Working out some confidence

Story by Sexyvegetable on SoFurry

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#2 of The Hyperion Comic Shop

New week, new story! This time I was having a hard time choosing whether to upload this very story you are about to read and a new chapter for an older series I made a while ago. As you can see, I went for a newer one.

In the first chapter of The Hyperion, Tyler the Average Boy had become Tyler the sexy dragoness, now someone else will get to become something else, but who? Read on and find out.

Ps: in the unlikely even that I get the results of an exam for which I have been waiting for like, a month and a hal by now, I will, no excuses, upload TWO stories in one single day to celebrate. If I pass that is... I'm not going to be happy if I don't so... Enough said, now go and have fun!

See ya next week!!

Working out some confidence

By all means, I'm not a hot guy, nor I'll ever be: I'm too skinny, not enough muscle on me, not enough charisma to get a girl, or a guy, and not enough guts to even ask either one out. I'm tall yes, but with nothing on my bones to make me attractive. I like sports, but I am terrible at them and no matter how much effort I put in, I'm always behind those that had a genetic advantage. Maybe the one thing I'll always win will be how much I eat, which is something ridiculous but you should see how easily I can make a one kilos of burger fit in my stomach and be fine afterwards, but that's not hot, is it? So, all things considered, I shouldn't be popular at all. Then why was I always surrounded by hot guys trying to become my friends or hotter girls asking me stuff? Why?

Because I'm the best friend of the hottest creature in existence: Tyler. How did it end up like this, I have no bloody idea: we grew up together, played together since we were little, me a normal human and her, a dragoness straight out of a dream of the most talented artist ever, placed in front of me to admire. She's fun to be around, beautiful beyond measure, she always has been for me, strong and independent, though her mother is a bit of a control freak, but I'd be worried for her too if she was my daughter. Not one man or woman in this shithole of a town could escape her figure and lust over it: she was as tall as me, maybe an inch of difference give or take, slim but not lanky like me, she had proper muscle hidden beneath a layer of glossy scales that were oh, so smooth to the touch, toned limbs that gave her this... air of grace and pure perfection, a slender neck that was topped with a perfect visage like nothing a human could aspire to be. She had been born under the right star and dispensed her beauty to everyone around, unlike the rest of us who had to cover up our shame and frail bodies. Cold, heat, wind and rain did not do jack shit to her, instead, she loved being outside when the weather was most extreme, as if she was mocking us for being weak.

When I was little I tried to be like her and got out naked in the rain, I caught a bad fever and Tyler came to my house and got under my blankets to warm me up. Maybe it was in that moment that I pledged my life to her, not in a romantic sense, I was ten for fuck's sake, I was going to be beside her, always, and that I did. Seven years after, I was still her shadow, but unfortunately only that and nothing more. She could have been going out with the most athletic of jocks or even fuck the entire cheerleader team and I'd have been fine, and yet she stayed with me, playing videogames and reading comic books and manga.

Now, I'm not in love with her, I can't be: she's like the sun and I'm more like a... small rat standing under her and waiting to get something and she gave me so much. If I really think about it, I'm more popular than the big guys in the football team and so much luckier: they have to work to get her attention, even a couple of seconds and they look so happy when she does wave back at them, but I have the privilege to stay hours and hours and talk to her. Wait... maybe this was the reason I was currently being cornered in a bathroom stall in the taco restaurant. Yeah, maybe that was it.

Nathan, the head jock, as I called him, was first in line, knuckles cracking in an attempt at being menacing and he was doing a good job since I was scared, very scared.

"Come on, let me go Nathan. What have I done to you?" He chuckled and slammed my back on the wall, the other three cackling behind him.

"You know what, wimp. She deserves better than you, she deserves someone like me or us, not a lanky pole with some skin attached to it. You waste her time and ours."

"So what should I do? Give up a friend so that you can hit on her?" I felt angry for once in my life. "I have been with her far longer than you, I spent weeks and months together, I am not going to let her go for you. You pricks only started liking her when she grew her tits and ass out, you mocked her for being different when she was a kid, you made fun of her!" In all their arrogance, they knew I was right and that made them madder than before. No one wanted to hear someone say that they had been cruel and distant from someone they liked and surely the uncomfortable truth, that they took interest in her only when she hit her puberty and turned into the goddess she is today, was making them reconsider. Even some older friends had turned against her, one more than all others: Lily. We had spent a lot of time together and one day she suddenly snapped and accused her of being something she wasn't, throwing a fit in front of the class and then storming off. I wanted to talk to her but she just disappeared. Not Nathan though, he was an asshole and slammed me harder against the wall.

"Shut up wimp. Now, I want you to tell her that you'll leave her alone and fuck off in some hobbit hole and rot in there."

"A hobbit hole is not a damp, dark place, one that smells of rats and decay, it's a nice home with lots of food and friends, a place to call home." A very familiar voice came from the entrance of the bathroom and we all turned to that direction: the dragoness in question stood there, cleaning her claws with a handkerchief, leaning on the pillar that held the ceiling up, casually standing inside the men's bathroom. Nathan paled and let me go, my butt hit the floor and I groaned in pain. Tyler was not pleased at all. "What the fuck is this, Nate?"

"Ehm, w-we were j-just talking Tyler... n-n-nothing else." The glare she gave him chilled even me, not to mention the poor fuck.

