A Lurking Monster

Story by BlakeTheDrake on SoFurry

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#3 of DragonRider Expanded Universe

While Anitra enjoys a well-deserved vacation, Tiffany - a farmgirl with a history of stumbling into misfortunate situations and needing rescue - stumbles on something strange. Rumors abound in the Equus Enclave about a monster in the jungle, spotted in flashes and glimpses through the trees. Mares worry for their foals, for all that they remain uncertain about whether there actually IS anything there. Tiffany, of course, decides to check - and finds herself in yet another troublesome situation. But this time, SHE may have to play the hero!

The character of Keltinor (and his kind) was created by Falquian - who also did the proofreading.

A Lurking Monster

Tiffany hummed merrily as she skipped down the winding path that led from the crater's edge to the lush jungles below. She had made the journey enough times to be perfectly comfortable with the seemingly-dangerous road, having learned for a fact that the footing was nowhere near as treacherous as the casual glance would suggest. Further down, she could see a train of heavily-loaded donkeys winding their way up, guided by a shrouded merchant. She gave him an energetic wave, and received a somewhat more subdued one in return - most of the merchants currently encamped in the steadily growing caravansary at the foot of the crater knew her by sight, if not by name.

She too was carrying a basket on her back, though one that wasn't nearly as large or heavy as what the sturdy little donkeys so easily ferried up the crater, to the soaring castle above. It was filled with fresh, delicious vegetables from the castle's immense kitchens - a 'surplus' that they just needed to get rid of before they wilted, or so the head chef had said with a wink and a nudge. He knew well how eager she was to take up any errand that would give her an excuse to visit the Horse-people's enclave, so really, he was killing two birds with one stone. Actually, on reflection, that sounded kind of unimpressive when you were talking about an immense, though very friendly, red-scaled dragon. Any stone thrown by _him_could easily flatten an entire tree and every bird in it. The thought made her giggle.

Tiffany giggled a lot. Well, these days she did, anyway. The world seemed to her full of inexplicable wonders and pleasures, of kind and friendly people who always smiled and laughed when they heard her giggle, calling it 'adorable' or just 'cute'. Some of it was probably just sheer contrast - after all, when you have spent close to a year languishing in the pits of Hell, enduring torture and rape on a daily basis, it didn't really take a great deal to qualify as a better life. But still, she was fairly confident that her new home, the Dragon Utopia, would've impressed her just as much if she'd just moved there straight from her childhood home... though, on reflection, that too was a pretty low bar to clear. Well, it was really nice there, was the point! Someone had told her that this was actually stated in the name itself... that 'Utopia' basically meant 'a place that's too good to be true'. Which certainly fit, in her opinion! And there were lots of dragons there, so - Dragon Utopia! Made perfect sense.

Crossing paths with the ascending caravan, she paused to pet the lead pack-donkey on the forehead, prompting a pleased braying that sounded vaguely familiar. Was this one of the donkeys she'd... gotten to know in the stables adjoining the castle's plaza above? She couldn't really say - much as she found the sturdy and affectionate critters lovely company, she had to admit that she really couldn't tell them apart, save for a few specimens who possessed some particularly distinguishing feature. The merchant waited with a tolerant smile while she scratched the donkey behind the ears, and then stood aside to let them pass, flashing him a sunny smile which he returned just as pleasantly.

It wasn't the sort of reaction you'd get from a merchant in most other places, she knew... not that she had that much experience with 'ordinary' towns. But she had spent a few dizzyingly lovely weeks in a harbor-town, years back, and she well remembered the way the merchants there had seemed to be in constant motion, always rushing here or there and seeming to somehow manage to hurry even while standing still - gesturing and shouting to draw in customers, brandishing fists or clubs to chase away light-fingered urchins, and all that kind of thing. Holding up a merchant's donkeys to pet them_there_ would've been far more likely to earn you a shove or a kick, rather than a smile.

But, ah, this was the Utopia. Even the traveling merchants, who stayed there only briefly before returning to the outside world loaded down by gold, gems and other valuables, could not avoid being infected by the languid lack of concern and general pleasantness that pervaded it. Here, no-one worried about where their next meal would come from, for life's necessities were freely provided to all who made their contribution in turn. No-one worried for their safety or security, either, under the watchful eyes of the dragons... well, most of the time. Apparently things had gotten a bit weird for a while just around the time she arrived there, but by the time she'd settled in and started getting to know people, it had all blown over - so, as far as she was concerned, she'd finally found a truly safe refuge!

And she wasn't the only one. She'd heard that right at first, the Utopia had only opened its doors to the exceptional - learned Sages and wise Wizards, masterful craftsmen and brilliant Alchemists, philosophers and theologians, historians and scribes! But things had changed, and they had begun to also offer refuge to those who needed it, so long as they devoted whatever skills they had - be they ever so simple - to the betterment of their society. She was no exception - six days a week, she worked alongside her newfound colleagues as part of the Free Lovers, dedicating hours of her time to satisfying the desires of those whose devoted pursuit of their chosen craft had left them with little time for building relationships.

It was pleasant enough work that she could hardly call it that - certainly much nicer than working in the fields! - but it wasn't really all that... pleasurable. Most of her regulars were terribly sweet and very gentle with her, but... well, she'd kind of wound up getting used to more than they were capable of delivering. It was fortunate indeed that her new friends among the Free Lovers had been able to so deftly teach her how to convincingly fake an orgasm. The fact that her customers always worked so hard to give her one was really just so nice of them, and it really wasn't their fault that they couldn't, so she was happy enough to just play along - it made them happy, after all, so where was the harm?

But, well, that DID leave her with certain... needs. Needs that required satisfaction, preferably several times a day. The donkeys did the trick, mostly. They always had energy to spare, and she'd long-since learned just how to handle them. Their size hit a nice spot too... big, certainly, but not so big as to hurt her no matter how hard they humped her. They were animals, after all, so she could hardly blame them for lacking restraint or concern for their partners. But... sometimes, she wanted something a bit... more. Something that made her feel a bit stretched. _ Full _. And maybe something a bit rougher.

And that was where the Horse-people came in. Fellow refugees, fleeing a devastating civil war in their homeland - which the DragonRider Anitra had then resolved, because of course she had, she was just _so_splendid! But most of them had decided to stay afterwards - they'd already started integrating into the Utopia by then and, like her, they had realized that it was basically the nicest place in the world - so why leave? Still, many of them still found it hard to truly wrap their minds around the way things worked in the Utopia: As long as you did your work, anything you wanted or needed was yours for the asking. A simple idea, but one that seemed profoundly unnatural to anyone accustomed to the outside world.

Thus, many of the Horse-people remained reluctant to ask for anything more than what they needed. And since they had started growing crops in great fields laid out according to ancient methods supplied by the dragons - designed to take advantage of the fertility of the jungle's black loam without exhausting it, supposedly - they didn't really need food. They were growing their own, after all, with plenty left to spare for the Utopia's humanoid inhabitants! Exotic, imported vegetables, however delicious, were... unnecessary. So they didn't ask for any.

Those of the dragons that interacted with their new, equine guests on a regular basis had grown wise to this, however, and seemingly accepted it as just an endearing peculiarity of theirs. The result was things like this - a chef deciding that, hey, he just had way too many of these delicious vegetables, so really, the Horse-people would be doing him a FAVOR by taking some of them off his hands! Or, claws. Talons? She'd never quite figured that out. Anyway, she could kind of understand where they were coming from. She, herself, still found it hard to accept that she could live such a pleasant life while doing relatively little - and rather pleasant - work. Hence why she often spent a fair amount of her spare time just running errands for the dragons. Errands like this one!

An errand that would give her an excellent excuse to visit that hot young colt again... she couldn't help but lick her lips in expectation, craning her neck to look at the village below. It had started out as a basic refugee camp, but once the Horse-people had made up their minds to stay, it had grown into a proper settlement. It had even grown a bit since, and not just from foals being born or coming of age - a handful of ragged Horse-people had drifted in on various caravans since its inception, quietly joining those already there with no-one asking too many questions about their origins. She'd asked around in the enclave and been told that most of them probably had worked for... umm... she couldn't remember the name, but the bad guy who'd started the war that the rest of them had fled originally. He'd lost eventually, of course, because of the DragonRider, and now another, much nicer guy was running things there and making the place all kinds of better. But even though he'd forgiven all those who'd fought alongside the bad guy, a lot of them still found it hard to fit into the new society he was building, so some of them wound up leaving... and the enclave at the Utopia was about the only place they could go.

She really didn't get it... any of it. Why leave if everyone had forgiven you for being a bad guy? You just had to... be good from then on, and everything would be fine, right? But instead they'd traveled soooo far just to live here instead, which did kind of make sense 'cuz the Utopia was so nice, but then the rest of the Horse-people who'd been driven from their homes by the bad guy they used to work for just... let them move right in without complaint? Grimacing, she chased that line of thought from her mind before it earned her a headache. It didn't matter, she quickly decided - all those kind of things, well, they were for other people to worry about.

What_did_ matter was that, recent additions aside, the Horse-people enclave was home to a small yet significant number of rather frustrated colts... young stallions, recently come of age, but finding themselves surprisingly short of options for working off their youthful hormones considering that there were far more mares in the enclave. Problem was, they had some pretty serious competition for those mares! She saw them herself all the time, up in the castle - working as personal servants for the dragons. Lots of male dragons wanted that kind of personal servant, as it turned out. And she could kind of understand that too - after all, if _dragons_were an option, everything else, including your own kind, just kinda' started to look cheap by comparison.

She'd considered it herself... chances were, she could handle some of the smaller races, like the Greens or the Blues or the Swamp-Dragons - but she honestly found the dragons a touch too intimidating to approach so easily. And besides, she kind of liked... well, fur and such. Feeling something warm and soft and just a little bit itchy rub against her skin... mmm. Slick, smooth scales just wouldn't be the same. So while the mares were busy cozying up to the dragons, she_took care of the leftover stallions. It was practically part of her duties! After all, the Horse-people had as much claim on the services of the Free Lovers as any other resident of the Utopia, even if they never _called on them - for the usual reasons, presumably.

Well, to be fair, so far it was just the one colt. An endearingly awkward but deliciously well-equipped young fellow who had been quite surprised find out just how capable she was of accommodating him. He wasn't even really that much more well-hung than the larger of the donkeys, but... he was a person, with hands and a quickly-learning mind. That opened up a _lot_of new possibilities. Including the possibility of him... bringing a few friends. As she'd told him he should last time she had an errand down there. Hopefully, by now he'd had the time to talk to a few of his similarly-aged peers and get them on board.

With a flush rising in her pale, befreckled cheeks and a growing wetness in her drawers, she continued down the last leg of the winding path at a hazardously high speed. First, business - handing out the vegetables. Then pleasure. Sweet, sweet pleasure...

Tiffany would have moaned as she watched the dangling ballsack grow to eclipse her entire field of view, finally resting physically against her face - but the solid foot-and-a-half of thick horsecock currently lodged in her gullet prevented her from producing so much as a gurgle. She did her best to silently signal her pleasure, however, by caressingly running her tongue along the edge of the radial ring that had so recently passed her lips. "Whoa... she really took it all! I can't believe she's actually a human!" An awestruck voice sounded from somewhere above, cracking slightly. "Well, she is, so don't stay that way too long or you'll choke her..." another voice answered, sounding more than a touch worried.

They needn't worry so much, really. Neither the Amazons nor the Demons had been so concerned about her well-being, and while none of them had been actively trying to kill her, she'd wound up passing out from lack of oxygen more than once, especially in the early days of her tutelage in the Amazon village. She'd learned to manage, adapting to the stresses and developing coping-mechanisms she barely understood - she just knew that if she breathed several times really quickly beforehand, and relaxed her whole body and cleared her mind during the process, it would take several minutes longer before her vision started to go dark. Sheer repetition had served as an enforced training-regimen - perhaps simply because Amazons and Demons alike had found her curly red hair to be such an attractive hand-hold. Honestly, her main complaint about the current situation was that her inability to breathe prevented her from smelling the taut, youthful scrotum that currently covered her nose, denying her the whiff of that fine, fresh, pheromone-choked sweat.

For most - human - women, getting gang-banged by a trio of virile young stallions would've pushed their bodies to its limits. But Tiffany's hard life had hit those limits long ago, and with such repeated and brute force that they had moved steadily further and further away. She could feel her straightened throat stretching outwards, her neck probably bulging visibly from the large penetration. Her stomach was bulging too, in no less than two points - one just below her navel, and the other a couple of inches to the left. Those would be the flared cockheads of the other two colts, currently fully embedded in her pussy and ass, respectively.

She could clearly feel the panting excitement of the one who'd taken her ass - after all, she was lying on top of him, her back against his rough-coated chest, his skinny yet strong arms wrapped around her, holding her in place. His hips twitched occasionally, shifting his long, hard cock in and out by an inch or two but mostly, he was done. He just laid there, enjoying the sensation of her tight ass squeezing down on his shaft, while the pressure of his recent cumload pushed against his flare, filling up the rest of her rectum. The one in her pussy was more active - still pumping steadily in and out despite his recent orgasm. Well, he might've been a bit more motivated than his friends, too - after all, he was her original lover, and the one who had invited the other two to the party. As the host, he thus needed to show a strong performance!

He certainly was - leaning over her body, putting a lot of weight behind his thrusts, and playing with her breasts while he did it. And, of course, reminding his flabbergasted friend to let her breathe on occasion, as he obediently did, pulling his cock back out far enough to let her draw in a nice, solid lungful of air through her nose, even as she watched the saliva-covered shaft emerge from between her lips. She took the opportunity to suck on his sensitive cockhead for a bit, tracing its contours with her tongue and teasing his thick, stubby urethra. Groaning in response, he shuddered and - having apparently accepted that her throat was more spacious than first assumed - rammed his cock home in one smooth movement, impaling her once more. With her head bent sharply back, her throat was perfectly straight and perfectly fuckable, and the colt finally seemed to have gotten far enough past his surprise to take full advantage of that.

She didn't get to take a lot more breaths as he rapidly throat-fucked her, panting himself from the exertion - but that was fine. He was young, after all, and quick on the trigger despite her having already sucked him to two orgasms by way of some less penetrative blowjobs. She was feeling only a bit faint when his increasingly swift thrusts suddenly stopped, leaving him once again fully buried and actually mashing his hips against her face as he came. She could feel his tip flare somewhere near her stomach, and the deluge of hot cum that poured directly into it - though, sadly, not taste any of it. But that was fine - she'd gotten to taste him twice already, and this kind of deepthroat stomach-filler was a worthwhile experience by itself.

Her vision had grown a touch dark around the edges by the time he managed to pull his still-flared cockhead back up through her neck, creating a visible bulge all the way, and even then he couldn't pull all the way out - at least, not without enduring some serious pain. Her jaws just wouldn't spread far enough, leaving the edges of his flared cockhead catching on her teeth. Not that she minded - she was breathing rapidly through her nose, enjoying the smell of the wet cock and replenishing her oxygen while simultaneously licking off the cum that had been left caked on the front of his flare.

Her sucking redoubled, hollowing her cheeks, when the orgasm hit - taking her by surprise. She'd been so preoccupied with the cock violating her throat that she hadn't noticed just how many sensitive spots the one in her pussy was grinding across as it pistoned in and out.... steadily building up the pressure that had just been released. She hadn't really been keeping count, but she figured she was probably sitting at around eight or nine orgasms by now. They had come thick and fast early on, while the three colts worked together to pour so much of their youthful energy into her, but had slowed as they gradually exhausted themselves.

This seemed like it would be all she'd get out of them, though. Despite the continued suction and tongue-stimulation, the flare in her mouth soon started to shrink until it finally slipped from between her lips with a plop. While its owner stumbled back and sat down heavily on a nearby chair, the colt who had so steadfastly continued to work his still-hard cock in and out of her pussy emitted a groan that sounded outright pained, and pumped a fresh load of horse-cum into her already overflowing womb. She let one of her hands caress her abdomen, fondling the inflated bulge there, and imagining that she could actually feel all the cum vibrate with youthful virility.

Supposedly, humans and horse-people could interbreed, but that wasn't much of a worry for her - when she signed up for the Free Lovers, she'd been supplied with an enchanted ring that served both protected against most diseases and served as a contraceptive. It was on her finger even now, ensuring that her amusements wouldn't have any long-term consequences - much as it aroused her to toy with the idea of removing it and letting herself get knocked up with a strong, healthy foal.

As she suspected, that was the last hurrah of the last holdout. Apparently feeling that he had adequately fulfilled his duties as a host, the young stallion took a shaky step back and pulled his rapidly-deflating cock out of the snug, wet embrace of her pussy, scraping his still-flared cockhead along it as he did so. Still, unlike her mouth, her labia had no trouble stretching around it and letting it plop out into the air. Almost at the same time, she felt the cock still lodged in her ass begin to soften as well - having apparently been kept hardened largely by the continued stimulation of the other colt's nearby activities. There really was nothing left for her to do but pull herself upright, and climb off the tired youth beneath her, letting his cock flop from her asshole to leave a brief gape.

After that, it was just a matter of cleaning herself up, toweling off the sweat and giving each of the three young stallions a kiss on the muzzle along with her thanks for a lovely afternoon. They all returned the gesture of affection with tired yet satisfied smiles, and waved her goodbye as she stepped out of the hut, her dress back in place and a spring in her step. This had probably been the most satisfying sex she'd had since coming to the Utopia, and the air tasted sweeter as ever as she walked through the village. She tried not to dwell on the fact that, all things considered, she still hadn't been fully satisfied. None of the colts had possessed the kind of girth she really wanted - the kind that would stretch her holes wide-open, straining her body to the limit. And, well, she could've happily continued that little foursome for another half-hour at least, if her three equine lovers had possessed the staying-power to do so.

But it wasn't as if she could think of any easy way to correct this shortfall, at least not in the short term. There were few full-grown stallions in the camp, and most of them were married. The rest were all the 'new arrivals' she'd pondered earlier - dour and withdrawn, given a respectful amount of space by their peers. Not exactly easy to approach with a proposal of casual sex. Now, quite a few of the caravans that visited the utopia used pack-horses for carrying their goods most of the way, or at least had horses for the merchant's own uses - potentially, if she made the right friends down in the main caravansary, she would have some options there... but chances were that most of those horses were either mares or geldings, and even if there were some fully-equipped stallions available, she wasn't sure if she really wanted to go there. The size and girth would be satisfying, to be sure, but combining it with the mindless, unrestrained power of a large animal could be a bruising experiences. She knew that much from hard-earned experience.

Wanting to take her mind off this situation - and being in no particular hurry to return to the castle anyway - she spent some time just ambling around town, looking at the way the Horse-people had started to adapt their original building-methods and way of life to such a vastly different environment and situation. Buildings had been constructed with an eye towards ventilation, keeping the jungle heat at bay, for example - while the castle above was kept pleasantly cool by a combination of being directly on top of a huge, deep lake and temperature-regulating magic woven into the very stones themselves, the enclaves that had sprung up around the crater weren't so lucky. The Rakshasa inhabiting the neighboring village were perfectly comfortable with the jungle-weather - the horse-people less so. But they were adapting, and with surprising speed!

