as the porridge's taste, sir."

"Then scale the fuck up. This isn't your chamber to stain with whatever junk comes into your head, be it verbal or physical. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." Relight said. "Permission to return to my meal, sir."

"Granted." The commander's blue eyes found another target to pester. "Lopen, do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your eyes?"

"No sir. I was just thinking about the next attack. It's-"

"Four minutes and thirty eight seconds away, enough to fill your bellies three times over. Eat. All of you. That's an order."

They all did. Stupid automatons. In times like these, Relight wondered if he wasn't better off living with the monsters that came out of the portal. Twenty years later, and nobody knew how or where that damned portal came from; only that it belched huge monstrosities capable of leveling an entire city in minutes.

"Polished Ivory. That was your first, wasn't it?"

Relight peeked at the blue dragon that ate on the opposite side of the table. He was a big, semi-muscular engineer-looking individual that rocked one of those shiny veteran badges on his fine black suit.

"Don't remember having sex with a white dragon, but hey, there's always hope."

"Polished Ivory. The Kraken."

"Oh. That." Relight took another spoonful of porridge to avoid rolling his eyes too hard. "Guess it's true what they say about first times. Funny. Everyone seems to remember the most minuscule details of that fight when I can't even recall the bloody date I took that bastard down."

"Single handedly," the dragon said, his voice full of misplaced admiration.

"Yeah. That's how I jerk all of you fanboys off. Single handedly." Relight laughed.

"Hey, where did that come from?" the dragon shrugged. "I was offering a bit of honest praise. I can't... I mean, help me understand what's with the attitude when I honestly think you're a-"

"Don't go there." Relight warned.

"When you're a freaking-"

"Don't say the H word." He snarled.

The blue dragon leaned over the table, still determined to blow his load right into Relight's face. "You are a bloody hero mate!"

"Yeah. Because this is what a hero looks like. An incurably sarcastic tech who only comes out of his room because his commander turned a meal into a mission." Relight wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I admit I've done some good things for the world and for all of you scale-butts, but come on. I wasn't rewarded properly then, and I'm definitely not rewarded now. The world doesn't seem to reward actual hard work, so get over yourself and stop putting me on a pedestal, alright? I'm a bad example."

Relight felt nothing when the commander stung them both with a warning. He just didn't have the energy left to care about such small, insignificant things. Sometimes at night he wondered how things got up to this point. What exactly turned him from a hero into...this. He pondered upon this unsurmountable question when an annoyingly familiar roar made his wings flutter.

"Looks like the ferals are having a good time again." The green slice-wing that ate on the left side said to Relight, who just planted his head in his palms. Pure blooded soldiers annoyed him so much with their stupid army humor.

"Can you guys please stop barraging my head with useless things? I honestly feel like I'm getting a dick stuck through my skull." Relight complained.

"R-0729, you are requested to attend your team."

Relight hardly resisted the urge to unleash a monstrous groan.

"R-0729, you are immediately requested to-"

"I heard you the first time, robot-voice!"

"R-0729, report to the location now or face the consequences."

"They're not my team you metal piece of junk!" Relight tried to slap the pea-sized communicator that flew around his head.

"Refusal to comply will result in-"

"I know what that means alright? I'm going," Relight stood up from the table much to the surprise of the other dragons. "Feel free to help yourselves to my porridge in case they throw me in the can again."

Some dragons nodded. Others put a serious look of concern on their faces. Relight was the only one who kept on smiling on his way to the discipline officer who waited just outside the compound.

"Let me guess. Blue Wings picked on Redhead's leadership, Readhead didn't like to be patronized, which resulted in another untimely brawl. Am I correct?"

The silver dragon dragon stared at him with a blank expression, then motioned for Relight to follow him into the ferals habitat, a forested dome that felt like a perfect slice cut from the old world. The air was fresher than any purification filter could achieve, and the smells. Oh, those divine smells of leaves, grass, wet earth and vegetation made Relight's nostrils twitch with olfactive joy.