"Oh, don't you try and bullshit your way out you fucker: you tried to scare my friend away and that's not something I am fine with. After today, you'll be lucky if I look in your direction again." She snarled at them and walked towards me. Her icy gaze softened when she looked at me and helped me up, my weight nothing to her. "Get the fuck out this restaurant, now." That was an order and as such, they had to comply, else worse things would happen to them, far worse than losing the chance to get her attention. No doubt they'd be blaming Nathan for this and he'd lose popularity, dropping from the social ladder like a brick in a pond. He stared at her for a while, angry and embarrassed, but had to leave as well, seeing as he had lost any chances to be with her for the foreseeable future.

"Thanks Ty."

"Oh, you're welcome, Angel." God, that smile again... how could she look so sweet? "You feeling ok?"

"Just a sore ass, nothing much. Why are you in the men's bathroom anyways? Trying to jump on some guy with the fly open?" Well, maybe I shouldn't have said that: she blushed and looked away, fidgeting. "Sorry."

"I saw those guys come in after you and the whole thing smelled weird so I waited for a moment and then, well, charged to rescue you." I found her actions extremely sweet but something in my chest hurt a little, like this was not what was meant to happen. She always came to help me when I needed but I never got to repay the favour, she never needed any help: what her physique or bright mind couldn't do, magic was the answer for her, leaving me to bask in her greatness. "Let's get out of this place, it's starting to get on my nerves."

"Yeah, good idea."

Luckily she had come to me at the right time and thus had spared me the pain that would have undoubtedly come later, though my ass hurt a little. We walked outside the bathroom and left the place, ignoring the waiter that just now was coming to take us to our table, the little encounter in the bath had made us lose our appetite. I ended up taking something from a street vendor, one of those that go around in vans and sell greasy and hypercaloric burgers that melt in your mouth, my favourites since I decided to put on weight.

Tyler loved them too but being a bit pissed off, she got a lot of sauce on her scales, running in a small river between her breasts and then on her stomach. I proposed to clean her with a towel and she gracefully let me do it, exposing her chest to me and waiting. I won't lie and say I was a bit nervous: with the outmost care, I took her breasts in my hands and began removing the sauce, feeling the soft scales and firm flesh underneath my palms, parting her cleavage so that I could get the drops that ended up in there. Tyler let out a pleased hiss and my heart skipped a beat.

"You're very good Angel, had I known your hands were this soft, I'd have asked you massages for years." She groped herself and licked off the last drops that were threatening to fall from her nipples, her long and dexterous tongue lapping all the sauce and leaving a small trail of saliva that made her scales glisten in the light that shone over her. I gulped and stared at those mounds of perfection sway and bounce elastically as she finished cleaning herself.

"Th-thanks, Ty." She was so hot, so sexy even in the most normal of actions... I may have lied when I said I didn't love her. Maybe. "S-so, shall we go somewhere else?" God, I hope that she won't see my pants...

"Yeah, actually I have something I want to give you."

I followed her home, staying behind her as she calmly walked around. She probably knew I was starting at her ass and the perfect round shape it had but I also knew that she loved being watched and admired, I wasn't excused from her figure and I didn't want to look away. That said, she teased me quite a lot today, making her hips sway more and lifting her tail every now and then, allowing me to see her nether region in all of their glory and the faint sheen of arousal that was coating those soft scales between her thighs. It all made my erection more painful and hard to deal with and she knew it very well, from the way she brushed her tail over my crotch. I wanted her to stop but it felt so fucking good and she was so sexy it'd be a crime to ask her to stop...

We finally reached her house and I thanked any god for that but as soon as she led me into her room, I felt some hint of despair. It had been so long since I entered this place and everything smelled of her, everything had her signature or her colour. She bent over a small box on the floor by her closed, tail raised and hips swaying, searching for something inside the wooden drawers underneath. Her vent was right in front of me, spread just enough to see the soft pink flesh inside. At this point I didn't know what stopped me from burying my face between her cheeks and worship her but I stopped, clutching my hands to my crotch so that I wouldn't even touch her. A minute later she came out with a few comics in hand, wrapped in a plastic film and handed them to me.

"What are these?"

"Oh, something Theo gave me a few weeks ago, some new stuff that hadn't yet reached the shelves. It was a present for my birthday but I have read them so many times I thought maybe they'd like a new person to read them..." I took them from her hands and for the briefest moments, I touched her and saw something: the beautiful dragoness turned into a normal human teenager, with some acne on his face and black hair in a messy style, still with the same sweet smile that she had, then disappeared and the vision was gone. I stared at her for a long moment, not sure whether I was sure of what I saw or not, questioning myself. "Angel?"

"S-s-sorry, I was just... it's your present, I can't take it!"

"Oh, shush, it's been a while and I think you'll like them, but, you need to take care of them. No coffee while reading them and no breadcrumbs. Who knows, maybe these will become great comics and very valuable. Wouldn't want to ruin the chance to get some cash for a coffee cup, right?"

"R-right." I opened one of them, the first one: the cover didn't have a title but the giant werewolf that covered the entire left half spoke a lot about the subject of the story. The other half was populated by a host of humans charging at the wolf holding guns and large knives, but the setting was not what drew me in, it was the realism and details of the drawings. Whoever had made it drew each single hair of the wolf separately and then went and drew the bubbles in the spit of the creature, the hairs of the humans, the broken fibres from the clothing on the wolf and so on... "This is some amazing talent, who's the artist?" She thought for a moment and then pointed at a small, small signature at the bottom. "Leslie Parker?"

