Bro for Show | Part 1: Zebros

Story by lurker16 on SoFurry

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This saucy incest story follows Calvin as he worships and records lewd acts performed upon his slumbering and unsuspecting brother, Dante, before uploading them to his cam site, "Bro for Show."

Part 1 is written by myself, with editing assistance from Zaggy Norse to ensure maximum brotherly juiciness.

Part 2 is written by Zaggy, with editing assistance from myself, and can be found here:

I recommend you give Zaggy a follow, as his stories are excellent and you probably need more of them in your life.

I hope you enjoy it!

Bro for Show

Part 1: Zebros

2:39 AM.

Calvin stared at the alarm clock, eyes raw with exhaustion. For the fourth hour in a row, his cock pulsed at mast, slick with the knowledge of what was about to happen. He listened to the slow, deep breaths coming from the lower bunk. It was almost time.

Sharing a bedroom with his older brother had always been a point of contention when they were growing up. These days, even though it was a necessity thanks to the cost of renting in the city, they just made do. Slightly more annoying were the winks and nudges at work, where everyone on the building site would joke that Dante spooned him to sleep. He wished he'd never told them. Dante was probably used to it: he had been working as a painter-decorator for six years now, but for Calvin, who had only joined as a labourer four months ago after his brother got him the job, it started to feel a little closer to home. He wondered if they knew.

"Oh, it's the Zebra butt-bro's!" his manager would jeer, slapping him on top of his hard hat to make his ears ring. He'd grin back and leer and try to move along.

"I best not leave you two lovebirds alone then, eh?" joked a mutual "friend" after loading up the van with gear. Calvin looked away.

He thought back to all the times they made fun of him. Dante always kept so headstrong, too focused on the task at hand to buy into any of it - and why would he, anyway? He was twenty-four years old, and Calvin was just a baby: eighteen. It made sense that his big straight brother would pay no heed to a bit of banter.

But what if they did know? He swallowed, feverish memories dragging through his mind like saliva down his throat. What if they saw the videos?

2:40 AM.

He slowed his breathing, tilting an ear to the bunk-bed below. Sure enough, Dante was asleep, snoring loud enough to rumble the bed as he mumbled something every now and then about industry standard paint. Careful not to waste pre-cum on his bedsheets, Calvin dangled over the side of their bed to double-check.

Fuck, you're so beautiful.

Dante lay on his front, covers strewn across his buttocks and wrapped around his legs. It was entirely dark in their room, save for the amber glow of a street-light through their blinds. The light zig-zagged over the stripes of his body, combining with the natural reds in his mane to produce a scene that would be any artist's envy. His face lay sideways, eyes closed. On either side lay two shoulders as smooth and rounded as hilltops.

Dante... You understand, right?

His footsteps were nimble as he descended the ladder. When he landed, he grabbed a video-camera from the top of their chest of drawers, sealing his finger over the speaker to mute the welcome chime it played whenever it was opened. With the press of a few buttons, he placed it on their computer chair, angled towards the lower bunk.

"Sleeping tight, sexy?" he whispered for the camera.

He did not know how it was possible, but as he neared his brother he got even harder - he always did. He thought about all the times he had been with him like this: all the times they went from brothers to... something more. His cock slapped against his belly, the wet impact loud in the silence of the night.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He froze. This was the tricky part; if Dante had drunk enough the evening before, and he didn't wake now, then nothing on Earth would wake him. But if he was sleeping lightly tonight, then he might wake at the smallest noise. If he did, that was Calvin's cue to fake a bathroom visit and reschedule his little adventure for the next night.

A scowl shot across Dante's face. "Leave him alone," he grumbled between snores, "It's not Summer yet."

Calvin stood before him, fifteen inches of meat convulsing to and fro. He could hear his heart beating in his throat. He remembered to breathe. Seconds passed that felt longer than the preceding hours. His expression relaxed. It seemed that he was in the clear tonight.

