Getting Down And Dirty - Pt.1

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Whats this?! Another story within a month of another?! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!

All joking aside though, I've made a promise to myself to do and upload more and not completely disappear with only one or two stories out every other month.

This is another story staring Hornybunny 's Hal character once again!

Ever since the day Tony had confessed to Hal, they were almost always seen together by everyone who knew them. The mild mannered yet usually shy squirrel became a little braver the weeks to follow. Answering questions in class more, more outspoken on any given subject and got on friendly terms with just about everyone in school. Hal would always come first however. The two of them became practically inseparable since that fateful day. It wasn't just because they were friends like most would think.

Whenever the two cubs knew they were alone or wouldn't get caught, they'd be rutting like bitches in heat! Hal would dominate most of the time, stretching his friends not so little hole during any given time of day or night they could find. Tony didn't mind at all. He loved the feeling of Hal's monster cock getting ever so slightly further down his hungry ass. He also wasn't afraid to feel a good piece of meat go down his hole, especially since it let him service himself, kissing and sucking on his cock like it was a nipple and getting a mouthful of his tasty brightly colored seed.

On this particular Friday afternoon, things were much more intense than usual between them.

Neither knew if it was something in the air,the food they could have eaten or something else entirely. Throughout the entire day, they couldn't focus on anything else than getting back together. It was especially daunting when they met for a shared lunch. Sitting side by side, tails curled around each other just out of view of everyone. Even just sharing a drink was almost to much. Both felt like they were going to go insane if they didn't get any time alone soon enough.

While they were picked up by Hal's mother, the lion cub decided to get a little sneaky. While Tony was talking to his mother, he pulled out his cock while he sat behind her. Tony saw him stroking it in front of him, teasing him with what he wanted most. Between keeping the conversation going with her and watching the fat cock being waved in front of him, it made the ride longer by what felt like hours. The sharp predator's eyes didn't look away from him for a second as he continued playing with himself in the back, unbeknownst to the driver. Hal grabbed his balls, tightening his grip around them to make them appear bigger, tighter and ready to burst. Tony's mouth watered slightly as he ate up the view of the massive nutts.

Finally, she dropped the boys off, telling them to play nice while she's out and until Tony's mother comes to pick him after work.

The moment the door's lock made the tell tell click, they threw off their bookbags, followed by clothes and went into a furious make out session. The two of them couldn't keep their hands off each other, heat radiating off the other like a wood filled furnace. Hal's rough tongue practically jumped down the squirrel's throat, tasting the rather addictive saliva once again.

"Not! Fast! Enough!!" Tony managed to breath the words when Hal's rough feline tongue wasn't dominating his smaller tongue and fucking his throat. Hal knew exactly what he meant. If they didn't get home soon after classes were over, they might have gone to the boys bathroom and been there for an hour or three. If anyone came in, he might have tried to get them to join in the fun, his mind was so buzzed with lust.

Between the two, each felt the others cock being crushed between their bellies. Hal's distinct blue member was a perfect contrast to Tony's red. The spines on Hal's cock tickled and poked Tony's throbbing shaft, the texture massaging and enticing him with every move. It was enough to make the little squirrel's cum squirt out just a little bit. He wasn't the only one, Hal's cock was releasing a small river of his stuff, drooling down like magama from an active volcano. The residue from their wet cocks mixed together as they grinding against each other, frotting and humping like rabbits while they still locked lips.

Tony broke the kiss again, needing to stop the kiss and take some much needed deep breaths. Hal on the other hand wasn't done showing his affections. He pushed him down, still on top, with his towering pole laying on top of the reddish pink cock meat and the stew of warm pre still between them.

The excited cub licked him across his cheek, leaving a warm trail of spit, as if marking him like he owned him. He kept going, inching down to his neck, as if trying to taste the caramel colored fur. Tony's mind could barely keep up with what was happening now, letting the dominant carnivore take control. He had to take deep slow breaths to try and calm himself as Hal continued going down

"Bedroom!" He blurted out.

Hal stopped just at the top of his stomach and looked back at him with solid blue eyes. With a big grin he nodded. Tony was about to get up when, with an impressive display of strength for their size, Hal picked him like he was as light as a pillow, bridal style. He let out a squeak of surprise,curing into himself while Hal took them to his bedroom. While in the lion cubs arms, he felt the massive neon blue member slapping against him, that is to say he wasn't not enjoying it. It felt forceful. Powerful. The bottom of his belly twitched at the mere thought of what could be happening in just a few minutes...

"Fuck this!" Tony's mother snarled under her breath while she was stuck in a rough traffic jam.

Caramella wasn't having the most pleasant work day. After an argument with a coworker, she narrowly avoided getting in trouble while her coworker wasn't as lucky. Then someone ate her homemade lunch and just to add insult to insult, her own lunch time was moved three hours down from usual and she was handed a bunch of paperwork that wasn't even her department!