"You won't find her on the internet, I tried. It's something of a fake name I guess. That wasn't exactly something Theo gave me though. Let's just say I, ehm, found it by chance." She blushed and seemed to think about something very important or secret. "Will you take it?" Tyler gave me the puppy eyes look and I couldn't bear myself to say no.

"I'll give them a read later. Thanks."

"Oh, I knew you'd say yes! You will not regret it!" She hugged me tightly and I felt her breasts push against me, her nipples poking through the fabric of my thin, thin shirt, highlighting the softness and firmness of her cleavage. It didn't take long after that show from before to get me hard again, my erection tenting my pants with ease as she pressed against me harder, no doubt with this intention in mind. Her eyes spoke a lot. "Seems like someone is very horny..." She smirked and I blushed myself red, making her giggle.


"What's to be sorry about? It's a compliment..." Oh, god... "One that I may consider to repay..." I felt her hand grope me and squeeze my cock through the pants that caged it. I could not look at her and tried to will myself soft but her touch was not something I could get away from, not with her chest pressed against mine and her hot breath blowing in my ears. "What do you say, Angel?"

"N-no, I c-can't."

"Why not?" She was disappointed with me, fuck. "We are friends, we've known each other since we were kids, it's not like a blowjob or something more will ruin everything." Oh, but it would, I wouldn't be able to look at her like I used to anymore, she'd not be a friend anymore... "Are you scared of something?"

"I'm... I'm not good enough for you, I'll never be." I don't know what drove me to speak those words, but they felt so real it hurt, a lot. "I'm not good for you..."

"What's that supposed to mean? You're plenty good! You're my friend, you know me like no one else, why would you be less than any of the jocks that only stare at my tits? Why do you think I let them? Because this way they'll know that they will never be able to touch me: look all you want but you can't have it, ever. You, on the other hand, you just need to ask."

"Why?" "You've been by my side for so long, I think you deserve a treat." She took my head in her hands and pulled it against her muzzle, out lips met and I felt her heat wash over me, the softness of her scales, the hot breath from her nostrils blowing on my face, the taste of her tongue on mine. My first kiss... was taken by my best friend, in her house, on her bedroom, while she was unzipping my pants. "Mmmh, you are packing down there, Angel..." I didn't know what to say but I couldn't even try as she pushed her lips against mine again and slammed my back on the soft mattress we were sitting on. The kiss was broken once more and a string of saliva connected out mouths in a sort of lewd bridge.

"T-Tyler... this is wrong. I c-can't."

"Don't you dare and pull the 'I'm not worth it' card on me, Angel, I'll be the one to decide that. Now, lay back and let me repay you for being such a good friend to me." I was silently begging for her to stop, for her to leave our relationship like it had always been, I liked it that way, even though part of me was liking it more than the rest. Her hand freed my dick from its cotton prison and let it swing out, slapping on my skin after the tension was released, all seven decent inches of uncut meat standing proud in front of me and a drop of pre already formed on top. "Jesus... that may be the sexiest cock I have seen yet." I blushed even more, as if I could go beyond beet red without bursting a vein.

"Please... don't... We can't go back after this... I-I like it this way."

"So, you don't want to be able to brag with the rest of the town the fact that you fucked me? Make Nathan mad that you got the privilege to plough my ass to oblivion?" My cock twitched at the idea but my brain was just screaming NO and I was caught in the middle, no sure whether to be happy I'd lose my virginity to my best friend a minute after she stole my first kiss or be scared because I'd lose my virginity to my best friend. "Wouldn't it be nice to be able to let out some steam with me every now and then? Why would it mean to lose out friendship?"

"I-I'm... I don't know... it's just, I don't know..."

"Then let me do it, you will like it more than I will." She smiled and kissed me again, breaking the kiss only to make smaller ones, travelling down to my crotch and leaving a ling trail of wet marks, still using one hand to stroke me. She had barely touched me and I was ready to blow already, the softness of her palms and the careful way she handled me was beyond anything a virgin could have handled. "Relax... I won't bite, just yet."

With agonisingly slow movements, she got off the bed and knelt in front of it, pulling my body so that my legs would dangle from the edge, putting her muzzle on the same level as my hips. Tyler looked me for a few moments and then exhaled, buried her nose on my cock and inhaled deeply, taking in my scent of a long day worth of sweat. I didn't know what to say but from the way she shuddered, she seemed to like it and I was beginning to like it as well. Then, she opened her mouth and licked me, from the root to the still covered tip, tongue spreading across my length and tasting me. I hissed and bit my lip so that I'd not come right then, spilling only one drop of pre that she quickly gathered and tasted, letting me see how she rolled the fluid on her taste buds.

Tyler stared at me once more, cock draped over her snout, inhaling, waiting for me to catch my breath. I nodded, one small nod that unleashed hell: she took my entire cock in her mouth, lips covering her deadly fangs, snout pressed against my skin and pubic hair, tongue wrapped all around me in a wet vice. Her eyes lost clarity as she started bobbing up and down, taking it slow so to prolong my suffering a moment more. Pre gushed from my tip and pooled in her mouth along with saliva and formed lines that wet my hair and tangled them in small curls.

