U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#3 of U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost

The black-hooded figure sat in its chair quietly. It made no noise. It didn't even breathe.

It seemed to be inanimate, although all who had seen it knew it was anything but.

Speaking of which, a good handful of them watched him right now. They watched him through a pane of one-way glass, talking amongst themselves.

"And you're sure he's completely secured? He can't break those can he?" one of the lab-coat clad men asked shakily, pointing towards the pair of bluish-glowing cuffs around the figure's wrists, ankles, neck, and a belt around his upper torso also faintly glowing with electricity.

"Dr. Woods, I assure you, Dameon is completely harmless! He wouldn't hurt you," a tall lion doctor said to the shorter human doctor.

"You didn't answer my question: Can. He. Break. Those. Cuffs?"

"If he does, he's only trying to scare you," the lion said with a grim chuckle. The human doctor looked over his shoulder at a man in a clean-cut business suit standing between two guards. The doctor nodded and the man stepped forwards, he was a human, older, bald, with a goatee and a pair of small spectacles.

"Why haven't you refitted him in acceptable clothes?" the man asked, referring to Dameon's lack of stereotypical prison garb. The lion chuckled and tapped the top of his clipboard with his pen.

"He doesn't like orange. Asked us specifically to let him keep his current attire. And besides, Mr. Director, we couldn't get it off him even if we tried...and we did," the lion chuckled again. The director stepped back between the two guards again. "You should have seen that little spectacle..."

"Dr. Allen, with a prisoner like-" he was cut off by Dr. Allen, who angrily slammed his clipboard down onto the table in the center of the room.

"He is NOT a prisoner Dr. Woods. He is a guest. As are all of the residents here in my institution. And recently, this new brigade of security your sect has brought in, I feel as though you begin to see it as more of a prison..." Dr. Allen said forcefully. The human regained himself.

"Excuse me, with a *ahem* GUEST like this..." the doctor's voice trailed off as Dameon began to get bored of him. He thought to himself.

Thought about the day he admitted himself to this institution. To be short, he basically walked through the front doors!

"Is there a doctor in the house?" he remembered shouting when he walked in. He laughed to himself, lightly chuckling while the doctors argued about him in the next room over. He couldn't see them, well not directly. His spinning retinas picked them up as heat signatures and his mechanically-augmented hearing...it explains itself. He had honestly pictured a different situation, being in this asylum. He had pictured chains, cages, lobotomies, shackles...the works...

Ever since he was admitted, though, he had been received as though he were (as Dr. Allen so confidently labeled him) a guest in someone's home. Except for the clothing situation.

"And here are your...um, s-standard-issue garments...sir," the woman behind the counter stuttered as she handed him an orange jumpsuit and a pair of velvet slippers. She was an older woman, a large beehive sat atop her head and a small pair of beady eyeglasses sat in front of equally beady eyes.

"Oh, no thank you ma'am. If you don't mind, I'd prefer to keep what I have on. I've already emptied all my pockets, so don't you worry one bit," he said and tapped the reinforced glass between him and her with his bony, silver, claw. She stepped back a bit and then just smiled nervously for second.

Dameon chuckled and turned to walk away, beginning to walk down the corridor of cells full of the other prisoners. He was stopped by a little red dot on his chest. He traced it to a guard aiming a funny looking gun at him from the above balcony.

"Take the clothes and get moving, now!" the guard shouted, other guards looking towards him and pointing their funny looking guns at him too.

"Wait, you misunderstand! I really can't wear that...orange isn't my color, you see?" Dameon shouted back, holding his metallic claws up to prove he meant no harm. It was difficult, considering they had shackled him with about forty to fifty pounds of solid steel cuffs and locks.

"Get on the ground, now!" a few guards shouted, approaching him slowly. "NOW!"

"If you think I'm going to lie on this grimy floor, you better check yourself in with me! Ahahahahahahaha!" Dameon laughed evilly.

The guards weren't amused. "Take 'em down! Take 'em down!"

They fired their funny looking guns (which turned out to be filled with 'patient pacification' shells), each one firing a large black round at him that burst on contact. They struck Dameon and burst, releasing a powder that would have normally blinded and stunned a regular creature. Dameon just stood there, knocked off balance a bit by the rounds. That was it.

The guards shifted about on their feet and looked at eachother. Then a booming voice rang through the lobby. It was a largely built lion standing at the top of the balcony stairs.

"Guards! This is no way to treat a guest!" he turned to Dameon. "Mr. Swade, if you wouldn't mind, please go to your abode and I shall join you momentarily."

"Aye aye, mon Capitan! Ya hear that boys? I get a housecall, ooooh I'm so excited!" Dameon had been laughing wildly all the way back to his cell...

