Some Lion Guy Spills More than Popcorn on the Theater Floor. Also He Fucks his Daughter.

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#3 of Silly Stories

Right! Request time! As in, request completed. This story was a request done for IB: Taiconan a good while ago, and now the fruits of my brain labor have come wrote the story, is what I'm getting at.

Gracious is it a doozy too. Biggest kink warnings I can give are cubs, incest, and much later, some watersports. Oh, also obscene amounts of cum but THAT'S HOW WE DO HERE IN SILLY STORY LAND.

Thoughts? Feedback? Suggestions? You know the drill folks.

Some Lion Guy Spills More than Popcorn on the Theater Floor. Also He Fucks his Daughter.

By: Cellidor

Insert joke about sticky theater floors here.

A long-awaited request made by Taiconan that I've been meaning to finally find the time to write. It's got a couple interesting kinky whatsits (Oppai Loli) I'm not used to writing, so hey, here's hoping it turns out good, don'tchaknow? Remember to check the tags of the story lest there be something you don't like. Fair warning folks!

As per usual, if you're just here for the juicy bits, scroll on down to the next line break in the story. I won't judge.

The city of Placeholder was quite a bustling one at that. Then again, what city wasn't nowadays? There were very few "small towns" in this day and age. At this point everything was either a thriving, technologically advanced collection of megastructures, or broad overgrown artificial wilderness so people wouldn't be overwhelmed by all of the concrete everywhere else. One would have thought some moderation would have been in order, but this was a time of consumption and excess, no room for in-betweens, no time to slow down.

We find ourselves looking at the protagonist of our little story. He's a tall man, with a broad chest and a thick mane. A lion, king of his lands and all that such. Well, not literally, but he certainly looks the part. In truth he wasn't born as an animal, no one in this city was. At this point in technology and the changes in society, getting even the most intense genetic modifications was seen as commonplace as getting a piercing or hair cut would have been a few hundred years ago. So it was that this man had the visage of a proud lion of the Savanah. Bristly whiskers, mane, strong muscles, golden brown fur all along his body, and (while he didn't make this much public) some rather feline equipment down below. For all intents he looked like one of his parents walked on four legs, as did a vast majority of the city depending on each person's interests. In a sense, while humans made up the entirety of the population, you'd be hard pressed to actually find someone who looked the part.

At present, he was traveling in a downtown megamall looking at the various stores all around him. Everything from the newest clothes and tech gadgets to thrift stores took up every free space visible. He wasn't alone in doing so, either. Walking step by step next to him, head below his hips, was his little girl Shae. She'd only just turned 4 years old at this point, she could speak and walk, more or less, and had even been old enough that she'd recently got some modifications of her own. In her case, she'd picked them out of a children's mod book at the time saying 'Kitty!' As she walked, her two fuzzy cheetah ears twitched in the breeze, her lithe little tail flicking side to side happily. Her head had an almost entirely cheetah-like appearance, along with fur in choice places along her back, arms, and legs, but other than that she still had most of her human body. She was a cheery girl for sure, always in a good mood, and walked quite well despite her wide hips, plush, jiggly tush, and rather massive, constantly wobbling double-D cup breasts.

Wait what the what? Oh, yes, that's right...we now come to another part of our little future-society, one outside of simple body modifications. Enter the VITE. VITE pills, or "Vitamin Infused T-Cell Enrichment" pills for long, were initially designed to be the "be-all end-all" of vitamin supplements. Along with containing compressed vitamins and minerals to fuel the body, they were made with a special immune-boosting nanobot to help consumers fight off even the deadliest illness or disease. When it was finally tested, the trial runs didn't just succeed....they surpassed every expectation that the creators had envisioned. Once consumed, the pills would work with and enhance the body like an exosuit on the microscopic level. The effect would last over a month during the nanobot's life cycle, during which time the subject would be nigh-immune to any kind of disease or viral infection. The nanobots would help supply needed nutrition to the body's cells, and what's more, the nanobots working away would consume the body's waste product as its own fuel to replicate and keep working for the month they'd be around. People could eat in excess and not gain a pound, piss would come out so clear and clean you could drink it if you wanted, and "number 2" Ceased being a thing entirely.

With results like that, the market on VITE pills absolutely_exploded_. It wasn't even a year after their creation that they were a worldwide wonder drug, commercials made advertising people go "Grab a VITE to eat!" and try all new flavours, pills made with nanobot enhancements to give different benefits. Some VITE's would enhance the users strength or speed, some would make the nanobots give off oxygen for the system, essentially allowing the user to go without air and swim without coming up for a breathe, the list goes on. Each new pill offered something different, with each having effects that only lasted those 30 days, allowing people to try "something new" each month, further fueling commerce and the discovery of new nanobot effects.

This, however, brings us to the children, and what could be considered the only "unintended side-effect" and a source of great controversy of the VITE pill. When consumed by someone still developing and pre-puberty, the consumer would go through rapid and sudden bodily changes. It would be much like certain parts of their body, namely the "reproduction" related bits, skipped puberty entirely, as their reproductive organs surge in size and capabilities. It accelerated their growth that within only a month or so, any child would find themselves essentially living with the fully sized reproductive organs of their future adult body, a body they'd then have to "grow into". Needless to say, this created one hell of a stir among concerned parents. How could they do this, giving their children access to a pill that gave them...gasp! Big adult breasts, full depth adult pussies, big hanging adult cocks and balls, it was unthinkable!

While these points were surely valid, a counter-argument was made. The physical changes caused by the pill allowed those who took it to skip -all- of the effects of puberty. No awkward cracked voices, no acne, no mood swings, none of the normal terrible side effects of the slow, gradual puberty process. Those who'd been enhanced with VITE could natural, gracefully grow up into their adult selves, and their bodies would (eventually) catch up to where their reproductive organs already were. When you coupled this with the other existing massive benefits of the VITE pills, along with how children who -didn't- consume them would have a hell of a time learning to go "number 2" when public bathrooms were slowly converting to very low-flow set-ups only capable of handling "liquid waste" well...ultimately, it was decided that despite the side-effects it would have been more cruel to children to not give them VITES. A minimum allowed age of 3 years old was set, and parents would simply have to learn to exchange what would have normally been part of their potty training with "learning to not play with the mooshy bits". What's more, it wasn't like there weren't plenty of strength-boosting VITEs available for children like Shae who were suddenly in the possession of some _very_hefty adult assets!

So it was that our quote unquote hero walked through one of the city's grand malls, looking around and taking in all of the sights with his little girl constantly tugging on his hand, trying to get his attention as she pointed to the various stores all around them.

"Daddy! Popcorn! Popcorn!"

His gaze was brought to one of the mall's many shops, a store specializing in all sorts of popcorn flavours and seasonings. He was brought from his wandering thoughts to the present, and why he was here to begin with. Today was his day off, and he'd decided to spend his time with his little girl. In particular there'd been some new kids movie that just came out that Shae kept squealing about whenever it came up on the holo-screens back home. What better way to spend the day than a little father daughter bonding time?

