Jett and Manzi

Story by jamesbeast on SoFurry

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Part of a game where Malus and I were giving each other story prompts.

Jock jaguar is tasked with proving himself as the absolute alpha to win the consent of a monkeyboy to fuck and digest said monkeyboy.

Jet Natarajan growled to himself as he climbed the strangler fig ladder. Today he would put Manzi in his place, namely, his gut. Jet's tight shorts became a little tighter as the black panther thought about it, but he tried to put it out of his mind for now, he had to get through algebra and economics before gym class when he would be able to remind the monkey boy who was the star athlete and who was the third string bitch boy. Just to show off, rather than climbing up the last bit, Jet flipped himself over the lip of the landing, performing a quick handstand before rising to his feet on the platform surrounding the main building of Canopy High. It was a common enough trick among the more agile and coordinated jocks, and one helped by the fact that he kept his backpack tightened, rather than allowing the contents to shift around on him. "Nice one," called Rollox, the largest member of the team, an elephant, and one of the jocks who could not pull off the same trick. He and Jet had originally come to blows over who was the more dominant male between the two. The elephant hadn't taken it well when he found out Jet surpassed him in the cock and balls department, nor did he appreciate that the ripped but slim jaguar could keep up with him in the weight room, aside from squats and a few other leg exercises. Eventually they had had a throwdown in the locker room, where Rollox had been forced to accept Jets superior masculinity, but given how hard he had cum, it appeared his prostate at least was fine accepting it. While they hadn't fucked again after that, Rollox had become Jet's valued second in command both on the team and in the school at large.

Manzi watched Jet speak with Rollox with his bemused little smile. He liked watching guys like that, the big brutes, swaggering about. It was one of the main reasons he was on the team in the first place. He loved the atmosphere in the locker room, the tension, the power plays, the occasional fighting, raping, and devouring of his classmates. Indeed, Manzi, as a monkeyboy, knew all too well he was destined to be food for a hungry pred, as he was far too appetizing a meal, but he had his standards. That was after all, his second main reason for being on the team. Manzi wouldn't just lie down and let any old pred eat him. No, it would have to be an apex pred, the most alpha of jocks, a true king of the jungle. Given his position on the team, king of the homecoming dance and prom the year before, and his incredible body, Manzi recognized that Jet was the best candidate for this role, but he did feel the big cat hadn't quite proven himself worthy, yet. After all, Manzi was quite the incredible specimen himself, having almost no bodyfat save for the slight layer of cushion that lay atop his well muscled ass. Indeed, the rest of him was just was ripped as Jet, though his muscles were admittedly less bulgy, him having a slimmer overall body type. He saw Jet stare past Rollox towards him, turned on his heels and walked towards his locker, his tail flicking as his perfect bubble butt drew the attention of Jet and various other males.

Jet's cock had throbbed all the way though his first two periods, but he hadn't cared. It wasn't uncommon in Canopy High, and for guys like him who produced a thick musk when aroused, the bulge wasn't even worth hiding. Hell, Jet enjoyed the smell of the other musks and blushing faces of the other guys around him his own odor had triggered. While school rules prevented him from getting off in class, on a normal day he would have requested to go to the bathroom, only to be followed by at least one of those other boys. Hell, on occasion a teacher would excuse himself from the classroom to make copies or the like and just give the class five to ten minutes for a miniature orgy. Today however, Jet was saving himself for Manzi.

"Listen up monkey bitch," Jet slammed his palm against the locker just above Manzi's shoulder, they were both nearly naked, Jet still in his jersey top and Manzi clad only in his jock strap. "You're gonna be mine damn it, now be a good little monkey and give in already." Predation was allowed within Canopy High, but surveillance tapes did have to bear out that the prey agreed to being eaten or else the pred had to release them prior to digestion, a thought that Jet loathed to even consider. Of course, there was nothing in the rules against coercion; indeed, it was taught as part of the sex ed classes for Pred identifying students from the middle school onwards. However, no matter how aggressive Jet became, he never got more than coy smiles and calm rebuffs from Manzi. He hadn't even been able to fuck that perfect little ass, making the monkey boy the only member of the team their captain had not laid claim to. For despite being only a bit above average on the field, largely due to poor ball handling skills, Manzi was incredibly quick and flexible, utterly unable to be caught for more than a second, always banding, squirming, and spinning out of any hold before darting away with acrobatic grace.

