-The Greater Wards Of Banishing-

Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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#3 of Eternity Awakes

The moment draws nearer, and another shall be taken. A miracle is needed, but should one come in time? Helpless, and at Wetzdrog's mercy, Pyrous can do nothing but watch as this innocent is slowly going to be taken from him. Will he find the strength to break free or will he watch helplessly.

Eternity Awakes

Third Seal of Three

-The Greater Wards Of Banishing-

As the creeping, sharp claws made their way perilously up her smooth thigh, she silently pleaded in her mind for a miracle. Sleazily, it's razor tips could be felt against her delicate skin threateningly. Silence had cast around them, as the wolf ran his tongue frequently along his maw every few inches that his claws drew dangerously close to her womanhood, deliberately slow to enjoy her squirms. He savoured the seconds gradually building upon her mounting fear. Sadistically, he had made it an art to torture immortals, but from the female kind, he drew the most pleasure.

It's acts, and her helplessness had left even Pyrous silent with his sight locked in disbelief to her suffering expression. He could see her face becoming paler as the air was restricted by it's firm grip. Her hair swayed seeming as if it were the only really animated part that had strength, but just to the carrying wind. He felt heartbroken seeing her struggles were almost non existent anymore as her head became lighter and lighter. The only other sound around was that of her own whimpers, and sobs, which only felt amplified as it was all he had to focus on, making it all that much harder for him to deal with this. Full blown tears descended freckled cheeks, masked under the beating rain that gave way.

The wolf smirked as the red tapered end from his sheath began to emerge as he licked his maw, hungrily again. "This may hurt... a lot."

Quivering in fear, and frightened to death, the redheaded girl could do nothing against it's vile strength now but close her eyes. Scared with her rampant heartbeat, her body occasionally flinched, as she felt it's claws twitching now and then eagerly in anticipation to rake across her most intimate of flesh. Sheltered within the darkness of her closed eyes, she sought shelter from this nightmare.

Then it happened... A ray of hope.

"GRa-wAHHhhhhh!" Screamed the wolf's hand retreated just short of her most sacred of areas followed by further deafening roars of pain. She felt the grip slacken as her eyes shot open to witness the miracle of her prayer. A young golden eagle's claw retracted, dripping from the right eye socket of the wolf, as it took flight swiftly before it could be snatched at it. Both her hands grabbed onto his wrist instinctively, seeing her last chance, as her body clenched and tensed, forcing her foot to drive upwards, smacking the canine square in the nose as he released her.

"Grawrrrrr Rahhhhhh!" it yelled in agony clinging to its eye and nose, as blood dribbled down it's face, smearing across his craggy chest. The girl dropped to the ground in his turmoil, gripping at her own throat, coughing, while she gasped for every breath as she looked up at the wolf. Still terrified of him, she trembled before this callous creature. Her form felt like weighted lead, and unmovable, having had the chord of fear struck deep into her heart, it forbade her from any action. Still she knew she couldn't remain there, it was a fool's folly.

'Now's my chance I can do this... I managed to kick him didn't I? Move Zana, move...' Her saviour she soon recognised well as the golden eagle hatchling she'd healed in the morning. Thankful for this second chance, her words she'd spoke to it, ran true, and for her this time. She readied her incantation quickly, whispering along hushed lips as her feet scrambled to make it to the final point casting pont. Each step, with an inhuman burst of speed left glowing footprints in the wake of the way she'd come before she turned to a skidding halt.

As the yelling wolf flailed about in agony, Pyrous felt the spell that bound him had also weakened. This was his chance as he broke free, with a brisky dedication to sedate the disgusting wolf. The badgers bulky arms scooped under the wolf's, and wrapped behind its neck to hold him in place. . "Now Zana, run while I have him. I can't for long." The badger gritted his teeth as the wolf regained some control, and used his powers to yet again summon a ground born spike. The horrendous assault shot up to vulgarly impale Exitium as it passed straight through his ribs in desperation, to the point the wolf had also self inflicted a dire wound upon himself. The spike existed through the side of the wolf's torso.

Pyrous cried out with the sudden pain, coughing blood up. "Can't kill me with that, I'll eventually heal it. But you're about to be burnt bitch."Summoning his final trump card, a crown with a central encrusted jewel appeared which would temporarily for a few seconds enhance his fire traits. A fiery sphere engulfed them, with a roaring inferno which erupted inside, leaving rock wolf to scream with the rising heat akin to an incinerator.

Zana remained put, as she wiped her tears, now ready to plant the last seal. Kneeling she pressed her hand to the ground as an illuminated, star-like ward appeared before her. The loyally befriend eagle landed on her shoulder, watching the enemy with her. Thankful she was okay, he gave her an affectionate nuzzle, very fond of her. Several stars appeared a short distance away, around the two locked in combat as the wolf halted its struggle even while being burned noticing something else happening. "Grahhhh! What, is this?"

The girl felt inclined to answer, regardless of fear, she mustered her bravery enough to shout across the way to him. "M-Mr evil sirs, kindly know n-not even repentance shall save you two now. These are the seven heavenly wards of greater evil banishing!" she said aloud with a quivering lip. Beams connected quickly to form a perimeter around the two fighting, while other beams shot up overhead, to cage them in. Slowly those glowing signs began to draw in quickly and were about to be upon them within the next couple of seconds.

Disbelief took the vulgar immortal. "You... No... You're not a holy mage... Bitch... Fuck you all... You're not, you're all a myth... This is bullshit... You're bluffing," he cried in panic.

"Yes! Gotcha both! Phew." Zana cheered with a smile as she jumped with joy, throwing both fists to the air, before clapping with relieving victory, between sobs from her ordeal. Somehow, even having gone through this ordeal, she had regained some of that former cheery zest. "Who needs immortal killers when I can use my head huh? While you two were busy holding hands, I set my trap. And now, I bid you farewell, you two date wreckers! You can both go to hell, hmm no I mean literally and you so deserve it, byes," she waved as she twirled to face the other way with relief. Finally, she had succeeded without having to really fight, and could at long last go off to find her cute human. How she longed to enjoy the rest of her date.

