A Wolf Come Out to Fight

Story by KPFoxPaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Requests

On a peaceful sunny day in the big town of Generic City, everyone's day is ruined when a giant kaiju wolf comes crashing into town looking for a fight only to find a bunch of mice scurrying away in fright. Out of anger, he wreaks havoc on the city. Will no one meet his challenge?

Just a simple short story and my first (relatively) clean one, save for the wolf's dangly bits, which is why it's rated adult.

This was a request by Dragonlover2991.

If you enjoyed this, please check my Request status for availability. I may also be interested in taking commissions, so please check my availability as well. Commissions will always take precedence over requests.

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A Wolf Come Out to Fight

The sun hung high above the skyline of the city as high noon approached, several skyscrapers dotting the urban landscape ranging from a few dozen stories to almost a hundred stories tall. The downtown was bustling with traffic, cars, trucks, buses, taxis, all littering the streets, crowding the roads on their way to work, to shop, to sightsee, or just passing through. Large thralls of anthros, furry, scaly, and feathery alike, scurried about the walkways and sidewalks, taking phone calls, talking with friends or colleagues, passing by the average homeless beggar pretending not to see them. The actions of every individual was like a program, following the same commands that have been executed day in and day out for who knows how long, expecting today to be no different.

On the north end of the city was a hotel, the nicest, fanciest, most luxurious hotel in the city. It stood roughly 120 feet tall with each side of the building coated in reflective glass with the south side having the greatest advantage. Directly across the street from the hotel was the city park where large open fields with trees, baseball diamonds, football and soccer fields were often occupied. Past that were the various high-rise buildings and the hotel reflected this, giving onlookers a chance to observe the aesthetic beauty of both the urban and natural aspects of the city whether they were looking to the north or to the south.

There was a dining terrace on the south side of the hotel where many people were enjoying a good luncheon, a relaxing drink, or just chatting about work. Across the road in the park, people were enjoying a good walk, jogging, playing Frisbee, taking their pets for a walk, getting some fresh air with their families. Aside from the occasional honk of a horn from a car being driven by an impatient driver and a subtle gust of wind, the moment was serene to all who could witness it.

That serenity was broken first when the first car was seen driving frantically towards the north of town. Shortly after, several more cars were flying by much faster than the speed limit with numerous cops coming up behind. A few helicopters up in the sky were heard and then seen flying overhead towards the south, reaching the edge of the high-rise buildings and then sharply veering off into one direction or another. The people in the terrace sat confused as they watched the sudden hectic scene while a few people in the park stopped what they were doing to watch. Ready to return to their activities, figuring it was nothing more than a simple random encounter, several more vehicles drove by in a panic, a passenger from one of the passing vehicles sticking his head out and crying, "It's heading towards the city! Run!" That was more than enough to make some people nervous, but still didn't prepare them for what came next.

A small vibration was felt on the ground, like a quick and subtle tremor. A second later and another one came, then another, then another, slowly building in intensity. Hotel occupants were roused from their activities, whether they were watching TV, working, sleeping, or fraternizing. The ground shook more and more, scaring the city-dwelling denizens. Shortly after, the city alarm system was activated and police vehicles were seen driving through the streets, calling for everyone to evacuate the city immediately. Dread was filling the hearts of everyone around and the tremors continued to grow.

A large shadow fell over the city to the south and everyone turned to finally learn the source of the ground-shaking vibrations. Coming into view and heading towards the city was a nearly 100-foot tall, black furred kaiju wolf. Its fur was jet black, its body extremely muscular and trim, it had a large scar that began above its right eye and ran down its cheek, continuing along its chest. The right eye itself had little pigment, indicating the injury left the creature either entirely blind or mostly blind. Its left eye, however, could see perfectly, a hue of blood red with a dark, black pupil that made the wolf look evil and menacing. Its gender was no mystery as a large, canine sheath hung like a sleeping back from his crotch, the lipstick-shaped tip poking out, with a large, lupine scrotum dangling between his legs. The macro wolf's eyebrows were furrowed in anger, his claws clenched as if he were looking for a fight.