"Maybe someday, when you're worthy," Manzi said, half sarcastic, half naive and earnest, a coy smile with rolling eyes. Jet had to wonder if even Manzi knew where the sarcasm, irony, and facades ended in the monkey's bizarre little brain. "I'll even tell you when." Manzi jumped upon Jet's arm allowing him to look down at the face of the jock who towered over him when they stood on the ground.

"What!" Jet was taken aback, this was more concession than the monkey boy had even ever hinted at.

"I'll be your last. You can fuck me after you've plowed that ass of every other member of the team."

"Damn it Manzi, I've done that already. The only asses my cock hasn't taken are yours and mine, and hell, I put my soft cock's head against my hole once just to prove I could." Both jocks blinked for a bit, Jet would never have let that fact slip if he hadn't been so exasperated.

"Nope, you're missing somebody. There is still one guy in this room who you're not the boss of on the field or off. I mean, after all, even I listen to your orders when we're playing."

Jet was stumped, until the voice of the coach bellowed from the showers, telling the remaining lads in the locker room to finish stripping and join them in the showers. While during the other four of gym periods the coach, an impressively masculine mandrill, made a point of leading the group exercises, it was only in third period, when the team had their weight training, did he shower with the students, presumably so as he didn't want to reek of sweat during his lunch hour.

"You can't be serious, do you know how much trouble..." Jet trailed off as the monkey boy winked wickedly before dismounting his perch on Jet's arm and slipping out of his jock.

"More trouble than I'll be in if I agree to let you eat me? Besides, apparently your cock is better at making friends than the rest of you. Plus, isn't that bright blue ass just begging for cock. We've all stared at it. I bet that's why coach showers with us. Hell, maybe that why he got into coaching in the first place, maybe he's a great big perv who's been waiting for some young strapping stud to remind him of the glory days of his youth. You know he has to have been fucked plenty in school, with an ass like that."

"Well maybe, but he is a teacher, and a pred. Hell, I know you're right about him being a perv and being open to sex with students, but I'm not sure about his inclinations towards position. One of my neighbors who is a few years older than us said he was in the locker room early one day, had an appointment earlier and didn't feel like catching the last five minutes of Nahuatl and a monkey boy confessed to the coach." Jet took off his shirt and placed it in his gym bag. "Coach fucked and ate him on the spot, with the boy still squirming through most of the next period."

"And attempting to fuck a pred without his consent waives your right to consent to being his prey or not. Trust me, I know, and as a monkey boy, I am well aware of how many pred teachers enjoy having my kind develop crushes on them. My middle school was predominately monkey boys and I don't think a single teacher there wasn't a pred. Half of them were was hard and musky all day as you've been the last few weeks, especially the coaches and sex ed teachers."

"Heh, maybe I should go into teaching after I retire from the big leagues."

"Assuming you make it through college. Pick a fight with the wrong varsity player and I hear the staff will be more than willing to lose or doctor the audio records.

"Oh I know, my brother is that kind of varsity player, and I'm going to be one too." They glanced down and saw pre dripping from both of their cocks. They exchanged smiles and walked into the shower confidently.

"So you've said what I have to do to get your ass, what about the rest of you?" Jet asked, more quietly and relaxed than he would have expected himself when speaking with Manzi.

"Same thing more or less," said Manzi with a shrug as he lathered himself up. "Once you've proven yourself top jock you have to prove yourself as top pred."

"I am top pred already, at least among the students, and eating him," he gave a quick glance towards the coach, who was already leaving to get toweled off, "would fuck up my chances for a scholarship."

"Oh I wasn't talking about him. I was talking about Rollox. He may be your beta male, but he went to my middle school remember, and I am sure he ate more prey back then than you have in your life. "

"Again, losing him from the team kinda gets in the way of us keeping our undefeated streak."

"I never said you had to digest him. I know you preds hate letting a go of a meal, but think of it this way, back when you two were having your little competition, the one aspect of manliness you two didn't settle was who was the better pred. Now we both know, given his size, that his gut could hold you..."

Jet's claws popped out momentarily, "It could hold someone my size you mean."

