Twin Discoveries

Story by Oridian on SoFurry

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#1 of Twin Discoveries

Two young drakes take sexual education into their own paws.

Two young drakes take sexual education into their own paws.

_This story is self-contained and can be read alone. (8,836 words) Rating: Explicit M/Solo-M/solo, mild M/M, mild Incest/Twins, mild Underage _

Terminology: A drake is a male dragon, a drakka is a female dragon, and drakken is the collective term for the species. The human equivalents would be man, woman, and humans. Drak is a gender neutral honorific, the combined equivalent to sir or ma'am. Ages are mentioned for a few characters in this story, but bear in mind that these do not correspond with equivalent human developmental ages. Dragons begin their equivalent of puberty at ages 16-18 years old, for example.

"Dinner's ready!"

Fadris put his book down and jumped to his feet. "Coming!" yelled the brown-scaled fledgling, trotting out of his bedroom. He was feeling very hungry and could hardly wait to eat as he headed to the dining room. Fadris was a fifteen year old dragon--a fledgling. He was far from adult size, but he was still growing and would continue to develop for almost another decade. And for that, he needed food.

Fadris took his place at the dining table, sitting down on one of the floor cushions. His father, who was also sitting at the table, nodded and smiled at him. "Hi, son. Had a good day at school? How was your history presentation?"

The fledgling nodded his head in return. "It was alright. I may have messed up a few lines, but at least that's over with. And I didn't get any homework from maths."

His father smiled again and used his paw to ruffle Fadris's neck frill. "Well, keep up the good work." Then the older drake paused and frowned at the empty seat next to Fadris. "Where's your brother?" he asked.

Fadris flicked his neck frill up and down uncertainly. The last time he'd seen his brother had been this afternoon, during the aforementioned school class. "I don't know. I think he said something about going to the library in the evening?"

"Wait, you mean he's not even home yet?"

Before Fadris could answer, his mother waked into the room, awkwardly balancing on her hindlegs to carry a crockpot of stew with her forepaws. "Watch out, dinner's here. There we go..." She placed the pot down on the table and went to sitting down beside Fadris's father, her mate.

Fadris's little sister, Pyxis, was still perched on Mother's shoulder. Pyxis was seven years younger than Fadris and still a hatchling, (unlike her two older brothers, who had both passed the fledgling growth spurt and could fly), so she was barely one sixth the size of an adult. She leapt onto the table and sniffed at the food. "I'm hungry!" she chirped.

"Off the table, dear. You're getting too old for that," said Mother.

Pyxis obediently jumped off the table and tried to sit on the cushion next to Fadris, which was usually where their last sibling would have sat. Being a hatchling, Pyxis had to rear up on her hindlegs just so she could see above the table. "Where's Maltus?" she asked.

"Come sit in your chair," said Mother, patting the raised chair beside her. Whereas adult (and fledgling) dragons used floor cushions, a younger dragon like Pyxis had to sit on a chair or she wouldn't be able to reach the table. "And that is an excellent question. Where is Maltus?"

"The library, supposedly. If he doesn't want to eat his food while it's hot, that's his loss," said Father. He took a ladle and started scooping stew into bowls, which he passed around to the rest of the family. At the table were two adults, a fledgling, and a hatchling, but there should have been two fledglings.

"I told him to be home for dinner! He's only fifteen--I don't think that's old enough to be flying all over the city on his own," said Mother.

"He's a fledgling already, not a hatchling. It's not even sunset yet; I'll give him at least that much leeway," decided Father.

Fadris took his bowl of stew and stuck his snout into it, but everyone had just barely gotten their food when there was the sound of flapping wings. Fadris looked up from his meal and saw a familiar fledgling landing on the balcony connected to the dining room--Maltus had returned.

His brother had brown scales that were the exact same shade as Fadris's scales, and in most physical aspects they were completely indistinguishable. The two twins were like peas in a pod appearance-wise (which was an unoriginal comment _everyone_made on first seeing them), although their personalities differed considerably. "Hey! You started without me?" Maltus exclaimed, feigning unhappiness as he trotted into the dining room.

"You're late--I told you to be home before dinner! You never listen! Come sit down, we're only just started," said their mother. She sounded annoyed, but not quite angry.

Maltus grinned and sat down beside his brother. Their father sighed and scooped another bowl of stew for him. "And where have you been?" asked the elder drake.

"At the library," Maltus replied. To demonstrate his point, he tapped a pouch on his flight harness which was bulging and apparently contained several books.

"Studying for your exams, I hope?"

"Oh, of course," Maltus insisted, but there was a glint in his eyes that indicated this wasn't completely true. Their parents didn't notice, but Fadris did. The two twins exchanged a subtle glance--there was something Maltus wanted to say, but he wasn't going to say it in front of the rest of the family. Fadris wondered to himself what his brother had been up to, but their discussion would have to wait until after dinner.

After they had all finished eating, Maltus helped wash the dishes. This was uncharacteristically helpful of him, but he had little choice after Pyxis loudly declared that maybe someone other than her ought to do it for once and also that Maltus should be the one who had to wash the dishes because he was the one who had been late for dinner. Then she'd raised her neck frill and put on her most cute, innocent look. So Maltus ended up doing the dishes.