I opened my mouth to say something but in that moment Tyler opened her mouth slightly and coiled her tongue down my length until she was licking my sack, squeezing the soft skin wit her muscle and slathering it in saliva. I hissed and threw my head back, biting on my hand to resist the urge of coming, an attempt that failed miserably.

"Fffffuck... Ty..." I grabbed her horns and pushed her snout closer to me, the first spurts of spunk travelling inside my cock and spurting on her tongue. She shuddered and rolled her eyes back, losing the tight seal on my member and letting quite a few drops spill out and fall on my balls instead of pooling inside. I was done in a few quick shots, softening moments later as she carefully cleaned me up from all the spilled stuff. "Ty..."

"Did you like it? I'm not that good at BJs but if you're up for another one I can give you the main course later." She got on the bed again and cuddled next to me, resting her head on my chest, smiling as if what she had done didn't just shatter my whole view of her. My eyes fell on her tail, slick with her own fluids and I suddenly felt guilty for not having even considered her... But she didn't seem to care. God, how could she be fine with this? "Angel? Are you ok?"

"No, I'm not ok, Ty: you just gave me my first blowjob, and I liked it, a lot."

"Then what's wrong?"

"I... I didn't want this, Ty, I wanted things to stay the same. Now, now I can't ever look at you the same way anymore. I don't... I don't know what to do anymore." She was confused: for her it was natural to express herself with her body and action but for me... not so much. Her eyes reflected her worry for me and I could bear it anymore. "I'm sorry, I need... I need a moment."

She tried to stop me as I put my pants back on and gathered the rest of my stuff and the comics she gave me, rushing out of her room, her house and her sight, heading straight home, still blushing. As soon as I got on my bed I threw my head on my pillow and screamed until my lungs burned, unleashing all the emotions that had been bottled up for years in one desperate plea. I had gotten my best friend to blow me and she seemed to love it, I loved it, she was fine with it and I wasn't, I could not be fine with it, ever. How could I? She was the dream of most of the males in town, and she willingly threw herself on me so that I could be happy. Why? Why me? What did I have that they didn't? It couldn't really have been because we had been friends for so long, right? Right? Right???

And then, I went and ran out of her house like an idiot. She probably thought I was some big idiot and was shaking her head in disappointment.

"Fucking fuck... I'm so done. She'll never speak to me again. I have lost the one friend in my life because she blew me and I liked it... Fuck..."

I stared at the ceiling for an hour maybe, phone ringing several times with the custom tone I had set for Tyler, her favourite track from one of the best movies ever, followed by messages and voicemails. I looked at the screen light up and then die until she gave up, ten calls and twenty four messages later. I fucked up, big time.

For the rest of the afternoon I waited and waited for some great idea to pop in my mind but the only thing was the sight of Tyler on her knees, sucking me with enthusiasm. Each time it made my dick spring to life and each time I yelled at the traitor to go back and hide in my pants. Frustrated, I turned my attention to the one thing I knew would take my mind off this mess: comics.

First thing I read the ones that I had bought the day before, munching on a few snacks in the meantime, but even that didn't last long and soon I was left with the ones that Tyler had given me. With a sigh, I took the one that had the werewolf cover and opened it on the first page, immediately pulled in the story of a man become wolf to protect his wife and family from a mob that had put their eyes on them due to some reason that was not yet explored in the first half of the issue and not even in the other half, probably something to trick the readers into buying the next one. Though this whole reason for changing and how he changed were not explained, the action was breath-taking and the characters, even the evils ones, were well described and compelling in their own way, not the random stereotypical crap like many comics I had read before. I found myself wanting to read more but there wasn't any other chapter yet and Tyler told me that the author was impossible to find.

I had almost gave up on finding out the truth about the werewolf when, turning the last page, I saw with my own eyes, another one appear under it and then one more, swiftly adding dozens or new pages as I read what should have happened next. I didn't even care about the fact that the comic was... magical, the story was just too good to be true and when there were no more pages left, I felt hollow inside, like something had been stolen from me. I slammed the comic shut and read it all over again but once more the end was truly the end. The fact that I had just witnessed magic was nothing for me, I just wanted to read more.

"Might as well go for a walk then, maybe some fresh air will cool me a bit..."

I took my running shoes and a new shirt, phone and the usual stuff I used when running outside, departing from home five minutes later, headed for the woods and the myriad of small paths that lied inside them.

As always, I was tired by the seven minute mark, panting heavily and sweating, cursing the genetic disadvantage that nature had dealt me at birth, but I pressed on, muscles burning and aching beyond what I thought I could bear. For some reason, the images of Tyler getting down on me and allowing me to fuck her popped up in my mind and I couldn't seem to get them out, so, I picked up the pace and they disappeared for a long minute, reappearing with even more insistence soon. I grunted as my erection tented the artificial fibre of the track pants, a slight discomfort in an already bad situation, I sped up again, trees getting behind me faster than I had ever done before. The ache I felt was less unbearable now, almost... pleasant, definitely something that I began to like now, finally running seemed not a punishment but some kind of, well, reward. The cool air of the forest soothed my mind, until more annoying thoughts came to me.

