First Time For Everything

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This is another commission for the wonderful Hornybunny over on Inkbunny. Good guy!

Once again, we get into some shenanigans with Hal and his first experience with another guy! How fun! Hope you all enjoy this one.

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine Sylvia! I think it's a wonderful thing that our boys are staying together for a bit! You know Tony can be the most introverted little wall flower at times, so this will be good for him!"

Hal's mother on the other end wasn't sure how to approach her issues. On the one hand, she was glad Hal chose to go have fun with his friends. The other however, she was almost positive Hal would give her a good romp around in the bed room. Just to reiterate the point of her worries, she looked down at her own pregnant belly, swelling with twins according to the doctor. Her free hand rubbed the mound ever so gently.

Sylvia knew Hal's libido all to well. The latest romp with him left her a mess on the bed and squirting remains of his loads out of her for a day and a half. She knew that he'd end up having her bent over the bed and getting a pounding of her life by his monstrous cock.

"I suppose you're right." With a wayward sigh, she replied to her friend. "But knowing my little Hal, he's gonna be a handful for you. Just remember to relax and don't let him scare you." Rather than trying to fight the inevitable, she tried to subtly slip in some encouraging advice to her.

"My goodness, you make him sound like a monster!" She laughed on the phone.

'Oh sweetheart if only you knew what you were about to get into you...' Sylvia told herself, praying she was at least big enough to take her son.

The following night, Hal had arrived to their home. Tony and his mother greeted Hal with a warm smile from her and a small shy smile from her son. As he came in, Hal hungrily eyed his friends mother as she walked to the kitchen to bring dinner out for the boys. A squirrel milf with a pair of breasts that were more fit on a cow than her. Coconut brown fur covered her body and her bushy tail with a distinct white tuft that peaked from her chest. Her ass wasn't very big but it didn't stop him from gazing it.

While she left, Hal was getting the same treatment from his close friend, Tony.

Tony was always too shy for his own good, even to his friends. He knew what he wanted and he gathered all his courage to act on his feelings For the first time.

Gazing at the little red and white tail, reminded him of the day it all started. Gym class was over along with the school day. Thinking he was the last one to go in, he came in to the view of Hal in the middle of changing clothes. His shy nature almost made him leave, that was until he watched Hal pull his shorts down, letting loose the biggest cock he's ever seen. Tony only had his own to compare it to and it was massive. Being sexually curious about guys as much as girls, Hal became a sort of obsession for the little squirrel boy since that day. The view of his friends privates imprinted on his mind at all hours of the day.

Since that day, he's done everything to get closer to him as a friend. Helping with work at school, giving him snacks and hanging out. Tonight, he was going to do something he'd fantasized over for the last few months. Even if the worst were to happen, he'd be satisfied just doing it.

After a hearty and filling dinner, the boys rushed off to the bedroom. Hal and Tony talked about the various topics. The next vacation from school. Girls they thought were cute. The two cubs even talked about what they'd like to do over the summer.

'After he falls asleep, I'll sneak into his mom's... Room tonight...' Hal thought to himself as he yawned. 'Pretend to have a... Bad dream. Yeah... That... Will let me... Get...Innn...' Before he realized it, Hal nodded off, the last thoughts in his head being the outcome of the plan he had all set up.

Tony's excellent hearing picked up on the the lion's gentle breathing rhythm. His own heart on the other hand was racing harder than ever. So hard, he was sure if he got closer, Hal would wake up at the sounds of the thumps in his chest. The extra blood flow caused his erection to almost hurt from the intensity.

Five minutes.

Seven minutes.

Eleven minutes.

He could count every second along with every twitch of his cock. Besides the background of his tv playing some late night infomercials, Hal's snoring was all he could focus on. Hal was known around school for being a heavy sleeper so Tony took the chance to move and get ready. The young squirrel was thankful his mom gave him a king sized bed. Their small sizes left plenty of room for them to share a single bed. Tony stepped out of his side, careful not to cause to much movement.

No out and free, he pulled his pajama shorts down and let his manhood breath. Contrary to his mannerisms and appearance, he's quite well endowed for his age. Poking out his sheath is a seven inch long, thick hunk of cock. Red and pulsating, he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He grasped it and began to stroke it. He gasped at the sensitivity of it between his fingers with every pull down and up. His legs trembled as he approached Hal's side of the bed, never letting go. To his surprise, Hal's cock was stood out like a tent in the woods. With his free hand, he pulled the covers down to behold the true beauty.

Even with just the TV's light, the cub was awestruck.