The only thing was...this was a rather trying time for our poor father of one. He was already a pretty lecherous man all things considered, given some of the "over the top" mods he'd had done in his time. He'd had his fair share of wild experiences in the past before settling down as a simple family man, but those old lusts still burned away at his mind. Even spending every night home with his wife didn't fully sate him the way it should. This hadn't been a problem for him...until Shae had turned 3 years old and begun taking VITE's. Once she had abruptly blossomed within the month, he had then had to contend with being faced with tits larger that his wife's on his own little girl, along with an ass that just begged to be smacked and squeezed. It certainly wasn't helped by how he still had to bathe her most nights while his wife worked, and that being such a young lass Shae would sometimes run around the house naked. Hearing "Daddy look! Bouncy!" while such a sweet face amused itself through the jiggling of massive tits, well...such things would have done things to anyone's head, never mind a pervert like him.

It'd been only just over a year now, and he already felt like he was at his breaking point. Even now he found himself staring for too long at that tightly bound chest as his sweet little Shae just looked up at him with an innocent expression.


Ah right, the popcorn...shaking his head, he returned his daughter's smile and made his way over to the nearby shop. He let her wander the store, picking out whatever flavour she might enjoy. In this case she picked out some kind of wild cotton candy flavoured popcorn, probably sweetened with more sugar than was healthy but again, with VITE-bots "calorie restriction" didn't exist anymore. Alas, his mind was still preoccupied with its wandering, and before he knew it he'd ended up with a bucket of the sugary popcorn almost as big as Shae was. Oh well...what's a little extra expense for the sake of seeing Shae's little kitty eyes sparkling with joy carrying such a big bucket of sweets?

With food out of the way, it was time to head to the theater. Thankfully it wasn't too long a walk, and he soon found himself waiting in line to get a ticket. It was at this point he realized a potential problem with watching this particular that being a children's movie, there would obviously be many _other_children there as well. All around him, he saw little ones in similar situations as Shae...short little youngins all packing big breasts, or little boys with plump bulges in their pants...but _none_of them came close to the massive chest and plush ass that his little Shae had. Everywhere he looked, it was dicks here, tits there...and all without the rest of a normal person's body to focus on instead! Most of them had the beginnings of mods to boot, turning the movie line into a veritable zoo of sin in his eyes.

It was with a sigh of relief the he finally reached the front of the line, purchasing the ticket from the automated vendor, thankful that a robot wouldn't have been able to notice the bulge that had developed in the father's pants. With due haste he pulled Shae along towards their viewing room, Shae's vision thankfully blocked enough by her popcorn that she couldn't get distracted by any of the _other_sweets on sale. The theater was already dark by the time they walked in, with roughly half of the seats here and there filled in. As per usual, Shae insisted by way of eager tugging that they should sit at the back of the theater to watch. She always did like heights, or maybe she just liked seeing everyone else along with the movie? With a flick of his fluffy tail, he followed behind her and took a seat right near the middle, having to help Shae up onto her seat beside him. Unfortunately, the ridiculously oversized popcorn bag was too large to fit on Shae's lap or next to her on the seat. He took care of holding it for her for now, the lights already dimming as the movie began to start. Just in time...

The movie started, well...simply enough, he supposed. He'd never been a big fan of children's shows or cartoons, but he assumed this one had to be good. The excited squeals of the children in the theater were certainly a testament to that. If nothing else, he was able to zone out a bit, try and relax while the bright colours and flashes went on. The is, of course, until he felt a tugging at the sleeve of his shirt, along with the rather adorable sound of Shae trying to speak in a hushed tone.


Looking down, it seemed the movie had only distracted Shae from the smell of popcorn for a brief time. She had her hands held out, awaiting her handful. He scooped some of the sweet kernels into his hand, depositing them onto her palms. He could tell she was spilling some as she ate away but...a little mess didn't hurt, right?

A little mess perhaps, but he hadn't anticipated just how much Shae would come to love the flavour of that popcorn...It felt like he'd only looked back at the screen for a moment when Shae was once again tugging at his sleeve, asking for more.

"Daddyyyyy, pop!"

Another handful, another moment of quiet. The third time around, however, Shae was too hooked to simply turn and ask. Even she had tired of that, and had opted for the more direct method. Turning to the side, Shae reached over the arm rest, grabbing around in the dark to find the popcorn. What she ended up grabbing instead was neither pop nor corn, and lead to quite a startled jump on her father's part.

"Shae!" He looked down at her, remembering to keep his voice down as he looked down at her "Sweetie we don't _reach over_like that, it's ask politely, please."

Shae huffed at this, sitting her big, plush ass back down on her seat. Having to ask every time she wanted more popcorn? That wouldn't stand, not one bit. Shae was a clever girl however...well, as clever as one tended to be at 4 years old, and came up with an idea that would solve the problem perfectly. Once more she tugged on her father's sleeve, but as he turned to look at her expectedly, it wasn't popcorn she was after.

"Daddy...up! Up!"

He looked down at his little girl, and was greeted by a pair of kitten eyes so well practiced that he wouldn't have been surprised if she had been born with them. He couldn't help but smile, how could he say no to a face like that?

"Fine, fine...but you need to behave yourself, alright?"

Shae smiled happily, having gotten exactly what she wanted. As she made to stand up, he had to reach around and scoop his little girl up, seating Shae down onto his lap. Without hesitation, the little cub dug into the popcorn, putting both hands to work as she stuffed her face full. That, however...wasn't what her father was focussing on.

Having Shae on his knees was one thing, but having her back on his lap like this also meant that her plush, broad, and -very- adult rear was pressing firmly down against his crotch. His crotch which, thanks to a brief grab by her soft hands not moments ago, was very much awake now.

He tried to put it out of his mind, tried to think of other things, but he was having much less luck than he would have hoped for. Hesitantly, he put his hand to her back, giving her a light rub that Shae always enjoyed.

"Enjoying your popcorn there, sweetie?..."


Oh she was enjoying it alright. Enough that the little cub started bouncing happily, moving up and down against her father. It wasn't much motion, but with an ass as plush as hers, well...a little movement translated to a lot of jiggling! His voice caught in his throat. Gods it felt so soft, so...voluptuous.

This wasn't the first time that he'd gotten aroused by toddlers under the influence of VITE. It was far from the first time it'd happened with Shae in particular. This time, however, his little girl was sitting right over the main attraction, her young rump pressing down against it, warming it up and sending his mind reeling.

There she was, just eating away, happily munching on popcorn without a care in the world. Yet here he was, faced with an arousal that was somehow more intense than what he'd felt previously. He wasn't sure why now was so different. Was it because they were out in public? Away from home? Was it because his mind had already been wandering from earlier? Could it be that he'd had these thoughts swirling around in his mind for too long now, and they were finally trying to bubble to the surface?