I remembered today in the bathroom, pushed around by the others like a sack of potatoes, worthless, useless, unable to defend her, not that she ever needed my help, ever. When did she come to me to ask for my help, to ask me to assist her? Were we... kids? Yeah, it had been years since I had given her anything more than my company and time. I was useless, wasn't I? All because I was weak, utterly weak.

My muscles burned once more as I pushed myself to my limit, dashing madly across the tracks, panting, but I didn't stop. Once again, Tyler appeared in my mind, smiling gently as she helped me up, as she pressed her body against mine and let me use it. I had to repay the favour somehow. I accelerated again, faster and faster still, tongue out in an attempt to cool myself, getting faster and faster, trees whizzing past me in a blur of brown and green. It took me a while to realize just how unbelievably fast I was and that was when I tripped on one dirty root that was above ground. My view tumbled and spun as I rolled on the mossy dirt, slamming against trees and rocks, soil in my mouth and on my face. Almost like a miracle, I slammed my hand on the ground and felt it sink in, fingers holding onto something, forcing the rest on me to stop in a fraction of a second and fall on a rock.

"Fuck me... that hurt..." I groaned in pain, reflexively clutching my sides and chest where the pain should have come from but in a moment I realized that... there was no pain. I touched myself, patted the areas where my skin and bone had hit the ground, expecting to feel bruises, cuts, broken skin... "Nothing, there's... Oh sweet baby Jesus!" Under my half ruined shirt there were no wounds but that was not what caught my attention: rather than the lack of injuries and blood, there was an overabundance of muscles, really a lot. My chest pushed the shirt up, highlighting the pectorals that stretched the thin material, biceps and triceps doing the same thing around my sleeves, not to mention the legs, my god... they were more like tree trunks than the slim branches I had for a lifetime. "What in the fuck..." I touched my abs, six faint outlines, feeling the taut muscles pushed back against my fingers, watching them ripple as I tried to move around. Everything felt... incredible, incredible and impossible. I jumped, just a light push, but ended up grabbing a branch seven feet above my head, hanging on to it with one hand, the muscles on my arm and left side of my chest bulging out in the process. "Damn... That's awesome." I should have been scared, worried for the impossible feats and development, but all I felt was excitement, desire to have more, to run faster and get stronger, all with the goal of finally being able to help Tyler. With a body like this, I'd put Nathan in place even without her help, I could carry her like a princess, I could... I could give her the fuck of her life. "Yes... that's it, I'll finally be worth her time, finally be able to stand beside her."

I looked back the way I came and dashed, ruined shoes digging in the soft soil, barely realizing losing them halfway as I pushed my body at speeds that would make Olympic athletes look away or hide in fear. Maybe I realized a bit too late what was really happening but I didn't care if it helped me realize a lifelong dream of finally losing my weakness and get something better. Getting back home was far quicker than it took me to get where I was before, rushing to my room to get clothes and then out was much easier, jumping five steps at a time as if they were nothing. I was about to get back out but something caught my attention from the corner of my eyes: the comic was sitting on my bed, instead of being inside the several folders I used to put them in order.

"How did you get there?" It may have been a magical comic or something else, but I shouldn't have been able to move around. As I put my hand near it to put it back, the pages flipped open by themselves, stopping right about the end and then flipped one more time, showing me another page. I don't know why, but I forgot about going to Tyler's house and focused on the comic, kneeling on the bed as more and more of the story was revealed, and it was not what I thought it was going to be.

The werewolf stood in front of five men, the leaders of the mob, all naked and chained up to a wall, laughing at them, showing his teeth that glistened in the artificial light of the basement they were all in. They insulted and begged for him to release them, a mix of emotions on their faces, but the hero was impervious to their suffering, not after all they had done to him and his loved ones for profit. I stared as the pages flipped faster until there was a light wind in the room that chilled my aching muscles and flushed skin after the mad run and the wolf slowly stroked the animalistic sheath that had replaced his cock a while ago.

His muscles rippled as he jacked himself to a full erection, his canine member glistening with the fluids inside his sheath and pooling at his feet as a hefty flow of pre oozed out of his tip. He was beyond sexy, he was the very definition of masculinity: big, strong, short fur smooth and dark as the night, perfectly built and with a huge cock and balls to boot. I had never found males attractive, though I didn't mind some guy on guy action but this... this was something else. Seconds later, the wolf had forced his cock inside a man's mouth and wedged it inside, tongue out and panting with pleasure as he thrust in the poor soul's throat, making it bulge. I took off my pants and began stroking myself at the sight of a male utterly making another one his bitch, smiling as the man got what he deserved.

The room felt weirdly hot and I had to undress completely, locking the door of my room and resuming my weird session a moment later, furiously stroking myself as the wolf ravaged the human, finding it much more pleasing and arousing than it should have been. When the hero came and his seed started pooling in the human's stomach, I came as well, spurting my own load on the pages until I had nothing more left, watching as the pages stopped.

The wolf, now covered in my own spunk, actually moved and took a large glob from his fur and licked it off his fingers, watching me, not just merely looking at a hypothetical reader, but me. His eyes tracked my movements and stared into mine with a magnetic force that kept me from looking away.

Well, well, well. Someone is enjoying my little show. He smirked and let the man slump on the floor, finally getting some fresh air that was not tainted by his musk or crotch fur. My jaw fell. Yeah, weird, isn't it? I nodded. But here we are and we might as well have fun, right? Who do you want me to fuck next?