Fadris went to help out his twin by drying the dishes after Maltus had washed them clean. They reflected that despite all her claims about being bullied as the youngest child, Pyxis had a remarkable grasp of how to influence their parents into siding with her. And their sister was barely eight years old.

When the dishes were all done, Fadris went back to his bedroom. Maltus followed his brother into his room instead of returning to his own room, which was right next door and had the same layout (since their interior designer had been incredibly uninspired on hearing they were twins).

"So where did you go after class?" asked Fadris. He flopped onto his bed and stretched all four limbs.

Maltus shrugged off his flight harness, letting the gear and pouches drop to the floor, and then he jumped onto the bed beside his brother. "I went to the library. Weren't you listening during dinner?"

Fadris slapped Maltus's side with his tail. "No seriously, tell me. You've got that look on your face again--you're up to something."

Maltus grinned and tried to look innocent, but he couldn't quite pull off the expression. "I _did_go to the library! Don't you believe me?" The fledgling turned around and pulled open a pouch of his flight harness on the floor. He tugged out a book and handed it to Fadris. "See? This is a library book. Where else would I have gotten a library book from, if not the library?"

Fadris remained unconvinced. "Since when do you go to the library? You don't like to read." He glanced down at the book and noted its title. "'A Compilation of Griffinian Poetry'? You definitely don't read books like this; no one reads poetry. You just went to the library and borrowed a few books to pretend you spent all afternoon there, and then you went somewhere else."

Taking the book back, Maltus returned it to his flight harness. "Good guess, but wrong. You are correct that particular book is just a distraction, but I really did spend all the afternoon at the library because I discovered something veeerrry interesting."

"What? Tell me!" said Fadris, but Maltus just grinned.

"Are you sure you want to know? I don't know if you're that interested. Maybe I should go take a shower. We'll need to wake up early tomorrow for flight school, so we should sleep early."

Fadris let out an annoyed growl, which unfortunately ended up sounding a bit too close to a childish purr. "Grrr... Stop pretending you care about bedtime! Tell me why you went to the library. What's so interesting?"

Maltus was clearly having fun teasing his brother, but he was also quite keen to share what he had discovered. "Alright, alright! I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Especially not our parents! They can't know; it'll be our secret." He jumped to his feet and walked over to the door to lock it, which made Fadris even more suspicious than before.

"Always with the secrets. Is this going to be like the time you convinced Pyxis that tying her tail into a loop around her neck would let her use magic, and then she told mother and got us both grounded?" asked Fadris. He still remembered this incident because before trying to prank their sister, Maltus had first tried this trick on him and he had fallen for it. Fadris had ended up being choked by his own tail, which had been stupidly humiliating.

Maltus waved a paw dismissively. "What? That was like three years ago. And it's nothing like that. Do you remember those weird classes the school had at the beginning of this year? The ones where they talk about relationships?"

Fadris nodded. He recalled those special classes because they'd had nothing at all to do with math, history, language, music, or anything they'd ever studied before. Instead, the teachers had tried to teach them about things like emotions, empathy, and communication. "Yeah? The ones where they tell us about making friends?"

"Yes, those," said Maltus. "See, yesterday I was talking to this friend I have who's from the cohort a few years older than us, and he told me those classes get really weird over the next few years."

"Weird how?" asked Fadris.

"I'll explain in a minute. My friend told me things that were so weird that I didn't believe him, but he insisted that it was all true and I could look it up in the library for myself. So I did, and it turns out he was right. They things! And those are very, very, very weird!" Maltus whispered the last part as if this was some grand secret he'd just shared with his brother.

At this point, Fadris was just confused. "Huh? You still haven't explained anything. Tell me the weird things about being an adult. What are they going to teach in those classes?"

"I'm getting to it. The weird part is...there." Maltus pointed his paw right towards the space between his brother's hindlegs.

"What? That's my, uh, my genital slit," said Fadris, staring down at his own brown-scaled body. He wasn't embarrassed, just unsure how one part of his body could supposedly be more adult than another part.

"Not just your slit, but the thing inside it!" Maltus pointed closer to his brother's underbelly, but he didn't touch him. "You know there's this thing inside your slit, which is sort of like a very short second tail but smaller and it has soft skin and no scales? And when you need to pee it comes out a bit and the pee comes from that?"

Fadris nodded slowly. "Yes? Sometimes it also comes out in the morning when I wake up, or when I'm bathing."

"That thing--it's called a penis. You have one, I have one, and every drake has one, but drakka don't have it," explained Maltus.

"Ok? I know all that already. Isn't that what makes males different from females?" said Fadris.

"It is, but I bet you don't know what you're supposed to use it for," continued Maltus.

"You pee with it. That's what it's for."

Maltus looked insufferably smug as he shook his head. "Nope. Females can pee too, but they don't need a penis to do it."

"Ok, that's true. So then what's the correct answer?" asked Fadris, but Maltus wasn't being straightforward.

"The thing itself is called a penis, but when you make it come out you call it an erection. I'll tell you what it's used for, and why it's an adult thing," he said, "but you have to take yours out first so I can explain."

Fadris was uncertain about this, but he didn't reject the idea outright. "Well...I don't know..."

