The Life of Blackfire

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#1 of Blackfire Legacy

I guess many of you had like this story. I hope that you were pleased by this. Anyways, I have always wondered how a pokemon story would turn out if no humans were around to bug the shit out of them. But that is until later on.

Also, I would like to know if any of you can like do a drawing for Blackfire and any other of the pokemon involved in the story later on. It would really be great.

Last but not least, to any of you who would like to take a story from me and do on your own? I have several pages of stories that I want to write but I can't and have no time.

Those of you, who wish to, send me a PM. I have all kinds of stories and need to be read on Sofurry.

The Life of Blackfire: First Day.

I have grown up in that facility along with my mate and others who were just like me. Many of them died and only a few survived. That includes me. But not my mate, not her. I have searched a way top bring her back but nothing worked. I never wanted her to end up like this and I never thought I would be left alone. I hoped that I would die along side of her but I couldn't. I was powerful and those stupid humans made me a disgrace to pokemon kind.

I can hear them now...all those humans dying slowly by the creatures that served and protected them. Pathetic! They trusted us and now... we are their end to their kind.

I awoke sometime and didn't know where I was in till my memories of being awakened in the tube of some sort and the two creatures bringing me into this room.

I gave a small yawn before I looked around the room. There was nothing for me to do but see what to do. My stomach growled and didn't know what that meant, but I knew I needed something. I slowly got off the bed, trying to keep my balance as I stood and looked around the room. I approached myself again against the thing and looked at myself.

"Blackfire." I said to myself. That name seems funny to me. I looked at my tail light or "tail fire" and saw that it changed color. It was now a lighter red? I think... with a lighter color that was not black.

Just as I was checking myself, one of the creatures came into the room. It was the one from yesterday, but with the long fur on its head where it reached its shoulders. It gave that nice look to me and spoke.

"Good morning Blackfire." She said as she slowly got down and looked at me. "How are you feeling today?"

Honestly. I could only muster a few words she just said to me but I think she wants to know how I feel. I didn't answer but my stomach growling did.

The creature made a funny noise, which was funny to it.

"Sounds like you're hungry, aren't you?"

I could only blink and rub my belly. IT gave another nice look before she opened the wall or door I guess, and brought out "bag?" of some sort and got out a bowl. It poured that bag or whatever was inside into the bowl and big fluffy things came out. Whatever it was, I could smell something good come from it and I slowly walked over and picked one up. I smelled it and looked up at the creature.

"Go ahead, eat it." It said. It made a gesture of picking one up and putting it in her mouth.

So I followed what It did and put the thing in my mouth. Suddenly, a new wave of feeling came over my mouth and it felt like I was eating a peace of something so good that I couldn't even describe it.

The creature nodded.

"That is a Puffin you eating. A sweetened one."

I didn't care what it was but I loved it! I chewed it done in till I was done. I grabbed another one and another one in till I was stuffing my face with the delicious "Puffins." The creature seemed pleased and couldn't help but keep that nice look up in its face.

It took me only a few minutes to finish the bowl before I collapsed. I was so full now and my stomach felt like it would explode. The creature made that weird sound, making it sound please.

"You sure were hungry weren't you?"

For some reason I kind of understood and only nodded.

It was surprised by this and gave that nice look.

"You can understand me?" it asked.

I could make out most of it and nodded.

" Wow!" It said, seeming more pleased then ever. " You can understand me and this is your first day! Wait in till I tell Professor Kyle."

It lowered itself more and stared at me. I couldn't help but look at it. It had pretty eyes, blue ones, I think. It also had a nicer face then the first creature.

It continued to look at me before it spoke.

"Alright, let's see what you know. Um... My name is Gabi Mallard.... I work along side the Professor in which he brought you here. Do you understand?"

I was confused at first but slowly the words entered my brain and I nodded, giving her a " Char" in agreement.

It seemed enthusiastic about my knowledge. It continued.

"You are a Pokémon. A creature that has many powers and skills. You are a charmander."

Well I knew I was a Charmander, saying my name over and over again. I nodded, "Charmander" I said.

It continued again.

"Um...what else? Oh!.. You are going to be in another room with others like you, Pokémon, but not like you. In there you can play around or do what ever you want, Blackfire."

I got that all and made the ends of my lips rise. It seemed more please.

" I take that "smile" of yours as a yes?"

I nodded and kept my "Smile".