Their traditional marketplace had changed too, reflecting the currency-free philosophy of their hosts. Items were supplied freely to any who needed them, with many of the stands being entirely unmanned - you could simply take whatever you wanted. Some stands WERE manned, however - or, in this particular case, mared. A sturdy-looking woman with gray stripes in her mane and tail was slinging great mugs of chilled cider - strong enough to have a bit of bite, but still weak enough that you weren't likely to get drunk off of it - to all the sweat-drenched workers who passed through the marketplace. Her booth got a lot of business, if that was the right word - and she handed Tiffany a heavy mug with a broad smile as soon as she drew near. She'd become a familiar face in the enclave by now, and many of the residents were silently grateful for the way she kept freely bringing them things they were reluctant to directly ask for. This mare seemed to understand things better than most, Tiffany reflected as she sat down in the shade of a broad-leafed tree to drink her cider. The cool drinks were all being ladled out of a huge cauldron lined with faintly-glowing blue runes. A product of the great crafting- and enchanting-workshops up in the castle, without a doubt.

Sitting there in the shade, watching the people go by, sipping at the huge mug - sized for hands far larger than her own - she overheard quite a few things. Farmers chatted about the coming harvest - which sounded very promising. A pair of workmen were discussing possible modifications to a building-design with a carpenter - something about 'breezeways'. A mare was crowing to another about how her daughter was a personal servant to one of the great dragons - and a _Gold_at that! - and how he trusted her implicitly and took her greatly into his confidence. And... oh, this sounded interesting...

A short handful of older mares had cornered one of the stallions who served as the enclave's mostly-ceremonial guard, and were complaining to him about a... monster in the jungle? Apparently, several of their children had reported seeing it while playing near the village, if only in glimpses. Something large moving through the undergrowth. Flashes of red and black amid the green. Hoofprints too large to come from any Horse-person, stamped on the soft soil of the jungle floor. The parents were concerned. They knew that even if they forbid their foals from playing outside the enclave's wall - itself mostly a matter of tradition, rather than security - they'd just sneak out anyway. One had even caught a small group of foals in making plans to explore the jungle specifically to _track down_this mysterious creature.

The guardsman clearly understood their worries, but wasn't sure what they expected him to do about it. After all, he was supposed to guard the village, not go traipsing through the jungle! And besides, wasn't it likely that the foals had just spotted some colorful jungle-birds and convinced themselves that it was a monster? Oh, those giant hoofprints? Probably just a grown stallion talking a walk out in the jungle, looking for some solitude - you know how kids tend to exaggerate stuff, right? Speaking of, they really shouldn't be playing around in the jungle regardless, there were perfectly natural but still potentially dangerous animals and insects out there - the further you got from the wards that the dragons had so generously placed around the village, the more likely you were to encounter something like that! So really, they should just be putting some more effort into straightening their foals out and teaching them to stay out of the jungle!

And with that, he'd managed to maneuver himself around to a position where he could beat a hasty retreat in the general direction of the tiny 'guardhouse' that stood by the main gates, leaving behind a trio of huffing and grumbling mares. After spending a few minutes discussing how useless the menfolk were, they briefly debated taking the matter directly to the dragons... but then, after a few awkwardly exchanged looks, unanimously decided not to bother their noble hosts with something that was, after all, merely hearsay from the mouths of children. After all, what if the dragons investigated and it turned out the guard had been right and there was nothing unusual out there? That would be terribly embarrassing! Therefore, with a shared resolution to tan the hide of the next foal they caught sneaking out of the village, the meeting broke up amicably.

Tiffany, however, was still sitting there, her mug of cider mostly empty, and a thoughtful look on her face - not a very common expression on her, truth be told. But, in this case, she knew something that none of the Horse-people involved in that little debate had been aware of... after all, the dragons understandably kept the fact that they had begun opening portals to the fiery pits of Hell itself and inviting demons through for visits secret. For now, at least. They WERE planning to go public with it if everything kept working out as well as it had so far - and just wanted a hefty pile of good results to show off when an inevitable, instinctive outcry of fear resulted from those news.

But Tiffany was in the know - along with the rest of the Free Lovers. After all they were running one of the primary pilot-programs, arranging meetings between Succubi and informed volunteers - who had proven remarkably easy to find, at that. One of the dragons had even specifically talked to her, asking if she really would be comfortable working alongside demons after her horrific experiences as a prisoner and slave in Hell. Well, she hadn't exactly been overjoyed at the prospect right at first, if she was to be honest - but she remembered the fact that, while she had suffered terrible torments at the hands of the demons, her savior Anitra had been leading an armyof other demons when she came to her rescue. And the people who had thrown her through a portal to the Nether Planes to suffer so terribly in the first place - those had been humans.

So, the way she saw it, there were bad people and there were good people, and that was what mattered, not whether those people were humans or demons. The dragon had seemed downright impressed when she told him so, complimenting her on her insightfulness - which she honestly found a bit confusing. She was pretty sure nobody had said_that_ about her before, and she wasn't entirely certain what it actually meant - but still, a compliment was a compliment!

Regardless, it had certainly been the right choice. The Succubi had been a bit awkward around her at first, but it had soon become clear that they had a lot in common. Tiffany well recalled hearing about 'Succubus training' during her stint in Hell, and occasionally saw it happening herself - and it had always seemed to her that the Succubus Trainees weren't being treated a whole lot better than her fellow slaves or herself. She'd decided to make sure that these Succubi were being treated better than that, and when she'd asked about it, they'd been moved to... well, not tears exactly, seeing as demons didn't _have_tear-ducts, and thus couldn't cry. But they'd definitely been moved by her concern, especially since several of them actually _had_spent time suffering through the 'traditional' training before deserting to join Kylaees' rebellion.

Before she knew it, all the Succubi had begun commiserating with the Lovers about past injustices, sexual trauma and all kinds of other things she couldn't quite follow - but the important thing was that, sure enough, some demons - like the Succubi who had been allowed to step through the portal to harvest emotional energy from the eager volunteers - were perfectly nice people.

Nonetheless, not ALL demons were that nice. She knew that too. So, what if something had... slipped through, along with the succubi? The dragons would be keeping a close eye on that, of course... probably with help from a bunch of demonologists and mages and wizards and whatnot, to boot. But it could still happen! Of course, from what the Succubi had told her, the fortress on the other side of the portal was, these days, completely under Kylaees' control. And Kylaees was a friend of Anitra's, so she had to be trustworthy! So... if someone _had_snuck through, it would still have to be one of her people, right? Maybe just someone who REALLY wanted to see the surface. The Succubi had certainly been delighted to be there, going on about how amazing it all was to them - they didn't even mind the fact that they needed to eat and drink up there, because there were so many amazing things to eat and drink!

It seemed possible... well, not terribly likely, but possible, certainly! Oh, but... if the dragons found out that a demon had snuck through the portal and was hiding out in the jungles, they'd probably be terribly angry, even if the demon didn't mean bad by it and really just wanted to experience the World-Plane for himself. Having spent some time in Hell herself, she could easily empathize with that feeling, certainly! But the dragons wanted everything to be perfect, a flawless record without unexpected problems that they could show off as evidence while confidently stating that dealing with the demons had proven to be completely safe and mutually beneficial.

Before she'd even really thought it through, she had left the village and, rather than follow the path that led to the winding road up the craterside, veered off in the direction of the untamed jungle. Well, if there was some good-natured demon out there who had simply committed an error of judgment and snuck through the portal, maybe she could help him! And if not, well, maybe she could figure out what_it was that those foals had seen, and quiet the concerns of those mares she'd overheard back there. It didn't seem right to keep the foals out of the jungle altogether - the wards were powerful, so as long as you didn't go _too deep, it was really perfectly safe. Well, unless you climbed one of the thick jungle-trees or clinging vines and then fell down, but that was part of childhood, right? She was fairly sure she'd heard something like that, at least. Her own childhood had been... different.

An hour later, she rather regretted her hasty decision. She should've gone back for some more practical clothes, at least. And maybe a canteen of water, or something. The dense, moist heat that hung between the jungle-trees was making her rapidly sweat out the mug of cider she'd had earlier, and she was fast growing exhausted despite all her hard-earned stamina. She hadn't found anything - no glimpses of demons or other monsters, no strange tracks. Just a lot of colorful plants and small, harmless, adorable animals living among the trees and throughout the undergrowth. Still, it was clearly time to head back to the castle - it was getting towards evening, anyway, and she didn't want to miss dinner. She just needed a short rest to get her breath back before she turned around... and fortunately, she'd just spotted a small clearing where the air felt a bit cooler and more breathable thanks to a light but steady breeze.

At first she was about to settle down in the clearing itself - but then, belatedly, she realized that despite all her sweating, some of the cider was still coming back out by the more conventional route. Squatting in the middle of the clearing just felt... weird, and exposed, despite the fact that she seemed to be entirely alone there, so she instead headed to the edges and found a nice, private nook between a large bush covered in colorful flowers, and the moss-grown trunk of a tree. After answering the call of nature and wiping herself down with a convenient (and surprisingly soft) leaf, she'd come to the conclusion that it was actually a lot nicer back there - even if the breeze was less noticeable, it was also nice and shady, so it balanced out. Moving a bit to the side to avoid the wet spot she'd just created, she sat down with her back to the treetrunk and sighed contently. She'd just rest for five, maybe ten minutes, and then make her way back to the castle... back home...

She woke with a start, briefly disoriented. Looking around, she saw that the light filtering down through the tree-crowns was red - it had to be near sunset. Well, damn - she'd missed supper! It wasn't a big deal, of course - any time you were hungry, you could just head to the kitchen. The dragons there were always happy to feed any starving soul that came their way, and she was after all particularly good friends with the big Red who ran the place. But the dinners back at her block of the Human Quarters weren't just a matter of eating food - they were a regular social event, filled with laughter and jokes and anecdotes about the day. Rather resembling the joyful family dinners she never got to have when she was younger, she figured.

Suddenly, she realized what had woken her up. It wasn't just the steady drop in temperatures or the growing hunger in her belly - but the sound of footsteps in the underbrush. No... not footsteps. Hooves, she was pretty sure. Had the horse-people sent out a search-party just because she hadn't shown up for dinner? That would be SO embarrassing! Cautiously, she peered around the side of the tree she'd been sleeping against, and spotted what was, sure enough, a horse-person emerging into the clearing. A young mare, to be specific, and wearing a dress that seemed rather too nice for traipsing through the jungle. Her coat was honey-blond, with her mane and tail a paler shade, verging on platinum-blond - altogether elegant, and vaguely familiar. Tiffany found herself raking her mind trying to remember where she'd seen the filly, distracting her from calling out a greeting.

Before she managed to get anywhere with that, another figure entered the clearing from the opposite side - a young man. He was wearing a robe, not much different from the many other scholars and arcane practitioners that could be found in the depths of the castle, usually shuffling from the library to the debating-halls - except for the fact that this young fellow filled out his robe better than most of them. He was clearly in remarkably good shape for a scholar, with hard muscle visible even through the baggy robes. His face was handsome in a rugged sort of way, and his hair was bright red - all in all, he looked more like someone who should be wearing armor and brandishing a sword on a battlefield somewhere, not brandishing a scroll in a fierce philosophical debate. Well, except for his expression, which was rather meek, worried, and just downright shifty, with his dark eyes darting back and forth across the clearing as he stepped forwards - though seemingly failing to spot Tiffany in her inadvertent hiding-place.

The mare looked down her muzzle at him, beckoning him forwards with an imperious gesture. "Nice to see that you're punctual for once, my little pet monster... well, don't waste my time, then. Get over here." The man flinched, but obediently stepped forwards. "Please... can't we do this somewhere else? My chambers back at the castle are heavily warded. We'd have perfect privacy." She snorted dismissively, and suddenly lashed out with one hand, slapping him in the face. "Don't be a fool! I already told you, I can't be seen entering the chambers of random men. I've got a reputation_to uphold. Besides, this works just fine for me. If someone were to walk in on us, well, I doubt that'd cause _me any trouble... not that anyone is likely to be out here at this hour." The last part was said with an unpleasant smirk, causing the young man to shrink away from her, grimacing and holding his reddened cheek.

Tiffany, meanwhile, shrank in closer to the tree, barely keeping one eye beyond the trunk, wondering what it was she was seeing. How was that mare getting away with treating that young man in such a fashion? With all those muscles, he shouldn't have to take that kind of treatment lying down, even if he didn't have actual combat-training to go with them... and why had she called him her 'pet monster', anyway? Oh! Now that she thought about it... she DID know who that mare was! The voice and that attitude was the clincher. Well, she didn't actually know her name or anything, but she'd definitely seen - and heard - her before.

Specifically, when she'd overheard a small herd of 'personal servants' up in the castle, converging to talk shop and exchange advice and stories. It wasn't that she'd been eavesdropping or anything, she'd just happened to be standing around nearby and found the topic... intriguing. And this particular mare had stood out - in a particularly unpleasant way. One of the mares had just started to describe the most intriguing 'equipment' of her Master, a young Swamp-Dragon, when another had interrupted her with acerbic mockery - dismissing a 'mere' Swamp-Dragon as not being worth talking about, and bragging about how she served one of the rare and powerful_Gold_-dragons. The other mares had winced but remained silent, clearly fearing her sharp tongue - and the little meeting had broken up soon afterwards, without any more juicy tidbits being mentioned.

While she ran through that memory, that same, unpleasant mare scowled at the cowed man before her, and then lifted up her dress to reveal that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. "Now, enough of your pathetic complaining - start preparing me as usual, and be _thorough_this time!" With a heavy sigh, the man glumly nodded and sank down to his knees before her, before leaning forwards to bury his head between her lightly-spread thighs. Tiffany's eyes widened as she watched the unfolding tableau, and her ears perked up as well, catching the telltale sound of the young man's tongue digging into the mare's pussy. Come to think of it, the jungle had gone strangely quiet around her - more than just the passage of the two visitors in the clearing could really account for, but Tiffany didn't have much attention to spare for that mystery.

At first, the man was just quietly kneeling there, obediently licking the mare's pussy - but as a small, strangled moan escaped from between her lips, he seemed to grow more animated. His hands rose to grip her hips, pulling her forwards into his mouth, and he seemed to grow more aggressive in his oral assault. She actually stumbled a half-step forwards so that she was practically standing over him, her groin resting on his upturned face, and judging from the way she was starting to pant, his tongue was inflicting a fair amount of pleasure in the process.

After several minutes of this, she gritted her teeth and reached down to push against his forehead. "Enough... you're getting ahead of yourself!" she panted. For a moment, his fingers continued to dig into her hips, holding her firmly in place - then they grew slack and his hands fell to his side once more. She lifted herself off of his now juice-streaked face, revealing a deeply conflicted expression - and then flashed a swift kick forwards between his legs, hitting his chest and abdomen as much as his groin but nonetheless causing him to double over with a groan. Reaching down, she grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back up, hissing "You forget yourself, pet. I choose what you lick, when, and for how long - not you." A grimace of pain and frustration flashed across his face - then it went blank, and he silently nodded.

With a snort, she gave him a quick parting slap, before stepping back and turning around. Lifting her tail she reveal her sphincter, rising thick and puckered between her ass-cheeks. "You've still got work to be done, beast - don't slack off..." She pushed her rear back towards him and, with a renewed grimace, he leaned in and began to tenderly lick her asshole, massaging the rim with his lips and tongue while her panting redoubled. The brief display of eagerness he'd shown while eating her pussy did not repeat itself - he simply kneeled there, obediently doling out a thorough rimjob while she ground her ass against his face, thrusting her hips back. "Go deeper..." she breathed between pants. "Clean your Mistress' ass thoroughly, you pathetic wretch!"

When she was finally satisfied, visibly biting her lip against the yelps of pleasure that might otherwise have resulted, she took a step forwards and spoke - somewhat breathlessly - over her shoulder. "Now... I trust you remembered to bring the lube?" He nodded silently and reached into one of his belt-pouches, drawing out a covered salve-tub. The contents were smeared across her sphincter and poured inside, raising a few shivers from her. Only then did she nod. "Good enough. No more delays, then. Show me what kind of monster you really are, pet..."

She took a couple of staggering steps across the clearing and leaned against a thick tree - not too close to the one Tiffany was hiding behind, fortunately - bending seductively at the waist. Meanwhile, the young man - making a face as if he'd bitten into something rotten - rose from his kneeling position and stripped off his robes, along with his underthings and even the sandals he'd been wearing. He was every bit as ruggedly muscular as he had seemed, and well-equipped besides... well, for a human. It really didn't look like anything that'd impress a mare. Tiffany was starting to feel a bit guilty about her voyeurism at this point, however. So far, it just seemed like a somewhat off-beat relationship between a human and a horse-girl - the only thing strange was the man's attitude, but maybe that was all just part of the game? She'd seen stranger. Several times.

Then, in a flash, it became very clear that things weren't that simple, as the red-headed man transformed before her eyes. His body shifted rapidly before her, growing vastly larger and simultaneously surging forwards - even as the mop of red that had crowned his head seemed to spread and cover his entire body. Moments later, something truly monstrous was standing before her - it was bigger than a draft horse, and definitely equine, but its coat was as red as newly-shed blood, while the tail and mane had a slightly darker shade, more like a fresh bruise or something of that nature. The hooves were black as obsidian, and so were the two horns that curved out from his temples, resembling those of a ram before turning into a pair of forwards-angled points - closer to a bull at that point. Certainly, it was a creature that amply deserved the moniker of 'monster' - and a likely explanation for the flashes of red and black that the foals back at the village had spotted in the vibrantly green jungle.

However... even on that blood-red, equine face, in those jet-black eyes that seemed to somehow sparkle golden in the rays of the setting sun, the same expression remained. One of conflict and distaste. Still, he stepped forwards, huge hooves leaving deep marks in the soft ground, towering over the bent-over mare as she glanced back over her shoulder and licked her lips eagerly. Refocusing her attention, Tiffany could see why, and felt a blush of arousal rise to her own cheeks. If the man had been decently well-hung, the monster was far more than that. Not one, but two equine shafts, as red as his coat near the base and barely less so near the tip, were dangling between his hind-legs, slowly hardening and rising towards the horizontal - each of them fully in harmony with his body-size.

Heck, it didn't even end there - as the pair of cocks rose to full erection, it became clear that they had an additional feature. Behind the flat heads, there were rows of tiny, fleshy barbs, encircling them completely. She was vaguely familiar with this feature - a few of the demons she'd encountered during her imprisonment in Hell had sported something similar. So she knew that they could be incredibly stimulating if applied carefully, and downright torturous if applied roughly. Those two incredible rods were now leveled squarely at the horse-girl's rear holes as she stood there, tail raised and dress piled around her waist. Rearing over her, the creature's obsidian forehooves transformed - with an unpleasant, creaking noise - into a pair of long, sharp talons that bit easily into the same tree she was leaning on, albeit a bit higher. It groaned as it took his weight, but it certainly handled it better than the diminutive filly beneath him would've.

Panting, she spoke up again, calling up around the broad chest that now hung above her head. "Careful, now... you know how I like it. Don't be too rough, or else..." The only answer she received was a sigh, but as the equine monster adjusted his hind-legs and carefully aimed his cockheads at the two available openings, he did indeed proceed to slowly, carefully push himself forwards - rather than violently ramming the two thick penises home with a single flex of his immensely-powerful hindquarters. Her pussy and asshole alike parted around his girth, causing the filly to let her head drop between her shaking arms and groan. Tiffany had a hard time not following suit, and her fingers had somehow found their way into her panties all unbidden, where they'd discovered a veritable flood.

Once the initial shock of the transformation had finished washing over her, she'd realized that he wasn't a demon after all. It resembled them in certain ways, but... somehow, it just didn't fit. She couldn't really say why, but having spent so much time around - and under - demons, she could just kinda' tell. This one was a being of the World-Plane. Some kind of creature or monster she'd never heard about, perhaps, or a mad wizard's experiment - but completely biological, regardless. And also equipped with the most magnificent set of cocks she'd ever seen. Could she take them the way the mare was doing right now? Probably not, she had to admit. Even ONE of them would stretch her to the limit... but ooooh, how sweet that would be...