Pyrous sighed as she began to merrily skip off into the night with her eagle circling protectively above her. "Looks like she got us both huh?" Just as he said that, bright light bathed them both. He could feel his body being dragged as vibrant white lit his vision, being pulled downwards, his own energy feeling like gravity itself had now added weight to what should have none. The sensations were indescribable, warping, distorting as he felt himself being misplaced between two realities. Wetzdrog, was being pulled away from the vision of his immortal eye as he was left screaming until his cries were no longer audible. A doomed voice came, something altogether infinitely terrifying from somewhere not of this existence.

"You do not deserve to be here, begone," was all he heard as he felt a rubber banding effect, snapping him into the reality he knew again. Even him, being the iron pillar, immovable by fear was shaken by it, having broken a sweat even.

"I really don't want to know where the wet doggy went, but thank you gods for not having me. Wait... Looks like Hell realms don't want me either, man I'm a reject heh. Sounds familiar, neither did paradise the last time I was attempting to be rewarded by that monk. Man, I'm a outcast of both... Just because I got sweet with that nun and pounded her like the easter bunny two hundred years ago..." he raised his clawed paw to his head rubbing it. That's when his pain really kicked in as he cringed from his wounds that would be life threatening to a mortal, luckily not him. Still, they hurt just as much. "Ouch, damn these injuries... Hmmm. I better patch these up a little with fire to stop bleeding. Wish she could have healed me again, that troublesome minx..."


Just out of sight, a little further down, happily moving down towards the theme park now, she wondered if she could catch up with Exi. "I so knew that walking matchstick rodent was pure evil too! The nerve of that badger pretending to be a goodie. He definitely just wanted to bone me. I'm glad he got banished too now, thank goodness! Now to find my date if he's not left thinking I ditched him, no thanks to those pet shop animals..." She looked back, to see if they'd both vanished, seeing no signs of her spell in action anymore, contented she continued, before bumping into something quite solid. "Owie!" she whelped as she fell back onto her ass with a light thud, and looked up to see her fears stood in front of her.

"M-Mr p-pyrous how... when. err did I tell you how brave you were?" she gulped.

"Really now? And pet shop animal? Brave? You tried to banish me!" he growled pointing down at her.

"Erm, oh that? Oh god noooo look Rocky! He's back!" She cried standing up, and pointed towards where the creature had been banished as Pyrous reacted quickly, swinging his head around before squinting, then frowning to see she'd gone.

"Oh-come-on, how come she's not noticed I've been her date all along? What's an immortal got to do these days to get a girl..." he complained loudly throwing his hands up in exasperation about to rip his head fur out. 'Man I feel like a gullible idiot. She's a quick little immortal. She's still not revealed her form, wonder what species she is, bet its cute, but I don't care, I'm so digging her plucky ingenuity to get out of predicaments, man, nevermind that, I'm into everything she does, it sets me alight. That settles it. I'm not about to let her get away that easily.'

Slowly he began to walk towards the themepark, knowing she was a little too quick to catch, and needed another course of action. That's when it occurred to him. 'That's it, if I can't make it to her, then I'll make her come to me.'_His body soon reverted back into the shell of his human form as he walked down onto a cobbly path just short of the theme park entrance. _I'll look around here, and I'm sure she will have to pass by this way sooner or later if she's looking for him, and when she does, score! I'll wait until she's close enough before I nab that pesky redhead and make her listen, the little scoundrel. Hmmm a sexy scoundrel at that hehe, man I've got it bad for her.'


Wandering through the rainy park she began to pace around, "Exi?" she called out wishing to see him again, but stopped. Turning, she realized how selfishly she'd been going about all of this. How long could she hope of maintaining a relationship with a mortal when she knew the peril she could endanger him with? It would be a matter of time, days or weeks, even months, but at some point or another she knew trouble would find her again. Still, if this would be her only chance, she needed to at least thank him before moving on, or was it a desperate need to see him one last time.

Soaked in the heavy rain that relentlessly beat her body, she reached up to caress the golden eagle, perched upon her shoulder. "Thank you my friend," she said in gratitude. "You are free to return home now?" Hearing her the eagle shook its head. "Want to come with me?" she asked to which it nodded. "I shall pass by the tree where we met if you still wish to come later, for now, there is something I need to do. Wait for me there." With another nod, it took to the air flying off with water splashing off from its wings.

"Zana!" came the voice from her side as she adjusted her vision within the downpour of the rain as her hand came up defensively within the haze to not draw a single step closer. She needed to do this, it was the best way, and for his sake as much as hers.

"Honey, you need to get away from here.... From me... Quick, and don't turn back around. I'm not what you think I am...I'm a monster, go, leave me."

"I won't," he said continuing his advance a step at a time.

"Didn't you hear me,I'm a monster! Now go. Don't you get it, I care about you too much to let you get hurt by me or others." She made her most scary face holding both close to her bosom as her digits wriggled like a witch making a gesture of evil greed to do something unspeakable. However, try as she might, she only accomplishing the most deranged silly face he'd ever seen.

"It wasn't working," he replied and she knew it too. With a desperate move she motioned to invoke a blue demonic apparition to appear behind her, which rose up to present a less than intimidating factor with a multitude artistic flaws, clearly an illusion gone wrong somewhere.

He stopped, but not entirely. "It's okay, calm down."

"Aren't you scared? Look, a monster, see?" she cried pointing overhead at the apparition.

"No, because you wouldn't hurt a soul."

"Stop it, go!" she cried out as she began crying, having fallen for him and then having to do this in order to protect him.

He could see her immortal energy becoming erratically disturbed through his gifted eyes. "Take deep breaths..." he softly said holding his own hand out to her. She could barely tell with the rain hitting her face blinking repeatedly as he drew closer and closer that there was something different about him. She felt her heart mending as the softness of his mortal hands glanced over hers. It was then the subtle changes became more apparent.