Upon seeing the black furry giant, the people went from frightened to outright terrified. Panic swept the city as people fled from the approaching the monster. To the west, to the east, and to the north, whoever was in a car or bus or truck made their way out of the city. People on foot made for their own vehicle in an attempt to flee, or if they didn't have a vehicle they tried for a bus or a taxi. If they couldn't get one, they ran in the general direction of the rest of the crowd, making their way to the nearest underground tunnel, subway system, or bomb shelter.

The people in the park picked up their children or pets and ran, attempting to flee like everyone else. As the streets became jammed with everyone fleeing in terror, cars and trucks were soon ignoring the roads altogether, driving on the shoulder or the sidewalks, passing through the open grass and parks, nearly killing people as they did. The hotel was being evacuated while some people were still uncertain as to what was happening. An announcement was made over the intercom for everyone to vacate the building immediately, stating they were being invaded with little more being said. In a panic, everyone grabbed their loved ones and left, leaving behind the majority of their belongings. Some people never even saw the wolf. All they saw was panic and mayhem and heard strangers crying out that something was coming. Out of fear, they followed the rest of the panicked crowd as they fled the city. Some people managed to get a clear view of the creature as they headed north, others getting only a glimpse or catching the reflection of the giant kaiju in one of the skyscrapers.

The wolf prowled along, his foot falls making the ground tremble beneath his enormous frame, smashing paw prints in the ground and concrete. He was drawn to the city, impressed by the tall buildings, the feet of engineering indicating an advanced society and a potentially worthy adversary. He looked from left to right, scanning the area for someone to fight, annoyed that encroaching upon their territory didn't spark any of them into action. He noticed the helicopters up above and felt a strong eagerness to jump up and swipe at them, the whir of their blades an irritation to his large, sensitive ears. It didn't matter, though, as they were too high and he couldn't reach them. Besides, he wasn't interested in fighting something so cowardly that it had to fly too far out of his reach. He wanted something that was worth his time.

"Come out now," he said, his voice booming. "I am strong and you have built this city. If you are truly worthy to fight me, come out of hiding."

He crossed into the downtown area, seeing the numerous mobs of people fleeing on foot and by road. As he watched, he realized these were not proud warriors, strong and brave. These were mice, pitiful vermin who flee when they come across danger. His eyebrows deepened in ire, his upper lip pulling back into a scowl, his jaws quivering with loathsome disgust.

"You... creatures. You... cowards." He clenched his claws into fists and shook with rage. "Cowards!" he yelled, his voice resounding throughout the city, stragglers forced to cover their ears as the kaiju blasted a deafening roar. He then pulled his right fist forward and swung it back against one of the nearby buildings, blowing through the corner and knocking the bricks, windows, and mortar out of place and flying into the air. The resulting debris came crashing down into the streets, leaving wreckage and destruction in the wolf's path.

He turned to another building, open palm, claws extended, and struck forward, digging into the structure like pudding. "You are not worthy to fight me! You are not worthy of this city!" He struck again, leaving claw marks in the structures and debris in his wake. "These buildings you make are a pathetic attempt to make yourselves feel bigger and stronger than you truly are!" He struck down several more buildings, the streets littered with bricks, wood, and glass. "You little rats!"

He came across an old church, the history of the building built into the expertly crafted walls and stain glass windows. The beauty of it was lost on the macro wolf and with a single swing he tore out half of one side of the church. He swung again and again until most of the building was a heaping pile of rubbish. He stomped on cars, picked up buses and threw them clear a few blocks away or into another building. He came upon a parking structure, intensely aggravated, then held up both paws into the air and brought them down, smashing into the concrete garage. He smashed again and again, demolishing the structure and any remaining vehicles.

Once finished with that, his black fur covered in dust and remnants of concrete, he stood up on his paw pads with his legs straight, bringing him to his full height. He held his arms to the side with his claws clenched, arched his back, flexed his muscles, and jut out his chest, proudly displaying his gargantuan sheath and balls for all to admire. He reared his head back and took a deep breath before releasing an ear-splitting roar. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" Few were the people still remaining in the city, but of those most if not all covered there ears to attenuate the wolf's deafening cry.