Manzi sighed, "Whatever, you know what I mean, but that's not really all that impressive, as elephant preds tend to go for binging on a bunch of small prey, and trust me, he was very typical in that way back in middle school."

"Heh, I went through a phase like that back then. I didn't even bother to fuck all my prey first back then."

"Focus, Jet, as I was saying, for an elephant, a guy your size in his gut isn't beyond belief, but if your gut can hold him, now that would be impressive. Plus, if you can manage to cough him up, that demonstrates real control and stamina. Beyond that, think of what it will do for your rep, not to mention what it will do to Rollox. I bet he starts bending over for you once you give him another dose of being your bitch."

"And after that, you'll be my bitch?"

"After that, you'll be my apex pred studmuffin."

Jet blinked and burst out laughing. "You're fucked up man, but fuck if you're not hot."

It had been three days since Jet had struck the deal with Manzi, and Jet had been planning. His two trials would have to be done in front of the monkeyboy, and if he was going to bother with that, he might as well do them before the whole team. Fuck, he had to admit, while he had been annoyed with Manzi's terms at first, he had been hard every second he had been thinking about fucking the mandrill and eating the elephant. Beyond the mere physical pleasure of doing it, he was looking forward to the looks on the faces of his teammates. Jet wondered how long it would take for word of these two exploits to spread throughout the school. Not long, he would make sure of that.

Inevitably, Jet was going to have to fuck coach in the locker room. That could be done before lunch or after practice in the afternoon. Given how rigorous practice had been recently, waiting for later in the day would put him at a disadvantage. Plus, he liked the idea of the main bit of gossip spreading around the lunch room being the story of his domination of the mandrill.

Jet stripped slowly, admiring himself in the mirror he had placed in his locker. His glossy black fur smattered with spots of even darker black. His coat was made even glossier by glazing of sweat that made him an even more perfect sculpture. He waited just long enough to fall into step behind the coach. As they entered the shower area Jet made two quick steps forward and reached out with both arms, claws extended. The middle finger of his right hand came to rest just above the jugular, the middle finger of his left hand came to rest in the navel, and the head of his cock came to rest against the hole between the two bright blue cheeks. Jet's mind raced. He had planned out this encounter, chosen his time and position carefully, tried to anticipate the mandrill's response based on how the mandrill approached the game. Jet knew he was stronger than the mandrill and likely faster, but the coach had doubtless been in more fights than the jaguar and given the rules governing dominance could be applied to team sports, any coach dealing with adolescent males had to put thought into how to deal with potential challengers. Jet knew the key to this contest would be timing.

"Think you're man enough to take me, puss?" The coach growled through what Jet knew had to me bared teeth.

"You seem to think so," Jet replied with a mix of defiance and seductiveness. His claws retracted and his left hand quickly descended. His thumb and forefinger encircled the erect cock, while the other three fingers caged the hefty scrotum. He squeezed rhythmically and felt an almost suppressed shudder through the mandrill's body. Moreover, he felt the clenched hole relax briefly. Jet's new position had given him utter control of the situation, at least for the moment. While his initial hold had been a potent psychological weapon for the moment, even the rules of challenge wouldn't pardon him from slitting someone's throat or eviscerating them. The mandrill needed only to call his bluff verbally and it would be on Jet to retract his claws before the mandrill moved, otherwise he would be liable even if the mandrill's own movements had been the cause of the cuts. He had just needed time, only a few seconds, to ensure Coach would demonstrate reciprocal arousal, and thus allow the full use of sexual tactics in resolving the dispute, including putting the apes nuts in peril. Furthermore, this meant that raping the mandrill would not put him on the menu or even on the detention list. Moreover, his authority would supersede the coach's as far as the rest of the team was concerned, provided he won of course. If he lost the mandrill would rape, devour, and possibly digest him. He tightened his grip on his coach's junk and moved his right arm for better leverage.

All the team was silent. Most of the shower had been switched off. Most hands were on their owner's cocks. All eyes were on the coach and the captain, who stood together in the entry way to the shower area. The shower area was at the southwest end of the locker room, set apart by a wall running north to south. The entry to the showers was on the far southern end of the dividing wall, whereas the door entry to the locker room was on the northwest end and the coach's office was on the north east end. Combined with the rows of lockers running east to west, this allowed the showering students privacy from those merely needing to bring paperwork to the coach or the like. This setup also meant that the coach, having turned a corner where the dividing wall gave way to the shower area, now faced northward with the locker rooms southern wall to his back. He slammed his hips backwards, hoping to surprise the big cat as well as loosen the hold on his balls, even if that meant allowing the jock's cock an inch or so entrance into his ass. In a fluid continuation of this movement he ran backwards, knowing he could take the cock, even as impressive as Jet's happened to be, better than Jet could take being slammed against the wall. Then he would see how well Jet could take cock.