"Wait, you don't look the same, I mean... My Exi had dark brown eyes, and also his nose was slightly more rounded at the tip," she commented as she took a step back, releasing his hand. "W-what have you done to him?" she demanded shaking her head.

Reaching forward with his other hand, he snatched at her arm, holding her firmly before she could run again. 'Damn it, I should have paid more attention to my appearance when I first cast the spell. That way I would have got it right a second time.' He felt her trying to pull free with a few yanks.

Lifting her foot back, she drove it hard and quickly into his shin. "Ouchie owie," she said hopping up and down. "Let me go, you-you evil fiend!"

He heard a sound coming off from his side. "Hey you, let the girl go?" A lot of those in the theme park had sought shelter from the rain, in cafes and eating areas jotted around, respectfully, alas not this one. It was just his luck.

"Great..." Exi sighed, not wanting to cause a scene as he took her swiftly, whisking her over his shoulder in one scoop. He could feel her really putting up a fight as he felt her kicking and screaming at him before he transformed into his beastly form. The searing flames which burst and roared across his back fiercely.

"Zana let out a scream. Ahhh flames I'm going to burn! B-burn? Erm. Why aren't I on fire?"

The former heroic patron that wished to be her knight in shining armour shivered away with his eyes widened with fear so intense, he stood frozen "M-man, she's all y-yours," he cried, before collapsing.

"So much for the hero. Even your non existent balls are bigger than his," he commented at Zana with a grin. He focused back on his energetic date. "And to put it simply, enchanted flames, which only burn those I wish."

Zana screamed out. "Nevermind that, this form... I mean you can't just do that in public? What if he tells others?"

"No one will believe him anyway, besides aren't you supposed to be afraid of me instead of being worried about my public appeance?" Exi plainly asked. He knew she was right as he made quick advances with bounding hefty strides, turning off the main paths, and dipping behind some trees for cover while he continued. Moving deeper into the woodland area surrounding the park, his ear ached with her yelling. "Can you stop with all the screaming or do I need to gag you?"

"See, gag me and kill me with your immortal killer! I know the truth, you will kill me. And somewhere more private? Maybe sacrifice me? Killer-killer!"

"Not that again." He continued onwards as he reached the incline of the hill, slowly trodding his way up the cut path, layered with pebbles, which were audibly crunchy even with the pattering downpour of rain. 'Will she see me for the one who she was with or this immortal monster that I presented to her? Even so, I won't blame her, I wasn't honest with her. I still need to get through to her, and if she doesn't have it, let her be on her way.'

"And I will cast my spell of infinite doom, the immortal slayer, then it will be off with your head if you don't tell me what you did to Exi?"

"Seriously, if you could, you would have. And Exi? You already know the answer to that."

"By the gods, you ate him! Murderer-killer! The darkness in your heart knows no bounds. Oh my sweet Exi, for I could have loved you one day, you were so perfect. Meanie, why did you pretend to look like him? You ate him like a morning snack, cruel beast!"

"No I didn't! Give me a break and hear me out?" he cried as he felt her beating her fists into his back and squirming away. 'Convincing her is going to be harder than I thought...' They arrived to a bench under the shelter of the overhanging tree branches, where not a single drop made it down to them. "We're here," he said pulling her delicate form down along his front as he sat down. Continuing with his action, he pulled her lower, forcing her form to bend over his knee, firmly. "Are you going to listen to me now or do I have to be a little rough?"

"By the gods, you're going to execute me, you're going to take my head off in this position, I knew it! Bad Badger!"

"Guess not, and no, I'm not going to take your head off," he said as he pulled her skirt up at the back causing her to gasp at his audacity. "I'm going to spank you until you stop being silly, do you want me to spank it?"

"N-no," she cried, her cheeks flushed red seeing his eyes looked down to her laced, thong with her ass cheeks perfectly exposed enough.

'Whoa, in this form she's got a great ass.' He found her a little less feisty now to his relief. "That's better, firstly, if I wanted to kill you, I could have long ago, don't you think I had many opportunities? Well? Think about it?"

"I-I guess," she said as her cheeks flushed.

"Also, I tried so hard to impress and help you, to be called, killer, murderer and being threatened, even almost banished to the hell realms. Don't you think that's a little uncalled for?" he asked calmly but also a little sternly.

"Maybe, hmmm a little."

"What? MA little? Those ass cheeks are really asking for it you know?"

"Yup! Hehe," she giggled which surprised him as he realised she was beginning to see things through a little clearer at last. Maybe the ordeal had been a lot to cope with, and with everything that been sprung on her taking a little time to sink in. 'There's that smile I've been longing to see, that's my girl,' he thought as he pretended now to be a little angry back down at her.

"I've decided I'll give you one spank then," he said raising his hand as he brought it down with a light swipe along both her ass cheeks which gave a pleasing sound sharp sound. Barely anything to worry about, although it excited her a little.

"Hey!" she complained before changing her tone with a giggle. "I was expecting it to really sting, but that was kinda just right. Dare you to do it harder, wuss. Actually that was kind of not bad. Are you teasing it or pnishing it? You're not very good at this are you?

"Boy, you're really asking for it aren't you? You will listen, or maybe I will do it harder, how about that?"

Zana had accepted, and forgiven his initial deception, realising people had a reason for what they did. She still was a little angry at him, but he wasn't so bad. Now calmed, the naughty girl decided to play along knowing he truly was her Exi. "Okay, do it harder? Go on?"

"I-I will, and make it all red!" he threatened raising his hand but paused. "I can't... You already know that."

"See! I guess you are my pussy human after all," she contentedly mocked.

"Pussy?" he cried out as he slapped her cute ass suddenly with a slightly firmer pat than the last, hearing her pleasurable cry. "Now with the insults, but, I guess I like them. Now, you've calmed, please don't run when I let you go. I just need to finally get a few things of my chest. You're alone, I know it, but think about it, so are most immortals. I wanted to tell you when we were attacked. I'm' Exi, or Exitium Pyrous to be exact, one and the same," he said releasing her.