Now, stuck in traffic, she was frustrated, hungry, tired but above all else... She was horny.

Her heat had come in a little earlier than usual, probably from being around a bunch of men most of the day, and it was messing with her mind. Even as she was making her son's lunch, she found her mind drifting before being forced back.

The hot weather and low office AC meant she had to deal with the smell of sweat and musk constantly being shoved in her face. All through the day, he battled with the idea of letting a hand accidently slip under her desk. But with the camera's constantly on watch, the fear scared the thoughts away.

... That is until she was stuck in traffic.

With the time she's got right now she had been playing with herself. Just one sneaky hand under her work skirt and she managed to alleviate the sexual itch ever so slightly.

'J-just a little bit. It's been too long since I've done something like this. Haha...' She looked around to see the cars beside her weren't paying attention her. A small shudder escaped as she worked her fingers over her moist panties, teasing her lips with the touch of her own fingers. She was careful to try not to move to much or too little and avoid catching anyone's attention. The more she let herself indulge however, she harder she was finding it to be sneaky. She clenched around her fingers as the worked her quivering outsides, as if trying to catch them. Squirming in her seat, she caught her hands between her thighs. Her breath was starting to become heavier as she sank into her seat, letting her fingers get a bit bravier and start pulling her panties off to the side...


She snapped her eyes, sat up and drove forward, her hand lightly coated with her fluids. Just as the vision of hard and hot cock was coming to mind a loud car horn from behind knocked the vision away. After giving the driver behind her a generous look at her middle finger, she sunk back into her seat, unsatisfied and the itch only getting stronger.. She looked at her hand in the sun's light as it glistened with some of her juices.

"I need some help..." She licked her fingers clean, the feeling of her own tongue on her hands only agitating her lower half. She sighed as she cleaned herself up, wiping her hands on her skirt, readjusting and sitting back into the front seat with her big squirrel tail acting as a cushion.

Now forced to focus on the traffic with a sexual itch, she let out a groan of frustration. With her sexual fantasies forcibly pushed to the back of her mind, she hoped to go pick up her son as soon as possible and enjoy a relaxing weekend at home.

Tony and Hal were now in the lion's room, door closed and continuing their make out session in peace. Being the dominant one, Hal was on top, grinding his needy cock between the two of them. Tony felt the heavy ballsack squishing against his own, their overpowering scent overtaking his own hearty musk. The intense smell mixed in the room, fueling both to enjoy the carnal pleasures.

Hal pulled away, only to turn around and present himself to his friend. Not needing much encouragement or instructions, Tony pressed his face firmly between the sandy brown furry cheeks.

"Ah fuck yeaaaaah..." Hal let out an approved groan as he was being ate out, the hours of practice between them paying off for his squirrel friend. He found his tail bouncing around wildly as he tried to pace himself, enjoying the service almost too much. The monster cock underneath him was beating against his belly and chest like horses. It jumped and pulsated in tune to his heart and every move of the tongue working around his hole. His balls threatened to send out everything with every swirl of his ring or the hot tongue going as deep as it could.

From behind, Tony was in heaven. The overpowering scent of male straight from the source tingled every part of his mind. The feeling of the lion's tight ass on his face, the hearty balls hanging inches from his mouth. He pulled away for a quick breath but more to admire his work. Hal's neon blue hole twitched, puckering up for another tongue kiss or to receive a big hard welcomed guest. Tony took a moment to just sniff the hole, admiring and taking in the smell as it sent a buzz through his sex crazed mind.

"You love getting a face full don't you?" Hal joked as he pushed back, just missing Tony's mouth but unintentionally kissing the squirrel's cheek with his eager hole. "Well I got something better for us!" He laughed.

"What is it?!" Tony couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. After indulging in his personal favorite sinful past time, he was eager for just about anything the lion would be up for.

Hal jumped off the bed, and went over to his personal closet on the other side of the room. He was facing away from Tony so he couldn't quite see what it was. The curious cub couldn't help but try to peak or get a glimpse as he heard things being pushed and knocked over. When Hal finally turned around with the item in hand, Tony's cock felt like it would burst from how excited he got!

In his paws, Hal was holding a high quality, female sex toy. It was colored a bright shade of orange and white. Compared to Hal, it was about a foot in length with the waist being the size of a pear shaped woman's figure. The ass was bigger than Hal's or Tony's by a wide margin and decorated with what appeared to be a bunny rabbit's puffball tail. The crotch itself was molded perfectly after the real deal, small hairs to simulate a trimmed bush. The lips were spread apart, showing off the ripped and textured insides leading up to a squishy replica cervix and womb.