There was never a period in his life where he felt like a particularly large equine. If anything, he was average, above and below the belt. It was hard to put his finger on it, but maybe that was why he found his brother so... irresistible. He shivered at the thought.

Dante had always been the one with the good genes. Combined with an even better work ethic, the physicality of his job and interest in the gym flourished into what could only be described as the most delectable muscle buffet known to Earth. Users from the sites he would upload the videos to would not - or, more likely, could not - stop going on about it.

"Dude your brother is smoking."

"Oh man, LOOK AT THOSE ARMS. You HAVE to ride him one day."

"Vry niec ass wuld love 2 cum join."

He smiled, turning to the camera and giving a thumbs up. Such a large following was unexpected at first, if not terrifying. However, as the viewership grew, so did the advertising revenue, and he soon found that making love to his sleeping brother was a rather lucrative business.

After the first few months, a private message offering an absurd sum of money in exchange for a used condom inspired him to create a series called "Bro for Show." In addition to the number of hits each video accrued, he would sell off cum-stained underwear, used work shirts, drool-soaked pillow cases - and one time he even got a four figure sum to freeze and store Dante's seed, before sending it to some chick who wanted to be knocked up by him.

Tonight, he wasted no time. He already knew what he was going to do: he played it out in his mind beforehand, over and over again until his balls felt like they would burst. Through experience, he knew that removing covers and clothing did not disturb Dante - as long as he held him close to share body heat. From there, he always liked to push the boundaries of what would or would not wake him, fervently hoping that one day he would wake and reciprocate his feelings. He usually kept him drunk enough that it would probably never happen, though.

With practised legwork, Calvin knelt behind him, nudging both of his enormous thighs to either side. A rush of adrenaline blew through him like a whirlwind in his stomach, making his teeth chatter and his arms tremble. The spike of rut, and the incredible feeling of risk was deeply addictive; it was probably why he simply couldn't stop doing this again, and again.

Once upon a time, in those early days when he'd pretend to be asleep and secretly watch his brother toweling off in their room after a shower, he told himself that fantasy must remain fantasy. Later, after he came home one night to find his brother drunk and naked on the couch, he convinced himself that a one-off blowjob should stay a one-off. But before he knew what came over him, each night became a dream come true, for him and thousands of others.

"Oh, Dante..." he whispered, softly cupping his buttocks with both hands, "I wish you would wake up." That line was mostly for the camera, but a little for him, too. His brother was so warm to touch, and his boxer shorts held the slight dampness of sweat. They strained over the shape of his buns like elastic, too small to accommodate their tremendous muscle. Calvin liked him like this: just barely fitting inside his underwear - almost like they were about to tear. It was precisely why he made sure to "lose" any he owned that were in a larger size.

"There we go, big boy," he mouthed, just loud enough for the camera to hear. He squeezed fistfuls of ass with enough force to make Dante's pucker twitch. He parted his cleft as best as he could, bringing his hips forward to frot inside it, "Just like that, you sexy beast."

The pre-cum accumulating around the base of Calvin's cock immediately soaked into the fabric above Dante's entrance. He ground his balls into the wet patch, savouring each miniature squelch as it seeped through to his skin. His ass was a large affair by any standard, but Calvin's flare extended beyond it to dribble pre-seed over his lower back.

He pressed his palms into the puddle, kneading the area beneath with slippery gropes. The circles he rubbed smoothed over every tensed fibre, every knotted muscle. He pushed his fingertips into the expanse of his shoulders with a touch hard enough to make Dante skip a breath. He could not be sure, but he could have sworn he heard him moan.

"That feels good, right?" he said a couple of decibels louder than before, "Even gods need a massage every now and then." As if to pay his dues, Calvin slid the entirety of his cock up his brother's back, before burrowing his muzzle deep into the fuzz of his armpit. It was a tricky angle, but one he had made before. He licked at Dante's underarm, sucking on the hair and gasping down as many mouthfuls as he could of the powerful musk.