I mean it: between these handsome devils, who do you want me to fuck and make moan? Hmm, Nathan maybe? Or Edward and his twin Robbie? What about... Georgie here? He pointed at each the men chained to a wall and their faces turned into the ones of the men from earlier today, pleading looks on their faces, looking at me from their prison of paper.

"Are they... real?"

Maybe, maybe not, what matter is what you want, Angel. How about... we drop that cute little name for a moment, and let you have some sweet revenge? Wouldn't it be fun? I nodded, cock throbbing harder than ever, feeling like I had been saving myself for weeks, sensitive and flushed, almost red with blood. Someone is feeling like it, I'd say? So, shall it be George or Edward?

"Ed-Edward, fuck... fuck him."

Now we're getting somewhere. Brace yourself kiddo. I thought the words were for the fake Ed, but as soon as the wolf rolled the guy over and forcefully penetrated him, I was the one who felt the warm flesh on my cock, squeezing it, slick and so soft. Edward moaned and looked at the wolf with a pleading look, already tearing up, but he didn't care and neither did I.

"Harder, make him squeal." My word reached the wolf and he picked up the pace, hips slamming on his with enough force to make his own pectorals and biceps ripple.

I grabbed my cock with both hands, more concentrated on the wonderful feeling of warmth and the sheer sensitivity of my member than the fact that I needed two hands to completely wrap myself, pumping pre in large quantities from an increasingly red and large cock. The wolf smiled and slammed his cock in, know swelling bit by bit with each thrust.

My own tongue was out, dangling from my mouth and widening slowly, larger and stronger on top of sharper and whiter teeth, lips darkening. I felt so fucking good and fell on my hands, hips bucking with involuntary reflexes as I jerked off and I saw my body swell under me, muscles bulging out, bones cracking silently as they grew and grew, hands now big enough to get one around my cock and one to support myself as I humped my way to an amazing climax. The bed creaked as my hips thrust harder and harder, my weight increasing by magic.

I snarled and thrust one last time, shooting load after load of thick seed right on the head of my bed, splattering loudly and sending streams around it, staining the pillow and the sheets. I panted and stroked myself one more time, coaxing another orgasm out by the sheer sensitivity, sending an equally large load immediately over the last one. In the comic the wolf had done the same and filled up Ed nicely and let me see the gaping hole flooded with seed, flowing out lewdly, but his cock was still hard and looked bigger, just like mine. I took a few seconds to look at myself, the size I had grown to, how the bed looked smaller now and how muscular I was, not to mention the ten inches of almost red meat between my legs and the swelling balls beneath.

"Is, is this your doing?"

Something like that, but are far from done, boy. Next one on the line is...

"George! Fuck him." It wasn't hard to realize that he was making something to me and that I wanted more and more of it.

The wolf smiled and rolled the black haired prick on his back and hilted himself inside him, know slapping with a wet sound on his ass cheeks and the wonderful feeling of flesh surrounding me returned, stronger and far more pleasurable than before. My body swelled again and my cock more than the rest, making it harder once more to fap with only one hand, two just enough to let my fingers meet halfway with some room to spare, tiny hairs growing at the beat of my heart and each thrust of the comic wolf. I wanted more and more, the wolf getting rougher and rougher, ploughing George with his knot going in and out in wet sloppy sounds, flesh stretched beyond what a human could stand and survive, but he deserved it, though he was but ink on paper.

Slowly but surely, over ten and more minutes, a large puddle or pre had formed below me, sheets stained forever and the mattress too, the scent of sex heavy in the air and I could smell the seed and the sweat of the guys in the comic as if their bodies were right under my nose. Bones cracked loudly, reshaping, my skin still mostly bare of hair or fur but the white patches were growing increasingly fast and soon I'd be all white.

Look at you, mighty beast, so sexy in white, though black would be much more alluring. How about we move onto the fun parts? I nodded, whimpering as the pleasure wracking my body doubled, virtually electrocuting me with a flurry of sensation. The fur on my arms and legs thickened and grew ten times faster, covering me in a mere five seconds, no more skin for me, no more. Now, onwards, White fang! He howled and something prompted me to follow him: I took in a deep breath, chest muscles ballooning as my lungs filled with air and then in howled back, the windows rattling with the chandelier above me, which fell on my back and rolled onto the floor, leaving the room in partial darkness. The comic shone and restored light, my new fur shimmering as it grew out and my muscles settled with the bones. Hmm, good, but we can do better, right? Should we show those sons of bitches what a real man looks like, smells like, fucks like? I gave him a whimpering nod, one that turned into a low growl as my spine lengthened slightly and power surged within me.

The other wolf smirked and began stroking his cock, leaving a gaping mess out of George's ass, wide as a fist. My cock swelled and grew thinner at the point, foreskin drawing back and thickening in a furry cover for the rest of my tool, hair growing on it in moments, balls ballooning and growing to apples and then large grapefruits and then some more, sloshing and hitting my legs with a force that indicated just how heavy they were. The red skin became redder and redder, a red rocket poking out of a white cover that was swelling at the base with a knot that was impossibly big, each half a normal human's fist and still half engorged. The females I'd fuck would have to use crutches to walk if I put that inside them, or the males of course, why limit myself to one sex when I was virile for both of them?