"Even if I do believe you now, you should have told me at the start of the date!" she exclaimed sitting up on his knee.

"Well, I don't know why I didn't, if you were in this form, I sort of thought you knew from being so close to me I was like you?"

"I didn't, jerk!"

"I know-I know... But it only occured midway through are date you didn't by which time I didn't know what to say."

"See, you are a pussy!"

"You know, I like the way you say that to me. I earned it I guess."

"Huh? You did?"

"Assumptions..." he replied hesitantly, feeling bad about it a little.

"In that case I can insult you more for assuming?"

His ears twitched. "Give a guy a break, I'm really trying here you know. Ach," he cringed for a moment feeling the pain from the injuries he'd burned to stop bleeding. "I'm still hurting all over. Besides, I really wanted the kiss on the other cheek, you missed that one, it's still kinda lonely?" he said with a smile, feeling he'd finally won her over again but this time, as the real him.

Zana wiggled with giddiness in his lap. "Your appearance is kinda cool, but, you are so scary looking, like a cockroach, whoa those things are super scary, seen how big they get?"

"Damn, you really don't pull blows do you? I could try and make an appearance close to what I had if you don't like what I look like?"

"No, it's fine. Scary and sexy work for me, besides, you're hot like this too, figuretively and litrally," she stuck her tongue out briefly being a little cheeky. "But seriously, what's with that crown on your head, you look goofy!"

"Hey! It's my pride and joy, heh-heh. I've had to slay a big bad demon king to get it, and this is the spoils from that victory."

"Still silly, must have been a big goofy demon king tehehe," she teased.

"Look who's the meanie now. But, you've not shown me your form. I'm not bothered by what you look like, you can be a troll immortal for all I care."

"A troll! Yes, I'm like a blow up troll sex doll, mangled hair, nightmare inducing and all that tehehe."

"And I'll still think the same of you. I like you and nothing can change that, not even what you look like."

"So I don't need to show myself then?"

"That's not fair, I prefer show and tell. Not because it would make a difference to what I think of you, yet, I want to know you trust me with who you are. I want to love the whole you."

"But what if I'm not pleasing to the eye."

"It's okay. Most immortals up their human appearance when they disguise themselves to be the prettiest they can be, it's okay to be what you are and be proud. Please... Show me the real you, if only once. To me you would be beautiful no matter what."

"You sure? I mean you might, well, I might be overwhelming a little."

"I'm prepared," he sternly said with honesty. "It's okay, even if you have tentacles sprouting from your head. I just want to be with you today, with the stars overhead, free."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you!" She grinned, getting off him as she moved a couple of meters away, before casting a spell, illuminating brightly for a moment before a revolting manifestation appeared. He looked on at the slug-like slimy creature, oozing and secreting a yellow liquid from multiple parts of her body. Parts of it began to squiggle about as she twirled with bodily features that grotesquely bulged about.

Exitium tilted his head with awe passing a loving expression to her. "Beautiful."

"What?" she replied, confused.

"As I said, I see the person, but I'd like them to be themselves. Besides, that's not your real appearance. I have special eyes, and see a masking energy, although I can't see what you look like beneath it, come on you sneaky, deceptive girl, you can't pull the fur over my eyes."

Shrugging she playfully confessed. "Shucks, ya got me heh! Okay, how about we do this differently and I'll task you to little challenge, even a test of sorts. If you happen to guess what I am, then I'll show you, and finish the date with you. Invariably hot stuff I also have questions first? So what kind of immortal are you?" she asked, wanting to get to know a little more of the real him.

"Let's see, I'm not sure how to answer that entirely, to be honest. I know I'm a fire immortal, or associated with it. Some say I'm a lampad, which is kinda like a fire nymph, some say a hell hound, but I'm not, although I see where they get that from with the fire thing. I'm a badger not a dog. Others say I'm an Ifrit."

"Whoa, Ifrit, so that means you're Arabian like me?"

"No, but you're giving yourself away more, so I've narrowed down three Arabian races. How many guesses do I have?"

"Just one, and I will answer any question, but you can't ask what I am!"

Frowning, he knew this would be difficult as he rubbed his chin, looking on at her oozing, misshapen figure. "And any other other questions for me?"

"Why did you, well, back at the park, choose to approach me?"

"I saw something incredible in you, your energy resonated a tenderness I'd not felt from another of our kind."

The slime creature she was now, became speechless. "Tease!"

"It's true, every word, I just had to get to know you."


"I like what I found. A lot," he spoke, humbled.

"Well, you better get that answer right then, or I'm off!"

"That's a little cruel, I don't know what to ask, can't you ease up on me a little?"

"Nope hehe, where's the fun in that?" she asked forcing him to smile.

"To feel your lips again, I'll leave the world standing in that moment, caught in the rapture you give me."

Pointing at him she began to laugh. "One too many corny b-movies, had one too many lonely nights huh? You're not going to win me with sugar topped words, but the answer. Still, that was kinda sweet. Well even if you get it right, maybe in exchange for the rest of the date, you can get a hard boot in your balls for lying to me?"

He gulped. "Whoa, you're really being mean now regardless of my answer."

"I'm waiting?" she urged, tapping her foot like slimy tendril on the ground. "Anyway, look at my wobbly blobby bits!" she said wobbling around tauntingly as he laughed at her being playful.

He took a deep breath. "Okay, before my question, if I get this wrong, would you still consider giving me that kiss on the cheek?" Stunned, she raised her brow. "It will be worth it," he said watching the slime around her cheek redden.'She's so fun, and I can see it in her eyes, right or wrong, she won't part with me, not tonight. I'll play her at her own game'

"Yes, I think I will! But definitely in this icky form, and make a sloppy mess over your face!"

"Then, it's settled! Your race is smelly, big, sloppy slimy goo-dolly made of delicious candy!"