He was broken out of his trance when he heard her sweet voice again, slightly muffled by popcorn, Shae looking back at him with a look of curiosity.


It was then that he realized that his palm was right against the side of Shae's prodigious rear. What's more, he had been rubbing it...squeezing the soft flesh between his fingers without even realizing. His heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. When had his hand migrated down there from her back? That wasn't what shocked him the most, however. What really rattled him was that he didn't feel shame...he felt excited. He offered a little smile at her, tilting his head and twitching his ear.

"Yes, sweetie?"

Shae blinked at her father a few times, swallowing the popcorn in her mouth. He didn't stop rubbing. He kept on massaging, kept rubbing along that soft, doughy flesh of hers through her little felt strange to her, for sure, somehow different than the way he normally rubbed her back. Why though? She couldn't put her finger on felt strange, made her feel strange, in ways her young mind couldn't contemplate. Yet her father just kept on smiling, seeming so calm and composed. Well...if daddy was still acting like daddy, then it must be okay, right? Daddy always smiled when things were okay.

Bringing her attention back to the bin and the movie, Shae continued to eat, gorging herself on colourful visuals and sugary popcorn. When she did, her father let out a soft, quiet sigh, looking around to the left and right. Everyone else was still focused on the movie...what's more, there was only one other group sitting in the back row, a pair of young brothers far off to the side. In this instance, the two of them were essentially a room full of people, yet somehow alone.

Toot toot! All aboard the incest train! Next stop, depravity. For those skipping ahead, this is where things get saucy.

He looked down, staring at his hand, still grasping the toddler's plush rear. She didn't think anything of it...and how could she? She knew nothing about sex, of arousal and eroticism...he was just her daddy, she his little girl, and he was just rubbing her...that's all, right?

At least, that was what he told himself. That was the carrot he baited himself with, leading him to test the waters yet further. Holding his breath, he slipped his hand fully under Shae's cute, frilly little skirt. Only moments later he found his hand touching against her little panties...well, "little" was subjective. They were smaller than normal, but much larger than a toddler her age would wear, to account for her broad, juicy hips after all! While Shae fidgeted a little, she still remained transfixed on the screen, emboldening her father to take it a step further.

He'd dressed Shae many times before, and in fact still did so, so why would this be any different? Well okay, yes, this would be very different, the growing bulge in his pants was making quite sure of that. Treating her like she were a grown date some 14 years older than she was now, he'd slip two fingers down the front of her panties...and had to resist shuddering when he felt his fingers brush against her pussy...the sides of it had a soft, thin fur lining, but the lips themselves were perfectly smooth and clear. Now this got Shae's attention.

There was, in fact, a warmth that the little girl felt between her wasn't just her father's fingers there, but something else...something on the inside that felt warm. What's more, Shae was starting to feel a little...wet? Had she peed herself a little bit? The thought made her frown. She'd been potty trained last year, she was a good girl, she didn't just pee herself! She'd look back at her father, with a face that seemed to demand an explanation through the confusion.


She couldn't finish her sentence, however. Her queries were met with a quiet 'shh shsh...' from her father, a comforting sound that stopped her worries where they stood. Shae stared into her father's eyes, and he back to her. Daddy seemed different...his cheeks were all red like he was embarrassed, but he was smiling...smiling a lot! In a way, this worked well to calm the toddler's thoughts. Her daddy knew everything, and if he wasn't worried, she wasn't worried.

Shae turned once again back to the screen, only...this time, she didn't go back to eating. There was a burning curiosity in her mind, spurred by this strange new petting that she'd never felt before. It felt good, but strange...but good! But strange. As she wiggled again, the little girl's eyes widened some as she felt something she had definitely_never felt before, something firm and rigid pushing _inside of her, right between her legs!

Her father couldn't resist shuddering this time, not with what he'd just done. He couldn't believe it...his finger was actually inside of his little girl, right in her plump, juicy pussy! He hadn't stopped at just the tip either. His middle finger had sunk in deep, spreading his little girl's virgin walls until his knuckle met with her mound, feeling the way her soft, silky walls gripped around him. He could hardly believe it...he was actually fingering her. He was fingering his daughter. In public. During a children's movie.

As if acting on pure subconscious lust alone, he'd pull his finger back, pressing it right to the hilt all over again. Even knowing the growth effect VITE had on children her age, he still couldn't believe how easily she'd taken his finger...what else could she take just as easily, he wondered? He saw Shae's lips part, and without hesitation he brought his other hand up, gently closing his palm over her mouth, just in time to muffle the moan his little girl let out.

He couldn't stop himself...the feel of her slick pussy around his finger, the way she wriggled and his sharp feline ears twitched, he could just hear the faint 'shlic...shick...' of his finger pushing in and out of his little girl's pussy. In and out, back and forth...using his own years of sexual experience to make his little girl feel things she'd never felt before.

The thoughts going through Shae's young mind right then were a pure jumble of confused, blissful emotions. What was going on? Why did daddy have his hand on her mouth? Why did he keep pushing his finger inside of her like that? She felt so wet between her legs...feeling her panties steadily getting soaked, but it felt different than when she went to the bathroom. Even something as simple as this, a simple finger inside of her, was sending her mind to body-shuddering heights of bliss. Here she thought candy was good, but this was...this wasn't something she could even put words to! She had a niggling worry in her young mind, however. She felt something...different. She felt like she was going to pee, her body quivering as a tingling grew between her legs. She tried to warn him, tried to tell her daddy she needed the potty, but her voice wouldn't work, coming out as shuddery little sounds. She wasn't even aware that she was drooling against her father's fingers.

Gods she was wet...if this kept up his pants would end up soaked on top of everything else! His fingers curled, swirled and dipped. Grinding, rubbing, pressing down, yet what he did didn't make a difference. She was so obviously overwhelmed, so taken over by how good this felt, that any motion his fingers made sent his little girl quivering all over again. He was so caught up in feeling her writhe against him that he didn't even realize how far he was pushing her with something like this. His eyes widened as he felt her suddenly tense up against him, those cute little cheetah eyes looking up at him in a haze of bliss before they rolled right up into her head, Shae twitching violently against her father's lap as she came, and hard. He found out, first hand, that his daughter was indeed a squirter. Her slick juices gushing out over his finger and _utterly_soaking her panties, her hefty chest jiggling and wobbling with her convulsions. He was afraid for a moment that she might pass right out! Her first orgasm seemed to go on and on, his hand not even blocking any sounds, her mouth was open but she couldn't even scream with how intense the waves of bliss rushing through her were!

After what seemed like forever, Shae finally seemed to slow down, her little legs trembling like mad as she came down from her first orgasm...not something that every 4 year old could claim. Yet, while Shae was just coming down from her bliss, her father had only been growing more lustful with each passing moment. His pants felt like they might burst any second, and with Shae on his lap like this...there was only one thing he could think of, and he was not­ in a state of mind to think twice.