He snapped back to the present when he heard the door opening. He looked over and saw Dr. Allen walking through, a solemn look on his face.

"So, what's the news doc? Are they finally gonna take me out back and plug me?" Dameon chuckled to himself and simulated shooting himself with his fingers. Dr. Allen chuckled a bit, too.

"Not today my friend," he said calmly. "They want to transfer you out of here...to a place that can 'better suit your specific needs'."

"But doc! I love this place! I've just finished meeting all of the guards!" Dameon feigned disappointment, making sure his audience could hear him behind the glass.

"I know, I know...but what can I do? It's out of my jurisdiction!" Dr. Allen threw his arms up into the air and looked at Dameon.

Dameon waited until everything grew quiet. Then he started laughing...and laughing and laughing and laughing! Dr. Allen looked at him curiously.

"What are you up to Dameon?"

"I want to meet one of them."


"Oh I get my pick do I? Hmmm, that one! I want that one mommy!" he said, pointing towards the human doctor accompanying the director.

The doctor jumped when he saw Dameon pointing directly at him. He moved to the side a bit, and Dameon's finger followed him.

"Oh he's a sneaky one isn't he? Thinks I don't see him hiding behind his little window," Dameon laughed wildly.

The doctor gulped and looked nervously towards the director. The director looked first at Dameon and then at the shivering doctor. He looked at the doctor and then motioned for him to enter the interrogation room.

"Go on! You're making me look bad Henry," the director whispered harshly.

The doctor started walking shakily towards the door. He walked into the room where Dr. Allen and Dameon waited patiently.

"M-M-Mr. Swade?" he stuttered nervously.

"Please, call me Dameon! There's no need for formalities around me, I want to get to know everyone on a personal level...if you're not uncomfortable, that is?" Dameon stood up at the end of his sentence.

"Oh, why...um, no! No of course not...you...um...you can c-call me Henry," Dr. Woods said and held out his shaking hand.

Dameon's eyes became a passive shade of robin's egg blue. He tugged at his restraints a little bit, proving their hindrance.

"Sorry I can't return the kindness doc, but I'm a little tied up at the moment..." Dameon chuckled.

"Oh...oh yes of course I'm sorry," Dr. Woods retracted his hand and tucked it into his coat pocket.

"So then, what's all this business I hear about transferring me?" Dameon said, sitting down again with Dr. Allen behind him.

"Well, we just think that you would be...happier! Yes, happier, in a more secure, more...uh, friendly environment!" Dr. Woods said nervously.

"Friendly, Henry?" Dameon asked. "I can guarantee you that that Simba over here runs the friendliest asylum I've ever looked into."

"Hey!" Dr. Allen slapped Dameon on the shoulder, and then shook his hand around in pain.

Dr. Woods looked back through the glass window behind him. He saw nothing but his own reflection staring back and Dameon staring at him...that black hooded metal skull staring at him with bright blue eye pupils...

He turned back around. Dameon's body made very light vibrations and moved rhythmically as his inner mechanics buzzed and ticked like clockwork. Dr. Woods looked at Dr. Allen.

"Doctor, if you wouldn't mind handing me the file?" he held out his hand, rather close to Dameon's head. Dameon just stared at it and his mechanics sped up a bit. The doctor pulled his hand back hastily as soon as Dr. Allen handed him a manila file with an approval stamp on it.

"Now then Mr. Swade," Dr. Woods said, pulling out a few documents with a few Polaroid pictures clipped to the top. Dr. Woods turned them to face Dameon so he could look them over. "As you can see, our establishment has the finest in technology and is maintained to the highest standard. The location also offers much to our patients as a side benefit! We are located on the Coast of Rogo Island just south of Cuba. Recently discovered and able to sustain our asylum along with the officials' mansion, Rogo Island is just the place to take the edge off of being cured. You can swim, fish, walk on the beach, and enjoy a multitude of different opportunities that we can offer you," the doctor finished.

Dameon's jaw grinded a little bit, he looked over the papers and Polaroids, read the documents and read them carefully...not like it made a difference. Dameon laughed and then pushed them back at the doctor.

"You sound like a brochure Henry Old Boy," Dameon laughed and reclined in his seat. "And don't get me wrong it sounds like a real blast! But unfortunately...I will have to decline your offer."

Dr. Woods looked confused, as though he didn't know what to do. He turned back to face the window again and hoped that the director would say something, do something to help him. He heard nothing and saw only himself and Dameon behind him, whirring smoothly.

He turned around again...only this time he turned around to find Dameon's face less than an inch away from his!

"You really ought to stop doing that Henry, you'll hurt my feelings," Dameon licked his razor-sharp teeth with his long pink tongue. Dr. Woods quaked and was paralyzed with fear, unable to move. He looked into Dameon's slowly spinning pupils, his own eyes twitching with nervousness.

