Raichu Harem Intruder 2

Story by doompenguin on SoFurry

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A pikachu buck gets more than he bargained for when he tries to take advantage of a lone "doe"

Decided to finally finish and post this even though I'm not as happy with it as I was with the first story featuring the cheeky pikachu and horny raichu

Laying on his back arms crossed behind his head a large buck Raichu relaxed in the middle of a forest meadow. The Rai let out happy little chuffs as he enjoyed the mild morning sun, cool dew laden grass, and the pika tongues lapping at his cock and balls. The buck knew that the only male Pikachu of his haram had finally woken up when he felt a tongue swirl about his tailhole.

Much to the Rai's disappointment however the attention to his hole only lasted a few moments. Cracking open an eye lid the Rai watched the tongue's owner sprinting in the direction of the nearby creek. Letting out an annoyed huff the Rai resolved to make the pika buck finish giving his hole the attention it deserved once he could be bothered to get up.

As the pika buck drew near to the water's edge it doubled its speed jumping at a tree to springboard himself straight into middle of the creek with a large splash. The buck splashed about for a short bit before heading back to the shore. Swiftly shacking itself dry once it was back on solid land. Bending down the pika began to drink its fill unaware of the hidden watcher his loud splash had drawn.

Slowly creeping out from a bush the watcher was revealed to also be a Pikachu buck whose eyes were currently locked onto the other chu's ass. The buck, who looked like they could greatly benefit from a bath themselves, had taken to stalking the edges of the Rai's territory after being driven off by the larger chu several times. To the scruffy buck it seemed like his efforts to catch a doe alone had finally payed off. In his lust addled state, the buck gave no thought that the chu before him could be a male given how effective the Raichu was in driving most challengers away.

Seeing the other chu start to stand up the scruffy buck quickly bounded forward tackling the chu to the ground and using his body weight to pin them there. The scruffy buck immediately started to pump his hips hoping to blinding sink his already fully hard cock into the "doe's" pussy. Much to the buck's alarm he instead found his cock sliding against a fuzzy pair of balls and a rapidly swelling sheath. The scruffy chu let out a surprised yelp and leapt off the buck's back only to slam into something hard further dazing him.

Looking up the scruffy chu let out a soft whimper as he found himself staring into he eyes of an angry Raichu whom now had him pinned. The pika's attention did not have the chance to linger on the Raichu long before it was pulled away by the delightful sensation of a tongue slowly being dragged along his still hard cock. Glancing down scruffy chu say that the other pika was now kneeling between his legs slurping at his cock, while fondling his own fully swelled chuhood. The scruffy buck's confusion was only deepened when the Rai let out a chuckle as the lapping pika's cheeks began to spark.

The reason for the Rai's mirth was presently revealed to the scruffy chu as the pika buck rubbed one sparking cheek against the scruffy buck's chu hood lightly shocking it. The gently zapping was actually fairly pleasant causing the scruffy buck to pant and moan as he neared release. With a wicked grin, the pika buck abruptly let out a massive burst of electricity causing the scruffy chu to wildly thrash around in pain nearly breaking the Raichu's hold. The scruffy buck was robbed of the pleasure of orgasm as his needy chu hood reacted to this new sensation by ejecting strings of cum over the now madly giggling pika buck's face.

As the Raichu released him to slump to the ground, the buck's hope that his ordeal was over was dashed as a large Rai cock was thrust into his panting mouth. At the same time, he felt his one of his legs being raised up and something hard and wet poking at his tailhole. The scruffy buck's own cum served as lube for the chu hood now spearing him open. The exhausted buck could do little else but lay there as the other chu's started pounding away at his ass and mouth.

Thankfully for the buck he did not endure the rough thrusting for long. The pika let out a loud cry shortly followed by a groan from the rai as they flooded their corresponding fuck hole with chu cum. After wiping their cocks off on him, the chu's left the invader laying there oozing their essence confident that the scruffy buck wouldn't stick around for long once he recovered.

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