Pulling his sex-slick finger out of Shae's pussy sent his little girl through a whole new series of shuddering motions, his hand grasping at his pants, hastily pulling his zipper down, stuffing his fingers into the open slit and hurriedly freeing his strained cock. At this point, it's worth mentioning that with the present state of body modifications available for people at this day and age...the national "average length" was understandably larger than it had been years ago. In his case, he'd pulled free from his pants a cock that years ago would have easily netted him a job with any major porn company, but was par for the course nowadays. His shaft was a good foot in length, twelve throbbing inches of shaft that had completely strayed from its human origins, the tip of the shaft bristling with soft, fleshy barbs while the entire underside of the shaft had a "rippling" effect every inch or so, giving it a fantastical and almost fantasy look.

This cock was no fantasy however. It was here, it was rock hard, it was dripping in precum, and in moments, it was about to do something no father's cock should do. As it were, Shae's skirt was the only thing keeping it from being exposed, and even then it was long enough to be tenting it up far enough that it almost made the little girl look like she was the one packing. Still lost in the powerful waves of afterglow, Shae could feel that distinct warmth between her legs, the frequent twitching that rubbed something against her fuzzy little thighs. She looked up at her father, vision blurry and quizzical, but her father only offered a blushing, warm smile. He leaned his head down, whispering quietly into his little girl's ear.

"Shae, daddy need you to be a big girl now, okay?...Just stay nice and quiet, daddy is going to make you feel really good..."

All she could do was offer a weak little nod. What he'd just done to her already felt so good, and she always trusted daddy, so why not? She started to say something, but only managed to get out a 'daddmhff...' before her father slipped his finger into Shae's mouth, hushing his little girl. On reflex, Shae would close her lips around the finger, softly suckling on her father's digit, nodding and looking back down at that curious tent.

Shae's father was beyond the point of foreplay. There was no way he could resist waiting any longer without simply blowing his load all over the theater floor. The movie entirely forgotten, he'd scoop his little girl up against his fluffy mane, pulling her high enough against his chest that he could line his cock up with her soaked, pantied crotch. He made a few cursory glances in either direction, making sure everyone around them was still focused entirely on the children's movie still playing. His cock tip was now pressed firmly against his little girl's mound, the warmth and wetness coming off of both of them making his body shiver in anticipation. Gods, he never got this worked up even with his wife, a thought that made him as ashamed as he was excited. Slipping his hand down underneath Shae's skirt, he pulled her panties to the side, freely letting their flesh meet, grinding together with Shae's cum mingling with her father's pre in a slippery mess. The little girl turned her eyes upwards once again as her lips suckling soft and wet on his finger, but that would be the very moment he decided to let her down.

Shae's eyes went from blissful curiosity to sudden, wide-eyed shock, as her father lowered her down hard onto his throbbing, eager shaft. He could feel her trying to moan out past his finger, his barbs pressed downwards against his shaft as those first blissful inches sank deep into Shae's slick pussy. Here he had expected her to be tight given her age, and yet...and yet, with her body advanced the way it was sexually, he_almost let out a gasp when he felt his cock slide in deeper, and deeper, and deeper! A bulge traveled up along Shae's front from such a hefty shaft pushing inside of her, the initial penetration not stopping until only a scarce few inches remained, his cocktip now resting right against his little girl's womb, utterly filling her body and making that bulge all the more noticeable. To think he almost got right to the base in one go...she really _was fully developed by the VITE, wasn't she? To be honest, in his lust driven state he was almost tempted to drive himself those last few inches in, penetrate her womb entirely...but he had to remind himself that she was 'only' fully matured, being able to penetrate the womb, well...that was something one had to get specific genetic modifications for, ones that Shae was obviously too young to get. Yes, too young to get...unlike her father's cock, which she was, by his merits at least, taking with flying colours~

Really, he didn't need a full penetration. She already felt so incredibly amazing. Her body was on fire, so hot around his shaft. He even felt the way her whole lower body would shift when he twitched his cock, just based on how big it was compared to her. This alone...this alone would bring him to his peak in no time, that much he knew. Yet, he didn't want this to end. He didn't want this to be quick. He'd gotten past his shame, now he just wanted to experience this as long as he could. This would work out well for Shae as well, the little girl currently so utterly overwhelmed with pleasure from having her father's cock filling every inch of her pussy that she was only moments away from passing out from bliss as it were!

He started slowly, or at least, he made a definite attempt at it. His hips stirring slowly, making that thick cock of his grind against Shae's slick, wet walls. It was so easy to find her tells, figure out which places brought her the most pleasure, when she did nothing to hide what bliss she felt. That all changed, however, when he finally decided to lift her up and pull back out slightly. As soon as he did, every one of those fleshy barbs of his would fan out, pushing against Shae's delicate walls and bringing all new untold levels of sensation to the toddler's body. He'd feel her bite down on his finger, her body shuddering as Shae came all over again, just from pulling back! Gods she was so wet...his pants were getting soaked with every wet squirt that made its way out around his thick shaft. He didn't stop, not for a moment, pulling back, sliding in, grinding around...she felt incredible to him, the sensations driving him wild, _especially_given she was quivering in climax around him!

He never realized just how hot it would be to fuck someone who came so easily, someone who had absolutely no experience and no way to mentally handle such intense sensations driving through them. As he steadied his pace, fucking that sopping wet pussy, it almost turned into as much a game for him as it was sex. It was night and day compared to any sex he'd ever had before. This wasn't a matter of two parties trying to pleasure one another, both trying to keep the upper hand, both trying to find what made the other this case, he found he often had to avoid areas that brought Shae more pleasure.

She just kept on cumming! One orgasm after another, each more or less chaining into the next! To think this was the end goal of most sex, but here it was the beginning, middle and end! He only had to slow down and stop every now and then, but while with any other partner it would be to hold off an orgasm, to "edge" further, with Shae it was to keep her from losing consciousness entirely. He was edging her very mind, a little dance to keep his precious little girl from tilting too far to one side and outright passing out entirely! By now, the wet, slick sounds of his cock grinding into her utterly sopping wet pussy were enough he was almost afraid someone else might have heard it, were the movie not so loud.

As much as he wanted it to last forever, however, he was getting close to his own peak. What's more, in edging his daughter's conscious state, he had also been edging himself a considerable deal too. That brought up a very important fact, one that even now Shae's father hadn't even considered. It wasn't just his cock size that he'd had modified...and what he was about to unload would have made a wild zebra from years ago blush! Pulling out wasn't even an option. Surely she was too young to be getting pregnant, and he was so damn turned on from Shae's hot little pussy that he didn't want to even consider the notion!