While she silently began to masturbate, the monster-horse before her was setting up a slow and steady rhythm, pushing his twin shafts into the mare beneath him until his radial rings hit her sphincter and labia, respectively. Then he reversed direction, pulling out at an extremely sedate pace but nonetheless drawing an inevitable succession of moans and gasps from the horse-girl as the small spikes beneath his heads raked across her sensitive insides. He kept pulling back until those very same barbs began to slip out of their respective holes, raising even more pants and moans - and giving Tiffany, who was largely seeing the action through the gap between his hind-legs, a fine view.

The pace was accelerating, but only very, very slowly. Tiffany watched the mare's legs near-buckle with orgasmic tremors three times, even as the huge stallion just shuddered with restrained energy. Gradually, however, his movements grew more energetic, and his technique gained a twist here and there. He'd push forwards a bit harder, grinding his cockheads against whatever barriers they'd come up against deep inside the horse-girl. He'd give his hips a literal twist when he was almost all the way out, teasing her sphincter and labia by rubbing his head-barbs across them. Judging by the moaning, she was rather enjoying it.

Then, finally, the thrusts picked up an insistent kind of force, growing shorter and faster while the monstrous creature panted. The final stroke literally knocked the mare off her feet - pushing her face and chest into the tree-trunk even as her hooves scrambled for purchase on the ground, her hindquarters kept in place solely by the two thick cocks embedded in it. She was held there while he threw his head back and whinnied through clenched teeth, and Tiffany thought that she could actually see the mare's belly swell and stretch from the quantity of cum that was pouring into her womb and intestines alike. For a moment, the entire arrangement seemed to teeter unsteadily, and though she found it hard to tear her eyes away from the main event, she realized that the obsidian claws that had held him in place had shifted back into hooves - albeit clearly razor-sharp ones, considering that he'd managed to dig them into the tree well enough to keep his balance regardless.

As the massive orgasm ran its course and the shivering tension in the equine beast's huge haunches faded, however, the mare found herself regaining purchase - and, as soon as she had one hoof solidly planted in the ground, she lifted her other leg and angrily lashed out behind her. The angle was slightly awkward, but she hit her mark nonetheless - and the strength of the horse-people's hoofed legs were not to be underestimated. A high-pitched shriek emerged from the huge stallion's mouth as his testicles swung back, arched up and impacted his rear just below his tail-hole. His obsidian hooves lost purchase on the tree and skidded several inches down it, tearing out wide strips of bark, before gradually morphing back into a set of huge claws and reasserting his grip.

With pain no doubt roaring through his body, his already-fearsome face twisted into a grimace of anger and hatred, bloodlust glowing in his night-black eyes while his horns seemed to sparkle golden - though that might have been just a trick of the dying light. The claws he was holding himself up with seemed to grow just a touch longer, and dug deeper into the tree, causing sticky sap to run lazily down the bark. The mare beneath him, however, could see none of this from her limited perspective, and just growled up at him. "I TOLD you to be gentle. You're supposed to pleasure me, not try to get your damn own rocks off! If you don't shape up, I won't have much reason_not_ to tell the dragons about the monster hiding in their midst, will I?"

Somehow, though, this final threat got through to the increasingly infuriated monster, and with obvious effort he swallowed his anger and nodded. "My apologies. I merely... lost my composure for a moment." he said shakily. She laughed in response. "I'm sure you did! I know my tight, sexy body's irresistible, but you'll just have to do your best nonetheless, hmm? Now get back to work - I haven't had my fill yet. And do it properly, or I will personally stomp your stinking balls into mush, ensuring that you won't be so distracted again in the future. Understood?!" "Yes, Mistress..." he virtually whispered, and with a pained shudder he began to move again - pumping his cocks slowly in and out of her now cum-packed orifices and creating loudly erotic squelching sounds in the process.

He slow-fucked her to at least three more orgasms that Tiffany could spot - and she was pretty sure that despite her complaints, she'd reached another climax when he'd rammed her off her feet in order to plant his seed. Only then did she finally sigh and pat his chest with one hand. "All right, that'll do pet... that'll do. Now get off of me, you pathetic sack of shit!" Obediently, the huge stallion stepped back, pulling out of her and leaving his two enormous, cum-stained shafts swinging in the breeze, practically vibrating with unreleased energy. Ducking out from beneath him, the mare glanced dismissively at them, viciously slapping them aside as she stepped to the side and straightened up.

He stood silently beside her as she took a few steps away, then squatted down to squeeze what seemed to be a gallon or two of off-white jizz out of the two gaping orifices between her legs with a groan. Only then did she grab a worn piece of cloth from a pouch on her belt, and use it to wipe down her groin and inner thighs before finally stuffing the messy thing back in the pouch and rising with a sigh. "Such a messy pet..." she complained tauntingly, and gave the blood-red stallion a last, insulting pat on the flanks before starting across the clearing. Before she disappeared into the jungle, she called over her shoulder. "I'll see you next week, wretch. Same time, same place. Maybe practice your self-control 'till then, hmm?"

The monster-horse did not answer. He just stood there, head bowed, twin cocks throbbing painfully between his hind-legs, making Tiffany long to step out there and offer to help him with that. But she understood too little of what was going on. She hadn't the first idea of what this creature even was. And also, he might not be happy about discovering that someone had been getting voyeuristic jollies out of watching his performance. Fortunately, she'd long-since learned to keep her own orgasms nice and quiet, if only to avoid the humiliations that several of her past captors had enjoyed piling on those who actually managed to get off on the rough treatment.

So, instead, she remained in her hiding-place and watched. After a couple of minutes, the blood-red stallion lifted his head and sighed. Then, with obvious effort, he began to shift, his form changing and shrinking. It took much longer than when he'd assumed the equine form, and judging by the way his morphing face was twisting, it didn't seem to be a pleasant process... but after less than five minutes, a muscular, red-haired young man was standing in the middle of the clearing once more, buck-naked and sporting a vibrant erection.

Then, he simply collapsed in on himself, rolling himself into a ball on the ground, hugging his knees and weeping. Great, raking sobs could be heard trembling through the air, and Tiffany found herself feeling far more embarrassed and voyeuristic than when she'd simply watched him fuck the unpleasant mare earlier. If nothing else, she was convinced now that this wasn't some kind of game or make-believe. This... creature, whatever he was, wasn't a willing participant. He feared discovery, and the mare was threatening him with just that to force him into being her obedient pet. How far could she push him before he cracked, though? Even if there was nothing more to him than what she'd seen with her own eyes so far, it was abundantly clear that he could tear that girl into tiny shreds in an instant. Heck, if he did it out there, in the jungle, it was unlikely that anyone would find the pieces before a variety of small scavengers had made off with them...

While she wondered if that mare truly had no idea what kind of razor's edge she was walking on, the young man unfolded himself somewhat from his knotted-up position. Tears were still streaming down his face, and the occasional sob shook his body, but his cock was still pointing rigidly out from his groin. Clearly, whatever his mental state, his body's desires remained unwavering. Wrapping one hand around it, he began to pump it, fast and hard, as if driven more by anger than lust. He was gritting his teeth, closing his eyes against the sensation or the tears, or perhaps both. It didn't take long - a handful of strokes later, he came - in spectacular form. In an instant, he had morphed once more, returning to that towering, equine form, the single, human-sized cock in his suddenly-disappeared hand transforming into those twin columns she'd seen before... and spraying bucketfuls of thick spooge all over the clearing, leaving it to soak into the grateful ground.

Tiffany snuck away at that point, setting her feet down carefully and counting on the bright-red creature being temporarily distracted by the orgasm. She had a pretty good idea about what'd come next, anyway - another painful five-minute transformation back to human, some time spent cleaning up and/or sobbing, then donning his robes again and returning to the castle with none the wiser. She didn't need to see all that - she needed to get away, and find some space to think. Thinking wasn't something she usually spent a lot of time on, but she could do it when needed!

Oh, but first, she really needed to get back to the castle... specifically the castle's kitchens. Boy, she was famished! Walking around the jungle for ages, and then rubbing one - or two, or three - out to the perverse display in the clearing had taken a lot of energy. And she should probably get some sleep afterwards... it was getting kinda' dark, after all. Enough so that she'd have to be careful on her way up the winding path to the crater's rim... So, yes, food, and then sleep! And... thinking? Well, maybe tomorrow...

To her own mild surprise, she actually found herself thinking rather hard about it the next day. She kept coming back to the image of the young man - whatever he actually was - collapsing in tears after the scene in the clearing. It reminded her of things she'd long suppressed... of her childhood, and the tears she'd shed the night her father took her virginity. And, well, many other things. She was well aware that her own attitude towards rape was abnormal, but she couldn't really help it. It was just the life she'd lived - one that made even the other girls in the Free Lovers, who had been bought and sold as sex-slaves, wince when she told them about it. For her, it had become... normal. Not a pleasant thing, perhaps, but simply a discomfort that you occasionally had to weather, like getting caught out in a rainstorm or stubbing your toe. But while it was foggy, she still did remember what it had been like before she turned so jaded - the pain that cut so much deeper than the merely physical.

It was really throwing her off her game, which was unfortunate since she was supposed to be working today. She found it necessary to reassure several of her regulars that they weren't doing anything wrong or anything, she was just... tired, that was all. Hadn't gotten enough sleep last night. Not that her distracted mind was preventing her from suitably satisfying them. Pleasing a man - or demon, or amazonian shemale - was something she could more or less do in her sleep by now. But it was throwing off the timing and precision of her 'orgasms'.

After a few such incidents, she somewhat shamefacedly asked Geiko - the stunningly beautiful woman who served as the Free Lovers' manager and unofficial 'brothel mama' - if she could maybe have the rest of the day off, please - she'd come in on her regular day off and make up for it, honestly! She got her already-messy hair tussled and a motherly laugh for her troubles - along with a calm reassurance that there was nothing wrong with taking a day off if you just weren't feeling well, be it physically or mentally... so she should just run on home, get some rest, and not worry about coming in on her day off.

So it was with a light heart that she skipped from the collection of opulently-appointed chambers that nobody ever came right out and called a brothel - but not towards her own room. She wanted to do something about that strange creature she'd seen in the clearing. She wanted to help him. But what could she do? Probably not a whole lot - so her best bet was to just turn the whole matter over to more capable hands. Surely, Anitra would know what to do - and she_had_ specifically asked to be informed if anything ever troubled her. Actually, her exact words had been "Before you do anything that could POSSIBLY result in you getting kidnapped or taken prisoner in any way, shape or form, please come talk to me first..." But, well, a mysterious, shape-shifting monster infiltrating the castle probably counted under that header anyway, right?

She was halfway to the Champion's Quarters when she suddenly remembered something important. There wasn't going to BE anybody there! She'd watched the DragonRider depart on her terrifying - yet surprisingly friendly - steed, along with her two servants, just yesterday morning, before she went to work. They were off to the sea, apparently, for a beach-side vacation, and likely wouldn't be back for at least a week. Pausing in the corridor, she chewed on her lip. Maybe she could just wait? No, no... last night in the clearing, the mare had said something about meeting again in a week. And the shape-shifter was clearly at the end of his rope. Even if Anitra returned before the next appointed time, just the approach of it might push him to do something rash... and if Anitra was even a day later than the mentioned week, he'd be back in that clearing, and... well, she just didn't want that to happen!

So what, then? She could go directly to the dragons, perhaps... but she didn't really know which dragon - even the ones she interacted with regularly, she still didn't know all that well - and it was clear that the dragons finding out about him was specifically what the monster had most feared. Telling on him thus seemed like a kind of help he'd be unlikely to be grateful for. Ugh... she just didn't know enough. And she couldn't think of who to turn to instead. Which meant she needed to find out what to do for herself! And she knew where people usually went to find out stuff in the Utopia. She hadn't really been there before, but she knew roughly where it was, and at this time of day she could mostly just follow the steady stream of scholars and scribes going to and fro.

Entering the Great Library of the Utopia, she was momentarily awestruck by the sight. She'd never seen so many books before - never _imagined_so many books before. Books were rare and valuable by most reckonings. Her father had owned one - a holy book, supposedly, describing the tenets of the religion he claimed to espouse. He'd never told her much about it, but she felt subtly certain that whatever God he claimed to follow, he hadn't been doing a terribly good job of it. In the harbor-town where she'd spent some time after escaping from the farm - and her psychotic father - with her brother, there'd been a bookseller, filled with great tomes and huge price-tags. She remembered looking through those windows, and those of many other shops, and idly wondering how it was that some people could afford such extravagant luxuries and others couldn't.

Well, the contents of that entire bookstore could have fit on a half-shelf of the narrowest of the bookcases she now saw - and each of them seemed to rise to the very heavens. The room was large and high-roofed even by draconic standards, and everywhere there were books. She could see people entering and leaving neighboring rooms, too - often carrying books - so presumably there were even more in there that she couldn't see. Before stepping in there, she would not have guessed that so many books existed in the entire world, let alone a single library.

As she stood there and gaped, the library's visitors continued to flow around her going in both directions - fortunately, the entrance-way, like everything else, was dragon-sized, so she wasn't really getting in anyone's way. Still, she felt badly out of place. Now that she thought about it, you probably required special permission to access the library. It was a place for educated people, scholars and wizards and so on, not for a runaway farm-girl like her who'd had most of her education at the hands of brutal, Amazonian slave-masters. She was just about to take a step back and turn around on her heel when someone walked close by her shoulder - someone who was filling out a simple, undecorated robe with a lot more muscle than any of the other visitors, and whose short-cropped, bright-red hair stood out like a beacon on top of his head.

He was heading towards one of the rear rooms, away from the library's main hall, but when he paused to nod politely at the towering Bronze who presided over the front desk, she got a look at his face - and saw in it an expression of dour resignation that only served to rouse more memories. It was the face of someone who was caught in a terrible situation, and had just about given up on it ever getting better. She'd seen it on the faces of fellow captives both among the Amazons and in Hell - heck, she'd probably worn it herself once. Maybe for a long time. The last couple of years she spent as a slave to the Amazons, after her brother had been sacrificed to their cruel gods, had all been kind of a blur - until Anitra had appeared, like a gleaming star, and saved her.

Now, it was her turn to save someone in need. Her resolve solidified, she stepped into the library and approached the front desk. There was a stepladder there for non-dragons to use, fortunately. The immense Bronze behind it craned his neck to look down at her as she climbed it, and she tried hard to calm her suddenly-accelerating pulse by focusing on the fact that however huge and inhuman they were, his eyes seemed gentle and kindly. "And what can I do for you, little miss?" He asked, his voice soft and quiet despite his towering stature. Quickly swallowing, she spoke up in her sweetest, most wheedling voice. "Well, I kind of wanted to read a book, you see... about strange creatures and monsters and that sort. There's so many strange beings in this world of ours, right? So I wanted to know more about them..."

The Bronze lowered his head a bit further, peering more closely at her. "I... see. I take it you aren't a registered scholar?" She blushed and wrung her hands, before forcing herself to stop and lifting one hand to show the ring that crowned her right hand. "Um, no... I just work here in the castle, with the Free Lovers. Does... that mean I'm not allowed here?" The ring she'd been given when she joined the group not only prevented pregnancies and warded off disease, it also served as a sort of 'badge of office', though this was the first time she'd really needed to use it as such.

The Bronze focused on the ring for a moment, then chuckled and shook his head. She got the feeling that if his individual talons hadn't been the size of her entire arms, he would've petted her on the head. "Oh, nothing of the sort, miss. Anyone who wants to learn is welcome here, and it sounds like you qualify! I merely cannot allow you to access our arcane section without proper authorization - I'm sure you understand."

He straightened up a bit as she nodded, and then turned to the vast collection of wooden drawers that dominated the wall behind him, and pulled one out. She couldn't see what was in it from her low angle, but it sounded like he was leafing through reams of thick paper with one carefully-controlled talon. "Now, you said that you wanted to read a book about the monsters and other strange creatures that plague our world... I daresay I have a few such tomes. Anything specific you're looking for?" His quiet, level voice and the way he seemed to be taking her as seriously as any other visitor to his kingdom of books and tomes helped to calm her down, and gave her enough courage to answer "Umm... one with lots of illustrations would be nice..." without blushing too badly.

He merely nodded, making no comment, and flipped through the drawer for a few more seconds. Then he pulled a large square of cardboard out of it - well, large for her, anyway, but tiny between his huge claws - and lifted it to get a closer look, squinting slightly. With a satisfied nod, he then turned around and placed the cardboard square on a low stone plinth set into the front desk, its edges engraved with arcane symbols and inlaid with gold. Immediately, the symbols lit up - glowing in the warm orange of a candleflame - and a small mote of pure light formed in the air above it. "This Wisp will lead you to the book you require. Now, generally, the books cannot be removed from these premises without suitable authorization, but seeing that this particular work is neither rare nor especially valuable, I'll make an exception in this case." He smiled warmly down at her, prompting her to return it wholeheartedly. He really seemed to be a terribly nice dragon! "Just bring it by the counter if you want to check it out... of course, you are also welcome to use one of the reading-rooms. We have several set up for... people of your size."

He gestured towards some of the side-rooms that she had initially assumed held more books - from her current, heightened position, however, she could tell that they did, indeed, mainly contain rows of desks with comfortable-looking chairs attached, many of them occupied by visitors bending studiously over some tome or other. "I think the reading-room will be fine!" She declared, and jumped down the step-ladder two steps at a time. A reading-room! Not only was she visiting a library, but she'd be taking one of its many tomes into a reading-room filled with all manners of studied gentlemen. If only her brother could see her now...

Swiftly chasing away the momentary melancholy that this thought prompted, she followed the wisp as it floated before her, never straying more then a couple of feet away. It led her into the labyrinthine rows of bookcases and shelves, to a section where the books looked simple and sturdy, without any fanciful binding or decorations. Finally, it stopped in front of a specific book - on one of the lower shelves, blessedly, saving her the inconvenience of having to fetch one of the great rolling ladders - and just hung there, shining its teeny light on the cover. Reaching for it, she pulled it out, and the wisp winked out of existence, its job completed.

She looked down at the book in her hand, admiring it and feeling its weight. The cover was sturdy leather and somewhat scratched. The only adornment was the somewhat-fancy golden script on the front - a title and the name of the author, nothing else. Lips moving, she slowly worked her way through it. 'FANTASTIC BEASTS And Where To Find Them', it read - and below, in smaller letters: 'Newt Scamander'. She couldn't resist taking a peek inside - and was shocked to find that somebody had written on the first page! With her rudimentary skills, she couldn't decipher the handwriting - but when she turned the next page, she was relieved to discover that the actual text was far neater. Almost impossibly neat, really - it did not look as if it had been written by any human hand. Maybe a wizard had created it? It seemed like a teaching-book of some kind - though not one that would be part of the syllabus of any regular school. Well, that would explain it, she supposed - surely, wizards could just snap their fingers and create a whole book out of thin air. Or maybe they had enchanted quills that just wrote the text out for them.

Quickly closing the book, she carried it to the reading-room the librarian had pointed to, and found an empty seat. The chair was as comfortable as it had looked, and a glowcrystal was mounted over the table to provide a fine reading-light. The room was silent except for the occasional rustle of a turned page. She took a moment to just breathe it in and enjoy the atmosphere before bending over her own book and steeling herself for the challenge she now faced.

It was only after the DragonRider Anitra had saved her from the clutches of the Amazons, several years later, that she had even started to learn how to read and write. The kindly old farmer whose care she had been placed into had a couple of rather tattered books, and did his best to provide her with a bit of education - though she never quite managed to grasp anything beyond the merest basics. Then her education was so rudely interrupted by a trip to Hell, and she most certainly didn't learn any new letters during the months she spent_there_.

