Bloody Tears, The Heart of the Vampyre 0

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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The pilot prologue about Elvira, a mare born into a bad family of an abusive father and brothers and her journey after escaping her old life.

Takes place in the same world as Bound by Destiny and its spinoffs and sequels.

Elvira (c)

Violetta (c) Me

Length: 2,532 words. 13,464 characters.

Time used to type: 3 hours 30 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning)

Bloody Tears, The Heart of the Vampyre - Prologue

This story is copyrighted to Lysgaard Ljusskjöld and Tenchi Arizonia, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The scream of the mare sounded loudly in the hallways of the big building in Ikariuz as the proud mother of four healthy foals, three colts and one filly, was giving birth to her and her husband's fifth child, while the doctor stood ready to receive the newcomer and welcome them to the world. Both the stallion and mare watching as the newlyborn foal was lifted up and wrapped in a towel to be wiped off before the doctor checked quickly and handed the mother of now five the bundle with a warm smile, "Congrats Mister and Miss Silkhoof, it is a beautiful and healthy filly." The doctor didn't see it, but the mare was looking worried at the announcement, but hid it quickly as the doctor took his stuff and bowed, "I will come back in a week to check on her. Be well now."

After the doctor was out of sight, the stallion looked at his wife and grunted, "Another filly?! You are not gonna get any food for a week for that. Now, feed that little amoeba." The mare quickly did as she was told before the stallion called out at her, "And also, get up and make me something to eat and also something for the boys. Their sister gets whatever they do not eat." The mare didn't object and just went into the kitchen with the newborn still nursing from her exposed nipple. It wasn't gonna be easy for her to do this.

Nearly seventeen years later, the newborn filly had grown into a beautiful mare by the name of Elvira, mostly because of her father's hatred of her being the darkness that ate his hopes and dreams of another son. Elvira had been reminded of this every day since she became four years old, by watching her brothers beating up her sister and then her as well. However, now that she was old enough, they had not only continued beating her up, but now they pulled Elvira into their bedrooms and forced her to watch as they took turns of raping their sister and taunted Elvira that once she is old enough herself, they would do the same thing to her. It didn't help that their father joined in on it and that she would often find their mother getting raped by all three of them at the same time and their father having their sister in his lap, raping her like she was nothing to him.

This had Elvira in fear, as she knew she could not outrun her siblings, even less her own father. And as her eighteenth birthday came closer by the days and her brothers kept on taunting her, Elvira was reading up during schooltime about the geography of the planet and much to her dismay, no matter how much she searched for an answer, it seemed the only way to run away from the realm was by travelling to the east, but with the many rivers and tolls there, not to mention how the east realm was home to many slave traders, she wasn't sure if that was even a good idea and she should instead try to find a place to hang low without her family knowing.

One day before her birthday during nighttime, Elvira grabbed her backpack and bag before opening the window to her room and with one last look back, she jumped out and left them all behind. Much to her dismay, when her family woke up, her sister was pressed up against the walls by their father who spitted out in rage into her face, "Where is she?! Where is Elvira?! I know you have hidden her or helped her!" The mare cried as she felt him punch her cheek, "I don't know. I am shocked she left without me knowing." The father threw her into the wall and ran out the door and down the street, "I will find you and get you for this, Elvira!"

A few nights later, just as Elvira was making her way home from her job as a store clerk, she suddenly felt a stallion grabbing her from behind and before Elvira could call out for help, he administered sedatives into her bloodstream and within a few seconds, Elvira was unconscious and the stallion could tie her up and gag her before pulling her with him to his home.

As Elvira woke up, she felt she couldn't move her arms and legs as she was chained up to a wall, neither could she speak. She tried to get her arms loose, but whoever that had placed her there, certainly knew what they were doing. Elvira began to cry before hearing the door to the room opening and a stallion entered, she didn't know if he was good or bad, but the answer soon came when she felt the gag coming out of her maw and how the stallion's thick erection shoved itself into her maw before she was feeling it moving back and forth, leaving her little time to react and only gag from how big it was, "Ohhh yes, suck it, you little whore. You should never have ran away from your dad!"