Like a tower, it stood proudly out from his loose shorts. Big, blue and hungry for attention. He could tell it was almost double his length, easily. Tony's eyes traveled down the meaty shaft, counting dozens of veins and small prickly spines along one large vein that he traced. It was a little hard to do as it thumped ever so slightly, along with the only light source being the constantly changing TV screen. Tony's eyes lit up as the gazed down on the honey brown sack. Absolutely massive! He was finding it hard to believe his friend could walk around so easily without help or hurting himself.

With his free hand, Tony's trembling reached forward to grab one. So caught up in the moment, he didn't realize like he'd already emptied his sack onto the dark blue bed sheets since he first breathed in the sweet musk Hal's meat gave off. Every huff of the manly scent begged for the young cub to empty every drop out of his nuts.

'It feels like a big, warm and fuzzy bag...' Compared to his own balls, the fur was slightly more course but not painfully. Just one of them filled his palm, easily and beyond. With his now cum slick hand, Tony gentled grasped the other nut. He played with the nut sack, feeling them tense and relax under his delicate, brazen touch. Overcome with desire, he got on top of the bed, now fully face to head with the beast like cock. He kissed it once before taking as much of the sharp tip into his mouth. He wasn't familiar with how it's done but that didn't stop the cub from trying. Using the bits of porn he'd seen, he licked and bobbed up and down most of the tip.

Tony's mind fell away as he kept sucking and licking, tasting the oddly sweet fluid that came from the tip. He focused on trying to bring out as much as he possibly could, using his cum soaked hands to bring it out. He'd pull off it only to drag his lips along the shaft, feeling every numb and bump.

"Oh fuck Tony..."

The young squirrel froze up at the all to familiar voice of his crush. With the big lion meat still firmly in his mouth, Tony looked up to see Hal. Arms behind his head and a small on his face. With trembling lips, he pulled away, a sticky trail of spit mixed with fluids clinging to his lips. Tony wasn't sure what was worse; being caught in the middle of his first blow job or the cascade of cum that was all over Hal's side of the bed. He was caught with his mouth full of the cookie jar, so to speak.

While he was struggling internally, Hal was waiting for him to continue. He didn't know his friend was into guys, but that certainly wasn't a turn off for him. The tongue lashing wasn't the best, but it felt good. Really good. Hal was far from satisfied. Seeing that his friend was to scared to continue...

"Guess I'll finish up."

Hal rocked his hips back and brought his cock up to his own lips, taking it into his mouth. Tony wasn't sure if this was a dream or not at this point. He watched the limber lion take his own monster cock down into his mouth like it was nothing. Pumping into his throat slightly before relaxing and only working on the head. Tony took a deep breath to try and calm down his heart and crawled towards him. He kissed Hal's cock, sharing an indirect kiss with the cub as the two pleasured the monster cock. Tony's attention would go between the cock and its owner, kissing the top of his lip. His own cock hadn't calmed down the entire time, still hard with his own nuts already filling back up. The lion cub felt spoiled as he felt the extra tongue action going across his shaft and downward to his heavy sack. His tail-hole twitched in response to his friend's hands being just close enough to feel the heat of his paws.


Without any warning, Hal's cock erupted! The first shot alone filled half his mouth. Just as he swallowed the first shot, he let his cock go, letting it go off between the two cubs. The thick blue fluid pumped out each shot, hard enough to paint the pillows and back wall. Tony did his best to capture as much as he could in his face or on his mouth. The raw sweet flavor sent shivers through him. Between the last few shots, Tony caught Hal in a full lip to lip kiss, swapping every drop of seed that the two had gathered between them. The lion cub wasn't unfamiliar with having the taste of his own cum in his mouth. He couldn't deny he found kissing the tender hearted friend to be... Exciting.

"Ah..." Tony was in a stupor at what had just happen. Everything to him felt almost floaty. Like he'd just been in a lucid dream of some kind. He was so far gone, it took the feeling of a rough but gentle feline tongue to bring him back to his sense. His face lit up into a shade of tomato red as he looked down. The first guy he's ever had a crush on is now between his legs, eating his cock up like it was dinner.

"Aah gahh!" The little squirrel was only able to let out a series of squeaks and small yelps. Hal's experience with his own meat and previous sexual escapades made the job quick and easy. With the tip in his mouth, he stroked him off with one free hand. Scooping up some of his own cum with his free hand, Hal pressed into the tight untouched hole sitting under his friend's bushy tail. It quickly gave away and took his fingers, giving him free reign to warm him up.

It wasn't long before Tony came once again for the second time tonight. Hal drank up the first three shots before letting his cock sputter free, covering his tummy, chest and a part of his chin in the sticky ejaculate. To the lion cub, it was a bit more salty and rank than he was used to but not unpleasant in the slightest.