The smile that grew on my face revealed big and white teeth on a red hill, sharp and dangerous, rock solid, contrasting with the black of my hips and nose. My face elongated in a few heartbeats, bones welding into a muzzle which I could clearly see the end of, nose immediately getting to work and telling me that there was a male ready to rut near me. Wait... that was me. That thick, heavy, rich scent of male musk was mine, all mine.

I looked down and stared as my already big cock throbbed and grew even more, two feet and then two and a half, knot popping out of the sheath with a squelching sound, slick and ready to be slammed into whatever female was available. My own scent was overwhelming and threatened to make me spill right then but I held on, though the other wolf had something else in mind: a big and strong paw, larger than mine, soft pads on his palms, came out of the comic and grabbed my cock, spreading pre all over. His touch was otherworldly and I could bear no more: my sac tightened and drew closer as a shot worth of a breeding horse travelled through almost three feet of meat and slammed against the wall in front of me, splattering everywhere, followed by one more and then another, hitting every surface as I threw myself on the bed and writhed in pleasure, my cock swinging wildly between my legs.

One large shot flew in the air and arched, landing on my nose and in my mouth, making me taste my own essence and making me come again, this time inside my own muzzle as I yanked that length and sucked on it. Cheeks bulged outwards and the backflow came out of my nose in small spurts, the rest pooling in my stomach, heavy waves of pleasure.

In the middle of this, my tail poked out of my spine, hairless at first and then fluffy with soft white fur, followed by my hands and feet, pads replacing skin and fingernails darkening and growing to large and thick claws. My ears picked up the sound of my own heart beating madly and the flow of blood in my cock as the last dribbles of seed, still enough to make twenty men together pale, fall in my waiting mouth.

I slumped, tired and aching all over, seed drying on my fur, clotting it. That'd be a bitch to clean. I craned my neck and looked at the pole of meat still hard, marvelling at the impossible feat and feeling my testes work to refill themselves with fresh seed, just like a true male should be. Slowly, my knot deflated and drew back in my sheath, followed by the rest of my cock, making the soft furred container bulge and stretch to accommodate all that meat inside, bending forward due to my weight.

That's a sexy package if I have ever seen one, Angel. I trust you'll put it to good use... He smiled. Well, you seem ready and primed, which means my work here is done.

"What? No! what about the other two?"

Who? Nathan and George? Forget about them, kid, they're just fakes and you have the real thing out there, waiting for you. With the right moves and a few nudges, I bet those fuckers will bend and spread their ass for you and you'll give each the good dicking they really need after being such dicks all this time. I have to admit the mere idea made me shiver and forced a hint of red to poke out of my sheath. But not now, kid, you have someone to meet.

"Who? Wait... Tyler! She's... oh, oh, fuck, oh fuck me..." The was nothing for a moment or two or a thousand and then, suddenly, memories of something flowed in my mind: years of memories of her were replaced by something else, something different, the male that I saw when I touched her hand was now the real Tyler. She... he, they, whatever the fuck she was, all the time we spent together, the fun we had... everything was still the same but she was a he. Just... how? I fell on my arms on the soaked bed, gasping, begging for air to fill my lungs. "My best friend... is a dude?"

Well, kind of. Let's just say that he got something like you a month or so ago. Maybe a little bit more.

"So, all these years, all those times together... they're all fake?"

Not at all man, what the other 'genie' did was just rewrite reality and change his appearance, maybe add a couple of things along the way, but I'm betting that what you feel for her, him, them, whatever, has been there for a long while. You're bi, there's no problem and she doesn't seem to have any if she willingly tried to jump on you.

"B-but... he was a dude!"

And now he has a pussy and breasts, so what? Go and fuck her brains out kid... I looked at him. Look, it may take a while, but what we do, us construct, is take you, give you a new body so that you may turn your lives around. She was an insecure guy with nothing special, she became the sexiest female in town and the country, got to show her curves and make the other females glow green in envy, a sort of revenge for making fun of him a while back. You, you always felt weak and couldn't protect him from bullies, he couldn't do the same for you, so I gave you what you needed to make your own bullies envious and then get some fine pussy at the flex of a pectoral.

"Yeah, thanks for that, but it still..."

I don't care, kid, you have what you deserve and need to live a full and better life, not to brood over feelings, ok? You are now an avatar of sex and pleasure, she's your female equivalent, the direction that this is going to take you to is pretty obvious, don't you think? With one final smirk, the comic closed shut and died, the lights around me suddenly snapping on: the room I had thrashed was fine, furniture remodelled to fit close to eight feet of pure muscle and fur, weights that would have made me pale before littering a corner, a bigger door and fur shampoo stacked in boxes in the bathroom with a 'clean yourself well, no one likes that wet dog smell' tag on them. A small signature, reading Leslie Parker was in the bottom right of every box.

"That was... weird." I got down on the floor, taking a few minutes to get used to paws and all the rest, going out and to the kitchen just as I heard the front door swing open. A familiar smell wafted in and my nose picked it up in milliseconds. "Mom!" I froze, what was I going to say to her? How would I explain myself? Her footsteps closed in and I had no place to hide in, I was way too big for any of the small shelves or even the counter to shield myself with.