The wolf relaxed his body, but still looked annoyed and wanting to fight. He came across the city park, stepping into a small river that encircled half the park, practically ignoring any effect it might have had. He looked around again, spotting the few remaining people still trying to exit the city and escape the destructive giant. The vexed canine caught a relatively large group moving toward the west and became interested in them. If he wasn't gonna get a fight, he might as well get a snack. He moved to intercept them when a glimmer caught his eye and he turned his attention north. He stopped in his tracks when he spotted a creature of great interest.

His eyes widened for a moment and he stood in shock and confusion, before he splayed his ears back and curled his lip back in an angry snarl. He began to growl, the vibrations from his vocalizations causing the ground to rumble. He saw in front of him another black kaiju wolf, same black fur with an identical scar on his eye and chest, except across his left side rather than his right. His right eye had the same blood red hue as his own left eye and the macro was covered in dust as he was. The two canines stared each other down, growling and snarling, taking a defensive pose, unbeknownst to the macro wolf that he was merely looking at the reflective glass of the hotel.

Several police were still on the ground, corralling as many civilians that still remained away from the area. They saw the wolf distracted by his own reflection and used it to their advantage, taking the risk to move out into the streets to guide the rest of the people. "Over here! Come on! He's distracted!" one of them called out to the citizens. The small anthros ran like frightened mice in the streets, but the wolf paid them no mind. He was now solely focused on his opponent.

He sniffed the air, attempting to obtain a whiff of the enemy, but all he caught was his own scent and the smell of trees and grass from the park he stood in. He got nothing from his opponent and that frustrated him. He lowered his body, one paw forward, ready to charge, tail straight and still, eyes glued to the identical lupine. They stared each other down, each waiting for the other to make a move.

"Do something, wolf!" he called to his reflection. When his opponent didn't make a move, he growled loudly in irritation. He took a step forward and as he did, the other wolf moved in the same fashion. The canine stopped, waiting for the other to move again, growing more and more frustrated by the kaiju in front of him copying his moves. He moved again, taking a step forward and another, each time his actions being reflected back at him with the black wolf interpreting it as mockery from an aggressor. Finally, he grew exasperated of waiting for the other wolf to act.

"Fine! If you won't attack, then I will!"

He took a few steps forward, carefully and quickly, watching as the wolf in front of him gained on him as well. With no clear attack advantage, he realized all he could do was straight up attack and so he charged forward, running straight for the wolf reflection in the hotel. As he reached the edge of the park, he stomped down hard, making the ground shake harder than it had yet, and lept forward, arms outstretched and snarling with rage. He pounced towards the hotel, ready to strike his opponent and as he turned his head to get first bite on the enemy wolf, his face struck the mirrored walls and collapsed into the south side of the hotel. The full force of his macro body was thrust upon the hotel and it smashed through the building, floor upon floor collapsing under the weight of the kaiju. As he fell onto his side, he left a large, gaping hold in the middle of the hotel, fortune in favor as not a soul remained in the building.

Collecting himself, the wolf scrambled out of the building and got to his feet, searching the area for the other wolf. He was covered from head to toe in glass, wood, and other debris from the hotel, soft growls escaping his muzzle as he futilely scoured for his enemy. He looked back at the hotel at the location where he spotted the other wolf, his nerves elevated and his anger aroused. With nowhere else to go, he began to think that this was the other kaiju's hiding spot and that he must have other hiding spots somewhere nearby. After pondering with a little too much difficulty on the matter, the wolf began to realize what he saw might not have been what he thought.

The realization would never fully unfold as the familiar whir of propeller blades caught the wolf's attention and he turned to the south to see a large, attack helicopter approaching. Feeling more annoyed and disappointed than anything, the kaiju was ready to rather nonchalantly swipe at the chopper in an attempt to demonstrate his dominance. Unexpectedly, the chopper fired off a few shots of something that smacked the wolf in the face. He shook them off, the metal canisters causing nothing more than a minor nuisance as they made contact. However, they released a grayish-green gas that quickly permeated the air around the wolf. He breathed it in a coughed lightly, the gas, producing a pungent aroma that stung his nasal cavities and irritated his sinuses. Now, freshly irritated, the wolf was ready to strike the helicopter out of the sky.