"Didn't think I'd like the taste of other guys cum as much as my own!" He commented. The remnants still in his mouth left a salty aftertaste but it ran down his throat easily. Nice and smooth like melted ice cream.

Before the cum hungry lion could go for a second helping, Tony rolled over, onto his hands and knees. He moved his curly tail to the side, giving Hal a perfect view of his virgin hole. The pink pucker sat between the coco brown cheeks, thin smooth fur leading down to the white covering belly and upward. His balls swayed with the shake of his hips below while his cock pointed forward, half hard and eager.

"Fuck me please!" He begged. As unsure as he was about his sexuality, he'd played with himself a little, using only his fingers to pleasure himself. Now, he wanted to feel the real thing. To feel a real cock take him.

Not one to say no to a willing piece of ass, Hal was more than willing. However, he was almost completely sure he could fit all the way. But that wouldn't stop either of them from trying.

"Oh I'll fuck you alright, but I need to do something first." Tony was about to ask what he meant before Hal spread him apart and ate his hole out. The wiggling appendage felt so alien and amazing! The soft moving muscle with the rough texture that comes with being a feline. It touched and tickled anything within reach. Tony flexed and clenched around him involuntarily. Every move sent his cock twitching. Enough so he had to constantly hold back and not cum too early.

Before Hal was done tossing his salad, he ran his tongue as deep as he could and ran it in a circular motion, getting a happy little bark as thanks. Pulling away, he was happy with the results. Tony was breathing became heavy breathing, trembling mess. His now much more relaxed hole was winking at the eager cub, begging him to go in.

Hal stood up on the bed, squatting over his smaller friend and aiming his cock. Rubbing in some still wet cum down the tip, he poked the gentle hole. It was just as he was afraid of. Even after some proper care to get him to relax, Tony was still a bit to tight for his thick member. He took a deep breath and started feeding his cock in, the tight ring expanding and trying to push him out.

"Ahh... Haahhh...Oh fuck..." With a sharp inhale, the monster cocked cub sank deeper in. He wanted to start hammering down but didn't want to hurt his friend either. He took a deep breath and used his free hands to stroke off, all the while pumping slowly in and out. Tony was a blubbering mess, whimpering and moaning under him as he was being fucked ever so gently. Using about four or five inches of his tip, he fucked a little further in, opening him up and letting his cock taste the heat of his insides. All the while, beating off the rest of his shaft that wouldn't fit inside the greedy ass already stuffed to capacity.

"Almost there! Gonna give mess up your insides...!" Thrusting harder and faster, he felt his balls tighten up, getting ready to make good on his promise. He huffed and puffed as the stream of jizz welled up, going down his shaft as it expanded. Tony couldn't tell what was about to happen nor could he prepare. He felt a blisteringly warm heat go off deep in his bowls. So hot and intense, he felt his balls drain the last remnants onto the bed below, as if making room for the new stronger and more hearty seed. The base of his belly felt like it was growing with every surge and spurt. His ass clenched down so hard, nothing was escaping if he could help it. He twisted his feet, curled his toes and clenched the sheets as he pushed back, burying another two or so inches into himself.

Hal wasn't much better. His expanding cock and balls loved the tight confines of his tiny ass, seeding it like it was a warm fertile womb. His muscles locked up as he emptied his nut sack, wishing he could go balls deep. He opened up his clenched eyes and looked down to see what the damage was.

Tony was face down in the bed, panting and shivering around his fading cock. Hal gingerly pulled out, letting the air come out in a wet squishy sound along with his jelly blue jizz. He fell back onto the pillows behind him. Tony on the other hand was had his face down and ass up. By the looks of it, his friends cock was beyond spent, now firmly back into his sheath and balls dangling freely. He gurgled some kind of intelligible sentence before letting belly touche the bed, causing any cum still inside to spill out on the messy bed.

Too tired and satisfied to clean up, the two cubs decided to just fall asleep in their own sticky mess. Tony used the last of his strength to crawl towards Hal. He looked up into the lion cubs dark blue eyes, kissing him one last time on the lips and sinking his face into the warm tuft of fur on the cats chest. Hal pulled him closer and the two of them went into a deep relaxing sleep...

The following morning wasn't exactly the best. Tony's mother came in to the site of her son and his friend embracing, coated in white cum and what she could only imagine was some kind blue juice/jelly like candy. The room smelled like an orgy candy party went off inside. Knowing how often her son's masturbates on a daily basis, she wasn't as surprised as most parents would be. Every time he'd leave behind a little bit of evidence that he was sure to miss.

After waking them up and telling them to get dressed to go out, she watched the two of them go to the bathroom, holding hands. If anything, she was incredibly happy that her little boy gained so much confidence since meeting with his little lion friend.


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