She had been rather embarrassed about her lack of education when she arrived at the Utopia, but she'd soon discovered that most of her colleagues within the Free Lovers were in the same boat. One glaring exception was the beautiful Geiko, who had apparently been trained as a 'Courtesan' - which, as far as Tiffany could gather, was basically a kind of prostitute for higher nobility and royalty, and thus distinct from the common whores frequented by regular people. As such, she'd learned how to read, write, recite poetry, play several musical instruments, sing, dance, and engage in stimulating conversation... along with freely providing whatever sexual services her owner required, of course. Since the founding of the Free Lovers, she'd been running a classroom every day after work-hours, where those who wanted to could learn to read and write. Tiffany had joined in eagerly and, according to Geiko, made fine progress... but it _had_only been a couple of months.

So all in all, it was very fortunate that the friendly librarian had found her such a well-illustrated book. Every page bore a detailed image of a 'fantastic creature', along with a description that presumably included where to find them. They were so well-made that they almost seemed alive, as if she was simply looking at these creatures through a window! Indeed, it took her a little time to remember that she was supposed to be searching for something specific, and not just admiring the beautiful illustrations. And so, she started to leaf through the book, looking for something that resembled the blood-red stallion she had seen in that jungle clearing...

It didn't take her long to find it. There it was, clear as day on the page - a massively-built horse, blood-red and sporting a mane and tail of a slightly darker shade. Black eyes, curly black horns, black hooves... it all matched, save the face, which was twisted into a hateful snarl in order to show off a mouthful of razor-sharp teeth that most certainly did not belong on a herbivore. And so, with a sigh, she applied herself to the text beneath, slowly working her way through the often flowery language and trying her best to make sense of the more technical terms.

The name, written directly beneath the illustration in large, artful letters was the easy part - 'Bicorn', it read. Beyond that, things got increasingly complicated, and included a lot of self-admitted uncertainty, but Tiffany doggedly forged on. Apparently, most theories tied the Bicorns directly to the famous Unicorns - there seemed to be a clear, undeniable connection between the two races, albeit a purely hostile one. Some suggested that they were Unicorns that had been corrupted somehow, while others posited that they were a form of Hellspawn, born of Unicorn mares that had been raped by suitably-large Hell-Beasts - though the author of the book archly pointed out that this theory didn't seem to gel with the number of Bicorns in existence, especially when combined with the rarity of the Unicorns themselves.

Regardless of their origin, the verdict was clear - they were bad news. Vicious predators with a particular fondness for the flesh of humanoids, usually operating independently or in small packs. They had been known to band together with other dangerous creatures, such as Mountain-Ogres and Trolls, even serving as steeds for those towering humanoids during rapid raids against human settlements - though clearly, they demanded a high price for such service. The book spoke of this in rather delicate terms, but Tiffany had more than enough experience in that particular field to read between the lines - the Bicorns weren't satisfied with just a share of the loot, but also claimed captives to sate their appetites... particularly women.

In combat, they were fearsome, and not just due to their sheer size and strength. Their twin horns seemed to possess a highly similar property to those of the Unicorns - the ability to penetrate protective enchantments and spells, as well as piercing virtually any mundane material. The only reliably effective defense against those horns was to not get hit. On top of this, they possessed a form of natural shape-shifting that let them warp their limbs on the fly, even in mid-battle - turning hooves into claws or tails into razor-tipped stingers, for example. Plates of hardened chitin could warp from their blood-red hides to deflect swords and arrows, and anyone foolish enough to try and jump on the back of a Bicorn uninvited would find himself swiftly perforated by suddenly-extending spikes.

Beyond that, things became a lot less clear. Rumors and hearsay, the stuff of local legends and myths. There were claims that the Bicorns' shape-shifting extended to taking human form, allowing them to infiltrate human settlements and scout for weaknesses. Some versions of these stories specified that they could only take the specific form of a person whose heart they had eaten, others did not. Some versions extended this to them being able to take on the form of ordinary, harmless animals in order to pass unnoticed, others did not. The author dismissed most of these as being simply 'paranoia-mongering' - which gave Tiffany a fair bit of trouble as she worked her way through the text - and pointed out that there were exactly NO credible reports of a Bicorn taking on human or any other kind of shape, even in situations where it would seem advantageous, such as while being hunted.

There was lots of other stuff too. Claims that while the Unicorns had an affinity for virgins, the Bicorns were drawn to 'ladies of questionable virtue'. Anecdotes about Bicorns being driven to blind fury by the mere presence of even small objects made from Unicorn-parts, such as a bowstring braided from a Unicorn's tail or a wand carved from one of their horns. Some of the stories about Bicorns disguising themselves as humans or common animals added that Unicorns could naturally see through any such disguise - and so could anyone touching anything made from Unicorn-parts. The book shrugged most of these off as being possible, but too thinly documented for any kind of certainty.

Of course, true to its name, the book also described where to find them: In forests and jungles far from civilization, particularly places considered cursed, haunted, or otherwise unwelcoming to sensible beings. It also cautioned, in no uncertain terms, that despite many parts of a Bicorn being valuable in crafting, enchanting and alchemy, actively going looking for one was a really bad idea. They were incredibly swift and agile for their size, possessed near-infinite stamina, and displayed an unerring ability to move through wooded areas at high speed without ever tripping on the undergrowth - a quality they shared with their one-horned counterparts. Fighting them when they emerged from the woods to launch vicious raids against poorly defended settlements and passing caravans was one thing - but only a fool would willingly engage with a Bicorn, let alone an entire pack of them, within any kind of wooded area.

Tiffany put down the book and leaned back, pondering what she had learned and rubbing her temples, where a nasty stress-headache had been building as she worked her way through the densely-packed text. It was pretty clear that the red-haired man was a Bicorn, and also clear that at least some of the rumors about full-body shape-shifting that the book had dismissed were, indeed, true. According to that same book, Bicorns were universally bloodthirsty, sadistic, destructive and murderous monsters, driven by unholy lust and a hunger for human flesh. But she didn't need to flip ahead to the 'D' section of the book to know that it would be saying much the same thing about Demons and Drow, and she knew first-hand that both those races had produced at least some specimens who were genuinely nice.

Certainly, that reputation explained why he was so afraid of being found out. Maybe justifiably so. The dragons took the security of the Utopia quite seriously, after all, especially after that Cultist-attack that had precluded her own arrival. Sure, they were willing to deal with even Demons, but they were doing so with a great degree of care and many multilayered security-measures, taking no chances if they could help it. If they found out that a Bicorn had successfully infiltrated their castle - and even gained access to the Arcane section of the Great Library - they might very well be moved to action by the immediate security-breach, rather than calmly investigate his motives.

Rising from her seat and stretching her limbs, she picked up the book and headed back to the front counter, once again wishing fervently that Anitra was around. SHE wouldn't act hastily, or judge the poor guy just for being a Bicorn, she was sure of that. But what she'd read had really driven it home that going directly to the dragons would be too risky. She had to do something herself, somehow... she still wasn't sure what, exactly, but at least she had some idea of what she was dealing with now. What to do next, though?

As she climbed the stepladder once again, an idea occurred to her and she smiled winsomely at the huge Bronze as he turned his attention back to her with an almost paternal air. "Ah, you found the book, I see. Did you enjoy reading it? You spend quite some time in there..." She nodded eagerly. "Yes, it was JUST what I was looking for, thank you ever so much!" He returned her smile in kind and nodded happily as he took the book from her and placed it on an oversized cart that stood behind the counter. "No need to thank me - it always makes me happy to see someone enjoying a good book. I think sometimes the scholars get so caught up in their work that they forget to actually do that, you know..."

She hesitated for a moment, then, but forged on with her plan with a sudden burst of determination. "Umm... actually, could I ask you about something else before I go?" The dragon nodded, bending his long, serpentine neck to put his head level with her on. "Certainly, miss. I'm here to help, after all!" She did her best to look completely innocent - something her colleagues had told her she was remarkably good at, considering her background - as she continued. "Well, it hasn't really to do with books... rather, I met a young man in the library earlier, but I didn't catch his name... he, umm, dropped something, and I wanted to return it to him, so I was hoping you'd know who he is?"

The big Bronze clicked his tongue, wrinkling his scaly brow. "Ah, I would love to help you, miss, but I'm not sure I can... to be honest, I sometimes find it hard to tell humans apart, if they don't have some highly-visible feature distinguishing them..." She brightened up and grinned at that. "Oh, I think you'll remember him, then! He's much more muscular than any of the other scholars, and has this really bright red hair, even redder than my own." The dragon's eyes widened, and he quickly nodded. "Ah! Yes, you're right, I DO know that gentleman. I believe his name is Keltinor - he is registered as a journeyman Wizard, but also studied Alchemy and Enchanting. Quite the earnest student, he is. But I'm afraid you just missed him, sad to say - he left the library little more than ten minutes ago. If you ask the minder over in the Arcane Quarters, she can probably point you to his door, though!"

Bidding farewell to the helpful librarian, she left and headed directly towards the Arcane Quarters, following the directions she'd been given. The Arcane Quarters was an area of the castle that had, unsurprisingly, been set up specifically for housing visitors of the arcane persuasion. Like most non-dragon living-spaces, they were old dragon-sized rooms that had been partitioned into more human-scale apartments. These were a bit bigger than the ones in the block Tiffany lived in - but then, the regular habitat-blocks were mostly meant for people who, like her, spent most of their day out and about or at a place of work, and just needed a place to sleep. Wizards, meanwhile, tended to accumulate lots of paperwork as they worked on their spellbooks, while Mages and Alchemists alike invariably assembled their own personal collections of reagents. Sorcerers didn't need either - but they needed the OTHER reason why the Arcane Quarters had much fewer apartments per old dragon-chamber a lot more: Thick separating walls with tons of added magical insulation.

Each quarter was watched over by a dragon - officially called a minder, and unofficially referred to as 'the landlord/lady' by most who lived there. The minder of the Arcane Quarters turned out to be an aging Silver, her scales dusty and cracked with age. Her eyes, however, still glimmered with intelligence and curiosity, and she clearly took a keen interest in the lives of the people under her care. When Tiffany hesitantly approached her and asked for directions to Keltinor's chambers, her head immediately swooped down to look her up and down. She squirmed under that intense scrutiny even as those large, serpentine eyes zeroed in on the ring that adorned her finger. Then she raised her head with a chuckle. "Ah, about time! That boy works far too hard, and spends the rest of his days alone in his chambers. I wasn't aware you did house-calls, to be honest, but I am glad for it! He is such a shy and soft-spoken lad - always awkward around the women, I've noticed. I'm sure he'll feel more comfortable and secure in familiar surroundings..."

Tiffany just nodded and smiled, figuring that there wasn't much point disabusing the old dragon of her assumptions. Instead, she just followed the precise directions she received and made her way into what once had been the grand chamber of a dragon, and now held three floors worth of spacious habitation for visiting magic-wielders. Keltinor's room was on the lowest floor, and at the very back - a choice location, most would call it, since only the back rooms would have actual windows, being directly up against the castle's exterior wall. Quite a few scholars and wizards, however, found things such as windows and natural light to be merely annoying distractions, though, so he probably hadn't had to fight too much for it.

When she knocked on the door, she heard a sound from inside that sounded like a panicked whinny, followed by a rather high-pitched shout that nonetheless seemed strangely dull, as if it had passed through more than a simple door. "Umm... just a minute! Or, a few minutes! I'm not decent!" She remained where she was, waiting patiently. No other sounds were penetrating the door, but her idling mind put together the reaction to her knocking, the relatively recent arrival of the resident, the things she'd seen in the clearing and the old Silver's gossip together, and made an intuitive leap from there that made a mischievous grin spread across her befreckled face. Tiffany was no genius, and she was perfectly well aware of this fact - but she did possess a keen intuition, sharpened by the necessity of surviving in a variety of truly brutal environments. So as long as she was within her sphere of competence, she could be far sharper than most of her friends would give her credit for.

When the door finally opened, the faintly bitter scent drifting through it provided additional confirmation for her theory, as did the somewhat rumpled state of the robes worn by the young, red-haired man who stood behind it. Smiling pleasantly, she greeted him. "Hi! You're Keltinor, right? Mind if I come inside?" He looked rather dumbfounded just at the sight of her and stammered something indecipherable, his face reddening as his eyes ran up and down her body, seemingly mostly of their own accord. It wasn't as if she dressed provocatively when she wasn't at work, or anything, and she was currently wearing a perfectly ordinary dress... though, on reflection, it HAD been pretty snug on her lately. She'd been putting on weight since moving to the Utopia, despite her best efforts, but since most of it had gone straight to her hips, ass or chest, none of her customers seemed to mind.

Concluding that he really was every bit as shy and awkward as the gossipy old Silver had suggested, she resolved the standoff at the door by the simple expediency of taking a couple of steps forwards - prompting him to stagger backwards in order to keep a bit of air between them. Once she was past the threshold, she simply closed the door behind her, still smiling broadly. This rather rude trespass finally made him snap out of his flustered paralysis. "Um... yes, I'm Keltinor, but who are you? What do you want with me? You can't just walk into my chambers like that..." Unable to resist the mischievous idea that had occurred to her while she waited for him to open the door, she lifted her hand and flashed her ring at him. "Oh, I'm Tiffany, nice to meet you! I'm with the Free Lovers, I'm sure you know of us... we've had reports of loud and repeated masturbation in this chamber, so I've been dispatched to help you!"

His face instantly flashed as scarlet as his hair, and his eyes seemed to just about pop out of his skull while his jaw fell open, releasing a garbled stream of "I... you... what... but..." and similar unattached words. He stumbled backwards, looking a lot like he was about to just keel over on the spot, but managed to stabilize himself against the sturdy desk that stood underneath the window on the far wall. The sight immediately broke Tiffany's facade, prompting her to collapse in helpless laughter, but the sight of his absolutely mortified embarrassment was able to pull her out of it long enough to quickly wave her hands and go "No, I'm sorry, I was just joking... I'm really sorry, I just couldn't resist... you should see the look on your face!"

This was followed by several more minutes of laughter, while Keltinor's shock gradually receded into a rather perturbed and thoroughly unamused expression. As she finally got herself back under control, he sat down heavily on the chair next to the writing-desk, and there was an edge to his voice when he asked "Yes, very funny I'm sure, but if you wouldn't mind terribly, perhaps you could tell me why are you actually here?" Despite the prickly attitude, however, the way his eyes flickered made it clear that he hadn't missed the fact that when she collapsed in laughter, she had specifically collapsed unto his bed, where she still remained, draped across the sheets.

Clearing her throat, she pulled herself up a bit straighter and nodded. "Ahem... yes, of course. I really am sorry, but I just couldn't help myself. Really, though, you shouldn't have fallen for it so easily. All the rooms around here are warded to prevent any noise from passing between them, you know - the dragons take the privacy of their visitors seriously!" She angled her head a bit, then, and smiled winsomely at him. "But I'm sure you DID know. And if you didn't, you probably put in your own noise-canceling wards. After all, you do have a secret to keep..."

Instantly, his demeanor changed, becoming guarded and closed-off. His face perfectly straight, his eyes staring expressionlessly at her. "Secret? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about..." he said levelly. She sighed, shaking her head. "Of course you know. You're a Bicorn. I saw you in the jungle-clearing yesterday, with that horse-girl." With a groan, he collapsed in on himself, resting elbows on knees and burying his face in his hands. His whole body seemed to shake for a moment. Then his voice, heavy with despair, filtered through his fingers. "I see... So, what do _you_want?"

Wincing, she pulled herself up so that she was kneeling on his bed and quickly shook her head. "I'm sorry, I guess I didn't approach that as... delicately as I could have. Don't worry, I'm not trying to blackmail you the way she seems to be doing. Quite the opposite, in fact - I'm here because I want to help you." Raising his head from his hands, he stared disbelieving at her. "Help me... but_why?_ You even know what I am... that I'm a bloody Bicorn, which is more than Heaina has figured out. I'm a monster. But you just walked right into my room, knowing that it's warded against any sound escaping no less, and told me that you know my secret. Don't you have any sense of self-preservation?!"

Tiffany hesitated at this, pondering the risk she'd taken without even really stopping to consider it, then shrugged it off. "Well, I have_been told that I'm rather prone to getting myself into trouble..." she admitted. "But I had a feeling about you. Look... I _know_monsters, okay? I've been a captive of more than one kind. Heck, I was _raised by a monster. And based on that? I'm not sure you really fit the bill. You're certainly not human, and you seem to have a lot of fancy powers, but you're not acting like a monster. I mean, you say that I ran a risk, coming here? That mare... Heaina, was it? She's been raping and abusing you on the regular, and meeting with you deep in the jungle - away from any witnesses, where disposing of lingering evidence would be easy. I figure, if you haven't eaten her, you probably won't eat friendly little me, either."

She flashed him a warm smile with that last sentence, and his disbelieving eyes grew a bit more hopeful. "Okay... yes, fine, you're right about that I suppose... I don't want to be a monster, at least. I try not to be. It's just... hard, sometimes. How much do you really know about what I am? About Bicorns?" She gave him a quick summary of what she'd read in the book, and he nodded glumly. "Yes, that all sounds fairly accurate. Of course, a Sage studying Bicorns from afar wouldn't have any way to know that they're just as brutal towards each other as they are towards outsiders. I'm not sure quite what you meant when you said you were raised by a monster, but I think I may have you beat in that regard." She nodded, leaning in closer. "Maybe you do. Please, tell me about it."

He did. It all poured out of him, along with a fair few tears, making her wonder how long it had been since he'd last been able to open up to anybody. He told her about the suffering he had endured, growing up as a 'freak' within a large pack of Bicorns. An environment where everybody was constantly fighting for supremacy, looking to grind down anyone they could in order to get ahead. Only the ruthless prospered there, and he was anything but. His mother had shielded him from the worst of it for a while - which hadn't stopped the beatings, but at least made them somewhat survivable - but at the same time, she had tormented him herself in the name of 'toughening him up'... and in the end, she had despaired at achieving even that much. Realizing that she was getting close to killing him herself just to spare the pack the shame of having a squeamish pacifist like him among their numbers, he eventually fled.

After initially surviving for a while by himself in the dark and sprawling forest that had been his home, he found an opportunity to go farther yet, taking on a human form and abandoning the wilds altogether to live in a human city - he skated rather lightly over the exact detail of how this 'opportunity' worked, exactly, reminding Tiffany of how some of the accounts quoted by the book had claimed that Bicorns needed to eat the heart of a creature in order to imitate it. He had been forced to move a number of times when events threatened to reveal his identity, but between his shape-shifting abilities and the speed he could run at in his true form, he'd managed to stay one step ahead of trouble. And even the constant, low-intensity paranoia that came from hiding his true nature while living as a human was far preferable to the bloodstained brutality of life in the Bicorn-packs, as far as he was concerned...

"It was all going well until about a year ago..." he recounted, a faraway look in his eyes. "I'd started to really settle down. Discovered and developed my talent for magic. Even made a friend - someone I could trust with my secret. Then the dreams started... and soon they were haunting my waking hours too." He wasn't willing to divulge the details of those dreams - only to blushingly describe them as 'filled with terrible and violent desire'. They played hell on his concentration, regardless, and to make matters worse, his shape-shifting always reverted at the moment of orgasm - as she had observed herself in the clearing - making impossible to hide his identity from a lover, and turning masturbation into a risky endeavor.