"How about this--you show me what yours looks like and I'll show you mine. That way we're both equal," Maltus offered.

Fadris considered this suggestion and found it more agreeable. Their parents had always said never to let anyone else touch his slit because it was a private part of his body that only he was allowed to touch, but Maltus was his brother. He trusted him more than anyone else in the world, and Fadris didn't think they weren't technically breaking any rules. "Alright, I guess." He reached down and used his paw to rub the outside of his slit, which was an action he had previously discovered would cause his thing to get bigger and come out. As his paw stroked over this particularly sensitive part of his body, his penis responded to the attention by swelling and beginning to push out of his slit.

Maltus did the same thing, rubbing his own slit until his penis started to reveal itself; Fadris was admittedly rather curious to see this part of his brother's body. As twins, they were alike in many ways, but they will still two different fledglings; Maltus preferred sports and was slightly more muscular, whereas Fadris spent more time indoors and was slimmer. And while their scale patterns ranged from dark beige on their wings to ochre on their underbellies, this particular part of their bodies appeared to be a darker shade of brown.

Once the tip of his penis started protruding out of his slit, Fadris stopped and looked to Maltus. "There. So tell me--what are we supposed to do with this if not pee?"

"Make it come all the way out first," Maltus insisted. "Just keep touching it and it'll keep getting bigger."

Fadris did as he asked and continued to rub at the side of his slit, which encouraged his penis to continue to grow until it was fully everted. While his full erection could almost still fit within his paw, Fadris noticed that there seemed to be a slight bulge right at the base that hadn't been there when he was younger. When he used his paw to squeeze at this bulge, it felt warm and sensitive, and a strange tickle seemed to run though his underbelly. He also couldn't remember his whole penis being quite so big, but perhaps his memory was skewed because he was remembering from when he'd only been younger.

Maltus had stopped touching himself as he watched his brother, and his own penis was still just barely erect and poking out of his slit. Instead of continuing to rub himself as Fadris had done, Maltus reached over the side of the bed and took out a different book from his flight harness. This one was larger and had a hard cover, with a series of large pictures on the front. 'A Simplified Encyclopaedia: Drakken Anatomy in 128 pages' was the title, and there was a small label that indicated a recommended reading age of 15+ years. Maltus placed the encyclopaedia down on the bed, and the two fledglings sat next to each other so they could read it.

"We're not fifteen years old. Does that mean we're breaking a rule?" asked Fadris, still holding his penis with one paw.

Maltus flicked his neck frill up and down. "If you're saying that you don't want to know the interesting things I found, then I won't tell you..."

Fadris shook his head. "No, no. Since you've already broken the rule by reading it at the library, you should just tell me. What's the interesting part you were talking about?"

Flipping the encyclopaedia open to its contents page, Maltus slid his paw down the list until he reached one particular entry. "Page seventy-four, Reproduction," he said, tapping his claw on the words. But then instead of turning the pages, Maltus glanced to his brother and started explaining first. "Where do you think dragons come from?"

Fadris blinked in confusion. " in the city? It's called Avaeria?" he tried. This earned him a shove from his brother's half unfurled wing.

"No, you idiot! Dragons come from fledglings, obviously," said Maltus.

Fadris's neck frill drooped slightly in embarrassment. "Oh, right. I knew that, I just didn't understand what you were asking."

"Whatever. So next--where do fledglings come from?" asked Maltus.

"Hatchlings, of course," replied Fadris, thinking of their little sister who was smaller and had yet to develop the muscle strength to fly. Four years ago, both he and Maltus had been hatchlings themselves--he could still remember the first time he'd managed to take off and fly with his own wings, which officially made him a fledgling.

"And where do hatchlings come from?" continued Maltus.

"Eggs," said Fadris. He knew this for a fact because he could still remember their parents taking care of Pyxis's egg before she'd hatched into an annoying little sister. Also, he and Maltus had supposedly shared an egg and almost suffocated each other to death while trying to hatch, which was a story that got brought up frequently at family reunions.

Maltus made an affirmative noise. "Hmm! Yes. So then where do eggs come from?"

At this question, Fadris had to pause and think. "Uh...dragons make them? I think drakka lay them?" Although he was less sure about this answer, he did recall their mother getting all fat and slow for a few months before their sister's egg had appeared. She'd stopped going to work for a while, since she was too heavy to fly while she was carrying Pyxis's egg inside her. Of course, this had been six years ago, so Fadris's memory of this time period wasn't perfect.

"Ok, ok! But how exactly does a dragon make an egg? Where does it come from?" Maltus said, pressing for a more complete answer.

However at this point, Fadris had reached the limits of his knowledge. "Uh, you have to be mates, and then it just happens?" he guessed.

"Nope. It doesn't just randomly happen; there's a specific process to make an egg. That's the interesting part! It's really weird, but it makes sense when you think about it." Maltus grinned at his brother and pointed down at Fadris's penis, which was still fully extended out of his slit. "We're both males, so we've each got a penis_inside our slit. But then female dragons don't have anything inside their slits--it's just sort of...empty in there, and apparently it's called a _vagina." He said the word with a special emphasis as if it was something naughty he shouldn't say too loud. "And so to make an egg, two dragons have to touch slits. The drake gets his penis all big and then he puts it inside the drakka's vagina, and that makes her have an egg after a few months. His penis fits into her vagina."