All at once, enough to make him intake a sharp breath, he felt his climax hit him like a runaway train. Pressing Shae down, his barbs spread out of their own accord deep within her body, his tip kissing right against her cervix as he came, harder than he had ever cum before, and in total silence too. He bit his lip, feeling his cock start twitching and jerking with wild abandon inside of her, Shae giving him a confused, hazy-eyed look before she gasped around his finger, hot cum rocketing out of his tip and shooting right into Shae's little womb! Pulse after pulse after thick, sticky, gushing pulse of cum fired out. Followed right by another, and another! It was less an orgasm and more of an outright hosing down! He brought his hand down to her belly, shuddering as he could feel his hot, swirling cum filling up her womb and pumping it steadily full. Shae had been wriggling in pleasure, but in only moments she started to show signs of discomfort. There was just so much...too much, in fact! Even in his bliss-taken state he realized that Shae was simply too small to handle all of the cum he had to offer, her poor belly strained enough that her bellybutton actually pushed out a little! He had to pull wasn't an option, by this point it was physics, he was running out of room and fast!

He felt his mind going through a slight panic, what was he going to do? He couldn't cum on the floor, everyone would see it, never mind hear that hot cum gushing out, so what option did he have? All at once, an idea came to his idea that he would have rejected outright if he wasn't in such a predicament! No time to wait, no time to think, he could already feel his cum starting to press back against his tip as Shae's womb reached its maximum capacity!

"N-nghk...S-shae...h-hold on sweetie...j-just keep still, o-okay?"

If she only had an idea of what her father had planned! Right at the last second, he'd pull Shae half off of his cock, reaching down and grasping the base of it, gripping hard_to keep more cum from escaping just yet. Then, in one motion, he'd pull his cum soaked cock free....and slide it down between Shae's big, plush ass cheeks~ The pressure on his prostate was already growing intensely, and so with one firm, determined motion, he'd drive his cock up and his daughter down, his thick adult cock spearing the toddler's poor virgin asshole, spreading it open wide for his tip! This time, he _did have to cover her mouth proper, a muffled shocked scream coming from Shae's mouth as her father took her tight ass!

As if by divine providence, the movie at that particular point had been reaching its own_climax, the explosions and happy cheers from other children in the theater masking Shae's own. Once inside however, he finally let go of his cock base, and absolute _deluge of cum shooting up as his climax continued, flooding and filling his daughter's colon with her father's hot, thick seed~

Poor Shae couldn't even think straight! Her vision had gone blank the first moment she'd been stretched, her little colon straining and failing to contain the absolute river of cum gushing into her young body. Now Shae was left with a feeling of hot, thick rushing, warmth blossoming further into her body as that cum broke past her colon and started rapidly filling the rest of the little girl's body.

Little did she know, her father had inadvertently raised his own pleasure by his own actions and spiraled his own orgasm into a far more intense one than it had been already. He shuddered hard, his balls unloading and not even noticing that Shae was slowly sliding further down onto his cock, inches of her father's shaft taking her deeper even as his cum now spilled past her insides and into the little girl's stomach, mingling with the popcorn she'd already eaten. Shae looked down, down at her belly, seeing the already bloated thing was growing all over again. She felt full...more full than she had ever felt before, and it was getting to the point that she knew something wasn't right! She looked up at her father, able to push her muzzle past his hand enough that she could just speak.

"D-daddy...d-daddy, I feel...f-full...I-I think I'm gonna be...h-hrff..."

Blinking through his pleasure, her father looked down at Shae's face, just in time to see something he hadn't expected. With a look of shock on her face, he saw his daughter's bloated belly...and then saw a bulge traveling up her little throat, only for her to make a muffled sound of surprise as her cheeks began to puff out! Good lords, he was cumming so much he was literally overflowing from her! On reflex, his hand came up behind Shae's head, pushing against it and pushing her head the only place he could think of, down into her popcorn! Right as her face hit, he saw her lips part, and heard the thick, sinful, wet gushing of his own cum now flooding obscenely out of his daughter's mouth, spilling into her bucket of popcorn as the seed mingled with the kernels, creating a sticky, sugary, sinful soup~ His heart jumped to his throat when the parent sitting in front of him, having heard this and turned around, looked back at him with a hushed voice.

"Is everything alright back there?" The parent, a mother looking much like an orca with the gene mods she'd had done to herself.

"O-oh...ah...yes, yes, just fine! She ah...she ate t-too fast, that's all..."

He was thankful that with the movie playing, the lights were so low...there'd be no way to tell that the fluid rushing from Shae's mouth wasn't popcorn at all by now.

"Aww, poor little thing...eyes bigger than her tummy? You should bring her to the bathroom, poor sweet thing."

He simply nodded his head at that, shuddering as the mother turned back to watch the movie. Gods, he just couldn't stop cumming! Frankly he worried he might overfill the _popcorn_bucket at this rate! Thankfully, mercifully, he felt his orgasm slowing down, shaft throbbing and twitching hard inside of Shae's ass as he looked down at her. He could feel her plush ass against his lap...he'd actually hilted her. He hadn't noticed during his orgasm, but he'd gone right to the hilt, every inch of cock buried deep into his daughter's ass~

What's more, he could tell that Shae wasn't..."with him" at the moment. It seemed that such an immense filling and orgasm had pushed the toddler too much in one direction, and she'd passed out entirely. Probably for the best, he thought, at least she could rest! That wasn't his biggest concern, however...there wasn't long before the movie ended, and if he was here when the lights came on...he didn't think there was any way he'd be able to hide what he'd done. He picked up the huge tub of popcorn, feeling a twinge of guilt for whatever cleanup crew would have to handle it next as he set the tub on the floor. It was so full of cum it was like a popcorn soup more than anything! Reaching into his pocket, he'd take out a wet wipe, quickly wiping Shae's mouth clean of that thick cum as he planned out his next moves.

He surely couldn't pull out...not in her state, could he? Her cervix was doing a wonderful job keeping his cum in her womb, but her ass? Her young asshole was gaping by now, if he pulled out that'd get everywhere! That left only one option for him, as embarrassing as it was. He'd have to make his way to the bathroom...with his daughter still balls-deep on his cock. Readying himself, and tensing his shaft inside of her, he carefully, very carefully, stood himself up. He could feel the heavy slosh and shift of all that cum inside of her little body moving about, starting to inch his way along to the end of the isle. His cautious movements were the only thing keeping his secret in check. Those he squeezed past only saw the lion's ass, pants and all, while those in the next row below who glanced back would only see Shae's upper body and assume a combination of baby fat and overzealous popcorn consumption.

Only one person, a young boy on one of the rows below, would catch sight was what was really_going on. He'd look over, happening to glance at the right moment to see this little cheetah girl being suspended by something big and fleshy and hard, like a bigger version of what _he had, seemingly going up the sleeping girl's butt, with some curious white stuff flowing around the area. By the time he turned to ask his mother about it, Shae and her father were already long gone.

He took a deep breathe when they got to the end of the theater, glancing out through the glass window to the brightly lit hallways outside. He waited until he saw the coast was clear, slipping out into the main hall, frantically looking around while he made his way to the bathroom. He was acutely aware, as he walked, that he didn't even have to think about keeping his cock stiff and upright. Shae's tight, tight little toddler ass, gripping onto his shaft, plus the feeling of his own cum squishing around that hard length...gods, how was he still so damn turned on?

