Legendary sex

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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This story was written 3 years ago

In a hidden forest of Unova, Latios and Latias were flying looking for a place to rest, but Latios wanted something before resting.

"Latias, let's play that game again" says Latios smiling to her. "What? If just did it 3 hours ago and you left me so enormous than an Snorlax! And you don't know what it took to digest all your experience for trying to fly again!" says Latias really annoyed. "Come on, I know that you love being filled by me. The last time we occupied with your stomach almost half cave. This time, I will make you more bigger." says Latios expanding more his smile on his face. "Can you wait, please? I don't want to do it while we're flying..." says Latias a bit worried while his brother was preparing for do it and she could see his member grow. "Come on, only a quickie one." says Latios with his erect cock ready for the action.

Latios thursted his cock inside Latias in mid-flight and with his psychic power keeping stable the flight for not losing control and crashing to the ground. Latias couldn't resist to moan with pleasure to feel the huge cock of his brother pumping with force.

"Get ready, is almost here and will make you huge." says Latios between gasps and moans. "Ah... phew... "Latios since that Rayquaza has taught you this, you don't stop even while I'm sleeping!" complained Latias trying to talk between in moans of pleasure.

Latios thrusted harder until with a strong final push he starts to cum harder causing that her sister shouts out of pure pleasure. Her belly starts to grow slowly but she knew that for his brother was only the beginning. All his cock still was inside her cumming without stopping until her belly have the size of a watermelon. Latios decided to land on a thick branch of a huge tree to continue his breeding with Latias. Latios roared with force creating a explosion of cum in her continuing increasing the size of her belly to that of a small truck. Suddenly, Latias heard a cracking sound in the place but this was not her belly, she look back where Latios was fucking him and looks to the branch that is starting to break for her excess weight that Latios is introducing inside of her.

"Latios, stop! The branch will not endure my weight and we will fall to the ground!" says Latias alarmed but Latios it seemed that he doesn't care and her belly not stopped to grow while the crack in the branch is more bigger and his belly was already as the size of a double-decker bus.

Latias was already too tired of his brother fucking her a lot for Rayquaza's fault and his mega-evolution. Since he went to visit him she never stopped to think only in sex and always invited him to compete who filled more to her. Before it was once a month, after three times per week and now not to let 1 time every 5 hours and at least let her rest a few hours but already her patience had been exhausted.

"Latios? Can you hear me? CAN YOU STOP FUCKING AND LOOK AROUND YOU?!" shouted Latias angry doing that his brother will stop suddenly, the branch breaks down completely and will begin to fall a fast speed.

Latios could return right away to fly and could see his sister falling at high speed throughout the cum that had accumulated with all his love to his sister. Latias was so fat that she couldn't fly or use her psychic powers since the cum of his brother had absorbed almost her entire strength. Latios stopped her fall before her sister slammed against the floor with Psychic maintaining her round body floating for a few moments and leaving her gently on the ground.

"We continue the game, my dear sister~ !" says his brother with his huge erect cock even after a little rest.

Before that she could articulate a word, his brother was already fucking her again harder, licking her enormous belly how grew with each cumshot which gave her.

"Latios, unf ... this is already excessive" says Latias with her claws in her expansive belly and could no longer see his brother for her huge belly. "We haven't finished yet, you must grow more" replied his brother. "But ... AAAAH~ !"

Latios returned to explode of pleasure inside Latias doing that his sister didn't speak for a few minutes and her stomach will reach a new record. Latios was exhausted and treats the gigantic belly of his sister as a water bed while she panted intensively and felt like her stomach gurgled loudly.

"Latios... this will be... your last time... " says Latias gasps and breathing slowly. "Wow, what a view!" says Latios ignoring her sister from her warning above the belly of it, bigger than a mountain.

In a nearby cave, another dragon pokémon detected his sexual presence doing that will wake up with an uncontrolled desire to breed the culprit of this nice aroma. Latios was resting peacefully until the ground starts to tremble. Latias putting her claws in her mouth not to vomit the cum of his brother for the quakes and they were becoming stronger doing that her belly was shaking like jelly. She couldn't see the culprit but her brother yes. The quakes stopped and Latios remains completely mute for the pokémon that he have in front of him.

"Are you the intruder that has woken up me?" says the dragon pokémon with a serious tone in his voice. "For Arceus, a Zekrom!" thought Latios very worried. "Answer me intruder! How am I going to lower now this strong erection that I have now? It seems that you have already liberated all the sexual energy inside her..." says Zekrom looking to Latias. "Latios, what happens? There are someone?" asked Latias with a tone of exhaustion in her voice. "Yes, but it is not anyone important. Don't worry." says Latios trying to calm his sister but Latias had fallen asleep.