Rather, that was what the coach expected to happen, but the team captain had become rather adept at running through play scenarios in his head. He also knew how much his coach enjoyed surprising the opponent with unconventional tactics as well as how comfortable the older male was with making a small sacrifice to ensure victory down the line. Thus, when the mandrill began his backwards charge, the jaguar leapt. When he collided with the wall, it wasn't his back or head that made contact, but his feet. The jaguar leapt again.

Momentum, weight, and surprise executed a perfect heist of the mandrill's lungs; with the throbbing cock which subsequently plowed into his ass preventing recovery of the stolen breath. He had known he could have taken a cock that size, having similarly sized toys for when he felt the sort of itch only a massive member could scratch, but he hadn't counted on the raw power and brutality behind said cock. Jet could be gentle when fucking, but when claiming dominance over another male being gentle is an insult. He respected his coach far too much for that. He wasn't a weakling, a drunk, or a first-timer. The mandrill was a worthy opponent and a true threat, and thus Jet was obliged to ravage him as savagely as he could. Sweat beaded on the both in the warm humid room as the Jaguar roared in thrill, dominance, and lust, just as the mandrill howled in pain, rage, and pleasure.

All the others were silent. All showers were off. All hands were on their owner's cocks. All eyes were on their coach and captain as the hierarchy shifted as displayed before them. In terms of authority Jet was now atop that of the coach. An orgy might have erupted, would have erupted, had not the shock and awe the team felt towards its captain prevented them from looking away long enough for furtive glances at each other. There would certainly be an orgy after practice this afternoon, no matter how tired they became. Indeed, they might spend the entire practice in the locker room fucking today, as the as the lust which had been simmering for three class periods erupted as they reentered the locker room and caught traces of the mingled musk of their captain and coach. There certainly was plenty of musk. There always was whenever Jet fucked someone. His partners smelled of him for days, and the entire team would carry wisps of his odor for the next few hours, as soap did little to remove or mask his scent. Indeed, they all new from experience that only time could remove their captains olfactory mark.

None were more aware of that fact than Jet and the coach. Jet had been bucking his hips in too focused and steady a fashion to be called wild, but despite that the force was so great that his coach had to struggle just to keep from getting bashed into the floor. The mandrill was, whenever the mood stuck him to receive, a power-bottom, but the jock topping him was overwhelming him physically as well as olfactory. He knew that his muck would leave enough of a trace to validate to anyone whom Jet had fucked for the next few hours, but he knew he would reek of jaguar for days. In Canopy High Jet's musk was as well knowm as the star athletes face. Even in the rest of their jungle city, many people would be able to recognize the odor. He lost his train of thought as his prostate was persuaded into blinding him with a brilliant white wave of pleasure. He nearly had his face slam against the floor before he regained himself. There was no way of hiding it, soon everyone he knew would find out he had been raped by one of his own students, but fuck if it wasn't worth it. All the pain and rage left his howls as the pleasure of being Jet's bitch dominated his every neuron. He liked to blame it on the overwhelming power of Jet's scent, but in his heart he knew that the boy's charisma had been at work for years, twisting a part of his psyche into wanting it, wanting this, wanting Jet. The musk fanned that treacherous spark into a fire, which was then fed copious amounts of fuel by the act of sex. The mandrill himself unleashed a copious amount of cum, which arched a good foot across the tile, all the more impressive from his position, as he came to this realization. Even then Jet outdid him as he felt two waves of cum erupt into him, each easily a match for his own. There was a reason everyone given the choice would rather be fucked by the young stud than attempt to suck him off; they were afraid of drowning.

