U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 1

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#2 of U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost

The two landed back at the balcony of their apartment complex. They lived in the penthouse, obviously. Where else in Mallakoza had the access to the skies?

They were laughing, giggling about their night and their deeds. They walked back into the main living room and flopped down onto a stack of pillows they had set up oh so perfectly.

"I thought the one guy was gonna piss himself!" the gryphon chuckled. The large, black dragon chuckled as well, remembering their night's escapades. As they laughed and laughed, they didn't hear someone enter their apartment, it was a quiet little noise, four female paws stepping quietly through the house...it watched them...stalked her prey: the dragon...

Eve was tackled by the force, tumbling over and landing on his ass with a big silver paw on his chest!

"Too easy," the creature smirked. "You're getting too old for this dear..."

"You're one to talk," Eve snapped back playfully. "Hey Cyllea..."

"Hey baby," the metallic, silver female leaned down and kissed him passionately, sliding her tongue around his. The two got lost in eachother, kissing blindly and lustfully, letting their paws roam over the other's body.

The gryphon cleared his throat.

"Ahem...a-HEM...AHEM!" he practically hacked up a lung trying to break them up!

They looked at him and laughed.

"Sorry Kane, we'll leave you to your own devices," Eve said, tossing the remote to the plasma-screen at him. Kane caught it and flipped it on as the two trotted out to the kitchen. He mumbled and grumbled grumpily...

"So, how was your night?" Cyllea asked him.

"It was good! We nailed some crooks, messed with some cops...got a little dough on the way," he tossed her a roll of hundreds! She caught it and looked at him in complete and utter disbelief!

"Eveser! How could you! This isn't your money, is it?" Cyllea looked at him ashamedly.

"Come on baby, I don't do this all the time! And think about it, I can't get a job now, I'd be like Spiderman! Working two jobs and still fighting crime? You're the only one who works in this place...I thought you...y'know might be happy for a little break...I was worried about you," he said and looked at her sheepishly. Her features softened.

"Well, alright...but I don't want this to become a habit! Understand? Only when we REALLY need it," Cyllea made the rules perfectly clear. Eve nodded and saluted her.

"Yes ma'am!" he joked. She smiled and then kissed his cheek.

"You know, I've been waiting for you all day...I've been a little...hungry..." Cyllea moved closer to him, eyeing him like a piece of meat which, in actuality he was to her...in a naughty way...

"Oh? Well I might have something for you..." he stood up and put his front paws on the counter, letting his large sheath hang in front of her. Cyllea wooed and slid under him, licking tenderly.

"Ooooh," Eve moaned and humped forwards involuntarily.

Cyllea watched his sheath get firmer and more solid as she licked and let him hump her tongue. Eve's pink tip began to poke out through his sheath, making Cyllea smile. She LOVED getting him nice and hard!

His cock flopped out; landing on her snout and making her giggle and look up at him in surprise.

"I missed you," Cyllea cooed sexily and licked his head, reaching down and starting to just rub one finger over her pussy. She moaned around Eve's cock, making him moan with pleasure as well! He loved the feel of his mate's soft tongue, licking slowly around the head, playing around the shaft as her soft lips did the rest.

Eve was getting closer, more and more as his mate sucked his cock...he was so close to orgasming in her mouth and all over her face...

Then there was a loud crashing sound as Kane ran into the kitchen, seeing the two and then covering his eyes and turning away quickly! Cyllea slid her mouth off of Eve's cock and looked at Kane.

"Kane? Sweetie are you ok?" she asked like a mother, Eve looking at his friend worriedly.

"Uh yea I'm uh...Eve? We have a bit of a problem..." Kane finally squeaked out. Eve looked at him and then at Cyllea, then rushed into the living room with him!

"It's going off again..." Kane said, looking at a small pendant on the dining room table. It was a smallish, metal skeletal claw, with one bony finger pointing forwards. It was a locater key. The hand was usually unclenched, but if something was put into the palm, it would close and point to the source of that item, glowing brighter the closer one got to said source. It was a Behaku locater, given to Eve by a very close friend of his...a man on the inside. It pointed to the east and glowed rather brightly.

Eve picked it up and looked it over, looked inside the skeletal fist and saw the object, a high-ranking Behaku ring, held tightly. There was no malfunction. There was a Behaku hierarch nearby.

"Kane, let's go," Eve said solemnly. The gryphon's face became a mask of seriousness as Eve slid the pendant around his neck. Eve looked at Cyllea, her own face embedded with worry. She ran her claw along the side of his face, stroking it softly as he nuzzled her paw.

"I'll be back," Eve said. Cyllea was useful in combat, no doubt whatsoever that she could hold her own...but she wasn't trained for something like this. This Behaku was stronger than the rest, not many levels below the last Behaku Lord, Dameon Swade. Dameon was the most feared Behaku Lord in all time...none had dared oppose him or his following, for fear of their wrath. Dameon was long gone by now though, his palace forsaken by the elements. His troops however, those loyal to him at least, were allowed to keep their powers but on the condition that they abandon their clan and follow the Omaki. The other half had refused and formed a confederate splinter group called the Hollowborn. These were the Behaku that Eve had sworn to defeat, for they still posed a massive threat against the world. All of Dameon's generals and higher-ranking Behaku had formed the Hollow, thus they had the best of the best...

But Eveser was ready, ever since he had 'resigned' from the Omaki; he had been hunting down the Hollowborn and exterminating them one by one. His goals hadn't changed since.