When he finally reached the bathroom section, he didn't wait more than a moment before he went into a private disabled toilet, which happened to have an advanced diaper-changing station installed. All the better for him, he thought. He'd heard that old changing stations used to be just a plastic board one pulled down to swap diapers doubt that would have been far worse than what he had. The tray he folded down was smooth and sleek, and had a nozzle attached that connected to a small sink. Ironic that he was about to be saved by the very type of bathroom stall that was being slowly faded out thanks to the very VITE pills that got him into this situation to begin with.

Now that it was just the two of them, he had to get to work. He started by pulling Shae's skirt and top up and over her head, hanging it on a little hook. Next, he removed the little tike's top...well aware of how his cock throbbed hard at the sight of those big, jiggling tot tits of hers bouncing free in the open. With only her panties on, now came the next he laid Shae's sleeping form onto the table, pulling out his cock very, very slowly. He shuddered hard as he felt the incredible sensations along his shaft, Shae worming about in her unconscious state as those barbs once more teased and tantalized the young flesh within. When his cock finally reached the end, he pulled it free with a stifled moan, a few errant shots of cum spurting out across Shae's belly and tits, her father now getting a front row viewing as her poor gaping ass simply flowed with cum, seed coming out rapidly and pooling around Shae's backside, her belly slightly shrinking as it came free.

Now he'd just need to let her empty out a little, clean her up, and they'd be good to go. Yes, that's it, just clean up and...and...gods, but look at that ass of hers...straining against those tight cum-soaked panties, the cheeks so voluptuous...he'd have to get those washed too, wouldn't he? In a slight daze, he tugged at the waist of those panties, pulling the soaked things up and off and leaving Shae utterly nude. He couldn't stop staring at her...staring at her plush, heavy ass cheeks, at the plump mound between her legs, all of it coated in cum...he considered that he was alone in this bathroom right now. He considered that Shae was able to take all of his cock in her ass. What's more, he considered that with her being unconscious, he wouldn't have to worry about her making noise if he was...a little more rough...

He knew he had already gone so far, he knew he should have stopped long before now, but at this point his mind was far too lost in both lust and affection towards his sweet little girl. Without giving it another thought, he grasped around Shae's middle, turning his little girl over so she was laying on her belly, the big belly pushing her hips up higher, those fat ass cheeks, gaping tailhole and cum stained body just begging to be taken by daddy.

"Forgive me Shae, I just...Gods..."

Tearing off his pants and underwear both, he lined his cock up with Shae's ass, grinding forwards and hot-dogging his cock between those plump cheeks. He placed a hand on either cheek, digging his fingers into the warm, partially furred, partially smooth skinned flesh, pressing his hips back and forth and gently fucking the vast cavern made by those delicious cheeks of hers. On harder thrusts, there was even a "clapping" made with each one hitting the other, and his hips colliding with that fat ass. Only a few grinds in and he already felt his cock tensing, shooting out heavy spurts of precum out that drizzled over his daughter's back.

For someone as turned on as he was, such foreplay wasn't going to last long. Only a minute into his little hot-dogging session he pulled back, lining up his tip with that already abused little hole of hers. Then, with one determined thrust, he drove his cock deep into his little girl's tight, slick asshole, grinding forwards as Shae made a muffled little moan, hilting the toddler's ass in one go. It felt so wrong, but so right, so utterly pleasurable and satisfying to feel her insides quivering around him like that. Just how deep inside of her _was_he? He wouldn't have been surprised if he was fucking her stomach directly, such a big cock for a little girl!

All at once, he began a firm, steady pace, emboldened by the privacy given to them by the locked bathroom stall. In and out, his barbs trailing hot lines along her insides, cum sloppily spilling out around his shaft and smearing against her ass and his crotch, webbing strands of seed between the two of them. When he picked up the pace, that same cum started to splatter and make all the more mess. With yet harder thrusts, his hips would smack firmly against Shae's ass, a squelching, squishy clapping sound that became music to the father's ears. He ever went so far as to wrap his hand around Shae's tail-base, using it like a handle as he pounded his cock deep into her little body over and over again, the slapping, sloppy sounds of their sex echoing in the bathroom. Forget even the notion of being gentle, he was soon fucking Shae's poor little ass harder than he even fucked his wife's pussy! Driving his thick, foot-long cock as deep as he could every time, hard enough he even saw excess cum leaking from Shae's mouth. He'd bent himself forward, less mating with her and more using his daughter like some kind of living fleshlight, her asscheeks slapping and clapping over and over as his precum gushed heavily into her already used form.

" good...fuck...fuck I'm gonna...ah god Shae, I'm gonna..."

That pleasure was building up inside of him, far faster than he had ever anticipation. Not even attempting to hold back, he felt is climax get closer, and closer...and then it hit! One hand gripping Shae's ass so firmly his fingers were lost in her pillowy flesh, the other hand pulling her tail down hard with his crotch pressed against her plush ass, cum smeared and splattered between them as he came even _harder_than last time. All at once his cock erupted, his seed gushing out in heavy pulses one after another after another. Shae's belly swelled, rising her up yet higher from the seed swirling within, but she was already at her limit. Reacting quickly, he reached forwards and grasped Shae's head, tilting it up moments before the toddler's poor throat _burst_with seed! It shot out, hitting the wall of the changing station and flowing rapidly down the drain, Shae not even currently aware that her little mouth was flowing so freely with her father's hot cum! He couldn't even stop himself from thrusting, only held to her ass a moment into the climax before he pulled out and started driving his hips in again, pounding that hot toddler ass even as his seed freely flowed from her mouth and around his cock, the little girl becoming steadily more of a mess!

He didn't even know how long he'd been cumming for. All he knew is that by the time his climax tapered off, he was amazed that the drain had handled it all. Right near the end, he pulled his hips back and jerked his cock free, Shae's little asshole now openly gaping, cum flooding out and around her legs as the last few shots of his seed pulsed out over her plush asscheeks.

And yet...and yet, he wasn't done. Even now he felt his cock throbbing and begging for more, even as his balls ached and begged to stop. He wasn't in his right mind, wasn't in a position to argue, and he knew exactly what he was going to do next. Even as Shae still flowed with that fatherly seed, he'd flip his little girl over and turn her around, her head dipping over the edge of the changing station as her father looked down at those big, heavy, luscious tits of hers. He slid his still oozing cock between them, gasping when he felt just...just how amazing they felt! So soft and warm, the obscenely soft fur teasing along his shaft just as the flesh enveloped around his cock...oh he'd enjoy himself here, no doubt about that.

He placed a hand on either side of Shae's heavy tits, smothering them together against either side of his hot, throbbing shaft. The pillowy embrace of each one, the way they utterly encased even a thick foot-long like his...gods, who would have thought a 4 year old could drive a man to such depths of sin? As if that weren't enough, when he started thrusting, grinding his hard ribbed cock between those luscious mounds, he felt a satisfying, squelchy smack as his heavy balls slapped against Shae's cute little face each and every time.