She was feeling sick. The stallion had been hired by her father to find her, but the fact he was using her maw for his pleasure meant that he had probably also paid him to kill her. Whatever it was, she didn't have time to think as the stallion began to grunt and Elvira felt his salty cum filling her maw, getting her nauseous from how it tasted and when she didn't want to swallow, the stallion covered her nostrils to force her to finally swallow before he let her breathe again, "You should be thankful that I am wasting my precious semen on you."

In her mind, the stallion could have been a dream, but seeing how he abused her mouth multiple times a day, he was more of a nightmare and when he brought in his friends, things got worse when she felt the stallion stabbing her chest and slowly cut it open to reveal her beating heart. The friend just grinned as the stallion grabbed a pair of wires and applied some electric shocks to Elvira's heart, causing it to suddenly stop before he applied more shocks to start her heart up again, leaving Elvira to cry in pain and shock.

Over the week in captivity, the stallion tormented Elvira by cutting wounds open and pouring salt in them, even rubbing capsaicin into the wounds while she was wearing the ballgag, causing her so much pain that she was forced to relieve her bowels of all their contents.

When she did however, the stallion slapped her cheek, "You fucking bitch! You soiled my floor! I will teach you to value your actions more!" In Elvira's mind, she was hoping it wasn't going to be any worse than what he had done before. But she was wrong when she felt her wings being pulled out and stabbed through by hooks, making her scream before the pain grew to the spine, when suddenly a crack of a whip was heard and deep in Elvira's mind, she was not going to enjoy it a bit.

The first crack of the whip against her back had her screaming in pain, the second and third one only making it worse and she felt it happening over and over again until one well-placed crack of the whip struck her hard and Elvira felt her back being cut as the stallion laughed, "Like that, you bitch? It is a whip I made from the manes of all my victims and I added a sharp fang to the end of it that can pierce hides." Elvira knew it now, she wasn't going to survive his punishments and she just hung there as crack after crack struck her back and more and more her back was being cut, but the nightmare wasn't over yet as the stallion soon picked up a container and walked over to hold it in front of Elvira's face, making her cringe as she saw the grubs in the container and the stallion laughed, "Guess what? They are going into your wounds!"

Elvira felt herself trying to tear herself away from the bonds, but to no avail as she heard the lid being taken off and how something slimy was falling onto her open wounds. Her tears began to flow as the pain was intense and soon the pain got even worse as the grubs began to burrow themselves into her back and pupate and she counted that twelve of those grubs having been buried into her flesh as the sick stallion began to laugh.

On the very last day, the stallion had begun to tire of Elvira and walked over to her, "Okay bitch. I got one last thing for you to go through. If you survive this, you are free to go. If not, then I will just throw you away like the trash that you are." Elvira was barely able to respond from her current state and the stallion took it as his cue to begin when he grabbed one of her hands and Elvira whimpered as she felt the sharp edge of a blade cutting her wrist, before the same pain happened to her other wrist, the pain being intense enough to almost make her faint, but it wasn't over as she felt her head being pulled back and soon she gasped in shock when he cut her throat open and she tried to stop the bleeding.

The male didn't seem to pay her any mind as he soon grabbed a bottle and applied some oil into the wrists and into the wound on her throat carefully. Elvira was confused as she felt the oil was helping her, but soon the heat took over as the stallion ignited the oil and Elvira's gurgling scream could be heard as the intense pain spread through her body and with her bowels emptying themselves once more, she fell unconscious, but to the stallion it was looking like she really died, as her breathing stopped entirely and he laughed, "Guess not. Well, playtime is over."