"What? Seriously? That's where eggs come from?" asked Fadris. Dragons made eggs by putting one part of a drake into another part of a drakka? It sounded too silly to be believed.

Maltus nodded. "I know it sounds weird, but it's true. You can read it from the book if you don't believe me." The fledgling started flipping through the encyclopaedia until he reached the page number he'd indicated earlier--page seventy four, Reproduction.

Fadris's eyes went wide as he stared at the two open pages which were titled, 'Male Reproductive System'. "Is that...supposed to be a...?" he asked, as he slowly realized what he was looking at. Four large illustrations accompanied several paragraphs of text--the encyclopaedia showed the underbelly of an adult male dragon from both a side and a front profile. It was a cutaway that showed what the insides were supposed to look like, with labels indicating every different organ.

Maltus tapped his claw against the first pair of pictures of the drake. "See, normally it looks like this." He pointed down to his own groin, and Fadris saw that his brother's penis had fully retreated back into his slit. "But then when you're ready to make an egg with a drakka, your thing gets all big and comes out of your slit. It's caused by lots of blood going in, apparently." He pointed to the second pair of pictures, which showed the anatomy of an erect drake; this was the state Fadris was now in, with his penis completely out of his slit as he held it with a paw.

Fadris stared closer at the text, reading the paragraphs that explained what he was looking at. In a brief, simplified manner, the encyclopaedia explained that drakes had two organs inside their belly called testes which made a special kind of cells called sperm that were swimming in a fluid called semen. Semen apparently travelled out through a drake's penis when he did something called ejaculation. Before he could have an ejaculation, the drake needed to get an _erection_which was what it was called when his penis come out of his slit and became longer and harder. "This" It was all so weird that Fadris felt his neck frill stand up around his head in interest. It was strange to think that inside him were all these organs that were doing all these things--or perhaps not at the moment, but at least when he became a grown adult these things would start to happen.

"Exactly!" agreed Maltus. He glanced up at the locked door, as if worried that their parents might suddenly try to come in and catch the brothers in the midst of learning all this forbidden, adult knowledge. "Check out the next few pages too," he suggested.

Fadris used a paw to flip the pages, and once again his eyes went wide. 'Female Reproductive System' was the title of these two pages. The pages were similar to the previous two, but now they showed a female dragon's underbelly instead of a male's. Fadris had never gotten to see anyone's genital slit up close except for his own (and also Maltus's, which looked almost identical), so he was only vaguely aware of what a female's slit looked like on the inside. The encyclopaedia quickly told him about everything he didn't know. Instead of having a penis which came out of their slit, a drakka's slit had a muscular tunnel (called the vagina) inside her body that led up to a place where eggs grew (called the oviduct). Instead of testes, females had_ovaries_ which produced egg cells, and these cells combined with sperm cells and would grow into a complete egg which was then laid out.

Furthermore, the encyclopaedia talked about how a drakka could only produce eggs once every six to nine months, which was called their oestrus cycle or their heat. During this period of one to two weeks, a drakka would make an egg if a drake put his semen into her, but otherwise the heat would just go away and she wouldn't get an egg. There was also a single sentence talking about how heat caused a specific scent that other dragons could smell, and how drakka would cover up this scent while in public. Fadris noticed that the small picture accompanying this was a drakka who looked embarrassed, sitting next to a drake who had an excited (and befuddled) smile on his face.

The two young fledglings spent many minutes looking over all the pictures and the information given in the encyclopaedia. Fadris flipped the pages back and forth as he took it all in. On the outside, males and females looked so similar, but once you looked at the inside, everything was different at this one part of the body. The brothers didn't say much to each other, but they were both fascinated and intrigued by all this information.

When Fadris had finished looking at the four pages on males and females, he flipped to the following pair of pages. Both pages were still talking about reproduction--the sixth page was a series of pictures illustrating how a hatchling grew within the egg, slowly advancing from a tiny spec floating in yolk until it developed into a miniature dragon that broke out of the shell to chirp loudly and demand food, attention, and love. But the fifth page was far more interesting.

The first four pages had been about males, then females, but this fifth page was about both--or rather, how they interacted. There were two illustrated pictures--the first was of a drake mounting a drakka from behind, so that his chest was pressed up against her wings and his forepaws were clutching her sides. If Fadris had seen this picture without context, he would have guessed that they were trying to hug or wrestle with each other, but in the context of everything else he'd just learned, it was clear they were doing something else entirely. They were mating.

The second picture was an anatomical cutaway from the side, showing exactly how a drake's sperm ended up fertilizing a drakka's egg. The text mentioned how the genital slits of both males and females would produce a fluid to act as lubrication and reduce friction, and this liquid also came out of the tip of a drake's penis before the semen did. This picture then showed (in precise, abstract medical form) exactly what it looked like when a drake stuck his penis inside a drakka's vagina. The two different organs just seemed to fit together in the diagram, as if they were meant to be together. "So the drake puts his thing in, semen comes out, and then the drakka will lay an egg," summarized Maltus.