His initial attempts to cure himself of this condition had been met with failure. His own growing magic-skills availed him nothing, nor did his studies of alchemy. He'd scoured various libraries looking for a solution, before hearing rumors about the Dragon Utopia - and, more importantly, the fact that it played host to an extensive collection of arcane tomes and scrolls centered on the subject of sexuality, once known as the lost and buried 'Library of the Perverse'. Figuring that this was the most likely place to find a cure, he sought and obtained an invitation to the Utopia, and continued his research there.

Things had not, however, worked out as well as he had hoped. He lived in constant fear that the dragons - who could, after all, perceive magic at a glance - would identify him for what he was, and during the temporary surge of increased security that had precluded her own arrival at the Utopia he had been a nervous wreck, dodging doom on a daily basis. The fact that his shapeshifting powers were something innate to his species and not the result of any spell or potion hid his true nature from the dragons' inherent ability to perceive magic at work, but he'd been petrified that some of their new security-measures would be less easily fooled. Meanwhile, his research had failed to turn up any viable solutions - perhaps predictably, the books collected by 'Drake the Obscene' were more concerned with promoting and satisfying desires, rather than quieting them. At best, he'd found vague clues, hints and references that only served to tempt him into continuing his studies - to his own detriment.

"So far, my research have only served to worsen my condition..." he said, groaning and once again resting his face against his cupped hands. "The dreams at least used to be fairly simple and down-to-earth. Reading those tomes, though, seems to have inspired them to previously unimagined heights of perversion. The dreams have become more intense, more intrusive, more... varied. Somehow, I feel like old Drake is laughing at me from beyond the grave. I'm sure he'd have approved, anyway!" Sighing, he straightened up again. "And then, somehow, it got worse. When those horse-people immigrants arrived here, not long after I did, I allowed myself to imagine that I might find some... release, there. Many of their women actually have the physical capacity to handle me in my true form, which is a first for me! It seemed unlikely that any of them would accept me, knowing of my monstrous true form, but I could at least _imagine_it."

That daydream, too, had been turned twisted and ugly during the dragon's security-crackdown following the demon-cultist's attack on the DragonRider. Feeling increasingly paranoid about the possibility that his chambers might be magically monitored, he'd resorted to seeking privacy in the jungles beyond the castle and crater in order to... release the tension that the dreams and intrusive thoughts built up in his loins. And that was where Heaina had stumbled on him. He'd begged her not to tell anyone of his true nature, and she had agreed... but demanded obedience in return. Thus, even though the security-hike that had started it all had proven relatively brief, soon allowing him to once again feel safe and secure in his own chambers, he'd found no relief. Every week, he'd been forced to meet her - and every time, she'd treated him like her own personal slave... or, more precisely, sex-toy. Worse, the abuse she was heaping on him was reminding him painfully of his home and upbringing, twisting the knife further. And it was clear from the way his voice grew thick with anger at that point that he was nearing a breaking-point with regards to that.

As he finished up his story, she got off the bed and approached him closer. His voice trailed off as she stepped up to him and he flinched back a little, but did not resist as she bent down to enfold him in a warm hug. "I'm sorry you've had such a hard time..." she whispered in his ear "But everything will be all right. I'll help you if I can." The words came easily to her, for all that they made the young man - or rather, the creature who wore the shape of a young man - shudder in her arms. Save for the very last part, they were words she'd often imagined and dreamed of hearing from her mother, suddenly appearing and not dead after all, saving her from the horrible upbringing she had suffered at the hands of her father, or the years of slavery and rape at the hands of the Amazons. It had never been anything other than a vain dream but, in the end, the DragonRider had appeared instead and saved her - not once, but twice!

She held him until the shudders passed, awkwardly half-kneeling before the chair, and only then let go and straighten up. As he wiped his face dry with his sleeve, she sat down on the floor in front of him and flashed him a smile. "Look, if you can just hang in there a little longer, we can get all this straightened out. I don't know about the dragons, but the DragonRider is a true hero - I know her personally, and she would not judge you simply for what you are. I will talk to her, and she will take care of everything... as soon as she gets back from her latest trip, that is." He nodded hesitantly, voice thick and a bit shaky. "I... had heard such things about her. That she had taken a drow as her personal servant, for instance, and found friends in Hell itself. But I never had the courage to approach her. If you truly believe that she would plead my case and that the dragons would listen, then... go ahead. I'll put my trust in you." Then he snorted. "Not that I have that much of a choice at this point."

Tiffany spent a lot of time smiling these days, but this simple sentence threatened to split her face. "Thank you. You won't be disappointed. But... you know she isn't likely going to be back until after... you know..." His face darkened at this, and he leaned back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling. "I understand..." he said numbly. "And... I'll survive, I'm sure. I've made it through several times already. Just one more... yeah, I'll be fine." He didn't sound terribly fine, Tiffany thought, wincing. Then her eyes ran down across his body, and she smiled again. "Well... in the meantime, I'll help you any way I can."

Tiredly, Keltinor shook his head. "Thank you, truly. But you're already doing a lot for me, just... listening to me ramble on about my whole life story, and giving me hope for the future when I thought I had none left. I cannot think of what else you could possibly do for me." Tiffany, though, just grinned. She'd thought about telling him her own life story, but she'd noticed that hearing it just tended to depress people, which was the last thing this poor chap needed - and besides, she hadn't come here to challenge him to a contest of misery. She'd come to help him, and if she could have some fun in the process, so much the better. "Is that really true? Because I can see one thing quite clearly..."

Eyebrows arched, she fixated her eyes on his crotch, where a large tent was visible in his rumpled robes. Following her sight, he glanced down himself and grimaced, crossing his legs in a rather futile attempt to hide it. "I'm sorry... I can't help it. It's just... these intrusive thoughts I told you about..." he was stammering a bit again, a blush creeping back into his face, but Tiffany just laughed off his protests. "I think I may have contributed a bit to that... draping myself all over your bed and then hugging you like that. All things considered, it's a perfectly natural reaction. And I_am_ a member of the Free Lovers, after all - I wasn't lying about that! So... let me do my job. Let me help you... ease the pressure."

He flinched back from her and looked around the room with suddenly-haunted eyes, refusing to meet hers. "Look, that is awfully nice of you and all, but I don't want to hurt you and, well, you did see me back in that clearing, right? And I told you, I cannot retain this shape indefinitely - at the moment of orgasm, as well as under a few other circumstances, I automatically revert to my natural form and full size." She nodded, keeping her eyes on him. "Yes, I heard you, and I saw you, but... well, I'm kind of an experienced girl, y'know? I'm still human, that's true, so I don't think I could take BOTH of those meat-columns you're sporting in your true form, but if you really intend to put your trust in me, then trust me when I say that I could handle one of them."

This, at last, drew his eyes back to her, to roam her body with a sort of vaguely-hopeful thoughtfulness. Her short stature, her generous curves, her sturdy build... she knew she was very different from the tall, thin, elegant beauties she worked alongside in the Free Lovers - but she also knew, from the enthusiastic reaction of their client-base to her arrival, that quite a few men outright preferred her sort of frame to the other. So she leaned back on her ankles, smiling up at him and letting him look over her body without trace of self-consciousness.

Still, he did not reply, and his face was contorting into a conflicted grimace. With a sigh, she rose to her feet and looked down on him. "Look... I'm not going to force you, obviously. If you really don't want me to help you with this, then that's your choice, and I'll leave you alone. But if you want to try having sex - proper sex, the kind where two willing participants are both enjoying themselves, then... just reach out and touch me. You might not be able to use your full strength with a fragile little human like me, but you could certainly go a lot rougher than Heaina ever lets you. And you know what?" She grinned naughtily down at him, and in one smooth movement pulled her dress up over her head and threw it aside. "I'd enjoy every moment of it. And I think you would too."

She wasn't wearing anything under her dress - but then, she virtually never did. She'd spent so many years without access to underwear that having something enclosing her groin or hugging her breasts too tightly just felt... wrong. Besides, her teats were still firm and perky enough to stay where they belonged without the aid of a bra, despite their impressive size. That wouldn't last, she knew, but once they did_start to sag, she'd just get a set of nipple-rings like the ones several of the older Lovers wore - enchanted to effectively lighten and buoy the breasts they were attached to. She _did own a small collection of fancy lingerie, most of it designed to expose more than it covered, but she only really wore them for work.

Regardless, the fact was that Keltinor was now getting a full frontal view of her entirely naked body, from the freckles that marched down her shoulders to speckle her tits, to the neatly-kept bush of curly red hair above her slit. Wide-eyed, seemingly moving almost in spite of himself, he reached a shaking hand out towards her. Specifically, he reached for her pussy, and she slightly spread her legs to give him easy access as he ran a single finger down the length of her labia, feeling the wetness that had formed there as she offered herself up to him. She wasn't sure if this was really the right thing to do or not, but she just hadn't been able to get the sight of his two massive, equine cocks out of her head since yesterday. She wanted to taste them, wanted to feel them inside of her - and if she could help_him_ relieve some tension in the process, well, so much the better!

Certainly, this qualified as him touching her, so she licked her lips and leaned over him, even as his fingers slipped inside her with well-lubricated ease. "Are... you really sure I'd fit in here?" He asked, sounding bemused as he felt the hot, wet tightness of her pussy around his fingers. She grinned, reaching down one hand to caress the throbbing bulge on the front of his robes, and whispered throatily in his ear. "Oh, you definitely could... but you know what? I want you to fuck my ass instead. I wanna feel my sphincter stretched to the limit by one of your thick, hard, amazing cocks..."

She wasn't even saying that just to arouse him - though it clearly had that effect, causing him to groan and arch his back, pushing his groin up towards her gentle touch - since, as long as she could remember, anal had been her preferred form of sex. Maybe it was because her first vaginal experience had been at the rough hands of her father, painful and tear-stained - while her first anal had been with the older brother she'd so loved. Maybe it was just because so many of the animals she'd enjoyed mating with had tended to hit her ass rather than pussy, owing to the different way human genitals were angled compared to animal ones. Either way, while she enjoyed sex in all its forms and liked to mix things up to keep them fresh, she knew that she wanted her first experience with those huge Bicorn-cocks to be anal.

Keltinor didn't seem to have any problem with that - at least, none he could vocalize. Panting, he pulled his questing fingers out of her pussy and pushed himself up from his chair, forcing her to take a step back. He quickly shed his robes, revealing that he was just as naked underneath them as she had been, as well as just how well-hung he was even in his human form. The sight made her drool, and she had to resist the impulse to drop to her knees and suck on it - tempting though it was, she just didn't know how close he was to cumming, and having that pleasantly-thick shaft transform into two horse-sized rods inside her throat would be rather hazardous.

So instead, she just stepped forwards again, embracing him, grinding her body erotically against his, and finally pulling him into a hot kiss. He responded clumsily, lips parting only hesitantly for her questing tongue. Was this his first kiss, she wondered? Certainly, it did not seem likely that Heaina had bothered with any such foreplay. But however spotty his experience-pool was, the passion in him was certainly real - and suddenly, his powerful arms, previously hanging slackly by his side, were wrapped around her. Pulling her in, mashing her breasts flat against his chest, grinding his hot cock against her pussy and belly, while he returned her kiss with a fierce, primal intensity.

Despite the surging desire this reaction provoked in her, she managed to clear her mind long enough to pull back from the kiss and whisper urgently to him. "You should transform now, before you do it spontaneously. Please. I can't resist much longer. I need some hot cock inside me..." Apparently, he heard her - for the next moment, she found herself flat on her back and staring up at the blood-red chest of a towering Bicorn. She could hear him panting above, and looking down her body she could see even more clear signs of his arousal. Those two huge shafts, each more than equal to the biggest draft-horse stallions she'd ever encountered, dangling heavily between his hind-legs, bobbing and throbbing with raw, animalistic arousal. She could actually see the fleshy little barbs that lined the first couple of inches below each flat, slanted cockhead, vibrate and wave with the pulsing of the monstrous stallion's great heart.

Pushing herself up to her knees, she reached out for the lower shaft and gently began to fondle it - marveling at its velvet-soft smoothness, the flexible resistance of the barbs, and the heat it was putting out - not to mention its incredible girth, far thicker than a single hand of hers could reach around. It jumped at her touch, throbbing with barely-restrained desire. A groan could be heard from somewhere behind her, followed by some rather breathless words. "The lube... it's in the chest at the foot of my bed..." She just chuckled, though, and leaned in closer to breathe in the musky scent of his twin cocks. "I don't need any... and don't worry about holding back. Just cum if you want to. We're going to have a huge mess to clean up at the end no matter what, after all..."

With that, she began applying her tongue to the long, thick shaft of the lower cock. Between her preference for anal sex and the fact that she'd rarely had access to proper lube, she'd gotten saliva-based lubrication down to an art-form. She literally started to salivate when she smelled a fresh, hard cock - an ingrained reaction that helped her coat even the biggest cocks with a nice, even layer of spit. She also kept her hands on the shaft as she worked, feeling for the rapidly-accelerating throbs that would indicate an impending orgasm. It didn't take long in this case. Despite most likely having jacked off just before she arrived, Keltinor was clearly highly aroused from her teasing, her promises, and her dirty talking - a skill she'd learned years earlier, seeking to satisfy her ruthless Amazonian masters, and recently refined with help from her new colleagues.

Well, it stood to reason, she though as she responded to the rapid pulsing of the long, hard tool by shifting her body in front of it and wrapping her lips around as much of the cockhead as she could manage, letting her tongue explore the texture of his cockhead and the tiny tube of his urethra. If she'd understood his story right, this truly was the first time he'd experienced sex outside the context of rape and abuse. With that in mind, it was kind of impressive that it had taken more than a dozen licks to push him over the edge. And so, with each of her hands jerking a different cock, forcefully milking it, he came - violently and copiously. Thick, flavorful cum flooded her mouth, jetting past her lips fast enough to splash across the back of her throat, coating her palate. She swallowed rapidly, letting it flow down her throat to fill her stomach, even as the other cock unloaded into her face.

She'd closed her eyes just in time. The thick stream of cum hit her forehead, washing up from there to soak her hair through even as the hot jizz flowed down to cover the rest of her face. Meanwhile, her mouth was overflowing, and she couldn't swallow fast enough what with the necessity of drawing the occasional shuddering breath - each thick with the smell of cum - forcing much of the influx to spill out the corners of her mouth and drip towards her tits. Still, by the time the forceful flow finally ended, she'd managed to down enough to give her a comfortably warm-and-full feeling in the pit of her stomach... while, of course, leaving everything between her hair and her nipples soaked with cum. Leaning back from the still-hard cockhead, panting for breath, she wiped the worst of it off her face and ran the result - a thoroughly cum-covered hand - up her ass-crack to add a bit of lubrication to her twitching, eagerly-waiting sphincter. She pushed one, two, three fingers inside, lathering on the cum and stretching herself open in preparation of what was to come. Then she was back on task, licking her way down the shuddering shaft before her, completely focused on getting every magnificent inch of it covered in her drool.

By the time she'd finished, she was hornier than she'd ever been in her life. Her ass was itching and pulsing, begging to be penetrated - and the gleaming-wet, crimson cocks that hung so magnificently erect before her seemed a beautiful sight indeed. Looking around for a suitable setup, she found it right next to her - Keltinor's sturdy-looking bed. Crawling out from under his belly, she quickly laid herself across it on her back and lifted her legs up far enough that her knees would have touched her jizz-drenched tits if she hadn't also been spreading them as wide as she could. "Hurry up and mount me..." she begged, and the huge, blood-red stallion before her eagerly responded.

Twisting his towering body around, he reared up and slammed his hooves into the wall above her head, leaving him looming over her at an angle. His twin cocks swayed with the motion, landing between her spread legs, and she eagerly reached down to guide them into place. The lower cock, so carefully lubricated, was pushed down to rest against her anus, its flat head sliding across the still-slippery cum she'd wiped off there. Looking down at it - or rather, at its upper twin, jerking rhythmically up and down between her legs like a fleshy cannon - she felt a touch uncertain for the first time. They really WERE awfully big. The three fingers she'd used to stretch herself open a bit earlier were completely dwarfed by their incredible girth, for all that she'd tried her best to spread them apart. This, she realized, was going to hurt a bit, at least right at first.

So, as she gave him an encouraging tug forwards, she laid her head back on the sheets and took a deep breath. She wasn't a masochist, not even close - but she DID have a fairly high pain-threshold, and had learned - through misfortunate experience - how to handle even large amounts of pain. Never mind her father's rough treatment of her growing up - the Amazons had outright tortured her for their own sadistic pleasure, and the Demons had done worse. Pain was something you could get used to with time, like anything else.

So when the cockhead surged forwards, forcing her sphincter to stretch massively and then running its fleshy barbs across this taut tissue on the way deeper inside, she merely breathed in sharply through her nose and clenched her teeth for a few seconds. Deeper and deeper he pushed into her well-trained ass, the protrusions below the head ensuring that she felt every inch of his progress. He kept going and going until, like with Heaina, his radial ring was resting against her pained sphincter - at that point, even if she'd had any length left to give, the few millimeters of added thickness it represented was more than she'd be able to handle all by itself.

She panted, feeling the pleasure rising despite the continuing waves of pain washing across her body. She'd never felt so full before. Never had so much hot, pulsating meat inside of her. The sheer girth had squeezed her pussy completely out of shape, and the depth of the penetration was possible only due to the lasting effects that her imprisonment on the Island of the Amazons had left her with. They'd used a barbaric tool to painfully straighten out the lowermost portion of her intestines - something they did to most of their captives, since they'd otherwise be unable to enjoy a full anal penetration on them. The process had entailed weeks of agony, and months of diarrhea while her intestines adapted to their new shape - but that was all in the past, and she saw no reason not to take full advantage of this modification in the present.

Forcing her ass to relax as much as possible, she closed her thighs around the upper cock while simultaneously reaching down to caress it with her hands - pulling it down so that it laid against her stomach, giving her a clear view of just how deep its lower twin had penetrated into her body. It was still several inches short of her tits, alas! Well, maybe it was for the best, or she probably wouldn't have been able to_breathe_, but the mental image of tit-fucking one cock while the other pounded her asshole was a weirdly fetching one. Already, the pain was beginning to fade - aided by her distracted amusement - at least down to the level where she could ignore it entirely. Above her, Keltinor was panting and shuddering himself, clearly affected by the extreme tightness of her stretched-out ass, and now she finally felt ready to flash a grin up at him. "What are you waiting for, big boy? Start ramming that thick, hard cock of yours into my tight asshole, please! Don't worry, I'm not made of porcelain, and I'll speak up if you get too rough..."

With a wordless, lust-filled groan, Keltinor answered her plea and began to pump his hips. The tightness caused by his girth was so great that, even with the ample amount of spit lubricating his shaft, every movement caused tremendous friction. The sheets wrinkled underneath her as she was pulled along by his retreating cock, her sphincter standing out from her body like a fleshy tent. Meanwhile his upper cock slipped between her thighs and across her pussy, lubricated largely by sweat and love-juices. The sensation inside of her was indescribable - the flesh-barbs surrounding his head were resisting the backwards movement, spreading out, scratching across over-stressed tissue. Each of the tiny nubs felt like a huge spike in those tight confines.

In the end, he stopped shy of the point he'd pulled back to when she saw him with Heaina earlier - out of necessity. Her sphincter was stretched to the absolute limit, so when the little barbs dug into the inside of it, that was it. With a groan, she realized that they were effectively tied together, just as surely as with a dog's knot - short of tearing her sphincter apart, he wouldn't be able to pull out until he'd calmed down and his cock deflated. Clearly recognizing this, he reversed direction at that point - and rammed his cock back into her with far greater force than his tenuous, initial penetration. She gasped as she was pushed back until her head touched the wall, waves of pleasure radiating out from her ass. The pain of the impact was lost entirely in the rising tide of an impending climax.

