Kinktober Day Ten: Micro/Macro

Story by KarlyCommissions on SoFurry

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#10 of Kinktober 2018

A micro Dragoness and her large sergal lover are wrapped up in a game of teasing, taunting, and sexual desire. (Three Part Story)

Kinktober Commission for Tyrantlord26

There was an air of need pulsing through the room -- it wasn't an altogether strange thing. After all, Vicky and Sal had quite a healthy relationship... so, what would it be without a fun air of sexual tension continually radiating between them. At the moment, the dragon was spread out on their rather large bed -- she looked like a little doll against the black comforter, with her brown hair pushed back past her horns and her blue skin slightly flushed from anticipation of what was going to happen.

She and her mate had been out all morning, and they'd started teasing one another as they were getting ready that morning. They'd had to shop for household supplies, groceries, mundane things -- it might have been a mundane trip, if it wasn't for the fact that the two of them had woken up horny from the get-go. If they hadn't had appointments to pick things up, they might have gotten their yaya's out before going out, but time constraints had stopped them.

And so, sitting on the sergal's shoulders, Vicky had whispered exactly how much she wanted Sal throughout the day... exactly how much she wanted to touch her, to taste her, to tease her... she'd whispered every hot and teasing thing that she could think to whisper, and she'd done it while nibbling gently on the shark's ear whenever she had the chance and no one was looking.

The dragoness had done everything that she could to make sure that her mate was completely riled up for when they got home, and she was fairly certain that she'd done a good job. She could smell the sweet scent of her lover's arousal, subtle and unnoticeable to most. It was her favorite scent though and as soon as it had appeared, soaking through the panties of Sal's maid outfit, Vicky knew that she had won. Sweet, aching satisfaction ripped through her; the knowledge that she'd been able to arouse the sergal so much with just a few words and actions was enough to make her own body ache, to make her own cunt pulse in sweet desire.

Maybe it was a double edge sword, teasing Sal, but she knew that it would pay off for her as soon as she got home. She had hope that her mate wouldn't be able to hold back, would take her as soon as they made it through the door...

But nothing of the sort happened. Sal kept the tiny dragoness on her shoulder for a moment, and then made a byline to their bedroom. She deposited her lover on the bed and gave her a gentle smile.

"Are you--"

But Sal had cut her off. "I'm going to go put the groceries away. I'll be back in just a few." And with stroke to her cheek as the only contact that she was given, the sergal had exited the room.

Vicky was left flustered and a bit confused. Had she not had the impact that she'd thought she had on her lover? Sal had walked away as though there was nothing going on between the two of them, as though there had been no temptation, no teasing...

A small part of the dragoness wilted -- maybe she'd pushed her too far? She actually had to bite her lower lip, unsure of herself for the first time in quite a while. With a small sigh, she pulled herself into a sitting position and crossed her legs. There was a small pit of worry in her stomach -- she'd been teasing because she loved Sal. She certainly hadn't wanted to upset her in any form or fashion. She hadn't wanted to make things hard on her, either. Maybe she'd gone a little too far? She'd made the sergal blush more than once through the day, and she'd made her let out low little moans of desire and pleasure when she was sure that no one could hear her.

Maybe she should have been a little more considerate. Maybe she should have thought a bit more about how Sal was feeling; she was sexually frustrated, yes, but she'd been the one teasing... so she'd been in control of the situation.

Vicky sat on the bed for a few more moments with self-doubt ripping and roiling through her until she finally heard footsteps approaching the bedroom. She sat up straight, completely intent on apologizing as soon as Sal came through the door.

The hinges swinging triggered her words. "Sal, I didn't mean to--" But the apology died on her lips as the sergal entered the room and closed the door behind her with a decisive click.

At first, Vicky didn't realize that Sal had changed her clothes. As the sergal walked past her, though, the dragoness realized that the usually dark material of Sal's maid outfit was completely sheer and far shorter than usual. Vicky actually felt her jaw drop open, though Sal walked past her as though there was nothing weird going on at all.

"Hey, babe?" But the sergal made her way into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Vicky was left on the bed with her heart thundering in her chest, and a burning ball of anticipation beginning to build in her chest. She had a feeling that her lover wasn't angry with her, after all. She wouldn't have on that outfit if she was mad.

But... when had she had time to get that costume at all? They had seen it in the store earlier today, and Vicky had teased the shark about how good it would look on her, how much she would love to see her dancing in it, moving it in, masturbating in it.

They'd hardly been apart at all... but somehow, she'd managed to snag it up.

The bathroom door opened, and Vicky's eyes instantly darted up. She wanted to take in the full effect of Sal in the costume. Her golden hair was pushed back, and her full breasts could be seen through the sheer material that graced her chest. Even that apron along the front of the costume was lace, so it offered a sweet peekaboo of the white and golden flesh contained beneath.

The dragoness made a move to stand, to make her way to the foot of the bed so she could make the way to her lover, but Sal held up one hand and wagged her finger back and forth.

"No, no. You stay right where I put you, Vicky." And the dragoness paused with wide eyes. Sal's voice was so soft and sultry -- she had to obey. "I think that you know you deserve this, don't you?" The question rang through the air, sizzling and scorching so that the dragoness had to catch her breath. Of course, she deserved this... she'd been a complete brat all day, teasing Sal relentlessly... but she'd never thought that she'd actually get paid back for it.

"I... uh... maybe?" Vicky's voice was small, sweet, and completely innocent in contrast to the fact that she knew she was anything but.

There was an air of need pulsing through the room -- it wasn't an altogether strange thing. Sal was standing in front of her with the most salacious smile spread across her beautiful features, and Vicky knew that she was in for it. Her teasing had backfired, for sure... but it wasn't such a bad backfire, after all.

"Did you think that you were just going to get away with your bad behavior today?" Sal leaned in, the skimpy version of her usual maid outfit showing the top of her bust as she did. She licked her muzzle for just a moment, and then leaned back again, running her fingers along the length of her frame.

"I... I guess not." Vicky gasped the words out, her eyes completely tracked on her mate's frame. She couldn't tear them away from the skimpy outfit; when she'd had time to purchase the teasing costume, she had no idea... but damn, was the dragoness happy with the little surprise. Of course, the knowledge that she was about to be paid back for all of the teasing that she'd dished out earlier was both a thought full of anticipation and the aching knowledge that she was going to be denied her instant gratification.

As Sal swayed in front of her, her fingers still dancing along the sheer black material of her costume, Vicky was quite certain that she simply did not care.

"Of course you knew better. Now," Sal turned long enough to flick on the mp3 player behind her, and low, pulsing music poured through the room and filled the air with a thrumming heartbeat of sensuality. "Why don't you sit back and enjoy the show?"

And Vicky, completely enraptured, completely lost to her lover's demands... and completely aroused, could do nothing but obey. She sat back, and turned her eyes up in rapt attention as her lover began to dance.

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