"What? That's not even a race?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you keep your word now? So come over here and pucker up, slimeball"

"Slimeball? Hehehe, meanie, I guess I have to," she said stepping closer to him before clicking her fingers as her figure warped before his eyes and glowed, outlining a wonderful silhouette of a shapely female, thin waist, broad hips and wonderfully accentuated breasts before the light cleared. From her blue hair, to her golden silken skin, and exotic deep eyes, every part of her was making him quiver as he observed her, lavished in a rather revealing, enticing, Arabian attire. His eyes traced up her slender exposed belly,over her bra covered breasts, with golden swirls to a lavish design. Still gawking he traced back down along waist to a skirt split down either sides with two long draping tassels behind her.

"Are you just going to look me up and down?" she asked, amused by his reaction. "Hello?" she inquired again waving her hand.

Even the words escaping her wet lips, the way they moved had him hooked. She held such unearthly blue eyes glittering now and then from within as she looked at him. Every curve so flawless, as her tail swished smoothly behind her. She was still talking, alas he wasn't listening, too wrapped up in her sight. Those cute feline ears and furred forearms and shins to contrast her tanned skin. And whoa, even that henna like golden patterns adorned her navel area. He couldn't have guessed what she was even if he tried as this was the furthest from what guess he may have wished to use. Within a second, his jaw slacked and dropped wide open, speechless.

Zana giggled rather entertained with his reaction, swaying her hips to play on it, making herself look incredibly sexier. "Meow, I told you," she said. The pretty feline leaned forward to press her lips on his cheek, while her finger tenderly slid under his chin to close his gaping maw. The supple sweetness of her lips cast such an enchanting sensation that it made his mind adrift in the clouds, so much so, that he was left much too confused where he even was. "What? Kitty got your tongue?"

Trying to forge words, he climbed down from the soaring heights she'd sent him, still at a loss. 'She... She's a Jinni? A race known to be one of the most beautiful amidst immortal kind? A Jinni, and real...' He watched her taking steps back, as she pretended that she's leaving, playfully trying to force his hand.

'Maybe I was wrong, she's gonna ditch me, man I need to say something!' He cleared his throat before forcing his words out. "W-wait, don't go. I know what we agreed,and I got that question wrong, but don't, not without..."

She paused. "Hmmm, not without?"

"Without...," he whispered an incantation as she raised a brow, but before she could react he flicked his wrist as she felt her neck collared with a leash extending forth from it to bind her to him. Grinning at her he gave a playful tug, beckoning her to him. Within a couple of seconds she was impressed he had conjured something quite exciting for her, and also enough to make her pout before making her giggle.

"Hmmm, making me a pet now? That's not much of a show and tell is it? I mean a leash, it's such a cute one too, but gotta do better than that you sexy, scary, badger!"

"No, that's not it, that's just to make sure you don't run without seeing it," he said as he gestured behind him. "It took me most of our date, but I'm sure you'll like it." He raised his paw up, letting his palm glow. A small flame ignited growing bigger and brighter with trails of licking flames that swirled into the sky from it, before he clenched his fist, extinguishing it. Within the theme park, the glyphs he'd created earlier and carefully jotted around while on their date, began to come to life. "Only we will be able to see it, and others like us, it's risque per say, as it could draw unwanted attention. Regardless of that, I feel as if I could take on the world and its worth it for you. That's if this must be our parting moment..."

From the first few glyphs, gave rise to a medley of vibrant colours climbing into the sky as patterned beams of light. They were beauteous to the eye with every colour possible, extending as if they were pillars of light to the heavens themselves. Those beams seemingly ascended further than the eye could see, shooting up stream beyond the clouds. The next set of glyphs activated and in a similar fashion shot up, with hues of blue that spiralled and bent into shapely hearts and flowery formations to fill the sky.

"F-for me?" she asked looking curiously at him, rather taken by it all, and then back to what was happening in awe.

"Heh, who's lost for words now? I brought you here to give us the best view, it's just beginning," he said.

Next more activated as pinks shot up forming more lines. Before they began to dance overhead as if they were a laser show but unlike any laser show, sparkles of energy began to follow the moving beams with trails of glowing energy in after images. Within the sky, something was being drawn, but it was so slow it was hard to say what it could be. The beams contorted, spiralling with lines. As it all played out, she felt a tear slide down the side of her cheek as both her hands came up to cover her mouth and nose. "It's beautiful..."

It drew out to finally form words, 'To the wonder, the prayer, the world I revolve around, my sweet valentine, Zana.' He couldn't keep his eyes off her still, stunning to the eye, and a deity she would have denied to be, but one nonetheless he would see her as on this valentines. He had to admit this little Arabian neko seemed to be causing quite a stir with her breasts swaying, much larger than her human disguise had her, and has a far more divinely shape than he could have imagined. Her sweet scent had also been muted in the former, now apparently richer, flowered to ascend his senses, enough he wished to content himself to breathe her in to fill his lungs with her essence. Bobbing up and down where she stood, her sizable assets bounced as she became excitedly taken by the affectionate display. She was much too teasing in the most innocent way, and for all that mattered, she actually wasn't really trying to seduce him, she just seemed too innocent for that.

Taking a chance, he pulled the sweet kitty closer by the leash, reaking her in as she took her place, not beside him, instead, somewhere closer. He legs parted over his, where he sat, turning in his lap with rosy cheeks as she softly bit her bottom lip. He felt her shift her weight, pressing her back into his big broad chest. Reclining, she tenderly cherished the moment, resting her head back into his chest gazing into the starry sky still as the words slowly faded. "Thanks, you know, for..." she thanked.

He plucked up some strength to catch his breath from her jaw dropping beauty, as ogling over her was rather rude. "For saving your cute ass?"

"You have it backwards, I'm the one who saved your ass first when I pushed you out of the way remember? 'm way tougher than you any day tehehe," she taunted.

"Doubt that."

"I'll knock you out right now, and you will be out cold."

"And how would you do that?"

"You're a pussy I'll just pull my bra up."

"Gah! You win, you probably would heh, you are a knockout after all."