The first in-and-out movement had clearly been a test - Keltinor checking if she really COULD handle him, as she'd claimed. It was obvious that the soft-hearted creature genuinely didn't want to hurt her. However... now that he had tested and noted the limits of her body, he seemed willing to take her on her word beyond that. So without further indication of restraint, he started pounding her with violent force, sending her skidding back and forth across the sheets as she clung to his still-exposed upper cock. As the first orgasm washed over her, she found herself somewhat amused at the fact that, just a day earlier, she'd considered sex with a fully-grown stallion to be potentially problematic due to the combination of size and mindless, bestial forcefulness. After all, Keltinor was bigger than any stallion she could've hoped to find, was reaming her asshole with more violence than most animals would dare attempt, and had a LOT more staying-power than any horse could hope to match.

Well, there WAS a key difference, of course... namely, that if she DID cry out and ask this particular stallion to stop, he probably would. Probably. Most likely, at least. He was definitely a nice guy, but he also definitely had a lot of pent-up lust to contend with. Enough said, she wasn't going to call him to order unless she absolutely HAD to - as in, if she started to fear that her life was in danger. Ultimately, she'd come here to help him, and just like with her day-job, it wasn't strictly speaking necessary for her to enjoy herself in the process. And clearly, being able to go all-out and just pound someone was exactly what he needed after gods-knew-how-many agonizingly restrained sessions with his domineering blackmailer.

Still, between panting, eye-rolling orgasms, she had to admit that she was_enjoying herself - a LOT. Even with the pain beginning to radiate out from her increasingly-battered ass, she was cumming harder and faster than she could remember doing since moving to the Utopia. She had admitted it to the DragonRider, when they met again in Hell, but never to her colleagues in the Free Lovers... she was afraid they wouldn't understand, what with all the horror-stories they shared from their enslaved pasts. But the truth was that, through sheer repetition, she'd simply come to _enjoy being ruthlessly pounded by a huge, powerful creature who was stretching her wide-open and fucking her without a thought for her safety. From being raped by her insane father and forced to mate with donkeys, mules and even horses as a child, to the sadistic Amazon shemales and their pets, to the many and varied Demons who'd raped and tortured her during her months in Hell - it had almost become a sort of familiar, nostalgic experience. Even if she'd still been severely unhappy with her situation overall, she honestly couldn't complain about the sex.

But even if she didn't want to talk to her friends about it, there was no reason to hide it around Keltinor. If anything, he needed to know that she was enjoying it as much as he was, that this was proper sex, not just someone taking advantage of another. So she let her pleasure flow and show freely, panting and moaning, screaming and occasionally stringing together vaguely-relevant words like "Oh yes... yess..." or "Please... yes... keep going... OOOOHHH!" as she came. It was nice, she decided, to be able to help somebody out without having to fake the orgasms. And certainly, Keltinor seemed to be happy with her performance, snorting and bucking as he tried to put even more force into his thrusts.

She didn't bother trying to keep track of her own orgasms - but Keltinor's were hard to ignore. With her ass so thoroughly filled, the vast quantity of cum he poured into her as he reached a whinnying, shuddering climax could only go one way, pushing deeper into her intestines and making her immediately happy that she'd forgotten to eat lunch that day. At the same time, mighty jets of spunk sprayed across her body from the upper cock - some of it coating her belly and (further) drenching her tits, but most of it splattering across the wall behind her. She managed to catch a few mouthfuls of it, though - sure, she'd already eaten her fill when he came in her mouth that first time, but really, there was always room in her stomach for another load of fresh, hot cum. During her years as a slave of the Amazons, it had basically been a stable foodstuff - a valuable supplement to the meager diet they fed their slaves - and she had developed a taste for it.

Keltinor didn't stop there, though - oh no, not even close. It was obvious that he was severely backed up, and now that he was able to really let loose for the first time, he clearly wasn't about to stop until he was fully satisfied. He paused for only ten, maybe twenty seconds at the height of his orgasm, buried inside her so deep, his radial ring was caving in her ass - and then, he was off again, bucking and thrusting, panting and groaning. Now, however, a new instrument had been added to the symphony - the strange, gurgling sound of all the cum packed into her intestines being alternately sucked back by the vacuum of his departing cock, and forced back into the depths when he thrust back into her.

He came two more times before he finally slowed down. By then, Tiffany was in a great deal of discomfort, her guts packed with cum from one end to the other - she was actually feeling rather nauseous, as if the jizz she'd so eagerly gobbled down earlier was threatening to return, forced up her gullet by the pressure from beneath. Her entire body was also covered in sticky, white slime, and the sheets she lay upon were drenched in it too. The wall behind her was plastered with a thick layer, which had steadily flowed downwards to cover her head - giving her a thorough face-mask. She'd given up on keeping her eyes or nose clear, and was simply keeping her eyelids tightly shut - where they had soon become glued in place - and breathing through her mouth, occasionally licking up some of the cum that was dripping into it and swallowing despite the aforementioned nausea.

Her ass, meanwhile, felt like one big bruise - throbbing steadily with a pain she found it easier than ever to just tune out. She felt vaguely certain that she'd be unable to sit comfortably for days, perhaps weeks, though... or, considering the likelihood - nay, certainty - that she'd offer Keltinor her assistance again soon, perhaps she'd just have to get used to sitting tenderly in general. The pain flared to new heights as the huge, red stallion finally pulled his softening cock out of her ass - even so diminished, it remained a thick, solid log, and those spiky flesh-nubs beneath the cockhead scraped very noticeably across her worn-ragged sphincter as the last few inches of his shaft left her.

The cavernous gape he left behind almost instantly turned into a waterfall - or rather, cumfall - as her overfilled guts swiftly emptied themselves out this newly-available exit. The white liquid, tainted pink and red in places, splattered noisily unto the stone floor while she sighed contentedly at the feeling of relief that came from the internal pressure being released. Wincing slightly at the stiffness in her muscles, she lowered the legs she'd kept elevated and bent for the entire session - keeping them out of the way and capable of adding a bit of pleasure to Keltinor's upper cock. Resting them over the edge of the bed, bare feet splashing into the pool of cum that had formed there, she pondered how long she'd been in that position. She tended to lose track of time when in the throes of pleasure, and these particular throes had been even throeier than usual!

Carefully wiping the thick layer of partially-dried cum off her face, she blinked her smarting eyes and looked around. A glance out the window confirmed that she had been in Keltinor's room for at least a couple of hours - and probably on his bed, with his cock up her ass, for one of them. The Bicorn himself was looking a bit worse for wear - hanging his head and panting from the long exertion - though his coat, mane and tail somehow still looked as fresh and pure as ever, as if the sweat simply hadn't been able to stick to those blood-red hairs. With another groan, she pushed herself upright, redoubling the flow of cum that was steadily leaking from her gaping anus - and finally staggering to her feet, causing the flow to coat her inner thighs. Well, she was going to need a full and thorough bath regardless, so why sweat the details?

After doing a few quick stretches to get her muscles working again, she got started on the very necessary last step of what had otherwise been an excellent afternoon - the cleanup. The smell of cum was incredibly thick in the room, even once she'd wiped most of it off her face, and no surprise! She'd never known any creature to produce such quantities of jizz before - and although the incredibly full sensation this trait had gifted her certainly made it a point in Keltinor's - or perhaps his entire race's - favor, it meant that the cleanup would require a fair bit of elbow-grease.

By the time she'd found the cleaning-supplies in the adjoining bathroom, and washed off the worst of what currently coated her own boy - she'd still need a proper shower, but at least she wouldn't be leaving things dirtier if she touched them - her ass had managed to more or less pull itself closed, preventing further leakage from that corner. When she carried the mop and bucket back into the main chamber, she found that Keltinor had managed to retake his human shape and was ready to help - albeit looking rather embarrassed about the whole thing. "Sorry about the mess..." he said awkwardly, shrugging and looking down at the pool of cum that by now covered a fair percentage of the floor. She just laughed and handed him the mop. "No need for that. Whether it's a trait of your species or just who you are, it obviously is something you can't help. You're basically just apologizing for being yourself... and, well, don't."

With a shy smile, he nodded - and they got down to some serious cleaning together, still quite naked. It proved to be less monumental a task than she'd expected. Obviously, this situation was a familiar one to Keltinor, and so he'd taken certain precautions - including weaving enchantments into his bedcovers that allowed him to drain the impressive amount of cum that had pooled there into a bucket with a single word of activation. The cloth covers and down comforter just suddenly rejected the slime they'd previously so readily absorbed, leaving them perfectly clean and dry. Very handy, thought Tiffany, who'd wound up dealing with wet spots on her own sheets more than once, thanks to particularly intense dreams.

After several bucketfuls of cum had disappeared down the drain, it was finally time for them to clean the resulting mess off their own bodies - one at a time, despite Tiffany's smiling suggestion that they save on water and shower together. "We've JUST cleaned up the mess... don't start a new one, please." Keltinor had answered with a pained look. She giggled at the thought and looked up at the showerhead that was so reliably pouring pleasantly-warm water into her cum-tangled hair. It really was an amazing device - magic, surely! She'd never seen or even HEARD of such wonders before coming to the Utopia. Maybe less relaxing than a proper bath, but so much faster and more convenient to boot! The smaller apartments, like the one she lived in, didn't have such things included - but there were communal bathing-facilities available right next to the block, with both rows of showers and huge baths, originally meant for dragons, that could easily fit a dozen people or more.

Cleaned up and back inside her tight-fitting dress - which had fortunately been far enough away from the bed to avoid the general deluge - she bid Keltinor goodbye at the door, giving him a peck on the cheek and assuring him that he could call on her whenever he needed to... let off some steam. She also reassured him, when he asked, that he hadn't hurt her at all, despite the vigor he'd put into it and those suspicious red traces in the mess they'd just cleaned up - ignoring, as she said so, the continued, insistent thumping that radiated out from her battered anus. She could feel every inch of it, from her still-twitchy sphincter to the place just below her ribcage where his cockhead had stopped - all of it pulsating steadily with pain.

Walking home, she found herself wondering if she'd bit off more than she could chew this time. Going by everything Keltinor had said about the continuous mental assault his lust-filled dreams were carrying out, it seemed passingly likely that he'd need release every single day. Maybe not quite to this degree, but still - she could use her pussy instead tomorrow, but what about the day after that, when both of her main orifices were still sore, loose, and recovering slowly? Could her asshole really handle an almighty pummeling like that every other day? Perhaps she should grab some healing-potions from the market... but if she kept coming back for more, it'd seem rather suspicious, so it wasn't really a long-term solution.

Well, she'd worry about that tomorrow, she decided. For now, it looked like she might actually be in time for dinner back at the block! Not that she had a whole lot of appetite, what with her belly still being thoroughly filled with thick, delicious, creamy Bicorn-cum - but really, it was the social side of it she hated to miss. She took a moment to sniff the air and grimace. Maybe she had time to go back to her room and grab some perfume first. Despite all the washing, showering and scrubbing, her whole body STILL reeked of cum. Fortunately, the perfume in question was one made special for the Free Lovers by a skilled alchemist, and regular customer - designed to not just smell pleasantly, but also neutralize the 'sex-smells' that were an occupational hazard for the professional Lover...

The next day, her frequent patrons were a touch surprised to find her expressing a particular preference for oral and vaginal sex, considering her usual love for anal, but none of them minded - and several seemed to enjoy the variety. They also seemed to enjoy the added enthusiasm she threw into her work, both to compensate for having to skip out yesterday and because she just generally felt quite bubbly. She'd solved the problem, after all! She'd helped Keltinor! Now that he knew things would get better soon, he'd surely be able to weather one more session with the sadistic Heaina, and she'd be able to help him get release both before and after...

However, once she'd clocked out, she found her certainty waning. Without the distraction of work, sex, and faked orgasms to focus on, thoughts and questions began to intrude. When she told the DragonRider about what was going on, Keltinor would be fine, that was for sure... but what about Heaina? What would happen to her? Well, probably banishment, unless the dragons decided to make an example of her and execute her outright, like they had done to the slave-trader who had unwarily shown up at their doors. And if she was banished, then what? She'd be separated from her family, and cast out into a cruel world that would be anything but welcoming to a lone horse-girl. Maybe she could hitch a ride on one of the caravans heading away from the Utopia, but she'd likely have to prostitute herself to earn passage... and even if she made it to one of the surrounding kingdoms, they hadn't been very hospitable to her people when they'd passed through months earlier. She'd likely wind up eking out a pitiful existence as a beggar and gutter-whore, if she survived at all.

The dragons took the 'Utopia' part of their home's name seriously. Everyone they invited there was carefully vetted. The horse-people HADN'T been, though - they had been permitted to enter and settle there out of pity and mercy... a fact they were well aware of. Most of them seemed extremely determined to prove themselves worthy of that trust, working hard and asking for little in return. The revelation of a blackmailer and abusive rapist in their midst would reflect poorly on all of them... it would place a dark cloud over their entire settlement, even if the dragons did not directly blame them for failing to realize what one of their numbers was up to. Her family would likely be ostracized simply by association. Hadn't she heard an older mare bragging about her daughter serving a golden dragon last time she was down there? Could that have been Heaina's mother?

Tiffany really_liked_ the horse-people, by and large. Even if Heaina had acted terribly and hurt Keltinor a lot, she wasn't too happy with hurting so many of them just to put an end to that. And she wasn't sure if Heaina truly deserved the sad fate she'd just imagined for her, either... sure, the young mare seemed like a thoroughly unpleasant sort of person, but she really didn't know her at all, did she? Maybe she should do something about that. Maybe if she had a chance to talk to her, she'd be able to figure out another solution, one that didn't have so many unintended consequences.

It was with this in mind that she headed towards the part of the castle that was still primarily inhabited by dragons. While horse-girl servants working for the dragons living in caves and dens built into the crater-rim itself tended to still reside in the village below and trek to and from their workplace every other day - overnight stays not being unusual - those whose masters lived in the castle had largely taken up residence there themselves. Spontaneous meeting-spots had sprung up in disused storage-rooms or even just a corner of the spacious corridors here and there, outfitted for comfort and providing a place for the horse-girls to get together and talk shop, exchange gossip, and just generally be social. It was in one of those places that Tiffany had first overheard Heaina's barbed-tongue bragging, and it was for that same spot that she now steered.

She didn't see the horse-girl she was looking for there, but a few other mares were present, chatting and relaxing - and though mention of Heaina's name brought on some sour faces, she easily got directions to her target's place of work. Soon, she was standing in front of the - rather huge - door to the den of one Learic, respected Gold and Heaina's employer. As she knocked firmly on it, she briefly pondered what, exactly, she'd say if the magnificent, golden beast opened the door and greeted her. Just... politely ask to borrow his favorite servant for a bit? As it happened, she didn't need to decide - the one who opened the door was a tall, blond, haughty-looking mare... the infamous Heaina herself. She did so with one hand, too, indicating that Learic, like most dragons who'd chosen to take a horse-girl servant, had gotten his door enchanted to be virtually weightless.

"May I help you?" the mare asked coldly, lifting an eyebrow at the to-her-unfamiliar visitor. Tiffany peered through the door-crack at what looked like an empty den. "Umm... isn't your Master at home?" she ventured. "Master Learic is a very busy, very important dragon. He is currently in a meeting with a member of the ruling Council, and will not be back for some hours." Heaina replied, looking down her long, equine nose at Tiffany. "If you are carrying some message, you may give it to me - I will ensure that he gets it as soon as it's convenient."

Tiffany, however, just shook her head and smiled pleasantly - before simply stepping forwards through the open door, forcing Heaina to stumble back from sheer surprise at this boundary-breaking move. "That's fine..." she remarked, and pushed the huge door closed behind her. "I was looking to talk to you in private, anyway, and this will do just fine." Cold anger flared in the tall mare's eyes. She was standing barely a step from Tiffany, refusing to retreat any further, arms crossed. "How dare you intrude in the home of a Golden Dragon!" She dramatically declared. "You will be lucky if you are merely banished from the Dragon Utopia for such rudeness!"

Getting rapidly fed up with the mare's attitude, Tiffany let her pleasant smile drop and scowled at the horse-girl. "Would I? Funny you should say that - I was going to say something similar myself, only with 'blackmailing, raping and abusing an innocent young man' instead of 'such rudeness'." The change these words wrought on Heaina's body-language was instant and significant. Her arrogant expression crumbled, and the anger in her eyes gave way to despair. She staggered a few more steps back, and seemed to be hugging herself more than demonstratively crossing her arms. "Wh... what are you talking about? That's ridiculous!" She brayed, failing to seem at all convincing. Sighing, Tiffany reflected that had she come with a mere suspicion rather than certain knowledge, that reaction would have only served to convince her entirely that she was in the right.

"Oh, just drop it... I watched you with him, in that jungle-clearing, two days ago. Saw everything you did to him, heard how you threatened him..." Tiffany kept her voice even, but Heaina still shuddered at her words - before suddenly straightening up with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Then you also saw that he is no man at all, but a shape-shifting monster! He has some kind of... mind-control powers, and is merely forcing me to act out his own sick fantasies! You must have seen how he enjoyed it..."

Sighing, Tiffany shook her head. "First of all, no, he doesn't have mind-control powers. Unlike you, I actually bothered to hit the library and read up on what he is, and what he can do._Mind-control isn't on the list. Second, I stuck around after you'd left, and watched him basically roll into a ball and cry. So I'm not going to get confused about who the victim is here, no matter_what you say."

Heaina winced at this message, backing up another step with a haunted look on her face - eyes flickering as if searching for an escape-route that wasn't there. "He... cried?" She asked, then suddenly refocused "Wait, you found something about him in the library? I just figured he was some kind of crazy mage's experiment, afraid of being mistaken for a demon or something..." Tiffany nodded. "I did. He's a Bicorn. Pretty rare, pretty powerful, and have a really bad rep to boot. Known for raiding, pillaging, raping, murdering, and devouring the hearts of their enemies - that kind of thing. Hence, his fear of discovery. Frankly, it's amazing that he hasn't snapped and killed you yet - certainly proves that he's not like the rest of his species."

A shudder of fear ran through the mare, who clearly hadn't realized just what kind of fire she'd been playing with. Staring her down, Tiffany took a threatening step forwards, feeling strangely elated at being on top of the situation like that. "Look, here's what's definitely going to happen... in a few more days, the DragonRider will return from her vacation. I wouldn't go so far as to call her a friend, but she's a personal acquaintance of mine - heck, she's the one who brought me here, to the Utopia. As soon as she's back, I'll go tell her about Keltinor, and she'll straighten everything out with the dragons. She's taken a drow for her personal servant, so clearly she isn't the sort to judge anyone for the sins of their species."

She paused, then, and sighed. Then she shrugged. "The only question is whether or not I will, at the same time, tell her about the blackmailer and rapist who'd been taking advantage of his situation for months prior." Heaina blinked, head rearing back, and then asked with disbelief in her voice. "Wait... are you _blackmailing_me?" Laughing, Tiffany shook her head. "Doesn't feel so good when you're on the other end of it, does it? But no, not really. I'm just trying to come up with a better solution. You should know how badly this would reflect on the entire rest of the horse-people enclave here if it got out..."