The next few periods passed much as Jet had expected. He could hear the students and faculty all whispering, glancing at him, sniffing whenever he or a teammate passed by. He had to give it to coach; lesser men would have used up their sick leave rather than go the rest of the day marked by his musk. Then again, with his musk that would mean using up a lot of leave time, so it was the smart choice. Besides, Jet's total shower time could be counted on one hand in seconds. He made a point of taking circuitous routes the rest of the day just to help lend extra veracity to the gossip by parading the proof of his conquest around for as many boys to smell as possible. This wasn't anything knew, as he always made such patrols after such plunders, but he noticed even more tenting shorts than usual, and a few even had spots of pre.

An orgy was in the verge of erupting as he entered the locker room. Everyone was naked, hard, and making no attempt to put on their gear. Jet gazed over his team, and they were never before so utterly his, and smiled. "Alight boys, I can see you're all pretty pent up after seeing me let lose. Rather impressive as you all came in the showers, but then again we're all healthy males here." Everyone laughed. Everyone also glanced at his cock, wondering how many of them would be impaled on it over the next few hours. No one was as healthy or male as Jet. "Seems only fair I give you another show. Rollox, get up here. We're going to do a little demonstration, coach's orders." There it was, Jet saw surprise on only half of the team; as the rest had worked it out already. Dominating coach meant that Jet had authority over him, and thus had the coach's authority over them as well. That authority extended a long way, especially as coach required his players and their parents to sign waivers at the beginning of the year allowing him more disciplinary and instructional leeway.

Rollox made his way through the crowd slowly but faced his captain bravely. "What kind of a demonstration, Captain, sex ed?"

"Oh don't worry Rollox, I've had enough pred ass for today," Jet sent a meaningful glance towards Manzi. "We're up against South Savannah High next week, big school, big team, big talent pool. I just want to remind everyone that bigger doesn't always mean better. Sure, it certainly helps," he said, flexing his pecs, and letting his cock and balls sway, "but quality can overcome quantity."

"Err, so what kind of demonstration..." Rollox trailed off as he saw a gleam in Jet's eye that matched the gleam on a droplet of saliva that had crept out at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry Rollox. I won't bother asking for consent. You're a valuable member of this team, far too valuable to digest." That was the end of the talking. Rollox didn't bother putting up a fight, Jet had grown even stronger and faster since their last fight, besides resisting would be disobeying coaches orders, after a fashion. Rollox had been one of the team to have worked out the ramifications of the earlier power struggle. He found himself going down Jet's throat head first in a matter of minutes. Jet was taking his time and had started with Rollox's trunk, slurping it up slowly like a noodle. It was a bit strange, as Jet normally ate his meals feet first so he could see their faces as long as possible. They only thing stranger was that Jet had stopped to write something out on one of the little whiteboards Coach used to write out the exercises he wanted each group to perform when he divided the team up to work on specifics skills.

Only later, after Jet had released him, had Rollo been able to read the board, but he had long since guessed the majority of its contents. "Team Bonding Exercise. Everyone who wants to top form a line behind Rollox and fuck his ass. The rest can suck my cock." When Jet held the board up over his head there weren't two lines so much as one line and Manzi. Rollox handn't squirmed as his captain ate him, his father and uncles had made sure he was plenty used to being eaten, but as the oldest son he wasn't so used to being fucked. Indeed, before now only Jet had ever fucked him, but for the next hour the entire team, save the monkeyboy, took turns plowing away at him as the captain held him half way, breathing through his nose the entire time. He couldn't help but squirm and wriggle with each new cock. Eventually he felt the throat muscle begin contracting again and sighed in relief as he was allowed to slide deeper into the gut of the man he could now think of only as his master. Then, with his ass barely outside the confines of Jet's jaws did he stop moving. Is shock escalated when he felt his teammates work together to lift and twist him 90 degrees while Jet remained stationary. Later he found out Jet had written another board ahead of time. "Teamwork exercise. Turn Rollox on his side and fuck him in pairs. Everyone is to partner up with someone they don't spend time with outside of practice." Rollox had been keeping count of how many cocks had entered him, but gave up at this point and began flailing around in outrage before hearing the content pure from Jet that reminded him of how pleasurable all his moving would be. At least by now most of the team was too spent for anything but a single encore. After that Jet slurped him down more swiftly and to Rollox's renewed sense of surprise, stood up and began to walk around.