"Like it?" The snickering cub asked. "It's called the bunny booty! My mom got it for me since she's pregnant and I can't be as aggressive as I usually want. The one before this was way to small so we got this instead!" Hal pulled out a bottle marked "warming oil", flipped it open and squeezed a generous portion of the contents into the fake pussy. "It feels amazing! Just like the real thing! Almost better even!"

Tony watched with hungry eyes as Hal filled it up with the oil. Some of it even dripping to the floor. Hal's excitement was obvious with his fat pole slapping against his belly with every step forward. Both cubs were excited to dig into the bountiful toy's booty as some of the oil dribbled out, as if the toy itself was excited.

Hal jumped up on the bed, toy still in hand and laid down on his side while Tony eagerly watched. The lion cub angled his cock at the opening, proding the pussy lips apart and soaking in the feeling of the textur before going as deep as he could. He let out a toe curling moan of satisfaction at burying almost all of his cock in one go. Hal rolled over so the toy laid on top, letting his cock go right past the jelly soft but still firm cervix. The womb had plenty of space for a stud's cock, sucking on the tip like a hunrgy slut's mouth. He couldn't do deep full strokes but he didn't care. It conformed and squeezed around him, letting him take in every detail with every wet sopping thrust. Even with his experience, Hal was no match for the toy as he began pounding away like his life depended on it.

"Ohhhh, fuuuucckk..." He groaned.

Tony could hear it in his voice. He was loving every second of what was happening. The cheeky squirrel knew what would make it better. He crawled toward them, cock bouncing wildly and got on top of the toy and Hal. Without even looking, he found the currently occupied hole and slid his own pre-cum soaked cock into the now vice tight grip of the toy.

"This is amazing!" Tony cried as he shook. "It feels...! Oh fu...!" His legs shook as he tried to relax, over excited at what he was feeling.

Compared to when they were grinding into each other during their make session, it was almost ten times hotter. Tony's slightly smaller balls rubbing against Hal's heafy sack as oil began to get warmer and hotter, grinding between their two shafts. The sound they were producing would make any outside ears perk up. Wet, meaty slaps and wacks with every thrust along with the moaning of two sex crazed brats.

"I-I think I came a little..." Hal spoke up, a tremble in his voice.

Even if they couldn't see it, they could imagine a small mess of blue jizz seeping out of the bunny toy cunt to join the rubbing oil. Not wanting to let him have all the fun, the little squirrel increased his tempo, fucking the toy harder and rubbing against his impressive pipe against the prickly, blue shaft. Every spine tickled his pink meat with the textures.

Moving up to now face the lion with his eyes closed, Tony kissed him again. Hal wrapped his arms around his neck, not letting go as they both started filling the slutty toy with a hearty mix of blue and white cream. They didn't stop thrusting as they did, their mixed cum only adding into the slippy mess and scent of sex in the room...

With a sigh and a distressed look on her face, Caramella finally arrived to pick up her son. After adjusting her skirt, she parked her car in the empty driveway and used the spare key she was given to go inside.

She didn't call out, knowing her son and Hal were most likely in the bedroom playing games. She envied them at the thought. They could play all they want without having to deal with a company like hers full of trash mammals like her coworker.

'Maybe I'm letting work get to me too much. Plus this damn heat isn't helping any.' Before heading to the bedroom she went to the kitchen to grab a much needed cup of lemonade. Throwing her pocket book on the dinner table, she let out a grateful sigh as she leaned on the counter, taking a moment to let her mind relax and calm down. She eyed the TV that was currently on and considered sitting down to watch an episode or two.

'It's not like I'm not supposed to be here. I'm just stopping by to pick up Tony... .Buuuut one or three episodes of "Dandy Doctor" won't hurt anyone, right? Plus maybe another can of soda to take the edge off...' Just as she was about to get comfortable and take a seat, her ear caught the sound of a... Moan?

It was coming from the back rooms. Specifically, Hal's room. Caramella knew his sister was out for the weekend. Curiosity peaked, she went to check on the boys earlier than intended. She removed her high heels and tiptoed to the closed room. Pressing an ear to the wall, she could hear slight moaning and now much more rapid movement. And something wet.

She grasped the handle and silently opened the door to peak inside...

END of Part 1

Adventures Of Colin Ch.2

Ever since a certain law passed, life in the world had changed. Women, regardless of social standing, ties or previous relations to men, were turned into nothing more than fertile breeding grounds. Cunts constantly soaking in semen, mouths turned into...

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First Time For Everything

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine Sylvia! I think it's a wonderful thing that our boys are staying together for a bit! You know Tony can be the most introverted little wall flower at times, so this will be good for him!" Hal's mother on the other end...

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Adventures of Colin - Chapter 1 [Commission]

Within a large, two story house, a young tiger watched a rerun of the newest episode of his favorite show. Below him, he enjoyed the sensation of a lovely double blowjob by his older tigress twin sisters. Together, they eagerly worshiped him. One...

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