"Wow," was all Fadris could think to say. He stared down at his own penis, which was still fully erect in his paw. It was a revelatory idea that at some point in the far future, he might try putting this part of himself_into_ someone else, and that this action might result in an egg. What a weird thought! Another thought occurred to him, and he voiced it. "So Maltus, how do do I make it go back in?"

Maltus glanced up from the book and to his twin. "What?"

"My...penis. It's still out," said Fadris, gesturing at his underbelly.

"I can see that," agreed Maltus. His brother's erection was still proudly jutting out of his underbelly, pointing forwards as he held it with a paw.

"Yeah, so how do I make it go back into my slit? This has all been very interesting, but I can't spend all night with my thing sticking out like this. What did you do to make yours go back into your slit?" asked Fadris.

"I didn't do anything; it just went back in once I stopped rubbing my slit. Maybe it's cause mine only came out a little bit just like if I was peeing or trying to wash it in the shower, whereas yours came out all the way like you were going to mate someone?" suggested Maltus. He flipped the encyclopaedia back to the pages which were about the male reproductive system and pointed at the pictures.

Sure enough, Fadris was fully erect just like the drake in the illustration, with his reproductive organ fully extended out from his slit. Fadris's penis seemed relatively smaller than the picture, but he assumed this was because he wasn't an adult yet. "Ok, that makes sense. But do I make it go back in? Come on, help me out. It's your fault that it came out in the first place."

Maltus wrapped his tail around himself and chewed on the tip as he thought about this problem. The two fledglings sat quietly on the bed for a minute or two, both rereading the encyclopaedia as they searched for an answer. The book only seemed to talk about how a drake went from no erection to having an erection--through increased blood flow into his penis--but there was no mention of how to initiate the reverse process.

Fadris wondered if just leaving his penis alone would make it go away, since ignoring it was how he'd made his previous erections subside, but after a few minutes there was still no sign that his penis was going to go soft and return into his slit. As he held it in his paw, his reproductive organ remained at full length, feeling larger, harder, and warmer than it had ever had before. Had touching his penis and making it go to full erection really done something irreversible? Surely there must be a way to make it go away, otherwise there would many drakes flying around the city with their penises stuck out.

"Oh, I think I've got it!" Maltus declared after a minute. He flipped the encyclopaedia forward to the page which showed two dragons mating with each other. "You need to mate with a female and then it'll go away. That's how your erection stops--when you get have an ejaculation, I think."

Fadris's jaw dropped open, and his neck frill drooped completely flat against his neck. "WHAT--" he hurriedly hushed himself before he made too much noise and attracted the attention of their parents or their sister in the neighbouring rooms. "What? I need to do what?" he hissed.

"It makes sense, right? A drake gets an erection when he's ready to mate with a drakka, and then after he's done the mating he doesn't need it anymore so it goes away," explained Fadris, nodding enthusiastically as he thought about this proposed solution to his brother's problem. "So that's it! What you need to do is find a female who will let you touch her with your erection, then you'll get an ejaculation and that should make it go away."

Fadris's mouth opened and closed, but nothing but incoherent sputtering came out. "I...pft...tha...whaaaa?" He used his paws to gesture and flail towards Maltus to communicate the immense magnitude of his disbelief.

"Now who could you ask? Hmm, let me think. Tomorrow morning is flight school, so we'll only be seeing diurnals, not any of the nocturnals until evening class. What about Tavnear? She's your friend, right? Do you think she'll let you touch her with your penis and make your erection go away?"

Fadris finally managed to get his mouth working again. "I'm not asking Tavnear to do that! You can't be serious."

Undeterred, Maltus kept thinking up other options. "Hmmf. Oh, I know--what about Arcestia? You guys did your history presentation together, and since you said that you did most of the work for that, you could ask her to do this as a favour in return. She seems quite friendly with you."

"No, no, no. I can't... Arcestia is my friend, but you can't expect me to just...ask her to be my mate! That is such a big thing! I mean, don't you get it? You make eggs when you mate! I don't want that!" Fadris took his own tail and also began chewing on it nervously. Throughout it all, his penis was still hard and refusing to go away even as he held it with his paw.

"Obviously you don't need to make an egg; you just need to mate until your erection goes away. I don't think we're even old enough to make eggs yet--remember, the book says that a drakka only gets her first heat at around twenty. So if you went and touched your penis against Arcestia's slit, I'm pretty sure she won't lay an egg," said Maltus, trying to sound helpful.

Fadris was not reassured at all. "I'm not asking Arcestia or anyone else to mate with me. Absolutely not. I'm sure there's a different way to make my penis get soft again and go back in." Then he paused and threw an annoyed glare at his brother. "This is all your fault! You were the one who borrowed this book from the library and told me about all the adult things. And you were the one who asked me to make my penis come out in the first place. You're always getting us in trouble."

"Hey, relax. I'm sure there's a way to make it go away without mating. Maybe you need to squeeze it in a certain way? Or maybe you just need to leave it alone and not touch it, and that'll do the trick," Maltus said. He glanced away from Fadris and kept flipping through the encyclopaedia.

"It's not fair that _I'm_the one who's stuck with my penis out, when _you_were the cause of all this," grumbled Fadris. He nudged his brother's side insistently. "Make yours come out too!"