"Boo," Dameon snarled and gnashed his teeth together just barely touching the microscopic hairs on the doctor's nose! Dr. Woods screamed and jumped backwards, leaping off of his chair and landing on his back. He jumped to his feet and then stormed out of the room as Dameon maniacally laughed his head off. Dr. Allen looked at him angrily.

"Dammit Dameon!" Dr. Allen scolded as he stormed after Dr. Woods. Dameon laughed and then sat quietly again and listened.

"Dr. Woods! Dr. Woods, Dameon didn't mean to scare you-"

"Yes I did!"

"SHUT UP Dameon! He didn't mean any harm, he was only doing what comes naturally to him," Dr. Allen tried to explain.

"I'm not concerned about that, I'm more concerned with your ability to properly rehabilitate your head-cases! Frankly, doctor? I am disgusted that a person like you can run a facility being as incompetent as you are!" Dr. Woods screamed. The director looked uninterested and simply watched.

"Dr. Woods," Dr. Allen began.

"No more excuses doctor! I haven't seen one thing that indicates your ability to properly treat a patient since I arrived here! And to be honest, I don't think you see them as they really are! Guests? Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous!" Dr. Woods went mad with rage.

"Hey, don't be too rough on the guy Henry," Dameon called from the other room, not liking the treatment Dr. Allen was receiving.

"Be quiet you abomination! You are untreatable; you are a danger to society and an unwanted piece of trash in this sorry excuse for an asylum! As for YOU Dr. Allen," Dr. Woods kept screaming, not noticing through the glass that Dameon's eyes began to glow red...

"As for you, I will see to it personally that your asylum is demolished!" Dameon's eyes glowed darkly...

"I will also be sure to sleep comfortably at night, knowing that for the rest of your life, you will never work as a psychiatrist here or in any part of this planet! How does that sound Leon?!" Dr. Woods finished his rage and took a step back. Dr. Allen trembled with balled up fists, looking like he was about to explode and cry at the same time. Then, through the deafening silence, the sound of metal scraping against metal pierced the room. The doctors, the director, and the two guards looked through the one-way glass.

Dameon was on his feet, his eyes a menacing shade of crimson. He raised his manacled arms; claws balled into fists, and started pulling his arms in different directions. The cuffs started sizzling as the electric wiring inside was stretched and torn. The metal bent and then snapped furiously, sending pieces of metal flying everywhere in the room. He looked through the glass, through Dr. Allen, and at Dr. Woods...he lifted his hand and pointed one bony claw at him...

"You..." he whispered quietly, though it seemed louder than anything to Dr. Woods, who yelped and ran for the door! Dameon quickly curled his hand into a fist, the door slamming shut in Dr. Woods' face and locking.

Dameon grabbed one side of the table in front of him and flipped it into the air, watching it smash through the reinforced safety glass and into the next room! Dr. Woods ducked and tried to hide. Dameon jumped through the broken window and landed like an enormous black shadow against the ground. He stood up slowly and started pacing towards Dr. Woods.

"Dameon?" Dr. Allen looked at him worriedly. Dameon ignored him and stood over Dr. Woods.

"You miserable little maggot! You have no idea how easily I could beat you into a stain on the floor!" He bent over and lifted Dr. Woods off the ground and held him against the wall. "Listen good...I am not going ANYWHERE...I am going to be here tonight, tomorrow, the next day, the next day, the next day, and even the day after that. God has no mercy for me but you had better go home and thank him that he has plenty for you...a few years ago I would've gutted you like a fish and eaten you...but today I am a changed man!" he dropped him, shaking violently in terror, to the ground. "As for this little file here?" He picked up the manila folder with one claw. "Let's both agree to consider it null..." it burst into flames as he held it. "...and void."

"Dameon!" Dr. Allen whispered in shock.

"You never came here today. None of you. You drove past, you looked, and then you kept driving to go and get a soda from the Wawa down the street understand?" he reached into Dr. Allen's pocket and pulled out a 20 dollar bill. He dropped it on Dr. Woods' chest and looked at the director. "Are we clear?"

"Crystal Mr. Swade," the director said and tapped his guards on the shoulders. They turned out the door and walked on either side of him. "Come along Henry!"

Dr. Woods scrambled to his feet and bolted down the hallway after the director. When he was halfway caught up, Dameon called to him.

"Hey Doc?" his metallic voice rang throughout the hallway. Dr. Woods stopped dead in his tracks, shaking with fear. He turned around slowly...inch by inch...and found Dameon right behind him, eye-to-eye, long pink tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth and dripping neon green saliva...

"Did I scare ya?"

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