Feeling increasingly fatigued from all this back-and-forth, Tiffany looked around and spotted a pair of chairs nearby - presumably meant for human-sized visitors, and bearing little sign of prior use. Walking over, she sat down in one of them and stared tiredly at Heaina, who was still standing uncomfortably in the middle of the room. "Seriously, Heaina... what were you thinking? I can think of dozens of ways this sordid little affair could have blown up in your face, and virtually none that would end at all well for you. And I'm not even all that smart. So... why? Why did you do it? I'm just trying to wrap my head around it..."

This question, at last, made the mare crack. She collapsed to her knees, right there on the floor, and started crying while hugging herself and rocking back and forth. It took Tiffany an effort of will - and a quick reminder to herself of what this suddenly-regretful mare had been doing to poor Keltinor - to keep from running over there to comfort her. Then, between sobs, Heaina started to tell her story, and at the end of it, Tiffany got up from her chair almost in spite of herself and walked over to awkwardly pat her on the back and go "There, there..." She still didn't quite feel like actually_hugging_ her, though.

Heaina, like many other young mares from the enclave, had eagerly leaped for the opportunity to serve one of the great and imposing dragons. There had been a lot of job-openings at the time, but she zeroed right in on the one that would confer the most status - a Gold. She'd jumped ahead of several slower fillies to put her name forth, and was accepted by Learic as his personal servant. She'd gloried in her new position, felt endless elation at having made the leap from being just a ragged refugee walking tiredly behind her mother through dust, rain and snow, to standing by the side of something as powerful and awe-inspiring as a Golden Dragon.

Once she had begun to serve him, however, something strange happened... or rather,didn't happen. She helped keep his chambers clean, scrubbed his scales in the bath, ran messages and fetched books for him, and generally served him to the best of her ability. But he never invited her into his nest. Never took her for a lover. Meanwhile, all of her friends were talking about the mind-blowing sex they were having with their draconic masters, of the feeling of fullness and sense of stretching that came from their sheer size, of the interesting textures and shapes that seemed unique to each race... Having bragged so about becoming the servant of a Gold, her pride would not allow her to admit that she had experienced no such thing. So she'd lied, pretended, dodged questions and answered in generalities when necessary.

She'd tried to drop hints, to apply herself diligently to the crotch-area whenever she helped scrub her master, and every night she had asked him if there was anything, anything at all, he needed her for. But every night, he'd politely told her that, no, he needed nothing else, and she was welcome to seek her own bed. It was clear that he held no attraction towards her whatsoever, and her previously-ample self-confidence started to decay and crumble. She'd started to feel fat and ugly, despite all the attention she paid to her diet and hide-care. She'd begun to notice that the other horse-girls tended to look displeased when she joined them in one of the little gathering-spots, and become convinced that they were just scoffing at her hideousness. (Privately, Tiffany suspected that this had a lot more to do with her personality than her looks.)

After a visit to the village below, where she'd learned that her mother had bragged to everyone who'd listen about how her daughter was the trusted servant of a Gold, she'd fled into the jungle to be alone with her thoughts - and stumbled on Keltinor, masturbating in a clearing. She'd seen him change shapes, and suddenly sport a pair of huge, interestingly-textured cocks that could rival some dragons for sheer size. Heck, rival two dragons for sheer size. And then he'd meekly begged her to keep his secret... acted like he was _afraid_of her. All her wounded pride had come surging back, and the whole thing had just looked... too perfect.

So she'd threatened him into submission, and enjoyed the results. Not just the sheer, physical pleasure, but also the feeling of power, the sense of being in control. It was an addicting high, especially when peppered with powerful orgasms - an antidote for her frustrations. And no matter how roughly she treated the cowed shapeshifter, he'd taken it all without response or rebuff, allowing her to increasingly delude herself that he was _enjoying_it. Somehow, it just made sense to her that he would.

"But I didn't mean for it to become a regular thing!" She sobbed. "I just wanted to TRY it! I wanted to be able to talk to the others about it without worrying about being found out because I actually was just a v... v... because I didn't really know what it felt like. But it felt SO GOOD! I just... couldn't stop. I made it through each week of being ignored by my master, knowing that Keltinor would be waiting to satisfy me at the end of it. I guess I managed to convince myself that I wasn't really... committing rape, because _he_seemed to be enjoying it too... but..." she collapsed back into indecipherable crying again at that point, for a few minutes. "Oh, there's no excusing it..." she finally managed to say out loud, tears streaming down her face. "Please, don't tell anyone... I'll just... just, run away on my own. Save the dragons the trouble of exiling me, and my parents the pain of knowing what I've become."

Tiffany, who was at this point trying to comfort her with a hand on her shoulder while rubbing her back with the other, straightened up and considered this. Somehow, the whole explanation was twigging her instincts. It made sense, after a fashion, but it didn't quite _add up_by itself. Would her draconic master's refusal to take their relationship to the sexual level really cause such intense frustrations, considering that she lacked the experience to truly know what she was missing, prior to her first time with Keltinor? And convincing herself so easily that he'd enjoy it too, despite the vile way she'd been treating him? Yes... there was one thing that would make it all fit together, and with that thought, she found the solution for it all.

And so, she shook her head. "No, I don't like that idea." This prompted a fresh storm of weeping, and with a wince, Tiffany returned to her best-effort comforting. When the sobbing began to quiet down again, she was finally able to get a word in edgewise. "Look... I kind of understand where you're coming from. But you've still been a terrible idiot - I mean, did you ever try to just outright ask_your master why he wasn't interested in having a sexual relationship with you? No? Didn't think so. There could be any _number of explanations. And as you just admitted, you can't justify what you've done regardless. Nor can you just run away from it."

"But... then, what should I do?" The mare wailed in response. And thanks to her earlier flash of instinctive insight, Tiffany knew exactly what the answer to this was. "Well... the important thing to remember here is that I'm not the one you need to satisfy. Keltinor is the one you abused - and regardless of what I say or don't say, he'll be free to report you to the dragons if he feels like it, once he no longer needs to hide. Of course, I doubt a simple apology would do the trick here, even though he doesn't seem to be the vindictive type..." Circling around the kneeling mare, Tiffany squatted down in front of her and flashed her a sardonic half-smile, before pulling out her handkerchief and setting to work drying the mare's tears. "But I do have an idea of what might..."

Heaina's reddened eyes looked at her with a glimmer of hope in them once more, and she nodded. "What? Please, tell me... I really am_sorry..." Tiffany grinned at her. "Well, it may seem a bit old-fashioned, but I think that in this case 'An eye for an eye' could do the trick. You treated him as a slave for, what, nearly three months now? So, you repay that crime by being _his slave for the same space of time. I've gotten to know him a bit, and, well, he's a young man with a thoroughly healthy appetite. I think he'd be willing to accept an apology in that form. That way, nobody else needs to know, and both you and him get the release you both seem to crave so badly."

The mare blinked and squirmed. "Umm... you really think he'd accept something like that?" Tiffany shrugged and rose to her feet again. "I think I can talk him into it. Keep in mind, though, it's not going to be anything like your past experiences with him.He'll be in charge, he'll set the pace, and _you_will go along with anything he wants, anytime he wants - short of endangering your own life. Give you a chance to find out what it's like to have someone wield absolute power over you, using your body for their own amusement." Heaina winced noticeably at this, but Tiffany was all out of comforting and just shrugged. "It's up to you, but it's the best option I can think of."

"Tomorrow's the Rest-Day. I assume your kind master gives you that off, too?" She then queried, and Heaina hesitantly nodded. "Good, then. Tomorrow morning, right after breakfast, put on a nice dress without underwear and meet me by the Arcane Quarters. I'll take you to meet Keltinor, and we'll work something out. If you don't show, I'll assume you've either made a run for it, or just decided to refuse the deal - and are ready to face the consequences." Then she simply walked away from the kneeling mare, pausing in front of the huge door to fire one last barrage over her shoulder. "So, basically the same choice you gave Keltinor. " Then she opened the door a crack and slipped outside to take a deep breath. "Well, that worked out well enough!" She declared to herself, and after giving herself a little shake, she started heading back towards her apartment. It was still too early for dinner, but maybe she could gossip for a bit with the old Green who served as her block's minder - she was a proper mother hen, and ever in on the latest chatter.

The Green's name was Verdi, and she was always happy to get visitors, even if it was just for a rousing round of gossip. After her recent encounter with the Silver running the Arcane Quarters, Tiffany was starting to suspect that the 'minders' were really just a bunch of old female dragons who needed someone to take care of after all their kids had left the - literal - nest, and in the process had established a gossip-mongering network with near-perfect coverage. The old dear was always a joy to talk to, but this time, Tiffany had a bit of added reason to engage her. After a quick round of latest-news, she carefully slipped in the question. "By the way, I heard someone mention a Gold named Learic... something about him having a horse-girl servant but not much reason to... you know what that might've been all about?"

Verdi raised a scaly eyebrow, craning her neck. "What, young Learic? Oh, certainly, though I could not say why anyone would want to gossip about that. I mean, sure, it was a bit of a thing right at first, but these days its rather an open secret. Well, things HAVE changed a bit over the past year or so, since that wonderful Blake-fellow turned up - folks are less uptight than they used to be, which is nice. Love is love, I always said! Why, when I was in my younger days..." It took a few minutes for Tiffany to get the old dear back on track and coughing up the juicy details.

"Oh yes, Learic? Yes, he just prefers, you know, menfolk. He and Bayenor, you know, the Swamp-Dragon Representative to the Council? Yes, they're in a relationship, been a long time - look awfully sweet together, they do. Like I said, folks used to talk about it a bit, when it first got out... just 'cuz Bayenor is on the Council, and quite a bit older and whatnot, plus Learic is a Gold, and those ALWAYS stand out... used to be lots of hoary jokes about which one of 'em was on top! I mean, Learic's way bigger, but Bayenor's older, and you know what they say about Swamp-Dragons and their, you know..."

Tiffany snickered. She did, more or less, know. "Is that... unusual?" she ventured. "I mean, male dragons getting together like that?" Verdi shrugged, rolling her eyes. "Oh, not really... most of us swing both ways, you know, even if we have a noted preference for one or the other. ONLY liking the same gender, now, that's a _bit_rare, and used to raise some arguments here and there, because of the wall, see. Some folks were worried that we'd just plain die out if everybody didn't pitch in and help produce eggs! But these days, heh, well, not a worry anymore, see? Got new dragons moving in all the time, it seems. And all of you li'l folks too! Place is bustlin' like never before - ain't it a joy?"

Tiffany could only nod firmly to that. Considering that she was part of this newly-arrived bustle, she did indeed consider it quite the joy. "But... in that case, why'd he recruit a horse-girl servant?" She ventured, though she already figured she could hazard a guess at the answer. Sure enough, Verdi just snorted dismissively. "Oh, why not, dear? You fellows with your handy little... hands, and whatnot, are useful for all KINDS of things, not just the uses those other horny young males are putting them horse-girls to. And besides, Learic always liked to be in on the latest fashions. When all the other young-bloods were getting horse-girl servants, well, of course he had to get one too!"

That was about what she's expected to hear, and she nodded along while guiding the stream of gossip to more innocuous grounds. Clearly, Learic 'coming out', if that was the right term to use in such an open-minded society, had happened long before the Utopia was opened to the outside world. So all the dragons already knew about it, and had no reason to really talk about it, but still pretty much figured that it was just something 'everybody' knew. On some subconscious level, Learic had probably figured that his new servant would know too, before she even accepted the job-offer he'd put forth. But of course, Heaina hadn't known, and had furthermore been too proud and/or embarrassed to ask - and so this whole tragedy had been sparked...

The next morning, after a leisurely breakfast Tiffany set out for her rendezvous wearing the same dress she'd had on most of yesterday. She wasn't planning to keep it on for terribly long, so she didn't really see a reason to get something else out of her closet. It was Rest-Day, but in the Utopia, that didn't mean as much as it did in some places. Most of the craftsmen, scholars, and arcane practitioners that the dragons had invited into their castle were genuinely passionate about their craft, and devoted to pursuing it - they didn't really view any of it as 'work', and thus saw no particular reason to take overlong breaks from it. For that matter, most of them wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they couldn't touch their books or tools for a whole day. So for the most part, Rest-Day just meant some longer, nicer, and more relaxed meals, and maybe calling it a day a bit earlier.

When she arrived at the Arcane Quarters, the communal tables had but recently been cleared - and hovering in a nearby passage was Heaina, looking extremely nervous and dressed in an absolutely gorgeous and classy dress that set off her slim figure wonderfully. "Nice dress..." Tiffany commented calmly from behind her, making the mare leap a solid foot into the air and spin around on the spot. "Did your master pick that out for you?" Swallowing something, Heaina nodded jerkily. "Umm... yes... it was a gift from him, after I'd worked there for a month..." Tiffany grinned, raising an eyebrow. "Indeed? The fellow has a fine sense of style, I'd say."

Giving the nervous mare a pat on the shoulder, she stepped past her and headed towards Keltinor's door, way in the back. Something about the way Heaina had been standing had seemed to hint that she'd been waiting there a while. Had she even managed to eat breakfast? Hopefully - otherwise, she might find it hard to get through the day, Tiffany privately thought. She could hear the sound of hooves following her, and smiled with satisfaction. If all went well, she'd save one more person today, and have fun doing it. Was this what it felt like to be a hero like Anitra the DragonRider?

She knocked on Keltinor's door while Heaina hovered nervously off to the side. This time, it opened almost instantly, and the red-haired young resident smiled broadly as he recognized her. "Oh, Tiffany! I was just thinking about maybe going to see you. I know it's Rest-Day and you aren't on the clock, but..." he trailed off as his eyes panned sideways to focus on the glamorously-dressed mare behind her. Immediately, the friendly smile faded, and cold anger burned in his eyes. "What's going on?" he asked flatly. Sighing, Tiffany placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "Let's step inside, we'll talk about it there. Trust me."

Apparently he did - at least, he stepped aside and let both of them enter, Heaina visibly shrinking away from the waves of intense dislike he was putting out as she walked past him. Clearly, the knowledge that his torment would be over within days had emboldened him somewhat, and he no longer saw any reason to fear his long-time abuser. Shortly afterwards, Tiffany was again lounging on his bed while Keltinor sat at his desk, the chair turned around to face them, and Heaina hovered near the door, as if ready to bolt if necessary. To be specific, she hovered nervously, but seeing as she hadn't really _stopped_being nervous at any point since Tiffany met her this morning, it seemed unnecessary to think of it any further.

"Right. So, basically it occurred to me that if we simply reported Heaina here to the proper authorities, she might get a much-deserved punishment, but it'd also reflect badly on all of the horse-people - and probably bring particular suffering to her family, who'd draw suspicion by association..." she rapidly explained, trying to condense the thoughts and events of yesterday into as compact a space as possible so that she could get Keltinor on board and move on. "So I decided I'd go talk to her, hear what she had to say, and see if we couldn't work something out that avoided that."

Leaning back, she sighed and rolled her eyes, feeling Keltinor's gaze on her. He looked less hostile already, and had a thoughtful expression on his face. Apparently, he hadn't really thought about the consequences for the horse-people in general - understandable, considering how much_else_ he had to worry about. "So I confronted her, and got_her_ side of the story out of her. Would ya believe she originally started blackmailing you because her 'master' has been neglecting her sexual needs? Actually, turns out he's gay, and hence not interested in her at all, but she didn't know that and somehow never got around to asking, I guess..."

Heaina gasped at this offhanded revelation, then sputtered a series of words - "How... you... why... really?" - before finally sinking down on the ground with a groan, trying to hide her face in her hands and largely failing due to the equine shape of her head. With a sigh, Tiffany carried on. "So yeah, she really just wanted to try that giant-cock-loving that all her friends were talking about. And incidentally, did you know she was still a virgin that first time with you? It's true! Quite a first time... almost can't blame her for getting addicted under those circumstances, but yeah, still gonna blame her since it was her own fault it came to that."

Leaning forwards, she addressed Keltinor - who was looking speculatively down at the rather pitiful form of Heaina - with more urgency. "So. After hearing that, I figured that maybe we could work something out. And here's the deal: Heaina here will be your loyal and obedient slave for just as long as she blackmailed you_into being _hers. You two know better than me exactly how long that was. She'll do anything you want, and be available for your use whenever her dear Master doesn't need her. She'll work off her crimes, feel them on her own body - and in return, both of us keep quiet about her sins, sparing her people and her family the embarrassment. We'll just say that I caught you masturbating in the jungle or something, which _is_true - so even if they wind up putting a truth-spell on me or something, we'll be fine."

Keltinor's eyes narrowed as he considered this proposal. Then he looked down at Heaina, who had hesitantly lowered her hands and now returned his stare with a wince. "You're really willing to go along with that?" He asked conversationally. "I'm not inclined to be gentle with you, you know. And from the sound of it, you'll be spending a lot more time under my thumb than I did under yours, since we only met once a week..." She hurriedly nodded. "Of course! It's the least I can do!" She said emphatically. "I'm really sorry, by the way, about the way I treated you... it really didn't hit home until Tiffany confronted me about it. I... kind of managed to convince myself that you liked it too, but I was just lying to myself..."

She rubbed her eyes, a hang-dog expression on her face. "I barely slept last night. Couldn't eat anything this morning. I just feel... terrible, thinking about what I've done, and how many other people could've been hurt besides if Tiffany hadn't decided to offer me this chance." Looking up, a new kind of determination was gleaming in her eyes. "So - if this can really wash away my sins... if this can buy your forgiveness and spare my family and my people from the shame of my crimes becoming public, then go ahead. Do with me what you will."

Tiffany was keeping a rather close eye on Keltinor during this exchange, and couldn't help but noticing the way he suddenly licked his lips - or the growing bulge in the front of his robes. So she wasn't surprised when he choppily nodded and said "Very well, then. We have a deal." Heaina seemed to sink in on herself, head dropping with sheer relief. "Thank you..." she almost whispered. Then, for several seconds, an awkward silence hung in the room, as if neither party really knew what to do next. Fortunately, that was exactly why Tiffany was there. Jumping up from the bed, she stripped off her dress in one smooth, practiced motion, and grinned naughtily at Keltinor, whose eyes were widening in surprise - and attraction. "Right, then! How about we do a trial run while I'm here to keep an eye on things, hmm? Come on, Heaina, get that lovely dress off, and put it away over on the desk - don't want it getting stained, right?"

With only a little bit of hesitation, Heaina complied - seemingly happy to follow Tiffany's lead into that unfamiliar situation. It was worth keeping in mind that so far, all of her sexual experiences had taken place with her tightly in control - going from that to completely relinquishing control was a big step, but fortunately, Tiffany was a pro at that. And Keltinor seemed willing to play along too, nodding and rising from his chair while following the now-naked mare with his eyes. "Sounds like a plan... guess I'll just slip into something a bit more comfortable, then." As he spoke, his voice surprisingly even and confident, he pulled off his robes and stepped into the middle of the room to begin his transformation.

It was really remarkable how much he had changed over just a couple of days, Tiffany thought. A lot of the awkward shyness he'd had when she first muscled her way through his front door seemed to have gone away. Did her ass really have such potent, transformative powers, or was there something else going on here? She'd have to remember to ask him afterwards - or perhaps rather when there was a lull in the action at some point. She had enjoyed a filling and nutritious breakfast, and fully intended to spend most of the day in Keltinor's room, preferably impaled on one of Keltinor's cock, with one or more orifices filled by Keltinor's cum. She was honest enough with herself to admit that she was unlikely to successfully keep anything_in mind through all of _that.

