Bred by Her Cousin

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018

Whiskey is curious about her cousin, Whisky, and just what the stallion's packing down below but things go a little too far as she teases him in his sleep...

The Christmas Advent Calendar is rolling again this year! Please see journal for more details!

Advent Calendar of Kink:

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © Whisky

Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018


Bred by Her Cousin

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by alecdeloupe for Whisky

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Merry Christmas!

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It wasn't right to think of her cousin as she did but Whiskey was a mare who went after what or who roused her curiosity. And it didn't take all that much to make her curious either, although whether that was to her detriment or benefit still remained to be seen. Her brown and black appaloosa coat was near enough identical to her cousin, oddly named Whisky it was strange how it had happened in her family that they had such similar names but that wasn't something that she was going to worry herself about when far more lustful thoughts demanded precedence.

She was just staying with her cousin for a while but the closeness in their coat patterns had always made her wonder, though nothing to do with who their parents were, oh no. She was more interested in what lay beneath his clothes, whether that body was as fit as hers, although he was, of course, not a mare. Whiskey inhaled deeply, the aroma of stallion musk floating through the door to where she hesitated in the hallway, her quarry slumbering sweetly in his own bed. But he would not be in there alone for long.

Brave. She just had to be brave.

Slipping into the room, Whiskey winced as the door creaked, although nothing could truly rouse Whisky from such a deep sleep, the stallion merely rolling over onto his back, scratching his stomach. She breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the time had come to sate her curiosity once and for all, teasing the stallion and seeing just what manner of shaft he was packing in there under the hood. She licked her lips, white fetlocks seeming to glow in the low light, barely enough for her to see by. But she didn't need to see to find her prize...

His shaft lay against his thigh, soft and pushed out of his sheath as if he was already in the midst of a rather good dream, lips parted as his head turned onto the pillow, cheek pressed into it. Such a nice cock... What had she done to deserve such a lovely view? The mare murmured under her breath and licked her lips, tail flicking with barely constrained eagerness as she drank in the sight of it, eagerness causing her to be reckless. Whisky had his winter coat on too, a fluff of thicker horse-hair surrounding his velvety sheath, and it was all she could do to not lunge for that thick length right then and there, fingers twitching with aching need.

Slowly. She had to go slowly.

Oh, she'd been so curious about that cock from the first time she'd shared a room with him, seeing it thick and full when the blanket fell off his hips. But, this time, she had to ease the blanket down, the bedspread merely getting in the way for what she wanted to try, the mare's lips dry in anticipation of everything being sated.

Moaning in his sleep, Whisky turned his head to the other side, mane falling softly against the arch of his neck. But what made her fingers twitch all the more was how his cock pumped up with a little more blood, pre-cum glistening tantalisingly at the tip, her own marehood responding as she clenched down on nothing and wished, desperately, that there was something between her legs. Looking, however, was unsatisfactory even as those veins plumped up along the length of his cock, the tip unflared but promising so much more, if only she could lure him right up to the edge of climax.

Whiskey sucked in a breath, heart leaping about erratically in her chest. Just a quick touch wouldn't hurt, would it?

Oh, but she could not have known, even then, just how far she could and would go with him, that first touch on his cock leading to one more, the mare marvelling at how it fleshed up thick and full. She'd never been with a stallion before, which was odd considering that she was, of course, a mare. Stallions and mares seemed to flock to one another but maybe it was something about the thickness past that medial ring that served to put some off, although his fat, throbbing rod just made her crave her cousin all the more.

She had to have him.

And she had to be quick too! She couldn't dilly-dally about when he could wake up at any time! Whiskey muttered to herself, heart in her mouth, as she swung her leg over the sleeping stallion's hips, letting that fat rod of horse-meat slap up against her crotch. She couldn't have turned back at that point even if she'd wanted to, swallowing a moan as she allowed the head up against her pussy, pressing in on her lips to tease her snatch in just the way she needed him to...


_ _

The stallion ground in and Whisky stirred in his sleep, eyelids fluttering, and she pulled away, her nostrils flared. Would he wake? Would she be caught? Oh, but he felt so good inside her that she couldn't hold herself back from sinking down on him, taking him deeper and deeper, well past that medial ring as her head rolled back and her mouth fell open.

Damn, that was a nice cock! Did all stallions have one that good? Oh, she did not have to know but perhaps she would find out from others as she ground her hips, rolling them forward and back to tease his shaft without actually letting her thighs touch his all that much. If she didn't touch him like that, maybe the closeness and intimacy of the forced liaison would be lessened somehow, but even Whiskey wasn't sure who she was fooling with a line like that, thinking that only touching his cock, somehow, made everything okay.

It didn't make a single thing okay but that didn't stop the mare from taking her pleasure, curiosity well enough sated in the dark of the bedroom and lust taking over. Never before had she imagined that she could actually acquaint herself with that cock in such intimate detail, but the throb and pulse of it teased her on to more, rising and falling as if she was with a long-time lover, knowing and understanding the rhythms of their body more intimately than anyone else. Although she'd known Whisky for a long, long old time, she most certainly didn't know him sexually and, well, that was something completely new to her.