It nodded and slowly picked me. It's big arms picked me up and took me out of the room.

We both walked out of the hallways passing by many rooms. I was being bounced around by her arms and those lumps on her chest. I tried to push them out of the way but that just made Gabi gasp all of a sudden. It looked down at me and I could see that its cheeks grew red. I didn't know that they can change their colors.

It seemed as though that part of it's body, made it feel weird or maybe it hurt her.

"Char?" I asked her.

It seemed nervous but gave a smile.

" Sorry, you just weren't supposed to touch me there. I am a female that is a very sensitive spot there."

Okay so she was a "female". What did that make me? I looked down at my chest and ran my hands over it. I didn't feel sensitive. I looked back at her and she was chuckling.

"No, you don't have it because you are a male. Male are opposite of females and they don't have... these." She said pointing her lumps.

I nodded and gave a small "Char" to the female.

Gabi nodded. " Don't touch anyone there Blackfire. For a female, she can be mad and hit you so try to be careful. There will be females in the next room and you have to be careful with a few of them."

Okay so no touching the "females" at their chest. I nodded and she walked on.

We walked on till we came upon a small door. She opened it and inside was like a huge room. It was pretty big and was "pain... painted?" blue, I think. It was a light blue like umm... I couldn't think of it but was a pretty color.

She let me down and I landed on soft green things sticking out of the ground. It felt funny on my feet and I couldn't help but twitch my tail as I moved around it.

Gabi smiled and turned around to close the door. I didn't know why she left me. After she did other doors around the room where being opened.

I guess those other creatures were "Pokémon" like me. I decided to meet them and walked over. Now, Gabi was right, they were different from her species. But they were also different from me as well.

One of them was oddly shaped but I liked the way it looked. I couldn't tell if it was female or male, for it had no lumps like Gabi. It was on two big feet with a large nail out of its foot. It had two stubby hands on its front and had a round shaped head with a long small snout. It had red dots on its black fur and was seemingly trying to walk. I guess that it was a new one out of the glass thingy too.

The next one seemed so much odder then the first. It had a big white... thing over its head. Two big holes in which its eyes could be seen and it had horns sticking out. It carried around a white stick or... something like its head in its hand. It also had light brown skin. A stubby tail was out of its back and it seemingly looked... cute.

The next one came in pairs. The two looked like each other but had different coloring. One was almost a dark purple with small horns on its head. The other was almost the same and the coloring was a darker pink. However, something was telling me that one was male, the other was female.

The fifth and sixth one also came in pairs only they two were different from the other two. One was a black as my skin only had long pointed ears, blue rings on its body and red eyes. Its stance was on for legs and had a thick end tail. The other one was a light purple with a blue gem on its forehead. Its eyes were light blue and it had a split end on the end of its tail.

Another came it was flying around the room in a silver streak. It was large, almost taller then me completely covered in "metal" and had large arms or "wings" I guess? It walked on two thin legs and had a long neck.

A small one came along covered in like fluffy fur surrounding it body. It seemed like the fluffy thing in my room only fluffier. It had a curved tail with a shiny blue orb at the end and had blue skin.

The last one seemed so much odder then the others. It walked like Gabi on two legs. It skin was pitch black and had a red thing on its forehead. It also had feathery things on its head and had long silver claws on its hands.

They all looked at one another before they began moving around and started interacting with the things around them. There was a large multicolored plastic thing that had things to climb on and to slide down. It had swinging things attached to them. A water spout was spewing out forming a small area of water.

In a few seconds, they all played with the things around them except for the one with the claw hands, the one with the white head and stick in its hand. I decided to join in on the others.

I walked to the one I spotted first. It was walking around in a circle before it clutched on tight to itself and fire ignited from its back where the red holes were.

" Amazing!" I said.

It gave a smile I could understand.

" Thank you." It said in a voice much like Gabi's. So that meant she was female. " I've been trying to do that since I got here. I am Shardfire or that's what those creatures call me."

"Well they call me Blackfire." I said. "I don't know why but I guess they call us by our colors or something."

She nodded. "Well... what kind of 'Pokémon' are you?"

"I am a Charmander. What about you?"

"I am a Cyndaquail."

I couldn't help but look her over. She was small and had a cute face. " You know you have a pretty cute body and face."

Her cheeks seemed to turn colors and she gave a soft giggle. " Thank you." She said almost in a low voice. " Come on lets go play with the others."