Undoing the bonds on Elvira's body, the stallion began to pull her by the shoulders towards the door and down the stairs leading to the outside. Once outside, he headed for the nearby alleyway and dumped Elvira's body on a heap of trash before slowly heading back home, but someone had seen him and was approaching, "What are you doing with her?" The stallion looked at the dark figure approaching him rapidly and grunted, "None of your business, leave now." The figure began to speed up, "It is my business now, lowlife!"

The stallion felt insulted and moved in closer to attempt punching the rude person, but his arm was merely slapped away before the person came in close enough to show the red eyes and sharp fangs, "I will drain the answer from your filthy husk!" The stallion felt both his arms being grabbed and how they were soon torn right off his body, causing him to begin screaming in panic, but with the muzzle being shut by the stranger, he was soon exposed and bitten by it, sharp fangs piercing his skin and beginning to feast on his blood until barely a husk was left of him and tossed aside.

Looking over at the mare, the stranger approached and looked her over, "Such a shame to let someone like you die like this. But no worries, I got another way for you to go." With the blood from the mare's wound on a finger, the stranger began to draw out a pentagram on the alleyway's stones, before adding the additional details required, "Zora, Reicy, Fidh, Harwa, Ebolema." With the five symbols for the moon's five stages, the stranger moved Elvira's unconscious body onto the symbol before dropping to their knees and placing the fangs around the throat to start the Staeian blood ritual.

Elvira felt her body slowly lifting off the ground as she regained her consciousness, but feeling the fangs on her neck, she was about to panic when she saw the cascading rivers of blood red colors flowing over her and wrapping around her body to almost tie her down before crushing themselves into her.

Elvira was soon landing on the ground before the stranger pulled away and offered a hand, "Let's go home now. To your new home." Elvira grabbed the hand and was up in barely any time at all and soon looked into the blood red eyes of the bat, but something felt regal about her. The bat looked her over before Elvira asked with a soft blush, "Who are you, miss?"

The bat bowed politely, "Oh, how very rude of me. Name's Violetta Redfeather, the Vampire Queen of Q'Sta'Ei. And your new queen." Elvira felt herself kneeling out of respect, "Thank you for saving me, my queen. My body and soul is yours to use. Any request will be answered." Violetta nodded, "Then share your tale with me."

To say the least, Violetta got to learn about Elvira's past and gave her condolences for the harsh way of growing up, before telling her about Staeian culture and about the ritual she had performed on her. Elvira was amazed to know that they weren't born vampires, but were made into them by a ritual and only the vampires stood high for a promising future and normal bats had to just take what they could. But she was happy to know that Violetta had taken steps with what was known as the Blood Council to change conditions for the future generations.

It took the journey from Ikariuz to Grobuz for Elvira to get the big question from Violetta, "I know you are not familiar with this, but I would like to offer you a seat in the Blood Council and a title of countess. We recently had to throw one of our council members out after he attempted to bribe the others to vote according to what he wanted. I think you would make a perfect member." Elvira looked at Violetta before turning to face her with a warm smile just as they entered the throne room to the castle as she gave her answer, "I will gladly accept the offer. Not for the title, but for a chance to help you make your queendom better." Violetta nodded before she sat down in her throne, "Since you are reborn a vampire, I hereby rename you officially Elvira Bloodmane. And by the power of my crown, I hereby ennoble you as Countess Elvira Bloodmane of the Third Crescent Moon of Fidh. Now rise!" And so Elvira did, into her new life.

The End.

Bloody Tears, The Heart of the Vampyre 1

**Bloody Tears, The Heart of the Vampyre 1 - The Staeian Teachings** **This story is copyrighted to Lysgaard Ljusskjöld and Tenchi Arizonia, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story...

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Journeys of Time 20

**Journeys of Time 20: Honor by Blood and Slaughter** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission. Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is...

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Journeys of Time 19

**Journeys of Time 19: Rebirth by Cybernetics** **This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.** **Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is...

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