It was there, between the tall trees, that M'kaelen Shadowdragon -called Kael for short- disputed his right to lead the team with Teufel for God knows what time. The only difference now was the crowd formed around the two combatants: dragons, gryphons, avians. If it had wings or walked on four legs, chances are at least a dozen member of their species was here for a dose of cheap entertainment.

"Is it too late to place bets?" Relight shoved himself between two gryphons. "My money's totally on the black one. Go Shadowdragon! Show that red-haired Hulk who's the boss!"

The officer shot a blinding flare that filled the forest with growls and groans, though not louder than the doomsday clock commander Vice talked about precisely four minutes and thirty eight seconds ago. The announcement drones zipped to every corner of the compound to let the inhabitants know the big news. To Relight, the disappointment was rather severe. A rank two monster crawled out of the portal? That was a rookie's job.

His job now thanks to two feral bonkheads who had better control of their dicks than their minds. The discipline officer sent them back to their room to prepare; just a fancier word for detention, imprisonment, punishment or whatever. Relight should've felt right at home tucked inside four concrete walls.

But he wasn't. Not when he was brought here by force. Not with those distasteful growls still ringing in his ears. Part of him wanted to rant at the two ferals, but the other, lazier, careless part always chose the easy way out, so Relight just watched them dispute leadership from his bed, making the occasional note in his mind that would turn the argument from senseless to something actually thought-provoking. He was having a lot of fun with it too.

Then, something happened. An idea came into his mind. The first spark of brilliance in what might've very well been months. Relight disregarded his own safety rules to duck under claw swipes and roll out of the way of long, dangerous tails so that he could relay his message right where it counted. Between two huge creatures capable of slaying hordes of rank one monsters all by themselves.

"Stop! I know a way to pick a leader!"

The dragons stared at him as if he lost his mind.

"Just stop and listen to me for a second."

"Why should I?" Kael hissed. "I'm already pummeling this runt into place."

"In your dreams maybe," Teufel snarled.

"Wet dreams. Pummeling does have an erotic tint to it to be sure...but that's not why I'm stopping your heated debate!" Relight raised a finger. "You've both been unsuccessful at convincing the other of your attributes, so what if I step in and cast my vote? Whoever proves himself worthy, to me, is going to officially be the leader of our merry group. Sounds good?"

The two ferals considered his proposal. Then Kael spoke. "By proving you of course mean combat, right?"

"Maybe. I do promise to be fair, whatever task I choose."

Teufel shook his head at that. "We have a mission to complete. Surely this can wait for a better time."

"You mean a misbehaving monster to crush, but come on Red, you never take missions seriously."

"That he does," Kael chipped in.

"Not that your illustrious planning helped us on our last hunt," Relight said drily. "This is your chance to start fresh, alright? Trust me. After today, everything is going to change."

It took about half an hour to convince the dragons to accept his proposal, but the effort paid off. Relight got them right where he wanted them to: in a secluded part of the feral dome where even sentry droids rarely ventured.

"Alright," he said to the two dragons who sat opposite to each other. "First let me begin by saying I know how hard it is to wake up to a cock full of cum. Like, hard in the literal sense if you know what I mean."

Teufel and Kael shared a quick glance, almost like they questioned Relight's sanity levels.

"So in order to break the ice and get your minds back here in the real world from whatever erotic scenarios you pent-up ferals lost yourselves into, I am going to be your sexual mediator. As in, I suck you off, then I stroke you off, and then we'll see what happens. Alright?"

It wasn't. Not by a long shot. Kael even pretended to tend to his wing, and Teufel wasn't better off, slapping his tail in the dirt.

"Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy." Relight clapped his hands. "Let's start with you, blackie."

Kael wasn't one to shy from a fight, but right now he seemed positively scared by the approaching anthro even if Relight was about the size of a puppy compared to him.