So we did and we learned about the other Pokémon. The first pair was called "Nidoran." They both had the same name but one was male and the other was female like I suspected. The male was called Thorn and the female was called Rose. The next pair was Umbreon and Espeon. The Umbreon was the male and the Espeon was female. The Umbreon was called Shadow and the Espeon was called Aurora. The other one, the flying one, was a male "Skarmory"called Quicksilver. The fluffy one was called a Mareep and she was called "Sparkle".

The other two were isolated but they gave out their names willingly. The black furred with silver claws was a Sneasel and he was called "Shade." The other one with the thing on its head was called a Cubone and she was called "Terra."

I had asked her what the thing was on her forehead and she said it was her mother's head and bones. As far as she knew, she was the only one here caught in the wild and been experimented on.

I didn't know how long we were playing but it was a fun time. I didn't know how long the time past and I grew attached to Shardfire.

The "humans" as I found out their species, came and took us back in to our rooms. I was sad that I wasn't going to see Shardfire for awhile and I couldn't help but whine at that.

When Gabi took me back to my room she was pleased.

"I'm glad that you had fun today Blackfire. I'm sorry that we had to take you away from that but we need to do test on you."

"Char?" I asked.

"Yes tests. We have to make sure that you are healthy and are feeling well."

I only nodded as she walked me back to the room in which I was in.

In there, she seemed odd for some reason. She closed the door quickly and turned the thing on the handle which made a 'click'. I guess she wanted to make sure nobody bothered her. She seemed nervous about something and she was messing around with her fingers. She kept muttering to herself before she looked at me.

Her look gave me a weird feeling and I didn't like it. She slowly sat me down on the fluffy thing or 'bed' as she called it and sat by me. She looked down at me with a weird smile.

"Okay...Blackfire. I don't want to harm you or anything so if I hurt you, let me know."

I just nodded and sat there. She seemed hesitant about something before she pushed her hand on my belly and made me lay back a bit. I wanted to protest but I guess this was a 'test' of some sort.

She then began rubbing my belly which got me purring a bit and I couldn't help but close my eyes. She continued to do that in till she started reaching lower and rubbed me on my abdomen, where I was purring louder.

I could feel that she was tensing a bit by how she was shaking. However once she had reached my legs, a new feeling came to me. Slowly, Gabi rubbed a part of me that I didn't even acknowledge before. She was rubbing my vent in which something was coming out of it.

Slowly and surely, I guess a length, came out of my vent and was growing. I couldn't help but love this feeling. Apparently, Gabi was also enjoying it and was now rubbing her gentle hand/paws on my length. I murred a bit as she made it grow more and more in till it was standing as tall as one of her fingers. It throbbed red which made me feel a wonderful feeling on my legs.

She grabbed it in her hands and slowly started pulling up and down on my length skin. I didn't know what kind of feeling this was but I was in bliss and Gabi was having fun with my length too.

Then she started moving her hand faster. I couldn't help but give a soft moan and I was starting to pant. She kept rubbing my length, giving me pleasure in a new way I never felt before. It was like I was feeling several things at once. She was also panting as she wanted to explore my length more.

Then she did something unexpected. She took my length in her mouth and began bobbing her head. I lost it and gave a "char" loudly. Her tongue worked so well on my length that I was so pleasured. She kept bobbing her head and I didn't know what it was but a feeling was coming out. I wanted it to come out and I didn't know what it was.

I cried out as something exploded from my length and shot to Gabi's mouth. She was surprised as well as some of it got on her face. I was tired and I didn't know if I could stay awake. Gabi was smiling as she looked down at me.

"That was your first orgasm Blackfire. And it was a big one on your second day. I hope that whatever mate they pair you up with, will enjoy you as much as I will."

I didn't here her and I soon slowly fell asleep. Maybe... maybe I can have another orgasm from her.

This place is not that bad.

I was confused when Gabi had taught me about mating but I can't help but thank her for showing me how to care and love for the ones I love.

Shardfire, my mate, my soul, why have I lost you?

My Life as a Dragon Slave 3

Okay haven't been on here since............ ever and I think that many of you thought that this story was awesome or...

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The Life of Blackfire; Begining

Sorry to those who have had my previous story of Blackfire but that was just a minor set back. Everything has mostly changed. I think this one will be a lot better then the other one. I know that there are more powerful dragon type pokemon like.......

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