As it turned out, this slapping was just the thing to bring his daughter from her dreamless state of rest back to the world of the living! Her eyes fluttered open, awakening to a world of pure debauchery she couldn't fully comprehend. Her mouth and throat felt sticky, heck her nose felt stuffed to, tasting something slick and thick on her tongue, something that didn't go away when she swallowed. Whatever it was it smelled very strong, yet also very...familiar, too. The scent of her father was all over her, overwhelmingly so, but that was par for the course when one spent over a minute being used as a two-way incestuous onahole.

She couldn't rightly get a sense of where she was or what was happening, either. She could feel something warm rubbing against her chest constantly, but she had to keep her eyes closed, as every few moments what felt like warm, wet, fuzzy pillows kept sloppily mooshing and smacking into her face! The poor girl couldn't even figure out her father's balls were hitting her. What's more, her butt felt sore...sore and leaky? Something kept flowing out of her backside, it was so embarrassing, but she couldn't figure out why, or even get a word in between those heavy balls smacks.

As he thrust between those mounds, enjoying the sinful warmth rubbing over his sore cock, Shae's father found an all new interest in playing with his daughter's nips. Despite her age they too were fully formed, plump, soft nibs that squished and mooshed so delightfully between his thumb and forefinger, each mound wobbling unsteadily like Jell-O with every grinding thrust~ Every orgasm he'd had was only making him more sensitive all the time, making it harder for him to hold back the next one. Already he could feel his balls tensing up, and given her position, Shae could feel this quite easily as well~

As his third climax neared, he pulled his cock backwards, right until his tip was nestled deep in the middle of Shae's thick, bountiful breasts. With a hot, shuddering moan, he let himself hit that peak, his hands pressing down on Shae's tits as his shaft throbbed and jerked, his seed once more spilling forth! He could feel a thick bubble of cum growing around his cock inside of the flesh of his daughter's tits, each shot making it grow larger still...until it became too much, seed sloppily spilling out from between the toddler's cleavage~ It was at this point that he heard a faint voice from right near his balls, one that sounded both tired and confused.

"D-....daddy?...What's...what's happening?..."

It was a question that the poor girl had been meaning to ask ever since her father first started pumping his seed into her little womb, and the first thing she thought of upon waking up. Her answer would have to wait, however. Hearing her voice, her father tensed and pulled back, hands coming off of her tits and letting them jiggle to the sides as cum poured forth from between them, his still firing shaft pumping a heavy load all over her young, nubile form! Looking down at his daughter, his sweet, precious little Shae, with that dizzy look of confusion in her eyes...he did what he figured any father would do in this situation.

Thus, with his cock still throbbing away, He shamelessly lowered his hips, brought his cocktip down to his daughter's partially opened lips...and thrust forwards. Shae's eyes widened when her mouth was abruptly stuffed full to burst with her father's thick, throbbing, barbed cock, his tip pressed against the back of her throat as his cum pumped and pulsed directly down to her bloated belly! Shot after shot making the toddler squirm about, feeling her full belly overflow...only in the _other_direction now. All Shae could see was the underside of her father's pulsing shaft, and those heavy balls that'd woken her up, tensing and jerking as the fired out obscene amounts of hot, sticky seed. Her eyes widened even further moments later, when that same seed, finding still no place to go, would start gushing and pulsing out of her ass!

He would have felt guilty, he really would have with what he saw, mingled with the bliss he felt, but gods did his daughter's little tongue and cheeks feel so amazing on his cocktip...and as if he wasn't cumming hard enough already, he watched as Shae's juicy thighs clenched together, the little girl quivering as femcum gushed out between them! The poor overloaded girl, she was brought to her own climax in mere moments just from the feeling of daddy cum flooding out of her tailhole!

For almost an entire minute they were stuck like that, cock to throat, ass flooding in seed...her father only pulling back as he neared the end, just so he could grasp his cock tighter and enjoy the sight of seeing his cum pump out all over Shae's face, the little kitten mewling in surprise from such a hot, sticky facial covering her cheeks, ears, and of course, her tits.

That was it. He was spent, entirely so. He couldn't believe he came so much, filled his daughter to such a ridiculous degree...filled and overfilled, no less! Panting openly, his cock was finally allowed to soften up, hanging heavily between his legs as Shae looked at him from the changing station upside down, panting just like him, her entire body covered in cum, belly and womb swollen with seed, utterly abused in every possible way. Yet despite that...Shae was smiling. She still seemed dizzy, but she was smiling. She was sore and lopsided and feeling so very full, but those multiple, constant orgasm her father had caused, could she not have enjoyed that?

Quietly, while the two of them recovered, her father took hold of the small nozzle over the changing station, turning it on as he began to shower and wash down his little girl. She squirmed as the chilly water rushed over her, making her plump little nips point out to stiff peaks. She giggled while her father started scrubbing and washing her clean of his cum, moaning quietly whenever his fingers passed over her more delicate areas...he had rather pointedly helped "clean" her out by sliding a finger into both her ass and pussy when it came to cleaning those spots~

Above all, what he loved to listen to was her purr. It was a soft, gentle rumbling sound, one that made his fingers quiver along her fur with each brushing pass. In what felt like an eternity, surely long after the movie had ended, he sat her up onto the changing station once more, Shae looking down at her clean fur. Only...only, despite being clean, her belly was still pushed out, still obscenely round from all of the cum still inside of her. She looked up at her father, tilting her head and twitching an ear.

"Daddy...Feel full...heavy...Daddy carry?"

Fair warning here for those who don't like it, got some number 1 incoming. Bail out now if that's not your jam.

He looked over his daughter' plump, oversized form. There was no way he could take her out of here like that, clean or not...She had enough trouble walking around with her wide hips and massive tits, adding a belly on top of all of that was too much to ask! However, he knew just the trick for clearing her out. It was something that he'd done with his wife before in similar situations.

Picking Shae up, and feeling how heavy she was with the added cum, he'd seat his little girl down on the toilet, kneeling beside her and putting his hand to her belly.

"Alright Shae...just stay nice and still for daddy, alright? We'll get you nice and emptied out in no time. It'll feel a little funny, but it'll be all better soon, alright?"

Shae could only nod her head. She trusted her father completely, even if she was rather sore right now, she had nothing to worry about with him in charge, right? After seeing her nod, he'd push his palm firmly against her belly, moving in slow, massaging motions. Shae squirmed a little from it at first...only to gasp later as the pressure started pushing the cum packed into her womb out, the hot rush of cum flooding out through her pussy and past her mound, down into the toilet below. As if on cue, the poor little girl quivered and began to cum, shivering and holding onto her daddy's arm for support as another orgasm was added to countless others, causing the flowing cum to squirt and gush out as it mingled with her father's seed. Pushing and pushing...he couldn't believe just how much she'd manage to hold!