Manzi sat on the floor, where he had been since helping to rotate the elephant. He had nearly passed out each of the four times Jet had came, flooding the monkeyboy with so much cum that even the third time, when he had been in the middle of deep-throating the jaguar, cum hand ended up leaking out through his lips. This hadn't been what he had expected. He expected Jet to train and plot for months before each trial he had set, not take them both out merely a few days after having agreed to them. Manzi had also been among the group surprised by Jet's proclamation of "coach's orders "before coach had even entered the locker room. He was contemplating just how much he had underestimated the jaguar as well as just how much more dangerous he had made him when said jaguars giant gut swung into him, knocking him face down on the ground. Soon he felt the weight of said gut, or at least a portion of it as it was large enough to extend past him and partially rest on the floor as Jet mounted him. Still the monkey boy was pinned now and was about to be impaled. This had been another eventuality that he hadn't foreseen. Like all males of his species he was shortsighted, though by monkeyboy standards Manzi was extrodinary in his ability to try and plan things out and his ability to resist the urge to give himself to males. Indeed, while it was well known that Manzi would offer up his body to preds as easily as most of his kin, what no one realized was that Manzi had gone so far as to never give his ass to anyone. While he would at least suck the cock of any jock who could do justice to their strap, his hole was utterly virginal. By the time Jet was done with him, Manzi's ass was utterly destroyed.

Jet realized as his tip entered unbelievable tight hole, that while at least willing to frot, jack, and suck his teammates, he had never seen Manzi take a cock, not even from non preds whom the monkeyboy was far more willing to engage in sexual horseplay with. "Virgin..." he sighed in appreciation as the warmth encompassed his cock. Manzi's throat had been nice, and the monkeyboy had a mouth as skilled as anyone who Jet had ever nearly drowned, but Jet preferred asses. Coach's was, while not nearly as tight as Jet had expected, was still a great hole it its own way, warm, firmly supple, and between two meaty cheeks that pulsed with a power of their own. Jet hadn't had much experience with power bottoms, but from what his father had told him about them years ago he could tell coach would be a great way to learn more, now that Jet could give him orders. This ass, Manzi's ass, was the perfect ass for a monkeyboy. He hadn't fuck a virgin monkeyboy since he was what, 12 or 13. It had been his third meal, and the first he had digested. He had rushed then, but not now.

Manzi wasn't expecting Jet to start slow, but he soon realized slow did not mean gentle, especially not when your partner had a huge cock which he can thrust in a variety of angles as well as a massive gut he can use to crush you when you aren't writhing enough for him. Manzi also couldn't tell what Jet wanted more from him, whimpers and whines of pain or tremors and moans of pleasure. The truth was that it didn't matter for Jet, and never had. Whenever he fucked someone, he wanted them to respond. With each thrust in, with each pulling back, with every tracing of his claws upon Manzi's flesh, the monkeyboy made noises and movements that showed that Jet was currently the center of his world, and by the end, when they writhed in orgasm, he would be the entirety their world and in that moment he didn't merely reach orgasm, he reach ecstasy. In that moment, however brief, Jet felt the relationship between himself and his bitch to become that between god and worshiper. In this case, Jet knew he wanted to prolong that feeling as much as possible.

The team watched in awe as Jet managed nearly half an hour of build up, half an hour of teasingly feeding his cock into Manzi's ass slowly. Once he had gotten in hilt deep everything changed. Suddenly the same savage fury that had beset the coach was released again and Manzi was utterly helpless. He howled, screamed, and writhed, not able to realize how doing so only excited Jet, how much Jet only made the Jaguar's lust burn brighter. Manzi was incapable of thought. All he could feel was Jet. All he could smell was jet. All he could hear was jet. The dark shadow cast by Jet's gut was broken only by the flashes of illusory light caused by Jet's assault upon his prostate. There was nothing but Jet.

Jet never came at the same time as his bitch, always being set off by recognition of their orgasm, but this was different. He could feel the orgasm building up in Manzi and feel its magnitude. The power of it, his power over Manzi, took him over the edge. The two erupted at once every male watching felt himself shoot a dry load in response to it. Jet stopped mid thust and leaned back, lifting his stomach to reveal Manzi, impaled on his cock, twisting in a near fit as orgasm after orgasm wracked him. Jet pulled out and stepped aside. He coughed a few times before near effortlessly releasing Rollox. Only after Rollox stood and glanced at the squirming monkey, covered in his own cum with Jaguar seed leaking from his ass did Manzi begin to regain control. Unlike Rollox the monkeyboy never stood upon his own feet. Instead, he twisted around to face Jet and crawled forward. Seemingly oblivious to the rest of the team -which by this time had come to include their Coach again, whom had indeed been part of the festivities since the rotating of Rollox, pairing up with the smallest of the freshmen- Manzi looked only at Jet. He said only three words. "I am yours"

"Can I take that as consent my little meal."