Now it was Maltus's turn to look hesitant. "Uh, how would that help? Isn't it better if only one of us has the problem, not both?"

"No. It is better if it's us both, because then we'd be equal. That's what you said earlier--that if I took mine out, you'd do the same," said Fadris. He was arguing now mostly out of a sense of principle, rather than for a practical reason. "You said we would be equal! If we're both having this problem, then at least we can both try things to make it go away."

"Fine, fine. I'll make my penis come out too," said Maltus, sighed and letting his neck frill droop. This was mostly for show--he wasn't that sad or unhappy. In fact, he was actually rather curious and excited by all this. The fledgling reached a paw down to his genital slit and started rubbing it just like how Fadris had done. Soon enough the result became evident--his own penis started engorging with blood and extending it out of his slit. Instead of stopping as he had done earlier, Maltus kept sliding his paw against the side of his genital slit and massaging the sensitive flesh, making his penis grow to full erection.

Once it had finally enlarged to full size, he stopped and held it with a paw. "There. See? Now both of our things are out," Maltus said. Overtaken by a sense of curiosity, he moved closer to his brother so that they were side by side and compared his penis against his.

Fadris was also staring inquisitively. He noticed that between the two of them, his own penis seemed to be slightly longer and thicker than his brother's. "Yours isn't all the way out. Keep rubbing your slit."

Maltus shook his head, but he did move his paw to the side of his slit to give it a few more rubs. "I think it is all the way out. Yours is just a little bit bigger."

"Really? That's interesting."

"Hmm... We're both smaller than adults and still growing, so maybe yours just started to grow before mine did? And we'll both be about the same size when we're done growing?" guessed Maltus. He sat back to balance on his hindlegs and tail, and then he reached his forepaw over and grabbed his brother's penis. Now he compared both of their erections, holding one in each of his forepaws. "Yeah, see? You've got this bump at the bottom, whereas mine is just smooth all the way down. That's like in the picture--it's showing that there's supposed to be a bulge there. It's called the..." Maltus paused as he glanced to the encyclopaedia. He let go of his erection and flipped the page. "Knot. It's called the knot, apparently."

Fadris could accept this explanation; even though they were twins, their growth wasn't perfectly synchronized. Age-wise it had always been ambiguous which of them had hatched first and been the older twin, because their shared egg had been carefully cut open by healers so that they wouldn't fatally suffocate each other while trying to hatch. This was another thing that people always asked, (who was the older and who was younger?), but the answer was that they were both exactly the same age. "Makes sense. But so how do we make the erection go away?" Fadris asked.

"Have you tried just...pushing it back in?" Maltus suggested.


"I don't know. Let me try." Maltus grabbed his brother's penis with both of his paws. Fadris didn't object to this, but he did get slightly uncomfortable when Maltus began trying to physically force his erection to fit back inside his slit.

"Oh. That' feels weird. I don't think that's how it's supposed to work..." said Fadris, as he watched his twin's attempts. Every time Maltus pushed, trying to bend Fadris's penis and force it back up into his genital slit, Fadris would squirm around and twitch. The problem was that touching his penis only seemed to encourage it and make it go back to full firmness, so there was no way to manually try and squeeze it back into his slit.

"Stop fighting me. You have to just... You need to relax--it looks like every time it goes in, your muscles try to push it out," Maltus said.

"I can't help it! When you touch it like that, there's this weird tingling on the inside and it feels like the muscles just automatically try and clench. I can't make them stop. Here, I'll show you." The two fledglings swapped--Maltus put his paws down and tried to sit still, while Fadris grabbed his brother's erection and tried to shove it back into his own slit.

Experiencing it for himself, Maltus quickly understood why physically pushing an erection back in wasn't working. "Oh, yeah. I get what you mean. It feels so weird and tingly when you touch it, but in my underbelly too, not just the penis. The muscles just...push it back out. Can't really control it."

Fadris stopped. "I told you so. Now...what? We have to do something."

Maltus didn't reply instantly. Both fledglings just sat on the bed next to each other, resting on their haunches and wondering what to do. "Ok. I think...we should just keep experimenting and we'll figure it out," Maltus decided after a bit of thinking. "We can each try one thing--you can try leaving yours alone and not touching it at all, and I'll try touching and squeezing mine to see if there's some specific way to make it go away. Then we'll see what works best and we can both do that."

"Alright, let's try that," agreed Fadris. He took his paw off his penis so that he wasn't touching it at all, allowing it to stick out through the air on its own. Even when he wasn't holding it, his penis still pointed at an angle from his underbelly instead of flopping loosely.

In contrast, Maltus did the opposite. He started using his paws to prod and stroke his penis. Keeping his claws carefully retracted into his paws, he even tried sticking a digit into his slit and around the base of his erection, pressing around in this fleshy hidden compartment where his reproductive organ was usually stowed. Then he tried squeezing his erection between two paws, or tapping it, or even rubbing it gently against the bedsheet.

Both fledglings were mostly focused on their own equipment, but they would occasionally glance at each other to compare progress. After a minute or so, Fadris noticed some definite change. "I think leaving it alone is working. See--my penis used to be pointing upwards, but now it's getting lower and almost touching the bed. I think it's getting smaller too."