"Mmhh," Calvin whined, growing more light-headed by the minute, "You've been so busy today, I guess you didn't have time for a shower. Don't worry, let me." With one armpit's stench sufficiently swallowed and smothered over his snout, he did the same with the other. At the same time, he squeezed his biceps as best as he could, barely reaching even halfway around their span. It was mouth-watering.

For a while afterwards, he lay on top of him, head propped up on muscles he wished he could rest on forever. From the side angle of the camera, the contrast in their size could easily have passed him as a feline, or any other smaller species. When he watched the videos back, he liked to pretend that he was someone else, or a non-biological sibling, so that he could tell his brother how he really felt.

He leaned in close to his head, kissing him on the back of his mane, "Let's make love... Alpha." He hugged closer to Dante's back, hiding his blush at the last word. Calvin littered kisses down his spine as he retreated, before planting one last smooch directly on the fabric above his hole. When he pulled the waistband, he managed to get the underwear down to his ankles, bringing with it the underside of a cock that was easily ten inches longer than his own. Drooping over it were a pair of bollocks as large and as heavy as his video-camera.

"So_big_," he said, before slapping a hand over his own mouth. "So hot," he breathed. Dante's length pinned between his body and the mattress, flared into a cock-head twice as big as both of his fists combined. It spurted pre-cum onto the sheet, while Dante growled into the pillow. His hips thrust into the bed, clenching and releasing his buttocks with hypnotic beauty. Whatever he was dreaming about, it was certainly doing the job. Some lucky mare or heifer, no doubt. Susan at the office always gave Dante cow eyes; her, maybe.

"Thank you, Sir," Calvin whimpered, almost cumming at the sight. He watched, drooling, as the muscular ring of his entrance throbbed and flexed, extending away from his body before pulling in tight. With each movement came an equally vicious hardening of Dante's already-solid cock and another trickle of natural lubricant.

He rammed his nose into the hole, licking and sniffing and nuzzling and worshiping all at once. In a frenzy of need, he motorboated between his cheeks, tonguing in and around it. As he pulled back to breathe, the perfectly black pucker glistened, enticing him to slurp and lap and probe inside once more. It was a wide hole, with a rim of muscle and saliva around it. He wriggled his tongue as far inside his brother as he could manage, the ebb and flow of anal tensing pulling him in further.

"Unhh..." he droned, losing track of how loud he sounded. "Master... Sir..." he really was going to cum if this kept up, "Brother."

It was too much. He had_to have him. _Now.

With both hands anchored under Dante's sides, he brought his length back through the cleft, gathering as much lubricant as his flare could grab hold of, before plunging it inside. "Fuck!" he shouted. Eight inches of his cock were swallowed by his ass like quicksand. The escape of trapped air and popped pre-cum bubbles were music to Calvin's ears, spurring on the rest of his shaft to sink inside.

He could feel every beat of Dante's heart: each throb traveling through his prostate and around to that monstrous cock between his legs. It warmed his length and his heart, seamlessly accepting the penetration - fuck, it was practically milking him now. With minimal coaxing, his own, smaller ball-sack rested atop his brother's hard rear.

Dante's cock soaked the bed with pools of white fluid that stuck to Calvin's knees. Everywhere he shifted his weight, the mattress eked out another serving of Zebra spunk. Their room reeked of sweat and ass and cum and Calvin loved every last flavour of it.

For some reason, Dante gripped the edge of the bed, shaking the metal bed frame as he attempted to breed the mattress. "Think of me," Calvin begged, "Think of your brother Calvin. Think how good a bitch I would be for you." There was a desperation to his voice that went beyond lust. He sighed, swirling his cock around inside his brother.

"At least we have each other like this."

Calvin pulled back all but his flare, before slamming it inside. Dante grunted into his pillow, tearing through the pillowcase with his teeth. Each time he brought his hips back to hump into the bed, Calvin brought his forward.