"But no, thats not what the thanks it's for, it's just, you know, thank you for everything else. Today has been just so perfect, even our excitement with the killer immortal guy, tehehe," she amicably giggled again.

"Well, a little action to top a date isn't too bad, although I'd hope our next would mean we spent all the time in each others company without interruptions?"

"We can't always plan for the unpredicted, but wouldn't a date be dull without surprises?"

"Surprises? I'm still recovering from the fact you're a neko genie, and holy mage. Ha, you really have a strange perception of fun."

"Strange in a good way?"

"The best, but I have something for you, it's the last one I have, and I've been saving it for too long." The badger brought his hulking paw around to body as a flame licked away, before burning into a flower, which was radiant, like a rose, but there was more to it then just any flower would have it. The reds dripped with passion, to compliment the day. "I'm amazed no one has come along until now that I've wanted to give it to, but, I think it's time. This is for you my little kitten."

"It's lovely, and incredible, I really love it."

"Inhale it, it's not a normal flower by any means. It's special, enchanted."

"If it's to get me into bed, then it won't work."

"I swear I'm not like that!" he defensively cried.

"Oh not because of that, it's because," she started, leaning into his ear bashfully whispering away. His eyes widened as his heart rocketed. She shyly buried her face into his chest.

'D-damn... my heart is going to burst out of my chest at this rate, it's so true what they say about the shy ones. No way did she just say that to me.' He looked down at the sweet innocent looking girl, clearly not as innocent as he felt unbearable hardening in his armor as he watched her idly looking on at the flower, holding it with a cherished warmth.

Drawing the flower closer she took a deep inhale of it's sweetness, again before reaching down, to flick a couple of clips with one smooth motion with the heavy metal flopping forward onto the wood. He felt some relief for his growing bulge, but still restrained behind fabric. The action left him to wonder, that was too smooth for her to be as innocent as she looks. "I might be a little shy, and I might not have been intimate for a few hundred years, I might even be nervous, but I know how to strip armor off in more ways than one." Pushing it off as she sat in his lap, A metallic clank was heard as his armoured groin guard hit the ground below the bench as she winked at him. "Would you be kind enough to help with the rest?"

'_Holy mage? More like a sex demon'_He thought as he shivered a moment wondering if he'd got in over his head. "Oh, s-sure, sorry! Ouch... still a bit injured though, be gentle with me." he asked.

"Well," she said as she began to make a prayer spell, clasping her hands as they glowed. "I could," she whispered as she pressed them to his armoured sternum as he felt life rushing through every part of his body as if a light was exuding from within him. "Usually I need water to heal, but as I'm soaking wet still, it's no biggie, that's not all that's soaking wet," she blushed looking down.

Swallowing hard seeing how sexy she being even when shy, he clicked his finger to allow his armor to burst into an eternal flame, with red flames licking off his body as his attire, burned off in seconds rendering him at his most exposed. He noticed Zana had frozen solidly. "A-are you okay or want to help me make you feel good?" he teased back to which she shook her head all of a sudden shivering. She carefully place the flower off to the side to take it with her later, but there was more than flowers on her mind as she cringed a little looking down to the source of his need.

"I told you, you were scary, but I'm n-not afraid of how big it is, hmpf!" she nervously retorted with a charming huff. With a little fear she took in the details of his brutal looking intimate spear, it was so hard for her as if enraged with the love it needed to give. The girth was as thick as her wrist, if not thicker which sent tingles and skepticism if she could fit such a monstrosity inside her eager, womanhood, feeling such intense the arousal, and heat between her legs from the sight of it. Closing her eyes she shivered pulling her skirt to one side to reveal her blue panties. "Guess, it's my turn."

Exi leaned over her shoulder to look down watching how her panties began to flake away like petals blown to the wind revealing the hidden beauty that lay beneath. He watched and was taken by awe as her furr-less caramel pussy glistened, adorned with golden swirling patterns along her outer labia to hold an explite magnificense to it. The patterns held an a faint ethereal glow as it was crying tears of arousal.

"It's as cute as you are, and no way I can tell you how... how... I'm speechless. It's incredible, and it's sobbing tears for attention I can see."

"It's not crying, it's drooling because it's my love monster hehehe, it's going to gobble something up." Her words came with a sultry devilish grin despite how much she was blushing. Showing off her feline flexibility beyond humans, she lowered her head down, to lick slowly from her vaginal lips across to the base of his shaft. From there, that feline, budded tongue tingled along his flesh as it flowed to the very tip of his beastly, tapered penis, causing such pleasure along the topside.

"Ahhh Zana..." he cried out.

"Meow," she purred with a satisfaction as his sexual whimpering.

'Oh ancient gods, she's going to make me pass out..." The golden skinned feline crawled off slowly like a predator to the ground before him. Her clawed hands reached for his inner thighs while he felt her being slightly firm with him. He noticed her hands, not as smooth as the hands of other species, due to using them to run on all fours when needed, but felt so good. The contrast aroused him further as he abruptly felt her pry his legs further apart forcefully, granting herself all the access she desired.

"Mine, tehehe," she cried with a laugh. Her head lowered to his throbbing organ while her indulgent tongue lashed out, licking once more to take a long savouring lap from the base of his shaft, teasing along all the way up before it passed over the sensitive tip with a greater firmness.

"Gods..." he cried out.

"Won't save you. Hehehe."

Damn she's so playful...

She took to it again, but this time taking longer to let him feel the pleasures of a budded feline tongue more, stroking so skillfully along the underside with a loud purr. He felt so much pleasure having missed out on what a feline tongue could bring, not the unpleasant experience he may have expected but well lubricated, it sent a multitude of tingles through his throbbing organ. She wasn't letting up on it, before he knew it, the feeling came over and over again feeling her repeatedly go at it. She kept on targeting where it felt the most vulnerable, and most responsive having caught on from his reactions. Cruelly those lengthly lapping stopped to allow her tongue to swirl around the glans of his intimate war helmet, showing how she loved to treat his colossal bulging beast. He was feeling so much right now, and not only between his legs as he reached for her, stroking her, letting his digits to flow through her hair.