It took a full two minutes of constant pressure for Shae's womb to shrink down further, only...only that wasn't the only problem area. He furrowed his brow when he realized that even with her womb returned more or less to normal size, her stomach was another situation...he'd never actually filled his wife's belly to this degree before! It should be just as simple though, right? He didn't want to force the poor girl to throw up, so the other direction would have to do. He's start pushing on her stomach much like her womb, trying to get that cum to escape...but it just wouldn't budge!

"Hmm...Maybe if I just...over here...little harder..."

Mumbling to himself, he'd try various tricks to try and empty out his little girl. The problem wasn't the stomach, it was her insides! That twisty, winding cum-filled collection inside of her, he couldn't get it through! As he kept pushing and pressing however, Shae's face would start to turn red. She closed her thighs together, trying to hold back but...with her father pressing against her like that...

"D-daddy...I'm gonna..."

Sssssssssss...His ears perked when he heard the sound, leaning back as he noticed with some surprise that his pushing had been putting a lot of pressure on Shae's bladder, and the girl had started pissing! least, he thought, she was getting rid of what a little girl like her was _supposed_to have in her body at that age! As he watched and listened to her pissing however, an idea would come to his mind...and idea that his already lust-broken mind was too weary to shout any arguments towards. Standing himself up in front of Shae, he'd take a hold of his soft cock, holding it up closer to his little girl's face. She blinked, sniffing at it a few times and looking up at him, confused.

"Sweetie, daddy is going to help you with your big belly...I just need you to open up and suckle, alright? Pretend like it's just mommy's nipple..."

Shae, as per usual, looked confused at the very idea. That wasn't much of an issue, the pleasant feeling of being able to pee was certainly helping make her more receptive to new ideas. She'd open up her mouth, showing off that tiny little tongue, the cute cheeks and gums...somehow this seemed all the more sinful to her father, now that he looked at her. He could explain away her ass and pussy being "mature" and "adult" sized, but that little mouth with those little kitty teeth...that was 100% the mouth of a toddler. He wasn't about to back down however, as he'd push his soft cocktip into his little girl's mouth.

Gods it felt so good...soft tongue, hot cheeks, the feel of his tip just brushing near the back of her throat...he even let out a gasp when she'd start to suckle on his cocktip, very much treating it like mommy's nipple, as he'd said.

"T-that's good Shae...just keep have to make sure to swallow, alright? Even if you feel full..."

Steeling himself for what he was about to do, he heard the faint tinkling sounds of Shae's own flow starting to taper off...just as his flow began. Shae's cheeks puffed out almost right away, the girl shocked by the sudden, much sharper taste of her father's piss rushing out across her tongue, filling every corner of her mouth and almost flowing before she remembered what she had to do. Throat quivering, Shae started swallowing as fast as her little throat could, her tiny hands coming up and grasping her father's cock hard, looking up at him as he listened to every wet swallow she made. His hot piss rushed down into her cum bloated belly, the thick seed starting to rapidly mix with the hot, steamy piss. Shae felt so full, she felt like she was going to burst all over again...and she did! The kitten moaning around that soft cock as cum flowed from her ass for a second time, the pressure of that hot piss pushing out the cum that had been stuck inside of her!

To her credit, she kept up swallowing for a very long time, barely keeping up with her father's flow...but all of that heat rushing past her sore, delicate tailhole...she couldn't help herself, her teeth biting onto that squishy, soft cock as she came all over again, throat tensing up as piss rushed up and out her nose, along with pushing past her mouth! Rather than pulling out however, her father only went further, grasping behind Shae's head and pushing it hard against his crotch. Perhaps...a little too hard, really! Shae gagged as that soft cock, able to angle and squish into even her tight throat, shoved its way down until her little nose was pressed right up against her father's crotch, his shaft deep in her throat and making it bulge obscenely~ It was a good thing he was soft, her little throat wouldn't have handled the whole cock otherwise!

With a direct line to her belly like this, her father's steamy hot piss could freely overfill her stomach, as he felt Shae moaning around his thick cock, the toddler quivering as one orgasm bled into the next, listening to the sloppy sounds of so much cum flowing freely from her body. When all of the cum was finally free, it was like a plug had been pulled in the toddler's body, hot piss rushing from her backside much faster than the cum had gone! When he felt this, he finally allowed himself to relax, his hand coming off of Shae's head.

Desperately needing air, and with her eyes watering from the sudden deep throat and potent musk of piss, Shae pushed against her father's hips, shifting back and sliding that thick cock out of her throat, gasping for air when it popped out of her mouth, mewling pitifully as she tried to catch her breath, unable to move as her swollen belly shrank steadily from all of that steamy piss rushing out of her. Looking up at her father, she'd ball her hand into a fist and bap at his leg.

"D-daddy! Couldn't...couldn't breathe!"

She sniffled and wiped piss from her mouth, hugging around herself as she kept on emptying out more and more. With a little chuckle, he'd kneel himself down, his soft cock laying heavily over his daughter's juicy thighs as he took some toilet paper and helped to wipe her mouth clean. He smiled at her, nodding his head.

"Sorry about that sweetie...daddy just wanted to make sure you got it all out, you know? You were such a big girl, taking...all of that..."

With another sniffle, Shae's tail gave a little twitch as she looked up. She still had a rather hurt look on her face, having her throat stretched like that so suddenly. She looked to the side, huffing. He had a pretty good idea of how to make things better, however.

"Tell you what sweetie...since we left the movie early, how would you like to go out for some ice cream after this?"

While Shae still kept her determined little pout on her face, arms adorably crossed over her massive tits, the cheetah girl glanced back at her father, still speaking in her pouty little voice.

"...Cookie dough?..."

"Haha, yes sweetheart...we'll get cookie dough ice cream. Two scoops, just for you."

The subtle little wagging of his daughter's tail told him everything he needed to know. Everything was forgiven. Question was, would she be so easy to placate after he went through with what he now planned to do to her when they got home? That, only time would tell.


You're now realizing that you've been tricked, duped, swindled and bamboozled. Popcorn -was- the only thing spilled on the theater floor!

Dog Person Catches Small Mouse, Proceeds to Fuck It

Dog Person Catches Small Mouse, Proceeds to Fuck It By: Cellidor "It'll fit." Just a little note beforehand, this story is going to have a "split path" part-way through. One path for those who like "reasonable" sex, the other path for those who...

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Some Bunny Guy Gets Fucked By A Bunch of Horses

Some Bunny Guy Gets Fucked by Horses By: Cellidor "You can't spell 'subtlety' without an explosion or two" We both know why you're here. I know it, you know it, the town knows it. You want to hear about a guy getting fucked by horses. That said;...

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Nymph Amidst the Desert Sands

Nymph Amidst the Desert Sands By: Cellidor " is this the right button? You press this to record? Wait, is it on? Shit, how do I-" - _Confused person using recorder for first time_ "Well...this sucks". So it was that Nalin found himself in,...

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