Maltus nodded, but he didn't switch over to what his brother was doing. "Ok, but that's just a little progress, so I'm going to keep trying to touch mine until we know for sure. There's...uh...something weird that my friend also mentioned that I should try."

"How many weird things did your friend tell you?" asked Fadris.

"You can't expect me to just repeat everything he said word for word. I wasn't taking notes," retorted Maltus. "Anyway, don't judge me." He raised his paws to his mouth and spat onto them, then he started sliding his wet paws up and down the length of his penis, using his saliva as lubricant over the sensitive flesh.

"Eww..." said Fadris, his neck frill drooping slightly.

"Hey, I said don't judge. My friend said something about spitting onto his paws when he was touching his penis, because otherwise he couldn't get wet enough. I'm not quite sure what he meant, but I want to try it anyway," replied Maltus. As he kept rubbing himself, there was no sign that this would make his erection go away. On the contrary it seemed to get as stiff as it possibly could, but Maltus continued his actions for a different reason. "Wow. That feels really strange..."

Fadris was paying more attention to his own erection, which was now half-deflated and beginning to slide back into his slit. He nodded in approval. "I think you can stop that. The trick is to making it go away is to just not touch it," he said to his brother, but Maltus shook his head.

"No, I don't...want to stop. The tingly feeling is getting stronger... it feels kind of nice," Maltus muttered. As his paws continued to stroke up and down over his penis, the sensations he was getting were something else entirely. Touching himself seemed to make his penis get more sensitive, which in turn made it feel even better to touch himself. "You have to try this!"

"What? Why? Your penis isn't getting smaller at all. It's still all the way out. That's not working."

Maltus didn't want to take his paws off his penis, even though now they'd discovered how to make erections go away. Touching it felt nice--it was a new experiment. "I know...but this is different. Just try it and you'll see what I mean."

Fadris looked down at his own penis, which was almost completely returned into his slit. "Is this just a trick to make my penis come out again? I'm not falling for it."

Maltus just shrugged his shoulders, making his wings bob up and down. "I'm not tricking you; this really feels so...good. I don't know why but it just does. You're missing out; try it and you'll see. Oh..." He moaned softly, which made Fadris frown--what exactly was happening to his brother? How come touching his penis made him act this way? Was he just acting silly again?

"This better not be a trick..." Fadris said.

Maltus didn't say anything. He had a dazed expression on his face, and he was just focused entirely on moving his paws to rub at his penis.

Seeing his brother in such a state was enough to pique Fadris's curiosity. With a sigh, he once again used his paws to coax his own penis back out. It took mere seconds for his flesh to swell with blood and engorge, rapidly undoing all his previous efforts to make it retreat into his slit. Once his penis had swelled back up and was fully protruding out, the young dragon raised his paws to his mouth and spat on them, just like Maltus had, and then he started rubbing his penis up and down between his clenched paws. "Ok? What am I supposed to be feeling?"

"Just keep'll see..." murmured Maltus.

Fadris was feeling doubtful, but he gave his brother the benefit of the doubt, and soon enough he was started feeling something inside his groin. Rubbing his penis caused a new feeling of tickling or tingling that seemed to be coming from both his penis and the inside of his slit. The more he rubbed, the better this feeling got--it started to grow and build up, and Fadris had to admit that Maltus hadn't been playing a trick on him.

"Do you...can you feel it too?" asked Maltus.

"I feel it. It's...interesting," said Fadris.

"It's great...oh I could just keep doing this forever... Why does it... How come it feels like that?" moaned Maltus, his eyes going partially closed. He was half-hunching with his neck almost horizontal, but somehow he instinctually wanted to push his hips upwards and lower his chest. He began gently rocking forwards and back, thrusting his penis into his paws without thinking about what he was doing. All he was thinking about was how good his penis felt right now, and how much he wanted that tingly feeling to keep getting better.

Fadris had started later and was less aroused than his brother, so with his mind less clouded by pleasure he could connect the dots. He used the tip of his tail to flip the encyclopaedia over to the page that demonstrated two dragons mating. "Are you doing that on purpose? You're crouching exactly as if you were the drake in that picture. You're leaning forwards with your tail going straight, and you've even got your wings half open too." Fadris pointed to the second illustration that showed a drake's penis penetrating inside a drakka's slit. "That must be why this feels so strange--your paws are rubbing your penis, so it's like you are pretending to mate."

Maltus said nothing in reply, and the two fledglings just spent the next minute experiencing the fresh new sensations that were running through their bodies. And then without any warning, Maltus whimpered. "Hmmf!" His eyes went wide and he stared at his brother. "Fadris? Something's happening! The''s... too good... but I can't stop... oh nooooo..."

Suddenly Maltus shuddered all over and his muscles spasmed. He folded over himself as if someone had kicked him in the belly, falling forwards so that his chest rested on the bed. Fadris was too shocked to even react as his brother seemed to lose control of his body. Maltus had a grimace on his face and his eyes were clenched tightly shut, while his neck frill stood all the way up. His whole body went stiff except for his tail, which coiled up tightly and seemed to jerk at rhythmical intervals.