In a blur, the red-haired young man disappeared, and a towering, red-coated stallion with jet-black horns and hooves stood in his place. Heaina shied away from him a bit, perhaps reminded of what Tiffany had told her about the general nature of the Bicorns - but Tiffany herself confidently stepped up in front of him, eager to showcase the advantages of mutual, consensual relationships to the young mare. Grabbing his huge head, she leaned in and kissed him, as she had done two days earlier to his human form. His lips opened readily enough in response to the gesture - and engulfed her entire mouth, thanks to the size-difference. His tongue pushed past her lips, filling her mouth with its flexing bulk, even as her own far-smaller tongue quested along its length to carefully feel the contours of his sharp, predatory fangs, so different from the squared-off teeth of a horse-people stallion. Her desires ratcheted another notch up from the sheer intensity of the kiss, and when she finally broke it by taking a step back, she was panting with eagerness to continue.

With Keltinor in his true shape, the room no longer seemed so spacious - but his sheer size DID mean that there was plenty of space underneath him. Ducking down there, Tiffany gestured for Heaina - wide-eyed after silently witnessing the kiss - to follow, and then pointed at the two hard, barb-headed cocks dangling before them. "Okay, first of all - since you're going to be servicing him and not the other way around, you need to learn how to suck cock." She remarked without much preamble, making Heaina blush as she stared, somewhat hypnotized, at the swinging shafts. "I can give you some pointers... and some tricks for applying a good coating of spittle if you're planning to use that for sexual lubricant, to boot. That always goes over well with the guys, I've noticed."

And so, she started the lesson - demonstrating techniques on the lower cock (a carefully thought-out tactical choice) while the taller Heaina struggled to follow her lead on the upper one. Owing to the difference in anatomy between the two of them, though, Tiffany couldn't really provide visual aids for the actual cock-sucking, nevermind deep-throating. She just couldn't hope to open her mouth wide enough. The horse-girl, meanwhile, managed to fit one entire, heavily-textured cockhead into her mouth with little trouble, and Tiffany felt sure that with some careful practice, she'd be able to go a lot further. The entire exercise also served a secondary purpose - successfully, at that. An occasional glance confirmed that the previously bone-dry slit between Heaina's legs was growing moist and shiny, engorged with desire thanks to handling and smelling the two hefty cocks before her.

Once Tiffany had covered the lower cock in a thorough layer of saliva - and Heaina had applied a somewhat-more-spotty one to the upper specimen - it was time to take things to the long-awaited next level. Popping back out from under Keltinor's flanks, she patted the bed with one hand. "Right, then, enough foreplay... get on the bed, girl. On your back, ass right at the edge, legs spread, if you please!" Crawling somewhat more awkwardly out from under him - both due to her longer limbs and lack of general experience being underneath large equines in various configurations - Heaina followed the given directions, still looking rather nervous despite her clearly rising arousal. The position she wound up in was a bit different from the one Tiffany had taken on that very same bed a couple of days earlier, in that she kept her hooves on the floor and just spread her thighs wide - exposing herself fully and displaying impressive flexibility in the process, with her knees nearly touching the sides of the bed.

Heaina was staring down the valley between her boobs, keeping an eye on Keltinor's swinging, spit-slickened cocks as he began to turn around - but suddenly, her view was blocked by Tiffany herself basically jumping on top of her. Sitting astride the groin of the surprised mare, she leaned forwards until their respective breasts were squished against each other, staring directly into her face with a mischievous grin drawn across her face. "Hey, Keltinor!" She called over her shoulder. "Try to aim for a double pussy penetration!" Eyeballing his targets, the big stallion snorted and shook out his mane as he prepared to rear up. "I'll give it a try, but I may need some guidance..." Then, after tapping a hoof against the floor a few times, he jumped up the same way he'd done the first time she visited him, planting his forehooves against the wall, the lower edges catching against the seams between the large stones, thus stabilizing him.

His twin cocks rubbed against more or less the right spot - the place where the two girls' groins met - but he did, indeed, need a bit of guidance in order to hit his targets more precisely. Fortunately, bent over as she was, Tiffany was in a fine position to lend such assistance, reaching behind her to guide the lower cock towards Heaina's cunt and the upper one into her own drooling pussy. As soon as he felt the soft wetness against both cockheads, Keltinor bucked - forcing the first couple of inches of his twinned tool inside them in one, swift movement, forcibly parting their pussy-lips in the process. It was a tight fit, and Heaina still wasn't putting out the same level of lubrication as her own - but hey, that was why she'd taken care to apply another kind of lube to the lower cock!

Feeling the flexible, fleshy barbs grinding across their labia, the two of them moaned in unison. Then, while Keltinor took a moment to adjust his hind-legs in preparation for deeper penetration, Tiffany seized the opportunity to grin down at the shocked-looking mare beneath her and whisper "Why so surprised? You'll have him to yourself soon enough - for now, I want a piece of the action!" Then she planted a hot, deep kiss on the mare's slightly-parted lips, making her buck slightly beneath her. A first kiss? Surely not, though it didn't seem likely that she had shared any such intimacy with Keltinor during their prior 'relationship', and she had been a virgin up to that point...

Tiffany wasn't really a bisexual, unlike several of her fellow Lovers. Rather, much like the rest of them, she'd simply had any reluctance towards girl-on-girl action beaten out of her by her trainers, in this case the Amazons. As a result, the Free Lovers often engaged in sweetly sapphic games between work-sessions, some of them quite complex, and Tiffany readily played along just to be social. So while cocks were her first and last love, she had no compunctions about pleasuring a nervous, attention-starved mare in order to further enhance her first experience with a new kind of sex.

Heaina gradually began to respond to the kiss, moaning into Tiffany's mouth as Keltinor surged forwards, pushing more of his thick shafts inside and groaning a bit himself. Tiffany rode the thrust a bit, letting it push her towards the wall and thus gaining a better angle on the taller horse-girl - effectively pinning her head to the sheets with the ongoing kiss, pushing her tongue forwards to caress squared-off teeth and search for a peer. Fact was, her puss just wasn't as spacious as the mare's was going to be, so she had to be further forwards if Keltinor was going to make the most of both of them.

She did the same on the next thrust, sliding forwards far enough that her tits now rested against Heaina's neck, forcing the mare to bend her neck backwards to maintain lip-contact - something she seemed to have no particular interest in interrupting. Soon, however, they'd have no choice, for with that stroke the setup was complete. Tiffany could feel his flat cockhead - and the barbs lining the first couple of inches beneath it - lodged deep in her belly, past her cervix and straight up against the back wall of her pussy. Beneath her, she could feel Heaina shudder as Keltinor bore down on them with a large portion of his mass, grinding his cocks into them without gaining further penetration. Now, knowing how deep he could go, he did not hesitate further.

Putting his mighty haunches to work, the red-coated stallion began to fuck them fiercely, going all-out practically from the word go and producing the longest thrusts he could safely do - which was, admittedly, less than might otherwise have been the case, since he had to stop early enough not to drop out of Tiffany's pussy. Still, the speed, force and sheer passion of this double-barreled assault shook them both, throwing them back and forth as their tits bounced against each other's and their hairs flew. Maintaining a kiss through that was not an option - but in a surprising display of initiative, Heaina managed to catch one of Tiffany's nipples between her lips and started sucking forcefully on it. With the heavy tit it was attached to constantly trying to swing back and forth in response to the energy being poured into her from behind, a constantly-shifting pull was generated on the sensitive little nub, drawing a deep, throaty moan from Tiffany even as the pleasure radiating out from her thoroughly-stuffed cunt began to overwhelm her.

Keltinor obviously wasn't as backed-up as he had been two days ago. He'd managed to stand relatively firm through the entire cock-sucking lesson, only twitching and panting now and then, and once he got going it only took two orgasms before he began to calm down, seemingly satisfied for the moment. By then, of course, the two girls beneath him had swollen bellies pushing against each other, courtesy of wombs inflated by the massive amount of cum he'd poured into them. Most of it, however, had been squeezed out between the pounding rods and the tight embrace of the surrounding labia, ending in a foamy pool on the floor - except for what got stuck in Heaina's tail on the way.

Even after the second orgasm, Keltinor's cocks remained rock-hard, and he was still pumping his hips - albeit only at a leisurely pace, lacking the urgency that had driven him up to that point. Tiffany was enjoying the afterglow of half a dozen orgasms of her own, and she was fairly certain that Heaina had her beaten in terms of sheer numbers - by a comfortable margin, even. Combined with lack of sleep and skipped breakfast, the poor mare seemed to have been rendered nearly catatonic by the sensory overload, staring empty-eyed up at Tiffany's bouncing boobs and panting like a dog.

Glancing up at Keltinor's heaving chest above her, she raised an arm and patted him there. "Hey, big boy - why don't you take a short break to get your breath back, and afterwards we can change up the positions?" she called, and with a grunt his continued thrusts ground to a halt. A surprise seventh climax curled her spine as he pulled out, the rough barbs near his cockhead stimulating every inch of her pussy on the way, ending with her well-worn labia - with one of them lucking out and swiping directly across her clit to boot. Cum poured freely from the emptied orifice to pool on Heaina's abdomen below, until the orgasmic convulsions had passed and she managed to gather the wherewithal to roll off the still near-unconscious mare.

Propping herself up against the wall behind her, she watched the jizz continue to ooze out of the hole between her legs, staining sheets she knew would be more easily cleaned than the floor when all was said and done. Remembering her earlier resolution, she flashed a grin up at the still-equine Keltinor as he backed away from the bed a bit, seemingly just so that he could better admire the sight of two thoroughly fucked-raw girls lying there. "Say, you seem to be in a much better mindset today than you were when I first barged in here... was I really that good, or did something happen?" She asked, absentmindedly rubbing her distended abdomen as she talked.

Keltinor returned her grin with one of his own - though it looked a fair bit more predatory, what with the razor-sharp fangs that lined his mouth when he was in his true form. "A bit of both, actually. After we were... together, I was at first worried that it might put me on a slippery slope. That it might make it harder for me to control my urges, and refrain from acting out some of my darker, more violent dreams. But... that night, I slept better than I have for YEARS. And all day yesterday, I was more clearheaded than I can remember being since the nightmares first started haunting me. The thoughts, the dreams... they are still there, but far less intrusive, far less loud."

He bobbed his head in a grateful nod towards her. "And thanks to that - thanks to what you did for me - I've realized that the best way to get these urges under control is to meet them halfway. I'd still like to find a better, more thorough solution... or at least figure out why_this is happening to me... but in the meantime, regular sex seems like a good way to keep my sanity intact while I continue my research. And frankly, having an obedient slave whom I don't particularly _like on hand will make that much easier! There are things I want to try... things I want to do... but I don't want to do them to you. You've done too much for me to take advantage of your generosity in such a way." He shook his head and flashed her a naughty grin. "Of course, by extension, if you feel the urge... you are always welcome to swing by. I'll be happy to give you what you need. Especially when I have Heaina here for the rest..."

Tiffany could only lift an eyebrow at that, and wonder exactly what it was she'd wound up signing the guilt-burdened mare up for. She herself had been through a lot in her life, and most of it had been unpleasant... some of it had been things she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. But Keltinor wasn't a monster, not like the vicious Amazons, the sadistic Demons, or even her insane father. He was showing a new, dominant side of himself, but there clearly still wasn't any real cruelty in him. So even if Heaina didn't wind up _enjoying_her servitude under him, she'd survive. And if Tiffany's theory was correct...

Almost as if summoned by the mention of her name, the semi-catatonic mare seemed to snap back into full consciousness, eyes focusing as she gasped and arched her back, lifting her belly and chest from the bed for a few seconds before dropping back to the sheets with a tired groan. "Oh gods... I can't believe it felt that good... even the parts that hurt felt good..." she groaned, writhing and reaching down to touch her tender, still-gaping cunt. Tiffany giggled. "Well, that's what sex is like when there's real_passion_ involved - y'know, instead of blackmail and threats." She said archly and poked the mare in the ribs, prompting a rather different kind of groan.

Internally, though, she was busy patting herself on the back. What Heaina had just said was as good as an outright confirmation that her intuitive leap had been right on the money. The mare was a natural submissive and masochist - even if she hadn't quite realized it herself. That was why her draconic master's failure to use her sexually had left her so badly frustrated - she'd leaped in exactly the right direction, but still managed to miss the mark by sheer misfortune. Her behavior with the blackmailed Keltinor had been her acting out the kind of thing she actually wanted done to herself - a kind of projection. Hence why she'd been able to convince herself that he was into it too so easily.

Keenly feeling the elation of being proven right, she then moved her fingers a bit higher and started caressing one of Heaina's hard nipples to take the edge off her rather sharp comment. "Still, if THAT practically knocked you out, I wonder how much longer you'll be able to stay conscious! I mean, we're JUST getting started. There's a bunch more positions to try out! I guess we'd best break for an early lunch at some point, though, just to keep you from passing out from starvation_instead of pleasure." The mare blinked dumbly at her. "There's_more? Does... does it actually get better?" she asked, awe in her voice.

"I should certainly think so..." rumbled Keltinor as he stepped up to the bed again. "Now, for the next bit... how about you get on your hands and knees at the edge of the bed, cocksleeve?" Heaina blinked again, and stared at him in uncertainty until he lifted one obsidian-colored hoof and placed it rather heavily on her stomach, prompting a fresh spurt of cum to burst from her still spread-open pussy. "Yes, I'm talking to you. Your name's too annoying to say all the time, so when we're alone together, I'm just going to call you 'cocksleeve', 'cuz that's what you are. Now - edge of the bed, hands and knees, and show me those holes!"

For someone who had only just started to take charge in the bedroom, there certainly was an impressive edge of authority to his voice, Tiffany thought as Heaina scrambled to obey the order the moment the hoof was removed - the look on her face providing further confirmation for her now-proven theory. Meanwhile, Keltinor's eyes fell on her, and she shuddered at the lusty passion of his gaze. "As for you, Tiff... how 'bout you sit down in front of her so she can eat you out? I think my poor cocksleeve needs a bit of nourishment to see her through to lunch..." Tiffany returned the stare with equal passion. "Sounds good to me!" she replied with a grin. This was shaping up to be a spectacular day indeed...

In the end, everything turned out just as Tiffany had envisioned - if not, in fact, even better! Once the DragonRider had returned, freshly recharged by her vacation, she went to see her and explained the situation. As she had expected, Anitra didn't judge Keltinor based on his species, and once she'd had a chance to meet and talk to him in person, she went directly to the dragons and got everything straightened out. He received a renewed permit to stay - one that correctly reflected his species and the purpose of his research - and no longer needed to hide.

Anitra also took Tiffany to meet a rather imposing Silver named Argila, who was apparently some kind of secretary to the Council, and told her that next time she felt compelled to enter the personal, sound-insulated chambers of an unknown shapeshifter from a race known to be uniformly bloodthirsty and ruthless - by herself - and Anitra wasn't around, she should go talk to Argila first. The Silver was very polite, and even told her that she was welcome to come by if she had any general concerns about the situation in the Utopia, and that she would appreciate a chance to hear the 'human perspective' on outstanding issues. It made Tiffany feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that they all cared so much!

A few weeks later, Heaina resigned her post as Learic's personal servant, by chance coinciding with official recognition that Keltinor's unique situation required regular attention - in other words, looking after his sexual needs on a constant basis became a valid posting. A volunteer was found for this task with remarkable speed. Apparently, Heaina had left Learic with a few choice words, for when he posted a request for a new servant, the offer was quite clear about what kind of work the assignment entailed. Shortly after, however, he became the first - though not the last - dragon in the Utopia to take a young stallion from the village below as his personal servant, hinting that the duties attached to that position might soon get... expanded. Along with various other, more anatomical, things. This was more or less confirmed when Verdi shared a particular nugget of gossip with Tiffany, having apparently remembered her earlier interest in the topic - namely that Learic and his 'close friend' Bayenor had started to hold their frequent 'meetings' in Learic's chambers instead of Bayenor's, as had previously been their habit.

Meanwhile, Tiffany swung by Keltinor's new and larger abode - the dragons had decided, pretty much on their own, that he needed chambers suitably sized for his 'true' form, rather than the human form he actually preferred to occupy most of the time - at least once or twice per week. It was nice, though, and had plenty of room for his new live-in servant too. Needless to say, Tiffany was already prepared to bet her nipples that Heaina was there to stay - she wasn't going anywhere, even when her official 'sentence' ran out. The latent masochism Tiffany had intuited and later seen confirmed was now in full bloom, making her punishment seem more of a reward.

Keltinor, for his part, was getting increasingly comfortable with his new situation, handling the sexual authority he wielded over Heaina with steadily-growing ease. Tiffany didn't know exactly what they got up to when she wasn't there, but considering the kind of filthy things they were happy to do in front of her, it probably got pretty nasty. But hey, as long as they were happy - and it certainly seemed like they were! Heaina, in particular, seemed to walk around with a kind of vague half-smile plastered across her equine face more often than not - it was hard to remember that this was the same hard-faced, cold-voiced mare she'd watched rape and abuse a cringing Keltinor back when it all started.

Well, it wasn't as if Keltinor's personality had changed completely. He was still a very polite, soft-spoken and all-round self-effacing person around everyone except his personal cocksleeve - but the painful shyness and awkwardness that had haunted him before was certainly gone, seemingly dismissed by his skyrocketing sexual confidence. Most of those who knew him seemed to have adjusted to the shocking revelation of his true nature by now, and while a few of his friends seemed to have distanced themselves from him, he'd gained several others - including Tiffany herself, who'd found him to be highly agreeable company even _outside_the bedchamber.

Sometimes, he'd take her for a ride - not the euphemistic kind, either. Warping his back and sides into a natural saddle for her, they'd go rushing through the jungle in a blatant demonstration of his race's uncanny ability to navigate forested areas at high speeds. This kind of exercise was something he'd never dared do before, for fear of being spotted. Now he could run freely, and Tiffany could enjoy the thrill of seeing trees flash by, red locks streaming behind her as she crouched low behind his head! Oh, and he'd also enchanted her bedsheets with the same spell he used for his own, which was _ever_so convenient.

Of course, free though his movements had become, the dragons obviously still kept a close eye on him - though rumors (courtesy of the ever-reliable Verdi) had it that this wasn't due to any kind of lingering suspicions. Rather, they were apparently debating how his unique powers could best be used to serve the Utopia... after all, he had successfully bypassed or avoided all of their security-precautions, even during the week-long crackdown that had followed the cultist-attack - showcasing a talent for disguise that surpassed even the Rakshasa!

All of that was a bit over Tiffany's head, though. She was just ever so happy that she'd managed to save not just one, but TWO people in desperate need. And also quite happy that she had a reliable place to go in order to get her brains properly fucked out by a gigantic horsecock with bonus barbs below the head, and a new friend to boot! There was a skip in her step every time she headed there, arousal rising and pussy growing moist just from expectation - and imagination, as she wondered what kind of utterly depraved and filthy thing she might catch Keltinor doing to his cocksleeve when she arrived...

The End

I leave you with this question, however... who was the monster in the title? Keltinor? Heaina? Or is it perhaps something that dwells in each and every one of us...

Life Is A Beach

**Life Is A Beach** - Chapter 9 of the Legends of the DragonRider Anitra sighed as she leaned back in the sinfully comfortable chair. Perhaps it was as much groan as sigh, though. The chair had been crafted specifically for her by some of the...

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Chasing The Moon

**Chasing The Moon** The tavern was called 'The Cock-and-Balls'. The sign dangling outside, swinging in the autumn winds, depicted a rooster proudly crowing as it balanced on top of a pair of cannonballs. Clearly, the owner thought he had a sense of...

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Infernal Affairs

**Infernal Affairs** - Chapter 8 of the Legends of the DragonRider The world lurched sickeningly. There was a sensation of rising very rapidly, pushing all her blood down towards her legs, making her vision blacken. The feeling of pressure on her...

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