He groaned with the denial. "Ahhh. That feels so teasing..." The horny badger quivered with pleasure as she crawled back up into her former position, with her legs parted over his and back snuggled up to his chest. Gently he reached for her bra, removing it with a swift claw, cutting it away as it dropped down, setting her wonderful breasts free as he caught one. His hand tenderly massaged it, noticing the breast he had, also had another beautiful golden pattern around the areola, while he pinched her nipple lightly, tugging on it. His lips pressed into the base of her neck, softly kissing and nuzzling her, earning him those implorable purrs.

Shyly she whispered to him again. "It'm going to get it good, you total pussy," she said almost as if her reservations about his size had melted away, becoming more eager about inviting him into her.

She elatedly reached down with excitement to take a firm grasp around the base of his throbbing penis. "I love the way it is pulsing so hard, its a cute one too, so thick and strong. Those veins are bulging." She shook it teasingly side to side as he felt her unbearably denying him a moment after those delicious licks. "So hmmm mind if I toy with it some more?" she asked, as if she needed permission.

"S-sure," he nervously said with a frog in his throat.

Zana nodded. Her hips rocked slowly lower in a swaying motion as her lips passed back and forth along the dribbling desperate cock enjoying it throb helplessly against the warmth of her outer pussy and along her clitorits. His penis pulsed away in pain and pleasure of being harder than he'd ever been, loving the treatment it was receiving in pleasure and denial when she would pause. He felt her grip around the base of his shaft pull his length away, before firmly bringing it forth to playfully slap it's huge might against her clitoris a couple of times.

"I just love the way you're teasing your pussy with my cock, you're a little bit of a masochist aren't you?" he inquired to find her give a blushing nod. He felt her spanking herself a few more times with it, hearing wet slapping sounds as he gave a moan, feeling her juices splatter onto his thighs. His aching length felt the ripe with her wetness, lubricating him as she played away. Knowing how aroused she was now, he couldn't help but comment. "Needy a little are we?"

"J-just a little hehe," she giggled.

"Feel brave enough now to handle it?"

What she didn't answer, she began to follow through with her actions. Enticingly, and beautifully, she readied that sublime immortal pussy for the impaling but paused. He felt her intimate wetness along the tip of his penis. Those swollen lips squirmed again his bulging head as he relished in the sensations of his valentine's warm squishy flesh feeling so intimately animated. He felt them even beginning to tremble, dribbling down his male solidity.

Shivering, she made her reluctance very vocal. "Oh gods, you're so scarily big, although I erm will try handle your juicy big ahem, love thing i-if it'll fit."

"Relax you can get it in, just take your time."

She clenched her eyes before replying "Y-yes, sorry. I just love it so much, but it's still so scary, just look at all that veiny pulsing monster. Goodness, that beast will be stretching, wrecking and pleasuring the most sensitive depth of my caramel love kitten." Her body was quivering all over, in pleasure and apprehension.

"It's okay, take deep breath ahh ahhh, you're handling it really good so far, ahhhh, by the gods, is your nectar down there magic too, my cocks tingling so good," he cried as he felt each pass of her pussy lips along the sensitive tip of his penis caused tickles, and the pleasures he felt became electrifying. Her smooth pussy lips glistened as they smoothly teased the area around the intimate war helmet, that demanded it spear her.

Bravely, she pressed her vaginal opening to his throbbing head, as he felt the tightness gripping around with the pleasure of squirming tight O, flexing against it to provide the penultimate pleasure before he broke through part way into the depths of her treasure trove as he felt flinch against him.

"Eeeek!" she cried momentarily pausing causing him to fear it would not be able to fully slip in, so tight.

"You're doing great, just relax down there a little more, I like tight like any other male but damn you're like a vice, it's been awhile from what it feels like," he urged as he let his hand brush along her cheek to comfort and encourage her. Feeling braver she bared her need more vocally with a scream of pleasure as she slipped down slowly. The most incredible rapture began to take him as he breached more of her intimate defence. Little by little his thickness began penetrating deeper as she let his cock revel within the bliss of her tightly wrapped walls, impressively stimulating so ardently around his girth. Not beaten, she continued to glide down it, causing her to grit her teeth and cry out in pleasure. He felt the tingles increase by twice the amount they had been. But then she stopped an inch and a half from fully having it in her. A stretch could be felt from the deepest depth of her vagina, aching as she panted. Still, even with little happening, she was pleasuring his cock as her inner walls contracted and squirmed. Still not content, she forced more of what could barely fit deeper. Her pussy felt the immense strain to contain such a monster within her. Forcingly she stretching more of herself, to get that last part in as it hit rock bottom against her cervix pushing them upwards as she winced, finally having achieved it.

"Ouchie hehe." Rocking her hips with it deep inside she adjusted to its size meowing in a little pain, but regardless it did feel amazing to be so full, she'd never been so stuffed in her life. "D-did you see I g-got it all the way in? Heh, ouchie... See I'm amazing right?"

"Ahh mhmm yes you did, my brave little girl, going to be the tamer and tame it some more now?"

"You bet I will, I'm going to love it a lot and make it feel out of this world. Because... Mmmm, you made me feel wanted, and it's feeling I'd forgotten, but you ah-ah, helped me find it."

Wrapping his bulky, muscular arms protectively around her, he nuzzled the back of her cheek. "We are not the same, but we are at the same time, I don't think I remember the last time someone made me glow inside from their sheer company," he said lightly grinding inside her, feeling the ecstasy of her inner chamber elasticising, and gripping around all the details of his intimate flesh. He then felt her sliding upwards as she started again, raising herself slowly. Zana's delectable little digits reached over her shoulder to stroke along his cheek while her body made love to him.

He cherished every moment of her glistening pussy lips slithered back upwards, as his penis shimmered with her ripe juices having coated it, each vein clearly made out as she revealed his beast to him again, before sliding back down it with a delightful passionate cry.