This lasted for no more than ten seconds before the young fledgling went still and let out a soft groan. Seeing Maltus relax made Fadris snap out of his shock. "Maltus! What happened? Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?"

Maltus opened his eyes and shook his head. He had a pleased smile on his snout. "Oh wow... That was... It felt so good!"

"Good? So you're not hurt? You face was looked like you were in really bad pain."

"It wasn't pain. It was intense! Felt like I got crazy sensitive all of a sudden." Maltus pulled his forepaws from under his belly and pushed himself back into a sitting position. The two brothers both looked at his underbelly, and they saw that Maltus's erection had gone soft and was slowly returning into his slit. "Look at that. I guess that both our methods work for making an erection go away," he said.

Fadris glanced down at his own penis, which was still fully rigid. He wondered if this was another sort of trick being played by his brother, but he couldn't see why Maltus would ever want to fake having a seizure. "I think I prefer my method where I don't touch it. Your method seems rather...extreme."

"Why don't you try it and see for yourself?" suggested Maltus. "It's like an explosion of feeling, but in a good sensitive way. I liked it."

Fadris nervously furled and unfurled his wings, then he reached his paws down and resumed stroking his penis. Pleasure started to flow through his body again, and it didn't take long before he lost any sense of nervousness or concern. All he wanted was for that pleasant feeling to keeping going and keep getting better. Unlike his brother, however, he only used one paw to touch his penis, and his other paw held his weight up to make sure he didn't lose his balance.

Maltus was watching him closely, curious to watch and see what he had looked like just a minute ago. "It feels good doesn't it?"

"It does," replied Fadris. "Do I just keep going? How do do I know when that really good feeling is happening?"

"You'll know. You can just sort of feel something coming, which you can't stop. It was the best feeling I've ever had. It's like the tingling gets a hundred times better, and you can feel your muscles just twitching from how good it feels."

Fadris kept stroking, feeling the pleasure build and build. His eyes glanced to the encyclopaedia and at the picture showing a drake's penis penetrating inside a drakka's vagina, and he found himself imagining that that was him. Then suddenly the pleasure seemed to pass a certain threshold, and he let out a gasp. All his muscles seemed to clench up tight, especially those deep inside his underbelly, and they held that way for a few brief but glorious seconds. "Is this...? Oh..." His voice trailed off into a soft moan. He couldn't keep stroking anymore because his erection had suddenly become far too sensitive to keep rubbing, but it felt far too good to let go. That sensitive, growing intensity seemed focused on the slight bulge right at the base of his penis--right on his knot, which his paw was now holding tightly. Maltus nodded his head and said something, but Fadris was paying zero attention to his brother right now.

It felt like he was a spring winding up tighter and tighter, and then suddenly all that tightness explosively released. Fadris jerked his body forwards, feeling his penis begin to twitch and pulse in his paw. Wonderfully satisfying pleasure seemed to course through him like a river, running in a line from the base of his tail all the way to the tip of his penis, then expanding out to make his whole body feel unimaginably good. His mind went completely blank; in that moment Fadris could think of nothing but pleasure. It seemed to echo through him in pulses of glorious warmth.

Gradually the pulses of pleasure got slower and slower until finally they stopped, leaving behind a feeling of strange satisfaction. Fadris blinked his eyes open, and he found his brother staring at him with an amused expression. "Was that how I looked?" Maltus asked.

Fadris almost felt too overwhelmed to reply, but he managed to flick his neck frill up and down. "I...I guess so? Oh, wow, that was...something."

"See? I told you so." Maltus raised his paw and gestured to Fadris's groin. "Hey, check it out--the tip of your thing is wet now."

Fadris moved his paw from clutching at his penis and gently tapped the bead of liquid that had leaked out of the tip of his phallus. His first thought was that he must have lost control of his bladder during the explosion of pleasure, but then he realized the liquid felt different from urine. "It's...not pee. It's slick and thick, but not sticky..."

"Oh, it's semen! So that means you had an ejaculation," said Maltus. He glanced down at his own phallus, which was completely hidden in his own slit now. "Nothing came out of mine when I had my ejaculation, though."

"Maybe that's because--like you said earlier--I'm just growing a little faster than you?" suggested Fadris. He rubbed his paw, wondering if that tiny drop of semen really contained sperm and if it could really have created an egg if it had gone inside a drakka during her heat. "Wow that was really interesting! I feel...kind of sleepy now, even though it's not that late in the night," he realized.

Maltus nodded his head. "Now that you mention it, yeah. I'm feeling all relaxed and calm." The brown-scaled fledgling flopped down on his front, lying beside his brother.

"Eww, no! Don't lie on my bed. You've still got saliva and all that on your paws and on your slit," grumbled Fadris, "Go take a shower! I need to take a shower too, but you go first because otherwise you're just going to fall asleep on my bed."

Maltus pretended to sigh, but he stood up and jumped off his brother's bed. He closed the encyclopaedia and slipped it back into his flight harness's pouch, then he pulled the harness with his tail and headed to the door. "I told you I had interesting stuff to tell you, didn't I?"

Fadris nodded his head and trotted after his twin. "You were right...but we're not telling anyone about this."


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A semi-sequel to this story has been written: New Findings