"Dirty vermin."

As the helicopter approached, the wolf ducked down, inadvertently surrounding himself in the burning mist of toxic gas that was fired upon him, irking him on. The chopper raised up, ascending higher into the air and as it did, the wolf lept up, reaching forward towards the chopper, barely missing him and swiping with such turbulent force that the helicopter was knocked aside, nothing the pilot couldn't handle. The wolf landed with an earth-shattering thud, growling as he was now vehemently vexed, though also starting to feel a little dizzy. As he spied the chopper hanging up in the sky just out of reach, numerous military vehicles fired more canisters at the wolf's feet, the same toxic fumes emanating outward. The wolf was surrounded in thick, green fog, the unpleasant aroma wreaking havoc on his sense of smell.

"Argh! Filthy, cheating vermin!"

He began to feel groggy, his equilibrium becoming harder to keep as he tried to wobble away from the cloudy area. He moved further into the park, but it did little good as dozens of gas canisters had been unloaded into the park and spread the noxious vapors to the surrounding area. The wolf's eyesight was getting fuzzy and his legs felt weak and in a short time, he collapsed onto his knees and forepaws. His arms were shaking, too weak to keep himself upright as he began to see black spots appearing in his vision, the light fading from sight.

"Ugh. Dirty, filthy vermin," he strained to say, his soft voice still loud and booming to a normal-sized anthro. Soon, his body felt weightless and he collapsed onto his side, heavy breathing growing steady as his eye lids became heavy until they shut, the giant canine falling into unconsciousness.

As the gas settled and soon diffused into the open air, the military moved in to cordon off the entire downtown area. Countless trucks and soldiers surrounded the unconscious kaiju ready to fire off more canisters to knock him out should he regain consciousness. Each soldier wore a protective mask, even when the gas had dispersed enough to where it no longer had any effect, in case they had to gas him again. The soldiers stood in awe at the giant canine, marveling at him, admiring him, many of them feeling a tinge of envy towards him.

A tall horse in military vestments wandered through the park, sidestepping rubble and avoiding a concave spot in the ground that held a slight indentation of a paw pad pattern. He walked up beside the sleeping giant, his enormous paws with his large, blunt claws, his muscular legs, his canine package with the tip still poking out. The horse stepped up to two similarly dressed officers, a male cheetah and a female hyena. The couple saluted the horse as he walked up.

The horse saluted back. "Lieutenant, sergeant." The two officers relaxed. "What's the condition of our large anomaly?"

The hyena spoke up. "As far as we can tell, he's alive, but in a deep sleep, captain. He shouldn't wake up. If he does, we have over a hundred soldiers ready to disperse another volley of knock-out gas."

"Very good," the horse nodded and continued to look up and down the wolf. His belly expanded noticeably as he breathed in and out. His muzzle was slightly agape and he let out an audible expulsion of air as he breathed, the grass below blowing from the force of his breath. Canine drool dribbled out of his open maw and coated the ground. The horse turned back to the canid sheath and placed his hands on his hips. "That is one big cock."

"Enjoying the view?" came a muffled voice from behind.

The horse turned to see a bull approaching, wearing a protective mask just like everyone else. The three anthros stood at attention and saluted the approaching bovine. "Colonel!" the horse stated.

"At ease gentlemen." The three soldiers relaxed and the hyena and cheetah made themselves scarce as the bull approached the horse, the two turning to admire the kaiju wolf.

"It worked, sir. He's out cold," the horse said to the bull.

"I wasn't sure it would, but hey, can't argue with results."

"So, what's the plan, sir? They gonna dispose of him like you said?"

"Negative, captain. They're bringing in a group of specialists to carrying him out of here. They're setting up a research center to study this thing. Run some experiments on 'im."

"Might I ask what that might entail, sir?"

"Hell if I know. We've got ourselves a mystery here, captain. Gotta find out what he is, where he came from, what makes him tick." The bull stepped up close to the wolf, watching as his belly moved in and out with each breath. He reached up and pressed his hand against the furry stomach, rubbing his fingers in the coarse fur. "What the hell are you doing here?"

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