"Yours." Was all Manzi ever said again, but in that tone of need of pleading, even the Manzi of four days ago could not have argued it to be anything but assent. Jet pounced. There was no savoring this time, no drawing it out. There was merely a hungry pred and willing prey.

There hadn't really been practice afterwards. Everyone had been too tired to do much of anything, but their Coach had long since learned that periods of such post-orgy lethargy could at least be used to work on flexibility, so the team worked slowly but surely on stretching for the rest of the afternoon. Jet remained to talk with coach after everyone else had left, Manzi didn't count, not anymore. The monkeyboy didn't exist. He was just a semisolid bit of Jet that hadn't yet been properly distributed. "So coach, tell me, those school policies I asked about, how did they pan out."

The coach sighed, his hole was twitching. He wanted to slam his bright blue ass down on Jaguar cock, to regain some semblance of power, even if only as a dominant bottom, but even for that he needed Jet's permission. Dominance was more than law or custom, the same way predation was more than just swallowing and digesting, the way Jet's sexual magnetism was more than biology and psychology. There was something subtler, something scientists had been trying and failing to pin down for as long as the scientific method had truly been there. Whatever it was, Jet bought more of it to bear than anyone he had ever met. "Yes, Jet, I even checked to see if there was legal precedent." He saw Jet's eyes widen at this last bit, "Our school computers do have access to scholastic databases, even before research papers get assigned, and I do in fact teach Civics first period. "

"Alright alright, just tell me what you found."

"Your authority over me does indeed give you the kind of loophole you were hoping for. You're not a faculty member, no amount of challenges can change that, but you do have authority over me as a faculty member. You also have the right to engage in challenges of dominance on my behalf, as means to protect your authority over me. This sort of thing has been used for years in corporate setting to force confrontations in hostile takeovers, when mere stock purchasing is taking too long. There have been cases in colleges where a student has issued challenges to professors on the grounds that they have dominance over a teacher's assistant or the like."

"Never a coach?"

"Generally a coach would be outside the direct lines of authority, unless the professor was head of athletics or the like. It may have happened, but generally it was done only by athletes in an attempt to maintain their grades. Nowadays most colleges, and indeed most businesses, have structured themselves in such a way as to make that sort of thing all but impossible. There is a reason why prehensile-tailed porcupines, poison frogs, and other such defensively endowed are rather common in middle management positions."

"But not here."

"No indeed."

"So I could challenge the principal."

"You could. You'd most likely end up spending ever lunch hour licking honey of off said honey badger's cock as did my predecessor, or so I am told."

"Aw coach, come on. I though you off all people would have a little more faith in me." Jet winked and the Mandrill quivered with need. "It's like you always say, 'A good game-plan can make even a little talent a force to be reckoned with'. Now I've got more than a little talent," He gave his cock a stroke with one hand while fondling his stomach with the other. "So, all I need is a good game-plan, and you'll be here to help me with that. For starters, how about you teach me something a little less civic and a bit more along the lines of Sex Ed."

Fox in the Lions’ Den: Wake-ups and Revelations

Fox in the Lions' Den: Wake-ups and Revelations Clyde woke up still within the confines of his second eldest brother. He chuckled, not only could he hear Trent snoring, he could feel the vibrations through the stomach walls. However, he decided that...

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Fox in the Lions' Den: A Glimpse of Ever After

A Glimpse of Ever After Clyde smiled as he looked over his naked body in the mirror. Five years of working out with his older brothers had certainly put a great deal of muscle on the 20 year old fox's tall frame. Of course, the diet they had gotten...

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My Brother's Dreams

This is kinda a repost/revison of my last story, which if anyone read my last journal, you know why I took down. I'll go ahead and post it below for anyone else who prefers not to download. All characters are mine... James is my fursona... disclaim......

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