The two soared through the air, doing their best to reach their target before any trouble could arise. The claw pointed west, so they followed its lead, it got brighter, and continued to glow until it started to become almost blinding! Eve had to look away for a second...this would be a tough fight.

Eve and Kane had circled the area the locater had pointed to for at least twenty minutes.

"Do you see it?" Kane called to Eve.

"No, land there!" Eve called back and flew down to a building rooftop, putting his ear out and listening intently. Kane did the same. Eveser was like stone, he didn't move an inch, not even breathing! He just stood there...listening...waiting...

Kane's ear shot up. He twisted his head to the left, looking down the side of the building into the alleyway, seeing a smallish figure walking quickly across the trash-covered concrete. Kane motioned for Eve to come to his side of the building. Eve moved silently to him and peered over the edge. The two followed the hunched-over figure with their keen eyes, watching it stumble and trip over itself humiliatingly.

"Is that it?" Kane asked. Eve raised an eyebrow and looked at it again.

"Only one way to find out," he said and leapt over the edge into the alleyway! He landed on his feet, using his wings to stop himself before he hit the ground and land almost silently. Eve moved quickly in tune with the creature's stumbling and unintelligible mutterings as background noise to hide his approach. Kane watched from above, making sure nothing would get in the way. Eve was right behind it, his longer neck and powerful senses making him able to get a better look from a distance.

The thing had a brown rag over itself, looking something like burlap, and was muttering in a language Eveser couldn't understand. There were words he could make out in English, but they sounded almost like names...

Eve made a bold move.

"Hey," he said loudly. The figure stopped in its tracks, having clearly heard him. It started shaking and it turned around slowly. Eve saw its eyes, searing yellow with bright green irises, as it turned its head.

Its voice was extremely deep, but smooth, and twitchy, like it was nervous. It saw Eve and its eyes widened in terror! Then it saw Kane jump from the rooftop and land next to the dragon, making the creature hyperventilate rapidly and bolt from the alleyway to the street! Eve and Kane jumped to the start and sped after it. The creature was fast, faster than Eveser and even a bit faster than Kane! But as fast as its feet were, it couldn't outrun their wings. Eve jumped through the air and landed on it with a grunt. He pinned it under his front paw and roared at it, making it shiver in fright and cower, hiding as though it didn't see what it thought it saw.

"Who are you?" Eve asked forcefully. The thing shuddered and mumbled something.

"It saw...WE saw IT...but we can't get away...it won't leave me alone! In my head...my eyes...my eyes!" it started to scratch at its own face, making large cuts all over its cheeks. Eve held its claws to the ground.

"Stop that!" he roared again and glared at it. It stared at him through the cloth covering its face, completely terrified. This couldn't possibly be the Behaku general that the locator had found! There was no way...

"Who. Are. You?" Eve asked forcefully, making sure the miserable creature could see he meant business. It looked at him and then calmed down a little bit, looking at him with its horrible eyes.

"I know you...I know you...dragon...looking for a dragon, He said...looking for me...found me...He found me! He'll find me again...He'll find me again! He'll find me again!" the creature screamed and writhed horribly under Eve's grip! Eveser held it down and got close to its face, but the creature brought its head straight into his! Eve shook his head, it was a hard hit! Then the creature screamed and kicked him in the underbelly! Eve fell backwards, his claws catching on the creature's fabric covering. There was a loud rip and both Eve and Kane looked up.

There, standing before them was a creature they couldn't possibly have imagined. It was mauled, broken, beaten, under the cloth. Its ribs were showing through large gaping wounds in his chest and his right lung was clearly visible as he breathed in. His face was the worst of all though...dark black bone could be seen from the right cheek across the rest of his jaw; it was a miracle he could still talk! Eve and Kane's eyes widened and they stared at it!

"Dragon...I know you...He was looking for you...we were looking for you...help me..." it said quietly and toppled over onto the pavement. As it fell, Eve and Kane rushed over to it and Eve held it up as he tried to speak to it.

"Who did this to you?" he asked, making sure to speak slowly.

"I...He did...He found us...He found us all, chose me...He chose me..." he went on, speaking in horrible, broken English. Its tongue lolled her and there, occasionally flopping out of his mouth as he rambled.

"Who is He?" Kane asked, putting his paw on its shoulder.

"He is...His name...Locke...He is...He...He..." its eyes widened as it looked up at the rooftops. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

It screamed a horrible scream of terror and grabbed Kane's feathers, burying its face in them and curling up into a fetal ball, like a frightened child. Kane hesitantly grabbed it and held it, looking over at Eve with obvious confusion in his eyes. Eve looked up to the rooftops quickly, trying to see what mortified the creature so. He scanned the rooftops, each one at a time, thoroughly aware of his surroundings. He saw nothing, no person or animal, no man or beast.

Kane stood up, standing beside Eve, looking around.

"You think the Behaku did this?" Kane asked Eveser.

"Couldn't have." Eve said quietly, still scanning the skies.

"Why not?" he asked, swinging the unconscious creature onto his back and getting ready to fly.

"That IS the Behaku," Eve said pointing to the still twitching creature on Kane's back. "We have to get him to the Fortress."

U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 2

The two landed back at the balcony of their apartment complex. They lived in the penthouse, obviously. Where else in Mallakoza had the access to the skies? They were laughing, giggling about their night and their deeds. They walked back into the...

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U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 2

The black-hooded figure sat in its chair quietly. It made no noise. It didn't even...

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Blare & Dracon: the Hotsprings

It wasn't unlike Dracon to find himself lonely. He had discovered himself like this before, the situation almost becoming like a nostalgic slap in the face! He...

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