"Imagine if it was real," Calvin pleaded, accelerating the motion to match him. Their bollocks collided with each cycle, slapping again and again and until Dante was outright moaning and Calvin almost screaming. "I _need_you, Sir," he cried, shifting his hands down to the seed-spewing length between Dante's legs. They rutted like animals, stroking and fucking and washing every stripe of their body white with pre.

"Please..." he choked, "Please, cum for me, bro. If you can hear me in there, tell me you're at least enjoying this." He bucked inside his brother, desperate to strike his prostate, both hands yanking on the length of his engorged member. He shuddered, a familiar heat coiling in his crotch. "Dante... I love you."

Without hesitation, Dante roared into his bed, dousing Calvin's lower half with a thick wave of release. Pump after pump of semen gushed from his flare, which twitched in his hands with every load. Even if Calvin wanted to stop cumming, it was too late, since the ring of Dante's entrance grabbed hold in the throes of its climax, tugging him off with a resistance that met their thrusts to push him over the edge immediately.

"Sir!_I'm... I'm..." he squealed, but his balls contracted, prostate already pounding at its limit. Without warning, orgasm rattled his body. The full fifteen inches of his length swelled to peak girth, shooting loose every repressed thought or feeling he ever had for his brother: every glance as he dressed in the morning, every evening he left the bathroom door unlocked when he showered, every night where he would fill him to the brim with cum _because he loved him.

Together, they came, awash with litres of fluid that would no doubt dribble from their bodies into the late hours of the morning. As Calvin bred his snoring brother, he turned to the camera, holding his thumb and forefinger together to signal perfection. He could already tell this was going to be a hit.

Calvin swayed from side to side on the chair, cock flailing around jubilantly. The net clicks of his videos had almost doubled in the past week, and that was before he even uploaded this one. He licked his lips, working a hand around the arc of his shaft while his other replayed the video. Man, he just could not get enough of his brother: those hips... that rump... He stroked himself off faster, appreciating his handiwork from the night before.

"Dante..." he murmured, glad to be offered privacy for at least another fifteen minutes while his brother headed out to the shops. A couple of beers would help lull him off to another deep sleep tonight, he thought, and Dante certainly was not going to complain if Calvin was buying. He had this down to a fine art.

"Do you know where my keys-" Dante blanked as he opened the door, stupefied as he took in the image of his younger brother butt-naked and beating off. He blinked a few times, and grinned. "Oh, sorry Cal, didn't know you were, heh, busy."

"Shower," Calvin blurted. "Have to shower. Th-that's why," he stammered, futilely trying to cover the girth of his cock with his arms. As much blood flushed into his cheeks as it did his rod. Was this really happening? Now?

"Hey, I'm not gonna judge," Dante said, standing in the middle of the doorway. He looked over his brother. Calvin looked anywhere but in his eyes, yanking up underwear which had previously been discarded to the floor. "As Dad would say: 'You're a growing boy, and growing boys-"

"-Oh my god, shut up!" Zebra-print boxer shorts covered Calvin's balls now, their waistband a far-sight away from shielding the upper limits of his dong. He tried to cover it with one hand as he rushed to his feet, grabbing the towel he had already lain out on his bed, before trying to push past his brother.

"What's the big hurry?" Dante said as he jammed Calvin between his abs and the door frame. Each time he would try to pass, Dante brought his hips to collide with him. The bigger zebra playfully twisted his nipple and tickled under his arm.

"S-stop! Haha, no, it's not funny, ahaha, Dante," Calvin choked, pre-cum smearing over his boxers and the door and his brother. He could actually feel Dante's sheath and balls against his skin, which only made his panic greater. Don't touch don't think go go go go. Finally, Dante yielded. Calvin shot across to the bathroom.

"Hey, Stud, where's my keyyys?" The only response was the loud whoosh of shower water.

Dante chuckled to himself. That was a first. As he spotted the van keys on the computer desk, he looked to the monitor, and a thought crossed his mind:

Should I peek?

He flipped its power switch, planting himself on an uncomfortably warm chair.

Of course I should.