"Oh, hello Angel..." her sweet smiled met my dumbfounded face like nothing was wrong. "Did you have a bad day? You fur is a bit ruffled." As if this was a common occurrence, she took a large comb from her purse and began passing it on my fur, quickly coaxing a pleased growl from me. God, she was so small, I mean, she was small before, only five foot three, but now we had almost three full feet of difference! "There, you always liked this, ever since you were a pup." God, she was so good with that brush I tapped my foot on the floor. "Wow, you did have a rough day... it's been a while since you did that."

"I-I may have had a bit of a problem with Tyler."

"Oh, what did you do?"

"Why must it be me the one in the wrong?" Mom looked at me weird and I sighed, she was right of course. "I may have ran away after she offered me to push our relationship to a more... 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' sort of deal, and I didn't know what to do."

"Poor boy..." She put a hand on my face and ruffled my fur before slapping me. "You have been very inconsiderate of her! Running away... Even if she had asked you something far weirder, you should have stayed there and talked to her, Jesus..."

"But I was upset and scared and nervous! I-I thought I'd lose her as a friend."

"Angel, you two have been friends since you were three, you bathed together, slept together, watched movies and got sick at the same time and breathed the same air..." I looked away. "I know you must have been confused but running is by far the worst thing you could have done to her. What if you broke her heart? The poor girl has been at your side for all her life, at least hear her out." I nodded. "Good, now go and apologize, else you'll be in trouble tonight. Am I being clear?"

"Crystal clear." Mom gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, though she had me lower myself before that and then I hurried out.

I ran so fast towards her home, I surpassed a few cars on my way there, horns blaring behind me, down on all fours to get more traction out of the ground. In three minutes, I was in front of her driveway, heart beating madly for a lot of reasons. Moments later, I heard footsteps closing in on me, rushing down the stairs from the first floor and then, her, his, cheerful face popped out of the front door. Her eyes went wide when she saw me, but she immediately composed herself and ran towards me to give me the strongest hug I had ever received, strong enough to make the new me surprised of her raw strength.

"H-hi." She buried her face between my pectorals and nestled there, not saying a word, so I just... hugged her, stroking her back as her and my tail wagged. "You ok?"

"Shut up..." I did, for a few seconds.

"Sorry for before, I-I didn't know what to say and I freaked out." She ran a hand on my fur, feeling the softness of the new me.

"You big idiot... I was worried for you, I thought I had messed up, made you run away from me..." Wait... she thought it was her fault? Jesus.. "I shouldn't have moved so fast."

"It's my fault, not yours... I should have stayed and talked it out." I felt her hands push herself away and her eyes roam on my body, inspecting it. I unconsciously straightened my back and flexed a few muscles, her eyes sparkling at the sight. "I, ehm, I read one of the comics you gave me."

"I can see that. You look good, very good. White suits you a lot." She ran a hand on my stomach and arms. "So, you remember now? Who I was before?" I nodded and she blushed hard, very hard, almost turning purple. "Damn, that must feel weird to you then, having your former male friend now a woman blow you..."

"Well, i remembered thaat little bit just now so it was a dragoness that blew me earlier and i have to admit that it felt damn good for starters..." She blushed again, giggling. God, she was still so cute even though I knew her secret, maybe even cuter now in some weird way. "And then I thought about it quite a lot at home, with some advice from the comic guy and... I don't care if you were a man before, what matters is now and only now. Earlier I was too scared that I might have not been good enough for Tyler, the dragoness, but for my old Tyler, with whom I have spent fourteen years together, I may make a small exception." She stared at me for a moment, eyes wide and then, I took her head with both hands and kissed her, feeling her soft lips on mine once more, but now, I was the one in charge and she knew it, leaving me control over her. "Mmmh, this is so much better."

"Look, who finally grew a pair."

"Literally or figuratively?" Her look told me: both, and to top that, she moved one hand down slowly and groped them, eyes widening at the weight and feeling of them in her palms. I let out a small growl and felt the first few inches peek out of my sheath. "You like them?"

"God, yes..." She was almost drooling, eyes locked onto the red flesh. It was weird to see her like this, but that wasn't bad at all, especially given how good her hand felt on my cock and how different her breasts were now that they pressed against soft fur and not bare skin. I was liking it way too much for it to be even remotely healthy.

"Wow, you're such a slut. From dude who liked chicks to a cock-hungry bitch... How far have you fallen." Tyler punched me on the shoulder. "What?"

"As if you'd not throw yourself on a cock like yours..."

"I did..." Her eyes went wide, I smirked. "And I didn't really have to bend all that much to be honest." Now she was drooling and couldn't get her eyes off my sheath. God, after the change, she had got some cravings... An idea took life in my mind and I was determined to have it come to fruition... "Now, I'm sure I know someone that might want to get a taste herself, do you know who?" A lone scaled finger pointed at an equally scaled muzzle and I chuckled, nodding. Damn, she was indeed cute. The day had started with my friend always having been a girl, then she blew me, then i found out she wasn't really a girl, or hadn't always been and now I did not care in the least anymore. She was right, all things considered: we were close friends, we loved to spend time together, what if we did some extra fun on the side? I mean, what's wrong with that? It did take me a long while to understand though...

"My bed. Now." Tyler said, the dazed look gone in a second, replaced by lust and desire for what I had to offer. She grabbed my hand with her far smaller one but still managed to drag me a few feet by herself before my motor skill kicked in and I grabbed her like a princess, rushing upstairs.