Until that moment. And she would have stayed right there where she was in that moment forever if she could have helped it at all, pressing her lips into a thin, tight line just to keep her moans sealed away. She could not have said what she was doing - she should leave! Get out while she still could! But a mare who had begun riding a stallion was soon to learn that it was not so easy to call quits on what one had begun, her own body driving her on to see it through right to the sordid end.

Why didn't he wake? It was not that she wanted him to wake but the splash of white marking his muzzle made her shudder, wanting to run her paws over it even as she inched closer and closer to him, willpower fading. Little did she know how sensitive the stallion was, no longer in the throes of an exceptionally good dream, as his eyes snapped open, teetering on the point of climax as he thrashed about, fighting to come to his senses in the darkened room.

"What the - oh my god!"

He shoved his paws into her stomach but it was already too late, the stallion only waking up at the very point of climax, mouth gaping in a howl of pleasure even as she slammed down on him, her own orgasm ripping through at that very time. Her pussy clenched and rippled, milking that delectable pole of horse-flesh for every drop of cum he had to give her, for her body was going to claim it for its own regardless of what either of them thought back his seed pouring into her. Whiskey whinnied, the sound high and shrill and tearing through the room with clarity far, far too late to stop anything, his cock flaring and her heart knowing, instinctively, that she should pull away - and yet she could not!

"Oh, Whisky! Shit - I'm sorry!"

But the stallion was too far gone to hold back from the inevitable and she screamed a whinny as he filled her, the stallion slamming up into her instinctively as the tip of his cock flared out fully with blood, pumping and spurting a heavy load from his balls. She could not feel them swinging up against her as a part of her yearned to, the feral mare in her wanting the stallion over her, humping and grinding, but she drove her hips down without thinking about it, groaning through clenched teeth. The veins on his cock pulsed with cum, thickening noticeably against her inner walls so that she could actually feel them, and she moaned all the more loudly, the need to be quiet having well and truly left the building.

On and on his orgasm went as the stallion shot to full wakefulness, nostrils flared and paws clutching at her, although he could not have thrown his cousin off him if he'd tried. Her marehood squeezed his length, gripping him tightly even as she pushed down hard enough to thrust that flared cock-tip up to her innermost barrier, the stallion still going, surprisingly over-productive - not that she was complaining, of course! He produced so much cum that he made her head spin, everything so very worth it even as the risk darkened the moment in the back of her mind, the softness of his sheath crushed gently up to her pussy-lips.

She should have been complaining. Whiskey shouldn't have started anything at all but there was nothing she could do once the deed was done, imaginings and dreams a far cry from what she had pushed his body into without his consent. The dream though... Oh, those had been good, very good, enough to tease her curiosity to a purely wicked level. Yet every spurt of cum into her hot and clenching pussy made everything all the more real and mere curiosity could not be claimed anymore as she panted heavily, breasts rising and falling sharply with each and every barely claimed breath. Whisky stared up at her, gaping, although she could not blame him for being struck dumb in the moment; she warranted that she would have had just the same expression of shock on her face if she'd woken to find a stallion rammed into her unexpectedly. It could have been a nice surprise from the right one though...

But that wasn't the case and Whisky had not been a part of what she had forced him into, the first twinge of guilt pulling at her heart even as she lay her paw on her chest, pussy twitching and rippling, striving to draw him in closer to her than ever.

"It's okay," she panted, rolling her head down, chin nearly on her chest as she supported herself over him. "Oh shit... Just relax, okay? We don't have to tell anyone, it's all gonna be alright!"

"What are you saying?" He panted, eyes wild with a rim of white. "You got on top of me - this is your fault!"

And regardless of that fact, for it surely was her fault, she lay down on top of him, groaning as he seeded her pussy more and more, each and every spurt of cum sealing her fate. Later, she'd tell him that she was on the pill - of course, she was - but a stallion of his ilk could not know that the pill was not always one hundred per cent safe...

Whiskey didn't care.


"Hey, Whiskey! Over here!"

Sitting in the bar with his arm slung casually around a folf, who leaned into him happily, Whisky called over his cousin, a smile on his long face. But what everyone else noticed and he hopelessly glossed over was her larger belly, straining the front of her T-shirt which she had not yet swapped out for a larger size as the months went by. Although the jaws of his friends dropped, wondering that he had not told them about his cousin's...condition, the stallion haplessly grinned and plonked her down beside him, the mare's cheery greeting going nearly unnoticed.

"Hey! There's something different about you..."

Whisky waved his paw in the air as if he was struggling to put his finger on it, his cousin's eyebrows shooting all the way up into her forelock. He really wasn't going to make her say it, was he? The silly stallion!

"Did you gain weight?"

He could not have been more wrongly right!

A Pup for Christmas

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Pup Play** ** ** **A Pup for Christmas** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by D.C. Yote_ _ _ _ _ Yote groaned and paced back and forth, the Shepsisters home - well, it...

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Sizeable Lovers

**ABCs of Kink** **Size Difference** ** ** **Sizeable Lovers** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Shaman Squirrel_ _ _ _ _ Pinetail groaned, the red squirrel humping and bucking his hips with seemingly undue...

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Gelding the Stallion

**Kinktober 2018** **Castration** ** ** **Gelding the Stallion** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Duslor_ _ _ _ _ When the uniquely coloured grullo stallion woke, he knew that something was wrong. Something was...

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