Zekrom couldn't endure their sexual impulses and Latios grabbed by the wings.

"Wait! What are you doing?! Let me go!!!" says Latios trying to escape of him. "I have my cock so hard that I can cross through anything and how you woke me, I'll play with you until your belly is as big as your little sister." says Zekrom with a evil smile on his face. Latios could see the monstrous Zekrom's cock, thicker and larger than him.

"No, no, no! We can do- AAAAAH!!!" Zekrom started to push his monstrous cock inside Latios marking a huge bulge in his stomach making it scream out in pain. "You gonna breaking me in two! Stop!!!" screamed Latios in pain. "Once I start, the heat not ends until I came." says Zekrom decided to continue his sex.

Zekrom penetrated slowly to the butt of Latios because was very tight and had many difficulties while Latios is contained the tears of pain and Zekrom's cock was throbbing harder inside of him.

"I think that you are lubricated enough, let's increase the intensity ..." says Zekrom.

Latios noticed how Zekrom introduced more his cock and his bulge grows more big and Latios screams of pain with each thrust gave him how if a Bouffalant was hitting with Head Charge non-stop. Zekrom starts to drooling and growling for the pleasure that he felt and increases his speed until he couldn't more and stopped suddenly approaching to the Latios' ears.

"Get ready for a good explosion of pleasure that you'll never forget..." says Zekrom while Latios didn't stop watch Zekrom's cock how is throbbed with intensity.

Zekrom roared loudly making that numerous flying pokemon types, flee away of the place and that a huge geyser of cum came out from Latios' butt making him scream of intense pain and pleasure at the same time noticing as the huge bulge of his stomach disappeared for huge amounts of cum filling him quickly and Zekrom's claws grabs him for not shot out like a rocket from his cock. His belly was only half that of his sister and felt another explosion of cum more violent than the first making it that he opened his eyes widely and his cheeks swelled quickly for not vomiting his cum and that his belly will triple the size of his sister's belly. Zekrom ended his dose of pleasure for his intruder but his cock remained erect and wanting for more.

"I can't take more! I'm filled to my maximum! If you forces me to contain more, I'm gonna explode!" says Latios gasping and coughing scum for his mouth. "I don't like excuses. I have not yet finished!" says Zekrom.

Just when Zekrom would begin the second round, a Hyper Beam impact him in the face, stunning the legendary Pokemon and knocking him to the ground. Latios with the strength that he had left, he unstuck of the Zekrom's cock and sighs of relief at not having more that thing inside. Among the shrubs appeared another legendary dragon pokémon not very friendly.

"ZEKROM!!!" roared furious the dragon with recent white smoke in his mouth for the attack and panting.

Zekrom was recovered from the blow and his face changed to horror.

"Re-Reshiram! "Not you were sleeping?" says Zekrom Surprised. "I was asleep, until you disappeared!" replied furious the white dragon. "Are you breeding pokemon without control again? Remember that they are our friends, not our sex toys!" shouted Reshiram almost to expel fire through his mouth. "But-but-but- Let me explain you what happened! I-" "I don't want to hear your excuses and hides your cock if you don't want to stay without it!" replied Reshiram with coldly voice. "But started this Latios..." complained Zekrom. "I'VE SAID TO THE CAVE! "WHEN WE GET BACK i GIVE YOU A GOOD PUNISHMENT!" shouted Reshiram really furious.

Zekrom leaves the place while Reshiram drills him with his murderous look and then looked at the two pokemon.

"A little help, please..." says Latios to Reshiram. "Wow, what a mess he left... Looks like that the very idiot is not controlled his shots." says Reshiram looking the state of the Latios. "Thank you, if you had not come..." says Latios. "Here, a Berry that will make you lose all the accumulated cum and another for her" says Reshiram delivering a Berry with a cross form . "Well... I fill my sister until this size." answered Latios. "In that case... I give you another that will make that you can control your sexual impulses." says Reshiram giving a pink star Berry . "Thank you, but I must leave and wake my sister" says Latios trying to get up. "Don't move, stay here and eat your berries quietly." says Reshiram.

The Reshiram says goodbye to the obese pokémon and Latios ate the berries making an immediate effect on his body and then awoke to his sister to eat the berry in order to be able to go home. Latias was surprised that his brother does not continue filling her in the state that it was and seemed that Latios can controlled his impulses when he wanted sex, now she can take a break peacefully. Latios and Latias move away from the forest of Teselia while the dawn came to the region.

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