He growled feeling the immense bliss of sliding into her again, before she steadily began to push up and down his erect red monster in a steady rhythm. Each time her wonderful breasts bounced along her small frame, with those perfectly erect nipples. His penis felt connected so intimately with the girl he adored, she moved so amazingly, complimented with the sounds that beautifully escaped her lips.

"Ah-Ah-Meow-Ah-Meow," she moaned with lofty cries coming through with commitment, laboured and devoted to sweetly taking him tonight. His eyes scoured her immortal body, moving so cravingly against him as her golden tattoos around one of her nipples, naval and pussy ambiantly gave off a subtle magical glow that was growing as she gave herself over in this moment. Her sizable assets with those erect protrusions bouncing more heavily without restraint were so eye capturing his maw hung wide as he growled again, watching her exquisitely work him.

Her pussy moved with sterner motions creating incredibly delicious lovesounds from between their legs as she paced and slapped down where they fully met, crying out each time as her eyes closed and mouth parted to let those delightful purrs escape. Blue speckling energy tingled between his legs ravaging along his length, while it glittered away before them rising into the air around them.

He felt the rushes along his length yanking and jerking with such pleasure along his solidity so tightly. It's when her beauty really began to show through as every fiber of her blue locks began to illuminate and sparkle, resonating with her cries. Those intimate designs along her pussy and nipple, glowed brighter as her sparkles caught in exuding mystical energy smouldered from them in the heat of the moment. The magic of the moment were nothing short of the most stunning, and erotic moments of his life. Hearing her amorous exhalations, he never had found a creature to have sounded so sweet.

'I could have never fathomed even in dreams how sublime loving a Jinni could have been..." he thought. "Zana Ahhh, by the gods, ahhh..." He could feel how powerfully she rode him as her back arched, while her hand remained reaching back to caress him. Each time she would feel his stretch, she knew he seeped more of his pending seed into her wanting tenderness. Every second he could only now moan helplessly as this mystic girl took him. If there was a wish, and if it were true, then he wouldn't need to even ask, as she fulfilled it in it's entirety with the physical and emotional bond they were sharing.

"Exi, Krrr," she purred, "I'm-I'm going to ahhh cum," she screamed. He could feel further tightening, and loosening intermittently as she drove her pussy closer to ultimate release. Her body felt like it was on fire as she worked him with with all her remaining strength, her tits heavily bouncing so hard. The warmth in her most needy area grew, with a tension and rising bliss, becoming heavier, with a insurmountable sexual pressure that built she screamed out. "MEOWwwwwwwwwwww!" A multitude of enraged contractions flooded her passage and roared across his erect penis as streams blasted from her womanhood in transparent ethereal blues, glittering into the sky with her magical sexual essence as she bobbed in his lap.

He knew he was almost there as he felt her slowing, but not letting her, he needed to give her the same conviction of his liquid love as he gripped his paws firmly around her dainty waist. Surprised she cried his name. "Exi?"

He only growled in need at her, and took her hilting upwards with piercing intent, thrust long, deep and harder into her with strong slaps against her rear. Each firm thrust so strong it jolted her sexy body as her petite frame shivered still orgasming. His thrusts became ferocious as he smashed into her pussy with his might. The searing passion felt so intense forcing the flames on his back to ignite higher and brighter. Those huge jewels of his felt heavier than ever before, ready to give it all to her with a final infuriated blast. He could feel the pleasurable tingles of her enchanted passage now heightening everything unlike any mortal he ever taken. The pressure of his pending orgasm felt so intense, feeling it's weight growing, throbbing, as he felt her sacred love tunnel gripping in protest before he roared out louder for that final unleashing of bliss about to come.

He felt it, every amazing moment as he slammed it into with one final, fierce thrust, knocking her breasts upwards and hard, as he erupted violently inside forcing his white gift to explode deep into her. "Grawwwwwrrrr!" Such intense pulsing contractions took him, shooting stream after stream of his cum into her in such copious amounts that it was overflooding her, even dribbling out of the tightness of her entrance while it remained buried deep inside. He held her down forcing her to remain there while he continued on, until the final spurt splashed within her. Her back rested back against him, her body knackered as she panted along with him.

Looking up she with a smile, whispering with her last stamina. "You definitely wrecked my pussy now, meanie," then winked before she passed out from the intensity of their love making. Holding her closer, his guarding arms blanketed her, having experienced something which had not only stolen his breath, but ingrained the experience forever within his mind. The glow from her hair and markings faded as she fell into a sleeping beauty state, and for him she was nothing short. He too was exhausted as he remained there closing his eyes while he slumped more into the bench. Sometime later, he wasn't sure when, his penis slipped out of her, leaving a puddle of her glowing mixed intimate juices with his, along the ground below the bench.

The night passed sweetly, and he had slept so well that he couldn't remember the last time he had like that. Sounds came from a lovely new morning as chirps of morning birds filled his ears. The sunlight illuminated his sight from within his closed eyelids that slowly drew open. Concerned, he looked around, Zana wasn't there? Before him, writing appeared within the air accompanied by her voice.

"I'm terrible with goodbyes. Although I definitely would like to see you again. If it is your wish, then we can go on another date as I had a wonderful time, and one I'll never forget. I'm afraid of things moving too quickly, but if it is your wish, then we can take this slow. I'll meet you at this spot, eleven in the morning next valentines. You'll have to wait for that kiss on the other cheek until then."

He smiled and mused on her words. "D'jinns, or genies, whatever the name the world may call them, they're a pain for time perception. I guess a year for an immortal like her is nothing. But come on... Seriously a year? That's not taking things slow, its super slow! I had next week in mind, still, for her, I'll save myself. That kiss better be worth the wait. Be safe my pretty blue kitten."



[img] dPcSBMO.png[/img]

  • This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
  • Zana is my property and may not be used without my permission.
  • Exitium Pyrous is the property of :iconGeo8342:

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