"Stop. Don't...graaaaaahhhh," the feral let out a long, steamy growl, his slit twitching under Relight's stimulating hands.

"That's right," Relight whispered, kissing the black dragon's moist slit. "No use to hold it back, big boy. Give it to me. Come on, show me that big, gorgeous cock." His whispers were lost in the aroused growls that escaped the feral's throat as the tip of his rapidly growing cock poked out in the open.

"That's right. Thaaaat's right..." Relight soaked his hands in the abundant lubrication of the fleshy slit and massaged the dragon's humongous tool, each throb making it bigger, harder, and beautiful beyond what words could express. Every few licks, Relight complimented Kael's member to the best of his ability, for he knew how arousing it must have felt to receive two types of stimulation at the same time. After only a few seconds, the member got so big it threatened to lift Relight off the ground.

"Having trouble with that? I've seen much bigger dragons than that," Teufel snorted as the black dragon dangled from Kael's sizable erection. Relight held on tight, working his hips in tandem with his hands to stimulate Kael from all the possible angles.

"Tough words for a bystander," he rasped and dug his face into Kael's slit to slurp onto his juices. Mouth dripping with thick amounts of masculine lubrication, Relight looked back at Teufel in a way that was sure to enrage the green dragon. "Join in. Take my ass if you're male enough."

Wet, dripping noises splashed in between Kael's hungry growls. With his eyes closed in sexual rapture, the black dragon shoved his cock back and forth, maddened by the eager to mount, to dominate.

To cum.

Teufel couldn't simply stand by and let this happen. Not when his nostrils were aflame with fresh arousal. Just like Relight predicted, the green dragon who was just a tad bigger than Kael put his grievance aside to poke for a hole to fill with the wet tip of his maleness.

"Too big," Relight croaked. "You might wanna-"

Teufel thrust. His cock sailed between Relight's legs to meet Kael's ridged maleness in a dripping dance of wild, erotic pleasure. Kael grabbed onto Teufel's neck to nibble at his scales, and the green dragon closed his eyes to let out a long, fulfilled growl.

"I knew it," Relight whispered as be bounced up and down along with Kael's throbbing cock. "You boys just needed a good shag."

Growls and hisses of pleasure answered him instead of words. Though he couldn't see what happened above, Relight felt it in the quicker, harder throbs that Kael was not going to last much longer. He kept riding on the cock for a few more seconds, then, to further augment the dragon's pleasure, Relight slid back to fit Kael's twitching cock tip into his mouth and stick his tongue straight into his seed-hole which immediately triggered the feral's orgasm.

The black anthro dragon knew he could not possibly cope with the load so he closed his eyes at the last second. With a shattering roar, Kael erupted, splattering his milky cum over Relight's entire body to cover him in a blanket of hot, slimy garments. Relight loved how Kael's abundant semen smelled. Adored the sweet tint of the feral's cream. He swallowed whatever got into his mouth before he found himself hoisted up by another cock.

Behind him, Teufel continued his mad quest to mate a tight hole. Relight was sure that the smell of another male's cum had something to do with that desperation. In fact, he was about to turn around and do something for the green dragon when his ass forcefully parted around the tip of the biggest cock he ever took up there.

Relight's scream was joined by Teufel's climactic roar.

And then a gushing wave of hot seed exploded into his ass so hard and so sudden that it instantly sent Relight into the fiercest orgasm he experienced so far. Bouncing between the two huge feral cocks, Relight squirted his own pathetic load with a snarly face that painted the perfect orgasm face. Midway through his orgasm he felt something hard wrap around his tiny member to milk him into the vast reaches of sexual completion. Maybe it was a tail. Perhaps it was just his imagination.

He couldn't figure it out in the heat of the moment when two feral dragons bathed him with their cum in what surely was the most fulfilling sexual encounter in the past few months.

***The End***

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